#ghost venator
toxooz · 21 days
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4got to post snookie pookie that i doodled b4 i got my leg stuck in Depression Sludge 🏹🌳🌿
bonus stupidass was too busy diggin holes
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s-oaps · 1 month
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a big dork 💀
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losersimonriley · 4 months
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I’m choking
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shivasdarknight · 10 months
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well this is gonna make me bawl like a little bitch
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brightblessed · 2 years
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I think if Amyntas was to create any familiars or animals, it would honestly be a sickeningly cute and fluffy thing. Like something meant to be a companion to lonely people since he’s alone a lot of the time in his travels. Just imagining him submitting something cute but useless to Hyth like “:) it is friend shaped”
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ave661 · 4 months
Simon Ghost Riley, "Venator" skin
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Compared new mask with the classic one, because I noticed a difference
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gomzdrawfr · 12 days
Soap's new skin got me spiralling into places, places Im considering staying
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Double meaning behind Mace's broken mask is from this
Ghost's outfit is from cod mw3 battle pass season two sector B17, called Venator, or as I like to nickname it as the DIY skin lmfao LOOK AT THIS NERD
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hauntedbubbles · 2 months
Felt like messing around in Blender today, so I recreated the pose from that bit of art I did 🥰 (this one 🙌🏻) then did a couple more...😏
I though we I lost ya...
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I can't take them seriously in their wee masks 🤣🤣🤣
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Choices Have Consequences...
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He's a smooth operator...
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Hah, I originally just wanted a side profile for Soap...oh well 🤣
If any of you use Blender, or want to have a go, I've linked some stuff under the cut 😁 👇🏼 (+bonus Soap Stuff I did a while back!)
Blender 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
I got the models from here (apart from Simon's face, I extracted and retextured him myself 🙌🏻 I'd have done the others myself too, but ahhhh....my pc ain't up to extracting campaign stuff...it just laughs and closes the app 🤣)
I used this to import the models into Blender 🙌🏻
Helpful Tutorial Vids 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
this if you wanna extract them and this for how to fix materials/textures
I have been working on some of the operator skins for Soap and Ghost (Look at his wee face 🤣) Slowly doing Ghost's Venator one too! 🙌🏻)
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Well, I wasn't in that tunnel 👀
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Oh look - they gave him legs... so I gave him shorts 🤣
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chiliger · 6 months
Sign Off
Torrent Company: *gathered in front of a window, some of them holding binoculars while others clamor around to listen*
Tup: *curious, steps up beside Jesse and Hardcase* What’s going on?
Hardcase: *grins* The 212th’s venator is orbiting right next to ours. *snatches the binoculars from Jesse, ignoring his annoyed shout, and hands them to Tup* Same level viewing port.
Tup: *peeks in through one scope of the binoculars while Dogma presses in to look as well*
Ghost Company: *a large group of them standing at a window like Torrent, one of them at the center quickly signing with his hands*
Jesse: *bouncing impatiently on his toes* Come on, I wanna see!
Tup: *hands the binoculars back, still confused* What are they doing?
Hardcase: We — *gestures to the center of their group, where Fives is signing back in response* — are having a Sign Off.
Dogma: *frowns* What’s a Sign Off?
Jesse: Shh! I’m trying to translate here.
Hardcase: *rolls his eyes, leans closer to Tup and Dogma, in a low-ish whisper* It’s a little competition where Vode have a battle of wits using ARC sign. We do it when we have some downtime while in orbit.
Tup: Oh! What are they saying now?
Jesse: *grunts in frustration* Damn kid’s signing too fast for me to read.
Fives: *on his turn, quickly fires off gestures using his hands and arms*
Jesse: *groans* Kriff, now I’m lost.
Hardcase: Damn, I thought you were studying ARC sign, Jess.
Jesse: *shoots him a glare* I am.
Dogma: He just signed, “better change that mohawk before a bird mistakes it for a mating display.” *blinks* That doesn’t sound witty.
Hardcase: Osik, we’re getting personal now. Ha!
