#havent posted anything here since forever
winterdesu · 15 days
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some yakumo pictures from my camera set-up to revive this acc
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cyphyra · 3 months
i just want a social media platform that's easy to use, has no transphobic bullshit in power/command of the platform, lots of people use, and has porn so ppl are truly free to post what they want and up until The Purge tumblr had 3 of those things (i know they've BEEN transphobic since forever ago)
this blatant attack on trans women terrifies me, considering they've shown it could happen to anyone who's wished anything negative about staff now, and with the nsfw purge and the enshittening of the actual tumblr site, there's barely any good reason for me to stay. but until they shut my blog down themselves im going to keep staying here stubbornly, using other sites (mainly cohost) tentatively
the main reason why i havent said or will say any more on this subject is because i dont want staff to pick me next for their banning orbital strike-- it's genuinely fucking me up on top of personal and world issues
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emerxshiu · 2 months
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i forgot it was april fools lol. i definitly did not end up sprinkling in a bunch of memes in there, nope, not at all.
I havent checked my dashboard until a few minutes earlier, but now im booping everyone i find in there, its just so damm fun! its kinda sad that its just for april fools, i wish the booping stayed forever like its way too silly i love it.
Oh yeah the drawing yep aight. So uh, i had the idea yesterday and this looks NOTHING like what i had planned, it was just going to be a plain white backgroung, and i was trying to make it look like a pencil sketch (kinda). and simple coloring. but i had a lot of problems and drawing this ended up being really frustrating but im kinda happy with the result even if it difers so much from the og idea.
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also here is a clean version (aka no memes)
i tend to change my idea as im drawing so after i realized this was not going to look like i thought, i tried some effects and i came up with the idea of making it look...off.
Backgrounf with saturated colors consisting of red and blue and a fecto elfilis who looks rather dreamy, wich is totally not kinda inspired by isolated isles and high school musical 2 believe it or not (im confused as to how that was present in my mind as inspiration but i guess anything works as a reference) and contrasting with the darker background from how light and glowy i made him.
Fun fact: when i drew elfilis here, they were reminding me of a bunny, so you could kinda count this as a bit of an easter post since im probably going to forget to do something for that.
fun fact 2: this image is based on a fanfic im writing right now, i havent posted it yet, and when i do im pretty sure i'll put it into the Anonymous collection, since what im writing is very different from my usual, i tend to write about my splatoon ocs or sometimes about kirby characters, most of these fics tend to be general with not a lot of archieve warnings and stuff (save for one but that one was very very tame and just had an implication of a character dying at the end) and they're oneshots, most of them, this one is also a oneshot. i just enjoy writing that, but its a little bit....how to say it? bloody, i just have like the start made and its probably going to take me a while to finish, im also thinking of reading it multiple times since most of my works are usually just the first draft. but uh since its quite different and has that im quite scared of the reception it might have when i post it, in fact a lot of times i dont post stuff since even tho i know i shouldnt worry about others, i still do like an idiot, i just cant help caring about what other people think of me. and yeah basically its just not like the usual fluff i write.
next post might be splatoon related since im redesigning some ocs i had, or it might be princess peach showtime because my father got me the game and im loving it
Thank you for listening to my unnecesarily long rambles and Jambuhbye!
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usuratongaychi · 2 months
Drawings + Rants + Headcanons/Naruto AU
i finally had some time to draw my versions of tean seven (minus kakashi). im gonna detail more of my AU later in the post but here are the designs and some notes.
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For sasuke, in one of my other posts i had the theory that sasuke keeps his hair short to avoid resembling itachi, and thats why it is longer in time skip, because he is coming to terms with his trauma and still loves itachi. I also gave him similar creases to itachi, just from stress.
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tbh im not too sure about this naruto design…but at least he isnt balding like before💀.
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for sakura, i actually really like her older design, so i just drew her working. she would have her hair up and i gave her sakura blossom hair pins and eyeshadow.
also i havent drawn in forever so..thats why its messy.
(the rest of this is me rambling on..)
Now for changes i made to the story:
1. Narusasu endgame (yk im a stan)
I would have both of them be joint hokages, so technically both are the 7th. I know Sasuke is referred to as the shadow hokage, but that doesn’t really entail anything. I think it’s important because Sasuke would know just how important reform is for the village and shinobi system, but since people are still suspicious of Uchihas, Naruto would be the face. This fulfills Naruto’s dream, which when you really think about it, his dream was just to be loved, not really to be a politician. Naruto has seen how unfair and corrupt their society is, so he would completely work with Sasuke to make sure things like Danzo and Hiruzen’s corruption, child soldiers, hyuuga slavery and the “Uchiha Incident” dont happen again. I could explain more of this in a later post.
2. I would have Hinata look up to Sakura more, instead of Naruto.
I think it makes a bit more sense, Sakura is brave, outspoken and independent, just like Hinata wants to be. I would have Sakura be her first friend, since she can’t stand to see people be excluded or alone. That leads me into changes I would make for Sakura’s story.
3. Sakura. In the original, I would keep her kind of bratty attitude until things get serious in the Zabuza arc. Seeing her close friends so close to death, while not being able to help much would challenge her to become a protector. This also gives motivation for her to learn healing and medicine when Tsunade comes around. Sakura would be the “rock” or “glue” of team seven, which makes sense because she is the only one of them that came from a stable home.
Sakura initially resents Sasuke for betraying the team, but seeing how dedicated Naruto is to saving him, she decides its worth it to help bring him back. Besides if she didn’t, naruto would just endager himself trying.
