#f1 drivers x reader
katebishopsbow · 7 months
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pairing: f1 grid x driver!reader (platonic)
summary: you have always taken pride in your ability to handle the press, until a journalist mentioned a sensitive topic that you had tried desperately to avoid – your estranged father. you struggled to give a response, and your fellow drivers showed no hesitation to jump in and defend you.
tags: angst, hurt/comfort, daddy issues, mentions of abusive parent, found family
word count: 3k
(image is not mine)
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
Formula 1 journalists have always been known to be brutal – asking questions that teetered on the brink of privacy violation and unnecessarily hostile probing with the excuse of “providing insightful coverage” on the highly competitive sport.
That was why media training existed – to prepare drivers for the harshest, most demanding questions thrown at them and rewire their brains such that instead of lashing out, they would be able to gracefully divert the focus to something else while also preserving their pristine image.
You had always excelled at handling the media, and your ability to constantly remain level-headed even when they asked the most ridiculous of questions was something you took pride in – until a journalist purposefully asked about a subject you had desperately tried to avoid ever since your F1 career started.
The relationship you and your father had was rather difficult to explain. The two of you became distant since the day your parents divorced and you decided to walk away from his constant emotional unavailability and manipulation he so skillfully disguised as paternal love. He didn’t bother asking you to stay – well, he never bothered doing anything when it came to you. He called occasionally, only when he needed something from you and your mother, and sent birthday cards out of obligation a month late because god forbid he remembered your birthday if your mother hadn’t reminded him.
Then the calls became less frequent, and then they stopped altogether, and his empty promises of visiting became blatant lies that you no longer believed in. Your father gradually turned into a stranger, a missing piece, a clouded memory left behind in the childhood days of your life.
It was a hard subject for you to talk about, something you would much rather keep away from the limelight and scrutiny of the world. Unfortunately for you, secrets weren’t really a thing in F1, and the obvious absence of one of your parents on the grid and in all your victory celebrations had been noticed by the public’s watchful eyes.
So your secret was no longer a secret. All the drivers on the grid were aware of it, and a few closest to you had known the full truth of your strained relationship with your father, but they all avoided mentioning it as they knew it was a family matter you wanted to remain private. Most journalists were also respectful enough to avoid asking insensitive questions when interviewing you, phrasing their words like “How will you celebrate the win with your family?” instead of using the term “parents”, and you were more than appreciative of that.
So when the voice of a certain reporter who was known to be ruthless with his questioning echoed through the press conference, directing the uncomfortable and out-of-the-blue question toward you, you suddenly found yourself at a loss for words.
“Rumors have been circulating the Internet recently about you and your father. There are accusations against you claiming that you were ‘selfish’ and ‘ungrateful’ for cutting off ties with your parent, that a callous and unforgiving person such as yourself does not deserve a seat or to be the inspiration for young minds. What are your comments on such claims, and have you ever experienced regret for turning your back on your family – your very own flesh and blood?”
The sudden silence in the room was suffocating, and the only sound you could hear was the heartbeat that was drumming loudly in your ears as the colour drained from your face. The discussion revolving around your relationship with your father wasn’t anything you were unfamiliar with, but to hear it being brought up so directly in front of the press and all your fellow drivers, and all the demeaning names that people had called you – it had felt so demoralizing.
What happened between you and your dad was entirely private, people outside of your family who had never gone through what you had experienced should never have the right to make comments on your decision to leave. They didn’t know what it was like to have a father who was never there, who constantly let you down with his lies and broken promises, who subjected all his volatile temper and toxic outbursts to his daughter and wife.
You had enough of his bullshit and were simply sick of pretending to be the perfect little family, so you left with your mother and told yourself that you would never look back. It would be a lie if you said that you didn’t miss the presence of your dad every now and then – the palpable emptiness he left behind had and would continue to haunt you – but you also never once regretted your decision.
“I – I don’t think… these accusations… umm –” The composure you had always displayed in front of the media was long gone, and you struggled to find the right words to say in response to such an uncomfortable question. Every pair of eyes in the room was fixated on you while that journalist watched you with an inspective expression on his face, just waiting for the moment when you break – wanting you to lose control so that he could have the reaction he needed to write his article.
And all of a sudden, you were back in your childhood home, standing in the living room with your head hung low, fighting back tears as your father unleashed his wrath at you over the smallest, most trivial things. “What’re you crying for, huh? You want me to give you something to cry about?” he would say to you, his voice harsh and venomous as he screamed out insults that scarred your fragile little heart.
Then you were back in your grade school classroom, standing in front of the whole class and staying completely silent after your teacher assigned you the speech topic “My dad is my hero”. Your classmates looked at you as if you had grown a second head, confused by the way you were struggling to speak about a topic they could so easily blabber on for hours. You just couldn’t bring yourself to say anything – your dad was never your hero, he was a distant stranger who struck fear within you whenever he was around.
Then you were back in the bedroom at your new home, reading the birthday card that your dad had sent to you a month late. Written in the top left corner of the page was a scribble of your name, completely misspelled. You closed the card with tears brimming in your eyes, knowing that your existence was slowly beginning to fade from your father’s memories. You tried to remember what his voice sounded like, his calloused hands, his boisterous laughter on the rare days when he wasn’t screaming profanities at you and your mother, and then you realized that he was beginning to fade from yours, and it had felt so, so painful.
Blinking away the hectic memories, you were quickly dragged back to the reality of the press conference. Everyone was still waiting for your response, and the reporter continued to wait for you to crumble under pressure, but all you wanted to do was to run out of the room and hide from people’s blazing eyes, to not have the world criticize you on how you dealt with your family trauma.
“I think that is an absolutely unprofessional question to ask if I am being honest.” Max’s stern voice finally broke the silence, and you were still attempting to process the situation when he continued to chastise the overstepping journalist with an irritated scowl, “The focus of the press conference is to discuss the races and the drivers’ performances on the track, not to delve into people’s personal matter and bring up their family situations which clearly do not have any relevance to the sport.”
The Dutch driver had always been brutally honest, never afraid to speak his mind and call out the press for their bullshit, and this was no exception. Having a complicated relationship with his father himself, he knew the hardships of being in your situation and struggling with toxic family dynamics, and he experienced first-hand how the media loved exploiting such issues for the sake of a story. More importantly, you were his friend, and he would do anything to defend you.
You exchanged thankful glances with the driver next to you, feeling the warmth that blossomed over your heart when Max placed his hand over your trembling ones beneath the table, giving it a reassuring squeeze in a way that meant “Don’t worry. I got your back”.
Upon hearing what Max had to say, the reporter was quick to defend himself. “I was merely hoping to get some insights on whether or not the recent rumors had affected her performance on the track. That’s all,” he attempted to reason, trying to rationalize his intrusive question but was interrupted by another driver who frankly also had enough.
“I think everybody in this room is well aware that is not your intention,” Charles spoke up from his seat, staring at the lying journalist with a tight-lipped smile that was far from friendly. Being one of your closest friends on the grid, Charles was also no stranger to your father’s abusive tendencies and knew how tough it was for you to open up to him about such horrible memories. To see the press tried to take advantage of your vulnerability and blatantly lie about their ill intention sickened him, and he was not going to just sit and watch it happen.
The McLaren driver sitting beside him nodded as he let out a light chuckle, “Yeah I mean – I’m literally an idiot at reading the room but even I can tell that getting racing insights was not your only intention, mate.” The audacity some of these journalists and reporters had was astounding, thinking they could get away with asking disrespectful questions just because of their job titles. When it came to snapping back at their baleful antics, Lando did it once on camera with his iconic “Who are you?” and he would certainly do it again.
Carlos couldn’t help but smirk at Lando's cleverness – masking his reproval at the journalist with a self-deprecating joke. When his attention landed on the audience seated before him, he allowed himself to enjoy the caught-off-guard look on the journalist's now reddened face. “Serves him right for asking stupid questions,” Carlos muttered in a hushed voice just loud enough for himself to hear before turning his head to catch your eyes, shooting you a quick smile as a sign of support. You returned the kind gesture, thankful that your friends were standing by your side when you needed help.
As the journalist busied himself with trying to recollect his composure, an awkward silence hung upon the room once again. That was when Daniel perked up from his seat, the usual cheerful smile on his face as he proceeded to do what he did best – easing the tense atmosphere and diffusing the tension with a touch of humour. “Well, I can totally affirm that Lando can be an idiot sometimes,” he joked while grinning mischievously at the papaya driver, and the mood in the room visibly lightened as a few reporters laughed at his playful words.
“But on a more serious note though, I do believe it’s important to remember that drivers are also human beings, and we all have our own struggles and difficulties both on and off track. It’s crucial to respect drivers’ boundaries and not exploit their personal struggles, and our sole focus should always be on the sport and racing,” Daniel voiced out respectfully, emphasizing the one thing that people always seemed to forget – that drivers deserved privacy and owed nobody any explanations on their personal lives, even if they lived under the spotlight.
Oscar and Pierre who were seated at the further end of the table also nodded at Daniel’s resonating words, expressing their agreement on the importance of maintaining a respectful and uplifting environment for all drivers. “What are your thoughts, y/n?” A female reporter in the crowd raised the question, subtly giving you an encouraging smile as she steered the attention back to you, offering you the chance to speak your truth and address the situation directly.
The fear and dread within you slowly dissipated, replacing them was the heartwarming gratitude at your fellow drivers who showed no hesitation in defending you in the face of intrusive questioning. It was then that you realized you were never alone in this journey, that the other drivers on the grid were not only your competitors but your family who understood what you had gone through and would unconditionally have your back.
It was their reassuring glances, their wholehearted support, and their willingness to stand up for you that enveloped you with the strength and courage needed to finally speak up for yourself. “I would like to start off by thanking all the drivers here with me, and thank you to the journalist for that rather personal question,” you spoke clearly at your microphone, your voice emboldened by the newly found determination as you watched the journalist shift uncomfortably in his seat.
“While I do appreciate the public’s concern regarding my family issues, I would prefer to keep my personal life private. The decision to distance myself from my father to prioritize my well-being and emotional health is not something I regret doing, and it is not fair for people outside my family who don’t understand the complexities of our relationship to make assumptions on the matter.”
Taking a deep breath to gather your thoughts, you made the closing remarks to your statement, “Which is why I kindly ask for your understanding and space moving forward, to respect the privacy of not only me but everybody on the grid and allow us to deal with our personal matter privately, and ultimately create a respectful community within Formula 1.”
You looked around the room when you had finally finished speaking, meeting the eyes of your fellow drivers and the rows of reporters sitting before you. Your hands were still shaking from the nerves that pulsated through you, but a firm squeeze of Max’s hand pulled you back to the present before you could begin spiraling. “It’s okay. You’re okay,” he said with a gentle smile.
The media training sessions had come in handy once again, and you managed to address the situation in a graceful manner without revealing more details than you were comfortable sharing while also highlighting the importance of personal boundaries in the world of motorsports. “Thank you, y/n,” the previous female reporter nodded at you with a proud smile, glad that you put those unprofessional reporters who had no sense of boundaries back in their place.
Among the sea of cameras and eager reporters who could so easily expose the vulnerabilities of the drivers with a simple flick of their pens, some suddenly found themselves becoming the subject of such exposure, called out for their prying questions and insatiable need to twist people’s words for a click-worthy story.
It was evident that what you and the other drivers said had struck something within them as they silently began reflecting on their roles and responsibilities as reporters, and perhaps remembering the reason why they had chosen journalism in the first place – to report the factual truth to the public, or to fabricate things in exchange for views and attention?
The press conference proceeded to continue, but the shift in the atmosphere was apparent when journalists asked their questions with more sensitivity and introspection, mentioning topics that genuinely mattered instead of blindly chasing exclusive headlines. When the conference finally ended, you and all the drivers collectively exuded a breath of relief, feeling a weight being lifted off your shoulders now that the far-from-enjoyable media day was over.
As you exited the room and were away from the cameras and people, you turned around and gave your friends an appreciative smile. “Thank you all… for standing up for me.” You must have sounded like you were close to tears because Daniel began cooing at you teasingly as if he were comforting a crying child, “Aww… don’t worry about it, kiddo.”
Charles leaned forward to ruffle your hair almost like what an older brother would, and he said to you tenderly, “We’re a team, and we’ll always have your back.” You were not going to cry initially, but now you weren’t so sure. At that moment, you had felt so loved, so supported, and it made you want to hide under the covers and bawl your eyes out from the rush of emotions that crashed over you.
Your friends, understanding the depths of your emotions, gathered around to offer you their words of encouragement and gentle pats on your back. “I love you guys, really…” you whispered quietly, looking at them with such sincerity and gratitude. How lucky were you to be able to have these people as your competitors, your friends, your found family?
“Who wants to go and eat because I’m actually starving,” Lando exclaimed as he began walking in the direction of the restaurants, and a few of the drivers tailed behind him as they joined in on the rant about how hungry they were. You watched them with an overwhelming sense of fondness, and when Max reached out his hand for you to take, you gladly accepted it.
Listening to the light-hearted banter and laughs that filled the air with your best friend right next to you, you knew that this was exactly where you belonged. Not in the tiny living room with your father screaming at you, not in the classroom with the kids who didn’t understand what you had been through, not in the bedroom where you cried over your fading memories with your father, but right here – with your favourite people who would always be there to fight your battles with you.
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imthebadguyyy · 8 months
Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince
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pairing : charles leclerc x reader
fandom : f1
synopsis : you're the only female driver on the f1 grid, and have a secret relationship with ferrari's golden boy.
warnings : smut, sexual innunedo, comments made about body weight.
a/n : multi part series!! basically will be a slow build up to how their relationship gets exposed lol I hope you enjoy 🫶🏼
the soft rustle of the white linen under your skin lulled you into sleep, eyes heavy with exhaustion and hours of activity, the drawn curtains protecting your eyes from the harsh rays of sunlight that just moments ago had you whining to Charles to draw them.
Speaking of, Charles was bustling around, oddly energetic, considering the strenuous activities the both of you had engaged in hours ago.
groaning softly, you stretched like a cat, sighing in contentment as your muscles awoke. charles approached you mid stretch, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead, then your nose, your cheeks, your chin, and finally your lips.
the onslaught of affection made you giggle, and you tugged him down for a morning cuddle. charles laughed, giving in to you, wrapping his arms around you. the spanish sun streamed in, coating the both of you in a warm glow that had you snuggling closer to him, inhaling the deep scent of the sauvage perfume he had sprayed to the red and black ferrari team shirt he had changed into.
he sighed in contentment too, fingers gently stroking your hair, working through the tangles and knots, probably a result of his own hands laced through your hair, guiding you down when you had gone down on him.
"you slept well?" he enquired, fingers gently stroking your hair. "mmhmm" you mumbled, your own fingers dancing across his clad chest, slowly tracing up to his arms and drawing little flowers and shapes.
charles shivered at the feeling, heart fluttering in his chest as he took in the sight of you in his arms.
the ringing of your alarm broke the sweet silence and tranquility of the room, and you sighed, moving out of the warm embrace to turn off the alarm and drag your body out of bed.
"gotta get ready" you mumbled, still rubbing sleep from your eyes, yawning as you made your way to the bathroom.
"i hope I didn't tire you out before media day, cherie" charles teased, combing his hair in front of the mirror.
"oh shush" you mumbled through a mouth full of mint toothpaste.
"no but really cherie, i hope you slept well?" he asked, genuine concern laced in his voice.
you felt your heart melt, still getting used to how sweet and endearing your boyfriend was. "I promise im okay charles, besides, there is no way i would say no to a night like last night" you said, throwing him a smirk.
he laughed, taking out your McLaren t shirt and keeping it on the bed for you.
oh yeah, you happened to be the second driver for McLaren, and the only female driver on the grid.
being on opposing teams did little to stop you and charles from getting together, albeit in secret because you wanted to be discreet, and keep your relationship to yourself.
you looked at yourself at the mirror, rolling your eyes at the dark hickeys littered across your neck and collarbone, biting back a smile as you recalled the night before, charles hot lips pressing to your delicate skin, sucking harshly to create dark marks on your skin.
"charles marc herve perceval leclerc! look what you've done to me! i look like a fucking giraffe!" you whined and charles burst into giggles.
"desole, mon amour, i just lost control, you looked absolutely gorgeous, you still do" he said and you mentally awed at how sincere he was.
"thats alright, fenty beauty is the best match and wham! all gone" you said, concealing the marks to the best of your ability.
you walked back out, pulling on your jeans and your team t shirt, spraying yourself liberally in perfume. it was something you'd decide to start doing ever since becoming an f1 driver and having immensely long days.
just as you pulled on your sneakers, charles pulled you into his chest, earning a squeal of laughter from you.
