#happy holidays! thanks everyone who submitted <3
everydaylouie · 5 months
The Virtual Toad Choir Presents: SILENT NIGHT
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wc-m0ch4 · 1 year
Shadow the Hedgehog x gn! Reader NSFW Headcanons
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I forgot that you have to reply to an ask directly so he's the image of said ask lol
(Separate note but I kinda wanna do some of the rottmnt or 2012 tmnt bros so I might be doing some stuff on them next lol anyways–)
Shadow is on the dominant side I feel like this is obvious LMAO
Like he might occasionally sub but it'd be like a power bottom sort of thing
He'd definitely be into forcing his partner into submission
A close runner-up is having a S/O that willingly submits to him from the get-go
Send nudes/ revealing pics to this man PLEASE–
Imagine you're texting Shadow asking him when he'll get home and he's all 'it's going to be hours before I get home, be patient' yada yada then you send a pic in some lingerie and he just:
"Be ready."
Then like 10 minutes later you're getting railed LMAO
He's got a folder of every dirty picture you've sent him and he'll tease you about them
You walk in on him sorting through them and he laughs when you get embarrassed
"You're the one who sent the pictures. Did you think I would waste such works of art?" And he's got a pic of your ass on screen LMAO
I think he'd be into photography during sex
Not sex tapes but like he's got a Polaroid camera specifically for when you two go at it
Also I think he'd like punishment
Okay imagine Shadow makes a bunch of rules for you to follow in the bedroom that day but he purposefully makes it so you can't AHAKDNABKAND
"Aw, couldn't do it, love? I guess I'll have to fix that."
And there rules to follow during the punishment and if you don't follow them.... sheeeshhhhh
Like let's say he spanks you, you have to count each one, thank him properly each time, you're not allowed to squirm or whine, like you are so FUCKED (LITERALLY)
I don't think he's really into bondage exactly but let's talk about him tying your hands and then telling you if you want to cum you have to figure it out yourself OMFGGGGG
You try to hump the heel of your foot and he mocks you the whole time
Adding on to that, he's into orgasm denial/control
If ya want your orgasm, ya gotta work for it, thems tha rules
He'll use toys and give you tasks to do
He'll have you sucking his dick while he controls the remote vibrator inside you
If you want him to turn up the speed, you better get to gobblin that cob yfm?
I think Shadow would prefer missionary so he can see your face, so you can wrap your legs around him, so he can grab at your hips and nipples, etc.
Okay so outside of the bedroom–
Shadow manspreads and it's just MMMMM
He'd do things in public that turn you on without even thinking of it lmao
Like he'd grab your hips when he's trying to move past you
Or whisper in a low voice in your ear
Or say things without realizing the double meaning (a perfect opening for 'that's what she said' jokes)
Okay continuing on,
I think he'd have some sort of claiming thing going on
Cum inside you/on you, mark you (bites, bruises), writing on you, etc.
I mean like you're your own person, of course.... but your his
Okay I know I've been going on about his kinks but overall I think he'd be pretty vanilla is just occasionally he'll get more risqué
That's when all the kinky shit pops out
Not entirely related but Rogue would probably ask you some time into the relationship if y'all have done the deed LMAO
And if you say 'yes' she's asking for details lol
Anyways that's all I got for today, thank you my dear anon <3
Happy Holidays to everyone! I wanted to do a holiday themed thing but that might be coming later (like months later lmao)
Requests are open currently and I'll see y'all soon ;)
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siodymph · 7 months
Get ready everyone! Cause here comes...
The Big Four Fest! 2023
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What is Big Four Fest? Well, it's going to be a 4-week event in December where all the Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons fans can showcase their work!
Each week there will be 2 prompts. A Character and a Theme. You can do both, choose one or the other, or even combine them! Whatever you'd like!
Here's a look at the full list: (thank you to all those who submitted ideas, they were all wonderful!)
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Week 1's Themes
Hiccup from HTTYD
"We're a Team" (how our favorite heroes work together!)
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Week 2's Themes
Rapunzel from Tangled
Favorite Pairings (all those adorable ships!)
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Week 3's Themes
Merida from Brave
Favorite AU's (all those amazing alternate universes!)
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Week 4's Themes
Jack Frost from RotG
"Holiday Blast!" (how our favorite heroes spend the holidays!)
(Oh and feel free to include other crossover characters, everyone's invited to the party!)
The Fest starts December 3rd! And when you make a post be sure to use these hashtags: #bigfourfest or #bigfourfest2023 that way I can find everyone's work to reblog! I can't wait to see what everyone does!
Happy Holidays!
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Hanging By A Moment (Chapter Seven) - Charlie Weasley
A/N: aaahhhh! oh my God! I honestly don’t know how I managed to do this! I really wanted to post it on Christmas and HERE IT IS! I really hope you loves enjoy it! Happy Holidays, everyone! 
Prompt List
Warning: none :3 also this is ridiculously long, sorry xD
Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter :) gif isn’t mine :D
Your name: submit What is this?
Hanging By A Moment
Desperate for changing Starving for truth I'm closer to where I started I'm chasing after you
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“Well, someone looks particularly cheerful this morning” Oliver smirked when you entered the room as he and Percy sat up on the bed. “Care to share why?”
“Because… it’s Christmas?” you smiled. “Were you two… waiting for me?”
“I did not come out to my brother for you two to confess your feelings to each other and then have you not telling me anything bout it” Percy told you, making you laugh a bit.
“So?” Oliver said, patting the spot in front of him so you would take a seat.
“We’re not talking about feelings” you rolled your eyes, sitting on the bed.
“Yes, we most definitely are!” Percy argued. “We want to know what he said-”
“What you said-”
“What happened-”
“Did you have sex?”
“OLIVER!” Percy slapped his arm. “I don’t want to know that!”
“Yes, because I’m going to have sex with Charlie for the first time in the living room where any other Weasley or you could walk in at any moment” you laughed.
“Fair point” Oliver nodded. “So, did he say he loved you?”
“Did you say you loved him?”
“Oh, Merlin-”
Before either one of you could say anything else, the door opened, and Percy quickly pushed Oliver off the bed, making him fall to the floor. You tried not to laugh when you saw a very confused Charlie at the door and you quickly stood back up.
“What is it with you two throwing me off the bed?” Oliver said as he appeared from the other side of the bed. “Charlie!” he said, smiling excitedly.
“Wood” he nodded.
“I hear congratulations are in order” he smirked.
“Oliver!” you snapped, feeling your cheeks burning.
“Same to you” Charlie smiled as Oliver stood up and sat next to Percy again.
“What are you doing here, Charlie?” Percy asked, blushing a little when Oliver kissed his cheek.
“Um… you forgot your glasses” he said, smiling at you.
“Oh” you smiled, standing up and walking closer to them before he handed them to you and kissed your head. “Thank you.”
“We were just talking about last night” Oliver said, smirking.
“Oh, Merlin” you muttered, hiding your face behind your hand.
“We were just curious to know what happened after I left you two alone” Percy continued. “That it took so long for someone to come back” he added.
“Are they always like this?” Charlie asked, looking at you.
“Yes” you nodded. “They can be worse though” you suggested.
“Hey!” Oliver argued. “We are just looking out for you!”
“Yes, we want to know what your intentions are with our dear friend” Percy said, smirking at his brother who was throwing daggers at him.
“You want me to hit you on the face with a Quaffle again, Perce?” Charlie snarled back wrapping his arm around your shoulders and bringing you closer.
Percy was about to reply when you all heard the door knob starting to turn and Percy pushed Oliver again as you did the same with Charlie.
Bill stood at the door, looking extremely confused between the four of you. “What?”
“What, what?” you asked, smiling innocently at him. He just arched his eyebrow, knowing something was going on but had no idea what and why Charlie knew about it but he didn’t. “Uh… can I burrow (Y/N) for a moment?”
“Actually-” Percy started.
“Yes!” you happily said, grabbing Bill’s arm and dragging him out of the room with you.
“So…” Oliver said, getting up from the floor again and smirking at Charlie. “Where were we?”
Charlie had been trying all morning to find you and spend at least a moment alone with you. If he wasn’t able to stop thinking about you before, now, knowing that you were not with Percy and you returned his feelings, it was nearly impossible. You were driving him mad. And every time he was close to getting you alone, one of his siblings came over to take you away. Like Bill this morning, Merlin knows why. And then Ginny pulled you away to ask for help on what she should wear for dinner tonight. The twins had dragged you away saying they wanted you to look at some pranks plans. And now, he found you in the living room with his mother and Fleur, kitting. Or at least you were trying to.
