#guy who says you were simply the means to our end. okay buddy
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maria021015 · 1 month
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“Are you gonna apologize to Allison or what?” Stiles finally addressed the elephant in the room, and Zaida was simply grateful it didn’t have to be her to say something about it first.
“Why should I apologize?” Scott grumbled, his attitude a stark difference from his usual self. Zaida waited for Stiles to give the boy a rational explanation why. What she wasn’t expecting was what he actually said.
“Because you're the guy! It's, like, what we do.” Stiles exclaimed and that earned him another whack to the arm from the brunette.
“Really? So, when you apologize to me, is it just to get you out of my bad books?” She raised a brow in a challenge, and he shook his head rapidly.
“What? No! Of course not.” He laughed nervously and she rolled her eyes at him.
“But I didn't do anything wrong,” Scott interjected, and Zaida scrunched her nose at the boy, knowing that he kind of did. He focused on nursing his drink, trying to ignore them.
“Then you should definitely apologize. See, any time a guy thinks he hasn't done anything wrong; it means he's definitely done something wrong.” Stiles continued with his advice.
“Okay, this time you’re actually right.” She yielded and nodded in agreement.
“I'm not apologizing.” Scott denied petulantly and now Zaida decided it was time for her to step in.
“Scott, you totally bit her head off the other night. She was stressed and trying to save lives, and the only reason she went to her family is because you kept her in the dark when you should have told her the truth. Hell, you’re still keeping her in the dark. The only reason I agreed not to say anything about us working with Derek, or her mom trying to kill you, is because I think it needs to come from you - along with a damn good apology.” She snapped at the boy, and before he could retaliate and start an argument with her Stiles stepped in as the intermediary.
“Maybe, could it be the full moon talking, buddy?” He suggested gently and Scott sighed, loosening up a bit.
“Probably.” He admitted. “Why do you guys care, anyway?”
“Because, Scott, something's gotta go right, here! I mean, we're getting our asses royally kicked, if you haven't noticed.” Stiles whisper-shouted dramatically in his exasperation. “People are dying, I got my dad fired, you're gonna be held back in school, I'm in love with a nutjob, and if, on top of that, I gotta watch you lose Allison to a stalker like Matt, I'm gonna stab myself in the face!”
“Please, Matt has no chance.” Zaida wrinkled her nose in disgust at the thought of the boy. She was still hung up on that word that had just come out of Stiles’ mouth - which was ‘love’, not ‘nutjob’. And not just ‘love’, but ’in love’. ‘In love’ was decidedly a lot worse than just ‘love’. She’s always thought that Stiles and Lydia just wouldn’t work out. Maybe in another universe, or a different timeline, but right here and now the pairing just didn’t make sense to her. They were too different and had completely opposite lifestyles. Even though she’d never seen it happening, it had never bothered her as much as it did now. Why? Truth was, she didn’t really know.
“Don't stab yourself in the face,” Scott said quietly, his gaze landing upon something on the other end of the house. “Jackson's here.”
“Great, now I’m going to need a drink,” Stiles scowled, glaring at the boy as he greeted Lydia.
“I’ll come with you,” Zaida moved to follow after the boy who approached the punch table and filled a glass. He handed it to Zaida, before pouring himself some of the pink-hued beverage. “I have to show you something.” She grinned, barely able to contain her excitement as she dipped a finger into her drink and her eyes fluttered shut. He started to speak, but she hushed him and poured her focus into feeling the water within the drink. The buzzing against her skin didn’t feel as strong as it had when she was surrounded by water in the bath, but the connection was strong enough that she was able to pull from herself and push energy into the drink. When she opened her eyes and removed her finger, Zaida tipped the cup towards Stiles so he could see the partially frozen liquid sloshing about inside.
“Wha…” His mouth opened and shut as he struggled to find words as his amber eyes widened to a comically large size. “How did you…When did you…? Awesome!”
“Looks like our training has paid off,” Her painted lips spread into a broad and giddy smile at his flabbergasted reaction. Stiles stared at her with a blank expression of wonderment for a moment before he swiftly went in for a hug, circling his arms are her waist and then lifting and spinning her before setting her back down on her feet. Zaida’s stomach fluttered from the motion, and she squealed in surprise. When he pulled away, he took her face in between his hands.
“You are amazing! I knew you could do it!” He praised her efforts excitedly and his reaction only fuelled her own joy at her accomplishment. He broke his contact with her to step back awkwardly and beam.
“It’s not much, but if I keep at it I’m sure I can do so much more.” Her cheeks flushed from his compliments, or was it the heat of standing below the strings of lights? “Thank you. For helping me.”
“My Padawan, you will be,” He waddled and spoke in what was obviously an impression and she cringed, shaking her head.
“That sounded nothing like Yoda.” She wrinkled her nose at him, and he clutched his chest, playing at being offended.
“Well, at least you get the reference. Scott still hasn’t watched Star Wars.” He sighed in defeat, taking a long swig of his drink. Then he looked at it, frowning, and held it out to her. “Hey, you think you could do mine? A spiked punch slushy sounds pretty good.”
Zaida rolled her eyes and swapped their cups, letting him take hers. “To solving all the mysteries that need solving.” She raised her cup to meet his in a cheersing motion.
“And to being the best damn detectives in this town,” He nodded in agreement and winked before they both raised their cups to their lips and took a long drink. What were the chances Xander would actually breathalyse her? She figured they were probably slim. Plus, what was one drink going to do?
“Do you wanna dance with me?” Stiles asked her, the music getting louder as some of the new partygoers used the patio around the pool as a dance floor. She nodded and finished off her drink, placing her empty cup on the table and taking his hand to lead him through the growing crowd.
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matan4il · 1 year
Good morning, sweet Alice!! I hope everything is OK with you. I was off for a bit and am catching up. I just want to say thank you for sharing your personal story about being scared at the museum. I am so sorry you felt that way, but I do think it's important to spread awareness since the media clearly won't. I am often shocked sometimes when I talk to someone who just doesn't get how bad antisemitism has gotten. We are in grant writing season for the festival, and weekly, I talk to people from all over about what they face. Especially those who traveled to Isreal over the holidays. Sometimes, actually hearing it from someone they know carries so much more weight than something you glance over in the news. So thank you, and if there is anything we can ever do help, I hope you say so. BTW isn't your birthday approaching?
And just to throw in some Buddie love.. I was dying at the team putting them in those suits for their oceans 11 poker night. Like we saw them suit up for Hens wedding and they were super fine.. However, can I just add those suits were a level up and definitely a statement. Just a loud total statement. Can you imagine 2 over 30 guys you know showing up anywhere looking like that and you are just like, look the 2 super hedro platonic crime fighting raising kid together duo arrived to the party and there is absolutely everything normal about their outfits!! So as always to the 911 tem I thank you!!
Hi hon! I'm so happy to hear from you! I noticed you went a bit quiet, and was just hoping everything's alright for you... I'm really glad to hear you are! *picks you up and twirls you round*
And no, thank YOU for being so kind to me! I really can't express how much it means to me. So I'm just gonna have to hug you extra tight, if that's okay? And yeah, the media is a business. It will only tell the story it thinks it can gain something from. I am CONSTANTLY shocked by how bad antisemitism is getting, and how little is done about it. I have a post queued up that, to say it shocked me is just... not enough. I could post once every single day about the rise in antisemitism, and it still wouldn't be enough. It breaks my heart to hear from Jewish kids who visit our Holocaust museum about how they're harassed and bullied for sharing that they're going to Israel to see family, friends or even simply to get to see the sights of their ancestral homeland. It's insane to me that this is what we've come to less than 100 years after the end of the Holocaust. No "Never again!" statement is worth a damn thing if this is how Jewish kids get treated. Thank you again, for listening to the voices of distressed Jews, for wanting to hear us, for being so kind to us when we speak! I did say a few words here about what can be done for starters. But really, anything to raise awareness regarding how Jews are being targeted worldwide. In this context, thank you for what you do at your job, too! *HUGS FOREVER*
Aaaah, my birthday! I haven't had a chance to think about it with everything that's been going on in real life. XD It's less than two months away, I was born June 5th. Thank you for caring about it! :***
LOL I couldn't agree with you more regarding Buddie and their VERY OBVIOUS DATE COUTURE. Like, their suits for the Henren wedding were respectable. Their suits for the poker date were MEANT TO ENTICE. They were SHARP and SEDUCTIVE. Even on the level of the fabrics chosen for the suits! Let alone the colors, they way our boys carried themselves in them, and the way the suits worked together to make them look like an actual couple, almost as if they coordinated beforehand. There was NOTHING platonic about ANY of the poker shenanigans, suits included, and I still feel half mad whenever I think about it. ;D
Thank you so much again, my darling! I hope you're having a good day! As always, my ask tag. xoxox
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He has a thing for the mice
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Word count: 2,514
Warnings: Slight angst.
Summary: (y/n) works as a tech consultant at Intelligence and, even though the team guarantees her that she is one of them, Jay doesn’t seem to agree with that.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the One Chicago shows, or its characters, also not associated with it in any way or know anyone involved with it.
A/N: So… I finally managed to finish a WIP!! But I do have faith that it will be better from now on. Thanks for all the mind-blowing support, and feedback is appreciated, as usual! 💕
(y/n) = (your name) (y/l/n) = (your last name) (y/n/n) = (your nickname)
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It had been six months since you first started working with the Intelligence Unit 𑁋 in the CPD 𑁋, as a tech consultant. At first, it was obvious that you weren’t very welcome there. All the officers just kept side-eyeing you all day long. Every single day. It was like they were expecting some big betrayal from you at any given moment and simply couldn’t risk sleeping with one eye open.
As time passed, though, they started warming up to you. And you, to them. You began to understand that, them being such a tight group, they had a hard time trusting outsiders. Also, that they’d already lost a handful of team members, for one reason or another, so it was plausible that they wouldn’t wanna get attached to someone new right away. And, you’d learnt that the last person who had that job, long before you even considered moving to Chicago, was detective Halstead’s best friend, who had gone back to risking his life for the army overseas.
That’s also how you accepted that, if he was ever going to warm up to you 𑁋 like the others had 𑁋, he’d do it on his own time. No point in pressuring him. Even though sometimes you really wanted to do so, you wanted him to like you. But not just because you two worked together and that would make for a good environment. You wanted him to like you because he was so kind. Caring. Funny. Smart. Cute. And you wanted that kind of guy to like you the same way you were realizing you liked him.
But, if you were being reasonable, it wasn’t about to happen any time soon. Nor should it happen, really. Over that half-year that had passed, you’d also learnt that that job was actually pretty cool. You were using your abilities for something truly good, for once. So, if Jay Halstead ever came to like you the same way you liked him… Whatever the two of you decided to do with that information could really jeopardize your spot there.
Not that you were a cop, you knew you weren’t. But, on your very first day, the sergeant had made it pretty clear that his rules, all of them, applied to you just as much as they did to everyone else.
What started to threaten that certainty you had was the way the detective talked to you on that morning: “Hey, uh, (y/n),” he started saying while walking over to your desk, “could you try and see if you can get any hidden information on our suspect? You know, that little magic you work out?” Jay finished his question with an amused look on his face: raised brows, twinkling eyes, a small smile on his lips. As cute as he looked, that whole behavior made you very confused. Was Jay Halstead really being friendly with you? That mere possibility was enough to send your mind into a spiral of thoughts, which made the detective start calling out for you. “(y/n)?” He questioned, already panicking a little, afraid that you were ignoring him on purpose. Of course, that didn’t make any sense but he always got super nervous when you were around, which was why he tried to keep you at a safe distance. “(y/n)?”
“Oh my God, I’m sorry!” You couldn’t believe yourself at that moment. What were you? A teenager? “I’m so so sorry, detective! I just, uh… Got a little distracted. Could y- you repeat?” You weren’t looking in a mirror then but you knew for a fact that you were blushing. Hard.
“Ah, no worries. And please, call me Jay.” He told you, making your heartbeat race even faster. “Uh, I asked you if you could get any hidden information on our suspect? You know, that stuff us, cops, usually let slide…”
“Ah, right! Yeah, yeah! Sure, thing, detec- Jay.” You said, making him chuckle a little bit. So cute. You motioned towards the other monitor, to do what you were asked, but suddenly stopped yourself as you felt eyes on you. “Can I, uh, help you with anything else?” You asked Jay, who was just standing there staring at you.
“Oh! No, no! Thanks!” He quickly answered, looking like he was trying to decide whether or not he should keep talking. "It's just that you, um, you reminded me of Mouse a little bit."
"Um… Is that your friend? The one who used to work here?" You shyly ask, not knowing if it was a good idea to pry like that.
"Yeah! That's right. So, I assume someone here has told you about him?"
"Yes, they mentioned a few things. Said he was great. Now I'm just… Trying to live up to the standard." You confessed, suddenly remembering that that was Jay's best friend you were talking about. So, in order to correct your previous statement, you started rambling and ended up only burying yourself deeper: "I mean, not live up as in replace him or anything. More like be as good as. For the team. You know because we need to-"
"Hey, hey," he called out, laughing and raising his hands in front of his chest. "Relax. It's okay. I understood what you were trying to say. Besides, as a replacement to Mouse, you’re not bad at all.” The detective finished his reassurance with a wink, leaving an astonished version of you behind.
It was only much later on that day that you decided to just shrug off any mixed signals you might’ve been exchanging with Jay. Adam and the ladies had made it clear that you were all invited for a mandatory night out at Molly’s. Which meant you and the group were going there straight from the district, you being absolutely determined to drink your feelings 𑁋 and your day, really 𑁋 away. So that’s what you did and, considering that you didn’t have too much alcohol resistance… It was safe to say that things started to get pretty blurry pretty fast. 
Before you could stop yourself, you were dancing and chatting with every guy that showed up in front of you and wasn’t a certain good-looking detective. All of which wasn’t going by unnoticed on Jay’s end. He could tell you were avoiding him, he just had no idea why. It seemed to him like you two could get along fine 𑁋 not that he didn’t want it to be more than just fine 𑁋, he wanted a lot more than that but, after all he’d been through, he simply wasn’t sure he should make a move. And now… He really wasn’t sure.
That was until he spotted you struggling with a guy that seemed to be getting a little too handsy for your comfort. It was beginning to cause a scene but most of the familiar crowd was either gone or too distracted to help you.
“Hey, do we have a problem here, buddy?” You jumped a little as you felt Jay’s warm hand in the small of your back. He had a smug smirk on his face and his voice was filled with condescendence as he eyed up the guy you’d been trying to get rid of for the past minutes.
“Uh… Who the hell are you?”
“None of your business. Now, why don’t you just walk away from her, huh?”
“Well, I don’t see how this is any of your business.” The guy replied, maintaining his asshole stance.
“Well, the minute you started sexually harassing this woman you made it my business,” Jay said, lifting the side of his shirt just enough so that the dickhead could see his badge.
“Wow- relax, man! That’s not what was happening here! Besides she didn’t even accuse me of any-”
“Yeah? So, if you wanna keep it that way, I suggest you start walking away.” Hearing that, the guy just stood there, as if not believing the detective. “Now.” And that was the cue the idiot finally took to leave you alone.
“Thank you, Jay. Really.” You started saying after you turned to face him. “But you didn’t have to do that. I could’ve handled it.” You didn’t mean to sound rude or anything, it was just the truth.
“Oh, you could have? Because, from where I was standing, you were in trouble.”
“In trouble?” You ask him in disbelief. “I wasn’t in trouble. Just because I’m not a cop, doesn’t mean that I can’t defend myself, detective.” Hearing that, he seemed to realize what he’d just said.
“I- I’m sorry.” His eyes were so filled with worry at that moment that you couldn’t keep looking directly at him. But he just searched for your eyes until you gave in. “I’m sorry, (y/n). I really am. I didn’t mean that, I don’t think that. At all! I just-”
“You just wanted to help.” You finished his sentence whilst stifling a yawn with the back of your hand. “I get it, Jay. I do, don’t worry. I’m just really tired now. Think I’mma head home.”
“Right.” He muttered, still concerned about how you were leaving things with each other. “So, how about I take you home, hum?” He offered with a peace-making grin on his face, which you eyed suspiciously. “And all I’m really offering here is a cab paid for, I promise! Besides, I think I should get going too, so if we split… You know, at this time o' night, it's cheaper and safer. For both of us.” You were so tired at the moment that there didn’t seem to be any energy left in your body for bickering over a stupid cab.  
"Okay, then, let's split the cab." You finally agree, making his smile grow even bigger. So you two make your way outside, where you get on the first available cab you can find. Jay, obviously, making you give the driver your address for the first stop. Which you weren’t so reluctant in agreeing with, to tell the truth. But you hadn’t imagined that, on the way to your apartment, you’d end up falling asleep with your head on the detective’s shoulder, him caressing your hair. 
After a few minutes in the car, you were completely knocked out, which made him take it upon himself to struggle with you and your purse to make sure you got safely carried inside your house. Being the smart, resourceful person he is, Jay manages to pay the driver, get you both inside and gently put you in bed. The only thing was that, at that point, he was so tired that, somehow, he ended up climbing in there and falling asleep by your side.
The next morning, when you wake up, you turn your back to meet Jay's gorgeous sleepy face and, thinking that you were just in a very good dream, you start kissing him, who responds by kissing you back. Until you realize that it is actually happening.
"Wait a second, are you real?" You ask him, already feeling the embarrassment reach your cheeks.
"Uh, yeah, I think so? I mean, last time I checked..." Hearing that, you can’t help but start to panic a little. Watching you looking down at your fully clothed bodies and just becoming more confused, Jay decided to explain: "Oh, no! Don't worry about it! Nothing happened between us, until now anyway..." Seeing your horrified face, he added: "I just brought you home but, since you fell asleep in the cab, I brought you inside. And I guess I must've been so beat that I ended up falling asleep here, too. But I should have found a way to go home, I'm sorry." He finished the story, shooting you an apologetic look.
"No, no, that's okay... You were helping me and it was super late. It was only fair that you'd stay here. I'm the one who's sorry about, um, kissing you. I guess... I just thought that I was still dreaming." The second the words leave your mouth, you regret it, as he just smirks at you, eyes twinkling.
"So, you dream about me a lot, do ya?"
"No, I don't. That is not what I said. That is not what I said at all."
"No?" He playfully asks you, who quickly gets out of the bed. "Okay, maybe not... But it was implied."
"No, it wasn't." You say, not missing how he was crawling on the bed, towards where you were standing up.
"It was so implied." He continued teasing, already out of the bed and walking in your direction.
"That's- that's not even a thing. So implied." You ramble a little, feeling your body press against your bedroom wall because of all your walking backwards to get away from him.
"You know what? That doesn't really matter. Because," he was so close to you, and you didn't have any more room for an escape. Was he always that hot? The answer was an emphatic yes and you knew it. You'd spent so much time thinking about what those strong arms could do to you... "It was clearly implied." And that's when he kisses you. Roughly. Sweetly. Passionately. All in once. How was that even possible? There was a reason why you didn't want him to kiss you, you knew there was. But how could you remember it, when all you could think was: oh my God, oh my God, oh my God?
"No, Jay-" You managed to breathe out, his mouth pressing hot, wet, kisses to your neck. "We can't do this." You said a bit more firmly, pushing him from you a little.
"Why not? Is it because we work together? If it is, you should know that a lot of people have done it before. Besides, you're not a cop. So our relationship wouldn't put each other's lives in any danger." You kept your eyes on the floor, as you couldn't bring yourself to look at him just yet. But, hearing him say that... 'Our relationship'... Made you smile and look up at him. "Just- just give me a chance, that's all I'm asking for. One chance to prove to you that, not only we can do this, but, also, that we should do this.
"Okay... One chance." He kisses you right on the spot, as soon as you say that. "Okay! That was not what I meant when I said I’d give you a chance!"
"Of course not! Besides, that's definitely not how I'm using my chance. I'll present my plan to conquer you tomorrow night, at eight o'clock."
"Oh, so you're already willing to decide things for me? Just like that?" His smile was beaming so brightly at the moment, that it could have blinded you.
"Yeah, just like that. Cause I know we’ll have plenty of time for you to be the boss of me." Jay states, not even giving you any time to giggle, as he starts kissing you again. Only pausing to say: "But, for now..." And you can't even pretend to want him to stop kissing you anymore.
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Dominante Imp S/O x Millie & Moxxie.
Meeting the boss.
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(This is a continuation of my previous dominant imp x M&M.)
In the five or so months you'd been together youd gotten a very mixed idea of who there boss was. Millie painted him as a lovable goof who would push boundaries on the regular.
Moxxie on the other hand, spoke as though he was a pervert Stalker who had it out for him.
Of course you challenged both of them, asked where he'd been for the last five months of he were a stalker and why Moxxie hated him so much if he were a harmless goofball.
Moxxie tells you Blitzø had been unusually busy as of late, with both work and Stolas.
Which was lucky, because Moxxie wasn't sure how you'd react if you found a strange Imp in the apartment.
So instead they decide it would be better if you met him properly, instead of finding him hiding in your fridge.
So the next day they bring you along to the I.M.P offices. Both Millie and Moxxie had mixed feelings about this meeting.
They weren't sure how Blitzø would react, and then they weren't sure how you'd react to his reaction.
Making it to the office, the two gave you a series of warnings about how to approach the subject.
You dismissed there concerns, I mean you could easily take on six sinners at once without breaking a sweat. If Blitzø wanted to dance, youd dance.
So entering the office, you were met with the young hellhound'et that you instantly realised was the source of so much of Mixxie stress.
You swallowed a scowl before going up to greet her. 'You must be Loona. I've heard... a lot about you.'
Loona barely gave you a glance before going back to her phone. Millie came up besides you and asked if Blitzø was in yet.
Loona just gave a lazy nod towards a door to her right.
Millie thanked the hellhound before giving you a kiss and going to find him.
That seemed to get Loona's attention, looking at you she raised an eyebrow.
'Wondering what that was?' You asked nonchalantly. Loona glanced over the Moxxie and smirked. 'Oh yeah.'
Turning to her you smiled back, 'Well im not one to kiss and tell, but basically, for the past five or so months I've been the third partner in our little party.'
'No. Fucking. Way.' She said incredulously before bursting into laughter. 'So Moxxie really is a cuck.'
You instantly soured at her words before slaming your hands on her desk. 'Lets get something clear, young lady. Me, Moxxie and Millie are a couple, eh, I mean triad. We are in a relationship, alright.'
Reaching into your coat you pulled out a long yellow envelope. 'Simply put, I'm going to be around frequently as of starting immediately. And from what I've heard you relish in making the lifes of others as hard as possible.' You waited a moment for Loonas reaching. The hellhound just kind of nodding her head.
