#expect to see more of these dorks soon
larrytheflute9 · 1 month
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The Full Old School Zelda Squad
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
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How’d they react to finding you sleeping anywhere but the bed…
Dick: sharing the dog bed with Hayley (fail):
At first he thought something was wrong when he didn’t hear you or Hayley greet him home and soon began to search the spy for you both.
So the moment he finds you fast asleep on Hayley’s dog bed with Hayley tucked closely into your chest, head resting underneath your chin. His heart immeditly melted and his phone was out and taking photos nearly every 0.5 seconds, only until he was forced to stop due to how much storage they took up but he didn’t regret it.
Not one bit. He even has one printed out that he kept on him to look at whenever he felt as though he needed to be reminded of how he had waiting back home for him.
You both were effortlessly cute to Dick, he couldn’t help it but feel a little left out as he then tries to join you in the dog bed, only to almost ends up capsizing the three of you and waking both you and Hayley, who began licking his face as her tail smacks you in the arm repeatedly.
‘What were you trying to do?’ You asked Dick, sitting up.
Dick pouted. ‘Join in the fun.’
‘We were sleeping in a dog bed, how’s that fun.’ You said, not bothering to add the fact that you had accidentally fell asleep on Hayley’s dog bed because you were waiting up for him but failed.
‘Fun to me is wherever you and Hayley are.’ Dick answered truthfully.
You smiled as you kissed his cheek. ‘You’re such a dork, you know that right.’ You told him.
‘Yes. And?’ He says cheekily, more than happy to be home with his little family.
Bruce: in the Batmobile:
Alfred told him where you were and that you best be moved to a more comfortable place then the passenger seat of the Batmobile.
How you got in there was a mystery to both men but what was more impressive was how you could possibly sleep against those hard rich leather seats in the first place.
Bruce couldn’t blow but let out a little chuckle when he opened the side door, just to see you with your face half pressed against the seats before jolting yourself awake.
‘Wha- I didn’t do nothing officer it was the dog.’ You said groggily as you tried to blink the sleep from your eyes as they tried to bring reality into focus.
‘Have a good nap did we?’ Bruce asks, finding some amusement in your half asleep nonsense.
‘Why, who’s asking?’ You replied.
‘Your consciousness.’ Bruce joked sarcastically. ‘Come on let’s get you to bed before you develop a-‘
‘Ow my neck.’ You groaned as you held a hand to your neck the moment you tried to move it.
‘-Crooked neck.’ Bruce sighs as he offers you a hand. ‘Come on, let’s go find Alfred so that we can alleviate you of this pain.’ You pouted as you grabbed onto his hand and letting him pull you out of the Batmobile. ‘Alfred is going to scold me isn’t he?’ You asked. ‘Yes, I’m afraid so.’ Bruce answered as he helps guide you out of the Batcave.
Alfred’s scoldings were nothing to scoff at, and Bruce would know as he’s been on the receiving end of a few before in the past. After all getting scolded by Alfred was enough to set a stubborn man straight.
‘Damn.’ You muttered.
Damian: in the barn, on top of Goliath:
He didn’t have to look far, he knew you’d be in the barn but what he wasn’t expecting was for you to be fast asleep on top of his demonic dragon bat, whom had draped a protective wing over you as though it were swaddling you in an extremely warm blanket.
He had told you about the story of how he met Goliath and took him home on more then one occasion, as it was secretly his favourite story because it helped him with his own internal struggles on who he should be, and also how his past doesn’t define him, but what he chooses to do in the future does.
So seeing you cuddled up to Goliath without an ounce of care made him smile a little to himself at the prospect of you accepting him for who he was truly, rather than believe what other people viewed him as. You stood out of the crowd rather than follow it and Damian couldn’t be more grateful for you sticking by him, even through the extremely tough times where even he thought he went too far with his outbursts towards you.
‘Tt. Idiot.’ He says affectionately as he walks further into the barn, stopping along the way to pet BatCow and Jerry the Turkey. ‘Aren’t they?’ He asks both animals who only blinked at him as they mindlessly chewed on their food. Damian hums. ‘You’re right, they may be an idiot but they’re still my idiot at the end of the day.’
Damian ends up falling asleep against BatCow’s side as Jerry the Turkey made himself comfortable on his lap.
Jason: kitchen counter:
Him and Roy have a bet on where Jason would find you asleep next.
It had happened way too often for them that they’d hates themselves forever for not making a game out of it at any point in their lives.
This time Roy betted that you’d fall asleep on the kitchen counter, whereas Jason believes you’ll fall asleep against the window sill.
So when Jason got back home late one night after patrol, he immeditly went to look for you at the window sill. Nothing. ‘Damn it Roy.’ He cursed under his breath as he then walked into the kitchen, praying that he wouldn’t have to tell his friend that he won the bet for the eighth consecutive time.