"charles! what are you doing?" you laughed, letting your arms wrap around his torso, leaning your head back on his shoulder as he pressed the gentlest kiss to your neck.
"im just enjoying my girlfriend for as long as I can before I must hide my love for her from the world" he said dramatically, littering your neck with even more kisses, but each time he pressed more force to your neck, tongue darting out to lick each kiss, before gently letting his teeth sink into your neck.
you felt your heartbeat rise, and a second heartbeat arise between your legs, a warmth spreading through your body as a soft moan left your lips.
"charlie, not now.. we'll get late and my press officers will kill me if I'm late again" you whimpered, making absolutely no effort to pull away from him.
"just give me ten minutes amour, thats all i need" he whispered and you found yourself giving in, knowing that he was more than capable of making you cum in the limited time.
you let your head fall back as he sunk down to his knees, spinning you around and hoisting you up onto the table in your room.
his hands made their way to your jeans, unbuttoning them in a haste, letting them pool around your ankles.
your hands found home in his hair, tugging it harshly, not caring about the fact that he would not have time to fix it before you both had to rush.
charles looked up at you, green eyes flashing at you, before he gave you a little wink.
"such a cassanova" you moaned out, sarcastic even as charles tongue licked up your thighs, hand reaching for your underwear.
"behave cerise" he warned and you shut up, head leaning back in pleasure when his tongue finally made contact with your pussy.
you were definitely going to be late.
charles jogged into the paddock, hair mussed up and eyes slightly dazed as he made his way to the ferrari garage. he had decided that you would go first, since he was less likely to get in trouble for being late.
he brushed his hands through his hair, although the poor attempt did little to tame the wild mess of hair.
"finally, where were you?" carlos asked, the spaniard throwing his teammate a charming smile.
"my alarm didn't go off and I slept in" charles said, the little white lie rolling off his tongue in all its practised perfection.
"mm sure" carlos replied. he had long suspected that charles had a secret girlfriend, but being the gentleman that he was, had decided better than to prod. if charles wanted him to know, he would tell him.
"who are we paired with for media?" he asked, putting on a cap to hopefully calm down his wild hair.
"alex, lewis, pierre, checo, valterri, y/n and you are together, im with max, fernando, lando, yuki, george and zhou" he said, pulling on a cap of his own.
charles hid a smile, happy at the prospect of getting to spend time with you.
"so you had sex" carlos said matter of factly as the two of them made their way to the press rooms, both waving at tifosi as they went. the cheers for carlos were extra loud since it was his home race.
"um i didn't say that" charles chuckled, waving as he saw a little girl with a teddy wearing a ferrari shirt.
"you don't have to mate, i can see a scratch on the back of your neck and your hair is a mess, you also look a little drunk but not from alcohol" carlos stated non-chalantly, making his way up the stairs.
"alright fine but I'm not saying who" charles said. he trusted carlos but he couldn't risk the paddock finding it because he knew it would be you facing the repercussions and not him. he had heard lots of stories from you on how you had to endure all sorts of stories and questions on how you had managed to sleep your way to f1, and how you had special connections with people, and he did not want the headlines to be accusing you of getting a seat by sleeping with him, when in reality you had met each other after you joined formula 1 in williams.
"thats okay you don't have to. but you look like you had a wild night" the spaniard laughed as charles blushed, his cheeks staining a soft cherry rouge.
"yes I did now please don't talk about my sex life in front of so many cameras" he begged, as they split up to go their different rooms.
making his way, he found you seated next to lewis, an empty spot right beside you, at the very end of the couch.
lewis smiled at charles, beckoning him to come and join the both of you.
when lewis turned to valterri who was on his left, charles threw you a subtle wink, which had you holding back an eye roll and biting your cheek to keep yourself from giggling.
alex turned to chat with the three of you for a while and valterri joined in too. you were interrupted by your press officers telling you they'd be staring the questions soon and you all settled in, and you prayed you'd get decent questions this time.
"so welcome everyone to the circuit de barcelona catalunya, for the spanish grand prix. we are joined by lewis hamilton, sergio perez, alex albon, pierre gasly, valterri bottas, charles leclerc and y/n l/n" and the questions started, with the first one going to lewis.
you found yourself zoning out a little, while the others answered questions about race conditions and alex's experience with a fan who tried to steal his M and M's.
you found yourself laughing at the story, unable to suppress giggles at alex's animated story telling.
"right, well the next question is for y/n" said another reporter, a young man with blonde hair in a sharp suit offered you a smile and you smiled back.
"y/n, there's been some talk about your weight and how it might affect your performance on the track, since you seemed to have put on a little after the winter break and testing. can you comment on that?" he said, completely calmly.
you were stunned.
you weren't quite sure if you had heard it correctly. around you, you could hear the reporters murmuring, and see the obvious anger and discomfort on everyone's faces around you. lewis gave you a look that said "should I speak up for you?" but you shook your head a little.
before you could answer, an angry voice filled the room.
"how dare you ask her a question like that? enough with these ridiculous questions about her weight! we're here to race, and her skills behind the wheel are what matter. if anyone doubts her abilities, they're in for a surprise on the track. it's time to move past these stereotypes and give credit where it's due – y/n is a fierce competitor and belongs here just as much as any of us. she has already done podiums and could do a win soon too with how quick she has been. all you do is ask stupid questions to a woman who has paved the way for others and I find it ridiculous, c'est très irrespectueux." charles spoke up, his usually calm demeanor ruffled.
you felt tears rise to your eyes, not expecting him to speak up, and you swore you'd never been more in love with charles.
distinctly, you heard lewis chime in, a deep frown in his forehead as he reprimanded the reporter for asking such a question.
"seriously? we're in a room full of talented racers, and you choose to ask a question like that? y/n is here because of her skill, determination, and hard work, not her weight. it's about time we focus on the racing, where she's more than capable of holding her own. let's leave these outdated notions behind and give credit where it's deserved." lewis said calmly, not showing how angry he was.
valterri and pierre spoke up as well, but you found your eyes drawn to charles, watching how his eyes, usually sparkly and bright held anger in them, a fire burning behind them. his fists were balled up, nostrils flaring as he tried to calm down.
charles knew that sylvia would be mad at him and his press officers would have to do some damage control but he hated how the reporters diminished the talent of the love of his life.
the both of you looked at each other, love and gratitude in yours and love and apologies in his.
as soon as it was over, you walked off, not wanting to talk to anyone else.
you decided to make your way over to your drivers room and almost successfully made it there, when you felt charles grab you as you walked past the ferrari hospitality.
he dragged you to his own room, eyes still filled with rage and hurt.
the moment it was the two of you inside the room, charles turned to you, one hand gently stroking your cheek while the other rested on your wait, and then he started talking, "mon coeur, i just want to apologise to you for having to deal with these insensitive questions. it's frustrating to see you continually face these when we should all be celebrating your talent and achievements. you're an incredible driver and an even better person, and i love you so much. im so proud to stand beside you and be by your side and-"
you cut him off with a kiss, pulling him down by the neck to meet your lips. he pulled you impossibly closer to him, hands grippin you so tight you knew it would leave a soft mark.
his tongue pushed against yours urgently, but you broke apart, panting heavily, to kiss his cheek and whisper a soft "thank you"
charles guided the both of you to the door to make sure it was locked, before lifting you up to rest you against the wall.
before you knew it his lips were on yours again, pressing against them, hot and needy, and you kissed him back with an urgency, a need to thank him for sticking up for you.
"do you think I'm... im too big?" you murmured against his lips.
your words had him stopping, forehead resting against yours as he sighed.
"mon amour, ma chérie, ma douce fille, tu es parfaite telle que tu es. j'adore tout en toi et personnellement, je trouve ton corps parfait. je veux que tu saches que tu es absolument incroyable et parfaite à tous égards, et je t'aimerai toujours." my love, my darling, my sweet girl, you are perfect as you are. I adore everything about you and personally I find your body to be perfect. I want you to know you are absolutely amazing and perfect in every way and I will always love you.
your eyes filled with tears as his fingers gently caressed your tummy, before he started peppering kisses all over you.
"i love you charles" you whispered, voice breaking a little and he noticed, pressing a kiss to your nose.
"i love you too my love" he whispered back.
"let me show you how perfect you are ma jolie, ma tournesol" he whispered, carrying you back to his bed to lay you down with such gentility, as if you were going to smash into a thousand pieces if he was rough with you.
"please let me show you how perfect you are, comment puis-je te résister quand je te vois, à quel point tu es magnifique et comment tu es une déesse absolue sur terre. laisse-moi t'aimer et te montrer ma gratitude pour toi, mon amour." how I cannot resist you when I see you, how gorgeous you are and how you are an absolute goddess on earth. let me love you, and show you my appreciation for you my love he whispered and you gasped softly.
how you loved it when he sweet talked you in french.
you couldn't wait for the dirty talk to start.
"so fucking beautiful" he groans, admiring your body, as he drags your shirt off your body, followed by the jeans, tracing each and every one of your curves, your heart warming up at his tender touch as his gaze stares fervently into yours, with nothing but love and admiration in his eyes for you
his lips instantly reconnect with yours, finding home on your lips. his kiss is demanding, and just the right amount of rough, and when he slaps your ass softly, you moan giving his tongue an opening, allowing him to slowly slide into your mouth, tongue exploring every crevice.
"be quiet for me cherie, can't have everyone hearing my beautiful girl's sweet moans hmm?" he whispered against your ears, biting along the lobe.
his hand grabs a hold of your chin, holding you in place as your legs start to wrap around his waist, your fingers digging into his skin.
"charles" you moan breathlessly between his lips, and he begins to unclasp your bra, his fingers intertwining with both straps as pulls it down your arms, failing to break the kiss.
he leans down to take a nipple in his mouth, licking around the bud before sucking on it. the simple motion was enough to have you moaning and whining against him, as his fingers teased the other nipple, flicking it repeatedly, and running the rough pad of his thumb over the pert nipple.
his name left your lips like a chant as your hips rutted against him of their own accord.
his right hand moving to play with your right nipple, twisting it, flicking it, pinching it before soothing it with a gentle motion of his thumb. he switched, mouthing and sucking your other nipple, instead, while his hand moved to your left, pulling harshly as he rolled the sensitive bud in between his fingers. you tried your best to stifle your moans, taking slight respite in the fact that the ferrari drivers rooms were a little soundproofed, your panties no longer damp but practically wet, threatening to drip down your legs as you clenched again, the arousal becoming painful. after finishing with your chest, charles kissed downwards, to your stomach, licking his way down to your hips. his green eyes met your own, as he moved his hand in between your thighs, feeling how wet you were, even when you weren't even fully exposed to him. he gently pushed your panties against your cunt, watching your pussy lips swallow the material and soak it with your arousal, the friction from the material making you gasp.
before you could grind against it, he pulled it off of you, letting it drop to the floor. he moved lower, arms trailing down your thoughts almost kneeling in front of you, "you look so good baby, all spread out for me. i love everything about your body mon amour.
i love these marks, i love your scars, i love every freckle and dot on your body," he murmured, fingers gently tracing the stretch marks on your tummy and thighs.
"do you want my tongue in your pretty pussy hmm?" he asked, as you nodded fervently. "words, cerise" he said, fingers gently tracing circles on your clit from outside your panties. "yes, yes I do please!" you whined, grinding against his finger.
and with that he moved in between your thighs.
with both hands, he pulled your knees even more apart, so he could fully face your quivering pussy watching as you pink hole repeatedly clenched and un clenched around nothing, shimmering with your own juices.
licking his lips, he leaned forward, feeling a carnal desire burst open within him. he kissed both your thighs, before looking up at you again. then he moved forward, pushing his pointer finger into you, swearing when your walls enveloped him. he pushed in till his knuckles, pumping up and down as your moans and groans of pleasure rang out above him, before shoving in a second finger, and then a third, the stretch making you throw your head back, you hair fanning out.
"so beautiful mon ange, all spread out like this. i can see all of you and you're the most beautiful person ive ever laid my eyes on" he groaned and you found yourself moaning event louder, till he brought one hand up to let you suck his fingers.
then he licked broad stripe up your pussy, still fingering you, before running his tongue up your slit repeatedly. using two fingers he spread you open, latching onto your clit, as you let out a scream of pleasure above him, arching your back even further. charles let out a choked groan at how good you tasted, almost as sweet and sour as a cherry, his favourite nickname for you, as he flicked the sensitive bud back and forth before sucking hard on it. his tongue repeatedly rolled your clit, before he took it into his mouth, lips enclosing around the bud. while his fingers continued thrusting into you, the band in your stomach threatening to snap, when his nose pressed against your clit, and when it nudged the sensitive button repeatedly, and he continued sucking your clit till you had tears streaming down your face from the ache of the pleasure.
his fingers and tongue worked in tandem, as you tightened above him, your thighs wrapping around his neck, pulling him closer to you as you let out a strangled moan of "oh god, oh my god, charles!", and before you knew it you had cum on his tongue, his tongue and fingers working you through your orgasm, licking up every last drop as you continued to quiver above him, body rocking out your orgasm.
you expected him to pull away, but he stayed, fingers still in you, looking up at you, and the sight of his nose and mouth, shimmering with your juices, was enough to nearly make you cum again, but as you tried to pull him up, he pushed your body back down, looking at you with a dangerous glint in his eyes. "no no no, mon coeur. i need to show you how much i love you and one orgasm won't do that" he said,and with that, he moved back down between your thighs, licking your pussy languidly a few times, before shoving his tongue back into you, this time, pulling your hips closer so you were nearly dangling off the edge of the bed, almost balancing on his face, your hands reaching down to pull his dark locks, legs wrapping around him, pulling him closer as he went back to sucking your clit again, the lewd sounds echoing in the room, as desperate moans of "charles! charles! oh my god, fuck, fuck, amour" left your lips, like a prayer, your head thrown back and chest heaving, nipples hardened against the cold air in the room. as if on cue, charles let his hand reach up to gently fiddle with your nipples, as your hips began to rut on his face, his nose deliciously nudging your clit again, and his fingers soon replaced it, flicking your clit with his finger and licking around it, till you were cumming again, with broken screams of his name leaving your lips.
he stood up, climbing up onto the bed to kiss you, and you tasted yourself on his lips.
"my beautiful girl. the most beautiful girl" he mumbled repeatedly against your lips.
climbing over you, he caressed your cheek softly, before pulling you in for a gentle kiss, which quickly became teeth and tongue, as he brought his cock closer to your entrance. he swiped it through your folds, running the tip over your clit continuously till you felt like you were gonna pass out from the combination of feelings you were experiencing. "please mon ange, please just fuck me, please!" you finally cried out, gasping when he pushed himself into you, finally filling you with what you always craved.
"my gorgeous girl has the most gorgeous pussy ever, so soft and pink" he groaned, slotting himself into you, thrusting his hips till he was in so deep it was as though he belonged there. as though he belonged inside you, as if he belonged with you forever.
he continued to snap his hips against yours, burying himself in you, mouth leaning down to suck your nipples again.
"m-more" you managed to stutter out. "can you handle more, mon bebe?" he asked, his gentility and sweetness peeking through. "yes, fuck yes, i can" you moaned, too drunk on the feeling of cock sliding in and out of your pussy. "d'accord cherie" he murmured.
without stopping the movement of his hips, he flipped you over onto your front, as you landed ungracefully on your front. "hands and knees" he commanded, still fucking you
the new angle was making stars burst forth in your vision.quivering, you moved onto your shaky knees and hands, as he gripped your waist from behind, pulling you back to meet his cock.
your incoherent moans of his name were fuel to his fire, and he reached around you to rub your clit roughly, collecting your arousal on his fingers, before stuffing his fingers in your mouth, prompting you to suck on them. you swirled your tongue around them, tasting yourself on his fingers again, as he moved your fingers in deeper, almost making you choke.
the feeling of him nearly fucking you in two was clouding your senses, the band in your tummy ready to snap again. behind you, increased the pace of his thrusts, using his other hand to pinch and rub your clit again, a high pitched groan leaving his lips as his orgasm rode up on him, but, being the gentleman that he was, he wanted you to cum first.
the harsh rubbing of his fingers on your clit and his cock ramming into your pussy, the squelch of sounds and your moans and groans filled the room, sweat dripping down your bodies and the smell of sex penetrating your nose.
when charles suddenly picked up the paxe and wrapped a hand around your neck, squeezing just enough to restrict your airflow ever so slightly, you let out a high pitched moan, the feeling sending you into euphoria as your pussy gushed around him, charles hissed when you clenched on his sensitive cock, finally spurting his cum into you as well.
panting, you pulled apart, both of you collapsing on his bed.
"fuck that was-"
"insanely hot, insanely good, insanely perfect" you said, curling up into his side.