'So in order to keep our relationship civil, I'm going to bribe you.' Loona perked up at that. 'Bribe me with what?' She asked, eyebrow raised.
'This' you told her, handing over the envelope.
Taking the envelope, she pulled out two pieces of paper. Her eyes bulged 'Holy shit are these-'
'F#ck you dad, tickets? Yes.' You cut in, Snatching them out of her hands. Twirling them around your fingers you told her 'Not just tickets, VIP tickets.' You held the tickest up, showing the Gold film over them.
The feminine hellhounds eyes growing to animated proportions.
'I was gonna take the pair out, but couldn't find an extra ticket. So there all yours. IF. You play nice. Do we have a deal?'
Loona thought for a long minute before reply. 'Fine. I'll try to play nice.'
'You do more then try.' You told her as you handed her the tickets.
Just as you let them go, the door to your left burst open.
'Alright where is this guy' the imp that you could only assume was Blitzø.
You stepped forward, Blitzø's attention falling on you. 'Okay, so Millie here says she wants to introduce me to someone important and I'm guessing that's you.'
Sticking your hand out you told him 'Yes I believe so. You must be Blitzø, ive heard... Interesting things about you.'
Blitzø took your hand, giving it a hearty shake. 'Well im a pretty interesting guy.'
You chuckled at that, before Millie came up behind you and wrapped her arms around your chest.
Going ridged you were about to turn around and ask what Millie was doing, when you felt someone grab your hand.
Looking to your right you found Moxxie holding your hand, an innocent little smile across his face.
You were about to ask him what he's doing when it strikes you. Looking over to Millie, you find her wearing a devious little smile. Looking back Moxxie you find him wearing a similar, if not slightly more anxious smile.
'Oh you little bastards, didn't want to make it too easy for me aye?' Millie whispered back in that sexy southern drawl, 'Nope.'
Chuckling you tell them 'You are gonna pay for this tonight.'
Looking back to Blitzø, I find a very confused Imp staring at me. 'Whats going on?' He asked, obviously suspicious.
'W-well, you see. For the last five months or so Me, Millie and Moxxie have kinda... sorta... been in a relationship.'
You leaned back a little, waiting for his reaction. It takes a minute before he screams 'What!'
You pull back, putting yourself between Blitzø and the pair.
Shrugged of the pairs touch, you repeated yourself. 'Me and your two employees are in a relationship.'
Blitzø balled his fists before slaming them the table. 'For fucks sake!' He screamed. 'Three years and this fucker lives out my fantasy.'
You look at the Imp unsure how to respond, but before you could you heard Moxxie speak up. 'Fantasy?' He asked behind you.
Blitzø chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. 'Well I mean, surely it's not a secret I've kinda had a thing for you guys for a while.'
'Eww' Loona muttered, looking up from her phone.
Turning around you were quickly pulled forward, Blitzø wrapping his arm around your neck.
'So tell me, Uuh, what was your name again?' He asked. '(Y/N)' you replied.
'Aah, yes of course. So (Y/N), tell me what's it like? ' you raised an eyebrow, unsure what he meant. 'What's what like?'
'You know, the two of them... in bed?' He wagged his eyebrows at the end. You instantly sobered up.
Pulling your arm off your shoulder you stepped away from him. 'Sorry buddy, but that's between me and the two of them.'
Blitzø blew it off, wrapping his arm around your shoulder again. 'Come on, just give me a few details. Tell me, Is Moxxie a total bottom or can he dom.'
At this point you were done with his antics and practically threw his arm off of you.
'Listen, I get it, Moxxie and Millie have both told me you don't really do "Boundries" but our relationship is just that, Ours. You wanna hang out at work or go out for drinks, no problem.'
You turned serious 'But in our home, unless your invited. I don't wanna see you there.'
Blitzø wore a smirk , a smirk Id seen a hundred times over. The cocky little shit was gonna test me.
'Really?' He asked, smirk growing. I chuckled back, 'Yeah, really.'
Turing to him you told him 'I get it, your a killer, assassin for hire i get really. You kill people for a living.' You slipped a hand into your pocket, 'But do you know what I do?'
Blitzø just shook his head. 'I'm a bouncer, ya know what that means.' You ask him.
'You bounce things?' He asked dripping with sarcasm. You gave a dry chuckle back before gripping the back of his neck.
'My job is to put smartasses like you in there place. There place being on the curb, missing a few teeth.'
Blitzø's smirk grew a little larger, a little anger in his eyes. And before you knew it, he swung at you. His left arm swung in a sloppy haymaker.
Of course you were to quick, and easily dodged it, only to return with a proper haymaker. Although your haymaker came with a shiny set of brass knuckles, courtesy of your right pocket.
Blitzø went down, with one punch, like a sack of rocks.
You stepped back, taking a look at the now unconscious Imp. You could see a large bruise beginning to form on the left side of his face.
Moxxie and Millie came up besides you, looking down at the Imp. 'Bout time someone knocked some sense into him.' Moxxie grumbled.
'Mox he's our boss!' Millie scolded her husband. 'No. He's right.' You cut in, 'play stupid games, win stupid prizes and your boss chose to play a very stupid game.'
It took about an hour before he woke up, still on the floor he released a long groan before sitting up.
You walked up to him, coffee in hand before squatting down and checking his cheek.
'Hey there champ, good nap?' You ask, feeling particularly smug.
Blitzø rubbed his face, groaning out 'You get the make and model on the that Truck that hit me.'
You chuckled, 'No I did not. But I'm sure it would be happy to come right on back, unless that is, you've learnt your lesson?'
Blitzø looked up at you, the implications of your words sinking in. His eyes shifted across the room, then onto you.
'Yeah' he said, nodding his head 'lesson learnt.' Handing him the coffee you helped him to his feet.
'Good boy.' You told him before calling Millie and Moxxie over.
Steering the two towards the door you turn to Blitzø and ask, 'Its alright if they take the day off, aye Boss?'
Blitzø just gave a weak little thumbs up before turning and heading for his office.
Turning back to the pair, you leaned into Moxxie's ear and whispered 'Now who do I need to punish for that little scheme back there.'
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wickedw3asleys · 3 years
Fred x female reader x George
AN: SO I'VE BEEN WRITING THIS DURING MY PAUSE AT WORK SO SORRY IF IT'S NOT THAT GOOD AS THE OTHER ONES AND IF I MADE MISTAKES. I couldn't take it out of my head and I needed to write this down ASAP. Also I feel like this could be a fic in a few parts, like 3 or 4 maybe???? So please tell me if you like the idea and if you'd like me to write more of this!! 🥰
ALSO, NO TWINCEST. As much as I love the idea of getting eiffel towered by the weasley twins this is not for today :')
WARNINGS: nothing too much, cussing, mentions of sex, mentions of the fwb type of relationship...
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"Fuck! Shit! BITCH!", you start screaming at your own book. "I can't get it right! It doesn't stay in my head!"
"Y/N, chill, mate! Did the book do something to you?", George laughs.
"Actually, it did. BE THERE."
The four people that were in the Gryffindor common room started to laugh at your visibly frustrated and stressed state.
"Why do we have to get exams? Why can't Harry go and save us all from another danger that's menacing Hogwarts so Dumbledore can cancel all the exams again?!"
Ron sighs at the thought, "We're not kids anymore unfortunately..."
"Yeah, we're big boys now!", Fred says, laying back on the couch.
"Come on, Y/N! It isn't that bad!", Hermione exclaims.
"Ugh! I miss these times when we wouldn't care about the exams and just party and drink, and go to Hogsmeade, Quidditch matches...", you say, your face between your hands.
"Don't remind me, we haven't been able to play a single good match in weeks...", Fred and George whine.
"Ugh... And I haven't been able to concentrate for days... I'm so bloody horny...", you said as you stretched your back, "I need more parties..."
"Y/N!" Hermione exclaimed.
"What? A woman has her needs!", you said, earning laugh from everybody, except from her. "Obviously you wouldn't know! You have your personal ginger sex robot! Don't act as if I haven't heard you two getting at it..."
"Y/N!!!!!!!!", she exclaims again, starting to get as red as the couch you and the twins were sitting on.
"Y/N, bloody hell!", Rom laughs, also embarrassed. His ginger locks and the color of his face almost matching. "But for real, how long has it been without you getting laid?!", Ron exlaimed.
"Ronald!", Hermione scolded him, "I don't think that's your business!"
You shook your head as you laughed, "Way too long, Ronald!"
You felt an arm seductively sliding on your shoulders, and when you turned to see the owner of that arm, you started facing a smirking Fred.
"What?", you asked in a fake annoyed tone.
"Maybe I can give you a hand about that..."
"... Or two...", added George, also sliding his arm around you.
That little scene caused another shocked gasp from Hermione and a fake gag from Ron.
"In your dreams, Weasleys...", you answered seductively, lifting both of their chins with your fingers.
Saying that you've never thought about it would be a lie, but that flirting game was always fun with the twins. You knew you were at their liking, as so were they for you. But you three seemed to enjoy the game way too much.
"Oh, definitely...", Fred smirked again, owning a laugh from his twin.
"Okay! That's it, you perverts! We we're supposed to be studying!", Hermione scolded you and the twins, slapping George's leg with her now closed book.
"Ouch! We've been at it for so long! We're getting bored!", he exclaimed, rubbing his painful leg.
"Sorry, Mione, but I'm going to stick with him on this one...", you said.
"Well, don't come at me if you fail you exams!", she scoffed, clearly annoyed.
"Come on, darling... Don't be like that...", Ron took her in a tight hug, which clearly relaxed her, making her smile.
"Yeah, darling, come on...", Fred mocked his brother, also earning a book slap on the leg, making the rest of us laugh, even Hermione.
"Okay...", she says after a few seconds, "go have fun, I suppose... But we'll do this again on Wednesday! I'm not going to fail because of you fools!"
"YES!", the twins quickly got up and high fived each other.
"Okay, and I think I'll go out, breathe some fresh air. All this studying stressed me more than I already was...", you said, getting up and adjusting your skirt.
"Mind if we join?", George asked with a seductive smile.
"Hhmm...", you hummed, "okay, but if you say, do or even think about nasty things that include me, I'll jinx you both!"
"Hey, why me? He's the one asking!", Fred lift his hands in the air.
You laughed and with that, said goodbye to the couple that still were sitting on the floor hugging, and got out of the common room, followed by the twins.
You walked for a while in silence, observing their behavior and waiting for them to say something. Thing that Fred expectedly did...
"Soooo... Y/N... How long has it actually been?", he asked.
"How long what?", you crooked an eyebrow.
"How long has it been since you've got laid?", George finished the question.
You laughed, not surprised by the question, at all.
"That's none of your business!", you say.
"Oh, come on!", they started to protest, "we'll tell how long it was for us!"
"Why would I-
"6 months", they said at the same time.
"Wh-... Wow... 6 months is long!", you were genuinely surprised by that. You've always thought about the twins as the popular hot boys that could get any girls that if they wanted to, so it was very surprising to you that they haven't done anything in that much time.
"Well, actually, 5 for me...", Fred says, thinking about his answer.
"WHAT? Who was it?!", his brother asks, shocked.
"Uhm... Hannah... Abbot...", he answers, rubbing the back of his neck, embarrassed.
"HANNAH ABBOT?!", you and George exclaimed, laughing.
Not that she wasn't good looking or anything, neither of you simply expected Fred to actually fuck her. You never thought of her getting boys or getting laid in general, so the fact that she got to fuck one of the boys that all of the girls at Hogwarts wanted, was a big win for her.
"Not so loud!", Fred put his hand on your mouth, "Wouldn't want the whole school to know about who I fuck or who I don't fuck!"
You couldn't help but have some nasty thoughts come to your mind the second Fred put his hand on your mouth, thinking about all the things he could do with you like this.
Just as he read your mind, he started smirking and applying a little bit more pressure on your mouth, to what you licked the inside of his hand, just to annoy and play with him a little bit.
"EW!", he screamed, putting down his hand and cleaning it on George's shoulder.
"Come on, you liked it!", you laughed.
"If he doesn't want it, I'll gladly take it...", George winked at you.
"Interesting proposal, Weasley..."
Fred started fake coughing as a sign that he was still there, and after a good laugh, you continued your walk.
After a few more minutes of walking, you felt your body being lifted up by two strong arms and dragged to an empty classroom.
"Well, that was unexpected", you say, watching Fred and George towering in front of you. "What are we doing here?"
"Okay, so... We've been thinking...", George started.
"...Thinking a lot..."
"...And we actually thought that this was a pretty good idea..."
"...We just need to know what you think about it..."
"Okay... Go ahead...", you say, very intrigued by this whole situation.
"So, wanna be fuck buddies?", George finally asks.
You looked at them dead in the eye, trying to see a sparkle in their eyes that would indicate you that this was another one of their pranks, but no chance. And judging by their faces, they were dead serious.
"Excuse me, fuck what?", you cleared your throat, suddenly feeling it extremely dry.
"Fuck buddies. Y'know... We call each other when we need it, and we still have our friendship...", Fred explains.
"...No strings attached"
"A-and you're okay with that?", you started switching looks between them, starting to feel nervous about the idea, "Like... both of you?"
"Yeah, why not?", George shrugs his shoulders.
"Literally... Both of you?!", you asked, emphasizing the end of your question, starting to blush.
"No! I mean... Not BOTH of us, like that!", Fred exclaims, "but yeah... both of us, individually, we mean... with you..."
"Bloody hell... Uhm...", you started sweating and getting more and more nervous at the thought of it.
"Come on, Y/N, we know you've thought about us in that way..."
"Of course I did! But I've never thought about... THIS", you say, "entering a beneficial sexual relationship, AND WITH YOU TWO! That's insane!"
"Why?", George laughs.
"Yeah, why? Like you said it's beneficial! You're stressed and horny, we're practically dying inside, see! It's for a good cause!", Fred says, owning an very excited nod in approval from his brother.
You could feel your head spin from the twins proposal. But not once you've thought that it was a bad idea. Actually, you were very into it. You absolutely needed to get laid and it was the same for them, so what was the wrong in getting railed by each one of them whenever you felt like it? You were feeling like in heaven right now.
"Okay", you firmly said after a moment.
"You're okay with it?", George looks at you with sparkling eyes, all excited.
"Yeah... I mean... It obvious we all need to get laid, and I trust you, guys! If I had to start a friends with benefits type of relationship with anyone else, I'd rather do it with you two..."
"Aw, you're gonna make me blush, Y/N", Fred says, cupping his own face in his hands.
You looked at him with a fake annoyed gaze and he winked at you, "So it's settled, then..."
"I suppose... So how and when are we doing this?", you start asking.
"Don't be such a rush, we have some things to do right now, sweetheart... We'll see you later..."
And with that, they both leaned over you, and placed a wet kiss on each side of your neck, making you involuntarily moan.
"We're going to have fun together, you'll see...", George says, blowing you a kiss before leaving the classroom followed by his brother.
When you heard the door close, you released a breath you didn't even know you were holding.
You. Being friends with benefits. With Fred and George.
Great. Amazing.
This could work, right?
Let's just hope no one would catch unwanted feelings for another in the middle of this relationship...
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obeymeluv · 3 years
How would the brothers react to MC biting their nose and running away afterwards?
I’ve never really heard of anyone biting another person on the nose. Like, person to person. Our Jack Russell bit my dad on the nose. Saw that :0 When people do this, is it mean? Is it funny? Playful? I’m not sure. I’m assuming you/MC are in a platonic relationship with all the bros or in that ‘maybe something more but we don’t know yet’ state. At any rate, have some brief headcannons: Lucifer:
Beg pardon? You’re biting him?
This is probably the one and only time you got the drop on him at his desk
He’s tired, sees you out of the corner of his eye, and secretly gets excited inside because you’re leaning in! Are you about to kiss him? Probably.
Being the Avatar of Pride, Lucifer doesn’t out-and-out brag (actions speak louder than words with this one), but he really does think he’s the best in the house. Why wouldn’t he be? He keeps everything running! Without him this place would burst into flames and crumble!
Lucifer’s propped his chin up on his fist just so, just slightly, because he thinks he’ll get a peck on the lips AND YOU BITE HIS NOSE!
His face slips straight off his fist and Lucifer doesn’t know what to do. He definitely banged his elbow though.
And his knee. Startled himself into kneeing the desk.
Can’t form a coherent sentence, hardly even a thought, and you’re already out the door
Boy can’t even yell at you. He’s too busy trying to figure out when the last time was anyone bit him (it was Satan...pretty much from teething years to the human equivalent of 7) 
The second you’re in his space, JUST HIS, Mammon is so stoked. He’s 100% ready to receive all your affection and will legit lounge back on his bed and let you do whatever
He prefers full-body snuggling, playing with his hair, kisses, cupping or rubbing his face, and just having his arms around you (in no particular order)
Boy legit has his hands behind his head, waiting for you to do something. Get in his bed, give him kisses, whatever.
He gives a lazy crunch to heft himself up to a slouch, already whining that you’re not moving fast enough and how DARE you make the great Mammon wait when you start climbing onto his bed.
Mammon’s in a half-crunch now, resting back on his elbows with a little pink in his cheeks and a playful demon chitter in his throat. He slowly sinks back into the bed as you draw nearer, totally content to cuddle you.
Mammon’s got one arm around you and is in the middle of rolling you onto your side so you guys can be face to face when you strike
Boy is so startled he flings himself off the other side of the bed. That didn’t work too well because you were kind of on his arm so he swings out in this graceless lump and tumbles to an awkward sit on the floor
His face is super red and about the time he realizes he’s a strong DEMON who can take his arm from beneath a HUMAN, you’re already out the door and he’s yanking his arm back into his body like you tried to run off with it
He’s definitely going to bite you back. He’ll bide his time.  
Don’t do this to this baby, please. He’s not going to understand.
Levi is a shy, gentle creature and it takes so long to earn his trust, for him to let you in and shed layers of insecurity,
When you’ve earned a free pass into Levi’s sanctuary of a room, you have a privilege few can imagine. 
It’s an even greater privilege for him to be platonically affectionate with you since he’s only ever really had virtual people skills. 
Also: doing this is dangerous
More than likely, you’re in his lap while he’s gaming. Levi’s very tactile and enjoys your presence. He’s convinced you’re his good luck charm so you have to be nearby or it doesn’t work. Eventually he just gets comfortable looping his arm around you or just resting against you.
Levi game’s away, chin on your shoulder, when you bite his nose.
Levi gives a big yell, tries to freak out and doesn’t know which way to go. He’s sitting down and his first thought is to skitter away but he can’t (you’re sitting on him).
So he does the next best thing: flailing. You might get hit with a controller. Maybe tangled up in cords.
Levi actually made an angry demon noise at you, not realizing how far out the door you were (it was mostly because he’s startled)
You two make up eventually but you have to stress to him that it was a joke and apologize if he felt more hurt than you intended. It was so foreign to him that he didn’t know how to take it.  
You’re going to bite this guy? Okay, suit yourself.
Having older brothers and being the Avatar of Wrath, he’s definitely reactive. You’re lucky if you just get a demon screech of indignation and not a book to the head.
More than likely, you’ll get a book to the head. 
Satan will tell himself it wasn’t on purpose but maybe 2% of it was on purpose. The rest of it was literally being a knee-jerk reaction to swing back with whatever he had on hand.
On the bright side, he didn’t hit you like he’d hit Lucifer if given the opportunity. It was the closest thing to a tap he could give with the book but that may still be a wallop for a human.
Satan gets all flustered, then sad when you run away. He immediately thinks the worse: he hit you too hard, or he scared you with his reaction
He immediately goes to find you and check up on you
Did you tell him it was a joke? It’s good you explained yourself but you ARE talking to the president of the Lucifer Sucks Club, who champions their pranks. Be careful for the next week or two.
Of all the things he’s been through over the centuries, being bitten on the nose is not one of them
Cutely confused but it quickly turns into being a little grossed out
Sweetie, his nose? Really? There are better things to bite
Also, don’t bite him on the nose. That’s gross. His nostrils are RIGHT THERE.
A funny petty bitch about it. If you catch him in the “daytime” (for the Devildom), “How’d my foundation taste?”. If you get him at night, maybe while his hair is away from his face in a cute headband, he’s asking you if you can tell which skincare item he just put on.
Definitely invites you to bite him elsewhere as you’re running away from him
Will retaliate with cute things like little pinches to your side of sneaky hugs the next time he sees you. 
Takes it the best out of all the brothers.
Are you even going to get to his nose? Boy’s so tall!
Think about it: if he’s not standing up and away from you, he’s eating. His nose will be kind of obscured by food. Do you really want to get that close to his active jaw and teeth? He does have a top row of them, you know
Your best bet is to get him to pick you up and try from there (even though it cuts off your escape)
Beel’s only ever been ‘kitten bit’ by Belphie when they were younger so he really doesn’t know what to do about this
Confused. What does this mean in human terms?
It’s obviously not enough to break the skin; your teeth can still be gently in his nose and Beel will just look straight into your eyes. “Are you hungry?”
You’re trying to nibble on him. Clearly you have to be hungry.
When you tell him it was a joke and look a bit deflated that you couldn’t run off, Beel just laughs a little and bounces you in his arm. 
“You’re going to bite this guy? Okay, suit yourself.” #2
This brother is the easiest to attack considering he naps all the time, but your risk is the greatest. Maybe. Possibly second or third-greatest.
Worst case scenario: Belphie narrowly misses biting you back out of reflex and gets a mouth full of air that dries his throat out and makes him wake up with a cute sleepy-angry face
Best case scenario: you get an angry hiss-purr and he unfolds himself long enough to wrap your head in a section of blanket, eyes still closed and a furrow in his brow. Don’t worry, if this happens he definitely won’t hold you there. Just long enough to make you panic and think about what you’ve done (it was five seconds tops)
Doesn’t care that it was a joke or whatever dumb human thing you say as he hoists you into the bed (you never had a chance to run). Your consequence is being his cuddle buddy.
He has to make up for the sleep you stole. Doesn’t matter if it was just a few minutes, he’s going to need a few hours.
You could ask him to let you up, threaten to get one of the brothers, everything under the sun and he’ll simply tell you that you shouldn’t have messed with him if you didn’t want to end up like this.
You will be shushed. Pillows don’t talk.
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If you have any idea, any existing ideas whatsoever that you want an excuse to write to continue the Tango glitch fic storyline, PLEASE -
(however if the horror of a forever uncertain fate is what you were aiming for in the first place I VIBE WITH THAT SO HARD feel no pressure to continue if the story is done)
thanks Shade for the idea! i saw your other ask and i like the general idea of it :)
(also as much as i like uncertain endings the anxiety in me needs arcs like this to have a proper ending. how happy that ending is is up to my creativity :3)
first part
second part
Tango steps through the doorway.