Only for you to be fast asleep on the fucking kitchen counter, just as Roy predicted you would. Jason felt as though his friend was cheating somehow because it didn’t make sense for him to have correctly predicted where you’d be found sleeping as often as he did. Unfortunately for Jason, he couldn’t back up his claim as to why he thought Roy cheated, for there wasn’t any substantial evidence to prove that Roy was cheating.
And so with a heavy heart, Jason walked over and pressed a kiss to your forehead before pulling out his phone to text Roy that he has won…again, and pocketing his phone as he carried you off to your shared room. ‘I love you chipmunk but you’ve got to start sleeping in places where I’ll surefire win the bet against Roy next time okay?’ He says against your head, kissing it.
‘Okay. I’ll try.’ You murmured.
‘That’s my baby.’ Jason said as he tucked you into bed before following suit.
The next day, Roy was smirking like a Cheshire Cat as he talked about his eighth consecutive victory, whereas Jason looked about ready to strangle the next person who looked at him funny.
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lovebugism · 10 months
eddie x shy!reader , she asks him on a date by giving him tickets to a concert and he thinks its a joke til she walks away feeling rejected & he realizes she’s like dead serious & goes up to her
thanks for your request! i sorta broke my own heart with this one — the one where eddie rejects you and immediately regrets it (shy!reader, hurt/comfort, 2.6k)
bug's summer fic fest ♡
Robin tells you that he’s nice. She says he won’t turn you down because he loves Mötley Crüe too much and he’s called you pretty too many times. Robin Buckley is many things — a dork, a polyglot, and your best friend, to name a few — but she’s never been a liar.
She wouldn’t lead you to the slaughter that way. She wouldn’t just let you get your heart broken. More than anything, though, she knows Eddie far better than you do — partly because she’s actually able to talk to him.
So despite your lingering worry, you swallow her words like a shot of vodka and maneuver helplessly through the bustling crowd of the Hawkins High lunchroom.
Eddie Munson sits alone at the Hellfire Club table — the smallest one in the very back corner by the large square window. 
Instead of eating a real meal (even though the hamburgers might be horse meat instead of cow), the boy eats crumbled-up pretzels from a worn ziplock bag. He pinches them into his mouth blindly because his chocolate syrup gaze is trained on the well-loved book folded in his left hand. 
J.R.R Tolkien’s, The Hobbit.
It makes you smile softly to yourself. You hope one day you’ll have the courage to tell him you’ve read that book so many times you could recite it in your sleep. You hope that day comes soon.
“Eddie?” you call softly to him when you reach his table. Your sweaty fingers fidget with the concert tickets you clutch between them.
He just thinks he hears his name at first. It’s barely audible over the sounds of muddled chatter in the cafeteria. He glances up from his book, not expecting anyone to be there, and gaping when he finds you standing in front of him. 
His cinnamon eyes go wide. The boy blinks owlishly at you once, then flits his eyes behind you like he’s expecting to see someone there. When he doesn’t, he blinks at you again. 
“Hi…” you waver with a trembling smile.
Eddie grins back, still obviously confused. “…Hi?”
“I, uh… I don’t know if you heard, but— well, obviously you heard, that’s… that’s stupid,” you laugh at yourself, shaking your head with your eyes squeezed shut. You’re already stumbling all over yourself, and you haven’t even managed a full sentence yet.
“Mötley Crüe is coming to Indianapolis in a few days, and a friend of mine was selling tickets, so I bought them. For us. Potentially. You know, if you wanted to… to go… With me.”
Your offer lingers and hangs in the air between the two of you.
A smile quirks at the right side of Eddie’s pink mouth. It isn’t a kind one, though. It looks more cynical than anything else.
His head juts back. He’s almost peering at you from the corner of his eye as though you were some suspicious thing he needed to analyze. A laugh sputters from his lips. “Did Buckley put you up to this? Is that what this is?”
Your faltering smile fades entirely. Your features crumble in disappointment.
This worse he could say is no, Robin had told you. 
You hadn’t prepared yourself for this.
“…What?” you wonder, voice fragile like a wilting flower petal.
Eddie chuckles to himself. He sets the book down to give you his full attention, though you’re not sure you want it anymore. “You know, I knew she was upset about me trying to set her up with Vickie and all, but this is a… whole new low.”
“Vickie…?” you murmur through a tightening throat, brows pinched in confusion. “I don’t understand—”
“Look, sweetheart… Tell Robin that this was a real funny joke, but I’m not interested, alright?”
Your chest aches with an empty feeling. You think your heart might be breaking. “J—Joke?”