4. Sasuke. I would have Sasuke after he realizes Itachi was manipulated into a genocide to protect the village, still go through him “i’m gonna destroy the village” phase, but when Naruto defeats him, they make a promise to change things, so no one else will have to suffer like that. I would also show more of the psychological effects of witnessing Itachi’s murders. One of my headcanons is that he’s pretty thin, since trauma survivors tend to have chronic stomach pains. He’s probably pretty paranoid about others betraying him, so he does it to them first (probably why he pushes naruto away so much). Sasuke is also probably still ostracized or “othered” for being an uchiha, since that is what the village is told about them. People still pity him, but dont come near him.
5. Naruto. 😭I actually made up a whole theory on why Hiruzen didn’t take great care of naruto, bc to me it just doesn’t make sense. it’s kinda a dumb theory and doesn’t rlly have anything to do with canon, but- what if Minato wanted to expose the corruption in the hidden leaf and get rid of the foundation, so as a sort of revenge, or just general distaste for Minato, Hiruzen doesn’t really provide for Naruto. 🤷‍♀️idk. A change I would make is to have naruto mature more to match his age. Like ofc it makes sense for him to act out for attention esp when he was younger, but i feel like past shippuden..he didn’t really mature at all? maybe thats just me. I’ll probably have more stuff to add for him, i’ll think of it later or put it in my headcanons post.
😭im so tired yall i will make a better post later on.
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lemon-wedges · 1 year
Just wanted to ask (and feel free to not answer), but how do you draw so much so quickly? I'm always impressed by how fast you doodle or paint. Also, wanted to say that I appreciate your Barok and DGS art as a whole.
and with this ask i have finally reached an artist milestone 😭
Well theres a short answer and a REALLY long answer (which ill put under cut when i get there).
short answer: practice + refs
which.....can be an annoying thing to hear. And as someone who studies art and has bought a LOT of online courses trying to figure out how industry people can just churn out work like nothing. it feels like a let down every time i find out their big secret. just practice and photo refs. Every. Single. Time.
its how you studying your refs. heres how i do mine
sorry if this is rambly. but ill try my best to at least be clear. BUT THIS is the EXACT way i taught myself how to be quicker.
I do not know if youve taken any art classes but essentially one of the ways to study gesture drawing is by first tracing ur photo ref to get a sense of the flow/proportions of the body. youve probably seen a billion of these tutorials floating around:
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So last year around hmmmm june/july? i was NOT looking to get better at my anatomy or gesture. i was actually trying to get better at clothes. but my problem was it took me so long to draw out a figure (which i was fine with cause i liked how my people looked at the time) that i could never really just focus clothing part.
So i told myself look. ur not looking to draw in this style like this forever. so for now SIMPLIFY SIMPLIFY SIMPLIFY!!!! I WANT THE BAREBONES OF A HUMAN HERE TO MAKE A MANIQUIEN FOR CLOTHES OK
but how do i do that....
Im gonna use this piece as an example from my rise and yosuke fashion palooza month. FIRST u see i got all my photo refs together. i like those poses on the right and i want to switch out the clothes for the other ones i picked out. i trace out my poses. kind of like the tutorial up top but since this is about draping i was focused the exact places their waist/arms/legs/etc would bend.
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and like the tutorial u turn off the photo ref and do a drawing based off that traced piece.
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then i would turn on my refs and add on my clothes
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And after a month of just doing that over and over and over. i was surprised to find that figures and poses were so much easier to understand when i would break them down like this. and once u get familiar with them the faster and more confidently you'll draw them.
I and still do this btw. heres my otasune from the last week
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i used photo refs for all my sketches. if i cant find anything online to match what i want i just take photos of myself. and some might say well arent u just relying on reference TOO much?
AND AGAIN take it from someone who has spend a lot of money buying classes from their fav artists in the industry. The Secret of how they churn out so much cool work so fast always turns out to be this. practice and photo refs.
Every. Single. Time.(tho this is omitting a lot. im not getting into like they way they stylize their art work. that actually the fastest and funnest thing to do once u have ur base down)
The thing is, i dont actually post up all my work on this blog. So theres a ton of stuff you havent seen me do. These are some paintings i did 2 years ago for a class.
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I already know how to pick my values and set up lighting. When you see me painting my figures now. i am not focused on learning these basics im actually just honing a technique.
you might see me post readmores with these kinds of wips. I lay in all my colors and lighting with the lasso tool. ALL THE MAJOR DECSIONS ARE DONE HERE
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(the little miniature i add on the side basically tells me what the overall feeling is going to be when i blend in the lineart to be cohesive with my colors) ( also if you had any questions on my prepainting process tho. feel free to ask!!!)
and if you compare this wip to my finished piece youll actually find that i dont stray that far from what i've laid in.
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everything happening at THIS stage is about feeling out how i want the textures to blend with one another and getting funky with some brush strokes.