And vanishes.
Impulse lets out a choked sob and buries his face in his hands. Brody numbly puts his arm around his friend’s shoulder. Alone on the other side of the door, Etho slowly sinks to his knees.
Tango is gone. Forever.
“No!” Impulse wails into his hands. “Nooooo!”
Even Brody can’t hold the tears back.
All three of them blame themselves. Maybe if Impulse hadn’t killed him during the game… Maybe if Brody had done better with the doorway… Maybe if Etho had tried harder to dissuade him from going first…
...maybe Tango would still be here.
This doesn’t feel real. How can Tango, a friend they’ve had for years, more years than they can count, just be GONE? So quickly? So abruptly? So… So FINALLY? He was here just seconds ago, talking and moving, eyes full of life and emotion. And now…
Etho stares through the doorway with hollow eyes. Not only is his close friend gone but now… now it’s proven that he’s stuck in here. Alone. Forever. He can’t follow Tango without meeting the same fate.
“What do we do now…?” asks Brody quietly.
It takes Etho a moment to realise that Brody is looking to him for guidance.
“I… I don’t… know…” Etho forces himself to breathe. “I-I guess I can’t come through the door. But I can’t stay here forever either. I guess it’s a case of picking death or a fate worse than death.”
His eyes flicker to Impulse, who is still crying into his hands. He has to blink back tears of his own as his heart aches, not just for his lost friend but for Impulse, who has lost his BEST friend. Can he in good conscience force his own death on Impulse as well? To lose one close friend in one day is bad, but two could break him.
But is a fate worse than death really preferable?
“Impulse,” Etho says softly. “Look at me.”
After a moment, Impulse raises his head and looks at him with red, puffy eyes. “Please don’t leave me,” he croaks. “I can’t… I can’t lose you too.”
Etho reaches out with his hand, palm towards Impulse, almost but not quite touching the doorway. Impulse mimics the movement with his own hand. It’s almost like they’re simply on either side of a window: able to see each other but not to touch.
Fresh tears spring to Impulse’s eyes.
They both know this is goodbye, one way or another.
“Am I closing the doorway, Etho?” Brody asks quietly.
He’s asking Etho what he wants to do.
“Are you sure? You know that once it’s closed, I might never be able to open it again?”
“Yes,” Etho says again. “I know it’ll be hard, but I-.”
Impulse jerks sharply and spins around at the familiar yell.
There’s no way it’s him, there’s no way he’s here, there’s no way it’s him, there’s no way he’s alive, there’s no way-
“Tango!” Brody gasps.
In the doorway to the lobby stands Tango, with someone Brody has never met before behind him: Xisumavoid.
Mouth open and tears still dripping uncontrollably from his eyes, Impulse scrambles to his feet and tackles Tango in a tight hug, unable to believe Tango is here.
“You’re okay…!” he cries. “I can’t believe you’re okay…!”
“I’m sorry,” Tango whispers back. “I’m so sorry for doing that to you. But I’m okay.”
“Later,” says Xisuma firmly, approaching the door. “Etho, come through the door.”
Etho’s eyes widen. “What?!”
“Trust me, it’s safe. It’ll take you back to Hermitcraft.”
“A-Are you sure?”
“That’s what happened to me,” says Tango, still hugging Impulse. “It sent me straight back to my last respawn point on Hermitcraft. I don’t know how and I don’t know why. But it should do the same to you.”
It’s the ultimate trust test. Does Etho trust the word of his friends?
Yes, he decides. He does.
Seeing the look in Etho’s eyes change, Xisuma nods. “See you back on Hermitcraft.”
Etho nods back and, after taking a deep breath, steps through the doorway.
He vanishes, just like Tango did.
“Everyone back to Hermitcraft,” Xisuma orders.
Tango releases Impulse and is immediately enveloped in a hug from Brody. “Don’t you dare make me grieve for you ever again, you asshole,” he mutters.
“Wasn’t my intention, trust me.” Tango can feel Brody trembling slightly. “But I won’t.”
After saying goodbye to Brody, the three Hermits head back to their server. Impulse’s head is spinning and his legs feel weak. He may faint at any moment.
“Are you okay?” Tango asks him. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you. I never imagined I’d be sent straight back here. I thought I was either gonna just walk straight through or immediately get my face obliterated. I-.”
He breaks off as Impulse again pulls him into a hug. “Impy? Buddy?”
“I never wanna lose you again,” Impulse whispers. “Ever.”
Tango wordlessly hugs him back.
After a few minutes of the two just holding each other and recovering from the fact that they were almost separated forever, someone else joins the hug, wrapping their arms around both of them.
“Etho!” Tango beams and pulls him in. “You got back! Are you okay?”
Etho nods. “I’m okay, I’m okay. A little mentally scarred, but I’ll live.”
“Me too.”
“I’m so glad you guys are okay,” Impulse breathes. “For a horrible, horrible moment back there, I thought I’d lost both of you forever. That was so, so scary. Why did the doorway do that?”
“The game likely freaked out at having a dead player try to cross into the lobby without going through the normal resurrection protocols,” Etho responds, “and ejected us completely back to our normal world.”
“Thank god it did,” says Tango, shivering.
Impulse nods and holds his friends tighter to him, almost afraid that they would be ripped away from him at any moment.
“Yeah, thank god.”
“-then Etho turned up and everything was okay,” Tango finishes. “Well, KINDA okay.”
“What do you mean?” asks Zedaph, munching on the cookie Tango gave him.
“We’re physically fine, but I’m pretty sure at the very least, Impulse and I are scarred for life. I don’t even wanna think about what that might’ve done to Brody and Etho too. It’s got to the point where every time I even think about Among Us, I get a chill down my spine.”
Zedaph gives him a sympathetic look. “I’m sorry. That sounds horrible.”
“Don’t get me wrong, I still LOVE the game. It’s a lot of fun. I just… I don’t know if I can go back there after what happened. I don’t know if I can trust it anymore.”
After a moment, Zedaph says, “What if I went with you?”
Tango glances at him in surprise. “Really? I thought you said you never wanted to play.”
“I said I had no interest in playing but that was a while ago. Honestly, I’ve kinda wanted to play with you guys for a while and this is just the excuse I need.” Zedaph squeezes his best friend’s hand. “I know how much you love that game, Tango. If I can do anything to help you feel comfortable with it again, I’ll do it.”
“Oh, Zed…” Tango smiles gratefully and hugs his best friend. “Thank you.”
“No problem.”
Zedaph continues to hold his best friend, his mind already on the game he’s avoided playing for so long.
He likes glitches. They make life fun. Unpredictable. But not this time, not for his best friends. There may be some more glitches when Zedaph joins the Among Us crew, but he’ll do whatever it takes to make sure these glitches are only for fun.
He won’t let the game hurt Tango or Impulse ever again.
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on-maars · 3 years
Finally took the time to write a lil something for buddie again. Hope you’ll like this  🥰
Just Bobby acting like a dad to Eddie and them having a quick chat about his (obvious) feelings for Buck.
Read it on AO3.
Bobby doesn’t usually ask Eddie to help in the kitchen. Not that he doesn’t want it, he just knows that cooking is not exactly Eddie's area of expertise. This is a widely accepted truth among the 118.
Still, when Eddie asks him if he needs a hand in the kitchen this morning, Bobby finds himself nodding and handing him the knife to chop the vegetables while he’s keeping an eye on the meat.
Bobby doesn’t need much time to realize that Eddie’s sudden burst of willingness to cook may have been brought about by ulterior motives; his hand gestures are way too hasty, too sharp and the vegetables start to suffer the consequences, looking more like some kind of puree rather than small squared pieces like he asked him to a few minutes ago.
Bobby doesn’t say anything at first, wondering if it’s his place or not, but he quickly realizes he doesn’t have to. Eddie takes that decision for him a few minutes later by abruptly letting go of the knife, a dull sound resonating inside the living-room. Both Hen and Chim look up at him, share a quick glance with each other and flee the scene without looking back.
“I think I’m gay.” Eddie suddenly says and Bobby raises his eyes at him, wondering why Eddie opened up to him of all people, surely someone like Hen or Michael would be more helpful in the matter. Still, he stays silent and offers him a small smile of encouragement. “Demisexual, too.”
“Okay.” Bobby only answers.
“It means that I-”
“I know what being demisexual means, Eddie.” Bobby cuts in.
“I- I didn’t.” Eddie says, lowering his voice. “I only just found out about it. About everything, in fact. And- there’s a lot of terms, Bobby. It’s- it's a lot.”
“It can be pretty overwhelming at first.” Bobby agrees. “I wouldn’t know half of that stuff if it wasn’t for May and Harry.” He adds.
“Yeah, May was- She was very helpful actually. She was the first person I- I told. She kept sending me these articles afterwards and after a bunch of sleepless nights, it finally started to make sense. Or I mean I- I think it does. I’m still- still trying to figure it out, really.” Eddie asks, letting out a bitter laugh. “I mean, look at me. Coming to terms with my sexuality at age 30, it’s- it’s pathetic. I’m pathetic.”
“You’re not.” Bobby says, his voice determined. “Eddie, there’s no right way to figure out your sexuality just like there’s no right age to come out. And yeah it might be easier for some people but if that’s how you feel today then that’s valid too, Eddie. And these terms… These terms you’re looking for online, they’re only here to help, you do know that right? If you don’t exactly fit in a box, that’s okay too.”
“Yeah, yeah I- I know.” Eddie says, the tone of his voice still uncertain. He picks the knife again and goes on chopping the vegetables, more slowly this time, with more patience, more precision. He doesn’t look at his Captain in his eye, though. Not after what he just said, not after this conversation. And Bobby doesn’t push. He never does. He brings back his attention on the meat instead, turning the steaks so that they cook evenly.
For a few minutes, neither of them say anything. They just sit there, enjoying the silence, enjoying the quiet.
Eddie’s the first one to break it.
“It’s just not something I’ve been exposed to before, you know.” Eddie says. “The way I was raised, the house I grew up in. It’s never been something- something I had the luxury to think about.”
“But this changed.” Bobby finishes for him, smiling softly at Eddie when this one darts his eyes towards him for just a few seconds, looking away just as fast. Bobby can see him put his fingers together into a fist, most likely trying to push through the conversation despite the fear of confiding in someone about something so personal, so intimate.
“How could it not change?” Eddie answers, and Bobby catches him looking softly at the sleeping figure of Buck on the couch.
“You know you should just tell him.”
As soon as these words leave Bobby’s mouth, Eddie looks down, his cheeks turning a deep shade of red as his right hand rubs the skin of the back of his neck. “Tell him what?” He asks and Bobby rolls his eyes at him.
“Tell him how you feel.” Bobby clarifies. “You know he’s only waiting for you to get there.”
Bobby follows his gaze and his own eyes fall on Buck. Buck who’s sleeping on the couch, his mouth slightly agape, a book in his hands.
Bobby knows the kid enough to say with absolute certainty that the book he’s holding most likely focus on whatever topic Christopher is studying at school. It’s not rare for Bobby to find Buck deeply involved in a research spree on the internet, just to be able to talk about it and exchange some interesting facts with Christopher at the end of the day.
“How can you be so sure?” Eddie asks.
“It’s Buck.” Bobby answers so simply, like it’s reason enough. “He’s my kid.”
“How- how long have you known?” He says, his expression quizzical.
“That you two love each other?” Bobby starts, his eyebrows raised. “We all had our doubts. You’ve always been joined at the hip, Eddie. Sure, Buck was more vocal about it than you... You’ve always been quieter, more cautious.” He goes on but quickly adds when Eddie looks up at him with an alarmed expression on his face. “Which is not a bad thing. It’s just the way you are.”
“How could- how could you guys have known for so long?” Eddie asks with a sigh, his eyes still focused on the sleeping form of Buck. “I’ve been… I’ve been so clueless.”
“It’s not a competition, Eddie.” Bobby reminds him. “There’s a very thin line between friendship and relationship. And it doesn’t matter how long it took you to get there, Eddie. Because when you think about it, nothing of what you guys shared and continue to share today is going to change. It’s still gonna be there. You’re still gonna be best-friends before anything else.”
“I guess.” Eddie says, still unsure.
“Nobody’s asking you to tell him now, you know?” Bobby asks. “You can take your time. Let it sink in.”
“No I’m-” Eddie starts, shaking his head. “I’m ready.” He says, his voice determined. “Turns out getting shot really put things into perspective.” He adds, letting out a nervous laugh.
As if electrocuted by Eddie’s words, Buck wakes up with a start, his entire face contorted with what Bobby guesses is fear. He looks around in alarm for a few seconds, his eyes shining with tears, until they both fall on Eddie and his face suddenly softens. The gaze is so soft, so intimate, Bobby almost wants to look away.
Buck approaches the kitchen counter quietly and sits on the chair, running his now shaking hands through his face. His eyes find Eddie again and the older man simply nods and places his left hand on the table, and Bobby realizes that’s simply another one of their non-verbal conversations.
No one in that firehouse had mastered the art of speaking without actually exchanging words more than these two.
Bobby observes Buck as he slowly encircles his best-friend's wrist with his finger, his index and his third finger resting between Eddie’s wrist bone and tendon, no doubt checking his pulse. His hand shakes for a few more seconds but a soft smile eventually stretches up his lips when Eddie intertwines their fingers together.
“You’re okay?” Eddie asks.
“I am, now.” Buck answers, lowering his eyes towards their intertwined fingers. Bobby turns around to take the plates out and give them some privacy. But he can still hear the next few words coming out of Eddie's mouth.
“What was it this time?” He asks.
“The- the shooting. You were dying before I had the chance to drive you to the hospital.”
“Well I’m here now.” Eddie says and Bobby can picture the smile on his face. “We’re okay.”
The conversation flows smoothly after that, Buck helping Bobby and taking over Eddie’s cooking, stating that “no one should have to face food poisoning that early in the day.” Eddie nudges him playfully and takes a seat, checking in with Carla to make sure Christopher is okay at home.
“Did you know that there are more than 120 pyramids in Egypt? Give or take.” He says excitedly and Bobby rolls his eyes at him, not missing the way Eddie’s face softens at his words.
“I did not know that.”
“Crazy, right? And some of their stones weigh more than an Elephant, Bobby! And you know Ancient Egyptians were very big on astronomy and researchers said that they might have used the stars to align their pyramids. Although, I guess we’ll never know for sure cause the alignment of stars is constantly changing, you know, but that’s pretty cool, right?”
“Is Ancient Egypt Christopher’s new passion or Buck’s?” Bobby asks in Eddie’s direction.
“Both, apparently.” Eddie smiles.
“By the way Eds, there’s this Egyptian Museum in San Jose, they say it holds the largest collection of Egyptian artifacts, I thought we could check it out. It’s a five hours car drive, it's a bit long but we could make it work during a week-end maybe. Chris would be thrilled.”
“Sounds like a plan, Evan.” Eddie answers and Bobby frowns, surprised to see that the Evan privileges now seem to have extended and included Eddie. For a few seconds, he wonders whether he’s been slow on the uptake about that sudden advancement in their relationship but then he can see Buck’s face light up and turn a bit redder than usual and Bobby just knows that it’s just another one of these things he will need to get used to.
“Awesome, I’ll look into it, then. I’ll text you the details, alright?” Buck asks and he’s about to reach for his phone in his back-pocket when Eddie finally says those three words.
“I love you.”
Bobby stops stirring the soup and raises his eyes towards Eddie, who seems to have lost all composure.
“I’ll… I’ll let you two talk.” Bobby says. “Buck, you mind keeping an eye on the soup?”
“Uh I- yeah I’ll- I’ll take care of it, Bobby.”
Bobby leaves the kitchen, squeezing Eddie’s shoulder as he goes past him. He locks himself in his office and tries to focus on the most boring part of the job: the paperwork. It only lasts a few minutes, though, his curiosity eventually gets the best of him. From where he’s seated, he can still see Buck, his back facing him. And Bobby is not big on gossip but he’s had to watch these two dance around each other for so long it’s only fair he gets to witness the outcome of three years of unresolved tension, right?
Buck is standing in the kitchen, and from what Bobby can tell, this one hasn’t moved for the past ten minutes, probably focused on what Eddie’s saying or too shocked to say anything. It all changes after a few seconds, though. Buck’s body straightens up but he lowers his head to the ground, and Bobby doesn’t need to be standing next to him to picture the sheepish smile stretching up his lips.
He knows he’s right when Buck raises his eyes again, changing his position in such a way Bobby can now see his face. His eyes are warm, his expression soft and the captain of the 118 finally decides to look away when Eddie appears in his field of vision, cupping Buck’s cheeks with his hands and pressing their lips together.
A small smile breaks in on his face and he opens the first top left drawer of his desk, his right hand grasping the document that’s been gathering dust for soon to be three years:
Personal relationship disclosure form
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asmo-ds · 4 years
I hope I'm not sending in too many asks, I have too much ideas and not the skill to write them. But, how about MC is in devildom and their older twin brothers comes to visit? Like MC greets them with the classic run and jump in arms hug and they seem to be really close with occasional 'fight me'. And maybe one of the demon bros are in a relationship with MC and MC's brothers gives them the 'you hurt my sibling we' ll kill you ' talk?
never feel bad about sending in asks babes! i love writing these and the things all of y’all come up with are so creative and I could never come up with some them on my own tbh
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Meet MC’s protective brothers
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- When he finds out MC has siblings they’re close with he immediately goes to Diavolo to suggest visitation to the Devildom (which who is Diavolo to say no to even more MCs)
- When he sees MC greet their brothers with a run and jump, ultimately knocking them all over into a laughing pile of dorks
- MC introduces Lucifer as their boyfriend, which immediately makes him feel a bit flustered but also proud
- He tries to impress them all night by making fancy meals and keeping his brothers in line as well as coddling MC all night to show they’re being taken care of
- MC realizes they are out of Wine and volunteers to leave Lucifer’s study to go grab more, and they vanish before anyone can protest
- the second they leave the brothers are leaning over towards Lucifer with hard faces
- “If you hurt our sibling trust us you’ll regret it” one of them says as the other nods along
- At first Lucifer is shocked at the balls on these guys but then he simply smirks and turns to his demon form, leaning into them as well before saying,
-“Ok? and if you hurt my lover you’ll regret it” which causes the brothers to smile and laugh before they all calm down and have a casual convo
-MC had overheard the interaction and had to calm their racing heart before entering the room
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- When Mammon finds out MC’s brothers are coming he nearly pisses himself
- he also spends the entire visit on the verge of pissing his pants
- when he sees how happy they all are as they fall into a giggling pile of dorks his heart bursts though
- very sweaty™️
- when MC introduces Mammon as their boyfriend he blacks out and doesn’t come back until they’re at the house of lamentation
- decked MC in shiny things before the brothers came so that they’d be happy knowing Mammon spoils them
- As soon as MC goes to the bathroom their brothers gang up on him
- “Listen up Mr. Avatar of Greed, you better treat our sibling right or else we’ll get some holy water in this place”
- A very audible gulp from mammon
- “.... please don’t bring my dad’s piss water into this”
- that gets a laugh out of everyone and MC’s brothers and Mammon end up being best bros
- When MC comes back they all tell them what happened and MC nearly pisses themself laughing (why can’t i stop talking about piss)
- is very sad when they leave but starts planning their next visit
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- another sweaty man™️
- Tries to hide in his room the entire visit
- When MC drags him to come pick their brothers up he gets really whiney and flustered
- Nearly screams when MC tackled them bc he knows how fragile his normie is
- When he sees them all laughing though he calms down and stands stiffly letting them greet eachother
- When attention turns towards him he almost runs but MC grabs his arm to stop him
- Being introduced as their boyfriend gave him more confidence
- MC had left Levi’s room to go grab a movie they were going to watch from their own room
- “Listen up fish boy,” oh goodness here we go “don’t even think of taking up all of MC’s time we still need her too”
- as soon as Levi felt their envy he let out a breath
- “I should be jealous of you guys! you’ve had all of MC’s life with them i have only had this year :(“
-*sad fishy noises*
- Henry watches from his fish tank like: 👁👄👁
- When MC comes back and they’re all crying and hugging they’re like wtf happened
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- He gets to reading up on proper ways to act around a significant other’s family
- Finds MC’s excitement to see their brothers adorable
- When he sees MC tackle them in a hug he flinches because hes so used to MC having to be careful around everyone in the Devildom
- Gives their brothers firm handshakes and makes eye contact
- At one point when MC is summoned by Lucifer for a quick report on their school work Satan is left alone with the brothers
- “Alright buddy lets get this over with,” one of the older brothers starts. 
- Satan tenses expecting them to be angry at him for dating their human sibling and being the avatar of wrath
- “You seem trust worthy and I am honored to have you as a future brother-in-law” 
- *cue Satan blushing at the idea of marriage*
- “BUT if you ever let your wrath effect MC and bring harm to them we will come down here and make you wish you’d never met them.” 
- You’d think Satan would be mad, but hes actually impressed by their boldness and pleased with the love they hold in their heart for MC
- MC comes back to them all having a political discussion maturely and calmly
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- MC has brothers??
- “... are they hot too?” *MC slap*
- Is nervous about accidentally making raunchy comments in front of them and ruining a future with the only person to ever love him for more than whats in his pants or his status
- When MC goes to tackle their brothers in a hug he joins the hug as well
- Their brothers are confused at first but seeing MC happy made them feel more comfortable with Asmo hugging them as well
- Asmo mainly sticks to gossipy humor and avoids any sort of lustful topics
- MC leaves the room to go stop Beel from eating them out of house and home
- “Asmodeus” oh f*ck
- “I definitely like you, you seem like the perfect person for MC, BUT if you ever lay a hand on them without their consent I will pop that pretty little nose of yours straight into your skull”
- At first Asmo is worried about his nose but then when he realizes what they said he chuckles
- “No matter how strong of a desire I may have to touch them I would never dream of doing so without clear consent, darling. You need not worry your pretty little heads about me hurting your MC”
- Their brothers are shocked by his words but ultimately begin to share embarrassing stories from when MC was younger
- Asmo definitely made copies of a few baby photos for his wallet
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- Twin brothers ? he sure knows about those
- Whenever MC talks about them he can’t help but smile bc it’s obvious how much family means to them
- Seeing MC knock over their brothers was funny to him because he is so used to MC trying to tackle him and barely managing to make him flinch
- Will be very casual and comfortable easily (at least on the outside)
- on the inside he’s like a little kitty hiding in the corner :(
- Big teddy bear boyo is so nervous but those nerves don’t show until MC leaves the room and the Brothers give each other a nod
- oh gosh are they gonna beat Beel up?!