“—Actually, tell her that this was very not metal of her, and that I will get my vengeance,” Eddie says with a sardonic laugh deeply rooted in his chest. His smile looks almost like he pities you as he shakes his head, eyes twinkling with pessimism. “I’m sorry she sent you to do her dirty work, but… You should probably go now. This is, you know, the Hellfire Club table and everything, so…”
You swallow thickly, then nod.
Eddie doesn’t want you here. Eddie doesn’t want you at all.
“I’m— I’m sorry if I…” The words get caught in your throat. You clear it and blink back burning tears. “I was just… I thought that maybe—”
“Eddie!” a boyish voice calls from across the cafeteria, only halfway drowned out through all the noise. A group of guys in Hellfire shirts walk towards the table.
You take that as your cue to leave. You don’t want to burst into tears in front of your crush and all of his friends.
“I’m sorry,” is all you manage to choke out before turning on your heel and walking away.
He’d been smiling up until that point — like it was all a big joke to him — because it was. 
The girl he’s been fawning over since junior year comes out of nowhere with tickets to see one of his favorite bands? That was the kind of shit he dreamt about — the kind of plan only someone as vicious as Robin Buckley could concoct to hurt his feelings. And after spending so many years being the brunt of bullies, Eddie was tired of being embarrassed.
And at first, he thought you were just a really good actor. You did look almost genuinely confused when he’d snuffed out the plan so quickly. But those wide, glassy eyes you looked at him with — he doesn’t know if a person can fake that sort of heartbreak. That looked real.
Eddie had been close to commending himself for not letting Robin win. He thought he was a genius for not allowing Buckley to use you against him. Now he knows he’s the same dumbass he's always been.
“Hey, man…” Gareth wavers as he sits at his designated seat adjacent to Eddie’s. The boy’s forlorn and faraway gaze doesn’t go unnoticed by the rest of the club. They all share looks of confusion, but the sandy-haired boy is the only one brave enough to speak up. “You okay?”
Eddie keeps his gaze trained on your figure as you maneuver through the crowd. Robin looks happy for you when you reach her, but the puppy-like excitement washes away when she notices how sad you are. 
He feels like someone’s shoved a knife between his ribcage. He wonders if this is what a broken heart feels like.
“I think I screwed up,” he answers, laughing cynically at himself. “Like, big time.”
“Well, it wouldn’t be the first time, right?” Dustin jokes before popping a fry into his mouth. He laughs, but no one else joins him. “…Right?”
Eddie glares at the boy.
He cowers. “…Kidding. I was kidding.”
He stews over it all day — your offer and what he said to you and how sad you looked after he said it. 
He pictures your pinched brows and big, glassy eyes and his chest starts to burn a little. Everyone always thought he was some raging asshole just because he had crazy hair and a crazier taste in music. Now he feels like they were sort of right about him. 
Whatever chance he had with you has surely turned to dust by now. It wouldn’t surprise him after he shrugged you off like he did. But after waging a nearly four-hour war in his mind between lunch and dismissal, he knows he has to make sure. 
He has to know if he’s ruined things entirely or if there’s a glimmer of hope he can hang onto.
He comes to you at the end of the day, dripping in metaphorical blood from the mental carnage he’d endured. He stood across the hall from you for five whole minutes as he tried to come up with something to say. He walks to your locker empty-handed and just blurts, “I thought you were joking,” like a total idiot.
Through the muddled conversation in the bustling hallway, you hadn’t heard him coming. You didn’t know he was there at all until he was right next to you. Seeing someone so suddenly close to you makes you flinch — hard.
And it’s not totally Eddie’s fault. You’re jumpy and too easily frightened at times, but he can’t help but feel like he’s messing things up more than he already has.
“Oh…” you deflate with a sigh, eyes still wide and swimming with something he can’t quite place. You look like you’re almost relieved to see him. Almost. 
“Sorry— shit, sorry. I didn’t mean to…” The boy stumbles over his words, then trails off when they don’t come out the way he wants. He shakes his head and finds it in himself to smile. It’s bitter, though, filled with self-abhorrence. “I wasn’t trying to scare you.”
With one hand still clutching the door of your locker, and the other gripping a stack of textbooks, you peer at him through your lashes. “I know. It’s okay. I just— I wasn’t expecting it…”
He grimaces. “Sorry…”
“’S okay,” you repeat.
“I, um, I only came in so hot ‘cause I wanted to apologize— you know, for earlier. In the lunch room,” he stammers and puts his fidgeting hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. He tries to laugh, but it comes out more as an insincere puff of air. “Honestly, I thought you were joking.”
Your brows pinch. “Joking? Why would I—”
“I sorta locked Robin and Vickie in the old chemistry room in the east wing a few days ago,” he confesses, bouncing his shoulders. “Just because I know they both like each other and everything, and I thought maybe they’d finally admit it if they were alone together.”