“Uh- what is going on?” he asked, extremely confused.
“Oh, Charlie” Molly smiled. “I was just teaching the girls to knit” she explained. Charlie turned to look at you and Fleur who smiled at him. Fleur’s scarf was actually looking decent, but he tried his best to not laugh at yours. “I’m gonna go get us some tea” she said, smiling.
“Oh, let me help you, Mrs. Weasley” Fleur said, putting down the scarf and following her.
“Hi, Charlie” you smiled brightly up at him.
“Why are you knitting with Fleur and my mum?” he asked, sitting down on the coffee table in front of you.
“Oh, well, Bill told me about him” you stopped before you looked around first, and then you came back to Charlie. “Wanting to propose to Fleur” you whispered.
“He told you?!”
“Yes! He asked me for help on how to propose! Isn’t it exciting?”
“How come he didn’t ask me for help?” he complained.
“Maybe because when he did you suggested Bill flying in on a dragon to surprise her” you smirked.
“Well, everything is better with dragons!” he argued.
“I agree, but I think he wants something more low-key, lo-o- I mean, Charlie” you smiled nervously.
“Were you just going to call me ‘love’? He smirked.
“N-no” you said, feeling your cheeks burning and going back to your scarf.
“Because I wouldn’t mind that at all, love” he said, placing his index finger under your chin and lifting your face so you could see him.
“R-really?” you asked, excitedly.
“Yes” he said, making sure nobody was around. “And that still doesn’t explain the knitting” he told you.
“Right! W-well, he also mentioned that your mum doesn’t really get along with Fleur-”
“That’s an understatement” he muttered.
“H said he’s a bit nervous about the whole thing. So I thought it would be a good idea if your mum gets to know Fleur and I told her we were both interested in knitting and asked if she could teach us” you said, showing him your attempt at a scarf, proudly. “Although I may have not thought that through” you chuckled.
“Is your plan to be horrible at knitting so Fleur’s doesn’t look as bad?” he asked, trying not to laugh.
“Hey!” you said, offended, slapping his arm playfully. “It’s harder than it looks, okay?! I don’t suppose you can do any better!”
“Oh really?” he asked, arching his eyebrow.
“What do I win if I can do better?” he asked, grabbing the needles from your hands.
“Ha!” you laughed, grabbing one of the cookies you had baked with Fleur and Ginny the previous day. “Whatever you want, love” you said before taking a bite.
“Really?” he asked, looking at your bottom lip with a smudge of melted chocolate on it. “Anything?”
“Mhm” you said, taking another bite of the cookie.
“Fine, I want some of those chocolate cookies” he simply said before he began to knit.
“That’s it?” you asked confused with frowned eyebrows.
“Yeah” he shrugged.
“Fine” you said, sitting back. “Let’s see what you got, Weasley” you smiled.
“Well, look who it is” Oliver said, entering the living room. “Two of my favorite people in this house” he smiled, leaning against the sofa behind you. “What’s going on here?”
“Nothing” you quickly said.
“Nothing” Charlie said at the same time.
“Uh-huh, looks like I’m not the only one having trouble keeping my hands to myself anymore” he whispered to you.
“Believe me you never were” you replied.
“Oh, you have some chocolate of that cookie on your lip, honey” Oliver said, pointing at his bottom lip, just before Mrs. Weasley and Fleur came back from the kitchen.
“Thanks, Ollie” you said, grabbing a napkin, your eyes suddenly widening at the realization when you looked up at Charlie and he was smirking more than before as he winked at you.
“Charles!” you whispered, slapping his arm again.
“You said I could have anything I wanted” he said, innocently.
“Oh, hello, Oliver, come join us” Molly greeted him before she sat down next to her son. “Hey, Charlie, do you know what I was thinking-? What are you doing?” she asked, looking at him, knitting your scarf.
“Well, it looked like she needed some help here” he told her.
“I thought I was doing just fine, thank you” you glared at Charlie.
“Oh, well if anyone can help you, it’s Charlie” Mrs. Weasley said, taking her seat. “He’s my best student so far” she smiled.
“Wait- stu-?” you asked, confused. “You tricked me!” you glared at the redhead.
“I did no such thing, you just assumed I was bad at knitting” he said as he easily fixed your scarf.
“Anyways, as I was saying, Charlie, since you still have a couple of days off after new years, why don’t you go visit Tonks? Or ask her to come visit?” Molly asked, smiling.
“Tonks? From school? I remember her! She was awesome!” Oliver said, grabbing a cookie from you. “(Y/N), you would love her!”
“Oh, she is wonderful! And I have always said-”
“Mum!” Charlie repeated.
“That she and Charlie would make a great couple!” Molly finished, making you choke on your tea a little.
“Are you alright, there?” Oliver said, pulling you closer to him as you glared in his direction.
“Fine” you said, composing yourself.
“Mum, I have told you a million times that Tonks and I are just friends” Charlie said, rolling his eyes.
“Well, someone else then? I just want you to be happy. Look at your brothers, they found someone that makes them so happy” she said, looking at you and Fleur. Fleur turned to look at you trying to contain her smile and you were so happy for her, you completely ignored the way Charlie was eyeing you. “And I want you to have the same thing. I don’t want you to be alone” she continued. “What is it that you’re looking for in a partner, Charlie?”
“Yes, what is it that you’re looking for in a partner, Charles?” Oliver smirked at him as the redhead blushed and glared at him.
“Well, you and Tonks used to be inseparable back in school, I always thought you two would end up together. Not to mention she was really pretty, just like her mother, until she decided to have her hair pink” Molly kept ranting on. “I just wish you would find someone who makes you just as happy” she insisted.
“Hey, (Y/N), could I borrow you for a minute?” you heard Percy’s voice coming inside the room.
“Oh, thank Merlin! Yes!” you said, quickly getting up.
“Wait!” Charlie and Fleur said at the same time but you ignored both of them, and Oliver’s amused look on his face, as you made your way out of the room.
“Are you alright? It seemed a bit tense in there” he asked you.
“No, it’s fine, your mum was telling Charlie that he should invite a girl named Tonks for new years” you told him.
“Oh, Tonks? She’s awesome! You would love her!”
“That’s funny! Oliver said the same thing” you smiled. “Everyone seems to love her” you said.
“Are you… jealous?” Percy asked, smirking.
“What? No!” you laughed, nervously. “Don’t be ridiculous, Perce, just because Charlie and I kissed yesterday-”
“I knew it!” he said, excitedly.
“Shhh! Shut up!” you whispered as you reached Percy’s room.
“Relax, Charlie and Tonks are best friends!” Percy laughed. “They have as much romantic chemistry as you and I” he told you.
“Percy, it’s fine. It’s not like Charlie’s mine or anything. And I don’t care if your mum just thinks that she’s perfect for him, really. It would be incredibly pretentious of me to-”
“You know what you sound like?”
“Like me when Ollie had a new team member that was very handsome” he laughed.
“I do not!” you complained. “And besides, Ollie is your boyfriend so it would be normal if you felt-”
“It’s also normal to feel like that when you’re in love with someone” he snickered.
“What exactly did you call me in here for?” you said, changing the subject.
“Right, well um… I was thinking about… telling my parents tonight” he said, turning serious.
“You- WHAT? And you let me ramble on about this stupid nonsense?”
“It’s not really nonsense-”
“Yes, it is! Perce, this is huge!” you told him. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah” he sighed. “I think I’m ready” he nodded.
“Oh, Perce! I’m so happy for you!” you said, hugging him before you two got interrupted when the door opened and Bill stood there again, just like this morning.
“What?” he asked, confused as the two of you looked at him.
“What, what?” you asked, again, smiling at him and he rolled his eyes.
“I think you’re spending an awful lot of time with the twins” he glared at you.
“I was just about to say the same thing!” Percy told his older brother.
“Are you avoiding me?” you heard Charlie’s voice behind you.
“What? No, I’m not!” you argued, looking at him.
“Is that why you’re hiding here in the attic?” he smiled.
“I’m not hiding” you told him. “I was just… looking for something to help the twins with one of their inventions” you said.
“I know, as soon as I entered their room, you volunteered yourself and ran away to the attic” he said, getting closer to you.
“I thought you didn’t like confined spaces” you said, hoping he would leave.
“I don’t but this is the only place where I can get to talk to you without you running away from me or my siblings coming to steal you away” he replied. “Is it about what my mum said?”
“About what-? What do you mean? I can barely remember the conversation with your mum-”
“Love” he said, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“You’re rambling” he smiled. “And you’re adorable when you’re jealous” he said, his smile turning into a smirk that you had come to love so much.