- “We know you like eating everything but if you eat or hurt our sibling in any way shape or form we will kill you.” Beel stops shaking and sweating
- he laughs and the brothers seem to grow angry
- After all MC had done for him and his family he wouldn’t even have a passing thought of hurting them
- When he tells the brothers that they seem very relieved
- When MC comes back the boys are all smiley and chatting up a storm which makes their heart swell
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- Twin brothers like him and Beel? sounds easy enough to deal with
- Gets lots of sleep before they arrive to avoid being exhausted in front of them definitely still is exhausted tho
- MC tackles them in a hug and he smiles sleepily before helping MC and their brothers up
- Stays quiet and lets MC catch up with their brothers
- Beel comes in and asks MC if they can cook some human food for him, leaving Belphie with the Brothers
- “Belphegor, lets make this quick and simple,” Belphie sits up but groans internally
- “We know being tired is your whole shtick or whatever but we need you to never get tired of our sibling, okay? MC deserves the world and if you can’t give them that, we won’t hesitate to come back down here and beat your sleepy ass”
- ,,, wonders if they know about the accident from when he got out the attic
- “Knowing who MC is, I don’t think I could ever get tired of them, and if I did they’d kill me before you even made it down here” Belphie chuckled
- MC came back quickly due to not telling Belphie that they DONT know about the whole murder thing lol but is pleased to see them all in casual conversation definitely teasing MC in some silly way
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Hero Complex | Owen Patrick Joyner
Requested by anonymous: Hi!! Can you do one where the reader is Jeremys little sister and she comes to set and hits it off with Owen and they start to hang out a lot and Jeremy gets really protective of her
A/N: I hope this is what you were looking for! 
Pairing: Owen Patrick Joyner x Little Shada!Reader, Jeremy Shada x Little Sister!Reader
Warnings: fluff, big fight, anxiety 
Words: 7,084
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Reader’s POV
Jeremy and I have been the best of friends ever since the day I was born. He might be my older brother, but I’ve always considered him more like my best friend. We used to play games together when we were younger where I’d pretend to be a princess and he was the knight protecting my castle from dragons and dangerous monsters. Or, when we were in a swimming pool, I’d pretend to be a mermaid and he was my dolphin. We played so many pretend games, I’d lost track of most of them. When we got older and made a lot of new friends, we still tried to take at least one night in the week where we’d spend time together, whether it was watching movies together or jamming or just chatting about absolute nonsense or going out together. I even got to be his best (wo)man when he married Carolynn about a month ago, and we’ve been calling each other non-stop since he started this new project of his with Netflix called Julie and The Phantoms. I helped him prepare for his audition and was equally as excited as he was when he got it. This role was written for him. Though, when bootcamp and filming started, it did mean I’d have to miss him for a very long time since he was all the way in Vancouver for months on end. So, now I’ve come up with the idea to go and visit him and Carolynn in Canada. I’d called Carolynn to help me out and surprise him. She picked me up from the airport just a few minutes ago, and as we’re catching up in the car, I can’t help but feel giddy at seeing my brother again. It feels ages since I’ve last seen him at his wedding. That’s also when I saw the rest of the cast last. Jeremy had introduced me to the ones that were at the party, and I loved hanging out with them. It felt like being introduced to one big family that quickly became part of my own family. That was one fun night, but that’s all it was. One night of spending time with all these people and then never hearing or seeing them again. To be fair, they were all really busy with rehearsals and filming and everything. “Are you ready?” Carolynn asks when we’re at the door of their Vancouver apartment. “Yes!” I reply in a hushed voice, just to make sure Jeremy doesn’t hear me. Carolynn unlocks the door and walks in first, I follow suit. My eyes dart around quickly to take in as much as possible before the two of us turn a corner to the living room here Jeremy’s on the couch, watching something on the tv. “What’re you watching, bro?” His head snaps up at the sound of my voice, his eyes widening as he takes in my presence. “No way!” he exclaims as he gets up quickly and rushes over to me, taking me in his arms in a bone-crushing hug. “I can’t believe you’re here!” he mumbles in my ear as he twirls me around. “I wanted to surprise you,” I tell him as he puts me down again, taking my hands in his instead. “I don’t go back to college until like next week, so I figured, why not?” I’m overexplaining again, I know it. Jeremy doesn’t care how I’m here, he just cares that I’m here. “You wanna come to Set with me today?” he asks with this sparkle in his eyes he only gets when he’s really excited about something. “I’m sure the others would love to see you again!” I can’t help the smile tugging at my lips as I think about how much fun they all were at the wedding. There’s no denying that I’d love to see them again too. So, I nod my head eagerly, earning an excited squeal from the boy in front of me. “The driver will be here in half an hour, you need some time to freshen up after your flight?” “Yes, please!” Carolynn guides me to the bathroom where she puts out a pair of towels for me. I shoot her a thankful smile and when she’s out of the bathroom, I get into the shower. Once I’m all dressed and ready to go, the driver is already in front of the building. “Hey, Darren,” Jeremy greets as he gets in. “My little sister’s coming with me today.” He buckles himself into the seat as I do the same. “Hi, I’m Y/N, it’s nice to meet you,” I say to the driver. He gives me a kind smile through the rearview mirror, letting out a small ‘hi’. He must not be very talkative. “What scenes are you filming today?” I ask my brother instead whilst the driver heads down to the next stop. “I think there’s a gig scene we’re filming today,” he answers, and the car comes to a standstill. “We’ve got about ten more minutes before Charlie and Owen head down. You want some coffee?” My eyes bulge out of their sockets at the thought of caffeine alone. I’ve been up for so long, I could use a good shot of wakeup-juice. “Guess that’s a yes. Let’s go!” he lets out a chuckle before getting out of the car with me in tow. “Do I need to remember anything I can or can’t do on set?” I ask the only thought that’s been haunting my mind since coming up with this idea. I knew he was going to have to work, and I also knew he would want to bring me to set. As a newbie to this entire world of filming a show, I worried I would be in the way or say the wrong things or break something. I knew I needed some pointers from my best friend to calm me down. “Just try not to trip over anything, Clumsy,” he simply answers before turning to the barista. This coffee shop seems really quiet at this time of the day, there are no customers at the counter. Just a few at the tables, most of them with their laptops open. “A large coffee with two extra espresso shots, and a medium black coffee to go, please,” he tells the man behind the counter. “Can I get your names, please?” he asks with the pen in hand. “You can write Shada on both of them,” Jeremy answers. The man nods his head curtly before scribbling down the name on both cups.  He pays the barista and then moves to the end of the counter, pulling me along.  “Filming with Kenny Ortega is really chill, Lil’ One, no need to worry,” he reassures me, taking me into a side-way hug, planting a kiss to my hair. “I’m just really nervous to be on a set, does that sound ridiculous?” I ask, twisting the bracelet around my wrist. It’s the one I got from Jeremy and Carolynn for Christmas last year. “No, I think that’s pretty normal. I ought to bring you to set more often, get you used to it all.” “Yeah,” I agree in a hushed voice, going over every possible situation that could go wrong. My train of thought is interrupted by the barista calling out our last name, sliding the two cups over at us. I grab the large cup whilst Jeremy takes his, and exit the joint to head back to the car. “Oh, seems like we’re right on time,” he points out, waving at two boys near the car. The brunette I know as Charlie, waves back before hopping into the front seat next to Darren. The blonde guy, better known as Owen, doesn’t get in yet, and instead waits for us to reach the car. He holds the door open for me, letting me get in first before hopping in himself. Jeremy jogs to the other side, getting in there. Now I’m squeezed between the two boys, clutching my coffee as if my life depends on it. “It’s good to see you again, lil’ Shada,” Charlie says, turning to face us. I giggle at the nickname. They’d called me that at the wedding. The entire night. “Surprising your big brother?” I nod my head in response. “Yeah, I didn’t have anything better to do, so… Came to annoy my brother and his buddies at work.” This makes all three boys laugh, which, not going to lie, makes me feel ten times more at ease. I thought seeing the boys again would be awkward. It’s anything but that. They make me feel so relaxed, and as though I’m a part of their group. Once we’re at the set, Jeremy introduces me to most of the crew and the rest of the cast, but especially Kenny Ortega. “Oh, look at that! Lil’ Shada’s here!” he says, opening his arms for a hug, which I gladly give him. I did meet him at the wedding, but it was so brief, I didn't think he’d remember me. “Hi, Kenny!” I greet excitedly and then let go of him. “You don’t mind if I hang around the set the next couple of days, right?” He inspects me from head to toe, eyebrows raised, and I can’t help the anxiety that’s welling up inside of me. I knew I shouldn’t have come over, I knew this was a bad idea. Kenny doesn’t want me here. I’m just going to be in the way of his mastermind working its magic on this show. I’m going to be a distraction for the actors, especially Jeremy. “Of course I don’t mind, Lil’ Shada! Jeremy's family is my family!” The pressures and intrusive thoughts wash away immediately. Those are the words I needed to hear. I sometimes think I need too much affirmation and confirmation, that other people get annoyed. My therapist told me that’s just my anxious brain speaking. He said if I want confirmation, I need to ask for it. Jeremy has been a great sport in my mental health journey from the very beginning. He took me to my sessions, did the exercises my therapist gave me with me. He’s always making sure I’m okay and gives me the confirmation I need whenever he feels I need it. Which is always at the right moment. “See, Lil’ One? Told you it would be okay!” I shoot both the men a thankful and relieved smile. Kenny places a hand on my shoulder as he passes me, leaving Jeremy and me all by ourselves. “You wanna go to makeup and wardrobe with me?” he asks, to which I nod. He then grabs my hand and leads me to the destined trailer. The second I step inside, I hear an ear-piercing screech coming from one of the chairs, and before I know it, I’m engulfed in a group hug by two pairs of arms. The sweet floral scent entering my nose tells me who it is without having to look at them. Savannah Lee May and Victoria Caro. “Hi, girlies,” I giggle, hugging them back equally as tight. The two let go of me, keeping me at arms length to inspect my entire being. Their make-up is only half done, Savannah’s hair is curled to perfection whilst Tori’s is put up in curlers. “I can’t believe you’re here, Lil’ Shada!” Savannah says, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. “We were just talking about you last night,” she points at Tori, who nods vigorously. “Yeah! We were wondering when we’d see you again because we missed you after your brother’s wedding!” the smaller girl explains. My heart melts at the idea of these two girls caring so much about me, they’re wondering when they’d see me again. “Aw, you guys! I missed you too!” I pout, trying my hardest not to start crying from happiness. “Hey! What about us?!” Owen’s voice sounds from the back of the trailer. I turn around to find him in the last chair, getting his hair done. “I missed you too, Owen, but I already saw you earlier!” I tell him whilst making my way to Madison and Jadah in the other chairs. I hug them each from behind, making sure not to ruin their neatly-done hair. “Yeah! But you didn’t say you missed us!” he exclaims. His bottom lip sticks out in a pout. Shaking my head, I make my way towards him and place my hands on his shoulders as I stand behind him. “I thought that was a given,” I whisper in his ear and then turn again to find Sacha and my brother near the doorway. The latter is looking at me with happiness emanating from his eyes. “Hey, Sacha!” I offer the boy a wave, which he returns with a smile. A busy-looking woman squeezes past me towards Owen, so I take a step back to give her more room. I watch her as she plays around with his hair, using spritzes of hairspray to keep it in place. I always loved doing other people’s hair when I was younger. I braided all of my cousins’ hair or used curlers on them whilst playing ‘hair-dresser’. My love for hairdressing went out the door as I got older and more anxious, but seeing this woman play around with Owen’s hair so determinedly, it reawakens the desire and enthusiasm. “This is Teresa,” Owen says when he catches me staring at his head and Teresa’s fingers. “She’s a magician when it comes to hair.” Teresa shoots me a kind smile through the mirror, which I nervously return. They caught me staring, that must’ve been a weird -- and kind of creepy, let’s be honest -- sight. “Y/N used to dream about becoming a hairdresser,” Jeremy informs them when he’s taken a seat in one of the chairs too. As both Teresa and Owen look at me with surprise in their eyes, I feel the heat rising to my cheeks. “You wanna give it a try?” Teresa asks, stepping aside from Owen. I open my mouth in pure horror, not knowing what to tell her. There’s no way I could ever do what Teresa’s doing. What if I mess it up entirely? What if I ruin all the work Teresa has put into his hair? What if I ruin Owen’s hair? “There’s not much you can do wrong with Owen’s hair. It pretty much just does what you ask,” Teresa tries to reassure me after probably seeing the absolute horror in my face.  I glance at Owen in the mirror. He gives me an encouraging nod. “Okay…” I mumble and step up to his chair. “How do you need his hair?” I ask Teresa. Owen’s character Alex probably has a specific way to how he wears his hair. He’s a ghost from the 90’s, I’m sure it’s a little different from his usual hairstyle. “Leonardo DiCaprio from Titanic,” Teresa simply replies, which is enough for me to know. I nervously raise my fingers to Owen’s head, suddenly anxious about the fact that I’m going to be touching this attractive man’s hair. My eyes dart over to his reflection in the mirror, our eyes locking. He licks his lips before they curl up into a smile that gives me enough encouragement to just go for it. I play around with it a little and grab a comb to guide me before asking the hairspray. Teresa hands me the bottle and I spritz some more of the product onto his blonde locks. Though Teresa has already done the works, pretty much, I’m just left with the finishing touches. It takes me about five minutes to get it in perfect shape. “You can tell you’ve had years of practice,” Teresa says, impressed at my work. “I mean, you pretty much did the gist, I just… finished it…” I trail off shyly. I avert my eyes from Teresa to Owen, who’s checking himself out in the mirror. “No offense, T,” he starts, turning to Teresa, “But I think someone’s coming for your job.” I’m frozen to the floor from the compliments that I don’t even move when Owen gets up from his chair and turns around. Suddenly, he’s mere inches away from me and all I can do is crane my neck to look up at him. A vibe I never felt around him when I first met him surrounds us now, resting down on us like a blanket. I don’t know why this is happening or how, but all I can see for a good minute is Owen and his tender smile. Until he places his hands on my waist, picks me up, and puts me down again a feet further. “I gotta go,” he says with a smile, “See you around, Lil’ Shada.” He boops my nose. The sudden movement startles me a little. I watch him walk out of the trailer before I come back from my daze and find everyone else in the trailer looking at me. “What?!” I ask, confused at why I’m being stared at. “What was that about?” Jadah asks, chuckling as she turns to face me. “What was what?” I ask again, seriously unaware what had just happened. “You, pretty much drowning in Owen’s eyes,” Madison reminds me. The thought of Owen’s eyes looking into mine just minutes ago warms me up from the inside out. Especially the nose-boop. “What?! No, I wasn’t,” I deny, but I don’t think I can hide it from either of these people. Thank God Jeremy had left before Owen. He would not have liked that. Jeremy is an amazing brother, but he can get a little overprotective when it comes to love-interests. “I’m gonna go…” I cough awkwardly, trying to come up with a good excuse, “Find my brother…” That feeling I had in that trailer doesn’t subside for the rest of the day. Sometimes I think it does, and then Owen looks my way or sends me a wink from the other side of the room and I’m back to feeling absolutely and utterly mushy. “Hey, you wanna go get lunch with us, Lil’ One?” Jeremy asks around noon when they’re done filming the scene. I take a look behind him, Owen and Charlie standing there, awaiting my answer. I lock eyes with Owen again, and he offers me a beautiful smile that persuades me. “Yeah, sure,” I reply and link my arm with Jeremy’s. The two other boys fall into step with us, Owen on my left, Charlie on Jeremy’s right. “Where are the others?” I ask. Not that I don’t like the idea of having lunch with these three boys. I just really like hanging out with the others too. “They had to start filming another scene, they had lunch earlier,” Jeremy informs me as we enter the restaurant on the other side of the street from the lot.  Owen takes a seat next to me while Jeremy and Charlie sit down on the opposite side of the table. “So, Lil’ Shada,” Charlie starts after we’ve ordered our food and drinks. “I heard you did Owen’s hair this morning…” I am taken aback by his subject of choice, especially since he makes it sound so teasing. My eyes dart from my brother to Charlie and back, unsure of what to say. Owen jumps to the rescue then, feeling me tense up beside him. “Yeah, she did a wonderful job! Her fingers are kinda like magic.” I look up at him, earning a smile from him in return. “Yeah, well, what can I say? It’s a talent,” I flip my hair over my shoulder confidently, though in my mind I’m wondering where all this confidence comes from. Even Jeremy is a little surprised by it whilst the other boys just laugh. “Maybe you should ask Kenny to start next week,” Charlie suggests with an excited grin. “Yeah! Then you could stay with us longer!” Owen’s enthusiasm dazzles me even more so than the words that come out of his mouth. He wants me to stay longer… “I still have to get through college, you guys. I can’t just quit?” I’m catapulted back into reality as those words roll off my mouth. “Do you know how much college costs?!” Owen and Charlie share a glance, wondering if either one of them knows. “I’m an actor, Lil’ Shada, so no…” Owen whispers in my ear without breaking eye contact with his buddy on the other side of the table. I let out a laugh, shaking my head in amusement. “How long are you staying?” Charlie then asks, his eyes flickering from me to Owen and back. “A week. I start college again next Monday,” I reply when the waitress finally brings us our food. “Thank you,” I say to her with a smile, the others doing the same. “So, you’re just gonna stay a week?” Owen queries before taking a bite from his lunch. “Yep… Going home on Sunday,” I answer. The disappointment in his face is prominent. “But I might come back soon if Jeremy will let me.” My eyes dart over to my brother, who hasn’t said much since we sat down. “Can’t really say no to Lil’ Shada, can I?” My lips curl up in thankfulness. “Besides, I think the rest of the cast would hate my ass if I took you away from them.” His eyes flick towards Owen for a split second. He has caught on to the vibe Owen and I have been giving off towards each other. Maybe it’s not just in my mind. “That’s very true,” Owen agrees, his mouth full of food. I turn my head to look at him, eyebrows raised at his immature way of eating his food. My eyes then fall on his chin, which has a little dressing seeping down it. I raise my hand and swipe my finger across his skin, taking the sauce away. He freezes at that moment, halting mid-chew. “Dressing,” I show him before licking it off my thumb. He swallows harshly and when I look back at the boys on the other side of the table, they’re staring at me too with wide eyes. “Someone ought to get this dude a bib,” I joke, trying to take the tension away. Charlie lets out a laugh, nodding his head agreeingly before turning back to his food. My brother, however, just raises his eyebrows at me. He doesn’t love the idea of his little sister being intimate with anyone. Especially not one of his best buddies. I can’t help it though. I’m a twenty-one year old woman, I have feelings. I have hormones. Jeremy’s overprotectiveness isn’t going to take away the fun from this week. I’m not going to let it. 
And I don’t. I spend the entire week on set, either hanging out with some of the girls or with my brother and the other boys. Teresa lets me help out in the mornings with the cast’s hair, teaching me some new tips and tricks. If anything, it just brings me closer to the cast, which is a nice bonus. Mainly because it also brings me closer to Owen. The connection we created during my time in Vancouver has only grown from that first day. Whenever Jeremy’s  not around or he can’t hear it, the two of us harmlessly flirt with one another and, whenever he doesn’t have a scene to shoot, we hang out together. One day, he took me to Julie’s bedroom set where we sat on her bed and talked until we fell asleep huddled up into a cuddle. Jeremy wasn’t happy when he found us like that. Even though I did tell him it was just an innocent nap. He didn’t take it. My brother’s disapproval didn’t stop us though. We just kept going to that set to take a nap together. It has become my favorite part of the day. “Hey,” he captures my attention. We’re cuddled up on Julie’s bed, legs entangled. My head’s resting on his chest, one arm slung over his stomach whilst the other is squished between our bodies. He has his left arm draped around my shoulder, his fingers trailing up and down my arm. “What?” I ask, looking up at him. He’s staring at the decorative lights above us. “Do you really have to leave tomorrow?” His voice sounds so soft, I’d almost believe he’s sad. “I mean… Yeah… I don’t think I can miss my first classes of the semester,” I whisper as though it’s a secret. My fingers start drawing patterns on his chest and abdomen as my eyes focus on them instead of his face. I’m too scared I might kiss him if I keep looking at him.  “Can’t you follow them online? Or just… I don’t know…” he exhales deeply, my head bobbing along. “I just don’t want you to leave yet.” I want to reply, but people bursting in the room cut me off. I scramble upright, terrified it might be Jeremy. Instead, Owen and I are tackled by Charlie, Savannah and Madison. “Group cuddle!” they scream, making me and Owen giggle. I go back to my previous position while Charlie comes to rest his head on my thigh, his arms around my waist, the rest of his body curled up between Owen and me. Savannah takes Owen’s other side, mirroring my position while Madi rests her head on his stomach. “What were you guys chatting about so intimately?” Savannah asks, followed by a yawn. “Me leaving,” I sigh joylessly. I feel Charlie’s arms tighten around me and Owen tense beneath me. Savannah’s eyes lock with mine, a pout forming on her face. “I don’t want you to leave. It’s been way too fun with you around,” she whispers. “I agree,” Charlie mutters. “Ditto,” says Madison, making me smile widely. Even more so when Owen presses a kiss to my hair. This is where I want to be for the rest of my life. Not on some stupid campus studying for a job I don’t even want to do. I need more time with these people. And I’m going to get it. It’s about time I did something for myself instead of constantly doing shit for others.