“Well, they didn’t. And Robin was pissed. So I thought she was using you to get back at me.”
“Using me?” you echo.
“Yeah. ‘Cause I’ve kinda been into you since junior year and everything,” he admits with a nonchalant shrug. The corner of his rosy mouth quirks into a half-smile. “It’s, like, the one card Robin could use against me that would actually hurt, you know? If she did try to get me back.”
Your heart swells so much it hurts, almost — the same kind of hurt you'd felt in the lunch room earlier. It feels fiery, like someone’s taken a match to your ribcage and lit your heart aglow. But it’s different now. This is a good hurt, a happy hurt.
“Really?” you squint at him, your voice high and light. Your lips twitch like you want to smile, but you don’t let yourself — lest this all turns out to be some kind of elaborate dream. Or a joke.
“Since we had Mr. Kaminsky’s together, yeah,” Eddie affirms with a slow, confident nod. His chocolate eyes flit up to the water-stained ceiling. “Let’s see… We were learning about reproduction, and Tommy Hagan made some stupid joke about using you as a real-life model instead of the pictures in the textbook—”
“I remember,” you nod, trying not to shudder at the memory that still haunts you. 
“And I told him that he was making it real obvious that he’s never seen an actual vagina before and that the one in the textbook looked a lot like his mom’s,” the boy recalls with a soft laugh. “And you looked over at me, and you smiled, and I… have been a goner ever since.”
He looks down at you again, all sheepish like he isn’t gluing your broken heart back together again. His chocolate eyes twinkle in a way you’ve never seen before. They sparkle in their softness. You have to look away before it turns you into a puddle at his feet. 
You smile widely into your locker, pursing it off to the side in attempts to conceal its brightness. 
“No one’s ever stuck up for me like that before,” you confess quietly after a few moments, peeking at him from the corner of your eye. “I’m pretty sure I gushed to Robin about it for days.”
“Yeah?” Eddie hums. He can feel his hopes getting too high.
“Yeah. I told her all about the pretty boy in the back of the room that finally got Tommy H. to leave me alone.”
“Oh… You think he’s pretty, huh?” the boy teases despite his pink cheeks.
You nod — made much braver by his previous admission — though you still have a little trouble looking him in the eye. You drag a notebook from your locker as you tell him, “I think he’s very pretty.”
“Well, I have it on good authority that the boy you think is pretty is super sorry for being such an asshole to you earlier,” Eddie murmurs, his nose scrunched and head tilted. “And that he’d really love to go to that concert with you— if you haven’t found some other schmuck to go with you, that is.”
Your eyes light up like a Christmas tree as you beam at him. No one’s ever looked at him that way before now.
“I’d like that,” you nod, then shrug. “I don’t think I’d wanna go with anyone else, anyway…”
“So, it’s a date?” Eddie asks, just to make sure. His raised brows disappear behind his fluffy bangs. His chin tilts to his chest as he smiles hopefully down at you.
You nod, and repeat it more softly than the loudmouth boy. “It’s a date.”
Eddie can feel himself grinning like an idiot. His cheeks ache with how wide he’s beaming at you, but he's too lovesick to stop. Like squinting into the sun, smiling every time he looks at you is muscle memory by now. 
And what did a freak like him ever do to deserve a date with the freakin’ sun?
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babysukiii · 3 months
regina’s puppy (1)
// regina has a soft spot for you, but when she refuses to accept why, someone else might swoop in and take your attention away from her. //
warnings: mean!regina (not to reader), protective!regina, oblivious/innocent!reader, pinning, mutual pining but reader thinks it’s one-sided, use of “y/n”.
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regina george definitely has a soft spot for you. if you ask her, she’d refer to it as a weak spot; resembling more like an invisible bruise inside of her that only you could see. you’d push and push it, til it bruises some more. until she’d sickly do just about anything you ask. it wasn’t a secret either; regina could be in the middle of being the worst human being on campus, and you’d just walk up to her with those big eyes of yours.
“hey gina!”
“did you see the new shake flavor at sonic? wanna ditch and go?”
“i stayed up all night reading the bell jar!”
regina would shift her undivided attention onto you within a millisecond, and you didn’t even realize it. you were so obliviously innocent. you didn’t have an underlying reason for getting close to the queen bee, you just caught her reading a book one day and started talking her ear off about it. the blonde, who got pure joy out of making girls like you cry, for some reason didn’t have it in her to tell you to fuck off or call you a dork. there was something about you that regina couldn’t quite place; it was something that made her heart flutter in her chest.
maybe it didn’t fully hit regina just how bad she had it for you until junior year. it was the middle of fall, and you had rushed up to her with a pair of sad eyes. “hey gina.” you greet her, but it isn’t your usual eager greeting. regina looks away from the mirror in her locker, looking at you. her brows furrow and a wave of concern washed over her, as she realizes you appear upset. “what’s wrong?” she demands, not even bothering to say hi back. “stacy matthew’s said i can’t be in debate club. she says i’m really nice and that’s not what they’re looking for.” you admit, and regina can feel the rage course through her before she slams her locker shut.