Jesse: Wait— *looks at Dogma* You know ARC sign?
Dogma: *blushes, suddenly embarrassed and fiddling with his fingers* Y-yes…
Jesse: Kriff, kid, then what am I here for? *hands him the binoculars* Switch places with me.
Dogma: *wide eyed, looks at Tup*
Tup: *smiles reassuringly at him and nods*
Dogma: *still hesitant, looks back at Jesse and Hardcase* Alright.
Hardcase: Yes! Front and center, vod’ika.
Dogma: *takes the binoculars and moves closer to the window. Looks across the open space as the vod from Ghost starts his response. Watches closely and translates* “At least I don’t look like a wanna-be lead singer.”
Jesse: *roars laughing, the others joining him or “ooh”—ing in response.
Fives: *bright red all over his face, has a thousand yard stare for a second before shaking it off and making the sign for yielding*
Hardcase: Oh shit! *laughs, grinning* Ghost takes this round. *claps Dogma on the shoulder, making him jump* We’ll call you for the next one. Sound good?
Dogma: *blinks, still blushing and still a little unsure. Shares another look with Tup before nodding, smiling shyly* Yeah.
Hardcase: Awesome! Keep the scopes.
Jesse: Hey! Those are my—
Hardcase: *ignores him and bumps his arm* Hey, Fives, how’s your pride, vod? You good?
Tup: *stands next to Dogma, chuckling at their siblings*
Dogma: *awkwardly holding the scopes* I don’t think I understand this game, yet.
Tup: *snorts and hides his face with his hands, shaking from holding back laughter*
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meebles · 1 year
A snippet from my Codywan Bodyswap!AU that I’m working on:
Obi-Wan grunts, blinking as he comes to. His vision swims before it snaps to a sudden clarity. All at once, he realizes three things that are very, very wrong.
First, and most worryingly, he cannot feel the Force as he normally does. He’s not completely cut off, but only just.
Second, he’s certain he was in his quarters when he dozed off. Now he finds himself in a rarely-used storage room deep in the Negotiator’s sublevels, where the men keep their homebrew that Obi-Wan definitely doesn’t know about. He’s slumped against a wall, with the majority of Ghost Company peering down at him in various states of confusion.
Third, is that he’s certain his men just called him Cody.
“What… ?” he starts, staring down at his cuisse-clad thighs. Frowning, he moves to trace a finger across the stripe of gold paint running across the right, only to blink down at a hand that isn’t his own.
Ah, Sith hells.
“I think you should come to medical,” he hears Scabs say, and Obi-Wan agrees, but first they’ll have to go find—
“Oh, Force, Cody— ”
He ignores the odd looks the troopers give him, the reality of the situation suddenly gripping him like a vice. Cody, thrust into his body, but his mind untrained and unused to sensing the living Force that surrounds them—
“Scabs, I need you to get a sedative and meet me at— at the General’s room,” he states as he fully gathers himself upright, adjusting for his new center of gravity.
His CMO blinks at him. “What— the General? What are you— ?”
“I’ll meet you there and explain, just, please. A sedative,” he manages, already opening the doors. He looks back for a split-second to see Scabs nod in affirmative, before rushing out of the storage room.
Unfortunately, his own quarters are entirely on the other side of the venator. He runs past a few troopers, who startle at his haste, but he just calls back an all clear and doesn’t stop running, he needs to get to Cody—
After what feels like a tenday on a blessedly empty turbo-lift, Obi-Wan finally makes it to his quarters. He punches in the override and the door slides open, revealing the exact sight he feared— his own body, hunched over on the floor, clutching his head as he shakes—
“Cody,” Obi-Wan says, kneeling beside him, and Cody jolts, staring up at him with trembling eyes.
“Vod?” he asks in Obi-Wan’s voice, before his eyes widen impossibly further when they land on the scar at his temple, his own scar. “What is— augh!”
Obi-Wan curses under his breath, catching Cody as his eyes roll back, body slacking. He pulls him into his lap, resting his head as gently as he can against his armored thighs.
