#harry x eggsy
muiitoloko · 10 months
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Harry Hart & Eggsy Unwin
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jaygrahamns · 1 month
May I request some Hartwin? Or anything cute between Harry and Eggsy ❤️
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There was a lot of Hartwin request (had to clean them out, super sorry 😭), so I decided to doodle just a bit of them being domestic and Eggsy being impressed by Harry's cooking lol
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be-loved-moon · 9 months
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Eggsy: I want to wake up with you every day for the rest of our lives
Harry: I wake up at 4:30 AM
Eggsy: I want to see you at some point every day for the rest of our lives
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noona96n · 18 days
i have this really really specific need right now... and that is for
Eggsy to fuck that old man
so please 🥺 share all the fics u have, im begging y'all
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fanfic-is-life-13 · 17 days
Made this edit bc eggs gives me the same vibes as this song does
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starofhisheart · 1 year
Fic exploring Eggsy's complicated and conflicting reactions to watching Harry murder a church of people: from fear and disgust to a heat he cant name, a wanting, a longing, to see his mentor lose control, with him. Always so contained, a proper posh bloke, controlled in movement and emotion. Oh to see him unravel, let loose his passion, unrestrained. Eggsy wants. Wants Harry desperately, like a moth that cant help but be attracted to the flame, he wants. Oh how he wants. He wants Harry to want him. To manhandle him, push him against the wall, tie his hands above his head-to take control, freely given, helpless and at his mercy. Ravish him like he's gulping down water in the desert. Ravish him like an animal finally let out of its cage. A selfish, demanding lover who takes and takes, until the younger man is but a wanton mess, quivering with need, desire red hot and bursting at the seams. Oh to give over control and be at the mercy of a god among men. Oh please.
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mafiatsunafish · 7 months
My friend after seeing cod3 spoiler: We live through Kingsman (Harry) so we can live through this. By collectively ignored the fact that Harry had been shot to the head. We could also do that here
Me: why tf would you remind me of Harry
My friend: So ?
Me: Fair
My friend: the headshot club 😀
Me: 🙃
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phreakology · 2 months
This is kinda my last option because i have not been able to find this fic and have dug through my entire history and saved fics.
Tumblr, you're my last hope 🤦‍♀️
I am looking for a kingsman fic. In it, Eggsy is able to talk to animals or hear them mentally or something and when he's a kid it freaks his mom out. If I remember right he crashes the car because the fox was just out looking for food for her kits
In training he goes after Charlie because Charlie hit his dog to train it and Eggsy tells Merlin that he can train both his puppy and Charlie's. He keeps both dogs and I think he makes Harry take one of them to Kentucky with him. I also seem to remember Eggsy like possessing a racoon or something to help Harry during the church scene.
I know this sounds like some fever dream but I promise it's not. If anyone knows this fic or where to find it or any information, please I'm begging, let me know. This has wormed into my brain and I've not had any peace from it for like 3 weeks. I would dearly love to reread this fic as it's one of my favorites!
Thank you!❤️
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muiitoloko · 6 months
Kingsman Chronicles
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Summary: Amidst Christmas festivities, a mischievous Eggsy attempts to play matchmaker between Harry and the reader, strategically placing mistletoe to encourage a romantic moment.
Pairing: Harry Hart (Kingsman)× fem!Reader
Warning: none.
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In the festive glow of Christmas lights, Harry's house buzzed with warmth and laughter as Merlin, Eggsy, and You gathered to celebrate the holiday. The scent of pine and cinnamon filled the air, and a crackling fireplace added to the cozy atmosphere.
Merlin, clad in a Christmas sweater adorned with geeky references, raised his glass. "To a successful year and a well-deserved break," he toasted, a twinkle in his eye.
Eggsy, sporting a festive jumper that may or may not have had a bit too much eggnog spilled on it, chimed in. "Cheers to that, mate. And to Harry, for surviving another year of saving the world."
Amidst the festive atmosphere, Harry and You found themselves entangled in the unspoken dance of mutual affection. Both hesitant to confess their feelings, a palpable tension lingered between them, amplified by the Christmas spirit that enveloped the room.
Eggsy, with his own version of holiday cheer and a mischievous glint in his eye, decided to take matters into his own hands. Fueled by the idea of bringing you and Harry closer, he hatched a plan involving strategically placed mistletoe.
First, Eggsy attempted to discreetly place mistletoe over the doorway, hoping that Harry and You would walk beneath it. However, Merlin noticed the attempt and shook his head, muttering about subtlety.
As the festive atmosphere continued, Eggsy's determination to play cupid remained unyielding. Unbeknownst to Harry and You, he discreetly placed another mistletoe near the Christmas tree, hoping to create an opportune moment.
Merlin, observing Eggsy's antics, sighed but decided to play along. "You know, subtlety is an art form," he commented, his tone dry.
Eggsy winked, mischief dancing in his eyes. "Well, Merlin, sometimes you gotta be a bit bold with matters of the heart."
