remindertoclick · 4 hours
This is your reminder to Click for Palestine today!
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danskjavlarna · 1 month
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Grab a hanky: here's my collection of vintage crying animals.
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They've had many lives and many ages: cats I've met in my time travels.
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diana-andraste · 4 months
There’s not a place, stream or bush, however remote; or a flagstone north, south, east nor west that we shouldn’t consider with affection and empathy.
No matter how far South Africa, no matter how distant the moon, they’re part of us by right: there’s not a single spot anywhere we’re not a part of. We issue from everywhere.
Seán Ó Ríordáin, Apathy Is Out trans. Greg Delanty
"A person must keep traveling from self to self."
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dreamytones · 1 month
I wanted to come on here and say, thank you to those who are protesting. You are speaking for a bigger collective that do not wish to be harmed in any way and/or simply cannot. The compassion is felt through more people than you realize, it means more than words can describe and you are all honored. Thank you. We are all doing our best and what we can to the best of our ability, even those who are forced silent by threat. They cannot silence us all.
Humanity NEEDS to operate on a humanitarian level, how dare the government put monetary value on life; it is CRUEL and IMHUMANE. It should not be like this. It won't be like this for any longer. I promise.
There is something underlying, and there always has, you are not crazy. It is all enforced. It is on purpose.
Free Palestine. Free Gaza. Free Congo.
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hello! i have an ask game for you if you like doing these! when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your mutuals !! :)
- from your fellow mutual
hi friend! :)
im gonna try to spread my agenda here so…
I wish i knew how it would feel to be free- john denver cover
opposite tables- john denver
american child- john denver
the eagle and the hawk- john denver
rhymes and reasons- john denver
windsong- john denver
thats the way its gonna be - the mitchell trio (john denver pre-solo career)
please please please give these a listen if you havent already! i PROMISE you will love them!! if you are thinking ‘i dont like country music’ dont worry, none of these are country! he seriously defines genre, this man. his humanitarian and environmental messages are prominent in his art and im so glad that he chose to and was able to be impactful with his music. he is such an inspiration. he also has the voice of an angel!
non-john denver though (sorry this is way more than 5) would be:
pound of flesh- radical face (my favorite artist since i discovered music, long ago, and i would say i discovered what music truly is when i first heard him)
this empty northern hemisphere- gregory alan isakov
go! - public service broadcasting (PLEASE LISTEN IF YOU HAVENT YOU WONT REGRET IT. this artist is just awesome)
pale beneath the tan(squeeze)- the front bottoms
bluegrass in the backwoods- kenny baker (bluegrass is so good!!!!!)
nobody- mika zibanejad (i had to include him! he’s my favorite hockey player and is also a DJ and makes some music)
anyone who sees this, consider yourself tagged!
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brettesims · 2 months
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On Humanitarianism
I don’t know if there is anything more painful as an advocate or humanitarian than to be silenced, but the mass silencing of advocacy is happening around the world. When you speak out “they”; the powers that be can threaten your work, freeze your social media platforms, delete your whole page, remove your followers - on and on. Since the U.S. Government has ownership over all platforms now pretty much (except this one) - including TikTok; which was said to be Chinese owned and run, but that’s another Government lie. If you’re targeted; that happens across all platforms. This happened to me and it’s been exhausting.
Then there are family or “friends” who have no concept of the world at large or anything that is actually happening with the Zionist regime essentially taking over the world; the “free world” or “new world order” as they call it. Ignorant people add to the silencing, shunning, and canalization of you, because externally it appears as if you are losing social media “clout”.
Advocates and humanitarians are highly educated and functional people; we have to be. So when we can’t use social tools as we aim to use them, it’s a problem. I ran my business from just my Instagram account for years. But with instagrams Zionist takeover and ownership my accounts are shadow banned and heavily monitored.
For awhile I was like, “fuck this, let me just not use it, let me pull away.” But then I realized the platform hiding humanitarians, spiritualists, and artists accounts is just a psyop and mental tactic of dehumanization. Abiding by it - even if there are no “likes” on the posts, would only be complying to the system I advocate against.
A humanitarian without a voice or platform is like an artist without a space to create or art supplies. So, after a year of being more silent than I’ve ever been on social media due a racist, fascist and bigoted regime, that most civilians don’t know they are subconsciously under the influence of… I have decided to activate my voice once again.