“Can I talk to you guys for a moment?” I ask Carolynn and Jeremy at the dinner table. Jeremy halts, his fork lifted mid-air, while Carolynn simply places her cutlery down, giving me her undivided attention. I inhale deeply, trying to gather all of my courage. “I was wondering if I could stay here a little longer? I haven’t talked to mom and dad yet, but I wanna do an independent study this year while interning with Teresa.” Jeremy drops his fork on his plate, a loud clatter echoing through the place. “She asked if that would be something I’m interested in, and to be quite frank, I am. Helping around this week really reminded me of how much I loved doing it.” I glance at Jeremy, noticing how tense and frustrated he’s becoming with every word I say. “Being a doctor was never my dream, Jer. It was mom’s. I think I need to do this. I need to do more things for myself instead of wanting to please others.” “I agree, sweetie,” Carolynn chimes in, offering me a supportive smile before the two of us turn back to the man of the house. He has his lips pursed, clearly mulling this over in his head. “This is about Owen, isn’t it?” he finally asks. The mention of the boy I had grown so attached to startles me at first, I didn’t expect him to be brought up in this conversation since it has nothing to do with him. “He put you up to this?” I open my mouth, but no sound comes out. I have no clue what to tell him. On one hand, I do want more time with him and Charlie and all the other cast members. I want more time with my brother. But I can’t hide that it’s mostly Owen that’s drawing me here. Spending time with him made me feel so much more connected to myself, in some way. He calms my anxiety. He makes me feel happy. Genuinely happy. “Of course he didn’t, Jer. Why would he do that?” I finally manage to bring out. “Because you’re clearly in love with him, Y/N!” The loudness of his voice and harshness of his tone makes me flinch. “But he’s not right for you! He’s distracting you from your goals, making you think this is what you want! You don’t know what love feels like but you think you do! You and Owen can’t happen, and you can’t stay here. You have to go back home!” The anger and frustration builds inside of me, and pours out in the form of tears. “You don’t have a say in this, Jer! I am twenty-one, I’m not a child anymore! I can decide what I want to do with my life and I can decide who I love!” I’m surprised by the words that flow out of my mouth. “I get that you wanna be the protective brother, Jeremy, but this is going too far. You have to let me make my own mistakes! You have to let me live my life the way I want it to!” He angrily shoves his chair back when he stands up in frustration, making Carolynn flinch. “You’re still a child, Y/N!” he shouts at me. I stand up too, leaning my hands on the tabletop. “I’m not even a year younger than you, Jer! If I’m a child, so are you!” I yell back. “At least I’m married and have a family!” he aggressively points at Carolynn, who’s rubbing her face in desperation. My eyes flicker from my sister-in-law back to my brother. “I would be in a relationship if you didn’t scare off every person I ever brought home!” “I didn’t want you getting hurt, but did I ever get a thank you for that?!” I scoff at him. He’s not playing the petty card right now. “That’s just life, Jer! People get hurt! People break your heart! But you never even let me experience that pain because you’re too obsessed with being the good brother!” My heart is pounding out of my chest. Jeremy and I have never fought like this. Sure, we used to bicker when we were teenagers, but it’s always been something stupid. This screaming match sounds like years of bundled up distress from both of us. “You have a hero complex, Jer…” I lower the volume of my own voice. Jeremy lets his head drop, knowing all too well I’m right. About everything. About the hero complex, about him meddling in my life. Everything. “I think it’s better if you go to your room for a while, Y/N,” Carolynn orders sweetly. The pent-up anger still hasn’t gone completely, it makes me want to lash out at Carolynn too. “Still not a child,” I mutter instead before grabbing my bag and leaving the apartment. Once the cold Vancouver air hits me, the realization of what just happened does too. The tears escape again, along with anger and regret. I don’t regret what I said to my brother. It’s the truth. It’s exactly what I’ve been thinking for years. What I do regret is telling him all of that in a burst of anger instead of a civilized conversation like we used to back in the day. That’s the only thing I really do regret. After a while of roaming the streets of Vancouver and getting riled up about the whole situation again, I find myself aggressively knocking at Charlie and Owen’s door. I don’t know where else to go and Owen’s the only one who could calm me down from the anger and frustration I’m still holding inside for my brother. I still can’t believe he even dared to say that to me. “Lil’ Shada!” Charlie greets excitedly, but his smile quickly disappears upon seeing my state of being. Jaw clenched, balled fists, tears running down my face. “Hey, Gorgeous, are you okay?” Owen appears in the door too after hearing Charlie utter my nickname. Upon seeing the boy, I race into the apartment, grab his face and bring him down to meet his lips. He’s startled at the force and aggression I’m putting into this kiss, but that soon dissolves when he kisses back. His hands find their way to my waist, pulling me closer and closer until I can’t do anything else but wrap my legs around his waist. He holds me tight, scared he might drop me while my fingers find their way into his hair. I pull back from his lips, but keep my forehead pressed to his. Both of us are panting from the intensity. I can tell from that sparkle in his eyes he  has no clue what happened, but he wanted it to happen for a while.  “I’m gonna stay,” I tell him in a whisper, which only makes the sparkle in his eyes more earnest. Without another doubt, he crashes his lips on mine again. This time, he takes it a little slower, making it more sensational without depriving it from the sizzle from before. I try to forget about the fight I’d just had with Jeremy and focus solely on Owen, but my brain counteracts. His words are on repeat in my mind like syncopated beats. This time Owen pulls back when he no doubtedly tastes the saltiness of my tears mixing in with the passion. He looks at me, the sparkle in his eyes making room for worry. “Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” he whispers, putting me down on my feet again but keeping his arms around me and my body close. “I’m sorry, I just…” I inhale sharply, “I had a major fight with Jeremy and I just can’t shake it. I have never seen him like this…” Owen snakes his arms around my shoulders, pushing him closer into his chest. He lets me cry for a while, holding me in his arms until I’ve calmed down a little. He takes me to the couch where Charlie’s sitting too. I hadn’t even noticed him still in the room, let alone that he moved. “Talk to me, Gorgeous,” Owen whispers, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. He’d stopped calling me “Lil’ Shada” a while ago, which makes me feel like I’m more than just Jer’s little sister. Savannah told me it was what he did to anyone he liked. Those little details are his way of showing his appreciation or love to someone.  I like the small details in Owen’s love language. “I wanted to ask him and Care if I could stay at their place a little while longer, and I told him about the independent study and internship I wanted to do while here. For some reason, he thought I was doing all of this for you, that you put me up to this.” Owen inhales sharply at this. I can tell he hates being part of a fight between two people that mean a lot to him. “I told him it had nothing to do with you, but he didn’t believe me. He was shouting and screaming that I was still a child and that I couldn’t make my own decisions. I told him he had a hero complex,” I scoff at myself. This whole fight sounds even more ridiculous now. “Told him that he wants to be the good brother and that he has this idea of being a good brother that doesn’t let his little sister live… or love.” Owen’s eyes flick at mine, a small smile tugging at his lips. “I shouldn’t have shouted at him though… This was all just pent-up anger and frustration from the past twenty-one years. I should’ve just told him to back off like an adult instead of yelling at him like a child.” I glance at Charlie, who had been listening to the entire conversation. His eyes look somber, almost heartbroken. These two boys are just too good for this world. I can’t imagine a life without them anymore. “We both acted like children,” I mutter, shaking my head. There’s rap on the door, shaking all three of us awake from the somber cloud we’re all on because of me. We exchange glances, knowing exactly who’s at the door. Charlie goes first, Owen and me following suit. The anxiety welling up inside of me must be visible to him because he takes my hand, intertwining our fingers as we stand a little behind Charlie as he opens the door. “Hey, Char… Is Y/N here?” I hear my brother ask. The Canadian boy opens the door a little further, presenting Owen and I. Jeremy had been crying too, I can tell. His eyes are red and puffy, his lips swollen from biting on them in distress. “I’m so sorry, Lil’ One,” he mutters from the door. That’s enough for me to let go of Owen and launch myself into my brother’s arms. He’s stunned at first, but then wraps his arms around me too. “I know I can be a little overbearing sometimes, but you have to know it’s only because I love you,” he whispers in my ear, followed by a sniffle. “You’re an adult, just like me, and it’s time I treat you like one.” I push him back slightly but keep my hands on his shoulders. “It’s about time you figured that out.” He lets out a chuckle, dropping his head in defeat. “Hey,” he looks back up. “Thanks for looking out for me. I know you mean well.” “We’re family, Lil’ One, we’re supposed to look out for one another,” he looks past me at the two other boys, “We’re all family.” Charlie and Owen walk up to us, the latter scratching the back of his head with a pained expression on his face. “Yeah, can we not call it a family? Because otherwise, I’m in love with a family member.” He places his hands on my shoulders and presses a kiss to my hair. I meet his eyes whilst my heart beats faster. He’s in love with me. A boy I’m in love with is in love with me too. I mean, of course he is, he wouldn’t have kissed me like that. Jeremy glances from me to Owen and back, trying to decide what to think about this entire situation. I can tell it’s hard for him to let this idea of his little sister go, but he’s trying. “Be careful with her, alright? You might be my best friend, but I will not hesitate to kill you,” Jeremy’s pointing at Owen, a harsh look on his face. “Bro, I could never hurt her,” he reassures my older brother, and me at the same time. “You better keep that promise, Joyner!” That night, Jeremy calls Carolynn over too, and the five of us sit on the couch all night, talking and watching movies. I love being in Owen’s arms so much. Though we used to cuddle and be flirty with each other before, it really does give a whole different vibe knowing I could just turn my head and kiss him now. My parents allow me to stay in Vancouver and go through with my plan, much to all of our relief. Days on set are amazing. I help Teresa and the other hairstylists every morning and during all the scenes when they need touch ups, spend every night at Owen’s and Charlie’s place, and have the most fun I ever had in my life with all these people around here. “Cuddle session?” Owen whispers in my ear when we’re rounding up the scene. His sudden hands on my shoulders and lips against my ear makes me jump at first, but I calm down just as quickly. “Baby, I’m working,” I giggle, clearing all the hair products from the table, knowing he’ll convince me within five seconds. Teresa really is a very loose mentor and wouldn’t mind if I escaped now. “But you’re almost finished though? And Teresa is here to take over from you?” he tries, which makes me look up at him, and then at Teresa. The woman I call my Canadian mother winks at me, letting me know I’m good to go. I turn around in Owen’s arms, wrapping my arms around his neck. “You are so lucky Teresa’s this awesome,” I tell him and peck his lips quickly. “Thank you, T.” I grab Owen’s hand and guide him to the bedroom set we’d used so many times for cuddles, whether that be alone or with the others. The second we’re in the room, Owen tugs at my arm, making me stumble into him with a squeal. Before I can ask what he’s doing, he cups my face with his warm hands and brings me in for a passionate kiss. He pushes me backwards when I kiss back, right until I feel the bed push into the back of my knees. I crawl backwards, Owen following suit as he’s still attached to my lips. He pulls back for a moment, looking me in the eyes with those tender eyes of his. He’s holding up his weight by placing a hand next to my head, using the other to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. “I love you,” he whispers, causing the corners of my mouth to curl up into a smile automatically. “I love you too,” I whisper back and diminish the space between our lips by pulling him down by the back of his neck. My fingers tangle up into the blonde hair I styled this morning. Doing his hair might just be my favorite part of the day, along with this. “Group cuddle!” Our intimate moment is disturbed by a mop of our friends attacking us on the bed. With a groan, Owen drops next to me, the others piling onto us. That lunch break, all of us take a collective nap on Julie’s bed, some on stomachs, on chests, shoulders, thighs. All our limbs are tangled up together, no bystander would be able to tell which limb belongs to who. To say my new job is the best ever would be an understatement. 
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tanakavox · 3 years
The screen runs again as shows the red coated Jaune standing around looking annoyed as a voice calls out to him.
"Hey look it's half demon Jaune again!" Nora cheered.
"...Half what? Coco deadpan.
"Jaune in this universe is the son of Ozpin,who's a demon who saved all of humanity. Cinder is like his twins or something." Yang quickly brought the others to speed.
"Teach is a demon?" Coco asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Wait who's the mom then?" Velvet asked, confused.
"That's….. A very good question. We didn't get an answer to that. Yang mused.
"I just wanna know who this person with the annoying voice was." Whitley muttered
"Another good question that we don't get answers to. Sorry."
"Thanks for destroying the lock for me, devil boy! And welcome to hell! Please accept my gift. Don't be humble, just take it. After all, we are buddies aren't we?" The voice the viewers recozinge as Jester as she cackles loudly.
A fountain of blood flows onto the statues which bring out blood bat-based demons called Blood-goyles flies toward Jaune and he cuts it in half with a casual swipe from his sword.
Jaune shakes his head in disappointment. "Well, isn't that special. To be honest, I'm expecting something a little better than this," Jaune then goes to dispatch them and leaves on his way to find Cinder.
The scene cuts to Jaune walking in front of a door with two statues and stopping when they began to start talking. Jaune doesn't look a bit shocked.
"Look brother, it's been ages, but we finally have company," one called Rudra said gleefully.
"I see that," The other is called Agni simply.
"We must entertain our guest."
"You're right. We have to be gracious hosts."
"Brother, what should we do?" Rudra asked.
"How do I know? We need to come up with something," Agni stated.
Jaune began to get impantice pacing back and forward and sighed.
"I don't blame him for getting impantice. These guys are annoying." Mercury stated. He was already starting not like these guys.
"Oh come on they weren't even talking!" Ruby pointed out glaring at Mercury.
"Still annoying."
Rudra took notice with this. "Brother, our guest is... sighing."
"SIGH? What is... SIGH?" Agni asked, a bit confused.
"Well a sigh is when -" Rudra was about to answer until he was cut off by their guest.
"Enough already!" Jaune said, finally snapping, "How long are you two gonna keep carrying on like this? In case you didn't get the hint, I'll spell it out. Your guest wants to go through. Got it."
"Our job here is to guard this door," Rudra said the statue was moving a bit.
"That's right! We can't let you pass," Agni added his piece.
(After Agni & Rudra battle)
"Wow, he took them out without much effort." Fiona said wide eyed.
"That kinda sums up this Jaune huh? He didn't have much trouble with the last guy either. Nora responded with a huge grin.
"He's gonna die when he gets to Cinder though. Emerald said with a smirk. "Remember what happened at the start. Nora turns to glare at her.
"Shut up!" She barked.
After their bodies were defeated in battle, both demon swords spun around in the air until they fell and got stuck on the ground in a crossed-blades position. They see Jaune walking towards the exit of the room, about to leave them behind.
"Wait!" Rudra cried out to Jaune.
Against his better thinking, Jaune turns around to acknowledge the two demon guards
"Yes, wait. We have been waiting for a long time," Agni said after his brother.
"Yes, a very long time," Rudra echoed.
"For someone stronger than us."
"Someone who can control us."
"My name is Agni," the red demon sword said.
"And my name is Rudra. You shall take us with you," The blue demon sword stated.
"We could be a great help to you!" Both brothers said as one.
Jaune took a moment to think about their offer. They were pretty strong together and seeing as how he's already let Cereberus tag along, he could use these two as Devil Arms as well. "Okay, but on one condition," He pressed.
"What is it?" Agni asked ecstatically.
"Name it!" Rudra sharing his brother's joy stated.
Jaune points to both brothers, "No talking!" While they were a strong force together, he would not deal with their constant chit-chat along the way.
"Thank god he said it." Mercury stated.
"Much as I hate to agree with you but yeah." Jaune piped up.
"Jaune!" Ruby cried, lightning punching him in the arm. Jaune raised his arms defensively
"I'm sorry Rubes, But they're really annoying.
"Fair enough!" Agni agreed to the blonde's terms.
"As you wish," Rudra echoed his agreement.
Jaune picks up the two swords and does a kata. The force of every swing of the two swords generated sharp winds and scorching flames. By the end, Jaune couldn't help but smile in satisfaction at how amazing these Devil Arms were and how strong they felt in his hands.
"... That was so cool." Ruby whispered with stars in her eyes.
"Impressive," The blue brother praised his new master.
Jaune flips the swords and bangs the two brother's heads together. "No talking," He repeated their agreement.
Neither Agni or Rudra said anything more, almost like they really were inanimate objects.
"Good," Jaune said in satisfaction, having peace and quiet again.
The scene changes to show the young crimsonette walk stealthily down a corridor with a gun in hand, the sounds of heavy steps closing in around her.
"Hey look! It's me! Ruby cheered. She didn't get to show up alot in this movie so far. But she started to get worried. It looked like she was about to get ambushed.
It's all of a sudden when a group of Pride Hell's attempt to ambush her. She's able to evade the swings of their scythe weapons thanks to her fast reflexes, allowing her to retrieve a second pistol from a holster. She shoots at two of the Hells and continues to fire in quick succession. One of the Hells thrusted the blunt pommel of their scythe in her direction, Ruby's able to dodge the strike by hopping on top of it and evade multiple swings directed at her in an expert show of her athletic ability. She continues to return fire to them as they continue to advance.
"WHOOO GO RUBY!" Yang cheered as she went to town on the demons.
Even when she gets cornered she has a plan. Ruby kicked two Hells back with her legs, a gift for each of them in the form of grenades. The explosion results in the Hells along with herself being propelled into the air. She doesn't give them a chance to recover as she continues to send bullets their way via cyclone of death. She finds footing on an embedded scythe in the wall, she fires at a nearby Hell and then uses the scythe as a high bar as a means to continue her attack on the rest of the Hells while performing many acts of peak acrobatic ability and gunfire. Eventually she finds herself upside down, her only support was her feet hooked around two embedded poles. The Hells take this opportunity to strike against Ruby together, they never seem to learn.
"Which version of Ruby seems very skilled,'' Weiss mused.
"You say that like you believe I'm not skilled now Ruby said smiling at Weiss. Weiss doesn't say anything as Ruby stares at her. She pouted at the former heiress. "I'm skilled Weiss!"
"Yes. Of Course Ruby." Weiss replies with a smirk.
Ruby turns to Jaune to get him on her side but stops when she noticed that Jaune crossed his legs tightly and was staring at the screen intently.
"Uh Jaune? Why did you cross your legs so tightly?"
Jaune turns to Ruby wide eyed and stutters out an answer. "Uh I-i just feel more comfortable like this!" No way he was gonna tell Ruby watching her go to town on demons was hot to him. Ruby stares at him for a few seconds and goes back to the movie.
Deciding it was time to bring out the big guns, Ruby draws out her trusty Crescent Rose and fires a missile at the ground beneath her. The explosion knocks back the Hells while propelling her into the air once more. Ruby lands onto the ground in a crouch position with no signs of harm throughout the ordeal. As she looks around, she releases a sigh of relief as the Hells were no longer a threat. She tugs her darling back on her shoulder and continues on, as she leaves the screen pans to an overhead shot to see that the charred remains of the ground resembling a '6.'
Ruby is now seen on a balcony of Temen-ni-gru, reloading her arsenal, sitting on a rock until she hears a voice come from behind her. Upon recognizing the voice she immediately pulls out one of her guns.
"Well, well... You've grown stronger," Raven said as she approached the young woman.
"Mom." Yang had a dark look on her face.
"What does she want with Ruby? Blake asks.
"If you shut your yap you may find out." Mercury said nonchalantly causing Blake to glare at him.
"Go to Hell," She raises her pistol directly towards Raven's face.
"You point a gun at me? Your own kin? Your dear Auntie?" Raven said as though she were truly shocked.
Ruby's face twists in rage, "The only family I ever had was my sister, and she's dead!"
"SHE KILLED ME?!" Yang yelled out in shock? The rest of her team and friends were in shock as well. Qrow couldn't believe it. Yang and Raven never really had a good relationship but he didn't think Raven would kill her own daughter.
Ruby shoots with her pistol four times, but finds that Raven has vanished. She draws out a SMG and aims both guns to her left and right in case Raven could get the jump on her. She scans around her surroundings for any signs of Raven only to find nothing. That only left one direction left uncheck... was above!
"You break my heart. After all, it was I who gave you your name. My darling niece!" Raven yells as she stares at Ruby while hanging upside down on the balcony roof.
Ruby was about to shoot when Raven's book dropped on her face blocking her vision. Raven takes this opportunity to get the jump on Ruby and throws her niece off the platform. Before she was out of Raven's sight, she felt her cheek get grazed by one of Ruby's bullets that she fired her way.
"That should have gone into her head!" Yang screamed, her eyes glowing red. Qrow couldn't help but agree with his niece.
Ruby continues falling Temen-ni-gru, that is until Jaune catches sight of her falling and proceeds to catch her by one of her boots. She looks at what stopped her fall and upon recognizing the boy in red, points both her guns at him.
Jaune looks down at the girl with a grin, pleased to see this interesting girl again. "Well, this is my kind of rain. No wonder the sky looks so funny today," He said while looking up at the cloudy sky.
"Getting bold ain't ya Bondie?" Qrow said, turning to Jaune who gave him an annoyed look.
"Yeah? And you want me to what Old man?" He snapped.
Qrow growled knowing he couldn't do anything.
"Let me go!" Ruby yelled.
"Don't say that stupid" Ruby yelled at the other version of herself.
Jaune looked at her with surprise, "Let you go? But it would be a waste if you ended up as just a pretty stain."
"Smooth Arc. Smooth." Coco teased as Jaune faces red at his alternate self boldness with his best friend.
Ruby having enough this guy's talk shoots him in his head. When the bullet makes contact with Jaune's face, it causes him to let go of the girl which results in her fall down again. This time however she's able to use the blade of Crescent Rose as a means to stop her fall. As she hangs off her weapon, she hears the sound of footst coming from the platform above.
"NO ME NO!" Ruby yelled out in horror at the fact she possibly killed her best friend.
"Huh look at that. He died earlier than I thought." Emerald laughed.
Jaune peers over the edge of the platform at the girl, sporting a bleeding bullet wound on his forehead and a miffed expression, "What the hell was that for? Here I am trying to help you and you show your thanks by shooting me?"
"Oh thanks goodness." Ruby sighed in relief.
"We shouldn't be too surprised. Getting stabbed several times with scythe only made him mad." Oscar pointed out.
Ruby, very confused with how he's even standing, responds by shooting him again.
The bullet once again makes contact, however, Jaune is able to react quickly enough to catch it between his teeth. After spitting the offending bullet out of his mouth he decides it would be in his best interest to ditch the girl, "Whatever, do as you please."
"God me! You just lost your chance at getting a friend!" Ruby said in a disapproving tone.
Ruby lowers her gun as she's finally able to pick up why she's been having a bad feeling about this guy, "So he's a demon too."
As he leaves, Jaune cleans off a bit of leftover blood from his face and wipes it on the wall. "I'm beginning to think I've got rotten luck with women," The line of fresh blood drips down the wall, creating the image of a '7.'
The scene changes to the very top of Temen-ni-gru, there stands a black haired woman in the rain, a ethereal full moon shining its light in the night sky, and the only sound that was present was the roaring winds in the air.
The silence would soon be broken as the sound of approaching footsteps began to come up the stairs. Jaune approaches the platform, finally making it to the top of the large tower that was Temen-ni-gru. After fighting multiple demons just to get here he was finally met with his gracious hostess, Cinder.
Cinder turned her head to address her guest, already knowing who it was, "...You showed up," She smiled.
Cinder sat forward in her seat. Ready to see herself destroy this weakening again.
Jaune walks up to her, while twirling Ivory in his hands. There was a smile on his face as he paced around the platform, "You sure know how to throw a party. No food, no drinks, and the only babe just left." Jaune lightheartedly pokes at his sister's very poor party preparation.