“Cody, my dear, it’s me, it’s Obi-Wan,” he says, holding Cody’s quavering form as still as he can. “Just focus on me, focus on my voice, just my voice, right here, with you.”
“Can’t— ” Cody spits out, head shaking. “It’s too much, I can’t— ”
“Shh, I know, I know. I’m so sorry, just try for me, please? Just try, it’s just me and you here together, no one else, just us… ”
Obi-Wan keeps muttering what’s probably nonsense, but he needs to give Cody some sort of anchor, something to focus on instead of the thousands of living souls he can suddenly sense aboard the ship, something present and definite in the entirety of the Force that he’s now privy to.
Cody groans, pressing himself further into Obi-Wan’s lap. “Please, make it stop, make it stop— ”
“Cody— what happened to the General?!”
Obi-Wan looks up and sees Scabs in the doorway, and bites back a sigh of relief. He’s about to explain when his medic is suddenly kneeling by his side, shaking his head.
“Fuck— that machine, it worked, didn’t it?” he says, opening his supply bag.
“Yes, it did.” Why the effects were so delayed, Obi-Wan has no idea, but right now it doesn’t matter. “And Cody— he’s not used to how my body senses the Force, it’s too much for him all at once.”
“I understand,” Scabs states, prepping the sedative. “Hold him steady, please. Bare his neck.”
Obi-Wan does as he’s told, chest clenching as he stares at Cody’s unseeing eyes. It’s a terrible solace when Scabs injects the needle and seconds later, they fall shut.
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stealingpotatoes · 10 months
Skywalkers apart au! It's so precious that Anakin gets to be a dad, a rebellion general Dad but he gets to be there for at least one of them and Padme survives and gets to be a mom and maybe someday they get to meet and it's so good.
Also the concept of General Skywalker of the Rebellion feels like it has so much potential cause he was such a big figure in the Clone Wars, he was the Hero, the General, he could probably get the various splinter rebel cells (they were very divided in the early Rebellion) to follow him by sheer reputation and charisma. Imagine Anakin being at Hoth, like the attack is going along the usual Imperial imminent victory and suddenly an AT-AT has been thrown clear across the landscape and an announcement sounds out "General Skywalker has entered the field" cue Rebel Counterattack due to morale boost and Imperial Panic.
What happened to the 501st here? Did he go to the Venator's crash site where Ahsoka was during Order 66 what did he think when he saw all the dead folks?
Fun thought, Starkiller being the apprentice in this AU, means that Sidious has probably been comparing him to Anakin (in part because he's bitter he didn't fall, in other part cause it's great for fueling the darkside) for years so the first time they face off he's gonna be full of spiteful hatred (all going according to plan) before Starkiller gets styled on by the Skywalker, cause Anakin isn't crippled by the suit and that means he's still massively powerful in the force and skilled in the blade (Vader was too, but less than a whole Anakin), I could see Anakin pulling a Lightside version of the Rogue One Hallway scene against Stormtroopers (or even inquisitors).
Rebel General Anakin Skywalker would be an Imperial Boogeyman.
Leia would probably appreciate it for a while but also she'd get a bit annoyed about her dad's reputation and "Legend" and the fact that she's probably got that entire thing to measure up to, making her more reckless or foolhardy. That's a big shadow to live under.
Padme on the other hand is probably in a very different situation reputation wise, she was the senator for the new Emperor's home planet, she's the old queen of naboo from the Trade Federation attack, she's a founding member of one of the oldest discrete rebellion cells but that still leaves some stigma. She's probably so very worried about Imperial surveilance on her or Luke or the rest of her family, and it doesn't help that the Inquistorious has probably been sniffing around for a while.