and thats it? im not sure if any of this is helpful but if anything. i hope you come away from this feeling like what ive been doing here is nothing special. "THATS IT???? THATS ALL THERE IS??? well i could have done that :T"
exactly man. you can do ALL OF THIS aND MORE!!! I BELIEVE IN U :D
but ill let this be the last thing i leave u with my friend: my barok sketch and the refs i used for his boobies
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xi-off · 4 months
roleswap! it's shou time :D
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i like to call this set "shou gets harassed by his sisters forever" lmao
anyway yeah this is for for the silly ghost head sequel rambling i mentioned in the last post. (said sequel is set ten years after the first game and follows yuu and shou on their paranormal investigating adventures.) im planning 3 cases to match up with the 3 chapters in the first game ^__^
some point during case 3 yuu is shown a theoretical timeline where she died before the events of the first game ft. the takano family being entirely alive (which i also wanted to draw today but getting these two pics done killed me -__-). shes offered the choice to make that timeline a reality, at which point a route splitting player choice happens:
decline: game continues towards ending A (im trying to 1:1 all the first games endings lol)
accept: fujika breaks out of getting puppeted around by as-of-yet-undecided entity and shoots yuu, which "resets" shou to the beginning of the first game entirely sans yuu. he still remembers the second game up to the point fujika shot yuu, so he freaks out and then speedruns up to ending H. i havent decided what happens after that except fujika reveals shes been stuck in a timeloop or something because this is the only in-universe explanation i can come up with for her random behavior in the first game lmaooooo. anyway yeah that's ending H the second and first pic above
consider: yuu gets punted back to the beginning of the first game but with a proper timeline recalibration. yuu (going by rin) is now the malevolent ghost and shou (going by yuu*) is the delinquent murder child dropping in osaka. this one heavily implies shou is the dead twin theory but idk if im confirming it for this ending yet. also i dont really know where this is going either besides The Disaster Zone. and thats ending D , second image above, yay
*yuu is a pretty common unisex name and uh . i was trying to find some kind of pattern between shou and yuus names (since rin is heavily theorized to be a slight match with the takano kids season-based names) but couldnt find anything that looked intentional. so shou gets to suffer our guy takashi's naming skillz because i thought shouyu (t/n: that means soy sauce) was funny. and calling him shou like a normal person was the quitters route
ok that was incoherent ! thanks for reading :D as reward for scrolling this far here is a terrible observation i made while figuring out shous hair
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violentshine · 6 months
wanted to make a better au post; starting with the favs 💯
Blazing Star AU [#the blazing star au] -Rusty joins Thunderclan as Spottedleaf's apprentice. Blazing Star references the Fire Alone prophecy, a rare herb and a secret third thing :3
Scattered Sparks AU [#scattered sparks au] -Not only does Rusty join Thunderclan but his littermates find themselves each joining the other four clans. Shenanigans pursue
Undead Redtail AU/ un-deadtail au (oc-insert) -When Tigerclaw is dragging Redtail's dead body to camp, the deputy comes back to life. He obviously needs to tell Bluestar what Tigerclaw did but he can't expect her to believe him when he's standing right in front of her, alive and kickin'. There's also some other guy
Ivyfooled AU [#ivyfooled au] -I just make Ivypool worse. She dies in the Dark Forest
Star-burned AU [doc link- i havent made any posts I think] -- (Almost) each cat is given a special ability, some range from a slight boost to a certain sense while others are more powerful (I Think thats what I meant to put. Idk why this sentence was missing)
Falling Feather AU/Switcharoo AU (placeholder name) - Dovewing and Ivypool take the place of Firestar and Scourge
The Flames burn Brighter AU (not-so-lawfully-good-Firestar-AU) - What if Firestar developed a god complex
P stands for Possessed - Ashfur possess Leafpool instead. Fell out of love with this AU as I cannot stand Ashfur nor anything he did but this AU is sooo fun.
Time travel AU - During the Great Battle, there's an imbalance with the amount of Starclan cats fighting the battle alongside the living cats, fallen warriors can't be led to their resting grounds and instead their spirits are cast astray before falling into a world that seemed to set them back to when Firestar was an apprentice. But that isn't the only change, Snowfur is now Bluestar's deputy and Scourge and Princess are both cats of Thunderclan. This universe's Princess and Firepaw were apart of Thunderclan since they were kits.
"Smudgestar?!" - Smudge doesn't tell Firestar about the dreams and instead is convinced by the Skyclan ghost cat to restore Skyclan. He doesn't actually join Skyclan, he's mostly just used to link said Ghost Skyclan to where Skyclan fell. This Ghost cat is NOT Skystar I don't know who they are though. There's also another AU where Skyclan never fell or restored without Thunderclan. I haven't thought about it in a long time so it doesn't get a proper section. It's an interesting premise but also can be combined with another AU.
That's all ! I love love talking about these forever n' ever any of these interest u & u want to know more. please send me an ask about :D !!!
While im here, check out my (short) Hollyleaf playlist
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whoreanghae · 2 years
apartment 308 ; lee chan
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genre - strangers to lovers, neighbours au, fluff
wordcount - 1.8k
disclaimers - lowercase on purpose, no proofreading, fic under the cut
a/n - wow i havent posted literally allll summer. ive been super busy, but now im back to school so i finally have time to write again :P this is just a short one that ive had in my drafts for a while, its not perfect my apologies. hope u enjoy mwah
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you rummaged through your cupboards as the oven beeped, signalling that it was done preheating. you couldve sworn that you had more sugar. the sugar you had in the bag was barely half of what the recipe called for. the rest of the ingredients were already mixed together in the bowl, so you didnt have time to run to the nearest convenience store. so, begrudgingly, you made your way to the neighbouring apartment. you hated having to introduce yourself this way, but you had never even seen them leave before, so theres a time for everything. 
shoving your feet into the pair of shoes next to the door, you propped the door open as you headed to the door just down the hall. the aging numbers on the door read 308. you knocked lightly, suddenly wondering if the cookies you were making were even worth it. as you were contemplating leaving, the door in front of you creaked open and a man stood in the doorway, a small smile on his face. he looked to be around your age, not much older. he was wearing a black tshirt paired with a pair of black sweatpants. he was very attractive, but you had to get back to the matter at hand instead of just oogling at him like a weirdo.