"thank you for supporting me my love" you whispered again, surprised at the tears filling your eyes.
"aw mon cherie, don't cry" he whispered, hands gently pushing your hair out of your face.
"i won't" you sniffled softly, letting out a watery laugh at the concern in his face.
"i love you so much" you mumbled, letting his soft humming lull you to sleep, not giving a damn about the fact that literally any moment McLaren would have a breakdown when they saw their star talent was missing.
but all you cared about in that moment was getting some time with the man you loved.
charles sighed in contentment as he looked down at you, dozing off in his arms.
in his daze he missed the footsteps making their way to the door.
neither of you missed the sharp rap of knocked against the door, making you jump out of your skin as carlos' voice came from the other end.
"cabron, we are needed for a meeting. can you open your door so i can get my extra shoes? i left them there by accident" he said and you froze.
"don't say a word" charles mumbled to you, gently getting up.
god, you were so fucked.
a/n - will definitely make this a multi part series!! any comments feedback reblogs idea etc are always appreciated!! much love always 🩷
f1 : @ivegotparticulartaste @moon-enthusiast @superlegend216 @theonly1outof-a-billion
charles leclerc : @dark-night-sky-99
everything : @roslastyles420 @hopefulinlove @bluesongbird
to be added to the taglist send me an ask or a dm specifying which fandom 🩷
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noimnotmae · 1 month
L O S T | Max Verstappen
summary: after getting lost in the city of Las Vegas a kind stranger offers to help her get back to her hotel.
max verstappen x female! CEO! reader
pt2 — masterlist — pt4
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yn_suárez ✔
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liked by urbff_user, danielricciardo, maxverstappen1 and 306,765 others
yn_suárez 😂🤣 . . . more
view all 1,309 comments
urbff_user Max 🤨🙄
maxverstappen1 what did I do??
urbff_user win
yn_suárez I'm so sorry about her, max
maxverstappen1 It's all good
chsrleschicken I stan [urbff]
mamasuárez ❤️
yn_suárez miss you, mama
liked by yn_suárez
f1fan max what're you doin here? 🤨
ashkey67 max, liking and commenting on yn's posts won't get you your Noir leather jacket.
livelylope he's trying so hard
kiaanna I'm liking the max yn interactions
forzaferrsri55 YN, stop fraternising with the enemy in the comments!
urbff_user ☝️
[Instagram msg]
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yn_suárez ✔
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liked by urbff_user, carlossainz55, charles_leclerc and 609,267 others
yn_suárez Goodluck Ferrari team. Forza Ferrari, sèmpre 🏎 💨 . . . more
view all 2,038 comments
urbff_user ❤️❤️🏁
yn_suárez 😫
scuderiaferrari looking good in red
liked by yn_suárez
carlossainz55 thank you ❤️
urbff_user please don't let max win 🙏
carlossainz55 we'll see
charles_leclerc Forza Ferrari
liked by yn_suárez
yuukiyuukiyaya here comes the F1 drivers
livelaughlovealways yn confirmed Ferrari fan
landonorizzz08 Ferrari commented
maxverstappen1 😒
urbff_user 🙄
mywifeyyn [urbff] having beef with max is my favourite thing in the world
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the layouts for the chats and other social media sort of changed since I'm still figuring out what's the best looking ones. this social media au is sort of an experiment at the same time is just for funzies. hope you are all enjoying so far.
taglist: @stinkyjax @spookystitchery @marshmummy
if you want to be tagged in the next part, just comment.
543 notes · View notes
game on | m. verstappen
pairing: max verstappen x reader word count: 1.5k words request: nope.warnings: this is just porn. i tried to give it a little plot at the end but it's all just smut. 18+ only, minors dni. it's also badly written and not proofread so yeah a/n: i've been reading a lot of hotd smut fics for like a week and i guess this was inspired by them lmao. it's shit i know but it was an itch i had to scratch
my masterlist 
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(dear lord, i want him so bad)
the touch of a hand. the discovery of the shape of his lips. learning what makes her tremble. 
none of her previous lovers could ever compare to what max made her feel. their connection was out of this world, something one only read about in books. it was magical, the way only they only had to share one touch, one look, and they knew what the other meant, what they wanted. 
max loved her eyes. they were expressive and as much as she tried to hide her true reactions to the rest of the world, he only had to watch her for a few seconds to know what she was actually thinking. 
he especially loved watching her eyes when they were being intimate. how the tears welled up as she tried to follow his instructions and just resist the urge to snap. how they'd widen in surprise whenever he first entered her, whether with his fingers, tongue or cock. she'd always roll her eyes back when he changed his pace to reach her g spot. 
he always made sure to love every inch of her, starting with her face and cheeks, he loved how he could feel the heat rushing there, blood running fast. then he moved down to her neck, leaving small lovemarks all over.
her chest would heave, moving up and down with every shallow breath she took. the way she curled her fingers on his hair only spurred him on, encouraging to continue his way down her body. 
slowly, he'd raise a finger and play with her nipples, biting his lower lip as he felt them harden beneath his touch. his mouth would follow his hands, wet tongue ready to stimulate as much as she'd allow. 
he'd look up, watching her brows furrowed in a perfect frown. mouth slightly agape as soundless breaths left her lungs. even after years of sex together, she was still as sensitive as the very first time. 
he continued his journey down her body, reaching her warm, wet cunt, he looked up again, seeing her already looking down at him. with a pillow beneath her hips, something max always insisted on having to help with her comfort, it was easier to watch his hungry eyes roam her most intimate spot. 
his mouth watered at the sight, he hadn't even touched her there yet and she was already ready for him. his fingers touched the sensitive skin of her thighs, big, strong hands holding her delicately. she whimpered, so ready for him it was almost torture. the pad of his finger met her clit, carefully drawing circles on her bud. his eyes flew to her face, hair resting all over the white sheets, her chest still carrying the evidence from his previous attack. 
"so beautiful," he whispered, removing his finger to replace it with his tongue. 
he could die between her legs, with his face buried deep between her folds and tongue inside of her. what a heavenly way to die.
but he still had a job to finish, he could think about dying later, first, he had to make her cum in a way she’d never forget. 
fastening the pace of his fingers on her clit, he drank all of her wetness, a sweet nectar that fueled him even more. he moved his mouth and fingers, switching their position so his mouth was on her bundle of nerves and his fingers entered her, slowly at first, two at once, as she was so ready and prepared for him. 
she let out a soundless gasp, closing her eyes as she breathed in sharply. but max curled his fingers in that way only he knew how, making her arch her back and look up at him, the desperate look on her face made a shiver go down his spine. 
"please, i want you," she whispered, voice barely audible, "need you, max," she begged, her voice mixing with the obscene sounds of him worshiping her cunt. 
"hmm, are you sure you're ready for me?" he said as he sat up, fingers still buried inside her clenching walls, so tight, he couldn't wait to feel her around his cock. 
"stop. fucking. teasing." she said, rocking her hips, chasing friction. he smirked, free hand slapping slightly the skin of her inner thighs. 
“you didn’t answer my question,” he said, moving so his face was on top of hers. he moved his fingers in and out, a slow torture that made her shut her eyes, a frown on her face and a whine escaping her lips.
“i want you. i’ve been ready for you since you kissed me after your podium,” she whispered, feeling as he moved her hair away from her face and neck, the sweaty skin causing it to stick there. 
the moments blurred together as she felt him entering, their lips met, foreheads touched as they both moaned and groaned, the electricity between them was almost palpable, the air was thick and they were the only people that existed in that moment. 
her walls around him felt heavenly, clenching every so often as he changed speed or position, which made blood rush to his brain and his cock, getting even harder. it was like a chain reaction, she made a noise or a certain movement, and it caused a reaction from max, which in turn made him roll his hips, grip her thighs or kiss the sweet spot on her neck. 
sex with max was a religious experience. she could never get tired of it, no matter how many nights they spent together. he always managed to make her feel loved, desired, wanted. he knew exactly what she needed, even when she didn’t know it herself. he wasn’t afraid to try new things and explore the limits of her pleasure. everything with her consent, of course, nothing was more important to him that she enjoyed things as much as he did. 
when she thought she couldn’t hold her climax anymore she always closed her eyes, the air couldn’t reach her lungs as she gave sharp breaths, and that’s when max would change his pace or his position. 
and as she closed her eyes, her inner walls impossibly tight around max’s length, max decided not to make her wait any longer.
his lips met hers, one hand over her throat, squeezing lightly as the other rubbed fast circles on her clit. the sum of the overstimulation brought her to a peak that was different from all the others she’d experienced. 
her legs shook around him, she wanted to moan and whine, but nothing came out. she closed her eyes so tight that she saw stars, burying her nails on his skin, pulling him so close she could feel his heaving breaths. everything inside of her tensed and then relaxed as she came, max's fingers slowed down on her clit, hips rolling agonizingly slow as he fucked his cum back into her quivering pussy, prolonging the shocks of ecstasy running through their veins. 
"i love you," max said, kissing all over every inch of skin on her neck. 
"I love you too, my champion," she smiled, lifting a hand to push his hair back, cupping his cheek, her thumb on the dip of his dimple. 
"not yet," he reminded her.
"the third one is coming. and you're so close to breaking a new record, you're on win number nine in a row. but ten? that's something no one's ever done before."
"yeah," he said, resting next to her, his back against the mattress. he was nervous about beating a record set by someone he admired so much. 
"how about a little incentive?" she said, throwing a leg over his hips, gasping as she felt his cock nestled beneath her folds. 
"i'm listening," he said, reaching for her hands, locking her fingers between hers. she started moving, slowly, back and forth, in circles, on top of his hardening cock. "angel-"
"next sunday, after you win your tenth race in a row," she leaned down, lips on top of his, "you get ten orgasms in one day," she looked up at him, shivering at the way his eyes widened.
"that's… a lot," 
"you don't want it?" she raised an eyebrow, leaning back up. max, in his panicked state, grabbed her hips hard and held her in place.
"i don't know if i could survive ten in one day."
"well it's up to you, it could be… you give me ten, i give you ten, or half and half."
"i like that idea better,"
"which one?"
"you getting ten," it was now her turn to shiver at the idea, but the wetness pooling over max's cock let him know she wasn't too much against that idea. 
"we'll have to wait and see then," she kissed his lips, "but right now let's go for one more tonight."
"just one?" max laughed, his hand slithering down her body to touch her clit again.
ten wins.
ten orgasms.
game on.
1K notes · View notes
onlyonetifosi · 4 months
Clapping, clapping, i see ya' falling
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got the gifs from @matlillard (love the recompilation)
author note1: sorry for taking longer than I expected, been busy
author note2: sorry for the possible bad german, Im spanish, i used google translate
author note2: i hope you like it
"Mick, Schätzchen, have you ever thought about joining TikTok?" Yn asked with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.
"TikTok? Really?" Mick raised an eyebrow, not entirely convinced.
Yn chuckled, "Warum nicht? (Why not?) It's a fantastic way to connect with fans. Let's create an account together!"
After some convincing, Mick reluctantly agreed. Yn set up his account, and soon they were ready to post the first TikTok. Little did they know, it would become an internet sensation.
His first TikTok featured the two of them attempting the viral clapping challenge. The idea was simple—clap their hands while crossing one leg, all while navigating different locations on race weekends. However, the process wasn't as smooth as it seemed.
In the first clip, Mick and Yn found themselves in a hotel corridor. As they started clapping and crossing legs, Mick tripped over his own feet, and they burst into laughter. The genuine moment of joy captured the hearts of fans, and the comments flooded in.
"Okay, Micky, let's try this again. Clap, laugh, leg cross!" Yn said giggling
"This is harder than it looks!" Mick responded laughing on the corridor floor
"Komm schon, Mick! (Come on, Mick!)" Yn encourages him as they are running late because of his discordination.
"Ich versuche es, Liebling. (I'm trying, darling)" Mick defends himself.
As they attempted multiple takes, they stumbled, bumped into each other, and laughed uncontrollably. The outtakes became just as popular as the original video.
In Melbourne, as they stood in their hotel corridor, Mick began the routine with a confident clap. Yn, however, struggled to keep her balance and ended up colliding with a housekeeping cart, sending cleaning supplies scattering.
"Verdammt (damn)!" she laughed, helping Mick collect the fallen items.
The duo's next stop was Imola, where Mick's Australian Shepherd, Angie, joined in on the fun. With her wagging tail, she managed to mimic the leg cross move, leaving the couple in stitches.
"Angie wants to join the TikTok too!" Yn giggled.
"Angie, du bist so süß (Angie, you're so cute)," Yn cooed, ruffling the dog's fur.
Mick petted Angie, "You're stealing the show, Frau"
Throughout the season, Mick and Yn continued the clapping challenge, showcasing different locations, from the paddock to picturesque cities around the world. Each video brought its own set of challenges and hilarious moments.
Encouraged by the positive response of the bloopers she uploaded on instagram, Yn had an ambitious idea – to get Mercedes Team Principal Toto Wolff involved. She pleaded with him in his office.
"Toto, please, it's just a quick video! The fans would love to see the boss having some fun."
Toto sighed, "Fine, but just this once. What do I have to do?"
Yn grinned, "Just clap your hands and cross one leg while walking. It's easy!"
Toto chuckled, "Ah, the things I do for social media”
The resulting video showcased Toto's serious demeanor breaking into a smile as he awkwardly attempted the trend. Fans went wild, and Toto's unexpected charm won over the internet.
"You owe me for this, Mick!" Toto playfully threatened him.
Their TikTok journey continued, featuring special guests like Sebastian Vettel and his wife Hanna. In one video, the four attempted the clap-and-cross routine together, struggling to coordinate their moves, well mostly Seb and Mick.
" Mama, Papa, come join us for a TikTok! It'll be legendary!"
Sebastian raised an eyebrow. "Really, Yn? TikTok?" but she knew he was joking from the playful grin on his face, adn he agreed.
The genuine laughter that followed made it even more endearing. Mick hugged his friend, saying, "Who knew Seb Vettel could be a TikTok sensation?"
At the Silverstone GP, Esteban Ocon, Mick's bestie, couldn't resist joining the trend. The two friends shared a hilarious moment when Mick accidentally stepped on Esteban's foot, resulting in a fit of laughter that echoed through the paddock.
"C'est vraiment drôle!" (This is really funny) Esteban laughed, clapping along.
Taking advantage that Mick's sister, Gina, was with them during a race weekend, Yn decided to involve her as she is very fond of the older Schumacher sibling.
"Come on, Gina! We're going to create a masterpiece!" Yn encouraged Gina 
Gina, always up for some fun, joined them in a hotel lobby. Yn and Gina having planned a prank on Mick were ready.
"Bereit, ihr beiden? (Ready, you two?)"
"Ja, let's go!" Yn said mischievously to her.
As Mick started clapping and crossing his leg, Yn and Gina coordinated their push, causing Mick to stumble dramatically.
"Autsch! Ihr seid gemein! (Ouch! You're mean!)" Mick told them faking a hurt expression.
The three burst into laughter, Mick, with a mock hurt expression, turned to Yn for comfort. Seizing the opportunity, he pulled her into a sweet kiss, knowing it would irk his sister.
"I never thought making these videos could be so entertaining. Danke, Liebling" Said Mick kissing his girlfriend as Gina fake gagged behind them.
Gina groaned, "Ugh, you two are insufferable."
Yn convinced Mick to approach other drivers for collaborations. In the paddock at Hungary, they found themselves persuading Lewis Hamilton to join the clapping craze.
"Come on, Lewis! It'll be a blast!" Yn exclaimed.
Lewis, with a grin, agreed, and soon the trio filmed a TikTok that transcended team rivalries and showcased the camaraderie among the drivers.
In Hungary, they even managed to convince Max Verstappen to take part in the viral trend, breaking the mold of fierce competition. The resulting video, featuring Mick, Yn and Max, became an instant hit, uniting fans from different corners of the racing world.
As Mick and Yn continued their TikTok journey, their infectious laughter and genuine moments brought joy to fans worldwide. They uploaded the video and promised to repeat it next season as they had so much fun during the making of it.
They uploaded the video, and soon, the comments flooded in, praising not only the couple's chemistry but also Mick's newfound style
She turned to Mick, who was sitting beside her on the bed in their hotel room, scrolling through his own phone. "Mick, isn't this amazing? Our TikTok is blowing up! "
Mick chuckled, his eyes lighting up with excitement. "Ja (Yes), it's pretty cool. I didn't expect it to become so popular" And they started reading some of the comments.
One said "Is it just me, or did Mick's fashion game level up this year?" some others said "Mick's style transformation is giving me life. Thank you, Yn!"
Another fan said: "The 'girlfriend effect' is real. Yn, spill your fashion secrets!"