“where the fuck does stacy matthew’s get off telling you that you can or can’t be in debate club? she’s a fucking dork. come on.” she grabs your wrist and your eyes widen, shaking your head in protest but the blonde is already set on giving the raven haired girl a piece of her mind. nobody was going to make you sad and get away with it. “gina it’s okay i—“ you try but regina is already turning down the hallway, making her way up to a random group of students. they all go quiet as soon as regina is near. “where’s matthew’s?” regina questions demandingly, causing one of the students to nearly begin to tremble.
“st-stacy? she’s in the library i think—“ regina doesn’t even let the poor girl finish before she’s dragging you in the direction of the library. you weren’t really sure what you were expecting when you told regina about why you got rejected from the debate club, but this certainly wasn’t it. you weren’t expecting her to storm into the library. “everyone out.” she commands, and just like that, every student in the library is scurrying out. “not you.” the blonde hisses as she glowers at stacy who was in the middle of gathering her belongings. you watch the girl tense up, freezing, and a part of you feels guilty because of how terrified she looks.
“so it’s come to my attention that you think your dorky little debate club is too good for y/n…” regina trails off, and stacy’s eyes widen as her gaze flutters over to you. “don’t look at her for help, look at me.” regina snaps her fingers in stacy’s face; her behavior should cause you to be horrified, yet you can’t deny the heat at the bottom of your belly that comes from watching regina defend you. “it’s not— i didn’t say we were too good, i said she was too nice, regina. you know it too, that’s why you’re here debating for her.” stacy’s comment causes you to look down at your shoes, knowing she isn’t wrong.
“y/n is smarter than you will ever be. her gpa is higher than yours, and she had better exam grades last year. she doesn’t need to be a cunt to debate, she just has to be right… and she always is. you didn’t deny her a spot in your club because she’s too nice. you’re afraid she’s better than you.” regina hits her right where it hurts, and the way stacy’s face morphs into an ugly angry expression causes your eyes to widen. you had actually believed stacy when she said you were too nice for debate club, but now as you watch her react to regina’s accusations, you realize she only said that because she didn’t want you in the club at all.
“i’ll give you the rest of tonight to reconsider giving her a spot on the debate team. if you don’t, i have no control over whether or not the club gets banned… i mean, considering my parents are the ones who fund it.” regina puts on her best falsified sorry expression, and it causes stacy’s eyes to widen at the threat. her eyes lock with yours before regina clasps a hand around your wrist. she drags you out of the library, muttering angrily as she does so. “ugh, the nerve of that fucking bitch.” regina sounds genuinely upset, and you frown.
“you didn’t have to do that…” you whisper, barley being able to find your voice. she comes to a stop, turning around to face you with a deadly serious expression etched onto her features. “i did because you would’ve just let it go. she can’t just act like the queen of debate club; even the cheerleaders started being inclusive!” regina rambles a bit, and you can’t stop yourself from giggling. “yeah but i’m pretty sure debate club is all stacy matthew’s has. it’s fine. i mean, it’s not fine, but it’s clearly more important to her.” you shrug easily and regina huffs in clear frustration.
“that’s exactly why people think you’re too nice! you can’t just let people do or say whatever they want to you, and just let it go! just twelve minutes ago you wanted to cry about it.” regina points out, and you press your lips together. “if i held on to it every time someone upset me, i’d be a really sad person.” you confess lightly, but this does nothing to ease regina’s anger. “well, i’ll hold on to it for you. she’s going in the burn book.” regina mutters the last part, making you a quirk a brow at her. “the burn book?” you question, and she purses her lips tightly, realizing she might have said to much.
“it’s just this thing the girls and i have been working on…” regina’s demeanor shifts, and your brows knit together. “you and the girls? as in gretchen and karen? can i see?” you ask hopefully, and regina shakes her head quickly “no way.” she answers, and as soon as she sees you deflate, a look of disappointment taking over your features, she relents. “it’s not finished yet, and it’s kind of a secret…” she trails off, “i promise i won’t tell anyone! at all! not even riley.” you promise, mentioning your best friend who’s being home schooled this year. regina chews on her bottom lip; she’s well aware the burn book is just a harsh joke her and her friends came up with. but she isn’t sure whether you’d think it’s funny or not.
though regina can’t seem to be able to tell you no. “okay, but most of it was gretchen.” she lies as she begins to lead you towards the exit of the school. karen and gretchen furrow their eyebrows in clear confusion as they watch their best friend leave with you. even though school ended almost half an hour ago, usually regina would opt to hang out with the plastics. sometimes she even just stayed after school to “ogle” the football team during practice. but here regina was, leaving school with you. sure, her friends knew about her weird tolerance of you… but now you were hanging out?