“hi! im y/n, i live next door, i was wondering if i could borrow like, a cup of sugar? im baking cookies and i literally just used up the last of what i had.” you finished with a chuckle. he nodded, the same smile on his face from when you had arrived. “of course! just wait right here, ill go grab some for you.” he hurried off into his apartment as you stood in the hallway of the apartment building. you waited around for a moment before he returned to the doorway with a container of sugar in his hands. you took it and thanked him profusely, apologizing for the nature of your first meeting. he laughed and brushed it off. wow, his laugh was like music to your ears. just as you were about to go back to your apartment, he spoke up again. “oh, im chan by the way! if you ever need anything you can stop by, i dont mind.” you nodded and smiled. “thank you chan, the same goes for you as well.” he grinned wider as you gave a meek wave and he closed his door. you shut your apartment door behind you as you returned to making your batch of cookies.
the timer in the kitchen began to blare, signalling that your baking was done. the smell of fresh baked cookies filled the air in your apartment, a heavenly smell to say the least. you carefully took them out and placed them on top of the stove. after they had cooled down, you took a couple off of the tray you had baked them on and placed them in the container that chan gave you the sugar in. you replaced the cover and headed out to the door again. you stood in front of chans apartment and lightly knocked. the building was so quiet that you could hear the footsteps leading up to the door. as the door opened, chan stood in front of you yet again. you held out the container and his eyes lit up. “thank you so much!” he took the container and gasped when the bottom was still warm. “its no problem, if anything you helped me make them, its the least i could do.” you gave him a warm smile as he thanked you again. the happiness in his eyes made you want to bake forever. you said your goodbyes again as you returned to your apartment and put away the rest of the cookies that you had left for yourself. you smiled to yourself without noticing as you removed the cookies from the parchment they were baked on. 
some time had passed, and it had been a while since youd seen chan. after the baking situation, you had actually spoken to him more when you would see him. whether that be in the lobby, or your shared hallway, you would often stop and have little conversations. as it turns out, you two actually have quite a lot in common. but in the past few weeks, you had only seen him in quick glances in the hallway. short smiles and small ‘hello’s were the extent of your interactions. but even in the last month, you hadnt seen him at all. a part of you was concerned, but you knew that he could just be busy, or your schedules could just not have lined up like they did before. the thought even came up that he couldve moved. but you try to not think about it. this particular day, you had suddenly gotten a craving for muffins. knowing already that you had all of the ingredients, you decided to get straight into it. you pulled up a recipe and began mixing your ingredients in a bowl. as you read down through the recipe, you reached up into your cupboards to get the bag of sugar. as you grab the bag, you realize that it is way lighter than you expect. you dump the sugar into a measuring cup, and it doesnt even reach the halfway point for what the recipe requires. you sigh and put down the measuring cup. maybe it was a sign.
the hallway is quiet as you close the door behind you. you make your way to the familiar apartment door, realizing how weird you must look asking for sugar again. but, you push those thoughts to the back of your head as the door swings open. this time, youre not face to face with chan. the man in the doorway is taller, but with similar kind eyes. youve seen him come and go, but never seen him this close. hes handsome, but in a different way than chan was. he smiles as you snap out of your daze. “hi! nice to meet you, im y/n, i live next door, could i borrow a little bit of sugar please? i always seen to run out as soon as im making something.” you both chuckle and he nods. “nice to meet you as well, y/n! of course, come on in ill go grab you some.” he steps aside so you can come into the apartment. you look around as you wait. the apartment is tidy, and has a warm feel to it. its definitely lived in, and if you were to guess you would say there are multiple people besides the man at the door. you hear chatter in the kitchen, but you cant make out voices. 
after a few minutes, he comes back to you with a small bag of sugar in hand. he gives you another smile as he puts the bag in your hands. “is that enough?” you nod profusely. “oh goodness yes, thank you so much!” he leans against the table in the living area as you give him an appreciative look. “oh! im junhui by the way, but you can call me jun.” you chat with jun for a little bit longer before you have to take off and finish your muffins. as you hurry out the door, you could swear you caught a glimpse of someone else inside. but, you shut the door and rush back to finish your muffins.
after your timer rings, you put your muffins onto cooling racks as you look for a container big enough for some muffins. as the muffins cool, you quickly write up a little note for chan, in the off chance he might answer that door again. you jot down a little message, and include your phone number at the bottom of the note. you fold it over, writing ‘chan :)’ on the outside. you put 6 muffins into the container just to be safe, and tuck the note in your pocket as you shuffle out your door again. 
there you stand again, outside door 308. you start to wonder if the note was stupid, he probably didnt even think anything of your interactions anyways. part of you wants to leave the muffins at the door and walk back to your apartment. but, you knock anyways. it seems quicker this time, as the door creaks open and jun is standing in the doorway. you try to not be disappointed, but you did hope that chan would be on the other side of the door. you tell jun about the muffins and he looks incredibly grateful, and he laughs, gesturing at the two extra muffins on top. you tilt your head in confusion as he clarifies. “oh! theres four of us, so we’ll probably have to cut these last two in half to avoid some fights.” you both chuckle as a voice from inside the apartment calls out, asking who’s at the door. “it’s our neighbour, y/n, i got muffins!” theres some quiet shuffling in the apartment as someone appears at juns side. 
chans eyes lit up as soon as he saw you. but youre sure that yours did too. jun looks between the two of you and giggles as he steps away with the container, leaving the two of you alone at the door. “how are you, i havent see you all month!” you say as chan pulls you in for a hug. he explains how his job can get super busy really quick, and how the hours he works are super flexible and can be different all the time. the two of you stand and chat with smiles plastered on your faces, until someone inside calls out to chan, and he has to go back inside. before turning away, you quickly slip the note into his palm and give each other another smile. as the door closes, you stay in front of the door for a moment, trying to collect yourself.
sitting in your apartment later that evening, your phone buzzes.