“I’m not jealous!” you pouted.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes! Take that smug smirk off your face! How dare you say that I am jealous of someone that I don’t even know! Who Ollie and Percy both seem to love so much! And your mother!”
“Is… that what this is about?”
“And she sounds so cool! I mean she has pink hair for Merlin’s sake!”
“Wait, are you jealous about what my mother said about me and Tonks? Or are you jealous that you don’t know her?”
“Well… both can be true” you aid, stubbornly. “Except for the first one because it’s not like we’re in a relationship and I have any right to be-”
You were cut off by Charlie pulling you closer to him and kissing you. You were about to push yourself away from him but you honestly couldn’t and didn’t want you. You had no idea how he could just make you melt in his arms this easily. This had never happened to you before. And you knew he and Percy were right. You were jealous. Of course, you would be jealous of Mrs. Weasley thinking there was someone out there perfect for Charlie. You had seen how he was with Fleur. And you knew how much her sons valued her opinion. So, of course, you got jealous.
“You are fucking adorable” Charlie said, once you two pulled away. “Listen to me, Tonks is my best friend since we were eleven years old. I am as attracted to her as much as Percy is attracted to you” he said.
“Percy said the same thing, actually-”
“And, I was actually going to ask you if you wanted to spend those days my mum mentioned… with me?” he asked, clearing his throat, nervously. “Percy said, you are also free and I thought I could… take you out on a date or something-”
“R-really?” you asked, smiling brightly at him.
“Yes, I mean, if you wanted to-”
You interrupted him now, by giving him another kiss.
“I’d love to” you smiled at him.
“Yes” you assured him.
“Brilliant! I’ll be able to get my prize then” he said, making you frown in confusion before he grabbed something from behind him and showed you the scarf you were knitting. “Here” he said, putting it around your neck. “I thought you should have it” he smiled.
“I still think you tricked me somehow” you said before giving him a peck on the lips. “But this is a beautiful scarf, so I’ll see what I can do” you smiled, kissing him again.
“(Y/N)!” you heard Ginny’s voice downstairs.
“Oh, I have to go, Ginny asked me if I could help her get ready for tonight” you smiled as Charlie tightened his arms around you and started making his way down to your neck with kisses.
“What? Why?”
“Because she wants to look pretty because she has a crush on Harry” you informed him and he instantly stopped.
“No! She does not!”
“You’re adorable” you smiled, kissing him again.
“Why has my entire family been stealing you away from me all day?” he asked, going back to kissing you.
“Technically they’re taking me away from Percy” you said, trying to unglue yourself from him as you heard Ginny yell for you again. “Charlie, I have to go” you chuckled as he started kissing you again.
“So, go” he said, not letting go of you.
“I… kind of need you to let me go for that” you said.
“It’s not fair! All of my siblings have had you more time than me today” he pouted and you laughed, kissing him.
“That’s not true” you assured him.
“I haven’t played chess with Ron yet” you said, managing to get free and leave the attic.
The Christmas big celebration was set up beautifully. You couldn’t remember the last time you felt this happy at Christmas. Since your mother passed away, you rarely celebrated it with your father. Even less when he got married again. So having a big, loud, loving family around you brought an entirely beautiful warmth to your heart. You found yourself sitting across from Charlie, who was in deep conversation about something with Harry and Oliver, probably about Quidditch, and you just stared at him. Every time you looked at him you felt your entire heart flutter. You had never felt this way about anyone and, even if you were frightened, you were also excited.
“Hey” you heard Percy to your left as he held your hand, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“You’re gonna make a bloody comment about me drooling over Charlie, aren’t you?” you whispered to him.
“No” he smiled. “I was actually going to say sorry” he said, surprising you.
“What? Why?”
“Well, I know what it’s like to be near the person that you love-”
“I never said I loved Charlie” you whispered.
“Not to me, maybe” Percy smirked. “But I know what it feels like to not be able to hug him and kiss him whenever you want and just… act like a couple, like Bill and Fleur” he said, nodding his head towards his oldest brother with his arm around Fleur as she rested her head on his shoulder and he kissed her temple. “It’s not fair to Oliver either” he told you.
“So, you’re really doing this?”
“I’m really doing this” he said after taking a deep breath.
“For the record, I know it will be fine, Perce. But whatever happens, I’m here for you” you said, kissing his cheek.
“Thank you” he smiled nervously back at you.
“Oh, before I forget” Molly said, getting up and handing a small package to you, another one to Fleur, and another one to Oliver. “I know we said we would eat first and then presents but I have something for you three to wear” she smiled as the three of you exchanged looks. “Well, open them!”
You quickly opened your present and took out a beautiful jumper. Your own Christmas jumper made by Mrs. Weasley. On your favorite color and with your initial on the front. Both Charlie and Percy had told you that their mother would probably get you one. But it was one thing to know that, and another one to actually get it. You couldn’t remember how long it had been since you felt part of a family.
“Thank you so much, Mrs. Weasley!” Fleur said, also feeling excited that things were better with Bill’s family.
“I thought you should each have your own” Mrs. Weasley said.
“Thank you Mrs. Weasley” you managed to say before your voice would break. Charlie smiled at you from across the table and you managed to smile back at him.
“I uh-” you saw Oliver stutter, feeling tears in his eyes. “Why do I get one-?”
“Oh, Oliver, please. You’re as much part of this family as everyone else” she smiled at him.
“Are you alright, son?” Arthur asked, noticing how upset Oliver was.
“Oh, I uh-” he said, composing himself and drying the few tears he shed. “I am, sir. I’m sorry, I just-”
“Kids, give us a minute” Mrs. Weasley said, looking at her children at the end of the table.
“What? Why?” the twins complained. “What did we do?”
“You’re pulling at the last thread of my patience” she complained. “Now scatter!”
Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, and Harry stood up without any more complaining and walked out of the living room.
“Um, Bill, we should maybe leave too” Fleur said, getting up and pulling her boyfriend with him.
“What? Us too?” Bill argued, getting up and pointing at you. “How come she gets to stay?”
“Charlie” Mrs. Weasley started.
“He can stay” Percy nodded and Charlie smiled triumphantly, taking another spoonful of food.
“I’m sorry” Oliver said. “I don’t know if Percy told you but… the reason why I’m here it’s because… my parents said they don’t want to see me again and… I didn’t have anywhere else to go so, Percy said I could come here, and for everyone to just… treat me as part of the family” he smiled.
“Oh, sweetheart” Mrs. Weasley said, getting up from her seat and walking over to him. “Move over, Charles” she said pushing her son out of the chair so she could seat next to Oliver. “I am so sorry, Oliver” she said, hugging him to her.
“No, I’m sorry, I didn’t want to make tonight about myself” he said. “I just… felt a bit overwhelmed I guess” he explained.
“Oh, there’s no need to apologize. We are happy that you’re here, Oliver” Molly told him.
“Why did your parents say that, son?” Arthur asked him.
“Arthur!” Mrs. Weasley snapped.
“Dad!” Percy snapped at the same time.
“No, it’s okay” Oliver assured them. “Um, it’s because I’m gay” he smiled nervously.
“You told your parents and then they said they didn’t want to see you again?” Mr. Weasley asked, looking extremely confused.
“Yes” Oliver nodded as Mrs. Weasley wrapped him in a big hug.
“Oh my dear, boy, I am so sorry” she said, kissing his head. “But you will always have a home with us” she said, smiling warmly at him.
“Thank you, Mrs. Weasley” Oliver smiled. “That means a lot to me” he said, hugging her again.
“Uh… mum” Percy said all of a sudden and everyone turned to look at him.
“Percy! How could you not tell us?” Molly complained. “Oliver is like part of the family!”
“I know, that’s why uh-”
“I am happy that you invited him, but you should know better!”
“Mum!” Percy said, getting up and nervously looking around. “I uh- I have something to say” he mumbled.
“Darling, speak up” Molly told him.
“I’m gay too!” he blurted out. His parents just stared at him and you saw his hand shaking so you took it. “I didn’t know how to tell you and… when dad asked about (Y/N) I said she was my girlfriend and then I asked her to come here and pretend to be my girlfriend” he explained. “I’m sorry I lied but I was just… scared to tell you the truth” he admitted.
“Percy!” Molly said standing up and walking around the table to her third son. “Why didn’t you tell us, love?”
“I’m sorry, mum, I- I wasn’t sure how. I was afraid about how you would react and-”
“Oh, my boy!” she said, hugging him to her. “I am so happy for you!”
“You are?” Percy asked confused.
“Of course, I am! I just want you to be happy and, like I said, we love Oliver like his part of the family, so if he makes you happy, that’s all that matters” she smiled, placing his face between her hands and leaning him down to kiss his forehead. “I love you, Percy” she smiled.