ok this is a veeeeery long ask so i'm gonna have a veeeery long answer which is gonna go under this readmore:
YES!! yes absolutely! tbh i decided a while back he never gets an official promotion to general, everyone just calls him General Skywalker for so long that it sticks loll. BUT YEAH I mean working with a Jedi is rare and awe-inspiring enough for any rebellion cell but working with the hero with no fear??? half the rebels are wondering if they can interrupt this mission to ask for his autograph
its extra funny bc for the first few years of the empire he's lowkey depressed and like agh i failed the order republic AND my family i'm a terrible horrible no good jedi who nearly turned to the dark side and while he's having this spiral there's some rebel standing next to him pointing and pogging
and yeah he's SO useful in big battles like that!! he's half a legend, half a ghost story, given most ppl think he died in the Purge but here he is, enacting justice on the empire!! tho he does struggle on quieter missions (which happen a lot more at first bc gotta hide from the empire) that you cant just blaze into. its a difficult shift to go from clone wars general skywalker to rebel general skywalker
yeah 501st same as canon ): but OHHH MY GOD yes thats SUCH A PERFECT IDEA, Anakin going with Rex and Ahsoka to the site and mourning them all (and probably going into another depression spiral lbr)
youre so right lollll obvs leia loves the one up she has in an argument of "well my dad's general skywalker, beat that" but as u say she absolutely wants to live up to that (+ is a very independent/stubborn person and would like Leia Skywalker, not just "General Skywalker's daughter" lol)
AND YEAH ABSOLUTELY Padmé and Anakin's roles in this au are both so interesting (is that egotistical to say) bc they're these upside down versions of their clone wars roles, both very loud people forced to quieten down and be Discreet about how they go abt helping ppl. Padmé is really struggling hiding so much (luke's force sensitivity, her rebel activities, all relations to anakin) and trying to protect Luke while helping the Rebellion WHILE trying not to seem suspicious. a lot on her plate -- only made worse by palpatine keeping a close-ish eye on her, and she can't tell why (is it bc of luke? the rebellion? anakin? or is it just his old favouritism or patriotism being VERY inconvenient??)
on the inquisitors, obvs you don't see a lot of them on coruscant -- but padmé's SO scared abt ppl (MAINLY SIDIOUS WHO, YA KNOW, TRIED TO TURN LUKE'S DAD SITH) finding out abt him and she hates that she's making him repress this part of himself but what choice does she have???
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lookbluesoup · 1 year
Emet-Selch determined to save his people no matter what, even though he's exhausted, even though he's lost so much, just like the WoL.
Emet-Selch an unrivaled master of his magical field, an extremely powerful wizard, carrying the last spark of hope for his people, desperate to restore a doomed world, just like G'raha Tia.
Emet-Selch struggling to separate the face of a friend from the face of a stranger, hoping there is a part of the soul that came before still inside, a memory, a semblance, anything - and wounded by grief every time he looks at them, just like Thancred.
Elidibus haunted by almost memories, things frustratingly familiar, people he lost in a dream who he must now oppose, wanting to save everyone and cut to his core with the knowledge that he cannot, like the WoL.
Elidibus giving up part of his body, a hopeful, noble youth devoting himself entirely to a cause, going on alone because he's the only one who can, fighting long after there was any hope... and trapped in a crystal tower, like G'raha Tia.
Elidibus losing his sense of self to the myriad of voices, becoming the heart of a god and then a slave to the dreams of all mankind, but never losing that splintered, bloody spear of love for his people that harmed as much as it helped, like Venat.
Hythlodaeus possessed of remarkable talents, but convinced he's nothing special, finding purpose in a life spent beside his friends, helping them be the heroes who stand in the light, willing to die feeling only gladness if it might spare his loved ones, like G'raha Tia.
Hythlodaeus and the masses of Amaurot who sacrificed themselves one after another in a blind hope that their world could be saved and in the end they would be restored by their heroes. And the Scions who did the same, but succeeded, because they carried wisdom the ancients didn't have but which only those ghosts could provide.
Azem, who stood for the people, opposing Zodiark and Hydaelyn both even as the world came crashing down. The bridge between. And the Warrior of Light who did the same.
All the characters who lose someone, lose everything, and choose to fight for their world, anyway, or even because of what they lost.
All the characters who realize they believed in a lie, and embrace the truth even when it's hard... and all the ones who don't.