Maybe: Chan : hey y/n, this is chan :)
y/n : hi chan :))
chan <3 : i was thinking, maybe sometime we could bake something together? maybe we can call it a date.. i can bring the sugar hehe
y/n : hahaha, you know what? i think id love that :) 
from that day on, you coincidentally never had sugar on hand again.
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angstics · 8 months
also they used social media post return until they realized the shows were gonna sell based on nostalgia anyway, except japan so they made extra posts for there in 2020
see previous post for what i meant by social media use. not Posting Photos and Promoting Shows, something bands have done forever on any medium ever. but content creation. unique extra secondary. self-directed internal. fanservice the band people or their team do to attract attention for both relevancy and growth.
have the band accounts done that since 2019? i dont think so. i dont know how you think theyve changed since return. come to our show we’re so excited for our show wow our show was great here’s a photo. if anything they pulled out more personal posts during the hiatus. they havent engaged with video at all since tour started in 22 (except the 1 promo, but that was limited concert footage that was anti-9:16 asdfgwjwb). they did more video in 2004 (“download this video to hear from gerard during tour” lol — ig thats one thing i missed last post). alls to say i like that a wmg band doesnt have a proper social media director. genuinely think it’s great. im savouring it while it lasts
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arrow90-art · 6 months
erm so i havent scrolled too far down on your profile yet but is there anywhere where i could find the storyline if youve posted it? or how rimerock and larksharius met or who that cool lockar dragon is (i cant tell if hes related or correlated to rimerock because he also seems to be like a dragon). i will combust on the spot if it is in a very obvious location that i easily couldve found myself. I LOVE YOUR WORK!
Hello and THANK YOU SM!!!!! I'm so happy aaaaa!!! Ooops this got long lol
I have and will put most of their stuff in the pinged post HERE! The pair are my OCs in the game Pathfinder: Wrath of The Righteous. Rimerock is a companion for the Knight Commander(PC), and Larksharius is a war council advisor in Ri's companion quest. They met and fell in love during the Fifth Crusade. I wrote fics about them on my AO3, I will translate some of my work into English when I have time!
Larksharius is an OC who saved my life, they have been keeping me in extra good shape since then. And in my dream, they asked my old OC Rimerock for a date, and this is how ship-alrakis began. I will do anything for them, and I am and will be fully dedicated to creating a world for these two! ^^ Lark is my dream visitor (they were human and then turned into undead), and my other OCs are all dragons!
I don't have many stories written yet, sorry!! I like telling stories with images (which I haven't drawn...) and I'm not good at telling stories. English is not my first language but I'm trying my best! ;)) I do have some fragments of their lore/stories here and there! I can link what I wrote for Lark and Ri here! And a summary of all the characters related!
Main info:
OC Profile and everything I put up for both of them HERE! Another version here! With some of their favorite stuff and fun facts! This is what I put up for art commissions! Here I have their info and brief storyline! And links to Lark's deity paytron and a fic before they met! I can DM you their toyhouse page too, I want to keep their toyhouse page open to close friends only, bc we sometimes have nsft posts there… ;;;;;) They are married they do the thing, but both of them demand privacy.
Asks and other related posts:
Lark: name and rival, their hobbies, and their regrets, enemies, and dreamsLark's special soul and the trouble it caused for both of themShip songs and some brief story summaries for the two! I only linked the lore I think can be important! All my other asks are here #arrow answers
Other OCs related to the two:
We have a dragon family here! They are all OCs in the Pathfinder world! Rimerock was adopted by a pair of gold dragons, he grew up with his elder sister Mirikshul, and younger brother Neralshul. Mirik died later, leaving the other two in grief and trauma. Both survivors are corrupted. Ri's corruption is severe, nothing can save him, he is dying until Lark comes and tries to save him.
☀️Mirikshul/Mirik - She/Her | An ancient gold dragon, big sister, Ri's first mentor(Ri's second mentor is Lark). She fought the demon lord Baphomet in order to protect her younger brothers, and was killed. She taught Ri many things, formed his characteristics, and how to fight evil like a knight.
🔱Neralshul/Nera - Any pronouns (Gender fluid, amab) | A gold dragon, Ri's sibling. They were Ri's younger brother, until Mirik's death forever changed their world.
Mirik's death corrupted Nera and Ri. The siblings dealt with this disease differently. Ri suppressed his condition in grief (that's why he is dying of depression and nothing can heal him), while Nera let out all their anger and turned from Lawful Good to Chaotic Evil. Nera became the only psycho in my OC house since then. Their misbehaving made their metallic scales so dull that they forever lost their shininess and looked like a yellow dragon. Ri saw Nera's act as a shame and disgrace to their noble sister Mirik. He tried his best to save Nera, but it turned out fruitless, so the two parted ways. The siblings always fight whenever they meet. Not that Ri starts the fight, but Nera LOVES to piss Ri off. Sadly as a sorcerer with a much smaller frame, they never win.
Nera was sane after adopting Blackstar and even went back to Chaotic Good during these years. But then the little black dragon grew up and they said goodbye. After that, Nera went to the Stolen Land and somehow became the ruler there. That part happened in the game Pathfinder: Kingmaker.