“I love you too, mum” he smiled back.
“Oh, darling” she said, pulling away and sitting next to you. “Thank you for caring so much for my Percy” she told you. “I want you to know that you are still part of this family, love” she said, smiling at you.
“Thank you, Mrs. Weasley” you said, clutching your sweater to your chest. “That means a lot to me” you smiled.
“Although I must confess, I loved knowing that one of my sons had someone as wonderful as you” she admitted.
“Well, funny story-” Percy intervened.
“Percy, I will rip your tongue out” you smiled with clenched teeth.
“I was thinking about setting her up with-” he smiled, completely ignoring you, and being hit with a roll of bred on his face. “Charlie!”
“Oh, what a wonderful idea, you’re not seeing anybody, are you?” Molly asked you.
“Um-” you chuckled.
“Mum!” Charlie said, walking over to you.
“Molly, dear, I think this is something that they can do on their own” Arthur said, getting up and walking over to his wife. “Why don’t we go join the kids and get ready for presents? Let’s give them a moment” he said, pulling her away.
“Oh, alright, but I just want them to know that they would look just as adorable as Percy and Oliver!” she said as she walked out of the dining room.
“Well, I hope that felt good because now I’m gonna kill you” Charlie glared at his younger brother.
“What? It’s not like you’re not already together” Percy smirked as Oliver walked over and hugged him.
“How do you feel, love?” Oliver asked him.
“Like an enormous weight being lifted off my shoulders” he sighed.
“I’m proud of you, Perce” you smiled, hugging him too.
“Me too” Charlie admitted. “Even if you now passed the obsession of mum to us” he rolled his eyes.
“Ready to tell everyone else?” he asked Oliver.
“Yeah” he said, excitedly. “That is if the twins didn’t just hear everything with their extendable ears” he said.
“They didn’t” you said, taking them out of your pocket and smiling at him.
“I love you” Percy said, kissing your head before all four of you walked into the living room where everyone was gathered already exchanging presents. Fleur was already wearing her jumper, as was everyone else, so the four of you did the same.
“Um guys, I have something I’d like to tell all of you” Percy said, standing at the entrance and holding Oliver’s hand but nobody seemed to quiet down until he continued. “(Y/N)’s not my girlfriend” he said and the room went silent. Something that was very unusual in the Weasley home.
"We knew it!” you heard the twins say. “She's too pretty for you!"
“Shut up!” Percy glared at them. “Oliver's my boyfriend" he said, smiling at Oliver.
"What? He's too handsome for you!” you heard the twins interrupt him again.
“Are we missing something?” Fred said, looking at you.
“Is Percy attractive?" George asked, confused.
“He is” you winked at them.
“You’re a weird woman” George told you.
“I already knew” Ginny shrugged.
“What? How could you know? I hadn’t told anybody! Who told you?” Percy said, blushing.
“Nobody. I knew since my first year in school. I’m a very observant person, Percy” she smirked before her eyes landed on you and Charlie.
“Do you think she knows something?” Charlie whispered at you.
“She definitely knows” you assured him.
“So...” the twins smirked at you as they walked closer.
“You’re single?” Fred asked.
"Are you asking me out, Fred?" you smirked.
“You know who else is single?” George smiled.
"Viktor Krum!" Ron said, excitedly.
“No, you twat! Charlie!” the twins said together.
“Should I be scared of how much your family wants me to be with you?” you asked with an arched eyebrow.
“I bet you thought Percy and Oliver were the worst ones” he laughed.
“Hey, (Y/N)” Bill said, appearing in the room. “This came for you” he said, handing you an envelope.
“What? F-for me?” you asked confused.
“Yeah, this tawny owl just left it on the front door” he explained, handing you the envelope.
“Thanks, Bill” you smiled weakly at him. Charlie noticed the distressed look on your face and pulled you out of the living room, Percy and Oliver following the two of you.
“What’s wrong, love?” Charlie asked, letting it slip and ignoring the smirks from the other couple.
“Um… this was sent from m-my dad and when he sends things is usually not good” you laughed, nervously. “You know what? We’re having such a lovely day, I just won’t open it” you said, about to put it on the table, but Oliver stopped you.
“Maybe it’s a good thing this time?” he tried. “Come on, you should open it” he encouraged you.
“We’ll be here with you” Percy smiled.
“Do you two know something I don’t?” you asked with an arched eyebrow.
“Look, you helped me so much by being here for me” Percy said, stroking your arms with his hands. “The least I can do is be here for you as well” he reassured you.
“Um… okay” you said, taking a deep breath.
“We’re all here for you, love” Charlie said, kissing your forehead.
You slowly opened the envelope, waiting for a long letter from your father about the presents you sent to your little brothers and maybe even returning the presents too. But it wasn’t that. Your entire heart melted when you saw a big picture of Thomas and Christopher, not only wearing the Quidditch robes you gave them but standing with Oliver and Viktor. They looked happier than you had ever seen them. You then grabbed the letter attached to it. It was from them. Your little brother had written to you, thanking you for the Quidditch robes and for having Viktor and Oliver deliver them themselves.
“Oh Merlin” you said, feeling your eyes water a little. “How did you-?” you said, looking at Oliver, but you didn’t even know what to say. “You went there?” you smiled. “And you got Viktor to-?”
“It was actually Charlie’s idea” Oliver admitted.
“W-what?” you asked, looking at him.
“The robes came back a couple of days ago” Percy confessed. “But we didn’t want you to see them” he explained.
“So, Charlie had the idea that maybe if Viktor and I were to show up at your father’s house, he wouldn’t say no” Oliver explained. “Your little brothers saw us through the window and they ran to answer the door” he smiled. “And we were able to give the robes to them from you” he smiled.
“Y-you guys did this for me?” you asked with the biggest smile on your face as a few tears rolled down your cheeks.
“Of course, love” Charlie said, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer, kissing your temple.
“Oh Merlin, Ollie! We made her cry” Percy said, impressed.
“Shut up!” you laughed a little before you noticed something else inside the envelope.
“What’s that?” Charlie asked as you pulled away and gasped in surprise.
“What?” Oliver asked.
“What is it?” Percy questioned when more tears fell down your face and you quickly wiped them off.
“It’s a picture of me and my mum” you said, showing it to them. The three guys saw a picture of someone that looked remarkably like you with a smaller version of you in her arms. The two of you smiling at each other and the back of the picture read ‘My girls’ in your father’s handwriting. “I didn’t… have any pictures of her” you told them. “I can’t believe you did this for me” you smiled.
“Hey guys, mum wants a picture of everyone-” Bill entered the kitchen and stopped talking when he saw you crying in Charlie’s arms. “What’s going on here?” he asked, extremely confused. “Wait, are you two-?” he asked, noticing Oliver and Percy holding hands.
“Uh, yes” Percy said as he pulled Oliver closer to him, realizing Bill hadn’t been in the room when he made the announcement.
“So, that means you two-” he smiled at you and Charlie as his brother nodded, smiling. “Am I the last one to know?!” he asked, offended.
“Kinda” Charlie shrugged.
“That is so unfair! How am I the last one to know?! You two were the first ones I told about me proposing to Fleur!”
“In my defense, we only got together yesterday” Charlie said, hugging you closer. “They have been together since their last year at Hogwarts and Percy was just pretending to date (Y/N)” he said, pointing at Percy.
“And he told you first!” Bill said, insulted.
“Actually, Fleur also knows already” Oliver admitted.
“Oh, I cannot believe you, Perce!” he said, walking out of the room.
“Come on, Bill, hold on!” Percy said, walking after him with Oliver.
“Did you do that to get back at Percy for telling your mum about us?” you asked Charlie.
“Of course, it was” he smiled, brushing away the remaining tears on your cheeks.
“I can’t believe you did this for me” you told him, placing the pictures and the letter on the table. “This is… this is the most thoughtful thing anyone’s ever done for me, Charlie” you confessed.
“I just gave Oliver the idea, love” he shrugged modestly. “What?” he frowned when he saw the worried expression on your face and he pulled you closer.
“Um-” you stuttered. “There’s something that I think I want to s-say” you said, looking down. “It’s um- something I don’t think I’ve ever said before- at least not to someone who isn’t Percy or Oliver” you chuckled. “And I know that it’s stupidly quick and I don’t expect you to say it back but I guess there’s no denying that I have feelings for you that can't be explained in any other way-”
“I love you too” Charlie interrupted you, making you look back at him.
“Y-you do?”