“wait are we going to your house?” you ask uncertainly as you both approach her expensive car. she flashes you a look that says “duh”, “that’s where the book is.” she states as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “shouldn’t you call your mom and ask her for permission for me to come over?” you inquire timidly, and although the butterflies in her stomach flutter due to how adorable you are, she rolls her eyes feigning annoyance. “she doesn’t care. get in, loser.” she commands, and you immediately obey; getting into the passenger side.
regina’s car smells like her perfume, and the backseat is messy. “your moms so cool for letting you drive by yourself with just your permit.” you say out loud and regina shrugs, “she’s alright.” she mutters as she hands you her phone. “pick a song.” she insists and your cheeks flush. “o-okay.” the way you stutter causes you to mentally facepalm, but regina finds it hard to stifle a smile at how cute she finds you. you put on a taylor swift song, and she snorts, “so cliche.” she says, her eyes unusually soft, as the sky and your heart does this pathetic little lurch at the sight of her smiling. regina looks so beautiful when she smiles; it almost makes you forget how she almost made stacy matthew’s piss herself a little while ago.
regina’s house is even bigger than you imagined. you knew her family was rich, but you didn’t think they were this wealthy. your eyes are as big as dinner plates as you look around the house. as soon as you walk in you can hear regina’s little sister in the living room; practicing dance routines in front of the tv. “ignore her that’s my sister kylie. everything she does, i did it first.” regina retorts simply, and you raise your brows as you follow her through her house. “hi honey! i made lunch— oh, who’s this?” a woman who you assume is regina’s mom comes out of the kitchen.
she’s wearing tight leggings and a top that barely covers anything. regina grimaces at the sight of her mom, “this is my friend, y/n. we’re gonna be upstairs for awhile. don’t bother us.” she warns harshly, and you offer the older woman a bashful smile. “it’s nice to meet you, mrs. george.” you let out before regina pulls you up the stairs, and towards her room. “your mom seems… nice.” you say as nicely as you can, and she scoffs. “she’s totally embarrassing. she lives vicariously through me.” she deadpans as you both walk into her bedroom.
her room is exactly how you imagined it. it’s pink and girly; there are various posters of celebrities on the walls. her bed was huge. “your room is so cool!” you exclaim, and she tries to fight the grin tugging at her lips. “it’s okay. i’ve been meaning to redecorate it, but i’m gonna make gretchen do it.” regina snickers and you giggle. “that’s mean.” you halfheartedly respond, and she tenses up. she wonders if you’ll laugh that way when you see the burn book. even though you aren’t in it, she isn’t sure if anyone you know is.
“so where’s the book?” you ask curiously as you take a seat on the corner of her bed. regina’s smile falls as she keeps her back to you, she reluctantly disappears into her closet, only to reappear with a big pink book in her hands. your eyes light up as she makes her way over to you, and sits by you. “you have to promise you won’t leave after reading this.” she states stringently, making you pause. you look at her in confusion, “it’s just… this book is like a fucked up version of the year book. we make fun of all the girls from school in it.” she admits hesitantly, and your face falls.
“am… am i in it?” you quietly ask, and regina shakes her head rapidly. “no! no, you’re not.” she promises and you nod. “okay, so why would i get mad?” you question, and regina sighs as she opens the book. you begin to read all of the cruel things her and her friends write about other girls. when you get to the part where regina makes fun of becky martin for getting a bob freshman year, you involuntarily giggle. suddenly there’s this lightbulb that lights up above her head.
“y/n, you should sit with me at lunch tomorrow.” she says, and you tense up, prying your eyes away from the burn book to look at regina. “you mean with you and the plastics?” you ask uncertainly, and regina rolls her eyes. “why does everyone call them that?” she mutters, and you shake your head. “because you’re all perfect like plastic barbie dolls.” you answer simply, and this causes the blonde to quirk her eyebrows to her hairline. “you think gretchen and karen are perfect?” she asks with a scoff, and you nod quickly. “duh! you’re all so… pretty. everyone knows girls like me don’t sit at the “it” table.” you half joke, and regina rolls her eyes.
“i decide who sits at that table, and i’m deciding you’re sitting there with us from now on.” regina stringently states, her tone indicates she’s up for no debates. “we’ll start by giving you a makeover.” she declares, as she gets up. “come on, we’re going to the mall.” she adds, and you throw her an “are you serious” sort of look. “gina… i really don’t think that’s a good idea.” you try, but she pulls you off the bed, and onto your feet. “i’m already picturing how cute you’d look in bellbottoms.” she says, as she drags you out of her bedroom, the burn book long forgotten.
