#heart deasease
whumperer-86 · 6 months
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A journey to Love episode 8
The youngest member of the male lead's squad,, he's like their youngest brother got really sick and it turns out he has a weak heart and he will die before he reaches his 20th birthday, all of them tried so hard to save his life and they did for now
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
TW for chronic illnesses and body image issues/disphoria and infertility for some headcanons.
Lamikkaku anon here, I wanted to share some headcanons and thoughts about modern AU Lamikkaku because I think I've just come up with the most precious thing ever.
So, I think modern AU Lami would be cronically ill/have some health problems. (I was thinking about her being a survivor to childhood lung cancer that was caused by long term exposure to asbestos, since the Amber Lead Deasease seemed like it was referencing that. And therefore having long term health problems due to treatment)
It would affect her breathing and heart (cue Law deciding to become a cardiosurgeon to help people with similar problems) but also her body and personality as well. The steroids based treatments made her gain weight that she hardly lost, she has scars from various surgeries, and she became an introvert that struggles to meet new people. She feels guilty that she always made her parents worry and made Law miss out on many childhood experiences too, as he hardly saw his parents who were caretaking his sister and was mostly looked after by their godfather Corasan.
Cue my transfemm Ikkaku headcanon. She also struggles with acceptance and body immage issues, worrying about her appearence and not being "feminine enough", as well as some anger issues she develoeped due to tauning from others. I think she may also have issues with her family due to this. It contribuited in her being somewhat "hostile" when trying to meet new people and trusting them.
They met because of Law. Lami doesn't have many friends of her own so she hangs out in his friend group and meets Ikkaku. Its sorta of a love at first sight. Lami looks at Ikkaku and views her basically has a goddess: one with a flawless body, untouched by medical horrors, a sassy and sarcastic personality that sports a level of confidence that she can never have. And Ikkaku sees Lami as an angel: a kind, gentle person with such soft, and a heart of gold thats completely pure, cute ligneaments and a caring and amazing family that loves and supports her.
They start talking and getting close, opening up more to eachother, about their insecurities and fears. The topic of dating eventually comes up and both are very catious about it: Lami isn't sure about what she can give, her health problems are something she always saw as a burden, and she doesn't want to give this burden to anyone else. And Ikkaku thinks she would be awful for Lami, after all Lami is such a nice and kind person, Ikkaku considers herself far too brute to be good for her.
There is also another added thing... Lami can't have children. The treatment made her sterile, and its something she always knew but only really started grieving now. Part of her thinks this makes her an inadequate partner, a not good enough girlfriend (Bullshit, Lami is perfect and you know it) and Ikkaku also had mixed feelings about her own body functions, with transphobes harrassing her and saying shit like "ReAl WoMeN CaN GiVe BiRtH!!!" (Bullshit, I fucking hate this terf behaviour).
The two of them understand eachother deeply due to these things about themselves. Ikkaku never saw Lami's health as an obstacke, it just something that is part of her and makes her unique, and Lami doesn't give a shit about Ikkaku being trans, she loves her because of her personality and the way she is treated by her.
Eventually they do manage to start dating. Its a gradual process, but it doesn't matter because they have their love. They also protest and advocate for themselves, weather its trans/queer rights or better funding and medical treatments (insurance is a SCAM) and marriage equality in both cases.
Law couldn't be happier for her (he doesn't show it at all but he cries of happyness in a corner at least 5 times a day. Bepo calms him down) he also goes on double dates with them and [insert character you ship Law with].
And occasionally there are double dates with Penguin and Shachi as well (Penshachi and transmasc Penguin my beloved) but they have to be very carefull because if they mess something up Law will come after them with a weapon of mass destruction.
And Cora is so proud of them!!! His little girl finally finding confidence, loving her own skin, advocating for herself and all with the love of her life by her side. This man is so goddam happy you wont believe it!!! He gives Ikkaku his full blessing and some older transfolk advice (transmasc Corasan my beloved) he is already picturing their wedding, and he's crying about it. Someone get this man a tissue, or a blanket.