“Yes” he nodded. “I don’t know how to explain it either” he smiled. “But I do” he said before you pulled him in to kiss him again. You wrapped your arms around his neck and felt his arms around your waist.
“I love you too” you smiled.
“Are you ready for your gift?” he smiled.
“Gift? Charlie, you have already given me enough” you said, pointing at the pictures on the table.
“That wasn’t my gift, I didn’t know your father was going to write back” he admitted.
“You still had Oliver and Viktor deliver the robes to my little brothers” you said.
“Well, still… I made you something” he said, grabbing a small box from where he had been sitting earlier and giving it to you. You excitedly opened it and took out a tiny maroon jumper with the letter ‘N’ on it.
“What is this?” you asked a little confused.
“Well, as you know, my mum taught me how to knit when I was little” he mumbled, looking away. “And I make these for my dragons when they’re babies” he continued. “This was worn by Norberta, one of my favorites” he smiled.
“Oh, you told me about her!” you smiled. “The one you got from Hagrid because she was too big for him to take care of her at Hogwarts?”
“Yeah” he said, loving the fact that you remembered. Most people tuned him out whenever he talked about dragons. “I made this for her and… since it had the ‘N’ I thought it… might fit… N-Newt” he explained, nervously.
“I love it” you said excitedly before you kissed him again. “And I love you!”
“I love you too” he smiled.
“Would you two come here already?” Bill said, walking in again. “Mum insists that you are both is in the picture- wait! Does she know about you two?” he smirked, looking at Charlie.
“Bill, if you open your mouth I’ll tell her about you proposing to Fleur!” Charlie threatened.
“That was a fair play” Bill said, unenthusiastically.
“Your family it’s a bit… intense, isn’t it?” you asked nervously.
“Oh, don’t worry, love” Bill winked at you. “It’s your family too” he smirked before he left.
“Having second thoughts?” Charlie asked, kissing your cheek.
“Are you joking? They probably love me more than they love you” you teased him.
“You are spending too much time with the twins!”
The End
[Ch.1] [Ch.2] [Ch.3] [Ch.4] [Ch.5] [Ch.6]
A/N: I have absolutely no idea how I was able to do this but I want to thank everyone who loved this story so much! it made fall even more in love with Charlie and I loved every second of it (even the writers block) I really hope you loves like it! I will still be writing an epilogue, of course, but thank you all so much for the love on this story!!! 
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percahliaweek · 4 months
Valentine's Comment Drive
Hello all!! Happy Valentine's Day!!
It's been a few months since Perc'ahlia Week, but given that the event was dedicated to love, we figured we could do a little something-something for the holiday - a Valentine's Comment Drive during the upcoming week for all of the works submitted for the event!!
Basically, for a week starting today, we encourage everyone to leave comments on AO3 fics, reblog/repost artwork, cosplays, and other creations, and in general take the time to dole out love you may not have had the time or spoons to give during the event itself! (Of course, you can continue to show love and appreciation after the week is over <3)
All of the works submitted that were posted to Tumblr can be found on this blog, and we're going to have them queued up to reblog again during the week so you don't have to scroll as far for the older ones.
You can also find the AO3 collection for all the fics here!!
And for some further ease of access here are some of the organizational tags for the blog:
art | fic | day 2 | day 3 | day 4 | day 5 | day 6 | day 7
(we forgot to tag day 1 but I'll try to fix that in the reblogs, whoopsie)
Thank you again to everyone who made this event so special last year. Let's try to show that love again!!
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anomalyhqs · 5 months
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an advanced happy new year to all of you! we’d like to extend a special thanks to everyone who’s kept the dash rolling throughout the busy holiday season, and we’re so excited to ring in the new year with every single one of you! given the new year coming in, we would like to discuss some general housekeeping with you!
per the korean academic calendar, all of your characters should be moving up a year in march 2024 ( e.g. if they were in their second year now, they should theoretically be in their third in 2024 )! however, we understand that this may be a little tricky for students who are in the final-year of their studies and who do not intend to further their education past their current degree. we acknowledge that anomalyhqs opened at an odd time — that is, close to the end of the year — so we are happy for you to maintain your muses within the academic year that you applied with! for example, if you’ve placed your muse in their third and final year of their undergraduate, you are free to maintain them in their third year in 2024! of course, if your muse is not in their final year and you would like to move them up a grade in 2024, you are free to do so! alternatively, if your muse is in their final year and you would like them to graduate from their current course and begin their postgraduate ( either master’s or doctorate ), you are also free to do so! in both instances ( i.e. moving your muse up a grade or pursuing a new degree ), please either message the main or comment below so that we can update the roster! it is assumed that your muses will remain in their current academic year and degree in 2024 otherwise. edited to add: if you would like your muse to remain in the same academic year for 2024, please note that you will still need to adhere to our agebending rules ( i.e. you are allowed to alter the age of face claims by a maximum of + / - 3 years ). if your muse is beyond the three year age range relative to your face claim, we ask that you age them up appropriately. thank you!
as we have grown a lot larger, we also understand that our potential applicants may struggle when choosing an ability, as so many of the classic ones have been spoken for! therefore, the admin team would like to implement a new rule: starting today, characters that are placed on the warning list for three consecutive weeks will be removed from the directory, and will only be allowed to rejoin with the same character after a 1-week cooldown period. this rule has also been added to our updated guidelines. we hope you understand our decision, as we believe that it promotes fairness for our newer applicants! if you are personally going through a busy period, we urge you to please submit a hiatus request — we’ll keep your spot safe and you’ll be able to pick up where you left off once life gets a little more manageable! thank you for your understanding and your continued interest and participation in anomalyhqs! the admin team is forever thankful for all of your effort and dedication! as always, we will happily receive any questions, concerns, or suggestions you have. with that, we wish you a happy new year and of course — stay super! ♡
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1-tiger-every-day · 1 year
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Hello lovely followers!
Happy holidays to those of you who celebrate, and welcome all to the final week of 1-tiger-every-day!
I wanted to give this blog a good send-off, so if you've enjoyed my tigers this year, it would mean so much if you'd consider doing one of the following:
Donate to your favorite wildlife charity/org, especially if it's tiger-related! A small charity that I would recommend is the UK-Indian Tigers4Ever. I did some research on them and it seems that they work in a particular area of Madhya Pradesh to reduce poaching, as well as improving drinking water accessibility both for local communities and wildlife. Fresh water has become more scarce in recent years due to climate change. I hope we can support them together, but of course, donations are appreciated, NEVER expected, as I know this has been a tough year for everyone. You can donate here: https://tigers4ever.org/donate/. If you do end up donating to any tiger-related charity just drop me an ask letting me know, and I will take your word for it and draw you a thank-you tiger! 🐯
Submit your tigers--drawn, photographed or otherwise--so we can share as many as possible during the final days of the year. I can't wait to see what you all come up with! You can drop me an ask or submit them here: https://1-tiger-every-day.tumblr.com/submit
It's been a total privilege to run this blog for the year, you've been such a warm, friendly and kind (also polite!!!) group of followers. I cherish every tag, comment, ask and submission I've received. On behalf of Tiger Intern T and myself, THANK YOU for coming on this journey with us! 🧡🧡🧡
PS: FYI, this blog will be staying up as an archive for the foreseeable future, and I will continue to share tiger art when I see it on Tumblr (and maybe even the odd tiger of my own). So you'll still be able to reach me here :)
Update 03.1.2023
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...And that concludes this year's tigers! As mentioned above, I will continue to reblog/ occasionally share tigers here, just not every day. Thank you again everybody so much! Happy year of the rabbit coming up <3
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soumako-week · 9 months
Soumako Week '23: The Ultimate List of Submissions!
@soumako-week may have come to and end, but we are very happy and grateful for the response to the event and for all the support. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE LOVE! 🥰💕 Seeing as the soumako fandom is clearly still alive and kicking, we'd like to take this opportunity to encourage everyone to keep following our account. Who knows, it may be repurposed as a soumako-event hub in the future. 😉
To make all of the (36 37!! 😮) amazing works that were submitted over the last couple of days more easily accessible, we've lovingly collected all of their links for you below!