Mick looked from her phone to her girlfriend, who layed across their bed, raising an eyebrow "The 'girlfriend effect,' huh?"
Yn, smiled grinning, proud of herself "Guilty as charged. But admit it, you look great!"
Mick, looked at her grinning "Looks like I owe it all to you, liebling"
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taglist: @love4lando@gcldtom@im-mi @hiireadstuff @celesteblack08@reblog-princess@sunf1ower16@janeholt3@athena-artemis-dorian-gray
429 notes · View notes
lizablackthorn · 1 year
pov:you’re friends with f1 drivers camping/hiking/zip lining editon 🏕️🚴⛰️
lewishamilton added to their story
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landonorris added to their story
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yourusername added to their story
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mickschumacher added to their story
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lando.jpg just posted a photo
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liked by carlossainz55,maxverstappen1,lewishamilton and 455.384 others
lando.jpg Digital diary of the 17th day
yourusername: becoming a mermaid with @lewishamilton
georgerussell63:On theatres this summer
y/usernamefan: Why @yourusername is working in a inflatable pool😭
yourusername: Lando was kind enough to make me feel like at vacation🙏🏻
landonorris:but you WERE in vacation?
yourusername:i’m not a f1 driver i have REAL work to do (sarcasm if you didn’t get it)
landonorris: i’m not the stupid one that’s charles
charles_leclerc: how this turned and come back at me?
charles_leclerx16fan: What is Charles doing on the tree???
lewishamilton: @yourusername.told him there was a bear coming
alex_albon:who won the card game? I put my money in @yourusername
yourusername: And you’re winning 100 bucks🏆
sharlmarchervepercevalleclerc: thank you for shirtless Charles
yourusername: somebody is stealing your rep @georgerussell63.👀 and i loved your username🤌🏻
georgerussell63:don’t do this mate i can’t compete with you @charles_leclerc
alex_albon: take it @charles_leclerc. Not because he can’t compete with you(he definitely can) i cannot handle another shirtless George.
charles_leclerc: for your sanity mate. I’m gladly taking his reputation. Wait for the shirtless pics
yourusername: I definitely wouldn’t complain like rest of the world…
yourusername just posted a photo
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liked by charles_leclerc,pierregasly,danielriccardo and 49.937 others
yourusername these are only sneak peeks from the directors cut. Stay tuned for the others.
charles_leclerc: it was really entertaining to make fun of @landonorris. “Was” don’t let it fool you. You’re on my hands for the rest of your life
landonorris: Okay great mate. Now think about the last week. You’re on MY hands
f1: 👀
danielriccardo: Why did both of you made me dirty @landonorris and @yourusername? It’s time to take out my camera.
yourusername: sorry for not being talented as you’re at taking pics😭
mickschumacher: Roscoe was my favorite for the whole time❤️ @lewishamilton
lewishamilton: Roscoe loves you so much❤️
user3748392: no but i cannot over the story where Charles was snuggling yourusername😭❤️ it was so cute
paddockclubgirls: i though i was the only one😭
lastlaplando: who is he holding the stick like he doesn’t wanna lost?
yourusername: Charles! He genuinely didn’t wanna lost.
charlosthebest: sorry for shipping you but I ship you so bad😭
carlossainz55: I know it would’ve been a bad idea to go back to Spain. I’m sorry for missing the opportunity to make fun of lando
charles_leclerc:he was hilarious mate. You should’ve heard his screams
landonorris: mate if i were you i wouldn’t go overboard..
f1drivers: pls tell us i can’t keep on my life without not knowing that.
sirlewishamiltonfan44: Lewis is reaallyy fine man. I love him so bad.
lh44team: and him with Roscoe. I can’t- double the effect😭
yourusername: i was so happy @lewishamilton being there for this week. I really love him too🥹
lewishamilton: my sister from another mother💜
lh44team: they’re so cute i’m gonna cry😭
sirlewishamiltonandlordperceval: The only thing i can see is how beautiful the view in the fourth picture. Definitely not Lewis’naked back and Charles’tits.
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lovemly4 · 3 months
Hey hope you have an amazing day! I realised that there's not much logan sargeant request here on tumblr and was wondering if I could request one? Just a very clingy reader and how she always reacts when he comes back to their home ❤️ fluff pls!
Hi darling!! I had an amazing day, what about you? You’re so right, Logan deserves more attention! I specifically wrote about him coming back home after a long time, and how much reader is excited to see him. Hope that’ll do!!
Back to You - Logan Sargeant
Word count: 970 ; Genre: fluff ; Pairing: Boyfriend!Logan x reader ; Warnings: none
It had been three weeks since the last time you saw Logan. Your job didn’t really let you had time to accompany him to the races, nor see him very often, and that caused your mood to drop inevitably.
Furthermore, your love language had always been quality time and physical touch, so being apart only fed your desperation to spend time together. You two video called each other every night, sharing news and tidbits, but no.
It wasn’t enough. You were feeling empty anyway.
‘Just two more days’ you thought to yourself, trying to soothe the painful sadness of his absence engaging in house chores or working compulsively ‘til late hours.
Little did you know, he was in the exactly same state as you. Being this far from you pained him, destroyed by the want to fill every single fiber of his body with your laugh and your melodious voice again.
‘Just two more days‘ he thought, trying to distract himself spending time with his team or walking in the city he was in. And everywhere he went he promised himself to return there with you, and show you all the places that took his breath way.
Two days passed, and you got to the airport three hours earlier.
You didn’t even realize it until you got there, and laughed at the sight of your screen displaying the early morning time.
You waited patiently, minutes feeling like hours, hours feeling like days, looking at people dragging their suitcases and the tired face of a mother holding her crying child.
Until you got the text that he finally landed.
You placed yourself in front of the exit, your eyes frantically sorting out each face, but none of them had his ice blue eyes that you loved so much.
You felt a pair of strong arms hugging you from behind and turning you around, his tall figure towering over yours for the first time in what felt like forever.
Your excited squeaks were muffled against his shoulder as his wide hands held your waist, allowing him to hide his face in the crook of your neck, your scent finally overwhelming him again.
When he crossed the doorway of your shared home he exhaled in relief.
Despite loving every single part of his job, coming back to you was his favorite part.
He left his luggage next to the door, completely ignoring it as he plopped down onto the soft fabric of your couch, your body following him shortly after.
You crawled onto his lap dying to sense his warmth under your skin, hands softly brushing over his short hair as he told you the most interesting parts of his trip and how the race went.
“I watched it, you know?” you told him softly and his eyes lit up, his reaction as something so obvious confusing you “if I can’t be with you, i should at least support you from home” you said with a pouty face.
He laughed out loud, your hands feeling his toned chest trembling with it as he took your hands in his, bringing them to his lips to place a devoted kiss to the back of your palms.
The sun set behind the horizon leaving the living room in a dark golden color, the long gone shadows replaced by the dim glow of the TV screen.
Logan passed out in the middle of the film the two of you were watching, right now being nothing more than a distant murmur.
His head was lying on your lap, soft exhales coming out of his mouth as your hand traced imaginary patterns along his exposed skin.
Looking down at him with a loving expression, you placed your other hand in his free one, lightly squeezing not to wake him up but just enough to make sure that he was actually real, and there with you.
But he was not completely asleep, and he felt his heart fluttered with adoration; despite his exhaustion, he refused to waste his time sleeping. He rathers being half-asleep, listening to your sounds in the peace of the night: your rhythmic heartbeat under your shirt, your breathy laugh as a funny scene plays on the screen, the sound that your feet make as you habitually tap them on the carpet.
The morning after, you woke up to the sound of pans slamming to the ground.
Logan was trying to make pancakes on his own, not succeeding much since there was flour on his nose, egg on the counter and sugar on the floor.
You hugged him good morning, examining his skills from behind.
“Here love, let me help you- you gently took the wooden spoon out of his hands, trying to mix what looked like a light yellow blob- scoop it with this motion” he copied your movements, joyfully smiling when the batter started to look edible.
He smacked a loud kiss to your cheek, transferring some of the flour to your skin.
“You know how to cook them, right?” you asked, cocking an eyebrow, “I know how to cook them… Of course” he huffed, heating the pan.
You placed the dishes on the kitchen island, as Logan transferred the food onto the ceramic plates.
You both tasted the first bite, not sure of what expression to assume not to show the actual impression.
“This is…” you start, Logan interrupting you
“Disgusting, it tastes like a sponge. It feels like a sponge. Please, don’t let me go near the stove ever again. Got it?” he asked, a disgusted expression on his face accentuating the little wrinkles under his eyes.
You bursted out laughing, his arms engaging you in a warm bear hug.
He looked down at you through his light eyelashes, his nose grazing over yours.
“Feels so good to be back to you”
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moonlightdarlings · 10 months
be your star | l.norris
a/n: ahh my first insta au! i'm kinda new with these but i had an idea while drinking my cold coffee so :) i hope you enjoy these and let me know if i should do more/less of these
part two
pairing: ricciardo!sister x lando norris
summary: in which daniel's sister finally shows up at the grand prix and well...things happen
fc: jennie kim
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liked by landonorris, daniel3.jpg, maxverstappen1, yourbestie, and 4,800,135 others
y/n_.ricciardo: 🫶🏼 love to be home with red bull to watch my big bro slay on track
yourbestie: you didn't even bring me along 😫 smh
redbullracing: happy to have the Ricciardo family back
danielricciardo: lmao but i saw you ditch the Redbull garage to go talk to lando👀
fan4: not daniel exposing his own sister😭
dr3fan: OMG? the queen herself graces the paddock 😌
landolover: she's such an icon
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liked by y/n_.ricciardo, carlossainz55, yourbestie, and 2,345,000 others
landonorris: P2 BABY! woo let's party tonight 🎉🍾
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mclaren: yes! we're a proud papaya fam today
carlossainz55: much deserved little lando 😌
fan2: carlos calling him "little lando" awww landolover: it's so cute
y/n_.ricciardo: he's so dreamy *sighs in awe*
danielricciardo: he's w h a t now danielricciardo: y/n! you can't just say that and dip 😭
dr3fan: not daniel having a crisis over what y/n said
y/nfan: she's so real for that
Daniel Ricciardo's younger sister, Y/n has announced herself as a sponsor for the Mclaren F1 team. She's recently admitted, "I'm proud to have my brand, Gentle Monster, in the pinnacle of motorsport. I think it's important for more girls to put themselves in the spotlight. I'm extremely honored to be partnering with Mclaren and I can't wait to see both my brand and the team go to new heights."
When asked what influenced her to partner with Mclaren instead of her brother's team, Alpha Tauri, she simply responded, "Just felt right."
Both Daniel and Y/n's fans are on opposite sides because she recently posted that Red Bull was her family. One would think that due to that, she'd want to have her brand on the number one car currently. In a recent Instagram live with Mclaren, she spoke up about not choosing Red Bull, saying, "You know, I was never really close with Red Bull but I've always been a fan of Lando Norris since my brother introduced us a few years back. Of course, I haven't been in the paddock for some time as I've been busy with deals and my brand, but I will say I do have the Lego version of Mclaren's Formula car."
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a/n: should i do a part two?? it feels right to do a part two, but either way, i really really hope you all enjoyed this <3 please let me know if this was good or not 🫶🏼
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sweeterlovers · 5 months
summer lovers ✧ charles leclerc
pairings: charles leclerc x female actress reader
face claim: madelyn cline
warnings: curse words
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liked by drewstarkey and 693,781 others
yourusername behind the scenes of outer banks season three 😊😊
tagged: madisonbaileybabe hichasestokes charlesesten carlaciagrant jonthandavissoffical rudeth austinnorth55 drewstarkey
view all 236,002 comments
user0975 i need season four right now!!!!!
user511 you the third picture is everything to me
↳ user08 favorite in laws ✊✊
drewstarkey my favourite on screen sister
↳ yourusername my favourite psychotic brother
↳ user71 LMFAOO
madisonbaileybabe P4L 🤍🤍
↳ yourusername 💗
user633 favorite cast!
charlesesten ❤️
instagram stories
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yourusername professional swimmer ☀️☀️
↳ charles_leclerc leave me alone 😅😅
user074 soft launch! soft launch!
user091 kinda looks like charles leclerc….
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liked by yourusername and 701,762 others
charles_leclerc ❤️☀️🐬
view all 411,063 comments
user09 charles soft launching?!???
user7886 who’s the girl?
↳ user072 pretty sure it’s yourusername
↳ user95 no way..that would be the most random couple ever
↳ user072 trust✊
user002 don’t know who the girl is but this is so cute 🥰
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liked by charles_leclerc and 802,711 others
yourusername it’s been a summer 🥰🥰
tagged: charles_leclerc
view all 300,741 comments
charles_leclerc mon amour ❤️ (my love)
↳ yourusername 🤭🤭🤭
↳ yourusername i love u 😊
madisonbaileybabe cuties 🤍
↳ yourusername missing youuu
user053 AHHH SO CUTE
user61 they are so lover coded
↳ userr7 stoppp omg they are
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liked by yourusername and 598,102 others
charles_leclerc mon amour 💗
tagged: yourusername
view all 302,789 comments
yourusername <333
↳ charles_leclerc ❤️
user0877 they are so cute omg
↳ user08 I KNOWW
user666 this is so aesthetic for no reason
↳ user0018 pinterest couple 🤭
authors note: i lowkey hate this but oh well
393 notes · View notes
777bae · 1 year
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PAIRING… F1 drivers x driver!reader | WC… 1.4k | Masterlist
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Becoming a formula 1 driver had been your dream, ever since you first watched a race when you were about 3, the dream being the same as every one of your peers. However only a handful are able to achieve that dream, and so when you were first offered to sign for a team on the grid, how could you decline?
And so that leads you to now, sitting on a chair in front of a small group of reporters, eager to gain comments on the new ‘changes’ in formula 1.
“So Y/n, how have you been dealing with the expectations and pressure of being a formula 1 driver, along with the first female to race in over four decades?” A reporter asked, all the attention being directed towards you.
“Well, uh, I’ve known I was going to have this seat for a few months so, I guess, I kind of got used to the added pressure from moving up from formula 2.” You answer, playing with your fingers nervously as Lewis only sent you a nod of approval, calming you slightly.
“So you’re saying that you are not nervous?” The reporter questioned as you quickly shook your head.
“I’m not saying that, there is obviously still an element of nervousness, but growing up in the karting world, and previously being in formula 3 and 2, you get pretty used to it.” You reply.
“Lewis and Kimi, how does it feel to now be racing against a female driver?” Another reporter asked, the constant use of ‘female’ making you slightly uncomfortable.
“Y/n is just another driver who worked hard to get this position, a driver is just a driver in my eyes.” Lewis answered, earning a smile from you. “However it’s nice to see the continuing progress in motorsport.”
“I don’t feel different.” Kimi speaks, his monotone voice earning a light chuckle from you and Lewis.
“Is there any worry that there may be more crashes on the track with the new drivers?”
Silence enveloped the room as you just sat there. You knew that question was asked because of you, yes, there were 3 other new drivers, but in past seasons with multiple rookies, this question hadn’t been asked.
“Well, there is always a large concern of crashes when it comes to rookies and anyway, isn’t the rate of crashes higher for men than for women?” Lewis finally spoke, his answer earning him yet another smile from you as you all quickly moved on from the question, the awkwardness in the room feeling like it could swallow you whole.
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You now stood in your driver room, a nervous wreck, trying to comprehend that everything was real and you were actually about to experience your first f1 race.
“Y/n? It’s time.” One of the engineers announced through the door as you quickly composed yourself before walking out, nervousness being hidden within your confident stride.
You already had prior experience with the track, your formula 3 and 2 career helping you on that front, as well as the small practice session you had before qualifying, and so that helped solidify some sense of confidence, however nothing compares to the actual race, especially when you’re against such talented drivers.
After greeting the few engineers that passed you, you quickly manoeuvred yourself into the seat of your car, placing the helmet onto your head before being brought out onto the main track.
Cheers could be heard from the stands as more cars began to line up. You had managed to land yourself in P10 after qualifying, to which you were quite pleased with yourself.
Soon enough the time was up and the lights began to flash red, the sound of engines revving surrounding you as you quickly followed, right up until the red lights disappeared, causing you to immediately stomp your foot on the accelerator.
You soon shot along the track, multiple drivers surrounding you as you progressed, both overtaking you and being overtaken by you.
This all lasted through the multiple laps of the circuit until your wheels finally crossed the finish line, earning you P5.
“Fantastic result Y/n, let’s keep this pace going next race as well.” Your engineer, Jack, spoke through the radio, you could hear the cheers of his coworkers in the background from your teammate’s P3.
