sohannabarberaesque · 7 months
Hardly to be pictured as George Jetson's sort of work station at Spacely Sprockets:
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bennifoundapenni · 11 months
jellystone s3 please give my boy hucky his hat back i saw it in the concept art
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iheartgod175 · 2 years
So remember Anime Huck from a while ago?
I got to thinking...since this story where Anime!Huck is supposed to appear is based on Date a Live, what if he had an Inverse form? One like Tohka's which drastically changed his personality? I'm gonna draw it one day during my weekend and see what y'all think of it 🙂
Man, I'm gonna have to rewatch Date a Live after all this...
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sohannabarberaesque · 3 months
My, how Scooby has changed in his nearly 55 years' presence:
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sohannabarberaesque · 3 months
As Hanna-Barberian a philosophy as it can get, no?
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sohannabarberaesque · 6 months
Who among the Hanna-Barberian Pantheon could you imagine having this kind of a station wagon:
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sohannabarberaesque · 28 days
Meanwhile, back at The Banana Splits' clubhouse--
FLEEGLE, asking as to the time: Kookoo, what's the current time? KOOKOO THE CUCKOO BIRD, rather blatantly: It's 25 or 6 to four ... or maybe seven, for all I know!
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sohannabarberaesque · 3 months
Tell me this wouldn't be Snagglepuss' kind of hot dog stand:
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sohannabarberaesque · 7 months
Is this a crossover possibility, or WHAT?!
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sohannabarberaesque · 6 months
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Caption of the original Facebook post:
They have great APPEAL for contributions at Christmas…They seem to do best with the kettle outside of the Banana Republic store…
How. Logical.
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sohannabarberaesque · 1 month
Just curious:
What could you picture as setting for a Tom and Jerry chase scenario?
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sohannabarberaesque · 5 months
Of particular interest: Some publicity-type art for Huckleberry Hound from the time of its debut, howbeit in black-and-white.
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sohannabarberaesque · 3 months
Looks like Tom is the obvious hāole here:
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(For such not exactly acquainted with surfing, especially from the Hawai'ian perspective, hāole is a common Hawai'ian-language putdown against such surfers as are outright jerks or show-offs. But then again, considering Jerry's finesse on the waves, could you just picture Jerry bringing along cousin Nibbles--and maybe a few mouse friends--on a surfing day out every now and then?)
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Another Tom and Jerry headcannon
Tom stumbling upon a bit of tree trunk while chasing Jerry downhill in some park setting, tripping over the root in the process and Jerry laughing hilariously at the ensuing Schauenfreude.
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sohannabarberaesque · 16 days
One especially interesting part of many a Banana Splits concert
Generally about two-thirds of the way into the second part of a concert appearance by The Banana Splits "themselves," especially in smaller, more intimate locales such as the small-town "opera houses" (usually applied with facetiousness implied), there's bound to be something of an ice-breaker segment leading into the finale, sort of a way to start winding things down.
Bingo will be imagined leading this segment off with some spiel opening to the effect of "Now, I guess you're wondering about the importance of the next segment to hand ...," bound to include Drooper's superhero pastiche of "Super Drooper" made even more hilarious with the transformation background being ABBA's "Super Trooper," which some in the audience have probably mondegreened as "Super Drooper" and his ur-cape being festooned with rhinestones for hilarity, prompting Snorky to make some silly commentary about the whole in his Harpo Marx manner (with Drooper interpreting the whole, inevitably).
Followed by Bingo (himself the Splits' drummer) inviting select audience members to try and pull off a "rimshot" drum number better than Bingo (again, with hilarity being the object--and quite often with contestants getting a T-shirt as a thank-you gift).
Fleegle, not to be outdone, puts in his quarter (bombastically, of course) by as much extending thanks as going into the audience and getting into such antics as kissing random audience members (especially 'tween-type kids and middle-aged ladies), exchanging banter-filled humour and randomly handing out Banana Splits souvenirs and then some (in some instances, awarding one audience member a substantial-sized summer sausage).
Lest Snorky be left out, his place in these antics is to not only award a special Banana Splits prize pack (including T-shirt, satin jacket, backpack and travel set, announced by a rather substantial trumpet blast), but also select random visitors to be their guests at the apres-concert party backstage).
All in all, things are bound to be rather interesting as Banana Splits concerts start winding down and going into the finale, which will be a reprise of "The Tra-La-La Song (One Banana, Two Banana)" and a special end-of-show working of "We're The Banana Splits," followed by the group hug and the ur-Benediction.