“i can’t buy bellbottoms! they’re like forty bucks a pair!” you stress, as regina leads you down the stairs, never once letting go of your hand. “i have my dads card, relax.” she assures you easily, and you frown, but don’t protest. you know better than to try and argue with regina, especially when you’d let her get away with anything and you think she knows it.
regina ends up spending over four hundred dollars on you, much to your dismay. no matter how much you protest, or try to secretly put items back, she was hellbent on giving you a makeover. thankfully regina claimed you had flawless features that didn’t need makeup, so you avoided the makeup stores altogether. when regina drops you off at your house, you have a hand full of shopping bags and you have to rush to your room in secrecy. fortunately your brothers are too transfixed with some horror video game, and your older sister was nowhere to be seen.
as soon as you’re in the privacy of your bedroom, you let out a little breath. today was the strangest day ever. you were used to your strange friendship with regina, but it was usually only a few meaningful conversations here and there. regina george was never full on “queen bee” around you for some reason, but she had never defended you like she did today. a part of you felt bad about telling regina what stacy did, but the way the blonde threatened the debate teams captain for you made your heart flutter.
tomorrow you were having lunch with regina and “the plastics”; you had to pick an outfit before you went to sleep which was out of the ordinary for you. you’ve never been the type to get ready for school, but there’s this insistent need to impress regina that you suddenly have. the way she ogled you when you had tried on the out of character outfits made your stomach tingle. the nerves in your body only increase as you think about it. as you stare at the various shopping bags, you know there’s no going back now; you feel indebted to regina george.
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simplyreveries · 4 months
happy valentines day!! short but i did dorm leaders + vice dorm leader heree heheh.
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riddle rosehearts
riddle takes this very seriously; he is simply fretting over every detail of this day as he wants to make it as enjoyable and perfect for you. he'll go to trey expressing his concerns and talking over ideas- he prompts to doing more of the traditional route with flowers and chocolates. of course, he'll get you the prettiest red roses he could find in the gardens (the thorns are cut off too). he even went out of his way to try and make the chocolates himself.... trey was trying hard to be so supportive and not laugh when he saw the finished result. he is a flushed mess when he presents them to you, it's funny to see him so nervous. though, he spent so much time and effort over what to do, when you give him something as well, he is looking at you with the shocked but loving expression... like he wasn't expecting it. he loves it, he loves anything personal and will cherish any letters and gifts from you.
trey clover
you're going to be so sick by the end of the day from all the sweets and treats this man makes you. literally, he decorates them cute and with red, pink, white frosting with hearts- he's such a dork its so sweet. trey is a sucker for any of your compliments and praise too- since he knows his good at it. he'll be laugh and act all humble "ah, its nothing sweetheart, im glad you like it." about it but he is absolutely loving hearing that from you.
leona kingscholar
ok even if he isn't one for liking valentines day- when it comes to you, obviously he will be doing something. he always seems to cave in anyways because he can't really say no to you. let's not forget this man is still a prince... it doesn't matter what it is you want he can pretty much get his hands on it. leona would give you something incredibly nice, but small like an accessory for yourself that he knows would suit your taste. he does pay attention to these things believe it or not. plus, he will get you chocolates- even if he is a jerk and takes one or two, while grumbling about how you like all this "mushy stuff". he's smiling though, you can see it.
ruggie bucchi
ruggie struggles to make things work out to get stuff for himself, so he can't help but stress and worry a little about what he should do for you. he never seemed to be one to like the holidays for this reason. but he wants to be able to give to you the world yet he's stuck with working extra around places in town near campus or doing stuff for other people at school to be able to get extra savings to get you something, even if it's simple. with the addition of his own personal things, as he does hand pick the flowers (one's he knows you'd find pretty and like) and set the up together. he plays off his nervousness that day with a cheeky grin and laugh, but he feels so warm in the face.
azul ashengrotto
loves valentines day or any holiday because he can figure out a way to profit off of it-- clearly that changes a bit since he's been with you. he wants to make the day perfect for you, he makes a special time at the end of the day to have dinner with you at the mostro lounge. (he'll make sure jade knows to have floyd be in line haha). he tries to be the perfect gentlemen of course... pulling out chair, opening the door, it's funny to see him stumble slightly as he tries to go over the top on a special day like this. he keeps a cool demeanor, but he can't help but feel so anxious and his chest tighten with worry. he melts as soon as you simply place your hand on his and tell him how much you like it.
