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GURLLL TURN AROUNDDD 😱 The Slasher U Kickstarter starts in like 5 days!!!
I got a upcoming kickstarter of these guys in March 24! Subscribe to SLASHER U KICKSTARTER to get the first 24-hour discount for it!
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I require both the baby and the clothes-
i got an ad for a site that sells clothes for your djungelskog
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Fucked up that I find uniforms sexy but also have an intense hatred for most institutions (police, the military etc) that have them. Where does that leave me
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peaks in
Miguel coming into the Society one day with a baby strapped to his chest.
It is his.
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Rio’s friend that Miles ends up accidentally introducing Miguel too at a spider cookout.
Cute, Afro-latina, plus sized with a lot of cake that barely fit her bakery. Single and debating on mingling. Happy to spoil her nephews friends. Especially friends that saved her bestfriend and her best friends family.
She helped bake the desserts and her little 4 year old that toddles after Miles and Pav tries to offer some to everyone. Miguel couldn’t possibly refuse. Even if the little boy happily runs to Miles to tell him all about Miguel’s head pats and kind words.
Rio keeping a sharp gaze on the bitch that chased and hurt her boy, was pleasantly surprised to see his eyes lingering on her long time friend. Miles god mother who was happily chatting with Jess and Peter B while wiping up Noirs face. (Poor boy was so invested in his conversation he forgot he had a mask on his mouth and smeared cake everywhere.
Hobi, ever the instigator, enjoyed trailing behind her. Remarking on how he simply loved kids. Was a big fan of older women. Miguel was seething. Claws shredding innocent plastic cups everytime they made eye contact and the Brit gave a cheeky smirk.
Surprisingly, Rio permitted Miguel to advance on her friend. Unsurprisingly, said friend only let him flirt after she dragged him by the ear to her god baby and kicked him to his knees to apologize. Miles has never been more impressed and embarrassed at the same time. Margo happily recorded and sent Lyla the video.
It all worked out in the end tho. It seemed some cross versal events can be canon if you try hard enough. Like a cute baby girl to toddle behind the curly haired little boy that thought his new step dad was the coolest. (Until miles petty self tells him what he did to his favorite cousin and for a few months Miguel is desperately apologizing to his son and miles)
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Miguel with a chubby little bimbo.
She has the biggest brown eyes. The sweetest smile. Plump lips and a head full of curls, but a mind full of frills and glitter.
He likes to kiss her skin, enjoying it most when it’s covered in gold dust from the expensive scrubs and lotions she uses. Marveling at the scent and warmth of pretty brown thighs nestled on both sides of his face.
He spoils her rotten and she happily accepts. But she does have to pay it back in ways he sees fit. Including being bent over his lab desk at work.
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Sally Face but it’s Sal bullying Travis back
Travis: why do you have your hair in pigtails? What are you a girl?
Sal: no but I can make you my girl if you keep bothering me.
Travis: you must be so ugly under that mask, thanks for saving our eyes
Sal: nothings going to save your ass if you keep touching me.
Travis: Aw does little Sally Face have a girlfriend?
Sal: why? You want to be my girl? I don’t mind you’d probably look pretty in a dress…
Cue Travis curled up in a ball and sobbing because he just can not win.
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Miles tweets: fresh fade, bomb grade and a lemonade, my day is made
Hobi: bruv what kind of nursery school bar is that?
Miles: hating is crazy? What happened to black love?
Gwen: I thought it was pretty fire…
Miles: I’m deleting this tweet.
Miguel being the biggest hater: finally get an A in Spanish?
Miles: finally get a daughter?
Miguel: I’m in your walls.
Miles: get in some clothes too, the police won’t take kindly to a butt booty naked grandpa outside my apartment
Pav: NAKED!?!
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Miguel yelling at Miles:
My dumbass: tough talk from a man whose costume is a projection.
Lyla: you proooobably shouldn’t have said that out loud.
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I got an entire Deadpool based OC just to fuck with Miguel
He is my canon event
>:33 he’ll be too busy with prying me off that he won’t have time to choke slam a child
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Miles 42 posting a vid on twitter
Miles 42: Me and lil bro making empanadas for our parents. His are…
Miles rushing with a wonky looking empanada: MAMI LOOK I MADE A BEAR!! It looks like dad!
Miles 42: fun.
Somewhere in the multiverse:
Peter b in tears: that’s my sapling!! That’s my seed!!
Hobi on the floors of a subway station: how is that kid so precious!?!
Miguel with clenched fists trying not to fold:
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I like to make Miguel suffer atp
Nsfw mentions (not really but just to stay safe)
Miguel out of breath: fuck, talk to me baby…
Mona: did you know that in a neighboring pulsars gravitational pull is not one but THREE zombie planets? Said planets reformed from the demolished planets and chemicals from the stars supernova!
Miguel mid pump: baby I love you, but please don’t bring up your special interests during this time..
Mona: but… but zombie planets..
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Miguel being team dad because his beloved is the unanimous team mom.
Hobie and Miles are her prized Pupils and whenever Miguel gets a little too testy, she looks over him with a menacing stare that works on any husband.
The gross cross dimensional couple that seemed to have been destined to meet even if both have horrible traumas from previous relationships.
Hobie shielding poor Miles eyes from the obnoxious husband snogging his sweet and cuddly wife.
Miguel only allows Mayday to visit because his wife always gets baby fever after a MD snuggle.
Jess talking about raising kids together and Miguel’s cute wife just happily agrees. That night Miguel has flowers, candles and nothing but a sheet on when she gets out the shower. (If he lets her go in alone-)
(((Live pic of me in theaters when he comes on screen)))
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I’m going to o publicly apologize for the simp I am about to become
I saw that movie Sunday and haven’t gotten my act together-
I have so many whorish ideas and plans and spidersonas… my impromptu break has ended and I’m back in action baby!!
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Arises from the abyss and drops this
Wukong: why is my child having an existential crisis while also terrorizing me for fun as soon as he gets a monkey form? I did everything right (debatable)
Mk: well mom said-
WuKong: YOU
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I see your ‘corroded coffin mascot: Normal Guy Steve’ and I raise you
Eddie introducing babygirl lil meow meow sweetheart Normal guy Steve to his fans in a live. While they casually answer questions Steve innocently trauma dumps what he thinks is just a funky lil story time. Eddie just blanks and stares at him cause it’s a new one.
Steve just happily calling the kids to mention it and Dustin starts screaming about why he’s trending again. (Cue a #DustyBunsOverParty taking up most of Twitter timelines for a week)
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Canon Sal and Aelita’s and Dani’s birth mom interaction:
Bio mom: Lita, tell this harlot to get out my way before i whoop his ass.
Sal: Honey, you couldn’t whoop a cough, even if you tried, let alone MY ASS.
Bio mom: Well, can’t whoop what you don’t have, so.
Sal: Well you can’t come in what you can’t afford, so.
Bio mom: *literally tries to fight Sal-* YOU CAN CATCH, THESE HANDS.
Sal: *takes off her wig* I couldn’t catch a cold, even if i tried. Let alone, them hooves you call hands.
Travis is just standing there and is like “You did not have to do that-“ which Sal replies “The bitch had it coming.”
P l s
Why is Travis the most stable rn
How do you bring out the violence of Sal so swiftly
She has literally managed to make Travis so disgusted he wouldn’t bother with her and Sal so mad he’d mop the floor with her raggedy wig.
This woman has no air to breathe if they both gang up on her.
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