This is all so beautiful!! I've always loved Modern AUs but this one is especially soft. I love how they both have their own issues feeling loved but end up overcoming them together,,, Also, Cora would be the best father-in-law ever in the world. He's so. So happy. He loves Ikkaku so damn much-- And I think Law is concerned at first because he loves and trusts his friends a lot but whenever Lami and Ikkaku go on dates. Together. Alone. Law worries a lot in case something might happen. But Ikkaku is a sweetie with Lami and when Law realizes that everything is okay and the world isn't ending and nobody is dying he cries because he's just so so so relieved.
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cleverwolfpoetry · 4 years
Could Ginoza's mom possibly get the Eustress Syndrome due to binging on pills to keep her hue clear since there was alot of pressure on her?
To answer your question first... Yes, hue clearing drugs can absolutely be responsible for Gino's mum deasease.
I found this interesting article in the net that explains very well eustress deasease, or with its complete name eustress deficiency deasease. I'm posting here a part, with the link to the full article below.
Eustress Deficiency is one noticeable way in which the Sibyl System commits necropolitical acts against the Japanese public; in a society that has sacrificed all that it means to be human for the sake of a sense of peace, humanity has also given up their driving life force: stress. Eustress Deficiency is the disease of Psycho-Pass’s Japan. As the show’s main antagonist Shogo Makishima discusses, Eustress Deficiency is thought to be the leading cause of death in Sibyl’s new society, though these deaths are continuously declared to be “heart failure from an unknown cause.” Since Japan now operates on the psycho-pass system, citizens are exposed to excessive stress care in attempts to keep their hues and crime coefficients within the limits designated by Sibyl. As Shogo points out, stress is a driving force in life- with the appearance of the Sibyl System and the psycho-pass, people began to find their sense of stress “numbed so much that patients who can’t even recognize stimulation itself started appearing.”
Individuals who suffer from Eustress essentially became living corpses, their autonomic nervous system ceasing to function independently and their vital functions eventually shut down completely.
They are merely a shell of their former selves and soon they will disappear like the melting snow. This epidemic leads innocent people to their deaths, and yet, this pathogen will never be eradicated. This is a disease called serenity- a form of death that the people have wished for.”
The article is very good to read. A lot of interesting data and a good reference. 👍
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crushondonald · 5 years
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Remembering Donald O'Connor ❤
“A performer has to answer to himself. If you think something’s funny, you’ve got to go out there and try. It’s only by trial and error that you find out.”
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 August 28, 1925 - September 27, 2003
“I’m tired of being a machine … I am no angel, I’m the same as everyone else, with the same temperament and temper. I resent having people tag me as perpetual, super-polite juvenile. I’m subject to fever, headaches and bad-temper just like anybody else.” February 1954
“Alcoholism was a desease, a genetic thing. I used to have a marvelous time drinking. Until I passed that invisible line and became an alcoholic. I figured that I could master the rehab programme, be out there in a week, go back to drinking. But once I was there, something marvelous happened. My obsession to drink left me. Now I have been a recovering alcoholic for fifteen and a half years.” June 1994
After he suffered a very serious physical collapse caused by excessive alcohol abuse in 1978, Donald was finally hospitalized for approx. three months. Ever since he was cured from alcoholism in 1979, Donald recovered visibly, regained the trust of his family, went back to work successfully and never touched a drop of alcohol again for the rest of his life. On top of that, he claimed that he had never been happier in life ever before.
“He’s the man you’d wish to be with you for the rest of your life.” Gloria Noble O'Connor ~ Donald’s second wife
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“I’m the guy who danced through life. It seems that no matter what I do, if I did MacBeth, they’d want me to do eight bars of ‘Tea for Two’ just because it pleases. It’s the kind of dancing I do – jumping around and having a good time. It’s happy, gay, and pleasant. Dancing is so wonderful. Once they start the music, your whole day, if it’s been rotten, seems to melt away. You get carried away in the tune that you’re moving to. It’s a marvelous catharsis … to be able to get on top and tap dance.”