All the characters too blinded by grief and anger to hope, until someone takes their hand and tells them this isn't the end... and the ones that are consumed by despair.
All the characters who cannot carry the torch any longer, who entrust their legacy to those who will continue on, and at last find peace.
Telling the world to keep hoping, that things change but they don't end, that people leave but they're not gone, that we are all imperfect sparks and we may harm as much as we help but we all matter, that our love still matters, and it's what saves us
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ritualcaster · 2 months
I wanted to run though all the stuff we don't know about objectified.
All of it.
Apocalypse guide:
Starsheet - onset advance, what are all three variants
What is ID: gestalt
Who is ID: symbiote - who's been talking to wagyu through the hive cores - what did they mean by "rocks" and "machines"
Concept art
Who is "Wristwatch" and why is he gone
Turtleshells Journal
Whereabout's for all the characters mentioned in present time
Who the 4 "?" Characters are
Morrigan, just the whole character really.
What are the lawless kings up to / how will they be used in the story
Whats happening in the other countries, and are they working to help the rings (or, why did they abandon them)
Who controls the dread tides
Character refs (I can't belive this needs a section)
The blacked out text in Ghost Peppers ref
Gums scar[s] (basically just "cherry")
From here onward, It's plot speculation, and the sections are labeled after characters rather than the website elements.
Parents / the full story of the flashback in "Venatics"
Why is he like some kind of fucked up vampire
What is his relation to Morrigan
He's just some guy.
No questions here.
What happened to the rest of her pack
Her relation to Warhammer (if any?)
Related to "PILOBOLUS" from the story in "Stranded", but how
What happened to Cattail (Fully considering that he probably died of course)
Wheres Mushrooms mother (Mentioned and shown in turtleshells journal) And Is she the relation to "Pilobus"
Why is the entire district empty?
Not much about his past can be used for plot
No questions
Brandy + Minty
Maple syrup (at fort blanket, mainly what happened to her if relevant to plot)
"The old stories from Ankh" - the first had plot relevance with mushroom, if there are more i expect similar things.
There's little depth in their past, namely just their time in marshlight.
Her past with Push
Health problems with being a defect object (hinted at in "babs'" ref sheet, confirmed in qna)
Why she checked Painkillers eyes
The water thing she has (its quite possible its just because shes part gator, but i feel something deeper than that)
From marshlight, but we have literally no idea about their past other than that.
Theres no material for questions.
Past in Demon's diner (namely with the lawless king she half-mentioned in "control")
Ghost pepper being and actual ghost (???)
How did he retain control? And why?
Who's trying to talk to him? And why?
What's with all the crow foreshadowing? (Probably Morrigan again)
Whats the full story with her 'version' of starsheet [Snowsheet? Onset advance?]
The story of her exes (all 7 of them)
The scar from "Cherry" (already mentioned this one but i'm curious)
Basically her entire past, (with multiple lawless kings?)
Overarching plot / Parasites
How will three-spines evolve and affect characters?
Who created the parasites, and why?
Where, is everyone? (Cattail, pushpin, turtleshell, everyone in middle ring, the lawless kings, characters from gums past.)
How is starsheet going to affect nearly half the characters, especially the onset advance variants.
If i remember right, in the qna, chester mentioned he had "special quirks" planned for every character. - [Everything that will be in the 'Everything else' category in the apocalypse guide.]
The the next late stage event
Ok, i mentioned a few things twice, but i think thats all my questions right now.
All i can hope is that i'm asking the right ones.
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wizardofrozz · 9 months
Fire and Rain
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Commander Wolffe x GN!reader, OC Sawbones
Word Count: ~1.6k
Warnings: war, death, mention of violence, grief, soft Wolffe
A/N: I had a bad day and all I want is to listen to the rain while Wolffe comforts me. So that's how this fic came to be lmao. I hope you enjoy 🖤
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Humanitarian missions were some of your favorites. You spent most of your time in the medbay, patching up troopers and avoiding the piercing eyes of the CMO. These missions allowed you to get off the Venator, to see something other than cold durasteel walls or Coruscant’s light-polluted skyline. Although, it wasn’t all joy and happiness. 