🌟Blackstar/Star - She/Her | Ri's nephew, Nera's adopted daughter. She is a fey-marked black dragon, the main heroine in my Pathfinder WOTR playthrough! She's raised by Nera and brought some good back to this corrupted gold dragon. In the game, she tried her best to save Ri, she wanted to find a way to cure him without letting Lark turn him into an undead creature, but she didn't have enough time. The result is fine tho. Because of Blackstar's efforts, all of her companions ascended as demigods, so even though Ri is still an undead arch-dracolich, his body works the same as if he is a living creature.
🐍Set - They/Them/It | Lark’s Neutral Evil deity patron. They chose Lark as their successor, and already gave half of their power to Lark. However, to become god means Lark has to stay in Set's domain forever. Lark valued their freedom to travel around the world so they refused the offer, for now.
Lockar (or locker) - He is a silver dragon from DND, Bauldur's Gate 3. Actually, Locker and his lover (their shapeshifted appearance) were made by Ri and Lark. Ri was playing Lockar as his PC, and Lark watched him play. So sadly Lockar is not related to the pair's storyline. I wanted to put Lark and Ri into bg3 but the story won't fit their lore lmao, so I had Ri playing the game instead.
I'm so glad you like my stuff!! thank you again!!!! asks anytime ^^
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deanstead · 2 years
Because it’s forever since you wrote for him!
Your eyes filled with tears as you stared at Adam, shock on his face from your words.
@fighterkimburgess Okay, I have an Adam WIP i havent posted, i promise! I'm just in the 'this feels weird, am i doing this right' stage (what's new lol) anyway this is unedited and it's almost 1am in case this doesn't make a lot of logical sense lol.
Your eyes filled with tears as you stared at Adam, shock on his face from your words.
"I was afraid to tell you. I didn't know how you were going to react, what you would think and I just..."
Adam hadn't said anything, so you took an unsteady step backwards, steeling yourself for him to walk out and not look back.
But when Adam finally moved, it wasn't away. He stepped closer towards you, closing the gap between the both of you in a second, his arms finding their way around your body once more.
You felt the tears finally escape from where they were pooled in your eyes, falling down your cheeks but your face was already securely buried into Adam's shoulder as he held you against him.
"You can always tell me anything." Adam whispered, his voice low but steady and clear. "And I will always be here."
"Still?" Your voice shook a little.
"Y/N. Your past is just that - past. It makes you who you are, and I wouldn't trade you for anything in the world. I'm not going anywhere." Adam answered, moving backwards just a little to press a kiss to your temple before he pulled you deeper into his embrace.
send me an ask with the first sentence of a fanfic and I’ll write the next five-ish.
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spiritcc · 6 months
top 5 anime and why unironically
i havent even seen 5 animes in my whole live i think, so here it's truly whatever was on my plate at some point-kinda presentation. will probably say a lot about the Era i was in back in the day, strap in, whippersnappers.
bleach. maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. it's like, you know how spn fans know very well the show stopped being good about 3 seasons in but kept watching till the end? bleach is the spn of the anime world. yet i must emphasise that there is a galaxy-sized distance between the importance of bleach in my life vs every other anime on this list. if you're trying to get into it post-factum, it won't work, you know in advance it's a waste of time, it's only when you were there personally to witness its 2.5 WE'RE SO BACK over the other fifty IT'S SO OVER's, its biggest rise in popularity, its peak of fame, its slow loss of fandom, its return, its undignified death. it's only when you were there personally to see all of that and stay because there's no going back already, must just as well sink with the ship. what WAS so good about it anyway? those 2.5 arcs, yea, then you eventually switch to the manga and see that Kubo had the best style out of everyone ever and his backgrounds were popping too, PLUS he's the only one obsessed with fashion so the characters never wore one thing for generations. even when there are uniforms, they are customised to each character and change every time-skip. i took it for granted all these years, big mistake. basically Kubo never really wanted to develop a story, he just wanted to have bleach forever and that was taken away from him, thus its disgraceful fall, but the fall happened primarily because he just didnt want to let go in the first place and any chance he gets at some anniversary stuff, he immediately tries shoving some cliffhangers in as a chance to bring it back. well. the fans are here. we'd be there.
soul eater, which honestly i only watched bc it was initially very funny. kinda cool but primarily just very funny, which it stopped being about halfway through, and that's when i bailed. it also still has the best opening of all anime to this day. also what was funny is how anime ended years before the manga did and mangaka was sooo angy about how they fucked up the ending but then the manga ending came out and it was just the same shit minus some details, from what i've seen. i also have a keychain with several characters that i got in like 2009, it then lay dormant in some sarcophagus for most of the years until 2023 and emerged in perfect condition. no idea what kind of enamel this is but it's like it's brand new, and it's defs the more cool merch to show around than whatever i had of bleach.
kaiketsu zorro, aka yes, the zorro anime. so far i've seen less than 10 episodes but to me it's just the best zorro adaptation that ever existed. they grind diego's reputation into MOLECULES there's NOTHING left of his dignity it's honestly so incredible, plus we're shaping up a good dozen of characters that have overly dramatic fics about them so i'm already anticipating so many otps to root for. i just expect total mayhem and boy am i looking forward to it.