"My sincerest apology, brother. I was so eager to see you I couldn't concentrate on the preparations for the bash," Cinder replies with a warmth that was difficult to tell if it was genuine or not.
D-do they hate each other?" Oscar asks. "They seem pretty happy to see each other."
Jaune brushes it off continuing his pacing, "Whatever. At any rate, it's been a whole year since we last met. How about a kiss from your little brother? Or better yet, how about a kiss from this?"
Jaune immediately points Ivory directly at Cinder. The sound of lightning and thunder echoed throughout the dark sky, signaling the change in the atmosphere around the two siblings.
"So, this is what they call a heart warming family reunion eh…" Jaune questions as his face grinned, expressing that he was ready for a fight,
Cinder's eyes darkened, her facial expression becoming cold but determined, "You got that right."
Cinder opens up Yamato with her thumb, its blade gleaming in the moonlight.
"Take down, Fearless leader" Nora cheered.
"Heh. Come red. We both know how this is gonna end up."" Mercury said chuckling at her.
"I thought I told you to shut up?" Nora hissed.
Jaune and Cinder separated from each other, both breathing heavily from the battle, after fighting so intensely they took a moment to catch their breath. Their fight in the rain had lasted for some time, as evidenced by Cinder's hair being flat down, wet from all the rainwater.
Jaune is able to recover first so he takes Rebellion and starts charging at his sister, Rebellion's tip generating sparks as he drags it on the ground. Cinder recovers in time to evade his attempted strike, giving her the opportunity to parry with Yamato.
Jaune spins Rebellion with both hands then thrusted the sword towards Cinder, who then sidesteps the blade's path. She rotates Yamato to hold the katana backhanded, following up by knocking Jaune backwards with its kashira (pommel). Both of them quickly clashed their blades together, resulting in both of them being knocked back, Jaune having already off his feet is knocked the farthest back.
Jaune skits to one of the pillars standing on the platform, stopping his backwards momentum. He quickly draws out Ebony from her holster, and fires seven shots at his brunette sibling. The bullets are seen speeding towards Cinder who begins spinning Yamato in a quick rotating motion, deflecting three of the bullets while catching the remaining four that were originally aimed towards her.
Cinder places the caught bullets on the floor with Yamato in single file and then returns them to her blonde brother. Jaune sees the returning bullets coming towards him but he quickly lifts Rebellion over his head and is able to quickly slice through them, which then burst behind him.
"...That was fucking cool. Mercury stated and no one disagreed with him
Cinder points Yamato at him, her face expressing her frustration towards her brother, "Why do you refuse to gain power? The power of our father Ozma?"
"I thought you guys said that teacher was their dad?" Coco turned to everyone with a raised eyebrow.
"He is, that's just his real name." Blake said with a sigh. "It's a long story. Don't ask." Coco shrugs and goes back to the movie.
Jaune, after using Rebellion to help him stand, looks at Cinder as if she told him a bad joke, "Father? I don't have a father. I just don't like you, that's all."
Ozpin's heart ached hearing Jaune say that. He knew that they weren't his kids in his universe but the fact that any kids of his were fighting at all as well one of his sons rejecting him, hurted.
A moment of silence passes before the two siblings charge at each other once more, both of their swords clash against the other, while both Jaune and Cinder stare the other down. The spot where both Yamato and Rebellion met begins turning a bright orange, the generated sparks and heat being caused by the force behind both blades, as the two continue staring down the other. The whining of two metals being tested is heard, Jaune seemed to be exerting everything he had, while Cinder showed no apparent signs of exertion at all. The struggle is finally ended when Cinder strikes Rebellion away from her brother's grasp, the large sword spinning in the air until it strikes against the ground, timed perfectly as Cinder impales Jaune with Yamato.
Cinder smirks as she hears the cries of the blonde fools friends as her blade sinks into his stomach. Today was a good day. Two universes where she totally domanations. She turns to Jaune to see his reaction. To her disappointment the blonde didn't react much. Only had a stoic expression. Jaune knew he was gonna lose but didn't want to give the bitch the satisfaction of his disappointment.
His blood trickles down onto the floor and Yamato itself while Jaune grasps at the blade that was impaling his abdomen.
Cinder looks down at her impaled sibling, her face expressing neither joy or satisfaction in the act, only disappointment, "Foolishness, Jaune, foolishness. Might control everything. And without strength, you can't protect anything. Let alone yourself."
Cinder agreed with her counterpart but didn't really care on how she wasn't enjoying her other self with her impaling the fool.
"She... looks disappointed?" Mercury echoed Cinder's thoughts.
"Maybe they do love others? In some kinda weird way?" Ruby said, scratching her head in confusion.
Cinder forcibly removes Jaune from Yamato's blade then takes his amulet from him and leaves a slash on Jaune's sleeve. She looks at the amulet in her hand for a moment, fixes her hair back to its original shape, and starts to walk away but not before taking hold of Rebellion. When Jaune tries to get up, Cinder turns around and quickly impales him with his own sword.
A pan up shot shows Jaune as his blood begins pooling under him, Rebellion pinning his body to the floor.
"Do you finally have it?" Cinder turns around and there she sees Raven standing behind her, seeming to have just arrived.
"Yes. Now the spell Ozma cast will be broken," Cinder says to the scarred woman.
"Spell?" Velvet asked
"Ozpin in this universe sealed the demon world from the human alongside all of his power.
"And Cinder and Raven want to open the gate to the demon realm to get his power?" Yatshu finally speaks up.
Jaune lays on the platform unconscious, seeming like he is dead… until the skull on Rebellion changes form and the sword is launched into the air, the water rises behind Jaune as he charges ahead and tries to attack Cinder.
She quickly blocks Jaune's fist with Yamato, resulting in his hand being covered in blood as the blade sliced through it. Unlike before, Jaune's face shows no evidence of being in pain due to the injury, instead his face shows significant rage towards Cinder.
"I see, the devil inside you has awakened as well," Cinder said to him. This time showing a peaked interest.
"Holy shit Blondie doesn't that hurt?!" Fiona cried out wincing in pain just watching Jaune's hands sink into the blade.
Jaune forces his impaled arm through Yamato, his tissue healing at such an astonishing rate as once his hand is removed it shows no sign of damage or deformity. He grabs the blade once more, then uses his newfound strength to fling Cinder over his shoulder.
"Interesting. It seems like the boy's regen has increased incredibly."Salem mused on learning forward. "They seem more like my children than your Opsin." She smiles at him mocking but it dropped when Nora spoke.
"Probably because you are their mom."Nora replied nonchalantly while still looking at the movie.
Salem took pauses at this and took a closer look at Jaune in the movie and the one in the theater. She got a weird feeling from him, but she decided to push it to the back of her head and just decided the pink one was talking nonsense.
Cinder lands on her feet soon after, preparing to fight him once more before she is stopped by Raven's voice from behind her, "Wait. We should leave. For the moment we have all that we need."
A white aura surrounds Jaune as he walks towards them, his eyes dulled and his steps heavy as he slowly begins triggering the demon inside of him. It was at this time that Cinder and Raven walked away, jumping off the edge of Temen-ni-gru, letting him transform into his Devil Form for the very first time. After releasing an inhuman roar, Jaune falls to the ground unconscious, returning to his human form.
"Holy shit what was that?!" Ruby looked at Jaune in shock.
"Is that what Cinder meant when she said Jaune unlocked the devil inside of him? Because that is a badass looking devil man!" Mercury shouted, getting hyped up.
After some time has passed, Jaune awakens once more and gets up off of the ground. The rain having stopped results in many of the clouds to clear up, one of them showing a figure of an '8.' He rips the broken portion of the sleeve from his jacket, then picks up Rebellion. Jaune finds them gone, feeling defeated he slams his fist at the nearest pillar, which results in the top portion of the structure to explode. Jaune looks at what he's done and he discovers he has awakened newfound power, it surprisingly felt...good.
"Oh know that look." Yang had a knowing smile.
Next thing Jaune knows, he jumps off the top of Temen-ni-gru, beginning his pursuit to get his amulet back from his sister and that scarred woman. During his plummet he decides to test his new capabilities on incoming demons. The incoming Blood-goyles will do nicely.
He slays large quantities of the Blood-goes with extraordinary ease, all of his speed, strength, and agility had increased so much that he was like a blur to the normal eye. He throws Rebellion at a number of Blood-golyes, quickly impaling and to finish the job he fires Ebony at the swords pommel, increasing the speed of his sword so much that it reaches terminal velocity. Jaune chases after Rebellion until his outstretched arm is able to reach the same speed as his falling sword. Once he's able to grasp it, Jaune launches himself off of Temin-ni-grun at a horizontal angle.
"... I hate the fact that I've said that's badass to this guy more there once. Mercury muttered.
This new power felt amazing to him, he felt invincible. Powerful. Unstoppable…
That's when the giant Leviathan in the sky showed up and swallowed him whole.
Salem eyes widen at the sight of the giant whale. "Richard?!" she took a closer look and realized that it was not Richard and settled down/
The scene changes to a separate corridor of the tower, where both Cinder and Raven appear before an enormous locked door.
Raven is seen looking into her book, very focused on its contents, starts sharing her knowledge with Cinder, "People once cried out in fear of this tower. Temen-ni-gru, a foundation that brought out fear. Fear. Yes, fear. Can't you feel it? The rage and agonies of people. Those who are confined here... with their desires of evil being unfulfilled... It was all because Ozma slammed the door to the Demon World in their faces…"
Raven looks towards the gate as it begins to unlock its many safeguards. Once they undone, the doors opened, allowing the two to continue forward.
Raven before continuing on turns around to see if someone she knows followed them.
"What's wrong?" Cinder asked the distracted Raven.
"...Nothing," Raven replies, obviously lying to her about her true concerns.
"I hope Ruby comes and ends up shooting you in the head, you witch. Yang said seething with rage.
"Same here." Qrow growled in agreement.
Without another word being said, the two women begin making their way deeper into the tower of Temen-ni-gru.
As soon as Jaune finished destroying Leviathan's heart, the titanic beast let out a final bloodcurdling scream as it fell to the ground.
Ruby is seen somewhere outside of the tower continuing her search until she sees an enormous whale plummet to the ground. The force of the beast as it crashed down shook the very earth where she stood, its shock felt all across the tower and even by those in the lower levels. Even Cinder and Raven took note of the aftershock of the Leviathan, even if they dismissed it completely after a few seconds.
"Holy shit he just killed that Whale by himself." Coco looked on in wonder.
"Okay guys I'm blind. What the hell happened?" Fox asked, getting a bit annoyed.
"Oh sorry Fox! Uh Jaune killed a giant whale and is now covered in blood."
"Oh. That's really cool." Fox said simply.
The young crimsonette finds where the corpse of the demon landed and witnesses as its blood colored eye is being slashed as Jaune, having finally got out of the oversized whale that swallowed him. Although he did end up being covered head to toe in its blood, so it was a Pyrrhic victory.
"So, this is the next stage?" Jaune thought out loud, thinking he was by himself.
"Wait!" A voice called out behind him.
Jaune turns around to see that it was the same girl from before, and having recalled their last meeting, he had a sour feeling towards her, "If you're asking for a date, forget it. Because I made it a point not to go out with women who shoot me in the head." Emphasizing his point by pointing to a specific spot on his forehead, where he knows she shot him.
"That's a deal breaker most. You're a meanie for doing that Ruby." Nora teased the redhead. She sinks into her seat with a pout.
Ruby scoffed, "Date a demon? I'm not that desperate. Besides, I really don't care for guys who stink like blood."
Jaune quickly sniffs at his clothes, then double takes at how bad the Leviathan's blood reeked, "You're right."
That got a laugh out of most of the viewers. But Ruby shook her head a bit. She just didn't get it. A few years ago, She and Jaune were dating, but now they hate each other. It was weird and it made her feel odd. But she keeps watching.
The mood suddenly changed when both Jaune and Ruby pulled out their guns, however, they weren't aiming at each other. Soon enough, a swarm of Demons ambushed them, causing both of them to form an unofficial alliance to fight off all the various demons.
During the shootout between them and the Pride Hells the two moved back to back for a defensive advantage. Seeing as they had time to kill, Jaune thought he should get to know this mystery girl he had allied himself with, "So tell me, what's your name?"
"I don't have a name," the crimsonette quickly replied, not wanting to get buddy-buddy with a demon.
"Uh… But that Raven chick said she named you Ruby earlier." Coco pointed out.
Not dissuaded in the slightest, Jaune continues to ask questions, "Oh, then what should I call you?"
"I don't care. Whatever you want," Ruby plainly replies, she would rather be focused on killing these Hell Prides than getting distracted by chit-chat.
Jaune laughs as he jumps over a group of incoming demons, then turns back to call out to the crimsonette, "Whatever Lady. I'll leave this to you. Because I don't want to miss the party."
"Lady? That's the best you could come up with?" Yang looked unimpressive.
"More concerned that he just ditched Ruby." Blake said, crossing her arms.
"She did shoot him in the head. Might not want to deal with her," Weiss reminded her team to which Blake nods her head in agreement.
Ruby scoffed, "Who counted on you anyway?"
With the red coat demon gone, she continues fighting against the Hells. The screen shows one of her bullet shells that fell to the ground, the ammunition being a '9. millimeter'
Jaune enters a gothic structured room, with a stage and all. He was left wondering where the gatekeeper of this room was until a cauldron of bats emerged in the room. They all form into one shape, which happens to look like an extremely attractive redhead with deathly pale skin and crimson eyes, who'd hair acted as a covering for her bare upper body.
Jaune has to admit, as far as demons went for deceiving their prey, this was new. He liked new things.
Nevan looks upon this new guest with great interest and hunger, "Hmm, welcome sir. Is this your first time here?"
"Yeah it is. You'll be nice to me won't you?" Jaune asked her, playing along with her game.
Ruby's eyes dimmed as she turned to Jaune and muttered out "Filth." Which left the Blonde confused.
"What do I do?" He asked but Ruby didn't answer him. What should I do?!" He asked her again but still received no answer.
Nevan laughs sweetly at her guests request, one that was intended to lower his guard, "Of course I will. I'll treat you so nicely, you'll never want to leave."
"Now that's what I'm talking about," Jaune says before drawing Rebellion, making his point clear to his hostess that he wasn't here for that kind of fun.
Nevan, now knowing her guest was not a typical desire driven human, concedes to play with him for a little while. She walks towards her stage until she looks back at her blonde guest, "Then come on, Sugar."
Nevan falls back in defeat, or would have had Jaune not catch her in his left arm, "My, you're sweet."
Thinking she has him fooled, Nevan tries lunging at Jaune's throat before feeling her abdomen being penetrated by a bullet from Ivory.
Jaune laughs, "You'd think so, wouldn't you?"
"Good job Jaune." Ruby cheered with a wide smile which left him even more confused as she was just mad at him a few seconds ago.
Nevan also laughed, already knowing she was beaten, having already decided that it would be much easier on herself if she would surrender to him, "Alright. I'll help you. Your father was a handsome devil, but you're no slouch yourself."
"Salem blinked at the she-devil's comment on her ex's looks. And frankly she didn't appreciate it. She wanted to make sure Ozpin never knew happiness with another woman and thankfully her… possibable son killed her.
After giving up her physical form, Nevan transformed into the Devil Arm "Nevan"... an demonic electric guitar.
While performing an amazing death metal solo, Jaune showcases "Nevan's" unique ability as both a demonic guitar and an electrified scythe. The end of his act ending in a shower of fireworks and sparks.
Ruby let out a shriek at Jaune's new weapon. "It's not fair! I want an electric scythe guitar she whines."
"He plays better on the guitar than he did at beacon though." Weiss said with a teasing smirk at Jaune, who stuck his tongue out at her.
Meanwhile, Ruby continues to fight against the Hell Prides, utilizing her full arsenal on them while she simultaneously reloads all her weapons throughout the fight. From her pistol to her Crescent Rose.
When all the Hell Prides had been slain, a falling pistol from the sky is caught by the crimsonette, who smiled at its return.
"Welcome back!" Ruby said.
After packing all of her things, she makes her way towards the next entrance, continuing towards her end goal.
Raven and Cinder make their way to the final door to their destination, their end goal within their grasp.
Raven expresses excitement to Cinder, having finally been so close to their goal, "Soon we will reach the lair of judgement. Temen-ni-gru will finally regain its full function and lead us into the Demon World. The world where Ozma's power has been sealed. And the one who will lift the incantation is you, his own daughter. It must be fate."
Before they enter the chamber, Raven looks to check back the way they came, Cinder stops walking concerned of the woman's actions.
"Does that woman really bother you?" Cinder asked Raven.
Raven looked at the brunette quizzically, "What are you talking about?"
Looking back at the older woman, Cinder made her thoughts clear, "Why didn't you kill her? Perhaps, because she is your niece? Did some pesky auntie love get in your way?"
"... Why didn't she kill Ruby?" Yang realized Cinder brought up a good point. Raven was fine killing herself but didn't kill Ruby when she got the chance. It was odd.
Raven immediately became defensive in her body language and tone, "That is none of your-"
Raven is cut off when Cinder impales her in the abdomen, causing her to drop her book. Her blood trickles down onto the surface of the book, the drops that landed vaguely reminiscent of the number '10.'
While looking at the wounded Raven, Cinder decided it was time that she shared some of her own background knowledge, relating to Raven specifically, "To further your study of the black arts, you sacrificed your loving daughter, to become a devil as well. Knowing this I thought you'd be more useful to me, but I was wrong. No wonder your attainment of power is incomplete."
"... I'm not surprised my sister did this all in the search of power" Qrow muttered.
Cinder was incredibly giddy on getting her revenge on Raven, Even though it was technically her, it was close enough and she bathed in the scene with great glee.
Raven coughed up some of her blood, trickling from her mouth, before she exchanged an enraged glare towards Cinder, "What about you? You're an incomplete being as well. Both demon and human blood mingle in your veins. You dare judge me, even after you abandoned your own infant child-"
Cinder forcibly removes Yamato from Raven abdomen, her face showing genuine anger, "Shut up. Now that the final door is open, I have no use for you."
Without another word or glance, Cinder left Raven to lie at the entrance of the door as the old woman bleeds out. She has already come this far in her quest for power, she will not allow another minute pass while she is kept away from her birthright.
Everyone in the theater went dead silent at the bombshell Raven had just dropped. No one said a word and they all slowly turned toward Cinder with widen eyes with the expectation of Salem who had a mixture of anger and disappointment on her face. Cinder only look at the floor shaking as the words finally sinked in for herself.
"I… have a child?" She whispered to her in disbelief.
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halloweenhoneylover · 4 years
the closing shift
summary: coffeeshop au babey!! spencer and reader are nerds in love who also work at the campus cafe together (spencer reid x fem!reader)
word count: 2.7k
author’s note: this one’s for u, anon!!! sorry if this is lame, i normally don’t like coffeeshop au’s but here we are. also a warning: there is a lot of doctor who junk in here and also it’s incredibly self-indulgent but i don’t care :)
“So what you’re saying is you don’t like the power of love and human goodness?”
Spluttering frustratedly, Spencer frowned at you, “Of course, that’s not what I’m saying. I just think that the special effects were cheesy and the plot was sometimes a little silly!”
You narrowed your eyes at him for a moment before relenting with a sigh, focusing back on the counter you were wiping down. “Okay, fine. I’ll admit that the Slitheen really did not look good, and that maybe ‘Love and Monsters’ was one of the stupidest episodes of television I’ve ever watched, but you have to admit that Ten’s monologue in ‘The Satan Pit’ was one of the best pieces of writing in the whole show. ‘If I believe in one thing, I believe in her?’ How were you not screaming at your TV when you watched that!”
Spencer lips curled into a small smile as you continued rambling and absent-mindedly cleaning the counter. You were not doing a very good job, but he wasn’t about to stop your spiel. It wasn’t often he was on the receiving end of a ramble, and as someone who was frequently told to shut up, he would never interrupt, especially when it was about his favorite show. Especially when it was the prettiest girl he’d ever seen. No, he’d sit quietly and listen, thank you very much.
“Okay,” she brought her full attention back to Spencer. “I’ll forgive you for your horrible offence. If you take back what you said.”
She looked so intently in his eyes, so sincerely his knees wobbled a little. The full force of her attention was like the sun. He felt warm inside and out, but he might be burned from the intensity of its direct glare. 
“Fine, season two of Doctor Who is not a complete abomination.”
The corner of her mouth quirked up in a satisfied smirk. “Well, thank you, Dr. Reid. I appreciate the kind words.”
He nodded, turning to the back room. He’d almost made it through the doorway before he muttered just loud enough for you to hear, “But season eight is better.”
A melodramatic gasp, and he felt a rag hit the back of his head, and he chuckled.
“You take that back, Spencer Reid!” 
Making his way further in, his fingers found the knot behind his back, quickly untying and shrugging off the apron. “(Y/N), I only speak the truth. I’m a man of science, and science says that season eight is simply superior.”
You laughed along with him, murmuring grievances against this idiot genius. You reached behind yourself, fingers fumbling with the knot. After a couple unsuccessful attempts, you huffed and asked, “Hey, Spencer, do you think you could help me with my apron? I tied the stupid thing too tightly.”
He gulped, mumbling a sure thing in a way he hoped was nonchalant, but knowing himself, was anything but. Walking up behind you, he felt himself involuntarily shudder at your proximity, and he said a silent prayer to a god he didn’t believe in to try to keep his cool. You felt his fingers brush against your lower back, and you tried, gosh, you tried so hard to not audibly gasp (you’re not sure you succeeded). The brief contact unfortunately flooded your mind with thoughts about his long fingers that you had often admired (discreetly), and you thought about what it’d be like for him to touch you and for him to mean it, and you nearly passed out. The silence was deafening, which was funny because it seemed like you two could never shut up around each other, and the one time you needed to fill the tense air with something, there was nothing.
Finally finished with the knot, Spencer softly tapped your back twice with his index. “All done.” It came out as a whisper. He couldn’t have managed more.
“Thanks!” You spoke at normal volume and tried to put you back into regular conversation, but breaking the eerie quiet, it sounded like you were shouting.
He shot you a tight-lipped smile. “Are you all good to close up?”
“Yeah, I can hold down the fort,” you said rather breathlessly, returning his smile.
Slinging his backpack over his shoulder, he pushed open the back door and waved. “See you Thursday!”
“See ya.”
As soon as the door shut, you heaved a sigh of relief and let the tension out of your shoulders, staring at the ground. You dug the heels of your palms into your eyes. Why did you freeze up like that? Why was it weird when he left? Why did you like him so much?
