#francesca x john
laremsworld · 2 days
„Thank you Michael, for letting my son love her first.“
Guys I am not ready for their story 😭😭😭
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Which couple elopes in your modern AU?
What is Violets reaction?
Technically speaking, none of them. But...
Anthony & Kate, Colin & Penelope, and Daphne & Simon all have nice, traditional society weddings.
They're big, but not excessively so. Tasteful. With Daphne being Violet's first to get married and Anthony being the oldest, they would never get out of doing big society affairs. And Colin & Penelope kind of like the spectacle of it all. Plus, Penelope's mother would never pass-up the opportunity to show off the family's new connection to the Bridgertons.
Benedict & Sophie and Francesca & John/Michael have small affairs.
Benedict & Sophie don't want to wait to do a full society affair. And besides, Sophie doesn't have any family or really that many friends doesn't know that many people, and Benedict doesn't want her to feel uncomfortable at her own wedding.
Francesca & John are just out of college, so its a respectably sized event, but nothing huge. When Francesca & Michael get married, they decide they don't want to make a huge deal of it, but still want to do something special, so they have everyone fly out to Cabo and do a beach ceremony.
Eloise & Phillip and Gregory & Lucy come the closest to eloping.
Eloise & Phillip have been living together for awhile, and one day decide they should just make it official. They set a date for a courthouse wedding, and inform the family. Anyone who can make it up is welcome to be there, but they aren't changing the date.
Gregory & Lucy go to the court house not long after the whole "crashing Lucy's first wedding" incident. They decide that a full wedding so close to the incident is probably in poor taste, but they don't want to wait. Like Eloise & Phillip, they tell people they're going, though that message may have gone out the morning they went to the courthouse...
Hyacinth & Gareth go BIG.
There are big society weddings. And then there's Hyacinth & Gareth's wedding. With both Bridgerton and Danbury money going into the event, and Hyacinth's personality making decisions, it's an over-the-top event that people are talking about for years. The bride and groom have multiple outfit changes. The reception goes for hours. The couple and their friends go bar hopping until 4 AM.
The weddings don't really matter to Violet, as long as her children are all happy.
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ode777 · 3 hours
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Violet trying to deal with having 4 children actively out in society
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glitterfairy-21225 · 17 days
Francesca Bridgerton really info dumped about her special interest to John Stirling and he said, “I can’t think of anything witty to say in response but I can leave abruptly to give her a grand gesture relating to what she just told me.”
And Francesca really said, “I’m so grateful I literally cannot wait to perform this piece. I’m gonna leave abruptly even though both my suitors are in front of me.”
This is the kind of autistic x autistic relationship I dream about.
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dailybridgerton · 16 days
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nataliescatorccio · 13 days
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John Stirling getting the song rewritten so it’s how Francesca imagined it and then dragging himself to a ball to give it to her when he doesn’t like social appearances is genuinely up there with the most romantic moments in this show
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corporalicent · 17 days
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francesca bridgerton & john stirling | 3.04 "old friends"
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rantingisalifestyle · 17 days
Kicking my legs, twirling my hair, giggeling like a teenager with a crush:
John Stirling, earl of Kilmartin, you are a freaking cutiepie. Oh! I can’t wait for you to die!
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Francesca: Sorry, I need to be alone right now.
Francesca: Thank you for being alone with me, John.
John: (*^‿^*)
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BRIDGERTON (2020-) I 3.01 & 3.04
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Queen Charlotte: WHAT could you possibly see in Lord Kilmartin that Marquis Samadani does not also offer?!
Francesca: I Know it doesn't sound very impressive, but John- Lord Kilmartin and I can simply. Sit together. In complete silence. And be absolutely Content in one another's company.
Queen Charlotte: *wipes a tear* that is the single most romantic thing I have ever heard in my entire life.
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freeshavocadoooo · 17 days
Kind of crazy how much you can feel the chemistry between Francesca and John in their first two scenes which is just them being completely silent and barely looking at each other
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glitterfairy-21225 · 17 days
I hope Violet Bridgerton sleeps well knowing her son proposed to Penelope Featherington and her daughter is about to bag a man just as autistic as she is.
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existential-queeer · 17 days
*Francesca and John casually flirting in the drawing room*
Violet Bridgerton, mere inches away:
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sunny-rants · 14 days
I already knew this was gonna be my fave, because, well, Polin, but I didn’t expect it to be all around my favourite season! of course Penelope and Colin, but also Eloise and Cressida, Francesca’s adorable romance with John Stirling, Benedict and his hot ass widowed lover Lady Tilly, and even Violet finally getting some! I’m obsessed!!
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