trinity blood. maaaan it's basically like... you learn that the anime exists, you remember that its whole fame is 90% cosplay community, you look into the origins of the cosplay designs, which leads to discovering the light novels, then the manga, and only then you watch the anime in hysterics of what it fucking did to the source material. but it all started because of the anime and we have to alas somewhat respect that. trinity blood is one of those things you get into as an acknowledged doomsday, since you will never see it end, the death of the author will always be on your mind because the event haunts all those narratives at every angle, and his final notes don't actually resolve anything. post-armageddon priests vs vampires vs biblical elements vs science is just the most teenage boy premise, but it Was cool... the light novels were two, ROM and RAM i forget which was which, one was 4 years prior, the second was 4 years after, so two narratives that i think by the end were meant to lock in one place, one day two chapters would come out where the flash forward ends the whole series in a grand armageddon i bet, while the flashback chapter ends the prelude that started the flash forward in the first place. you see characters in flashbacks become bitter people in flashforwards, characters that have great presence in the past being completely absent in the present, which immediately starts Thoughts, the concept of everything was neat. never meant to be, now good luck trying to find both novels past volume 4, the manga doesnt adapt the flashback novels, the fandom is dead, the anime isn't of any help. doomsday place, doomsday fandom.
eh fuck it, shaman king. the russian version of the intro was one of the best sounding ones and thats as far as i can describe it because i wouldn't be able to recite the plot even if i tried. like pokemon for ghost people, truly. it felt like it had 1000 episodes.
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iphigeniacomplex · 11 months
i want to hear abour your oc...!!
my prose writing has been kind of a slog lately, so i decided to start writing a comic on the side. i don't draw, so it's all scripting stuff, which i've done before in the past as like a way to imagine what my personal runs of various established comics characters would look like, since i used to want to write comics for dc back when i was a lot dumber about what that would actually entail. but this is just for fun, so i can do whatever i want forever completely under my own control. main concept here is that i just want this to be like a dumb fun superhero comic that occasionally delves into the insanely dark but does so in an incredibly tonally inappropriate way. years later i imagine someone will make a gritty reboot and then there will be a movie adaptation of the gritty reboot which will bomb in the box office and then a few people who have never talked about the comic will come out of the twitter woodwork to defend the integrity of the character. alternatively maybe tom king writes a revival run and we all kill ourselves. this is the bright future i enjoy imagining for this superhero comic.
the origin story: flip holden is an alien from a galaxy i havent named yet but like whatever who was subjected to experimentation in order to gain superpowers and fight in the space wars. he was more precisely injected with serum made of a liquified universe, which resulted in an ability to summon anything from that universe to fight with, but he can't choose what the thing he summons is. it's like reaching into a bag you get what you get. and anything as in like literally anything, including concepts. this is obviously a useless power, and he was not very effective in the space wars.
the current story: the space wars have been over for years, and flip holden works at a space roller disco. he also runs an anti-government radio station, but he generally tries to stay out of trouble. eventually his sister (non-biologically related human whose connection with him is entirely based around shared trauma from experimentation, i'll talk abt her more in another post if theres any interest in this one) is mind-controlled by this like hivemind corporation (will also talk more abt this one later) and hes like well something has to be done i guess. kid weird to the rescue. that's not the main story, but it's the jumping-off point.
the influences: technically the name "kid weird" and his powers in general came from a dream i had, but consciously it's the dada movement---the idea of rejecting order and reason due in part to the trauma of war and in part to the trauma of capitalistic society are very integral to my perspective on the character. the aesthetics of the world around him are like 60s does futurism but more sparkly. also obviously there's a disco thing going on.
tl;dr: dadaist captain america but awesome this time. and yes hes trans gender.
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bread-knife · 4 months
Loved the explanation on my genshin post💗💗 BUT JUST TO PUT IT OUT THERE.
This was my reaction to every single explanation:
Tumblr media
thats how i feel and im in the fucking thick of it 😭😭😭😭 what do you MEAN diluc (some redhead rich twink with a bigass sword basically) went to genshin impact russia and went genociding and maybe joined a cult because the fatui (genshin impact russia's government/military/basically everything) killed his dad (dottore indirectly killed the guy too L. dottore is the cause of probably like 90% of the problems in recent in-universe history by the way). what the FUCK is going on with khaenri'ah. in the sumeru arc they bring up the casual existence of Information That Makes You Instantly Go Insane (feat. TWO spectacular relevant cutscenes) that not only makes you go insane (what the fuck) but ALSO causes basically cancer in the entire world lol AND causes eleazar ("FUCK your nervous system + cope + ratio + gradually get scaly + eventually die idiot" chronic disabling illnesss) what the hell is in that stuff. they first call it Divine Knowledge as a marketing thing in-universe bc of course you'd want to know what the gods know. It's not like there are an insane number of stories telling you precisely why you shouldn't go for that kind of stuff. & then it's called Forbidden Knowledge because this is NONE of the divinities' business. and then they just havent talked about it again since, like, aranyaka (10+ hour long questline deadass) and such.