The small village was still smoking, crumbled buildings littering the streets. What was once a quaint town had been reduced to ash and rubble. Family homes and community trademarks were unrecognizable and the occupants could only stand by and stare longingly. 
The 104th had been tasked with delivering supplies, offering medical assistance, and searching for hazardous materials from the crash. The Separatist ship had broken apart in the atmosphere but it was close enough for it to start raining down debris on the unsuspecting villagers shortly after. You glanced around as the Wolfpack made their way into the heart of the town, your eyes lingering on the tents scattered around. A small child stood at the edge of the road, wide-eyed wonder written all over his face as troopers wandered past. His young face was streaked with soot but nothing could dampen the amazement shining in his bright eyes.
“Hey.” You jumped, turning toward the voice only to stare back at your own reflection in his visor. You couldn’t fight the urge to glance back at the child one last time before giving Wolffe your undivided attention. 
“Yes, Commander,” you replied, hoping the smile you offered didn’t look as forced as it felt. Even if you couldn’t see them, you could feel Wolffe’s eyes studying your face and you did your best not to buckle under the weight. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah,” Wolffe replied and if you weren’t walking so close, you would’ve missed his soft sigh. Wolffe subtly turned his head, glancing around at the troopers walking in loose formation around him. The ghost of a smile crossed your face when you felt the muted brush of his fingers against your arm. 
“I’m alright,” you murmured, lightly bumping into him.
“For now,” he replied, almost quiet enough for you to miss. And he was right. Each step deeper into the smoldering remains of the village made your heart sink a little more. You took a long, deep breath, grimacing at the burnt taste that seemed to linger on your tongue. The second brush against your arm had you peering over at Wolffe, staring into his dark visor again as you blindly found his hand. He squeezed your fingers, a gentle reminder that you weren’t alone and you cherished the contact. 
It was going to be a long day.
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It felt like you were going to fall over with the slightest gust of wind. Most of your day consisted of patching up the wounded in between passing out supplies. Everyone from children to the elderly had passed through your tent and each new person felt like another gut punch, draining more of your resolve. 
You glanced over your shoulder, noting that Sawbones was moving a bit slower too, and you braced your hands on the table in front of you. Staying in the med tent had let you keep your blinders on, saving yourself the heartache of watching of few of your boys carrying the lifeless bodies out of the rubble but you weren’t sure if it was actually better. Instead of seeing who you couldn’t save, you had to look into the eyes of the people they left behind. A small part of you found joy in helping them but nothing could take away the veil of grief that seemed the blanket them all. 
A harsh whistle cut through the air, making you jump hard enough to knock a box of bacta patches to the floor. You twisted around to find Sawbones watching you, his eyes narrowed slightly. 
“Yes, Bones,” you huffed, resting your hip against the table and crossing your arms. 
“What’s wrong with you?” You were too drained to contain your eye rolls, although, Sawbones’ blunt nature was nothing new to you. 
“Long day, same as you,” you replied, arching a brow. 
“That’s not all,” he countered, squinting at you. “Sp-” 
The sudden roar of voices from outside cut off the rest of his sentence and you both straightened. You shared a confused look with him before you broke into a jog with Sawbones on your heels. You sputtered the second you stumbled outside, blinking rapidly as you looked upward. The sky was hazing, a thick fog hanging over the village as rain pelted the ground, extinguishing the last of the fires littering the area. It took a few seconds for you to realize that the noise you had heard was the villagers celebrating. 
People of all ages were standing outside, smiling and cheering, rain soaking them to the bone but that didn’t seem to matter. Something as simple as a storm that, to you, would’ve felt like another kick to the face brought such joy to a village that nearly burned to the ground. You looked to your left, meeting Sawbones’ eyes before he looked out over the celebrating villagers. You could’ve sworn there was a faint smile on his face.
“Go rest. There’s nothing else we can do for them,” Sawbones murmured without looking at you. 