I’ve decided to leave the fear behind and a huge reason; maybe the only reason for this new found courage has come from me watching the resiliency, faith and steadfastness of Palestinians standing up to Zionists.
I thought to myself; Palestinians are out here risking their lives daily, under threat of having social platforms taken away, Zionists not only tapping their phones, but also calling them and threatening to have bombs literally dropped their heads. If they can risk all this in a war zone, I can take the risk, be resilient and remain steadfast as well.
Today also marks the one year point of the war in Sudan. Most people know very little about what’s going on in Sudan, because they cut the internet. They have been dark for 2 months now, but it’s sporadic.
I first began learning about Sudan and advocating against genocide in college. I will no longer be silent about it, because while joy and lightness can absolutely be found in war times; we are living in a genocidal world and that’s just the reality.
So I write this; really for myself, but also to alert you dear community that the time is in fact NOW. Actively BE the change you want to see, or you will SEE change you do not wish to actively manifest.
Move forward with faith and grace; using your voice for the freedom of generations that follow. Remain steadfast community!
~ B
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merelygifted · 3 months
AMMAN, 13 March 2024 - At least one UNRWA staff member was killed and another 22 were injured when Israeli Forces hit a food distribution centre in the eastern part of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip.
“Today’s attack on one of the very few remaining UNRWA distribution centres in the Gaza Strip comes as food supplies are running out, hunger is widespread and, in some areas, turning into famine. Every day, we share the coordinates of all our facilities across the Gaza Strip with parties to the conflict. The Israeli Army received the coordinates including of this facility yesterday,” said UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini.
Since the war began five months ago, UNRWA has recorded an unprecedented number of violations against its staff and facilities that surpass any other conflict around the world.  ...
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xoxoauntscripty · 7 months
*tw for cannibalism, mass starvation*
So if you've ever wondered, "who has saved the most human lives in the history of ever?"
There are a few people who vie for the spot
But the one you don't expect
is Herbert Fucking Hoover
You know.... One of those old timey U.S. presidents who doesn't seem like he did a fuck of a lot? For whom things like Hoovervilles™ are named?
But Herbert Fucking Hoover
Organized the biggest relief mission in history to that point (maybe ever?)
Saved at least 10 million people
And probably accidentally propped up the Bolsheviks and whoopsies, allowed the USSR to become one of the worst slave states in human history
All before he ever became President
So early Soviet Russia was a giant fucking shit show.
In 1917 you have the people topple the tsarist government, pull Russia out of World War I under some pretty fucking atrocious terms, and basically immediately descend into civil war
(which is a "civil war" in name only, because literally dozens of countries sent troops to fight on one side or another, and is in and of itself an entirely confusing and fucked up time frame I don't understand completely)
And while those two wars are finally over by the end of 1920, the Soviet economy is in shambles
Basically all the grain being grown by peasants was being conscripted by the larger government, in part to feed troops, in part to feed "important people" in the government, in part because that's not your grain, it's the people's grain, and by the people the government generally means "whoever we need favors from at the moment"
There are entire train graveyards because of all the trains that have been blown up or sabotaged across 6+ years of war
Rural people are basically wearing rags, living in shacks, and are Poor As Dirt, except they can't get to the dirt for most of the year because of all the fucking snow
The people producing the food are the people who are already underfed
And then in 1920... The fucking wheat harvest fails
Drought and blight basically fuck an entire seasons harvest all across Russia
And you IMMEDIATELY have a humanitarian crisis on your hands
Hard winter + living in rags + already underfed + crop failure = LOTS of people dying
As in, 10,000 to 100,000 people dying each and every week from starvation
If you look at photos, especially of orphanages, it will make you want to fucking cry, because these kids are walking skeletons
By March 1921 you have tens of thousands of cases of cannibalism, mostly unreported
At least 10 butchers shops have to be closed for selling human meat
Kids are literally afraid to go out alone because bands of roving cannibals are especially prizing the meat of children
And all the while, Herbert Hoover has been sitting on the sidelines practically BEGGING Lenin to let foreign relief in, as long as he can make sure the food is actually being distributed equally among the communities
And in March 1921 Lenin finally cracks and gives the go ahead
Now Hoover was the founder and head of the American Relief Administration, which was a US government relief agency
Keep in mind, 1920 is kind of at the height of the first Red Scare
The pinnacle of pre-McCarthy / pre-Cold-War anticommunist thought
There are leftist strikes all over the place. Coal strikes, steel strikes, even the Boston police go on strike around this time
Conservative/wealthy/powerful Americans are shit scared of the left, especially of socialists
And a good number of people just want to let the communists starve
And even though Hoover is staunchly anticommunist himself, he says fuck that noise, people are dying , and talks Congress into giving a whopping $20M in aid ($307 billion fucking dollars in 2023 money), plus $8M from the US military, along with tons of private donations. Altogether Hoover raises over $78M ($1.2 trillion in 2023) and immediately Gets The Fuck to Work.