“Thank you, very happy, I’m very happy.” You reply, a smile on your face as you pulled up into the pits, following behind the other drivers.
After finally arriving in the pit, you quickly pulled yourself out of the car, your smile being hidden right up until the moment you took off your helmet.
“Pretty good for your first race, you proved everyone wrong.” A sudden voice behind you caused you to jump, immediately turning around to realise who it was.
“You scared me.” You say, placing your hand to your heart with a large smile.
“Sorry, sorry.” Seb replies, your smile being reciprocated.
“Cheers though, I do try.” You finally answer his question in a sarcastic manner, causing him to laugh slightly before patting you on the back.
You were soon ushered away, going back to see the engineers, their welcoming arms surrounding you as you entered the pits.
“Well done!” Your team manager congratulated you before bringing you into a tight hug. Large smiles surrounded you as you felt more arms reach you, the many hugs you received causing you to grow even happier as the small celebration continued.
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“So how was your first race, I mean P5 is a great start to your career.” The interviewer pointed out, her voice very enthusiastic.
“Yes, uh, I’m very pleased with the result I managed to achieve today, as well as my teammate’s P3 so, happy first day in the office, I guess.” You chuckle.
“And how have you been dealing with the pressure of becoming a formula 1 driver?” She continued, the question causing you to have to think a bit.
“Uh, well, I guess, I’ve just been doing what I normally do, you know, I just try to do stuff that, uhm, calms me down before a race and helps build my confidence. I also think it helps that I still have school as well so if I’m disappointed in performance or result I still, uh, have something to distract myself with” You answer, struggling to come up with the right words and it basically just ends up in you waffling.
“How are you going to uh-” The interviewer begins before breaking into a fit of laughter whilst looking behind you. You quickly turn around, only to see Daniel pulling faces at the camera.
“Oi, stop it!” You exclaim, slapping him on the arm before he falls onto the floor, pretending to be severely injured.
You turn to the camera, a disappointed look on your face, before rubbing your elbow and dropping down, trying to mimic moves from wwe fighting.
Daniel lets out a scream as everyone turns to look at you two, laughter immediately being heard as they saw what was going on. Quickly pulling yourself back up, you stood in front of the mic again, ready to continue the interview.
“Sorry about that, anyways what were you saying?” You ask, a large smile on your face.
“Uh well, I was asking about how you were going to prepare for your next race.”
“Great question, uh, I’ll probably just do what I usually do, you know, just workout a bit and try to improve my energy and stuff like that.” You answer before thanking the interviewer and moving on to the next, one of their questions being what had just happened.
“First day on the job, so I assume I’m making a good first impression.” You joke, the interviewer laughing before continuing to ask questions about the race.
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After finally finishing off the long list of interviews, you headed back to your driver room, your assistant long gone as she had to finish up some other things, leaving you alone to your thoughts.
“Y/n!” Someone shouts, you immediately turn around to see Lando running up to you.
“Hi Lan.” You greet.
“Good work out there.” He pats you on the back gently as he speaks. The two of you had known each other since you were young, along with the other rookies as you had been racing against each other for pretty much the majority of your career.
“Cheers, big step up from f2 yeah?” You tease as he finished behind you in the race, knocking him on the arm a bit.
“Watch your back next time.” Lando jokes, earning a chuckle from you as you both continue walking through the pit, your laughter being the only thing heard.
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Lost in the moment (part 1)
Nico Rosberg x fem!reader
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Summary: Throughout her career as a motorsport journalist, (Y/N) has established a special relationship with Nico. But what happens when unfortunate circumstances keep her from being there for him during the most important moment of his career? (part 1 of 2)
Warnings: Other than some angst there isn't any, female reader
Note: Noticing the lack of Nico fanfiction, I've decided to turn my dreams into an actual story. No worries, there will be a second part!
Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/mynicosensesaretingling/734355288476565504/lost-in-the-moment-part2
Hope you enjoy it <3
Life as a journalist was not exactly a quiet life, especially for (Y/N), who worked as a reporter live on location for a motorsport journal called Countdown Magazine. Having been a dream job for the young woman since childhood, however, the stress that came with working in the motorsport industry seemed only half as bad to her.
But this year, the atmosphere had changed as the intense rivalry between Nico Rosberg and Lewis Hamilton, known as the “Silver War”, had captivated the world of Formula 1. As a dedicated and well-reputed reporter, (Y/N) had secured herself, what you could call a front-row seat, which allowed her to immerse herself in the high-stakes drama that unfolded throughout the season and enabled her to follow every twist and turn with unwavering dedication.
However, even though the feud between the Mercedes drivers provided great headlines and stories, (Y/N) couldn’t help but feel tense whenever Lewis and Nico had a go at each other.
Having been covering the sport for multiple years now had created a closer bond between her and several of the drivers and none more so than Nico Rosberg. The German Mercedes driver had always struck (Y/N) as a fascinating character. 
Over the years, their paths had crossed countless times during press conferences, pit-lane interviews and post-race debriefs. She had covered his journey from the earlier days of his Formula 1 career, watching him develop from a promising talent into a championship contender. His approachability and genuine interest in connecting with those around him were what had set Nico apart from the other drivers. Beyond the professional facade, the driver was a thoughtful guy, cracking jokes, sharing gossip, discussing the intricacies of the sport, the pressures of competition and even personal anecdotes from his life. 
Before she knew it, (Y/N) had found herself staying behind after work, searching out any chance to connect with the German. It didn’t take long before he invited her to join him at whatever he was planning on doing next, be it a walk around the track, getting something to eat or simply hanging around the paddock. Each time she accepted his offer the unique bond between them grew stronger, forging a friendship that transcended the typical reporter-athlete dynamic.
"Sometimes I really wonder why you spend so much time with me." the young reporter once mused, resting her chin on her hand as she leaned against the counter. Nico, who was standing next to her at the whirring coffee machine, shrugged his shoulders calmly, "I have to make sure I'm always presented in the best light. After all, we don't want any scandalous headlines or such, do we?." his cheeky laughter was quickly interrupted when (Y/N)'s foot found his shin. "Ouch." the blond man exclaimed overdramatically, pointing at her with his silver spoon in an accusing manner, but his narrowed eyes were sparkling playfully. "I swear one day I'm going to lose my ability to drive because of you. And then we'll both be out of a job." (Y/N) couldn't help but laugh at his antics. "There are plenty of other Formula 1 drivers I could report on." "Mhm." Nico was nodding while picking up his cup from the coffee machine. "But apparently these drivers must be boring as hell, otherwise you wouldn't be spending so much time with me." He winked at her whilst stirring his coffee, getting an eye-roll from (Y/N) in response. "Oh come on, I know you love me." Nico chuckled. "Oh shut up," the young woman laughed, waving her hand in a dismissive manner, purposefully ignoring the way her heart skipped a beat.
One of (Y/N)’s favourite memories, which she had made in her friendship with Nico, was when after a long, rainy qualifying day and countless press conferences, the driver had waited for her in the pitlane, an umbrella in his right hand as he wordlessly motioned for her to join him with his free one. “It’s raining.” she had expressed, pulling her jacket tighter around her body in hesitation, eyes darting to the dark clouds above. “And I have an umbrella.” Nico had simply countered matter-of-factly, shaking the umbrella for emphasis, scrunching his nose as his gesture led cold droplets to land on his face. (Y/N) suppressed a laugh, finding the sight utterly adorable. “I can’t just leave you standing there in the rain, can I?” her voice was filled with amusement, as she mustered the man, before quickly making her way over to Nico. “I mean,” he chuckled, as she ducked under his umbrella “You definitely could, but I’d find it incredibly rude.” (Y/N) huffed a laugh, linking her arm with his. “Well, how kind of me to join you then.” She hummed, eyes fixed onto the moon’s reflection in one of the puddles below. “ What are we doing anyways ?” she raised her brow, looking up at him with curiosity. Nico turned his head, a sparkle in his eyes. “We’ve never walked a track at night before, so I figured we’d make it a first. And now that I am thinking about it, I don’t think we’ve ever walked in the rain before either.” his gaze turned mischievous as he shook the umbrella once again, sprinkling water into both of their faces. A hearty chuckle left his lips as he watched (Y/N) scrunch her nose, just like he had done earlier.  “Why did you even bother getting an umbrella?” (Y/N) huffed lightheartedly, as she wiped her face with her sleeve. “Cause I know you wouldn’t have joined me without one.” he grinned down at her before pulling her along with him. That night, as Nico and her had spent several hours walking the moonlit track, sharing an umbrella and conversing about everything and nothing, is when (Y/N) had realized that her feelings for the Mercedes driver went far beyond friendship.
In the current tense situation, moments like these were not lost on the pair, but they were becoming increasingly infrequent. With the championship-deciding race approaching, (Y/N) could feel the pressure on Nico becoming stronger by the minute. Being on the brink of realizing his lifelong dream of becoming a Formula 1 World Champion and stepping into the footsteps of his father had led to several sleepless nights thinking about the sacrifices and the relentless pursuit of excellence that had brought him to this pivotal moment. And on top of that, Nico’s biggest rival was his own teammate and best friend, Lewis Hamilton. 
Especially now that the relationship with his childhood friend was slowly but surely coming to an end, Nico found himself drawn to (Y/N)’s presence, even more so than usual. Amongst this utter mess, which he found himself in, she was his lifeline and he clung to it like a desperate sailor lost at sea. 
Particularly in the days leading up to the race, Nico was confiding in the woman about his innermost fears and ambitions, trusting her as someone who genuinely understood the intricacies of the sport and its impact on his life. She, in turn, had found herself awaiting his late-night calls, admiring his determination as she listened to him rambling about whatever was occupying his mind, her heart filling with a sense of pride whenever she’d hear a faint chuckle from Nico as she managed to bring some lightheartedness and humour to their conversations.
"You'll be okay," she would say to him in a gentle voice, "you've always managed so far." On the other end of the line, the driver would sigh, "But it's never been like this before." His voice was weary and full of thoughtful despair. "And in the future, it will never be like this again." she would say with a shurg, her empathetic smile practically audible through the phone. "So try to enjoy as many of these moments as you can." There was a pause before Nico gave a breathless chuckle, "Oh man, what would I do without you?"
On the day of the race, as Nico prepared for taking on the track, he couldn't help but think of (Y/N) and how she had supported him over the last few weeks, reassuring him and quite literally keeping him sane as the situation within his team steadily deteriorated.
His blue eyes scanned the area outside of the Mercedes garage. Unable to spot his friend in any of the spots she’d usually be in, Nico approached one of the stewards. “Hey, sorry,” he tried to sound nonchalant  “Have you seen the Countdown crew?” his eyes nervously flitted around the paddock, before landing back on the steward. “Countdown Magazine? No, I don’t think I have seen them anywhere on the track today.” the older man answered, a rough hand scratching away at his beard. “Thank you.” Nico shortly nodded, before abruptly turning on his heels and making his way back into the garage with tense shoulders. (Y/N)’s absence from the paddock weighed heavily on his mind. She had promised him to be there today and she’d usually come in amongst the first wave of reporters. Why wasn’t she there yet? Nico combed his fingers through his hair , lost in thought. Shaking his head, he felt his team’s eyes on his form. She’d surely be at the paddock in no time, he thought,  deciding that for now, it would do him better to focus on the race and his strategies, in order to secure the championship.
What Nico didn't know, however, was that just mere moments before the gates to the paddock were opened, the boss of Countdown Magazine had abruptly fired  (Y/N) at short notice. 
With her heartbeat pounding in her ears, the only thing the young journalist had been able to understand through the speaker of her cell phone was that the magazine needed a “breath of fresh air” and therefore had decided to get rid of their motorsport department in the composition in which it had existed until then…or something like that. (Y/N) wasn't entirely sure, as she was overcome with panic as her thoughts flew straight to Nico.
Just the night before, she had promised him on the phone that she would never miss the most important race of his career and now she was sitting in her hotel room, unemployed, with no access to the paddock and no way to get a ticket to the race because the tickets had already sold out weeks ago. 
Had a champion of misfortune been crowned that night, she was sure that no one would have been able to deprive her of that victory. Shaky fingers dialled Nico's number, which she by now knew better than she did her own, the cheap wood of the hotel bed creaking as (Y/N)'s leg bobbed up and down in unease. With each ring of the call, her breath caught in her throat. The ex-reporter knew the driver too well by now to have expected him to use his cell phone so close to the race, but what other option did she have? She pressed the phone to her ear for a few more moments, each second more painful than the last, wide eyes staring blankly at the F1 broadcast on her TV screen. It was only when the drivers left their garages to get into formation that she dropped the cell phone from her ear and threw it onto the mattress behind her with a loud "Fuck!", followed by a strangled sob whilst desperate fingers pulled at her hair. 
As the race unfolded, the tension in the air was palpable. Nico and Lewis were locked in a fierce battle for the championship and every corner, every lap, seemed to carry the weight of each driver’s dreams. When Nico finally crossed the finish line , securing his victory, he felt a mix of euphoria and disbelief. After this particularly demanding season, he could finally breathe a sigh of relief, having  fulfilled his life-long dream of winning a World Driver’s Championship title.
The moment Nico stepped onto the podium to accept the championship trophy, he couldn’t help himself but to scan the crowd of reporters, still hoping to catch a glimpse of (Y/N). She had to be there, after all that’s what she had promised him. Yet, his friend still remained conspicuously absent. 
Nico held the coveted trophy high, the cheers of the crowd a deafening roar, as he smiled down at the sea of people. But even with a championship in hand and hundreds of people celebrating his achievement, there was a strange feeling of emptiness within his heart. As the champagne sprayed and the crowd celebrated, Nico's emotions were a turbulent mix of exhilaration and confusion. He couldn't help but wonder why (Y/N) hadn't been there smiling up at him, especially when she had been a constant presence throughout not only the season, but the majority of his career. The absence of his friend was like a splinter in his heart, casting a faint shadow over what should have been the most triumphant moment of his career. 
Meanwhile, (Y/N) watched the race unfold from her hotel room, fresh tears welling up in her eyes. The news of her abrupt departure from her reporting career had come as a shock, and she had fought bitterly against it. Her job had been her passion, and Formula 1 was her life. To be denied the opportunity to report on the championship-deciding race, and more importantly to support Nico in his most crucial moment, was a heartbreak she struggled to bear.
As she witnessed Nico celebrating his victory, the realization of her absence was a painful weight on both her shoulders and her mind. She had been forced to watch her friend reach the pinnacle of his career from a distance, unable to share this moment of glory with the man who had unknowingly stolen her heart. The tears she shed were a mixture of pride for her friend and a deep sense of sorrow for her own situation. 
Back at the race track, Nico's initial reaction, unaware of the circumstances behind his friend’s absence, was one of betrayal. Finding himself being swarmed by countless reporters fighting for even the smallest of chances to get a word from the freshly crowned champion, he couldn’t help the bitterness he began to feel towards (Y/N). If all of these random journalist could have turned up, then why couldn’t his dearest friend do the same for him. The longer Nico thought about it, the more he questioned his relationship with (Y/N), something which he had valued so highly up until that very moment. 
She hadn’t just used him to boost her journalism career, had she? As much as he wanted to shake the thought, the champion couldn’t stop the idea of having been used solely for thrilling stories and eye-catching headlines to consume him, clouding his mind as the pain of having been abandoned by the woman, whom he had opened himself up to, right when he needed her most, sank in. 
His heart was clouded by hurt, and the insufferable ache of believing he had been manipulated by someone he had grown to trust and even developed some sort of feelings for was something he didn't know whether he could cope with.
How could a person whom he valued so highly and would give anything for, be so selfish and leave him standing there like that, clutching his fulfilled lifelong dream in his hand and yet still feeling a hole in his heart. Had his feelings really blinded him to such an extent that he hadn't realized (Y/N)'s true nature, or had his heart perhaps never wished to recognize it in the first place ?
“Mr.Rosberg!” the shout of his name pulled the driver out of his thoughts. Blinking, his eyes travelled up the arm currently shoving a microphone into his face, before settling on the face of the reporter, whose red lips were pulled into an impatient smile. “I am sorry, I didn’t quite catch your question.” he mindlessly gestured around with his hand, hoping to come across as if he really hadn't caught the question in the bustling scenery. 
He raised his brows, a half-heartedly apologetic smile on his lips as he kept his attentive eyes on the reporter while waiting for her to repeat what she had just asked. The reporter laughed in a put-on fashion and Nico had to wrestle with himself to refrain from rolling his eyes.
"So," the woman thrust the microphone even further into his face, "I'd be really interested to know whether there was anyone who helped you get through this difficult season, or whether it was all down to you?" Almost immediately the driver put on the mask of a cocky smile. "No, all of that was entirely down to me and I dare say I managed pretty darn well." Nico’s hair bobbed as he nodded towards his trophy. His smile grew painful as he was intent on ignoring the extent of the lie he had just told and the pang of pain, that the conscious erasure of his relationship with (Y/N) caused deep within his core.