tl;dr, daddy issues, one of the playables is maybe a straight-up cult member, dottore sucks and is evil, and khaenri'ah got hiroshima'd AND nagasaki'd AND horrifically cursed ON TOP OF THAT, including completely innocent normal people who never did anything wrong & the nation's children. there is information that makes you go insane if you learn it, which causes eleazar & basically cancer to the world itself. & aranyaka (OVER 10 HOUR LONG QUESTLINE!!!!) exists. i did aranyaka in one sitting :3
LONGER and more specific form of the post:
diluc ragnvindr, some redhead noble twink, gets horrifically traumatized on his, like, 18th birthday because his dad is mortally injured protecting him & their entourage from a monster known as "Ursa the Drake" that was summoned by the fatui putting a literal bug on their wagon that lets out a special frequency. his dad either dies in front of him OR he's forced to mercy kill his own father, leaving him an orphan. there was also the attempted murder thing with Kaeya, his adoptive brother and also basically the only person in Mondstadt who isn't hex code #FFFFFF
building off of diluc's problems, Kaeya Alberich is a pureblooded Khaenri'ahn (identifiable by special pupils) who was NOT hit with the racism curse so he's fine i think. his bio dad left him in mondstadt for diluc's dad (important nobleman) to run into and hopefully adopt in order for the SMALL CHILD to act as a SPY for a TORMENTED AND NEAR-DEAD NATION. after diluc's dad died in front of him kaeya swung by and discovered the scene & was like ohhh shit. and then he was like "i need to tell diluc that i was planted here as a spy Right Now". so diluc, understandably betrayed & angry, tried to kill him & then fucked off to snezhnaya (genshin russia; this took me a while to learn to spell right consistently) to go kill Fatui for like 2 years i think. and join a cult maybe i guess
Khaenri'ah's purebloods were cursed into horrible immortality that causes them immense suffering forever & ever, & the non purebloods were transformed into monsters, including hilichurls, the setting's stock mob goblins/orcs/whatever. Caribert is an especially horrendous example; his dad, Chlothar Alberich, was a pureblood, while Caribert wasn't (mom is long-dead at this point). so Chlothar has been a single father to his son, who has been turned into some horrific Thing with an intellect barely above that of an animal. Chlothar has ALSO been DESPERATELY SEEKING A CURE FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS. he is DESPERATE ENOUGH TO PRAY TO THE ARCHONS THAT SLAUGHTERED HIS PEOPLE. this guy is Kaeya's ancestor, and also the founder of the Abyss Order (khaenri'ahns transformed into monsters now seeking revenge on Teyvat).
Also, there was this kid who literally fell into The Abyss, basically Genshin Impact Hell sort of, when he was 14. He eventually escaped, but his family soon discovered that their beloved son was suddenly... different. Tartaglia (his title as a Harbinger of the Fatui), to date, is the ONLY playable character in Genshin Impact with NO light in his eyes.
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1am-yan · 5 months
hiii spider anon from ur kylar blog here. just wanted to openly admit that i got VERY tipsy last night(? time is an illusion) and was also the one who sent the "hentai boy" ask. they arent meant to be from the same person i promise spider anon looks up to him but i PERSONALLY just wanted him on edge and fussy <3 i have a DOL blog but i havent posted anything so im just gonna remain spider anon forever lol
hiii spider anon <3
that's kinda funny bc i was at first going to have kylar say that the asker seemed kind of tipsy, but i left it out as it seemed a little ooc from him. glad to know i was onto something there mentally though, hehe. if you (or anyone else) wants to rile up kylar more feel free, i always have fun having him act like that! <3 i only tend to tone it down since he usually resorts to denial in-game before getting violent and i don't want him to be too ooc :b
i really like the spider anon asks, even if kylar is just neutral to them (as he is with any person besides his obsession </3). they're so cute. i just love getting lore drops on this random yandere that lives in the dol universe, it's fun! /gen if you ever feel like posting anything on your dol blog someday, i'd love to read more about that :)
thanks for all the asks!
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winteravian · 5 months
well, about time I do an introduction post.
hi!! I'm winteravian, simply known as Bird.
welcome to my blog! if you're looking for a loser who constantly hyperfixiates on stupid media that don't need the overly deep significance I give them, then you found the right place.
enjoy your stay! or don't, I won't judge you
technically I have a carrd for this, so : https://winteravian.carrd.co/
note: in this carrd there are my main info, interests and boundaries/dni. I'm still going to list them here more apprehensively since the carrd is a little old and decrepit
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: currently questioning!
age: 16
nationality: italian (forgive any mistakes in English!!)
religion: catholic christian (even if some of my ideals may or may not coincide with what the church has become in this decade...)
what I intend to use this blog for: art!! I am both a digital and traditional artist, though I have still a lot to learn. art is a forever ongoing process, and I believe sharing it can improve many things.
got this in bold ass letters bc its important.
BOUNDARIES: first and foremost, do not repost my art or claim it as yours. If it comes to my knowledge that you've reposted my art, you will be blocked and reported.
i am not comfortable with DMs unless i know you irl or we are good friends/had a substantial conversiation over some time. If you send me a message request and i don't reply, do not spam me to reply. it's annoying. (this has happened before on other socials)
if i do anyting wrong (in art or in dialogue), please do tell! i am still in a stage of learning and will happily take constructive critcism. this does not include plain pettyness and insults. remain civil, please.
do not ask me for free art. i will not do it. unless i open commissions/asks/specific post for art requests in the future, any art request is closed.
DO NOT FOLLOW ME IF: -you mock ANY religion in any way (christianity, islam, hinduism, bhuddism etc..)
-you support incest, pedophilia, homophobia, zoophilia, s*xual harrassment etc.
-just if you are a creep in general. if any of the info i gather from your profile fit these criteria and others i havent mentioned (but they are essentially common sense) you will be blocked or muted.
boy, there'd be too many to write!! but, to make it simpler for you, I'll drop my most active fandoms:
-smg4 [hyperfix of almost six years, aka since 2019, and counting] and anything glitchprod related
-Aurora (yes the singer)
-sky: children of the light
-cookie run kingdom [sometimes]
-anything disney (I've had a period where I was obsessed with the Disney fairies franchise. I wish it still existed)
-my little pony
-trolls franchise
and many more to count !
my interests are sporadic tbh, but a consistent one is with symbolism of any kind(color, flowers, crystals, christian symbolism, pagan symbolism, stars and animals and whatever else you can think of), birds and the ocean. and silly shows and games on the internet, of course.
if I'll make a masterpost in the future it will probably be here.
also! please note that this blog is the successor of an older one, @maskedb1rd . if you want to check out my old posts go ahead! this blog is now inactive though.
thank you for reading!
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