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“Donald was a spontaneous artist and comedian, and he could never do anything the same twice. There was no way you could say, ‘Do it this way, and it will be funnier.’ It was all improvisation.The dummy he uses in the dance, for example, was lying on a rehearsal stage next door to us [on the set of SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN]. We walked in one day and Donald started to fool around with it. For half an hour, we just roared with laughter. Finally, we said, ‘Well, let’s put that in the number.’ All of it came right out of Donald. It was unbelievable. We had to throw out 20 minutes of it.“ Gene Kelly
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“I was born in a trunk, and I’ll die performing.”
… you nearly made it, Don! I love and miss him with all my heart … it is a blessing that Donald shared his unique talent with the world for more than 70 (!) years! He loved to entertain his audiences, was a passionate performer and made generations laugh (of course, he still does!), even though he had to struggle with many personal, painful strokes of fate. Donald O'Connor was the youngest and the fourth surviving child of seven, born to John Edward “Chuck” O'Connor, who was from County Cork in Ireland, and Effie Irene O'Connor (née Crane), both vaudevillians. The O'Connor Family was billed as “The Royal Family of Vaudeville” at the time. When Donald was 10 months old, his father died from heart attack while performing on stage, only a few weeks after his seven year-old sister Arlene was killed in a car accident. As she was crossing the street with Donald in a stroller, the car hit her. Miraculously, Donald remained nearly unhurt. Effie O'Connor had become extremely overprotective of her remaining children, seeming never to completely recover from the shock of losing her daughter and husband within weeks of each other. Donald joined the family act when he was just a toddler. He enjoyed being on stage, which also served as escape from his domineering mother. Sadly, she had a good reason to worry. Until 1958, Donald finally had survived all his siblings. Don was only 19 years old, when he married his first wife Gwen Carter in 1944, the year he entered service in WWII. While he was overseas, he got acquainted with the devil who became finally an obsession ... alcohol. After returning home, life went back to normal very slowly. Universal Pictures, where he was under contract since 1942, did not really know what to do with him. His first apperance on screen after the war followed in 1947. In the meantime, his daughter Donna was born in 1946. Unfortunately, the marriage of Don and Gwen didn’t went very well and finally ended up with divorce in 1954. All these incidents and the fact, that Don was always a workoholic resulted in alcoholism, he suffered from for almost 25 years ... creepingly getting worse and worse over the decades, reducing his ability to work increasingly and reaching its sad low point, visible to the outside, in the 1970s. As he was also a heavy smoker, he additionally developed a heart deasease. Burning the candle at both ends resulted in a heart attack in 1971, a serious physical collapse in 1978 and a quadruple bypass surgery in the early 1990s. That was quite a price to pay, but he always managed to pick himself up and keep going. After all, Donald O'Connor stayed down-to-earth and was beyond that one of the most versatile, charming, modest and sweetest gentlemen in Hollywood. ☆ Thankfully, Don found happiness with his lovely second wife Gloria Noble. She was the love of his life and the best that could have happened to him. Because of his addiction, they went through hard times, but she never let him down. Their marriage lasted over 46 years until his death in 2003, three children were born to them.