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katebishopsbow · 5 months
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pairing: max verstappen x driver!reader (platonic)
summary: watching kevin and his daughter, laura, playing together at the paddock makes you emotional as you remember the love that you never get to receive growing up. max is here to remind you that your past doesn't define you, and one day you will be okay.
tags: angst, hurt/comfort, daddy issues, mentions of absent parent
word count: 3.1k
author's notes: based on the real-life event of me tearing up when i saw that video of kmag's daughter playing with his visor. healing my own daddy issues one fic at a time :)
(image is not mine)
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
Kevin Magnussen is a great dad.
People can say whatever they want about his driving – aggressive and maybe a little dangerous sometimes – but there is no denying that he is an amazing father who puts his daughters above all else. The Dane is always joking about how his two little troublemakers have been giving him a constant headache, but the rest of the grid knows that he would do just about anything for his girls.
Occasionally, Louise likes bringing Laura and Agnes to the track to see their dad at work. Being a Formula 1 driver with all the hectic schedules and non-stop traveling means that family time together can often be difficult to come by, so Kevin cherishes all the time he gets to be as present in their lives as possible. 
The drivers all love it when the Magnussens visit the track, not only because Laura and Agnes are the sweetest little angels ever, but also because they get to witness the rare sight of Kevin “tough guy” Magnussen shedding his hard exterior and tease him about the heartwarmingly softer side he displays to his family. 
And while you would never admit this out loud, somewhere residing deep within you is envious – envious of this kind of love that you never got to receive. Sometimes when you look at Kevin interacting with his daughters – just sometimes – you find yourself wondering what it would be like to have a father who is present, who genuinely cares, who loves you with everything they have so much that you never have to doubt your worthiness.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
You were standing with a few other drivers at the track, idly chatting about the upcoming race and your holiday plans now that the winter break is right around the corner when Kevin suddenly saunters nearby, holding the hand of the most adorable little girl. “Laura, come say hi!” he kneels down and says to her, sporting the biggest and most loving smile on his face as his daughter gives a shy little wave to the crowd of drivers before her.
“Hey there, Laura,” you wave at her, settling on a simple greeting since you have never been particularly great with children. “Hello, little one!” Lando greets with a wide grin as he offers Laura a fist bump, and the girl explodes into giggles when he pretends to yelp in pain at how hard Laura fist-bumped him. Classic Lando – always so good with kids.
“She’s got quite the punch, doesn’t she?” Kevin jokes while he chuckles at the sight, admiring the joyous smile on Laura’s face with the tenderest gaze he only reserves for his daughter. Becoming a father is the best thing that has happened to him, and he thanks the stars every day for being blessed with such precious gifts of life. Laura and Agnes – his biggest pride and joy.
“Here to be dad’s little assistant, Laura?” Max asks, his nose scrunching up in an adoring smile like the way it always does when he speaks to Penelope. The little girl nods bashfully before running to hide behind her dad, holding onto his hands as if he is her safe place, her rock.
Kevin laughs at his daughter’s endearing shyness, picks her up and envelops her in his embrace before placing a kiss on her rosy, chubby cheeks. “You’re the best assistant in the entire world,” he whispers softly, adoration swimming in his eyes while Laura lets out a giggle at her father’s words. The drivers around them cannot help but smile along with them – how can they not at such a heartwarming sight? 
Yet watching Kevin’s doting smiles and the way he looks at his daughter as if she is his entire universe, the initial warm fuzziness within you silently morphs into a dull ache that squeezes at your heart – an odd yet familiar feeling you know all too well. Despite your best efforts to push them away, your mind becomes clouded with hazy memories of the past – the painful past that has broken you and haunted you for years.
In the fogged-up memories of your childhood days, you were never at the receiving end of such an affectionate gaze. The only way your father has ever looked at you was indifference, annoyance, and a sense of uncaringness that tore your little heart up into pieces and left you wondering what you did wrong to be so undeserving of the fatherly love you yearned for. 
He never picked you up and hugged you as if you were a fragile treasure that he cherished. He never held your hand in a way that made you feel safe and certain that nothing could ever harm you because he would be your shield, protecting you from the world and its merciless cruelty. He never once made you feel loved and cared for, ignoring your attempts to gain his validation and approval because he loved himself and his ego more than he would ever love you. 
When you received good grades at school and showed him your report card with the rows of A’s, hoping that it would help you get his approval, he didn’t praise you. In fact, he didn’t bother saying anything. He simply gave you a half-hearted nod before shifting his attention back to the damned television screen in front of him, some uninteresting TV show that never should have mattered more than his daughter. So you stuffed the tear-stained report card back into your school bag, uncaring that it got crushed and crumpled, because in the end your hard work and effort didn’t matter. It never did.
When you had a rough day at school and came home with tears running down your cheeks, your father looked at you for a second, rolled his eyes and walked away. So that night you cried yourself to sleep as you soaked through your pillows with your wallowing tears, wishing that your dad could wrap you in his arms and tell you that everything would be okay. You knew that he could hear your sobs across the hallway, but chose to ignore you anyway. You wondered if he hated you that much, or was it simply because he never even cared to begin with?
And when he finally gathered all his belongings and disappeared from your life once and for all, you surprised yourself when you didn’t cry at the sight of the now-empty house. You had just felt empty and lonely – so painstakingly lonely. The kind of loneliness that seeped into your bones and slithered along your veins and consumed your soul. 
As you grew older, you became familiarized with that emptiness – comfortable with it even. You begin to find yourself pushing people away when they get too close, keeping most at arm's length because that seems like the safest option, breaking your own heart before others can do it because you never want to experience the same heartbreak your father has put you through.
Despite how painful it is, you hold onto that loneliness like a lifeline because how could you not when that’s the only thing you know? How could you love when you don’t even know what it feels like?
Even though it had been years since your dad had left, the emptiness he had left behind never seemed to fade away. They say time heals all wounds, but you call that bullshit, because then why does it still hurt like a fresh stab into the heart? 
Too deep in your storm of thoughts, you don’t realize the tears brimming in your glossy eyes and the way your lips quiver ever so slightly. “Hey… you okay there?” Charles, who is standing beside you, gives you an affectionate pat on the shoulders and whispers hushedly in your ear, worried at your sudden change in demeanor. Quickly nodding your head, you answer him with the best smile you can manage, “Yeah, just remembering some things.”
While most of the drivers still have their focus on Kevin and Laura, a few have also noticed your red-rimmed eyes and quietness. “What’s wrong?” Lando mouths the question silently toward you, eyes wide in concern as he tries not to shift everybody’s attention toward you. You shake your head and mouth “nothing” in reply to him as discreetly as possible, not wanting to ruin the group’s mood with your sudden sentiments. 
As much as you want to stay, you simply need to get away for a moment to recollect your thoughts. “Uh – There’s something I need from my driver’s room, so I’m gonna head off,” you hurriedly blink away the tears and put on the best smile – a skill you learned to master after years of being in the public’s eye. You hope that the excuse you just blurted out is somewhat believable, and you quickly disappear into the distance after your fellow drivers bid you goodbye. 
While making a beeline for your driver's room, you cannot help but feel so embarrassed, so guilty for the sudden burst of emotions that erupted in your chest moments ago. “What is wrong with me?” you mumble hushedly to yourself as you make your way to the garage – irritated and beyond annoyed at yourself that the mere sight of Kevin with his daughter is enough to bring you to tears. 
This isn’t something new to you. It isn’t the first time a good father-daughter relationship has made you tear up. Movies, TV shows, song lyrics – you always get so emotional when you allow yourself to get lost in your thoughts, thinking too deeply about the painful reminders of the love that you never have. 
It makes you feel stupid, because how broken do you have to be that trivial things like these are enough to make you cry? And it makes you feel scared, so utterly scared, because what if you were too broken to ever be capable of loving someone this much, too damaged to ever receive love despite yearning for it, and end up pushing away everyone who cares about you for the rest of your life.
When you arrive at your driver's room, you take a seat in the corner, breathing in and out while the self-blaming thoughts inside your head spiral in full force. This is so stupid, you are being stupid, and you hate yourself for being a fool and letting your past trauma affect you like this. Why were you even crying? There is nothing to be crying for. Stop. You need to stop.
Then you hear someone calling your name, voice faint and soft behind the door – Max. “You feeling okay?” he asks, and your delayed response and trembling voice as you answer him, “I’m fine.” are a clear enough indicator that you are far from okay. “Alright, I’m gonna come in now.” A sigh of mixed emotions falls from your lips – annoyance that you never seem to be able to lie to the man, and gratefulness that he always understands what you really need, and right now it is the company of your best friend.
“Hey, kiddo,” he says to you, eyebrows ceasing in sadness when he notices the expression on your face. Max hates seeing you like this, especially knowing the reason behind your tears is your absent father – someone who will never be worthy of having you cry over him. 
You wipe your eyes with the sleeve of your race suit, guilt weighing heavily on your chest as you apologize, “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to ruin the mood back there. Did the other drivers notice?” Max shakes his head with a frown, refusing to let you blame yourself for something you should never feel guilty for. “You don’t have to be sorry, you did nothing wrong.”
“I don’t even know why I am crying, honestly. Why am I still so angry and sad after all these years? It’s like… am I always going to be like this, broken? Will the hurt ever go away?” you explain truthfully to him while trying to piece your muddle-up thoughts together, yet you struggle to put them into words. How can you begin to explain the years of trauma your dad has left behind? How can you describe the mess of emotions you have for him – the hatred, the resentment, and the fact that you still love and miss him so much even after everything he has done to you?
You don’t need to, because Max understands, he always does. One of the reasons why you two became close quickly is because you share a similar, troubled past – something that is rather unfortunate to bond over, you would argue, but it brings you a great friend nonetheless. Max’s father isn’t exactly absent like yours – Jos Verstappen is still quite prominent in his life, along with his abusive and manipulative ways of raising his kids which he would vehemently deny and claims to be “tough love” instead.
Even though he is there, it doesn’t change the painful truth that the presence of his father has ruined Max. For years, he thought being violent was the way to solve problems because his dad always seemed to be able to solve his with his fist. He used to believe that you had to be perfect to be deserving of good things in life because he grew up with the punishment of “no dinner” if he had performed poorly in a race. He didn’t know if he would ever be capable of loving someone, and then he met Kelly and Penelope.
“You know… when I first met Penelope, I was terrified. I was scared that I could never be a good enough father figure for her, that I was too ruined to show her the love she deserved to have. But then I saw her, and then I realized I love her more than anything,” he confesses as he places himself to sit beside you, a reminiscent smile dancing on his lips while he remembers his first time meeting Penelope, the little girl who has become his family.
He remembers the suffocating fear of ending up like his father when he first held the hands of little Penelope, mind plagued with all the horrible what-ifs. What if he was a terrible dad? What if he couldn’t ever love Penelope? What if he was just like Jos Verstappen and ended up destroying her childhood with his anger and temper the way his dad had with his?
Then Penelope gave him a sweet smile, her tiny hand holding onto his pinky as she looked into his eyes with such trust and comfort, as if she knew that Max would love her more than anything in the world. Max genuinely thought he was going to cry, his heart surging with an overwhelming amount of love and determination to protect the little girl in front of her and give her the home she and Kelly deserve to have, and that’s when he knew that he had nothing to be afraid of – that he was going to do better than his father.
“Listen, kiddo. Time doesn’t heal all wounds, it just makes the pain bearable. But there will be a day when your wound will still be there – it always will be there – but the pain and the hatred will no longer consume you. And you will realize that you can be better and stronger than your past, that you can break the cycle, that you are deserving of such unconditional love too.” You listen quietly to your best friend’s answer, exhaling a relieved sigh at the words you so desperately need to hear, giving you hope that despite all your trauma, one day you will be able to love with such certainty as well.
You are never too broken to love or be loved. You are not damaged goods that need repairing. You are not a monster for being intimidated by love and affection, for pushing people away even though you want more than anything for them to stay. You just need to allow yourself to heal from the hurtful past, to understand that your past trauma does not define you. You need to allow yourself to feel, to accept the depths of your emotions, to understand that your sadness and anger are always valid. You need to believe that you will be better than your father, that you will not follow in his footsteps, and that you deserve to be loved just as much as anyone else. 
Feeling sentimental over this doesn’t make you stupid or a fool, it just makes you human. It is okay to cry over it, to be sad over it, as long as you remember that one day – while things will never be perfect –  it will certainly get better. 
“You’re gonna be okay,” Max tells you with a smile, reaching for your hand to give it a comforting squeeze, and you believe him. For once in a very long time, you genuinely believe that everything is going to be okay. The impact your father has on you will always be there. You can never wipe away the hurt and awful things he has done to you, nor can you simply erase the simultaneous love and hatred you hold for him, but one day you will learn to move on and find closure, and you are going to be okay, just like Max said.
There is a knock on the door, and you can hear your name being called again, this time in the soft and squeaky voice of a little girl. “I’m here,” you answer, and peeking behind the gap in the door is Laura with a cheeky grin on her face. Kevin leads her inside your driver's room with an apologetic smile, “Hey, sorry… Laura says she wants to play with you and insists that I bring her here.” 
You watch as Laura crawls up into the seat next to you and Max, looking at you with the brightest toothy little grin ever, and your lips begin pulling up into a huge smile as well. “Is it okay if she plays here for a while? I’ve got a team meeting in 5 and she never likes coming to those…” Kevin asks apologetically before relief floods his expression when you answer him, “It would be lovely to have a little playdate with Laura.”
“Alrighty, see you later little one,” Kevin leans down to place a kiss on his daughter’s head, reminding her to be a good kid when he is away for the meeting, and you smile at the sight. Not an envious one, or a reminiscent one, but one of contentment because you know that one day you will be able to receive and give such unconditional love to someone too.
Someday, it will be okay. You will be okay.
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imthebadguyyy · 8 months
Earned It
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pairing : carlos sainz x reader
fandom : f1
summary : you and carlos celebrate his gp win
warnings : smut smut smut smut
a/n : on a carlos high right now and im just very obsessed with this man ❤️
"I'm so proud of you"
the words echoed like a refrain, from the moment carlos had gotten out of the car till much after the celebrations were over, and the both of you found yourselves pressed against each other, against the walls in your hotel room, frenzied hands running up and down both your bodies.
panting, you let the silky material of your red dress fall to the floor, hands reaching down to unzip carlos' race suit. you had decided to dress in his colours, and it had driven him crazy the moment he saw it, and you knew it was a good choice as you felt his hot lips press against the skin of your neck, pressing wet, smacking kisses to the delicate skin.
"it's unfair of you to look this gorgeous mi niña bonita my pretty girl, you were glowing, could see you sparkling from the top of the podium, the prettiest fucking person in the whole world" he mumbled, lips pressing against yours. the clash of tongue against tongue had you gasping for air, pushing yourself up even closer against him.
"you did so well today bebé, fighting to the win? ending redbull's winning street? that's some pretty badass driving, and it was really fucking sexy to watch as well" you mumbled against his lips, feeling him smirk against yours as you did."you did so well, i think you deserve a reward. after everything you've fought through, you came out on top like the winner you are" you continued, walking backwards onto the bed, reaching up to caress his collarbone, leaning down to suck on the skin of his neck, gently running your hands down to his underwear, tracing his waist, gently squeezing the hardened muscle, fingers tracing his abs feeling him harden against you.
"mi ganador" my winner you whispered, feeling his cheeks heat up
pushing him gently down onto the bed, you began to kneel down in front of him, watching the rise and fall of his chest as his dark eyes lingered on you. "let me show you how proud I am of you", you pleaded, sinking down onto your knees, dragging his race suit and fireproofs down his legs, followed by his underwear, looking up to him with lust clouded eyes.
carlos leaned down before you could go down on him, pressing a sugary sweet kiss to your lips, tasting the raspberry lipbalm you had applied, the kiss as delicate as spun sugar, and as silken as a soft feather.
for a moment you you softened under the gently graze of his fingertips against your cheeks.
you pulled your hair into a ponytail, hands gently trailing down his stomach, feeling the goosebumps break out on his body, watching as you sunk down to your knees crawling forward, swaying your ass seductively behind you, and you felt his cock get visibly harder.