💚 Day #1 (College & Missing Scenes) 💚
✔️ College, a fanfic by DarkPhoenixsQuill
✔️ College, a fanfic by @ladyodaskonpeito
✔️ Untitled, artwork by @haikalikkart
✔️ Voids to be filled, a playlist by @sweetheavenfics [=> also on Twitter]
🖤 Day #2 (Physical Therapy & Secret Crush) 🖤
✔️ Naughty & Informative, a collage by JoshKel87270504
✔️ On Thursdays, we pine, a fanfic by @bananacanwrites [=> also on Twitter & AO3]
✔️ Physical Therapy, a fanfic by DarkPhoenixsQuill
✔️ Physical Therapy, a fanfic by @ladyodaskonpeito
✔️ Reading the signs, a fanfic by @sweetheavenfics [=> also on Twitter & AO3]
✔️ “Secret” crush, artwork by @haikalikkart [=> also on Twitter]
💚 Day #3 (Games & Missed Chances) 💚
✔️ Again, you, a fanfic by @bananacanwrites [=> also on Twitter & AO3]
✔️ Games, artwork by @haikalikkart [=> also on Twitter]
✔️ Missed Chances, a fanfic by DarkPhoenixsQuill
✔️ Missed Chances, a fanfic by @ladyodaskonpeito
🖤 Day #4 (Happy Birthday, Sousuke!) 🖤
✔️ Happy birthday, Sousuke!, a fanfic by @ladyodaskonpeito
✔️ Happy (belated) birthday to Sousuke, artwork by @bringmemyqueen [=> also on Twitter]
✔️ Hbd babe, artwork by @bananacanwrites [=> also on Twitter]
✔️ Soosk day, artwork by @iskabee
✔️ Sousuke’s Birthday, a fanfic by DarkPhoenixsQuill
✔️ The one where Makoto bakes a cake, a fanfic by @sweetheavenfics [=> also on Twitter & AO3]
💚 Day #5 (Alternate Universe & Roommates) 💚
✔️ Alternate Universe, a fanfic by @ladyodaskonpeito
✔️ Blurring the edges, a fanfic by @museaway [=> also on Twitter & AO3]
✔️ Day 5, artwork by Ivertoa
✔️ Living Together, a collage by JoshKel87270504
✔️ Roommates, a fanfic by DarkPhoenixsQuill
✔️ The good old knight and his king au, artwork by @haikalikkart [=> also on Twitter]
🖤 Day #6 (Free) 🖤
✔️ Blue-tongued Babe, an E-rated fanfic by @bananacanwrites [=> also on Twitter]
✔️ Blurring the edges, a playlist by @museaway
✔️ Congratulations, a fanfic by @ladyodaskonpeito [=> also on AO3]
✔️ Day 6, artwork by Ivertoa
✔️ Untitled, artwork by @iskabee
💚 Day #7 (Wedding & The Future) 💚
✔️ Golden Hour, artwork by @haikalikkart [=> also on Twitter]
✔️ Holiday Pics, a NSFW collage by JoshKell87270504
✔️ Imperfect Perfection, a fanfic by @leavescrown [=> also on AO3]
✔️ The Future, a fanfic by @ladyodaskonpeito
✔️ Wedding/Future, a fanfic by DarkPhoenixQuill
✔️ Soumako Prompts College, PT, Roommates & Wedding by @bringmemyqueen [=> also on Twitter, with crops!]
Psst! If we missed something or made a mistake somewhere, please let us know so we can fix it ASAP. 🙏
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choicesholidays · 5 months
Winter Holidays 2023
Happy Holidays and thanks to everyone who participated. Wishing you health and happiness in the new year!
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Giving Thanks by @liaromancewriter OH
Thanksgiving's Little Miracle by @storyofmychoices OH
Improvision by @jerzwriter OH
New Traditions by @jerzwriter CoP
Thanksgiving Part 3 by @karahalloway TRR
Thanksgiving Part 4 by @karahalloway TRR
Master List of Christmas Fics
New Year's Eve:
Ball Drop by @cordonianroyalairlines TRR
Auld Lang Syne by @angelasscribbles TRR
Happy New Year by @theartoflovingthomashunt RCD
New Year Wishes by @liaromancewriter OH
Holiday Art:
Merry Christmas Submitted by @tessa-liam, art by @bayleedraws-sometimesx TRR Christmas
Flickers of Hope submitted by @storyofmychoices, art by ArtByAinna (IG) MoTY Hanukkah
All is Merry and Bright submitted by @jerzwriter, art by @rosefuckinggenius
A Little Holiday Cheer submitted by @jerzwriter, art by @/artbyainna (IG)
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CFWC Holiday Event 2022
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It's the end of the year and time for us all to have some holiday fun! We wanted to make this event less structured to allow writers more freedom to create, so while prompts are being provided to spur creativity, any seasonal holiday-themed fics can be submitted for this event and contest.
The six-week event will run from November 27 through January 7.
To participate, mention @choicesficwriterscreations on your post and use the tag #cfwc holidays 2022.
As a thank you to all of our talented creators who have been working so hard to keep our fandom going through 2022, we will be offering a prize for this event. One lucky winner will be selected at random to win a commission by @/artbyainna (IG). The drawing will take place no later than Monday, January 9th, and the winner will be announced on the blog. Please see full rules for contest eligibility below the break.
For rules and prize eligibility, please see below the break. Happy writing!
Any newly created fic with a seasonal holiday theme can be submitted. You may use one of the prompts, but it is not required.
Fics of any length can be submitted, but in order to be eligible for the contest, they must be a minimum of 750 words.
Your fic must be a fanfic based on one or more Choices stories.
Your fic can be cross-tagged with other events such as @choicesmonthlychallenge, @choicesflashfics, @choicesholidays, etc.
To participate, you must mention @choicesficwriterscreations on your post, and you must use the tag #cfwc holidays 2022
If your fic is NSFW, it must be labeled appropriately, and Tumblr community labels will be used in our reblog.
Fics must be submitted during the event dates of Sunday, November 27th through Saturday, January 7th.
All other CFWC rules must be adhered to.
Each eligible participant can get up to 6 chances to win: 1) You will receive 1 entry per fic per week 2) You can only earn one entry per week (Sunday through Saturday) 3) To receive more than 1 chance, you must submit fics in different weeks
Prize Eligibility:
A raffle for a fanart commission by @/artbyainna (IG) will be held no later than Monday, January 9, 2023. To be in the raffle, you must:
Submit a fic that meets the rules of the contest, including using proper tags.
You must be following @choicesficwriterscreations 
You must follow all other rules set forth above
While everyone is encouraged to write for this event, the following are not eligible to win the prize:
CFWC Moderators or Administrators
Writers who are not following CFWC
Anyone who has won a prize from CFWC during the 6-month period preceding the date of the raffle (1/7/2023). (This does not include being selected as CFWC Writer of the Month. Only those who have won prizes.)
If you have any questions about this event, please contact @jerzwriter or @lucy-268.
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ksadvent · 1 year
K/S Advent 2022: Masterlist and Wrap-Up
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It's the 1st of January, 2023 (at least in this mod's timezone)! Happy New Year! May it be filled with peace and love, joy and laughter, inspiration and creativity! 
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Kirk/Spock Advent Calendar 2022! Authors, artists, beta-readers, readers, and reviewers – thank you for making this K/S Advent such a beautiful experience and, dare we say, a great success! 
We made it to 59 submissions, posted by 31 creators; the works consist of 42 fics, 1 podfic, 2 poems, 1 playlist, 14 artworks (digital art, traditional art, manips, 3D objects), and even 1 submission of baked goods.
Out of the 73 prompts that were submitted, 41 were filled, several of them multiple times. At the time of closing the collection for posting, 13 claims were left unposted (the numbers shown on AO3 differ a bit as not everyone made use of the official claiming/filling process).
Here's the promised masterlist (in chronological order). Or directly check out our AO3 collection.