You thought about staying there but the rain was picking up, steadily soaking your clothing. Walking through the pockets of people filling the streets brought a wistful smile to your face, a smile that only grew as you watched the wolfpack join in. You found a supply tent on the edge of the settlement and ducked inside, shaking off any excess water clinging to your clothing.
The fabric of your shirt stuck to your skin, sending a chill across your skin. You wrapped your arms around yourself, glancing around at the crates of supplies, brightening a bit when you caught a glimpse of a GAR-issued blanket. The fabric was rough, meant for warmth over comfort but it was better than nothing. You wrapped the blanket around your shoulders as you wandered to the front of the tent again, holding the edges of the blanket under your chin so you could roll one of the flaps up. 
Lightning spiderwebbed across the sky, followed quickly by a loud clap of thunder that seemed to vibrate through your bones. There were easily a dozen things you could be doing but something about watching the unmatchable power of Mother Nature had you captivated. 
You were so absorbed in watching the rain that you didn’t hear the faint rustle from over your shoulder. A choked-off gasp fell from your lips and you tensed against the arms that wrapped around you. Your sluggish brain spiraled for a moment until you recognized the familiar vambraces and you sagged against him. 
“Hiding from all the fun, sweetheart,” Wolffe rumbled, kissing the crown of your head. 
“Says the man wearing a body glove that keeps him dry,” you teased, leaning back against Wolffe. 
“Mostly dry,” he corrected, his voice muffled as he hid his face against your neck. 
“Oh sorry, mostly dry.” The stress of your day still weighed heavily on you but the familiar press of Wolffe’s armor against your back brought you more comfort than you realized. A small smile lifted the corner of your mouth when he started to gently sway and you reached up to card through his damp hair. 
“How are you, darling?” And if that wasn’t a loaded question. You sighed, resting your temple against his head, letting yourself get lost in the rhythmic side-to-side movement for a moment. 
“I don’t know,” you finally confessed. Wolffe grunted quietly, urging you to continue. “I wish I could’ve done more.”
“You couldn’t have,” he argued gently, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“I know,” you whispered, letting your hand slip out of his hair and down his face. Your fingers brushed the end of his scar and you leaned away, twisting around enough to see his face. 
“Hey, cyare,” he murmured with a half-smile. 
“Hey,” you breathed, resting your forehead against his with a sigh and letting your eyes fall shut.
“I know you wish you could save everyone,” Wolffe mumbled, pausing to kiss your nose, “but you can’t. However, you did a whole lot of good for the people that are still here.”
“You think so?” You squeezed your eyes shut as you turned to face him, loosely hugging his waist. 
“I know so,” Wolffe said with so much conviction that you had a hard time not believing him. You hugged him a little tighter when he shifted and pressed a lingering kiss to your forehead. “That bleeding heart of yours is one of the many reasons I love you.” 
“So you do have a list.” Wolffe’s quiet snort brought a smile to your face. The light tap on the underside of your chin had your eyes fluttering open, staring up at his mismatched eyes. There was a fond little smile on his lips as his eyes flickered around your face. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Before you could answer with another lighthearted remark, Wolffe leaned down, finding your lips with ease. It was a tender kiss yet it held an intensity that you’d come to expect from Wolffe. You broke the kiss when your lungs burned, desperate for oxygen, and you rested your forehead against his again. 
“I love you,” you whispered, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“I love you too.” Wolffe pecked your lips, starting to sway gently again, the pitter-patter of rain on the canvas tent acting as a melody.
The stress and heartache weren’t gone, far from it, but in that moment, wrapped in the arms of the man you loved, there was a light at the end of the tunnel. The promise of a future that made all the pain worth it.
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Taglist: @a-single-tulip @wings-and-beskar @anxiouspineapple99 @secondaryrealm @dystopicjumpsuit @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueen @msmeredithrose @wolffegirlsunite @dukeoftheblackstar (I thought you might like this 🫣)
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ladyanidala · 27 days
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Hello hello!
Welcome to my fledgling masterlist, the place where you'll find just about everything I have written over on AO3. Below, you'll find my works, request guidelines, and anything I think of after I publish this. Enjoy!