"you just sit back love, i'll do the work." you whispered softly,running your hands up his thighs, feeling his muscles clench as you did. nodding his approval to you, he cleared his throat, hand gently squeezing your shoulder.
licking your lips when you reached level with his cock, you let your hand cup around his length, giving it a few strokes. tucking the lose strands of your hair behind your ears, you leaned forward to kitten lick his throbbing tip. his breath hitched, head tilting backwards voice faltering slightly at your motions, a soft moan of "joder, mi amor" leaving his red lips, hand reaching down to grab you hair in his fist. letting the tip of your tongue swipe past his slit to collect his pre cum, you licked to the front of his head, looking up at him through hooded lashes as you did.
you could hear him muttering profanities in spanish, every word through slightly gritted teeth, making you bite back a smirk. his fingers yanked your hair, the burning on your scalp sending pleasurable tingles down your spine, straight down between your legs.
the sharp burn of your scalp only acted as encouragement. it made your skin burn, only encouraging you to keep it up.
you took to humming against him, feeling him tense up, the vibrations making his eyes roll into the back of his head when you finally took him into your mouth.
carlos whimpered, an action that he did not usually partake in, more used to being the dominant one in bed, as you hollowed your mouth around him, moving your head up to swirl your tongue around him, before taking all of him again, carlos biting back a moan as you continued working your mouth around him, as he thrusted his hips up, pleasure clouding his senses, making him hit the back of your throat as he pushed further down your throat, triggering your gag reflex.
carlos yanked your hair harder as a form of punishment, eyes shut and head thrown back, adams apple bobbing in his throat as he moaned and grunted in pleasurem
he thrusted his hips up again, letting out another loud moan of your name, hands releasing their grip on your hair softly, gently stroking your hair, the gentility of his touch and the roughness with which he was fucking your throat raw creating the most poetic juxtaposition.
but that was your carlos, hot and cold, sharp and blunt, passionate and gentle, a fierce loved and a gentle lover.
hollowing your cheeks out again, you continued to suck him, before you were rudely yanked off of your knees, and pulled into the bed, and you gasped for breath, still tasting his salty pre cum on your tongue.
"quiero correrme en tu coño mi bebita hermosa" i want to cum inside your pussy my beautiful baby girl he groaned, yanking you down for a searing kiss, shoving his tongue in your mouth, pulling your legs around his waist to run a hand down your back, squeezing your hips and gently rocking your hips on his cock, your clothed pussy weeping at the friction from the grinding.
his hands pushed your panties to the side, fingers sliding into you, making sure you were wet, and sure enough, you were dripping, it was a slight surprise to feel how soaked you were and probably had been for hours, ever since the race had ended.
you could feel his fingers pressing against your walls, and he could see the glorious sight of your juices leaking out of you, and the sight of it made him moan again, bending your legs slightly so he could have your pussy facing him at a better angle.
his fingers made scissoring motions with his fingers as they ran through your folds, causing you to arch your back, leaning closer to his touch. you felt him rub rough circles around your clit, experienced fingers stimulating the bundle of nerves perfectly bringing the sweetest moans from your lips like notes being played on a piano.
carlos knew how to play you like a violin, knowing which strings to pull to trigger that one feeling in you that had you seeing the stars and had your eyes rolling to the heavens, breathing hitching as the pleasure burst forth in your veins.
"yeah, you like that don’t you? una chica tan traviesa such a naughty girl" he grunted as he pressed his thumb down on your clit.
the moan that left your lips was pornographic, his hands roughly grasping onto your cheeks. flipping you around to push you down onto the bed, spreading your folds before shoving his head between them. his tongue found your folds and flicked through them, letting his tongue lap through the pink lips, licking up your arousal, continually sucking on your clit, before grazing his teeth at your folds before finding your clit and sucking on it.
moaning at the intense flurry of pleasure, you let your eyes fall shut, squeezing your eyelids so tight you could see little white dots burst forth. practically shoving your whole bottom half into his face, he drank every drop of your arousal like water, the squelching sounds so filthy, they were spurring you on.
"need you inside me amor" you whined out, gasping when he pulled off of you and flipped the both of you over.
"come on darling, deja que papi te cuide" let daddy take care of you he growled as he pressed a kiss to your neck again. settling yourself on top of him, he guided his cock into your fluttering entrance, dark brown eyes fixed on yours, leading one of his hands up to use his shoulders as leverage when he entered you, eyes closing when you groaned as soon as his tip slid into you.
he let his other hand press into the skin of your cheeks, forcing you to look directly at him
"you’re so fucking wet, you feel so fucking tight" he groaned as he felt your slick-covered center squeezing him, moaning at the sight of your engorged clit, begging for attention.
"baby, please fuck me, por favor muévete papi" please move daddy you cried desperately as you felt your arousal grow. you were too high strung foreplay. carlos ground his hips into yours, his hip bone sliding against your pelvis, and he moved back, softly biting your ear, nibbling on the soft skin before moving his lips down to your chest, lips wrapping around your pebbled nipple.
he sucked on your nipple like a man starved, flicking his tongue against your nipple, one hand playing with the other neglected one, fingers stroking around the tissue until it pebbled around his fingers.
he pinched the nipple, smirking as your chest rose up to press against his.
he drew back from your nipple, a clear string of spit trailing from your nipple to his lips and he blew on it gently watching as your breath stuttered, winking at the reacting he could pull from you.
"mocoso" you muttered brat
"tu mocoso" your brat he grinned, flashing his pearly whites at you.
what you weren't expecting was for him to pull out, lifting your body up like it weighed nothing to flip you over, so you were resting on all fours and you began to rock yourself against him.
your eyes closed as a whimper left your swollen lips, as you felt him rub harshly against your wetness. "for fucks sake carlos, please, just fuck me" you grunted out, too strung up for coherency. taking your words as affirmation, he thrust his hips forward, pushing fully into you, bit by bit, letting you adjust to his massive size once again.
the swollen head of his cock stretched your pussy, and his hand took your messy hair, twisting it into a ponytail, yanking you back up to his chest.
he had barely begun, and yet, you were already shaking. his lips curved into a smile, pressing against the shell of your ear before muttering, "you with me darling?" he asked, pressing a kiss behind your ear.
"yes papi" you moaned, throwing your head back again to rest on his shoulder. your nails dug into his thigh, as you held onto him tightly, feeling so full with him inside you, it was euphoric.
he pressed soothing kisses to the back of your neck and your ears, before catching you off guard, and wrapping his hand around your neck tightening his grip around your throat, making your eyes roll back.
"que buena chica, tomándome tan bien, hmm?" such a good girl, taking me so well, hmm? he tightened his grip around your throat, cutting the airflow slightly, so all you could do was let out a strangled moan, no word leaving your lips." you feel so good you know, so warm and slick and tight" he groaned against your ear, relishing in the whimper you let out.
he began to fuck you hard and fast, any traces of your soft gentle carlos vanishing.
he pounded into you, your body shaking and your cries becoming louder and louder. your nails dug into him even harder, leaving little crescents on his skin, the burn increasing his pleasure. you could feel your orgasm approaching, his cock hitting spots in you that had you seeing stars.
"I'm so fucking proud of you carlos" you moaned out, almost blubbering incoherently. "gracias mi dulce querida" thank you my sweet darling he grunted out.
"oh yes, yes, oh fuck! daddy! fuck!" your body began to shake harder as he squeezed your hip and throat harder, but carlos didn’t want you to cum so soon, oh no.
half of his reward was leaving you desperate and whining, so overstimulated and horny that all you could do was moan his name.
he pulled out, earning a groan of disapproval from you, before pushing you onto your back, before he sank his cock into you again, making you back arch off of the bed as he let your leg rest on his shoulder, pushing the other one away from you so you were perfectly spread out for him nearly making you touch your ear, from how far the stretch is.
you couldn't help the cries leaving your lips, feeling him so deep in you, the weight of his body against you, so warm and homely.
"fuck, fuck! you’re so deep papi,oh fuck!" you moaned as his thrusts became animalistic, as he lost control over his own pleasure.
"do you want me to go slower, querida?" he asked, knowing full well you would sob if he did, when he was fucking you so good, fucking deeper into you, hips snapping against yours like a rubber band.
you shook your head, eyes rolling back at the intensity, as tears began to pool in your eyes, making you bite your bottom lip so hard you knew you'd have torn the skin.
the smirk on his lips told you that it was gonna be a long night and that carlos wasn't done with you just yet. your shaky legs wrapped around his waist, squeezing it. he grabbed your face, fingers digging into your cheekbones, before pushing your face sideways into the silky pillow, making you close your eyes at the contrasting sensation of your hot cheeks against the cold pillow, the feelings setting your body on fire.
he was hard, throbbing inside your silken walls, and you could feel every inch of him, making your head spin, while your heart threatened to just leap out of your chest.
although your moans were slightly muffled, and the desperate whines leaving your lips fuelled, him, as he continued snapping his hips into you, nails digging into your thigh, the pleasurable sting sending you spiraling. you could feel ths tight muscles rippling in his back, and you scratched down the bare expanse of his back, knowing it always drove him crazy.
the sensation of you digging your nails into his back, had his hips falterring and stuttering slightly as he let out another lke growl into his ear, as he allowed himself a moment to bask in the burn of the sting before regaining his pace and thrusting back "you're so, so fucking good, just squeezing me so well hmm?" he growled out, watching as your walls squeezed him harder and your eyes shut.
"oh, shit, merde, oh yes, fuck right there, carlos, right there baby, please, oh fuck i'm so close" you managed to get out, words beginning to slur as you began to near your end.
the red hot pleasure in the pit of your stomach began to tighten, making you pant. your words just made him fuck deeper into you, which you didn't think was possible, and the filthy sound of your wetness and the sounds of your skin slapping together echoed across the hotel room. the bed began to knock against the wall, the thumping sounding sweeter than the sweetest symphony you had ever heard.
"yes, yes yes, oh fuck, carlito, te amo!" you moaned out, voice nearing the decibel of a scream.
your eyes rolled to the back of your head once again, mouth falling open in a silent scream of pleasure. for a second, you thought you lost your hearing, as a low hum filled your ears, and you could feel your heartbeat in your head, echoing through your body,and through the blinding pleasure, you heard carlos moan your name, before letting out a low grunt, feeling him release his chokehold on your throat and hips, watching as you squirted all over him.
"that's it, baby, let it go all over me, so fucking gorgeous. esto es todo para mí? this is all for me hmm? you're mine, aren't you darling? todo mío" all mine" he concluded, watching as your body shook with the aftershocks of your orgasm.
a series of profanities" and moans of carlos' name left your lips.
you thought you were done, but just as you began to come to terms with the force of your orgasm, you felt his thumb on your clit, making you jerk your hips away, shaking your head. "papi, por favor, please, no more, i can't, not anymore" you whined out, feeling your pussy throb.
"yes you can, one more bebita, just give me one more" he murmured, leaning down to kiss you again harshly, in a rough, dirty, demanding kiss.
you could feel his hips stutter, his thrusts becoming sloppy, signalling he was close to his own orgasm. you moaned into his mouth, taking the opportunity to suck his tongue.
"come on mi ganador my winner, cum for me won't you. heavens knows you deserve it mi amor my love" you asked through hooded lashes, looking up at him with doe eyes.
at your words, he dropped his head into the crook of your neck, his tongue poking out to lick patterns on the skin there, and you could hear his low, soft grunts as he chased his release, making the veins in his neck and his hand pop slightly. you could see his body glistening in the layer of sweat that had covered him,
“please baby. please cum for me, por favor papi?” you muttered sweetly, hand gently massaging the muscle of his taut shoulferm
he continued to thrust into you for a second or two more, before a deep groan left his swollen lips, and an even deeper moan of your name echoed in your ear, as he spurted his cum into your warm pussy with a groan.
your body shuttered at the warm liquid dripping into you, moaning in pleasure as the warmth of his release spread through you, enveloping you in a warm daze. panting softly, he rolled off of you.
he brought you to rest on top of him, as you let your head lay on his chest, listening to his heartbeat slowly come back to a normal pace.
his fingers entangled in the knots in your hair, moving the sweaty strands from your hair and combing out the knots, pressing kisses to your forehead and face and kiss, soft mutters of "mi niña perfecta, mi dulce niña, mi ángel, te adoro mucho, te amo tan profundamente" my perfect girl, my sweet girl, my angel, i adore you so much, i love you so deeply leaving his lips like a mantra.
you trailed kisses up his bare tummy, up his chest, before meeting his lips with yours, kissing gently to avoid bruising his pink lips even further.
you basked in the moment, enjoying the passionate kiss and the warmth of his lips and body against you. you felt his teeth tug your bottom lip into his mouth once again, letting his tongue trace your lips.
you let out a soft whimper before positioning your legs on either side of his waist, feeling him entering you once again, still hard.
carlos groaned softly, moving his hands to your ass, letting his hands trace it, before delivering a harsh smack to it.
"thank you for that, mi hermosa" he said sincerely, fingers gently tracing your knuckles.
"I'm so proud of you carlos. you never cease to amaze me" you smiled at him, pushing his sweaty hair out of his face to press a loving kiss to his nose.
the loving aura in the room was broken by the ding of carlos' phone, and you nodded to him to pick it up.
you watched as his eyebrow raised at the sight of his group chat blowing up with messages, resting your head on his chest, humming softly as you traced delicate patterns on his chest.
lando 🥛 : carlos, im filing a noise complaint. 🍆
lord perceval 👑 : lando 😂 let them be. it's been a while :)
pierrito - carlos celebrated tonight huh? 😏
lando 🥛: he did but at what cost...
lord perceval 👑 : it was obviously some goooood 'some' ;)
maximus 💪🏻- i unfortunately could hear em too, and im on the other end of the hall.
lando 🥛: my valued sleep has been broken carlos.
lord perceval 👑: don't be jealous lando
pierrito: yes lando don't be jealous that carlos is getting the best sex of his life and you're not
lando 🥛: fuck off
alexander 🎊 : aint no way they're still going, carlos hasn't read our messages yet
lord perceval 👑: ...... good for his stamina??
maximus 💪🏻: intensive circuit training and core stability has been achieved
chili 🌶️: guys were so sorry we didn't know we were being so loud
pierrito : had fun sainz?
lando 🥛 : carlos sainz vasquez bla bla you were so fucking loud all of singapore heard you fucking
chili 🌶️: don't be jealous lando, now adios
lord perceval 👑: round 2?!
pierrito: round 2?!
alexander 🎊: round 2?!
maximus 💪🏻: round 2?!
lando 🥛 : im getting earbuds.
you let out a startled laugh as carlos showed you the group chat, a flush creeping up your cheeks as you hid your face in his neck.
"ahora querida, no eras tímida cuando te estaba cogiendo el cerebro, ¿por qué te escondes ahora? now darling, you werent shy when i was fucking your brains out, why are you hiding now? he smirked, a devilish smile painting his lips.
"dont tease me chili" you whined, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
"alright i won't tease you, querida, but they were right about one thing" he said, throwing a suggestive grin your way.
biting your lip in anticipation, you ran a finger down his toned stomach, batting your eyelashes at him innocently.
"whats that, amor?"