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Dream team - Donald & Gloria at “Ciro’s” in 1956. They got married in October of the same year. ☆ Since I was a child, I’ve adored him as an excellent (tap) dancer, singer, comedian and actor. By the way, he was a great composer, too! Until 1955, at the age of 30, Donald had appeared in 45 (!) motion pictures [“Singin’ In The Rain" is #38!]. The press called him “the youngest old-timer in show business” at that time. That’s quite a statement of what had been accomplished by such a young man. In addition, his vaudeville background, successful TV shows during the 1950s and 1960s as well as a vast number of stage performances his entire life speak for themselves. It always seems to me that there was nothing Donald couldn’t do. In his later years, when the popularity of musicals slowly had faded away, Donald should have been managed better. After “Singin’ In The Rain” he never got a role again matching his extraordinary talent in this way, even if he made some wonderful movies in the 1950s, such as “Call Me Madam”. It wasn’t considered enough that he was a also a fine ‘serious’ actor, proved by his performances in the ‘Francis the Talking Mule” series or in ”The Buster Keaton Story” (although the script is awful and terribly incorrect!) and even in his early roles as a child. It makes me sad that Hollywood didn’t really know how to take advantage of his versatility. Unfortunately, he does not receive the credit he really deserves … he was so much more than 'Cosmo Brown'! ☆ Over the years, I’ve also developed profound respect and admiration for this wonderful man away from the spotlight. I’m fascinated by his real life achievement, kindness, honest modesty and willpower. Hopefully, someone will pay tribute to this endearing human being and unique  artist, perpetuate his memory by writing down his life story. Maybe one (or more) of his four lovely children, Donna, Alicia, Donald Frederick or Kevin … … I could die happy then!
“I’m no longer a superstar. Now I’m working on being a quasar, because stars wear out. Quasars go on forever … I look for the parts where I die and they talk about me for the rest of the movie.” 1992
Happy Birthday Donald 💋 … You’ve always been my mentor and the light of my life, darling!
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Keeping his legacy alive … le grá go deo ♡♡♡
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(Photos on top show Donald O'Connor over the decades, in order 1930s - 2000s from left to right.)
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wahyuas031 · 3 years
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@who & @iloinfo anylisis menunjukkan bahwa bekerja 55 jam atau lebih per minggu berdampak #workershealth dan meningkatkan risiko penyakit kardiovaskular. Jam kerja yang panjang menyebabkan kematian 745.000 akibat stroke dan serangan jantung iskemis pada 2016 naik 29 % sejak tahun 2000. _______________ @who & @iloinfo anylisis shows that working 55 hours or more per week impact #workershealth and increases risk of cardiovascular disease. long working hours led to 745.000 death from stroke and ischemic heart deasease in 2016 29 % rise up since 2000. #pekerjakeras #buruh #pegawai #karyawan #pekerja #who #ilo #kesehatanpekerja #pemerintah (di Tangerang) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPNStwDn-iU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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coolkidsrecreating · 7 years
Let me tell you something. It’s not something you don’t already know, It’s something you’ve subconsciously known all the time from since you’ve been hurt for the first time. And you do feel it, no matter how many people you’ve shut down or how many times you’ve said you don’t feel a single thing.
“Life” doesn’t control you, noone controls you. It’s not your parents fault, not your friends fault, not some stupid asshole that offended you or broke your heart nor someone that made whole shit-ass situation involving you or anyone who you love that made you the way you are right now. And don’t start all that thing with me saying that some people don’t have a choice how they look like, what families they live in or that they were born in or for those being diagnosed with an uncurable deasease. Not a single thing on this list controls how you feel. Nothing. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have an impact on your feelings. They do, they really fucking do. But no matter what you’ve gone trough and no matter where you are right now, you still control the whole situation that’s inside your mind. So guess what? You have the power to control yourself, even if you lost yourself a couple of times along the way to happiness. This was a very poor intro in lousy form, but you get the point.
You can fucking be the version of yourself you always wished you’d be. 
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whumperer-86 · 6 months
A journey to Love episode 8
THE Kid is dying of heart disease and they all are worried about it
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whumperer-86 · 6 months
Fainted after getting the 10 whiplashes
A Journey to Love episode 14
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whumperer-86 · 6 months
A journey to Love episode 8
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whumperer-86 · 6 months
A journey to Love episode 8
The youngest member of the male lead's squad,, he's like their youngest brother got really sick and it turns out he has a weak heart and he will die before he reaches his 20th birthday, all of them tried so hard to save his life and they did for now
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