And he sends in an absolutely staggering amount of support.
200 American ARA leaders hire 125-150,000 Russians on the ground
Commandeers (basically) over 200 ships
Sends over 912,000 tons of food
Sends over 7,500 tons of medical equipment and supplies
At one point has to convince Russia to unfuck its own railroad system and pay their workers so the grain can actually get anywhere
But it works
They set up twenty thousand kitchens
They start feeding 6 million kids and 4 million adults a day
The supplies help 16,000 hospitals and treat a million patients a day
Ten million fucking people don't starve who absolutely would have without aid
Now. We have to acknowledge that this isn't Hoover alone. Obviously it takes a fucking village to save a nation.
But he was the one who fought for it. He spearheaded it, and organized it.
He was also the one that insisted that along with edible food (mostly corn), the aid package include the wheat seeds to plant for next year's harvest, so this wouldn't be a Permanent Problem.
And lo and fucking behold, by autumn 1922, Russia starts to stabilize its food supply
And the famine begins to end
The wild part of this is that if Hoover, an ardent anticommunist, hadn't spearheaded this, the Bolshevik government probably would have fallen
But he cared more about feeding people than he did toppling a government he hated.
If you combine the 10M people he fed in Russia
The 3.1M children he fed in postwar Finland, Latvia, Poland, Estonia, etc
Herbert Fucking Hoover may have been (arguably) the person most responsible for saving the most lives in history.
Then afuckinggain
When he oversaw the federal response to the stock market crash of 29 and the start of the Great Depression (as President)
He basically thought that poverty relief would keep people from seeking work?
And thought that monetary and housing relief efforts were the responsibilities of the states, not the federal government?
And so basically his response to "help the banking and economic system is collapsing" was to make sure there were plenty of farm plans available and to try to stabilize businesses, not people? And ignored the fact that the people in charge of those loans were conservative dickheads?
So like. Not Perfect. None of them are.
But 13,000,000 people probably care less about that than about the fact that they lived.
(Note: Herbert Hoover is not the same guy, nor AFAIK even related to, J Edgar Hoover.
That guy was a massive piece of shit.
But that's a story for another day.)
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ivygorgon · 1 month
Mischaracterization of "From the River to the Sea" Slogan as Antisemitic
161 so far! Help us get to 250 signers!
Dear President Biden and Members of Congress,
I am writing to address the recent resolution passed on April 16th, by the House condemning the slogan "From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free" as antisemitic. As someone deeply committed to promoting understanding and combating prejudice, I feel compelled to offer clarification on the misinterpretation of this slogan.
The slogan "From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free" is deeply rooted in the Palestinian struggle for self-determination and freedom from occupation. Contrary to the characterization of the slogan as antisemitic, its primary aim is to advocate for the rights and dignity of the Palestinian people, who have endured decades of dispossession, displacement, and denial of their basic human rights.
At its core, the slogan calls for the realization of the Palestinian right to statehood and sovereignty within the borders delineated by the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. It is a powerful expression of the Palestinian people's aspirations for justice, equality, and the right to live free from oppression and discrimination.
It is essential to recognize that advocating for Palestinian rights and supporting the slogan "From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free" does not equate to antisemitism. Criticizing the policies of the Israeli government or expressing solidarity with the Palestinian cause should not be conflated with hatred or prejudice towards Jewish people.
As highlighted in Al Jazeera's article, the slogan has historical significance and resonates deeply with Palestinians worldwide as a symbol of resistance against occupation and injustice. To dismiss it as antisemitic is not only inaccurate but also undermines the legitimate grievances of the Palestinian people and stifles meaningful dialogue and reconciliation in the pursuit of a just and lasting peace in the region.