Meanwhile, Harry and You found yourselves drawn closer, the holiday cheer creating a magnetic pull. The unspoken tension lingered, a dance of emotions beneath the surface.
As the clock struck midnight, signaling the arrival of Christmas Day, the twinkling lights cast a magical glow over the room. Eggsy, seizing the moment, decided to make a grand gesture.
"Everyone, gather 'round! It's time for the annual Christmas karaoke!" Eggsy declared, orchestrating a diversion to lead Harry and You to the strategically placed mistletoe.
As the group joined in the festivities, you found yourself standing beside Harry, the mistletoe hanging above like a subtle invitation. A knowing smile passed between you, acknowledging the unspoken connection.
Eggsy, ever the enthusiastic matchmaker, winked at Merlin, who simply shook his head in bemusement. The stage was set for a moment that could potentially bridge the gap between Harry's duty as a Kingsman and the vulnerability of his heart.
Eggsy pointed to the mistletoe with a mischievous grin. "Come on, you two! Tradition's tradition, innit?" he urged, fully embracing the role of the festive instigator.
Harry, feeling the weight of the situation, attempted to gracefully sidestep the expected kiss, insisting that it didn't mean anything. However, Eggsy, fueled by the spirit of Christmas and a dash of mischief, wouldn't hear of it. "Nah, Harry, you can't go breakin' tradition. We're all expectin' it!"
Merlin, usually the voice of reason, surprisingly sided with Eggsy, adding, "Indeed. Tradition must be maintained."
Harry, shooting an exasperated look at Merlin, contemplated how to navigate the awkward scenario. He sensed your discomfort, silently pleading with his eyes for some sort of intervention.
As the group playfully urged Harry to fulfill the Christmas tradition, you surprised everyone, especially Harry, by grabbing his face and pressing a quick, almost chaste kiss to his lips. It was a gesture that held a hint of enchantment, leaving Harry momentarily captivated.
You pulled away, a sheepish smile playing on your lips. Harry, however, found himself pursuing your lips for a moment longer, the unexpected connection stirring a mix of emotions within him.
He, still under the lingering spell of the unexpected kiss, found himself leaning in for another, only to be interrupted by Eggsy's exuberant antics. As Eggsy pulled Harry away, calling him a stud and advising him to save the celebration for a more private moment, you blushed and playfully hit Eggsy on the arm.
"Eggsy, you're ruining the moment!" you exclaimed, laughter bubbling in your voice.
Harry, still caught in the whirlwind of emotions, shot Eggsy a mock stern look. "You have a knack for impeccable timing, Eggsy."
Eggsy, undeterred, grinned. "Just lookin' out for you, mate. But seriously, save the romance for when Merlin and I make our exit. We don't need to witness all that lovey-dovey stuff."
Merlin, observing the playful exchange, raised an eyebrow. "I'm not sure if I should be concerned or entertained."
Harry, regaining his composure, chuckled. "Let's indulge Eggsy's theatrics for a bit, and then we can have our private celebration."
As Eggsy continued to tease, Harry stole a glance at you, a spark of affection in his eyes. The interruption couldn't dampen the connection that had sparked beneath the mistletoe. The promise of a more intimate celebration lingered in the air, creating a warmth that transcended the festive chaos.
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headcanonthings · 2 years
Harry: Eggsy, my dear, please don’t pronounce “hors’d’oeuvres” as horse divorce. Ever again.
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rastyfrog · 1 year
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yes, I started drawing a Kingsman mini-comic. i have loved this fandom since the beginning. I can say that this is a continuation after the second film. I think it will be something)))
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Eggsy: The stars are so beautiful...
Harry: They're just giant balls of gas.
Eggsy: You know what, if you're just going to ruin this, then-
Harry: And yet none of them are as huge as my love for you.
Eggsy, close to tears: Oh...
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noona96n · 23 days
fell back down the Kingsmen rabbit hole and omg HartWin gives me major ObiKin vibe why did i never see it before??
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tegerton · 1 year
Hii can I request smut?
Hi there! I actually don't write smut. Hope this helps, have a good day!
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felixvanhuss · 10 months
Yo. I am fucking desperately searching for a fic in a mostly-dead fandom lol. Kingsman fic, Hartwin ship, it was somewhat of a role-reversal thing where Eggsy is the one sent to Kentucky and is "killed" and he figures that Kingsman is trying to kill him so he goes into hiding. I do not remember the name of the fic or who wrote it, I do not remember the plot beyond that (and the fact that I loved it), but I do remember the author calling it a sort of "reverse-reichenbach" thing either in the description or an A/N or something. Either I forgot to bookmark this fic and it's somewhere on Ao3 I just haven't been able to find it, or it got deleted (I will cry if so) and if it was deleted and you know what fic this is and you have a PDF of it I will love you forever if you send it to me. I won't post it anywhere, I swear to god. I just wanna read it again blease
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