Thursday was Spencer’s favorite day of the week. The dining hall stocked chocolate donuts with rainbow sprinkles on Thursdays. He had his chemistry seminar with his favorite professor on Thursdays. Caltech’s chess club met on Thursdays. He worked his shift at The Campus Grind on Thursdays. 
(You worked the same shift at The Campus Grind on Thursdays.)
Did Spencer really need a job? No, his education was entirely paid for by the school because when you have a child prodigy on your hands, you should try to keep them. And he lived in on-campus housing and ate on campus, and he didn’t have a lot of other expenses. But his advisor told him that he might get something out of doing a job that didn’t require 100% of his brain power, might get to rest his mind for a couple hours every week. He might also make a friend.
What he had not anticipated when he started at one of the various campus cafes was meeting you. He showed up to his first shift and nearly choked when he saw arguably the most beautiful girl he had ever met in the backroom putting on an apron. Your eyes lit up when you saw him. “Hey, you must be Spencer! I saw our names together on the schedule a couple times, looks like we’re gonna be work buddies!”
By the time you turned back to speak to your guys’ new manager, he noticed his jaw was completely slack, and he hoped his mouth had not been hanging too long. He also blacked out too long to ask for your name, which he was internally hitting himself over. And he hazily drifted through the training, his mind barely focusing on the coffee. To say he was distracted by the girl next to him and the way she smelled like coconuts and cotton was a major understatement. Times like these were humbling for a twenty-year-old with two and a half PhDs.
He could barely recall anything that happened until they were cleaning out the espresso machine together silently, and he was struck with a sudden need. “Hey, I never caught your name…”
“Right! My name is (Y/N),” she answered, offering him a grin.
“It’s nice to meet you, (Y/N).”
Neither spoke after that, both working quietly next to each other. Spencer sighed internally, he wasn’t sure what he expected, but he hoped they wouldn’t spend the semester in silence. And like some higher power was listening to his wishes, you turned to him, “So, Spencer, what are you majoring in?”
Hesitant to scare you off, he tiptoed around the subject. “Right now, I’m studying chemistry.”
“Right now?”
He glanced over at you, and despite knowing you for the entirety of ten minutes, he couldn’t deny you or the inquisitive gleam in your eye even if he wanted to. And he didn’t want to. “I’m working on my PhD in chemistry. I already have two in mathematics and engineering. Oh, and I have two BA’s in psychology and sociology.” He couldn’t help but feel a little guilty at the dumbfounded look on your face, and he swallowed harshly. “Um, uh—what uh, what are you studying?”
You let out a brief laugh, and for a moment, he cringed, wondering if you were laughing at him. But just a look at you and the tenderness of your features, he knew he had nothing to worry about. Blowing a puff of air out, you grinned gently, “Well, your PhD’s are putting my bachelor’s to shame, so I’m not sure I want to say.”
“No, I’m sure whatever you’re studying is cool,” he reassured you.
Pleasantly surprised by the humility of your new genius coworker, you continued, “I appreciate it. I tend to err on the side of the humanities, not much of a STEM gal myself, and right now,” you both chuckled at your little joke, “I’m studying history and political science.” 
“So am I standing in the presence of a future lawyer, or maybe the next president of the United States?�� 
“Good question, but I’m not sure. Would you vote for me?”
Squinting at you for a moment, he nodded slowly, “Yeah, I think I would. You’ve got a kind face.”
You raised your eyebrows at that, trying to suppress a blush. “A kind face?”
“Yeah,” he hummed, eyes flicking over your face. You felt shy under his gaze; it’s not everyday a hot genius boy stares you down and tells you you have a ‘kind face.’
Ducking your head, you fought a smile. “Alright, I’ll take it.”
And from then on, something clicked. You and Spencer talked for hours and hours during your shifts, joking and teasing (and grinning and blushing). He looked forward to working because that meant a chance to see you. (Except for Mondays, that was the one shift you didn’t have together, and it made Spencer want to scream. The dude he worked with, Andy, was nice enough, but the hours seemed to drag on when he didn’t have you to discuss weird sci-fi movies with.)
He was particularly looking forward to this Thursday because he knew you had a big presentation in your class about African revolution, and he wanted to hear all about it. In the brief moments of spare time at the cafe, he had helped you prepare and had listened to bits and pieces of it. This morning he’d sent you a quick good luck! text, to which you’d responded with thanks!!! and a stream of various heart emojis. He had learned early on that you were very fond of emojis, but it never stopped his heart from skipping a beat when you’d send him little hearts and smileys.
Entering the back room, he set his backpack on a hook and started to get ready for his shift. He gave a quick wave to the people from the last shift as they left, and he felt a little worry boiling in his gut because if they had left, that meant you were late, and you were never late. He wondered if something had happened in your presentation, and he was filled with dread. Solitarily manning the counter, he was ensnared in his thoughts; he couldn’t stand the idea of something going wrong and you being upset, so upset that you couldn’t come to work. He shifted uncomfortably, hand itching to grab his phone and send you a text to see if you were okay when he heard a door slam and a shriek from the backroom. “Spencer!”
Immediately, he ran to the back, expecting the worst, and he nearly fell over when you ran at him full-speed to launch into a hug. “Oof—” He recovered though, catching you, and he wrapped his arms around you so tightly and cradled the back of your head in his hand. His heart stuttered. He could get used to this.
You buried your face into his neck. “Oh, Spencer, you won’t believe it. My presentation went so well! My professor held me after class and told me I was one of his brightest students, and oh, I just don’t believe it!” He felt your face warm against him as you gushed.
“I believe it, I don’t doubt it for a second. You are so smart, (Y/N). I’m so proud of you. You deserve it.”
Breathing him in for just a moment longer, you finally released him, and both of you thought how everything feels a little emptier now that you weren’t holding each other. He couldn’t help but beam at you, though.
“Really, (Y/N), I’m so proud of you.”
“Hey, I can’t take all the credit! It’s all thanks to you being patient enough to hear me blabber on and practice, so thank you, Dr. Reid.”
He got incredibly flustered at the title and hesitated over his next words before settling on a soft anytime. And he meant it.
The rest of your shift that day was less eventful. You recounted some of the highlights of your presentation, to which Spencer listened with rapture. There was some discussion of who was at chess club today and if anyone there was a true match for Spencer (no one was). You played your favorite game called “Who Can Make the Most Disgusting Drink Out of Four Ingredients?” (You won with a mixture of coffee, coffee grounds, an excessive amount of salt, and raspberry syrup. (Ew, (Y/N) why is it grainy?)) And now nearing midnight, you sat at one end of the bar reading your textbook while Spencer cleaned up various mugs and napkins. He snagged the broom from the backroom and began sweeping. With a quick glance up at you focused entirely on your book, he smiled softly. Pieces of your hair had drifted out from behind your ears and framed your face, and the apples of your cheeks were flushed. To put it simply, you looked ethereal, and Spencer didn’t think it should be possible for someone to look so beautiful at the end of a long day, but here you were, always defying expectations. He thought you looked like someone from those Renaissance paintings you loved so dearly, but he knew that even if someone tried to commit your grace to canvas, it’d be to no avail. He was sure no one would be able to do you justice.
Looking down at the floor he was supposed to be sweeping, he let his thoughts wander farther. He thought about what it would be like to hold you everyday like he did today. He’d be the luckiest man on Earth, that’s what. For so long he thought about asking you out, but then he knew that someone like you would never be interested in someone like him. But then again, you were the impossible girl. You never did quite what he expected. And he never expected you to be into him. So maybe for once in his life, he’d go out on a limb and ask you if you wanted to go get dinner with him sometime. He’d take you to the Indian place on 12th that he knew you loved, and you’d sit in the oddly formal, always empty restaurant and laugh and giggle together because that’s what you always did together, and then maybe, he’d invite you back to his place, so you could watch Doctor Who, or maybe do other things (like hold hands), who knows? 
He found himself praying to that god he didn’t believe in once again to find the courage as he finished up sweeping, and after he put the broom away, he walked up to you with butterflies running rampant in his stomach, so he could barely muster a glance at you. But he was going to finally do it.
“(Y/N), I —”  
And that’s when he noticed that you had fallen asleep on your book. It had been a long day for you. He felt his heart grow tender and soft and if someone poked it, it very well might explode. His thoughts strayed to your conversation the other day and the quote you loved so much. I've seen fake gods and bad gods and demi-gods and would-be gods, and out of all that, out of that whole pantheon, if I believe in one thing, just one thing, I believe in her. He takes a step or two closer, and brushing a lock of hair behind your ear with the gentlest hand, he thinks, yeah. I believe in her.
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atsumiyass · 3 years
okay so I just discovered your blog and ran to the requests to ask if you could do hcs of itachiyama, seijoh, and karasuno when their manager gets hit on? (like what they do and how they act) thank you very much and have a good rest of your day/night!
Itachiyama, Aoba Johsai, and Karasuno when their manager gets hit on
warnings: just guys being douches, but fluff at the end :D
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Itachiyama (sorry I couldn't get a good gif)
they're honestly pretty chill about it.
bc they know you can handle yourself most of the time.
I mean you handle them perfectly fine, so whats some random dude got against you?
but if the guy is just that persistent and doesn't take the hint, they’ll just kindly ask him to leave you alone.
usually by the lines of “she's busy” or “she obviously doesn't want anything to do with you” (Sakusas words, its as kind as he’ll get.)
if the guy gets all touchy-feely with you though,
thats when they step in.
it really only takes Sakusas cold glare to get the guy to scurry away.
but if hes feeling extra ballsy,
thats when everyone else comes to your rescue.
after the guy’s gone, Komori asks if you're okay and if he did anything. To which you reply no.
After that the boys always make sure to keep an eye on you if you're ever in need of their rescue again :)
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Aoba Johsai
Oikawa is usually with you at all times, making sure no one such as looks at their “precious manager”.
but it does happen occasionally.
i mean, you are very attractive.
so when it does you can usually handle it, telling the guy very politely you aren't interested and he walks away
but theres always that one guy who never takes the hint and keeps on insisting.
and this instance was no different.
he had you trapped against a wall in a pretty secluded corner of the arena, it was the semi-finals so it was pretty packed.
you had went to go fill up the water bottles before the third set had started, but some guy from a rival school had approached you asking for your number.
you told him you were in a bit of a time crunch and that you weren't interested.
but instead of walking away he took the bottles from your hand, placing them on the floor and backing you up into the position you were in now.
you were debating on just punching him and booking it back to the team, but you didn't want to cause a scene so you kept just trying to walk away
which to your dismay, didn't work.
he kept pushing the limit, touching your face and hair, running his hand on your upper arm.
you were frozen in place, you had no idea what to do.
“Oi! What do you think you’re doing to her?!” You heard the familiar voice down the hall.
you had never been so grateful to hear a screaming Iwaizumi before.
Behind him was Oikawa, assuming they had both been sent to come find you since you were taking awhile to come back.
“Chill dude, i was just asking this cutie for her number.” The guy said with a smirk on his face, turning from them back to you.
“Well she obviously isn't interested, dude.” Iwaizumi snapped back, giving the guy the coldest glare you had ever seen.
You soon felt an arm around your shoulders, guiding you away from the guy.
You also had never been this thankful to see Oikawa before.
Iwaizumi threated the guy that if he didn't leave he would make him, prompting him to finally leave you alone.
“are you okay Y/n-chan? he didn't do anything to you did he?” Oikawa asked you, pulling you into a hug.
it was cute to see him so worried for your well being.
“No, I'm fine. Thank you both from coming to my rescue.” you laughed, picking up the still empty water bottles and heading back to the team.
After telling the team and coach what happened, he sent Hanamaki and Matsukawa to fill up the bottles instead.
Ever since that incident, one of the boys has always gone with you to fill up the waters, just incase.
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Now, we all know how Noya and Tanaka are.
they will not hesitate to fight a bitch in your honor.
that includes any men (plural) that try anything with you.
This time it was at the training camp with Fukurodani, Nekoma, Shinzen, and Ubugawa.
so, Karasuno had been invited to the training camp (thanks Nekoma!!) and was currently getting their ass handed to them by Nekoma (thanks Nekoma!! very nice!!) 
While you talked to coach Ukai about what the boys could improve on, and taking notes, you were made aware of the boys loss by the sound of them doing the flying laps around the gym. 
sighing, you gave a look to Ukai, who nodded as you got up to get a breath of fresh air.
only to have the captain of Nekoma stop you.
you: 🧍‍♀️
him: 😏
“how’s it going? y’know, i think-“ 
“he’s talking to y/n!!” 
listen Nishinoya i love you but like... let the man speak 😭😭
man you hated it here. 
mans wouldn’t even let kuroo speak 
“what’re you doing with Y/n-chan?” 
you were this close 🤏 to shoving Tanaka 
“I was just asking-“ 
cue Nishinoya being like: simply don’t 😍
Suga’s laughing in the background, Daichi looks ready to scold the two, Hinata and Yamaguchi look confused on how to help, Kageyama and Tsukki look uninterested and you’re slowly backing away to avoid association.
“y/n!” Suga’s calling to you, and you’re not happy he’s smiling because you know- 
“told you it was only a matter of time before others started hitting on you!” 
yup, he was going to tease you. 
“he didn’t even say anything??” 
cue Daichi looking smug. 
“I told you there was nothing to worry about! Y/n can handle this stuff on her own!” 
Daichi, you looked like you wanted to slap Kuroo, but okay buddy. 
“I’m glad you’re okay!” 
“Suga’s right, in a way...” 
“I agree...” 
everyone was there being protective of you, and you’re just like, 
“he didn’t even ask me anything.” 
“good!” Noya spoke.
you gave up. 
“you’re all dorks, you know that?” you sighed, shaking your head.
“you love us though.” Suga replied, placing an arm around your shoulders and ruffling your hair.
you can find our haikyuu masterlist: here
or our general masterlist: here
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
For the Meet Ugly Prompts-38, NSFW Danbrey?
Here you go! Note: there are mentions of blood in this.
38: overhear you ordering your coffee in a coffee shop and I’m trying to place your voice when I realize that you’re the phone sex operator I’ve been calling on and off for the last few months but the realization startles me so much that I accidentally spill my drink on you and you’re pissed
“One spiced mocha, one oatmilk latte!”
Aubrey reaches for her mocha just as a painfully cute blonde in overalls grabs the latte.
“Oh, excuse me” the blonde calls over the counter, “could I get a lid, it looks like you’re all out at the station. Thanks, you’re the best.” She smiles at the teenager who hands he the lid while Aubrey tries to figure out where she’s heard “thanks, you’re the best” said that exact way before.
Oh shit. Oh shit.
She’s heard that voice every Tuesday and Friday when she calls LoveBites, the premiere service for people who really like vampires. Really, really, like vampires.
Honeysuckle, as the woman on the other end of the line calls herself, probably isn’t a vampire. Aubrey figures most of the people who work that line are just very good at pretending to be fictional monsters. She is, however, incredibly good at getting Aubrey to cum with vivid descriptions of where she’s going to sink her teeth.
“AH! Hey, watch what you’re doing.”
Aubrey snaps back to the coffee shop to discover her drink is now all over Honeysuckles shoes.
“Ohmygod, I’m, I’m so sorry.” She grabs a fistful of napkins, drops down to clean the mess of coffee and chocolate syrup from the floor. She reaches to help clean off the other woman's shoes only for her to wave her away.
“It’s fine, I got itshit” she glares as Aubrey, in her attempt to get out of her space, stands too quickly, bumping her head into Honeysuckle’s cup and sending it all over both of them.
Okay, she can totally salvage this. Right?
“...then I just ran away.”
Duck laughs so hard on the other end of the phone that he startles Dr. Harris Bonkers.
“Oh come on, like you’ve never done something embarrassing in front of someone cute.”
“Dunno, you might have just beaten my ‘six Freudian slips in a row trying to ask ‘Dird how his weekend was.’”
“It’s okay, Lady Flame” he manages to sound genuinely sympathetic through his giggles, “lots of cute folks out in the world who you ain’t spilled two cups of coffee on.”
“Yeah.” She checks the neon orange clock on the wall, “I gotta go practice my tricks for this weekend. Thanks for listening to me whine.”
“Any time, Aubrey. See you at the show.”
She gets through two tricks, including the one where Dr. Harris Bonkers disappears from a box, but she can’t focus. It’s not nerves; instead, she feels like if she got off just once, she’d stop feeling so tense and be able to run through the rest of her act without issues.
It’d be a very bad idea to call LoveBites when she spilled a drink on her favorite operator. She doesn’t feel like talking someone new through her preferences, and she knows with Honeysuckle she’s guaranteed to get off, which wasn’t always the case with previous operators. Besides, the length of her calls must be enough to pay for a replacement drink.
She grabs her phone and dials. Soon a familiar voice purrs down the line.
“Hi, Aubrey. How’s my favorite human tonight?”
“You don’t sound so sure about that, fireblossom.” It’s a new pet name; ever since she mentioned her stage name, Honeysuckle likes to give her ones woven through with flames.
“I, um, I'm fine?”
“Did something happen today, hot stuff?”
“Uhhhhh. Um. I, uh, I made a fool of myself in a coffee shop. I, um, I spilled my drink on a cute girl. Also hers.”
Honeysuckle goes quiet.
“I, um, I think the person I spilled them on was you.”
“..............spiced mocha?”
“Yeeeeah” Aubrey curls inwards, trying to cringe away from her phone, “I’m really sorry about your shoes. And your overalls. And your drink. I, um, I wasn’t gonna mention it but it feels, like, weird not to and I really was going to offer to replace your coffee except I was kinda worried I’d somehow spill that too. I’m, I’m sorry. I just really like talking with you.” She smiles shyly, “you’re my favorite vampire.”
Dead air, then “you really want to make it up to me with another drink?”
“Yes!” Aubrey sits up, hopeful.
“Even if the drink isn’t coffee?”
“Sure it, it can be whatever you want.”
A hungry purr that makes Aubrey reach for her trusty vibrating wand, “In that case, don’t go anywhere.”
“What? But you’re-”
The line goes dead. Aubrey stares at it, frowning. What is she supposed to do now? Did they get disconnected accidentally? Should she just call back?
She shoves the toy back in the drawer, paces back and forth between the kitchen counter and the table where her cards and flashpaper are strewn about, unsure whether she should make dinner, practice, try to get off, or just give up on everything and go to bed.
From his hutch in the corner, Dr. Harris Bonkers honks, thumps his feet in alarm, then turns his bugged-out eyes on Aubrey and thumps again as if to say, “what the fuck, why aren’t you heeding my warning?”
“Aww, it’s okay buddy. Is that cat on the fire escape again?” She looks out the window, finds nothing but some mist. Mist that’s hovering on her tiny balcony and no one elses. She blinks.
Honeysuckle is standing on the other side of the glass; she’s wearing a loose green tank top and grey yoga pants, golden hair taking on the tint of the nearby streetlights. She gives a demure wave as Aubrey throws the back door open.
“Holy fuck I thought the vampire thing was just, like, a gimmick.”
A shrug, “There’s more humans than vampires working the line, but some of us are the real deal. I know a few vampires who do it because it lets them work nights and keep an actually nocturnal schedule. But some of us do it as a side job and go out during the day. Which means we see cute girls in coffee shops who we think we might ask out who then spill drinks on us.”
“Aw beans. Wait, were you checking me out for real.”
“Uh huh. You must have been doing something super interesting on your phone to not notice.”
Aubrey resolves to delete Candy Crush immediately.
“Um, so, not that I’m not happy to see you again, but like how did you find my house?”
“We can trace numbers on our end. It’s a security thing; back when the line started some hunters kept trying to use it to go after vampires, so we needed to know where calls were coming from.”
“Blegh, that sucks.”
“Yeah, not my favorite.” She flutters her eyelashes, “any chance I could come in?”
“Absolutely, uh, here” she holds the door--which has no risk of closing without a lot of force--so the vampire can step into the apartment.
“Do I, um, should I still just call you what I always have?”
Golden eyes look her up and down hungrily, “Dani is fine.” Then she squeaks, “ooooh, hi there little guy, can I say hi? Oop, okay, some other time.” Dani smiles as the rabbit ducks into his covered box, “animals can be kind of skittish around me at first. Which makes sense.” When she turns to look at Aubrey, her fangs are visible.
“Hooboy that’s, that’s, uh-”
Dani steps back, “I can back off. I just, um, I thought since we’re both into each other and you were, um, already in the mood for some lovebites maybe we could -”
“NoItotallywantto!” Aubrey grabs her hand, pulling her towards the bedroom, “sorry, the fangs are apparently an insta-horny button in my brain.”
“Good to know” Dani spins her by her shoulders and pushes her back onto the bed, fangs now on full display, “take your clothes off, fireblossom.”
Aubrey thanks herself from two hours ago for changing into her pajamas so she doesn’t have much to rid herself of. When she gets her shirt off, Dani is down to her underwear, green boyshorts showing off her legs and completely distracting Aubrey from any unwelcome self-consciousness.
“Mmmmmm” Dani crawls onto the bed with her, “I thought you were cute before but fuck, you look incredible like this.”
“Thanks” Aubrey’s breath catches as Dani bumps their noses together, “can, can I kiss you?”
She raises up on her elbows, mapping Dani’s mouth with her own. Aubrey’s kissed plenty of people in her life, and there have only been a few where the gesture felt like coming home, like she was slotting against a body that was meant to be with hers. All of those pale in comparison to the way Dani’s body seems to meld with hers. She gasps when the vampire cups her right breast, teasing the nipple with her thumb as she eases Aubrey all the way down. Her other hand finds her face, traces from there to the base of her neck, touches moving from light to sharp as she curves her nails down her skin.
When the fangs scrape her sternum she moans. Dani snickers against her, kisses and nuzzles her way down her chest, sighing when Aubrey threads her fingers into her hair.
“So, my pretty snack, what were you going to ask me for when you called?”
“I, I was kinda hoping we’d talk about you eating me out.”
A kiss above her belly button, “I was hoping you’d say that.”
“OhgoodOH, ohfuck” she opens her legs wider as Dani dips her head between them, “ahhhn, please, a little higher, ohfuck, god.” Her hips twitch as Dani sucks her clit. There’s a muffled laugh as two fingers tease her cunt.
“Wow, you really do like the fangs.”
“I mean yeah, but that’s more because you’re really hotOH, ohyesfuckthat’sgood.” She moans as Dani presses two fingers in, stroking and rubbing in time with the vampire’s increasingly wanton groans.
“Fuck, Aubrey, that’s it, you look so pretty like this, be a good girl and cum for me.”