Day 1: dreamsaremadeofthis, The Bestest Gift of All (fic; AOS) Day 2: syredronning, Happy Holidays! (art; AOS) Day 2: USS_Genderprise, The Morning After (fic; TOS or AOS) Day 3: yassifiedjimkirk, When Words Fail (fic; TOS or AOS) Day 4: IvanW, How Far Away You Roam (fic; AOS) Day 4: USS_Genderprise, Mirrorverse Mistletoe (art; TOS) Day 5: Orabla, Shopping for Gifts, Finding Diamonds (fic; AOS) Day 5: syredronning, Celebrations (art; TOS) Day 6: stoatwrote, The Long Memory (fic and playlist; TOS) Day 7: dreamsaremadeofthis, Spock's Gamble (fic; TOS) Day 8: gunstreet, My Wing (fic; TOS, DISCO) Day 8: yassifiedjimkirk, Unwrapping Your Present (art; TOS) Day 9: USS_Genderprise, Beyond Mind and Matter (fic; TOS) Day 9: VTsuion, Fly Me to the Moon (art; TOS) Day 10: 1lostone, Best-Laid Plans (fic; AOS) Day 10: Orabla, Diamonds for You (poem; AOS) Day 11: eviepopcorn, Let Me Help (fic; TOS) Day 12: IvanW, A Christmas Thing (fic; AOS) Day 12: TonightNoPoetryWillServe, The Ship in the Snowglobe (fic; AOS) Day 13: kayson, Uprising (fic; TOS) Day 13: USS_Genderprise, Catch a Hint (fic; AOS) Day 14: sourirenoire, How Can I Say I Love You When Words Are Not Enough? (fic; TOS) Day 14: vfrankenstein, Holiday Sugar Cockies (cookies; TOS) Day 15: ikoliholic, Se Vi Nur Scius (If Only You Knew) (fic; TOS or AOS) Day 15: yassifiedjimkirk, The Gift of Loyalty (fic and art; TOS) Day 16: AshayaTReldai, Reconciliation of Penitents (fic; TOS) Day 16: Orabla, Under the Mistletoe (poem; TOS or AOS) Day 17: IvanW, Merrily on High (fic; AOS) Day 17: USS_Genderprise, Under Your Skin (fic; AOS) Day 18: Herself_nyc, Bashert (fic; TOS, AOS) Day 18: Noideasfornames, Light One Candle (fic; TOS) Day 19: ikoliholic, Wandering Lands, Helping Hands (fic; TOS or AOS) Day 19: USS_Genderprise, Stars in the Snow (fic; TOS or AOS) Day 20: eviepopcorn, Three's a Crowd (fic; TOS) Day 20: pkrosche, An Old Earth Custom (fic; TOS) Day 21: Orabla, Five Times Kirk or Spock Had a Nervous Breakdown, and One Time They Both Had It Simultaneously (fic; TOS) Day 22: ikoliholic, Fatal Vision (fic; TOS) Day 22: USS_Genderprise, Spin, Spin, Spin (fic; TOS or AOS) Day 23: gunstreet, Between Dream and Duty (fic; TOS) Day 23: Lupo (LupoLight), Against Twinkling Lights (fic; AOS) Day 24: cicia3, It's the most wonderful time of the year (fic; AOS) Day 24: pkrosche, Cozy Sweaters (art; TOS, AOS) Day 25: 1lostone, Mistletoe Kisses (podfic, AOS) Day 25: USS_Genderprise, Deck My Halls (fic; TOS) Day 26: Purple_Enma, A Christmas Picture (art; TOS or AOS) Day 26: TonightNoPoetryWillServe, A Very Illogical Christmas (fic; AOS) Day 27: 1lostone, drenchedinlight, EEW101, lb_betty, PageofWands, T'Lara, vfrankenstein, yassifiedjimkirk, Jim and Spock's 12 Days of Kink (a collaborative fic by the KiScord crowd) (fic; TOS) Day 27: Orabla, Two Solitudes, One Blizzard and One Illogical Celebration (fic; AOS) Day 28: pkrosche, A Win for Christmas (fic; SNW) Day 28: Purple_Enma, Encounter at Sundown (art; TOS or AOS) Day 29: enterprize (stanzas), Searching For A Tender Touch (fic; TOS) Day 29: T'Lara, Here's to a Happy New Year – and to the Wonderful K/S Fandom! (art; TOS) Day 30: cvrue, Pon Farr comes but once every seven years (art; TOS) Day 30: PageofWands, A Little Sweet, A Little Spicy: KS Gingerbread! (art; TOS) Day 30: USS_Genderprise, Warmth (fic; AOS) Day 31: 1lostone, Spanking Al Fresco - A Love Story (fic; AOS) Day 31: AureliaR, By the Fire(work) Light (fic; TOS) Day 31: cvrue, The Trouble with Snowballs (art; TOS) Day 31: PageofWands, Wishing You A Very Mirrorverse Holiday! (art; TOS)
The 2022 collection is now closed for posting. The K/S Advent Calendar will return next year for a new round. If your prompt(s) did not get filled, you can submit them as new requests for Advent 2023, if you wish to. If you do not want to wait that long, you can also submit them to our sister event Kirk/Spock Spring Fever which will go live in March 2023, a fest without any specific theme as long as the work is focused on Kirk and Spock, be it slash or gen/friendship. Sign-up opens today!
If you are sure you submitted something to the collection, but don't see it in the collection or on the masterlist above, please do get in touch with the mod asap so that we can investigate what went wrong with the submission: [email protected] We are also happy to hear your feedback: How did you experience this K/S Advent? Any wishes, suggestions, complaints? Anything you wish would've been different? Anything that was unclear or confusing and needs better explanation in our rules/FAQs?
On the mod side of things, we had an almost exclusively positive experience. One thing we might want to handle differently next year is how strict we are about the submission deadline; we wanted to be as generous as possible with deadline extensions, but this made scheduling the daily reveals a bit more difficult. As the creation phase is quite long for K/S Advent, we hope that creators can be encouraged to submit their works sooner. You can submit feedback via email, message to kirkspockmod on DW, comment on our masterlist DW post, or message on Tumblr.
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froggibus · 7 months
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for veteran followers, newcomers & people just browsing, a quick reminder on how this works, the kind of content posted here + a bit of an explanation! (of course, if im rambling, feel free to skip to the TLDR at the bottom ♥)
essentially, i have a bit of a bad habit of scattering all of my updates and news across various fanfic posts. ill probably continue to do this, but i know not everyone reads every post, so you're probably missing out on some info you might want to know
"like what?" mainly, requests + request statuses. but instead of making you guys scour through the depths of my posts to find out if i even received your requests, i thought it would be easier to just post it all here.
content you can expect here:
requests ive received and going to work on
WIPs im planning on posting soon
breaks, hiatuses, changes in plans & planned content
random life updates (sometimes)
to make it easier to digest (+ more relevant to you guys), its going to be in order of newest to oldest. (example: oct 2023 would come before jan 2023)
thank you guys, keep being amazing ♥
TLDR: ive decided to put all of my updates on requests, request status, wips + breaks etc in one place. its gonna be in order of newest to oldest, and ill update here whenever there's news :)
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JUNE 1. 2024:
happy pride ^.^
still working through requests right now & also working on something fun for summer! come vote in our summer solstice poll and feel free to come talk to me about all your summer faves & thirsts!
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MAY. 27 2024:
requests are currently closed! thanks to everyone who sent one in—im just catching up on them now ^~^
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MAY. 26 2024:
i’ve received quite a few requests this week that i am already working on :D im sick atm so it might take me a little bit longer to get through them all tho !!
changing up my rules slightly & retagging certain stories as well!
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APR. 3 2024:
thanks to everyone who booped me on April Fools :) I had a lot of fun interacting with everyone
requests are open!!! all of the ones submitted prior to March 24th have been deleted, but feel free to send them again if they follow the updated rules (found here)
I am also working on a small writing project that I may or may not post for my birthday in two weeks, so we’ll see how that goes
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MAR. 21 2024
requests are closed! rules for requests are being updated and all current requests are being cleared. feel free to resubmit afterwards!
MAR. 17 2024:
- deleted Romeo & Ghouliet. I really wasn’t feeling like writing anymore, I struggled a lot with taking it in the direction I wanted it to go
- will be updating the graphics & theme of the blog this week so stay tuned!
JAN. 22 2024:
we are officially heading into Valentine's season, and with that, I want your input on what you would like to see on the blog for that! you can vote here. have more input? have a request? send them to me here!
working on some fics, including OW Women HCs, poly! SatoSugu, Dick Grayson x civilian! reader, and possibly a series as well
NOV. 14 2023:
currently not taking requests, sorry for the few people who submitted some this week! working on a cozy christmassy Dick Grayson fic rn, and possibly something exciting for the holiday season
NOV. 1 2023:
life got way more hectic than i anticipated this month and because of that, i wasn't able to write for kinktober the way i originally planned. hopefully next year ill be better prepared and able to deliver quality content consistently. sorry to anyone who is disappointed! ♥
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(dividers by @/cafekitsune)
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tokkaweek · 1 year
Tokka Week 2023: Prompts and FAQ
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Thanks everyone so much for submitting your prompts! We got some amazing ones, but here are the final contenders for Tokka Week 2023, which will be held January 15 - 21:
Day 1: comedy/pranks
Day 2: flowers/gifts
Day 3: healing/grief
Day 4: pining/reconnecting
Day 5: gossip/whispers
Day 6: fake dating/5+1
Day 7: Realization
As we get into the prep period for this week, we just want to remind everyone to be kind to one another, respectful of whatever content is made, and to overall have fun! Below is this year’s FAQ, so we ask you take the time to please read it! Thank you all again for already getting Tokka Week 2023 off to a great start! 💚💙
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How do I make sure my contributions are seen?