@warnerbrosentertainment @iheartgod175 @jellystone-enjoyer @artistic-octopus @funtasticworld @archive-archives @thylordshipofbutts @thebigdingle @thebananasplitsblog @themineralyoucrave @screamingtoosoftly @warnerbros-blog1 @groovybribri @indigo-corvus @theweekenddigest @railguner34 @warnerbrosent-blog
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sohannabarberaesque · 2 months
Postcards from Snagglepuss
Meanwhile, somewhere in Beautiful Downtown Cincinnati ...
It can be pretty frustrating trying to park a motorhome downtown in some major city, and not get dumb looks in the process. Especially when you're celebrities in animated form just cruising the countryside--or, in the current circumstances, heading off to the Easter Parade in Gatlinburg, to be led by the Cattanooga Cats even!
Yet, for some reason, you wonder why Longfellow, of all writers, chose to call Cincinnati "the Queen City of the West" back in the day when it rivalled Chicago as a major hog market and processor, in its turn explaining how Procter and Gamble (I assume you know much about them) came to be quite the influence even before sponsoring those midday "washboard weepers" on radio and television ... as in turning waste fat from the hog butchering into soap, candles, lard and also creating Crisco shortening.
But this time around ... it's in a Cincinnati chili parlour somewhere between Fountain Square, long the heart of the Queen City, and Eden Park, just to the east of downtown. And along with my own company--including Huckleberry Hound, Crazy Claws, The King and Sheena and Ruff and Reddy--off to Gatlinburg, in their own way.
For it turns out that the likes of Yogi Bear and Boo-Boo, Augie Doggie and Doggie Daddy, Magilla Gorilla, The Banana Splits and the Hair Bear Bunch even, were in the same Cincinnati chili joint. (And need I explain what Cincinnati chili is: It's a chili made without beans, but with a richer spice blend, served atop spaghetti and itself topped with shredded Cheddar cheese.)
Hopefully the moist towelettes were in abundance, even if one of the guests had to bring them along. And were they surprised when our presence got to be noticed, even ordering some Cincinnati chili ourselves.
"I sometimes wonder myself," Huck remarked, "how many here in this here old Cincinnati mistake Cincinnati chili parlours for cheap spaghetti palaces." Which was bound to have Quick Draw McGraw, who probably knows chili in the more Texan manner, steamed up when he remarked "NOW HOLD ON THAR!! How exactly does serving this on spaghetti make this chili when I happen to know what chili is, to begin with?!"
To which it was explained that such was the Cincinnati manner.
"CINCINNATI?!!" exclaimed Quick Draw. "It seems I must have taken a wrong turn at Keokuk ... wherever that is!" To which Babalooie was quick to rejoinder, "I admit taking a liking to this Queekstraw fellow, even if the chili here lacks beans and is served on spaghetti!"
"Which has me pretty surprised there," Hair Bear was quick in adding at the sight, adding that he might try making some such on occasion during the mating season road trip of his madcap trio this summer, "probably in northern Wisconsin, Snag," he explained. "We sort of wonder ourselves if the bears up that way can resist our legendary charms in the sexual arena!"
"How could I have guessed?" sighed I.
"And what must those Cattanooga Cats be thinking," Magilla Gorilla chimed in, "about us being on our way already via Cincinnati?"
In a nearby parking lot, where The Banana Splits parked their school bus rebuild, The CoolBus, that quartet couldn't resist signing the odd autograph or posing for the odd selfie, even with a couple of containers of takeout chili ("for fixing some Chili Cheese Coneys on the road," Bingo was quick to explain, "en route to no less than Gatlinburg!").
Whence a call came on the mobile. Country from the Cattanooga Cats was on the virtual line.
"Yes, Country?"
"Rather glad you could assist with the Easter Parade in Gatlinburg."
"I just hope the proverbial wrench hasn't been thrown into the plans."
"Would that it were ... but even then, trying to keep an Easter parade low-key, like we're trying to do, may not be that easy. So when you and your party get set up in Gatlinburg, we can meet in our apartment above Cattanooga Klatsche and work the whole out so that such is a surprise."
Yet how can you imagine keeping an Easter Parade in the Queen Mother of Tourist Traps low-key?
@warnerbrosentertainment @groovybribri @theweekenddigest @zodiacfan32 @indigo-corvus @iheartgod175 @archive-archives @themineralyoucrave @thylordshipofbutts @thebigdingle @screamingtoosoftly @warnerbros-blog1 @ultrakeencollectionbreadfan @passionateclown @artistic-octopus @jellystone-enjoyer @funtasticworld @warnerbrosent-blog
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