"we are definitely going for round two."
a/n : ahhh idk how to feel about this??? but it was just a sour of the moment fic i wrote on half an hour so not my best work 😕 but as always, likes reblogs comments opinions etc are appreciated 🩷 happy reading and much love always xoxo
everything: @roslastyles420 @hopefulinlove @bluesongbird
f1 : @ashykit @moon-enthusiast @
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agendabymooner · 10 months
slipping through my fingers ! daniel r. x ofc (måneskin member!ofc) - rush: the mrs. ricciardo special (3)
"i try to capture every minute."
summary: beau ricciardo was introduced to the world and it's safe to say that he's incredibly loved by all.
content warning: video transcript, social media files (insta + tweets), use of explicit language, dad!daniel x mom!ofc, mentions of conceiving + pregnancy, fluff???, goddaddy lando
note: i've been writing a piece for lewlew hammer sorry for the lack of post 😩 also pls don't hesitate to send some asks just bc 😊
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tagged danielricciardo
liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1, lewishamilton
user1 NIKI RIC?! 😢
user2 honey badger #2 in the paddock right here your honour 🦡
lewishamilton hyped to meet the little man 😍 liked by loricciardo
loricciardo you're just happy to have a playmate for lottie 😂
lewishamilton of course?!
maxverstappen1 he is so danny liked by loricciardo
loricciardo ik max there's no need to remind me how loud it'll be in my household
danielricciardo hey 😒
nora_alessandro così felice per te e danny! non vedo l'ora di vedere il piccolo bambino 😙🥰 so happy for you and danny! can't wait to see the little baby liked by loricciardo
danielricciardo tell georgerussell63 to not come to australia without any paddington stuff for beau 🤩
georgerussell63 congrats on your baby i guess 🙄 i'll make sure to get you every single one danny
ykaaar ughhhh mio piccolo tasso my little badger liked by loricciardo
loricciardo dovresti venire in australia e vederlo 🥰 you should come to australia and meet him
ykaaar io e i ragazzi visiteremo presto! me and the boys will be visiting soon
mateoales he's really 9 pounds? i am applauding you for carrying something that big for months 👏 liked by loricciardo
loricciardo grazie teo! beau can't wait to meet his zio ❤️
mateoales i can't wait to teach him football 😩
danielricciardo look at our little man 😭🦡 liked by loricciardo
loricciardo such a handsome boy
danielricciardo that's all his daddy 😍
loricciardo please say something i can actually agree with for once mio tasso
danielricciardo i take it back, your deep fried tim tams were shit 🤬
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tagged loricciardo
liked by maxverstappen1, landonorris, colabebe
maxverstappen it's not a daniel ricciardo post if it's not partially depressing 🙂 congrats danny and lori! liked by danielricciardo
danielricciardo thanks man!
loricciardo what is this post, mio caro 😭😭 liked by danielricciardo
danielricciardo a post of appreciation doll ❤️
landonorris 6.5/10 post. i've seen a danny ric post much more cynical than this
danielricciardo i'm just trying to pass down a message to my son mate what are you on 😭
redbullracing the BR in RBR means beau ric 🐂 liked by danielricciardo
scuderiaferrari and the bull in red bull racing means bullsh- liked by loricciardo
user2 naw bc thats mad ^^
oscarpiastri does the little par still kick liked by danielricciardo
danielricciardo got kicked in the face once. safe to say he's still made for arsenal fc
oscarpiastri or the socceroos 🦘
mateoales you lads had never been so wrong 🤦‍♂️ he'll be a player for italia 🇮🇹
colabebe me 🤝 you = being pessimistic but not really liked by danielricciardo
danielricciardo that's just our sadness speaking cola 😂
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tagged loricciardo, danielricciardo, colabebe
liked by mateoales, georgerussell63, alex_albon
comments have been limited
alex_albon rather appalled at the nickname you gave yourself
landonorris show me how you cry rq 🤩
maxverstappen1 DILF of the season 😘
danielricciardo ofc babe 😍😘
loricciardo 😰 you're a married man danielricciardo
sylvieeford maxverstappen1 have shame and don't thirst on a married man 🥲
charles_leclerc daddy ric 3 😍
georgerussell63 why does it look like you're the father in these photos 🤣
landonorris you're just jealous because you don't have a photo with the little par 😏
georgerussell63 jokes on you, i'll be beau's favourite uncle by the end of the year 😛
landonorris i wish you luck lad 😚
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BR3 - OCTOBER 3, 2024 by lester allie
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[transcript one]
lando: "what are you looking forward to the most?"
daniel: right now, we're just looking forward to having the baby delivered safely. it hasn't been the most pleasant 24 hours for lori and uh... yeah. just deliver the baby then we're good.
lando: and you... lori?
lester: pushing the little one out of me because he's been so adamant on kicking freely.
[transcript two]
*some movement in the background*
nicola, in a murmur: have you done taekwondo before?
lando: like- what you're doing? i can try.
*protests of "no lando, don't" then a tearing noise appears*
lester: landoooo what did you do?
*screeching noises in the background alongside a loud roar of laughter*
daniel: love, i think he ripped your jammies.
lester: lando~
lando: i know i know! i'm sorry. i ripped it in half, i think.
lando: and my shin hurts too. i think i ripped myself a new hole. literally.
[transcript three]
lando: i went to a lamaze class once.
nicola: with lo?
lando: yup. they had me acting like i was the one in labour.
nicola: *chuckles*
lando, giggling: it was awesome.
nicola: you should try one of those simulators where you'd feel the cramps and everything-
lando: oh, no no. i might shit myself if i did.
[transcript four]
*door swinging open in the background followed by sniffling*
lando: aww, daniel- are you okay?
daniel, crying: he's so beautiful.
nicola, snickering next to lando: he is?
daniel, still wailing: he is! oh my fucking god, i have to call- fuck, where's mum and dad- he's, god he's so perfect
lando, quietly giggling: why did you leave your wife in the stupid room?
daniel, stammering: have to call mom- michelle- shit, my phone's inside. fuck.
*door swings open again slams shut*
*silence followed by fits of laughter between lando and nicola.*
nicola: i had never seen him cry like that
lando: me neither. he cries uglier than george and sylvie too.
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bonus !!!
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baby bear | c. leclerc
pairing: charles leclerc x reader word count: 1.7k words request: nope. warnings: fluff, a baby, this is really badly written bc i haven’t written an actual story in monthsssss. this was based on this tiktok i saw a few weeks ago, plsss watch it before reading if you want the context, otherwise it won't make much sense. tell me this isn't the most charles energy you've ever seen. a/n: look who remembered her tumblr password. i haven't been on here for so long... what's new? what are the new trends? how are we liking the new f1 season? how are you? perhaps posting once every three months will be my personality from now on.
my masterlist 
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“look what i bought.” 
those words were not unusual to hear, especially coming from charles, especially since you found out you were pregnant. you looked up from the book you were reading, raising your eyebrows at the sight of charles’ bright eyes and him trying to bite back a grin.
“so… i was wondering around, and stumbled upon the baby store,” he started, you nodded, knowing he obviously went there on purpose, “and found the cutest, most perfect little suit for the baby,” 
“okay…” you started, placing a bookmark and closing the book as you sat up, extending your arm, asking him to get closer. “is it cute?” 
“the cutest.” he said, placing the bag on the bed and taking out the suit.
“aw, charles,” your heart immediately melted at the sight of a brown bear suit, with a small hoodie and bear ears. “it looks cozy, and big…” you noticed. 
“yeah, she’s gonna look perfect in it.” he said, leaning forward to kiss your lips. after that, he walked to the crib you’d set up in your room, to be able to reach the baby faster in the first few months of her life. in there, you’d set up the bag you would bring to the hospital when she was ready to join the world.
“what are you doing?” you said, getting up and walking to him, you wrapped an arm around him, placing your head on his shoulder.
“i want her to wear this when she comes home,” he explained, and you could tell just by the way he blurted that out a little too fast, that he meant it, and that he’d probably already imagined the sight of your beautiful new baby in his arms. you wanted to tell him that this maybe was a bit too big for her, but you didn’t want to break his bubble.
“okay, but we have to wash this first, alright?” you smiled, standing on your tiptoes to press a kiss to his cheek while he nodded, knowing you were right.
“my little bella bear.” he sighed as he caressed the soft suit.
five months later, your little baby girl, isabella, had already outgrown her original suit, your heart broke a little, knowing how much charles loved seeing her in it.
he was currently out of the country, but already on his way back home after a few days on the other side of the world. you were rocking your little girl to sleep when you heard your phone ring. you grabbed it and smiled as you saw charles’ face fill your screen. 
“hey,” you whispered, tilting your phone down so he could see the baby.
“hi, my baby,” he said, making you smile. “why isn’t she wearing the suit?” he asked.
“charles, she wore it yesterday,” you chuckled, remembering the way he almost screamed in delight as he saw her in it the day before. 
“yeah, and?” 
“she can’t wear it every day,” you laughed softly, not wanting to disturb her. “i’ll wash it tonight.”
“okay, i can’t wait to be back home. i want to hold you both,” 
“what time do you get here?” you smiled, having missed him after being away for almost a week. luckily, the next three races were close to home.
“i’m not sure. i’ll check and let you know. but don’t worry, lorenzo will pick me up. can i ask you a favor, though?”
“of course.”
“can you dress her in the bear suit?” he almost pleaded, pouting. 
“fine,” you laughed, “you’ll see your little bear tomorrow.”
charles would not, in fact, be seeing his little bear. because one cruel thing about having a baby is how quick they grow. it was bizarre, since just two days ago it still fit her perfectly, but now her legs were a little too long to fit comfortably, her head a little too big to place the hood on it.
you swore under your breath, knowing how heartbroken charles would be once he found out the news. you dressed bella in a different outfit, some white overalls that had little bears embroidered on it with a brown shirt underneath. it was the best you could do. 
but then you received a text from charles.
‘can't wait to see you and bella bear.’ followed by a white heart and a bear emoji. 
“oh, my god,” you mumbled, grabbing bella, your handbag and car keys.
you drove to the store you knew charles had bought the original bear suit from, with bella on your arm, since you didn’t have time to grab her stroller or anything, you were thinking out loud, talking to bella as you walked through the store and looked for the suit.
“the things we do for daddy, he just loves seeing you in that suit,” you said, kissing her temple as you walked through the store. “there it is.” you walked there, looking for the right size. “you know what? let’s get a few more.” you said, grabbing enough suits to hopefully fit her until at least her first birthday. bella giggled, curling her fists on the fabric of the suit. “you love the bear suit, too, don’t you?” you asked her, kissing her cheek. “my bella bear,” you often found yourself repeating the nickname charles gave her from that very first day a few weeks before she was born. 
you quickly drove home and changed her into the suit, and waited for charles to arrive.
“i’m home!” he said, about twenty minutes after you got home. 
“hey,” you walked to him, feeling his hands on your waist as he lifted you up, “i missed you.” you said as you buried your face in his neck.
“i missed you too, my love. i’m so happy i don’t have to travel too far away now.”
“i know. and maybe bella and i can join you?” you asked, having contemplated that idea while charles was gone. 
“you think she’s ready? are you?” you shrugged.
“we won’t know unless we try.” 
“okay, then… we’ll try.” he placed a kiss to your lips, one that took your breath away like it was the very first one. “where is she?” 
“napping,” you answered, slipping your fingers between his and leading him to bella’s room. she’d already upgraded from the crib in your shared room to her own. 
“my little bella bear, i missed you so much,” he said, kneeling in front of the crib and running his knuckle softly against her chubby cheek. “you look so pretty in your bear suit.” 
and as months passed, charles was still unaware of the change of suits. every two or three months you’d change into the next size, taking advantage of the weather changing -telling charles that it was too warm for bella to wear it as often-, and the times he had to leave home. you would rummage through the drawers in bella’s room, where you kept all the suits she had grown out of. 
it sometimes came with little slip-ups, like the time you forgot about one small rip in the original suit that you’d sewn together. as a force of habit, charles’ hand reached for that spot, just to make sure it was still there, that it wasn’t growing any bigger. but it wasn’t there. 
“huh,” he hummed out loud, catching your attention.
“what?” you asked, looking up from the puzzle you were piecing together. 
“nothing, it’s just… the rip, it feels weird.” he said, running his finger up and down the place where the rip was supposed to be. 
“oh, maybe it got messed up in the wash,” you said the first thing that came to your mind. 
“hey, can you help me find this piece?” you asked, changing the subject quickly to get it out of his head. 
in the blink of an eye, her first birthday was approaching, and so did the choice to pick a theme for her birthday party.
“she’s been really into flowers lately,” you told charles one morning, as you both helped bella stand up and encouraged her to walk from parent to parent. 
“hmm… flowers and rainbows?” he said, holding bella up as she steadied herself. “you like that bella bear?” he asked her. you reached to your side holding a flower plushie you’d bought her a few days ago.
“flowers, bella?” you held it in front of you, but bella turned around, playing with charles instead. “that’s a no, i guess,” you chuckled.
“i know…” charles said, setting bella down and walking to her bed. he grabbed her teddy bear, “bears?”
“bear!” you both turned your heads at the same time, staring at bella. 
“oh my god, did she-”
“i think she did, come here,” you said, grabbing the teddy from him, “bear?”
“bear!” she repeated, and you held her in your arms as charles sat next to you.
“your first word, baby…” he murmured, and you looked up at him, heart melting at the sight of his eyes shining bright at your daughter. 
“what about a bear party?” you suggested.
“i was thinking the same thing. i’ll go to the store tomorrow to buy her a new suit, now we can add this one to the collection,” he said, putting on the little hoodie. 
“what?” you asked, completely taken aback by his comment.
“yeah, the drawer filled with the suits,” he pointed at it.
“you knew?” 
“what? that you’d been secretly switching the suits, ripping and sewing it back together so that i wouldn’t notice? yeah,” he said.
“then why- how-”
“that first suit… you really thought i wouldn’t find it weird how the rip was there, then it wasn’t, and then it magically appeared again?” 
“you just loved that suit so much, and i didn’t want to break your heart once she started to grow them out, so i got a bunch and kept them there.”
“i know. i’ve seen them,”
“oh my god,” you groaned, leaning against him as he laughed.
“i love you. it was so hard to keep this to myself.”
“how do you think i felt?” you laughed, looking down at bella. “why didn’t you tell me anything, missy?” you tickled her belly, smiling at her loud giggles. 
“come on, bella bear, we have to go find a new suit for your birthday party.”
BYE this is really bad, i'm sorry.
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onlyonetifosi · 1 month
Are you gonna do a chapter based on Joris’ birthday
Bonus chapter: Joris bday
sorry to be late for this been very busy with assigments
WARNING: SMUT!!!! (at the beggining only) then its lots of fluff
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The sun kissed the city of Montecarlo, casting a golden glow over the bustling streets. It was a special day for Joris, and Y/N couldn't wait to celebrate his birthday.
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Soft and lazy kisses trailing slowly down his bare chest have Joris’ eyes shifting behind his eyelids as he wakes up, unwillingly being pulled into the start of the day. A small grunt sounds from his chest in refusal to open his eyes, yet the soft little pitter patters now walking down the dips of his abs stir the butterflies in his belly.
His attention draws to the fingernails hooking under the waistband of his boxers, the somewhat ache in his crotch seeping through the thick layer of sleep he was in.
He hears shuffling under the covers, suspecting what - or who - that could be, causing a smile to creep up his lips. He lifts his hips willingly for his shorts to be pulled down, just for his cock to be taken hold of by two soft, warm little hands.
And then, what he didn’t expect but hoped for - silky, warmth and wetness all wrapped around his tip as the lips are wrapped around him.
She was determined to make Joris’ birthday as special as it can be, hence she started by giving him head. “Holy shit, baby,” Joris’ voice is deep but there’s a hint of desperation in it as you give him head “Fuck you’re crazy today.”
“Just spoiling the birthday boy, amour,” Yn smiles at him, tapping his cock against her tongue and ensuring he watches while she does it.
“Je t’aime tellement chérie” he says with a breathy voice.
"Je t’aime aussi, bon anniversaire, mon amour!" Y/N exclaimed, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug.
"Merci" Joris replied, returning the embrace as both of them lay on the bed entangled in each other. "Are you ready for today?"
"Absolutely," she replied with a smile. "Let's make it unforgettable."
They embarked on a day filled with Joris' favorite activities, from making the most of the sunny day and sailing on Charles’ yacht (which she had to plead him for but Charles after knowing it was for Joris’ bday couldn’t say no), to going shopping at his favorites boutiques and having lunch in the same restaurant they have being going since they can remember and whose owners know them as it’s a very small restaurant not in the most tourist zone of the principality and most of the clients are Monaco natives.
As evening descended upon Monaco, they made their way to a chic restaurant nestled in the heart of the city. The air buzzed with excitement as they took their seats, anticipation building in her for the surprise they had planned for Joris.
As the waiters dimmed the lights, Yn could hardly contain her excitement. She glanced at Charles, who winked in response, their plan about to unfold.
Suddenly, the room erupted into cheers as the waiters emerged, carrying a decadent birthday cake ablaze with candles. Joris' eyes widened in surprise, his laughter echoing through the restaurant as his friends surrounded him, sharing in the joy of the moment.
"Surprise!" they chorused as the waiters appeared carrying a birthday cake with candles and bengals.
"Joyeux anniversaire, Joris!" Y/N exclaimed, her heart swelling with happiness as she caught his delighted expression.
"Merci, merci à tous!" Joris exclaimed, his eyes shining with gratitude.
They savored the exquisite meal, sharing stories and laughter late into the night. With each toast and shared moment, Y/N felt a deep sense of contentment wash over her. These were the memories she cherished most—moments of pure joy spent with the ones she loved.
As the clock struck midnight, they bid farewell to the restaurant and ventured into the lively streets of Monaco. The club was already alive with the sounds of laughter and music as they stepped inside, the neon lights casting an electric glow over the dance floor.
"Let's make this a night to remember!" Charles shouted over the music, his voice filled with excitement.
Y/N laughed, feeling the rhythm of the music coursing through her veins. This was home—surrounded by loved ones, lost in the magic of the moment. As she glanced at Joris, his smile illuminated by the neon lights, she knew that this birthday would be one they'd never forget, knowing that as she saw Joris’ very happy face as he conversed with Charles and their friends in their booth.
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taglist: @love4lando@gcldtom@im-mi@hiireadstuff@celesteblack08@reblog-princess@sunf1ower16@janeholt3@athena-artemis-dorian-gray@minkyungseokie@tesi1
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