That’s easy! Just make sure you post your work on Tumblr and use the tag #Tokka Week 2023 in your first three tags, and @ this blog (@tokkaweek). We will reblog it within 24 hours, but if we don’t PLEASE feel free to DM us —we most likely just missed it!
What can I contribute?
Anything —everything! Art, edits, playlists, headcanons, long fics, short fics, videos… it’s all welcome! Just so long as you tag things properly (i.e. age appropriateness, genre, etc), you are free to participate in any way that inspires you the most. We as tokka lovers are happy to see it!
Is NSFW content allowed?
As long as you tag correctly and follow Tumblr’s (and AO3, if you’re posting there too!) rules for NSFW content, then YES, NSFW content is allowed!
I’m more of a consumer, is there any way I can do my part to make this week great anyway?
OF COURSE! The best way to participate in Tokka Week without making content is to reblog works and engage with the creator! Compliment their work and start a conversation on Tokka —who knows, it could inspire them OR you to create something that would’ve never been created if y’all hadn’t talked.
Do I have to use both prompts per day?
Nope! You can use one prompt or both. The prompts are there to give you a jumping off point for brainstorming —in other words, they are there to help, not hinder!
Who are this year’s mods?
This year’s mods are @twinkle-toph , @cats-and-metersticks , and @avatraang .
I have a question that isn’t here!
No problem! Feel free to send this blog an ask or a DM and we will be more than happy to answer your questions.
Thank you very much for your interest in Tokka Week 2023! We can’t wait to see you all as we get closer to this event. Happy Holidays!
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simplysnowbarry · 2 years
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Big thanks to everyone who voted in our poll recently. We can now happily announce that Snowbarry Week 2022 is happening from Monday November 7th to Sunday November 13th this year.
We’ve chosen the prompts from those submitted to us so as to speed the process along and give everyone plenty of time to create. And we’ve also got extras for artists, as well as a few song prompts.
day 1, Mon Nov 7th - bloggers / youtubers / social media
day 2, Tues Nov 8th - traditions / holidays
day 3, Weds Nov 9th - shop AUs, e.g. coffee shop AU, florist AU, etc
day 4, Thurs Nov 10th - FREE DAY + any past prompts
day 5, Fri Nov 11th - role reversal / meta whammied
day 6, Sat Nov 12th - flings / friends with benefits
day 7, Sun Nov 13th - alternate fandom / fandom fusion, Snowbarry belonging to another fandom e.g. Star Trek, Bones, etc.
extras for artists:
black and white
snow / ice & winter aesthetics
matching / in sync
song prompts:
MYMP - A Little Bit
Imagine Dragons - Sirens
Lady Gaga - Hold My Hand
Posting guidelines will be posted closer to the date. We hope to see you all in November, and in the mean time, HAPPY CREATING!
(!) F.A.Q
Who can participate in Snowbarry Week?
ANYONE! Writers, giffers, manip-ers (?), fan artists smol and toll. We welcome fan fiction, gifsets, manips, fanart, fanmixes, …
Can days be combined?
YES! Social media with shop AU? Or friends with benefits and alternate fandom? All joking aside, you can combine whichever prompts you’d like.
Can I create work for both the artists prompts and the writer prompts?
Can I use the artists prompts for a fic, or the writer prompts for art work?
If I want to contribute something do I have to do something for every day?
Not at all. You’re free to commit to a single day, and we will be so flipping excited to see it. The point is just to have fun with the prompts, even if it’s just the one.
Can I post a WIP that I started working on before that fits a Snowbarry Week theme?
Yes, of course! We’re not a Big Bang, or even a Mini Bang, we don’t require art or fic to have been created from scratch for exactly this week.
I’m going to be busy/out of town during Snowbarry Week. Can I post early/late?
We’d really like to avoid early posting. If you’re out of town or too busy the week itself you can always schedule posts for the correct dates.
Posting late shouldn’t be a problem. Posting Day 1 on Day 3 is also perfectly fine, just make sure we can tell which day you’re posting for, so our heads don’t start spinning.
What does free day mean?
Basically, free day is where you decide what prompt you want to do something with. As long as it’s Snowbarry (or one of its variations like Savifrost, Flashfrost, etc), you’re okay to do whatever you want. A free day in the middle of the week might also provide some much needed breathing space for all the contributors.
Also, the same as last year, our free day now doubles as an opportunity to create for any of our past prompts! If there was a prompt you didn’t manage to finish something for, or just always liked the sound of doing but missed the opportunity, we’d love to see that for this day to have a fun revival of some of the great prompts from past events.
What does [insert theme] mean?
Oh man, this is a hard one to answer. Bloggers could be about Barry's blog in canon, or a slight AU where Caitlin has a blog as a hobby, or an AU where the characters blog professionally, or it could even be a story told in the style of blog posts! We can’t tell you which roles to cast your characters in, because everyone has different interpretations. If you can justify the connection, we’re pretty sure you’re good.
Does my idea fit the theme?
Like we said above, if you can justify it, we’re pretty sure you’re good. If you’re really not sure, hit us up!
If there are more questions, please don’t hesitate to drop us an ask. Any questions you don’t want published, feel free to come off anon and ask us as well - we promise we won’t publish what you’re not comfortable with, just let us know if you want it answered privately.
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rodentbloodart · 1 year
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Happy holidays! Hoping everyone had a good holiday and that you've all managed to stay warm! <3
Before the years ends I'm going to do a final freebie stream for 2022!
I'll be hosting my monthly freebie stream on Friday 12/30 at 7pm CST over on my twitch! -> https://www.twitch.tv/rodentblood
To Enter for a chance for a freebie slot please follow these simple rules (also listed on my Twitch!) some rules may have been changed so please read thoroughly!
REMINDER! you do not need to attend the stream to ask for a freebie!
Submit a SINGLE SFW (safe for work) character reference sheet to this post or IM/ask/submit it to me! You're welcome to link me a single character's toyhouse profile but only link me a single character please!
Please refrain from using language such as 'I never get picked for these' 'I doubt I'll be picked' etc. All guilt tripping comments will be ignored.
If you won a freebie the previous month you have a One month cooldown before you can try to submit another request. This is to allow as many people as possible a chance to win a freebie.
Characters will be chosen based on my interest level. They are not FCFS (first come first serve)
Characters will be chosen BEFORE the stream begins. Do not try to submit references once the stream has started or link them in chat! You will be ignored and being persistent will result in a block!
Please be kind to one another and do not harass the people who I chose to draw for. If you're caught being a bad sport you will be blocked.
and that's it! thanks in advance for sending in your characters and hope to see you during the livestream! <3
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mischieflokizine · 1 year
❄️Major Zine Update!❄️
Hello everyone! Happy New Year! We hope you had a great holiday season! I have a big update so will try to keep this concise.
1.       The physical zine and all merch items have been ordered as of Dec and should arrive shortly! An update will be posted when the items arrive and are ready to ship.
2.       Co-Head Mod Cyn and I have made the decision to no longer work with our fulfilment centre Starship. Due to a number of red flags, we lost our trust in them. Therefore, Cyn will now be handling packaging and shipping out all orders, and contributor TheCoffeeRain has kindly volunteered to help send international orders.
3.       PLEASE EMAIL ANY ADDRESS CHANGES ASAP TO [email protected]! We cannot guarantee refunds or replacements due to incorrect or changed addresses if you don’t alert us in time.
Also email us with any questions, concerns or comments. If you have emailed us and received no response, please make sure it is the correct email and resend it.
Please email us before DMing on social media! Email is easier to keep track of, and DMs can be missed and are not checked often.
4.       Any emails sent to the Mischief Zine Bigcartel email address (from your order receipt) cannot be accessed by us, because the BigCartel online store including its email was run by Starship and not the zine mods. Make sure to use the [email protected] address and NOT [email protected]!
5.       If you gave us any order notes when placing your order, please email us! Because Starship ran the store, us mods never saw the order notes, so please contact us if you put any important information in the order notes that we need to know about. I apologize for the inconvenience.
6.       Mischief Zine online store will be remade and ran by Mod Cyn, and Digital PDF sales may reopen again soon. We will open leftover sales at a later date once buyers get their preorders. 
7.       A special free digital gift will be emailed out to everyone who placed an order, as an apology for the delays. (Some digital coloring-in pages of the zine’s artworks, kindly submitted by our artists.)
I want to thank everyone for your patience and support for Mischief: A Loki Zine! We have had many bumps along the way and it’s not over yet, but we hope you will enjoy all the love and effort we’ve put into it!
More updates to come.
-          Head Mod DBG
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