“Trying” Aubrey squeaks as Dani laves her tongue across her clit and curls her fingers inside her, “fuck, right there, yeah, ohyes, that, just like that.” She squeezes her eyes shut, clinging to Dani’s head and to the hand gripping her thigh. When she cums it’s intense enough that she’s terrified she’s going to kick Dani accidentally, but the vampire simply holds her thighs down, lapping at her until her moans die down.
“Uh huh?”
“You still owe me a drink. Whatever I want, remember?”
“Yeah? Oh, oh fuck yeah.” She squirms in excitement as Dani drops to the floor and pulls Aubrey towards her until she’s able to hook her knees over her shoulders.
Dani pushes stray hairs from her face, “If you start feeling lightheaded, tell me okay?”
Aubrey gives a thumbs up, winces at how dorky it is, then giggles when Dani cranes forward to kiss it.
The vampire kisses a line from her right knee to her inner thigh, sighing loudly when she noses a certain patch of skin.
Fangs sink into her skin and Aubrey clamps her hands over her mouth to avoid waking the neighbors. It’s a sharp, precise pain, flooding her body with the urge to lay back and let Dani take her fill. Then the teeth retreat and Dani’s tongue takes their place, licking the red rivulets and moaning as she sucks at the punctured skin.
“Such a perfect snack.” Dani looks up at her, heavy-lidded and scarlet-mouthed.
“Dani” Aubrey reaches for her, not sure what she’s even asking for.
The vampire takes her hand, rubs it against her cheek, “Does it still feel okay?”
“It feels so good.”
Dani smiles, turns her head to pierce the left thigh, Aubrey moaning weakly as she drinks from her. The moan is echoed, and when she manages to lift her head she sees Dani’s hand is not between her own legs.
“Oh god that’s hot.”
The vampire grins at her, “I get dinner, you get a show. It’s perfect.”
Aubrey watches her lick the bites until they cease bleeding, her moans pitching higher as she fucks herself, getting off on the taste of Aubrey’s blood-tinted skin. Then she tenses, tipping her head back, fangs glinting in the light from the windows, and gasps Aubrey’s name as she cums.
Then a blonde head rests on her knee. Aubrey sits up, Dani’s hair as they catch their breath.
“I, um, I should clean you up. Do you have band-aids?”
Dani stands, cheeks much pinker than before, and returns a minute later with the Pokemon band-aids that Aubrey bought solely for the Charizard ones. She wipes her legs with a warm hand towel, gently pats the bandages into place, stealing giddy glances at Aubrey the entire time.
“You know that fucking ruled, right?” Aubrey rests her head on her shoulder when Dani joins her on the bed.
“Glad you liked it, fireblossom. Can’t believe I’m lucky enough that the hottest human I’ve met in years has a thing for vampires.
“Pretty sure I just have a thing for you. Which, um, I mean this can totally stay casual but, um, do you want to go out sometime?”
Dani nods, leans in for another kiss. She must have borrowed Aubrey’s mouthwash, since she tastes of mint instead of iron.
“I’d love to, Aubrey. But, um, let’s avoid coffee shops for awhile?”
“Good plan.”
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draconica · 3 years
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Husband fluff? I gotchu, fam. How’s about their whole wedding? 👀
Nick was pacing back and forth, back and forth, rubbing his hands together nervously. It had all been done - his grey tuxedo was on and he was dressed impeccably with a white rose in his lapel. His hair was slicked back perfectly, he was clean shaven and wearing that aftershave that Ellis really liked on him. Once or twice during his pacing, he would catch sight of himself in the mirror and be tempted to touch himself up in his nervous state. But no - he looked perfect, as Ellis would've told him if he were here. But he wouldn't see Ellis until they walked down that aisle together.
Last night had been hard; Ellis had stayed at Keith's while Nick spent the night at Rochelle's. The gambler really wanted to see his little lover just so he could calm his nerves, but Hell, they had to do things 'by tradition'. It's what Ellis wanted. Whatever his lover wanted, he would get. Nick had always been adamant on that front.
A knock at the door jarred him from his thoughts and suddenly there was Coach poking his head inside. "They're ready for you, young'un." He grinned and stepped inside, wearing a smart dark blue suit of his own. The elder man put a firm hand on Nick's shoulder, trying to keep him grounded. "You good?"
Nick gave a long exhale and then turned back to the mirror, eyeing his reflection one last time as a single man. The conman nodded. "Let's go."
Ellis meanwhile was in another room of the hotel, his toes curling a little inside of his shiny black shoes. "Ro, is it normal to be nervous as all shit?" the mechanic whimpered whilst his long-time friend, a woman he considered the big sister he'd never had, straightened up his wonky neck tie.
"You'll be fine, sweetie," Rochelle gave a small smile and placed a comforting hand on his face, patting it lovingly. "This is your wedding. Nothing could make old Suit love you any less."
“I know, I know,” Ellis sighed, placing his hand over hers. “Jus' don't wanna make a fool of myself if I screw up my vows or somethin'.”
Francis, who was across the room leaning against the wall, let out a chuckle. “Honestly, I've got my money on Colonel Sanders messing up somehow. You don't even need to worry, pipsqueak.”
Ellis threw Francis a small smile, knowing that the biker was only trying to cheer him up.
At that moment, Keith knocked on the door and shouted out to his best friend. “El! It's time to get hitched, let's go!”
“Aw, Lord,” paled the mechanic, his fingers curling together in nervousness. “O-okay, alright.”
"Ready?" The dark-skinned woman asked him, her chestnut eyes glinting with eagerness.
Ellis smiled at her determination and nodded, taking in slow and deep breaths. "Ready as I'll ever be, Ro." With that, they walked out into the corridor and began to head down to the event hall in the hotel.
Their guests were already in place, sat in their seats and murmuring between themselves as the time fast approached. Keith slipped into the room and went to find Dave and his other friends near the front. Nick peered inside from the door at the far end of the aisle as he and Coach waited for the second groom to arrive.
“I'd better go take my place,” Coach said, glancing down the room at the space where he would be standing in order to perform the ceremony. “When you hear the music, that's your cue, all right?”
“Yeah, yeah, sure.” Nick let out a half-breath and looked back, anticipating Ellis to walk around the corner any minute. The football coach simply chuckled at him and then entered the main hall, being sure to close the door behind him and leaving Nick to his own thoughts.
The gambler had been a complete jumble of nerves from the moment he left Ellis's side the previous day. It wasn't just the wedding, it was getting married again. Despite the fact that becoming Ellis's husband was something he'd wanted for years before this point, he couldn't quieten the harsh voice of this past that told him that he would ruin this all over again. Okay, sure, his last marriage hadn't been based on love per se, but that only made it worse; Nick was about to step into the unknown and that scared him more that facing off against a million zombie hordes.
But when he turned and saw his fiancé, the voice was easily silenced.
Ellis was wearing a light grey suit that brought out his eyes, a yellow rose pinned to his lapel. His hair was loose as usual but something about the way the soft hotel lights bounced of the dusty blond curls made it almost resemble a halo. Nick instantly felt a wave of relief wash over him that accompanied a quake in his knees. He managed to stay standing, just about, and willed himself to move toward him.
“Ellis,” he smiled widely, barely acknowledging Francis and Rochelle who had entered behind his partner. Ellis stepped forward also until he could meet Nick in the middle, reaching out to hold him the second he got close enough. He crushed the man in a hug and for a moment could not tell if it was Nick who was shaking or himself.
“Nick,” he whispered back as the scent of Nick's favorite aftershave was suddenly filling his head like Opium and allowed him to relax against the warm weight in his arms. Francis and Rochelle slipped past and went to take their seats right at the front of the procession, leaving the happy couple to a moment of quiet together before the ceremony began.
“Sweetheart, you look amazing,” Nick murmured against Ellis's shoulder. When he pulled back, not moving too far from his fiancé, he cupped Ellis's cheek and brushed a gentle thumb just under his eye. “I mean, you always do, but...”
“Shucks, Nick, so do you.” Ellis felt the heat from Nick's palm and knew he was blushing something furious. “Baby, I gotta tell ya, I'm a nervous wreck right about now. I dunno if it's because you ain't been with me or because I know what we're about to do, or…”
Nick would usually prefer to shut Ellis up with a kiss, but that wasn't an option at the moment. He always knew what Ellis wanted, and one of those things would be for their next kiss to be the kiss – their first as a married couple. For now, he had to rely on just shushing him gently.
“It's gonna be fine, El. Nothing to be nervous about.” Nick was in that same boat, however he knew he needed to be calm for Ellis's sake. At that moment, just as Nick was trying to level out his breathing, a soothing and slow violin began to play from the main room. The gambler swallowed. “That's our cue.”
Ellis swallowed and turned to the door obediently, all the while not letting go of his fiancé’s hand. He wanted to say something else, but all he could do was bite his lip and try not to babble on like he tended to do when excited. Nick stepped forward, and Ellis followed at his side, as they opened the doors and stepped beyond the threshold together.
Their guest were standing by their seats, all eyes turned towards them with bright smiles to accompany them. They hadn't made all that many new friends since the apocalypse, so the guest list wasn't exactly huge, but everyone who was here were the only people that mattered.
The one side included Dave, Keith and the latter's two brothers, all of whom had big toothy grins at watching their best buddy walk down the aisle. There was also Louis and Zoey, who they'd come to be great friends with – Nick had even worked with Louis for a while in Atlantic City when the Infected was still a subsiding threat.
On the other side, Rochelle, clad in a black and pink dress, was stood beside her boyfriend Francis. The biker was looking at them proudly while keeping one hand delicately on Ro's arm. Near them, one row back, was a very special guest: Nick's mom, Angela.
Ellis had reached out to her without Nick's knowledge not long after they had first moved in together and had surprised him by flying her over. It had been a staggering moment for Nick who, up until that moment, had assumed his mother absolutely did not want to see him. After a reconciliation, in which Nick had been proved thankfully wrong, he had made an effort to bring her back into his life. She hadn't even known about his first marriage (he was relieved about that), so it was an incredibly proud moment for her to watch her son get married. Nick caught her eye as he passed and felt a lump in his throat.
And, finally, there was Coach. He was waiting for them at the end of the aisle with a large grin and carrying a closed book. When Nick and Ellis had learned that Coach had been previously ordained in order to officiate his sister's wedding a few years ago, asking him to marry them had a no brainer. Nick in particular was not keen on having a stuffy old minister who would rattle on about Bible passes perform the ceremony.
Once the two grooms had walked their way hand-in-hand to the end of the aisle, the woman playing the violin at the side closed off the gentle song and the hall fell into silence for a second before the room shuffled and took their seats again. Coach cleared his throat and opened his book.
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to bear witness to the union of Ellis and Nicolas. These two guys are very important to me, as I'm sure they are to all of you, and we count ourselves truly blessed to be here to share their special day with them.”
As Coach carried on reading his sermon, Nick squeezed Ellis's hand, feeling the younger man squeeze back. He glanced over and noticed those baby blue eyes were on him, already shining with anticipatory tears. 'You got this,' he tried to tell him with his smile alone, and he could've sworn he saw Ellis gave a slight nod back to him.
“If anyone here has a reason to object to the forming of this union, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
Nick felt pinpricks on the back of his neck. Ellis's fingers tightened around his partner's. Luckily, there was no such objection from behind them, and Nick had to smile at Coach's face in that moment – he looked about ready to unleash thunder on anyone who dared. With that out of the way, Coach continued.
“Nicolas and Ellis will now vow themselves by body and soul to each other and have chosen to do so in their own words. It is by these vows that they will continue their lives together. Please, face each other, now.” The two grooms turned, taking each other's hands. “Nicolas, if you would.”
The ex-conman took a deep breath, looking Ellis in the eyes as he began to recite the words written by his heart.
"Ellis… wow, I can't believe we're here. Ever since I was small, my life was nothing but uncertainty and running away, never looking back. When we met… I was at my lowest point. But you were a light that I could follow to escape the darkness. You were everything I needed and wanted. Not only did you teach me how to love and trust people again, you taught me how to love myself. And for that, I want to pledge the rest of my life to you – there's no one else in the world I would trust with something so important to me."
Ellis had to hang his head for a moment and Nick could tell he was starting to lose his battle with his tears. A number of the guest already had, judging by the sniffling he could vaguely hear behind them.
Coach had to clear his throat again, something Nick found highly amusing, and then turned to Ellis. “Ellis? Off ya go.”
As the mechanic's head rose once more, there was a single tear running down his cheek. He reached up to wipe it away, swallowed, and chuckled into a smile.
“Nick. For the longest time in my life, I thought I had everythin' figured out. Then, after it was all turned upside down in the blink of an eye, you were there to make it right again. You… you guided me and kept me safe, you showed what it meant to be brave and strong but most importantly, you made me feel like everything was gonna be okay. No matter what came our way, we would face it t'gether. Right now… with the rest of our lives stretchin' out ahead of us, I cannot wait to take it all on by your side. My badass zombie-killin' husband.”
Just hearing Ellis say that final word was like unleashing the floodgates in Nick, who had been doing a pretty good job so far at keeping the tears at bay. He suddenly felt them pool in his eyes, all ready to spill. He could've sworn he could hear Francis sniffing over his shoulder, which made him chuckle.
The rings were then exchanged. Nick's was a silver band that he had carefully chosen so that it would stand out against his usual gold ones if he decided to wear them. Ellis's ring was a vibrant gold to match his hair, something that Nick was pleased about at the time they'd picked them out. Once both bands had been snugly fit onto the fourth fingers of both grooms, they joined hands as per Coach's instruction.
“Ellis and Nicolas have exchanged the vows that will carry them on into the next stage of their lives and have also promised sacred wedding bands to each other as a physical proof of their union. Now, I gotta ask you both one last thing.” He turned to Ellis. “Ellis, do you take Nicolas to be your lawful wedded husband? Do you swear to love him and support him through sickness and health, so long as you both shall live?”
Ellis gazed into the calming green of his lover's eyes, in doing so more tears rolled down his face. “I do.”
Coach was grinning, but still tried to remain professional in his role. “And do you, Nicolas, take Ellis to be your lawful wedded husband? Do you swear to love and support him for richer or poorer, 'till death do you part?”
Nick had to smile at a thought that came to him just then; how he had gone from telling Ellis how he really felt being the hardest thing he'd ever had to do, to being the easiest when he spoke those two important words. “I do.”
Beside them, their eldest friend shut the book – he didn't need to read for this part.
“Then… it's with a great honor and pride that in the presence of all those who love you, by the powers vested in me by the state of Georgia, I now pronounce you both as lawful beloved husbands. Now kiss each other b'fore I start cryin'.”
Smiling widely, the grooms kissed at last to loud applause (mostly from Ellis's over-excited Savannah buddies) and Nick could vaguely taste the salty tears on the edge of his husband’s lips. But had they been El's tears, or his own?
As the music started once more in order to begin the recession, Nick and Ellis turned to their guests just as Coach announced behind them. “Mister Nicolas Devlin and Mister Ellis Miller!”
Rochelle was dabbing under her eyes with a tissue all the while absolutely beaming at them. Ellis could swear he saw Francis with a tissue curled up in his hand while he was clapping. On the other side, all his friends were still cheering him on, Louis giving him a cheery thumbs up as he passed by. Nick meanwhile briefly left Ellis's side to hug his mom who was nothing short of a wreck with how delighted she was. Ellis was looking forward to spending more time with her, and especially Nick spending more time with her.
The guests all filed out behind the happy couple as they moved into a larger event hall adjacent to the first. This one was lined with tables adorned with place mats, fancily-folded napkins and large flower center pieces. Nick and Ellis had a brief moment to themselves before greeting their guests and Nick took Ellis in his arms for a few sweet kisses.
“I love you.” He couldn't stop smiling. “God damn, you ruined me back there.”
“I ruined you?” Ellis retorted and shook his head, unable to resist more kisses.
It was time for the guests to join them, and the grooms stood by the door to chat to each of them before they found their seats. Rochelle gave them both hugs and smacked them on the shoulders for ruining her make-up, then Coach reiterated again how proud he'd been to officiate for the pair of them before getting hugs of his own.
Soon enough, once Nick and Ellis had taken their seats at the head table and everyone had been poured a glass of champagne, it was time for dinner to be served. Ellis was tempted to keep the main meal light so that he could have more of the wedding cake – it sat on a table at the side, a three-tiered chocolate dessert, and Ellis had been thinking about it ever since they'd picked it out of the catalogue at the baking company.
“We'll cut it soon enough,” Nick whispered to him, placing a hand over his when he caught Ellis staring.
Ellis blushed and picked up his champagne for a quick sip. “Would ya believe I married you jus' so I could eat it?”
Shaking his head, Nick leant in for one more kiss of many and grinned. “Not a chance.”
Once the main course had been served and eaten amongst the jovial conversation of everyone in the room, Zoey began to clink a fork against her champagne glass. Other gentle chimes began to join and caused a flush to creep around the older groom's neck. Eventually, Nick relented, nodding slowly, and grabbed his own champagne flute before standing up.
"Yeah, uh... a speech..." he said, scratching his face. "Uh... well, first of all, thanks to everyone for coming today to share this special day with us. It really means a lot to see so many of you here and thanks for the well-wishes and gifts, we sure appreciate them. And, uh... Ellis, why don't you finish up." He picked Ellis up by his forearm, grinning as the room chuckled around him.
Ellis leant against Nick briefly and gave a sideways smirk at him. “Yeah, what Nick said! Its been such an amazin' day so far. We wouldn't be nothin' without each and ev'ry one of y'all. So thanks!”
Coach lifted his glass beside them. “To Nick and Ellis,” he toasted, cuing everyone in the room to join the chorus and then started a small applause.
Ellis nudged Nick with his elbow. “Now, I think it's cake time?” He looked up hopefully at his handsome husband being met with a roll of his green eyes.
“Alright, sport. Let's go.”
The young mechanic practically bounded from his place and tugged his husband's hand towards the cake table, the guests also standing and moving closer to watch the moment for themselves. They took the knife in hand and carefully cut into the bottom cake to another round of applause. As Nick continued to cut out slices and hand them out on plates to the guests, Ellis got his husband's attention while he ate his own slice. Nick had just turned to him when suddenly Ellis smeared a glob of chocolate icing on the end of his nose.
Rochelle gasped and started to laugh at the look on Nick's face, a mock of both annoyed and amused, and then Nick decided to retaliate by leaning in to kiss him and purposely rubbing his nose against El's. That was all that came from the teasing – no sense in wasting good cake. Especially with Coach in the room.
With dinner eaten, it was time to party. The room in which the ceremony had been performed had now been cleared and converted, the resulting dance floor ready to see people into the rest of the evening.
The chattering guests gathered around the hardwood floor in anticipation for the happy couple's first dance. Nick could feel a little nervous at the expectant stares, but Ellis's hand in his grounded him as they both stepped forward. Having his lover by his side was always enough to quell any nerves.
Ellis placed his hands on Nick's shoulders close to his neck, and Nick's rested upon Ellis's waist. From the DJ's podium at the one end of the room, the man started the song he'd been told to play for the first dance.
The Midnight Riders. Ellis's choice, of course.
“How did I guess?” Nick chuckled. Ellis just gave a half-shrug.
“It's one of their slower songs,” explained the mechanic as he hummed along to the intro of 'Save Me Some Sugar'. Their feet began to move across the floor in short steps, not so much dancing as shifting in place together while turning slowly. Everyone's eyes were on the pair of them, but they didn't care to notice when their gazes were locked to each other and nowhere else. “We've done it, darlin'. After all that waitin'...”
“Yeah,” Nick murmured to him. “My husband. God, that feels so good to say, doesn't it?”
“I know what'cha mean. Still don't feel real.” Ellis sighed. “Prob'bly won't sink in for a while, neither. Maybe after we get back from the honeymoon. Hey… ya still ain't said where we're goin'.”
“Sweetheart, I told you,” smiled the gambler, having already addressed this line of questioning a hundred times before. “You'll find out at the airport.”
Ellis pouted, his fingers curling a little more around Nick's neck to twine into the loose hairs at the back of his head. “You ain't s'posed to keep secrets from your husband,” he said matter-of-factly.
Nick kissed him; that new name he could give Ellis was doing all kinds of good things for him. “I fucking love you, El.”
“Love ya more.” Ellis repeated Nick's kiss with one of his own, and before they knew it, the song was starting to die away and their first dance was over. The crowd around them cheered and Nick obliged them with another sweet kiss to his husband's soft lips.
Then the party truly began with some cheesy pop music. Rochelle all but dragged Francis onto the floor with her and laughed as he tried to find his feet. Ellis moved and danced with Zoey, Keith and Dave danced with each other (although it was more like failed break-dancing) and Nick went to dance with his mom, pretending to know how to ballroom dance.
The party lasted well into the night with plenty of dancing, drinks and good cheer for the happy couple. Ellis could tell it was getting later without needing to look at a clock because their guests would one-by-one catch him on their way out to give their final wishes and goodbyes. Once the night had turned into the wee hours of the morning, Nick and Ellis decided to retire for the night themselves. They made sure to thank the hotel staff before retrieving the key to the honeymoon suite, very generously gifted to them by Rochelle and Francis as a wedding present.
By the time they reached the top floor, there was only one thing on their mutual minds. Nick had an arm around Ellis's waist, fingers teasing the lip of his belt whilst his other hand unlocked the hotel room door.
“Should I carry you in?” Nick teased him once he'd managed to push the door open.
Ellis just smirked up at him, and maybe it was the buzz of the evening that powered his next choice of words. “Nah, man. I got this.”
Ellis bent over, grabbed Nick around his legs and hauled him over his shoulder in a fireman's carry. There was only a moment or two of annoyed noises behind him before Nick began to laugh. “Ellis! Put me down!”
The mechanic was strong enough to make his way over to the plush couch on the other side of the living space with his tall husband over his shoulder before he fell forwards, Nick falling open armed across the cushions. Ellis was half on the couch and half on top of Nick and he couldn't quite tell where he ended and his husband began.
“You idiot,” Nick laughed breathlessly as he tried to sit up.
Ellis grinned at him and backed up to give the man room. “You married this idiot,” he challenged.
“Yeah, what was I thinking?” teased Nick as he met the hick in the middle for another kiss. This was was sweet at first, though soon turned a little more heated with thoughts of what came next. “Y'know, El, this marriage won't be official until we consummate it.”
“Well, what're we waitin' for?” The mechanic rose to his feet, extending his arms in order to pull the other man up with him. “I've always wanted to sleep with a married man.”
Nick laughed once more as he fell into his husband's embrace and kissed his forehead, knowing that the warm swelling he could feel in his heart whenever he looked at Ellis would be a consistent effect for a long, long time.
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