Reader Insert
Alternate Universes
(Eventually this section will be updated with individual chapters and more masterlists, but as of 5/7/2024, I can't be bothered)
We're Not Needed Here
General Obi-Wan Kenobi of the Grand Army of the Republic, Jedi General of the 212th Battalion, has had enough.
Series link is here.
Her Step Forward
In the galaxy far, far away that we know and love, Anakin Skywalker fell to the Dark Side, leaving destruction and death in his wake.
In another galaxy slightly closer, yet still far, far away, the wife of Anakin Skywalker took a step forward on Mustafar, not backward.
Series link is here.
Letting Go
Master Qui-Gon Jinn and Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi have kept Duchess Satine Kryze alive. The mission is complete, and they're heading back to Coruscant for a well deserved rest.
They never make it back.
Series link is here.
And With A Cry, My Chains Are Gone
It is the eve of the Fall of the Republic, and Anakin Skywalker is terrified of losing his wife.
The Force isn't having it.
Story link is here.
This story centers on Olyssia, a young woman with amnesia who finds herself aboard one of the Venators belonging to the 501st. The only thing she can remember is the order to kill Palpatine.
What Once Was Lost, I Have Found Again
Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala were dead. His corpse stayed behind on Mustafar, while hers was on a backwater planet, trying to survive for the sake of her children.
Commander Thorn had defected. There was nowhere in the galaxy he could go, and he wanted out. He was tired of fighting.
Story link is here.
Event Participations
Obitine Week 2023
The series can be found here.
Left on Read - based on a prompt found in the wild on Tumblr. Fox goes home to surprise his brothers, and none of them see him. Modern AU.
My Time Has Come (Brother, Let Me Weep) - Fox finds out about Ponds' death from the shiny grapevine. Soldiers can't mourn, and so he doesn't.
Seeping Through My Memory - Ahsoka can't stop seeing death when she closes her eyes. She ends up at Anakin's quarters, desperate for comfort and life to go back to normal.
The Bad Batch
You Weren't There (Brother, I'd Hold You To The End) - Crosshair can't handle living after everything he's done. He sends a final message to the Batch. Written before s3 aired.
Jedi Survivor
Ghost Star, Are You Very Far? - Two times Kata gets to hear a story about her parents.
Request Guidelines
So you found your way down to the bottom of the abyss- ah, the masterlist. Welcome! I can only assume you're either curious about what I'll write, or you want to request something yourself. Either way, happy to have you here!
A couple rules...
I will not write smut or suggestive content. I don't feel comfortable writing literary porn whatsoever. Any requests asking me to write smut will be deleted. (If you're ever interested as to why I won't write it, feel free to send a message/ask! I don't mind talking about it!)
I will not write clonecest or same sex romantic pairings. Again, these are things that I'm simply not comfortable with. Any asks for these will be deleted.
Beyond those two things above, go wild! I love a challenge, and am down to write platonic and romantic pieces.
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brightblessed · 1 year
HC : what are his thoughts on Elpis ? What does he think about the ancients he met here ??
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Elpis was beautiful. While Roi was not comfortable with the way the Ancients felt about creations and stuff (much like Hermes), he could certainly see a certain beauty. A world like that is ideal in some ways. He couldn't imagine any of the awful shit that happened to him happening in that world.
In all honesty? It made him very very sad. To know these people were all dead. To see them so alive knowing what would happen. He wanted to help them, but he knew it would not do much aside from erase him and everyone he knew from existence. He also found it very easy and natural to become friends with Hyth. He even struggled to hold negative feelings for Emet while he was there, because they were a little too much alike back then. He really understood Hermes' struggle and wished he could reach him. Basically, he felt no negatives from the people there at all.
Venat though... He distrusted her so much. But when he met her he couldn't help but just... Well, she reminded him a lot of his uncle. The way she talked about the world. And he just connected with her. He really ended up loving her and I still think that Roi actually cried when Hydealyn died despite him like never crying.
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