akirateku · 1 day
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Sooo I don't usually post much about other social media on here, but.
FELLOW ARTISTS, if you too are sick of the the art-mulching and derivative bullpucky we see with AI-integrated social media, I encourage you to check out Cara app!
It's built with artist-centered community in mind, and though it's in the early days now and the server is still facing growing pains, I have a good feeling about this one.
The devs (who are also artists) have partnered with Glaze and are incorporating AI detection software to make sure that all or the works posted are human-made!
Anyway check it out if you feel like seeing a bunch of cool art--and ONLY ART, WOWEE--on your timeline.
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emmbrr · 2 months
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louistonehill · 7 months
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A new tool lets artists add invisible changes to the pixels in their art before they upload it online so that if it’s scraped into an AI training set, it can cause the resulting model to break in chaotic and unpredictable ways. 
The tool, called Nightshade, is intended as a way to fight back against AI companies that use artists’ work to train their models without the creator’s permission. Using it to “poison” this training data could damage future iterations of image-generating AI models, such as DALL-E, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion, by rendering some of their outputs useless—dogs become cats, cars become cows, and so forth. MIT Technology Review got an exclusive preview of the research, which has been submitted for peer review at computer security conference Usenix.   
AI companies such as OpenAI, Meta, Google, and Stability AI are facing a slew of lawsuits from artists who claim that their copyrighted material and personal information was scraped without consent or compensation. Ben Zhao, a professor at the University of Chicago, who led the team that created Nightshade, says the hope is that it will help tip the power balance back from AI companies towards artists, by creating a powerful deterrent against disrespecting artists’ copyright and intellectual property. Meta, Google, Stability AI, and OpenAI did not respond to MIT Technology Review’s request for comment on how they might respond. 
Zhao’s team also developed Glaze, a tool that allows artists to “mask” their own personal style to prevent it from being scraped by AI companies. It works in a similar way to Nightshade: by changing the pixels of images in subtle ways that are invisible to the human eye but manipulate machine-learning models to interpret the image as something different from what it actually shows. 
Continue reading article here
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liath-art · 7 months
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I just have to share this beautiful thread on twitter about AI and Nightshade. AI bros can suck it.
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drachenmagier · 5 months
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Get the best means and only acceptable way to be toxic online. :D The download might take a bit of time right now, a LOT of people want the online-arsenic~.
Have a fantastic day~! <3
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phoebelovingcare · 3 months
"what's it like to use nightshade/glaze?"
so based on my own experience I thought I'd make this more transparent since I know a lot of people hesitate to take action on some things if they do not know Exactly what happens. it's me i'm people. So;
Nightshade takes about 30 minutes on its fastest setting. The end result tends to look like mild jpeg artifacting, very slightly creased paper, or just brush texturing. Looking at it normally, it is undetectable. Glaze is very visually similar, given the strategy, except that Glaze's longest time setting is 5 minutes.
You put in a file, select how much you want it affected and for how long you want it to render. For Nightshade, you also attach a tag to it, that way AI finds what it's looking for with an associated word. You select a folder for the final result to save to, then hit run.
It takes a lot of GPU/CPU. The fans on my laptop sound a bit like I'm running Minecraft, and it refuses to run if you have too many programs open. I could run Youtube and Nightshade at the same time, but Youtube did Not like it. Best to just take a break while you let it do its thing. Run Nightshade before you go out or something.
It does NOT like transparent png backgrounds. Makes me wonder how AI does with 'em. Anyways, running a backgroundless drawing through Glaze and Nightshade respectively makes it turn out like this:
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creasing effect is more noticeable, and it adds strange blocky black and white backgrounds to it. If you want good results for your time, be that less than 1 minute or 180 minutes, consider getting rid of the transparency.
I would post a before and after picture of a Nightshaded piece but of course, I would like to post exclusively poison on this site.
As one last note, it took me a lot of effort to find where you're actually supposed to download these tools, so Glaze is here and Nightshade is here. Overall I highly recommend using them if you can. Don't let AI run you off of your sites: run the AI out yourself.
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yukipri · 1 month
Wanted to say Glaze 2.0 is AMAZING.
What took 30 mins+ before, took me THREE MINUTES last night. WITH my other programs still running.
For folks who tried Glaze but haven't been using it due to glazing time, give 2.0 a chance!
I've heard that other folks have had it taking the same time/longer, but the quality is so much better. Your settings will determine the outcome, but it's definitely a huge improvement over the initial release version.
This update was super sexy of the Glaze Project. You can download the updated version from their site HERE!
(You should also use in conjunction with Nightshade!)
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sweetoothgirl · 3 months
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Glazed Raspberry Honey Sweet Rolls
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bgs-cave-o-thots · 3 months
Hey. Artist that only has a phone or a simple computer. Did you know you can still Glaze your art??
While Glaze was initially computer-only, the team learned that many artists either have a computer not powerful enough to run glaze or don't have a computer at all. SO they've made WebGlaze!! (Read about it and get it here.) Basically you send over your art and they Glaze it over on their servers that are strong enough to do it for you. And yes, it's still free.
If you have a computer that runs the original Glaze program, it is highly recommended by the Glaze team that you continue to use it and not the website.
While the servers are very secure, it is still ideal to keep the unglazed art on your end only, and it will likely be faster on your own computer anyway since there's only your art being Glazed, unlike the servers which are glazing several people's at once. Currently I believe there is no web version of Nightshade, but they are working on adding it to WebGlaze last I heard. Check the Nightshade FAQ here for updates on that :)
Please feel free to reblog, I know there's a lot of artists out there without access to powerful CPUs and GPUs that would like to protect their art as well :)
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duskvortex · 5 months
The Glaze Team at University of Chicago is conducting a survey which evaluates the ability of artists and software to distinguish between AI generated images and human made artwork
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Survey link here!
spread the word!
EDIT: As some users have already pointed out in the tags, opening the images in new tabs to zoom in will reveal whether they're real or AI generated in the URL. Proceed with caution. If you accidentally spoiled yourself just say you've seen the image before and move on to a new one.
EDIT 2: Reblogs have been disabled as the survey has ended.
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fullcravings · 21 days
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Fresh Strawberry Pound Cake Recipe
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kedreeva · 3 months
Just a reminder with Tumblr getting ready to sell your data to AI: Nightshade and Glaze are two programs that poison your artwork (and possibly photography? Unclear) when it's added to AI datapools. Now would be a FANTASTIC time to go Glaze and otherwise poison your work so that if it gets collected against your will, it becomes super obnoxious to AI and has to be removed.
Nightshade download
Glaze download
Using both together is better than one alone!
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butteryplanet · 6 months
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claypigeonpottery · 4 months
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look at all my beetles!!!
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so cute 😍 I’ll have to label them all somehow lol
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milk-and-cereal · 10 months
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they’re scene queens :3 *rawr* <3
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skelleste · 3 months
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Mumbo, Jumbo, Balder, and Dash for an art trade with @chalkrub. I had someone else glaze the drawing for me so uh ignore the artifacts.
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