I urge you and your colleagues to engage in informed and nuanced discussions about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, recognizing the complexities and diverse perspectives involved. It is through dialogue, empathy, and mutual understanding that we can work towards a future where all people in the region can live in dignity, security, and peace.
Thank you for taking the time to consider this perspective. I remain hopeful that together, we can contribute to a more just and inclusive world for all.
▶ Created on April 16 by Fatima
See how your House Member voted. Check the roll from here:
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remindertoclick · 1 day
Reminder to Click for Palestine today!
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danskjavlarna · 11 days
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Some are dancing, some are giant, some sing, and others rain down: vintage frogs and toads.
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hughmanrights · 20 days
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Image Description:
Caligula = Worst of Humanity
Stans = Stalkers who are also fans
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nando161mando · 1 month
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The western 'enlightened humanitarianism' is such a fraud.
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apenitentialprayer · 2 months
A Trinitarian Conviction for Human Dignity
The Church proclaims the equal dignity of all people, regardless of their living conditions or qualities. This proclamation rests on a threefold conviction, which —in light of the Christian faith— gives human dignity an immeasurable value and reinforces its intrinsic demands. The Indelible Image of God The first conviction, drawn from Revelation, holds that the dignity of the human person comes from the love of the Creator, who has imprinted the indelible features of His Image on every person (cf. Gen. 1:26). The Creator calls each person to know Him, to love Him, and to live in covenantal relationship with Him; while calling the person also to live in fraternity, justice, and peace with all others. In this perspective, dignity refers not only to the soul but also to the person as an inseparable unity of body and soul. Accordingly, dignity is also inherent in each person's body, which participates in its own way in being in imago Dei (in the Image of God) and is also called to share the soul's glory in the divine beatitude. Christ Elevates Human Dignity The second conviction follows from the fact that the dignity of the human person was revealed in its fullness when the Father sent His Son, who assumed human existence to the full: "In the mystery of the Incarnation, the Son of God confirmed the dignity of the body and soul which constitute the human being" [Dignitas Personae, §7]. By uniting Himself with every human being through His Incarnation, Jesus Christ confirmed that each person possesses an immeasurable dignity simply by belonging to the human community; moreover, He affirmed that this dignity can never be lost. By proclaiming that the Kingdom of God belongs to the poor, the humble, the despised, and those who suffer in body and spirit; by healing all sorts of illnesses and infirmities, even the most dramatic ones, such as leprosy; by affirming that whatever is done to these individuals is also done to him because he is present in them: in all these ways, Jesus brought the great novelty of recognizing the dignity of every person, especially those who were considered "unworthy." This new principle in human history —which emphasizes that individuals are even more "worthy" of our respect and love when they are weak, scorned, or suffering, even to the point of losing the human "figure"— has changed the face of the world. It has given life to institutions that take care of those who find themselves in disadvantaged conditions, such as abandoned infants, orphans, the elderly who are left without assistance, the mentally ill, people with incurable diseases or severe deformities, and those living on the streets. A Vocation to the Fullness of Dignity The third conviction concerns the ultimate destiny of human beings. After the Creation and the Incarnation, Christ's Resurrection reveals a further aspect of human dignity. Indeed, "the dignity of this life is linked not only to its beginning, to the fact that it comes from God, but also to its final end, to its destiny of fellowship with God in knowledge and love of Him. In light of this truth, Saint Irenaeus qualifies and completes his praise of man: 'the glory of God' is indeed 'man, living man,' but 'the life of man consists in the vision of God' [Evangelium Vitae, §38b]. Consequently, the Church believes and affirms that all human beings —created in the Image and likeness of God and recreated in the Son, who became Man, was crucified, and rose again— are called to grow under the action of the Holy Spirit to reflect the glory of the Father in that same image and to share in eternal life (cf. Jn. 10:15-16, 17:22-24; 2 Cor. 3:18; Eph. 1:3-14). Indeed, "Revelation . . . shows forth the dignity of the human person in all its fullness."
- Dignitas infinita, or "On Human Dignity" (§17-21)
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ferdifz · 2 months
Eid Mubarak to all who observe Ramadan and is welcoming the Islamic new-year. Wishings of Peace to all on Earth. 🙏🌙
Fair disclosure to be clear: I myself am not Muslim, I just happen to be born into, and am living in, a Muslim-majority country.
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(Disclosure again illustration is from a couple of years ago, recycled hehe 😅✌)
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