jade leech
he is unused to human customs, so with holidays like this it makes him curious more than anything. hearing you talk about it in anyway is instantly taken note of. he keeps interest as if he wants to know more about traditions on land but it's so he can figure out more of what you'd like or what you'd want. either way, jade knows how to do his best to make you happy - he'd be shamelessly a little over the top for occasions such as these. though, he'd treat you similarly as azul would, he's just smoother hehe.
kalim al-asim
oh kalim is overjoyed for this day, it's even more of an excuse to completely spoil you with anything you want. he can't just choose one thing, it's obviously going to be multiples, clothes, treats, flowers, accessories- if you wanted an elephant, you could probably get that as well. you may have to tell him to calm down, he cant help but get so excited. also, he will literally adore anything you give him. it could be simply a letter with some flowers, he'd be swooning. feeling so special, he can't believe he has the privilege to be yours.
jamil viper
he's definitely tamer than kalim, but the simple yet sweet affections and gifts he has for you are very personalized and loving. he wants it to be a very special and private setting- he hates interruptions and only just wants his time with you. if you happen to get him anything as well, he'll be flattered and try to hide his face with his hood slightly, saying it wasn't necessary for you to do that. he loves it though. you can get a softer jamil out of this day, especially in the late-night hours when he can be more open.
vil schoenheit
vil... would be able to gift you the best brands of whatever you want,,, like multiple colors and sizes too. it's whatever you'd like with him. he chuckles and adores the look on your face with what he's given you. but on the more personal note, he will give you the prettiest flowers along with a (long) written letter by him. he believes that's the best way for him to express how he feels towards it. vil loves anything you'd gift him; he loves personal things more than anything though. he'd gently place his hands on your cheeks and kiss you on the face a few times before reaching your lips, telling you how much he loves it.
rook hunt
he finds this holiday to be so beautiful, he loves it and doesn't quite understand anyone's lack of interest for it. he finds love so alluring and the idea of it all is so perfect to him. of course, he'd endlessly shower you in attention and very personalized poems, art, gifts and more as he can't just choose one thing to express his love for you. he is an intense, he is constantly thinking of ways he could show you, his affections. in all honesty, him on this day feels no different than any other because of how passionate he is about these kinds of things.
idia shroud
oh he hated this holiday, thought it was mushy and gross, just a consumerism kind of scheme.... then fell victim to that when he fell in love with you. so now here he is anxiously going off and rambling to ortho about ideas he has on what he can do for you. he is so nervous but idia knows you so well. i'd think he'd be the type to get you some sort of basket of goodies and stuff that he thinks (or hopes) that you would love, also a few things he may have even made and created himself, designed just for you. he'd bounce his leg and bite his lip with a nervous grin as he watches you look at all he put together for you for your gift. he then goes on and kinda explains everything he got you- the ends of his hair turn pink when you kiss him and thank him. he feels so proud of himself.
malleus draconia
he has an idea on what the holiday is... it certainly intrigued him when he first started learning about it. as this is traditions he is not quite used to. he'd definitely notice the way you seem to be excited or talk about it to him, malleus would go to lilia as well since that old fae may have a better understanding of it than him. to which, he suggests all the classic and traditional gifts for malleus to give. as soon as he realizes the great deal of giving things during this holiday, he gets ahead of himself by finding something he wants to impress and see you with. like a ring, prettily adorned in some rare and exquisite gem. he'd have a gentle smile on his face as he presents it to you along with the other things lilia had recommended. if you're happy he is happy.
lilia vanrouge
he finds this holiday oh so endearing and sweet. he is happy he finally gets to participate in it with you. he'll go out of his way to treat you so carefully and sweet- albeit old fashioned if you will, but that's normal lilia honestly. he had originally wanted to make you dinner himself but when he told silver, his son seemed to have insisted on having him do that instead. he found that to be so kind, lilia was pleased he would have some more time and attention focused on you anyway. the flowers he got for you a deep and dark color but like riddle, he removes the thorns!
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nanaslutt · 3 months
Itafushi’s pov of this fic!!
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ʚ note: this can be read separately, reader gets with Megumi’s dad in the fic above but not before plotting to leave Megumi alone with his long-time crush Itadori!! This is what went on with them while reader got with Megumi's dad ^.^
ʚ cont: college au, dorks in love, mutual pining, misunderstanding, tooth-rotting fluff, 1 kiss, Megumi is bad at having emotions, getting together
Megumi kept his eyes on the door watching you walk out of the room until it clicked shut, leaving him alone in the dark with his long-time crush Yuji Itadori. Sighing as quietly as he could, he pressed his lips together and looked back to the screen, pretending to watch the confusing and quite frankly, awful movie. "I'm sure she'll be back soon," Itadori said, trying to cheer Fushiguro up.
Megumi looked at him confused, his eyebrows furrowing. "I'm not worried about it." He retorted, his eyes staying on Itadori's. "Oh! You just looked a little sad she left." Itadori explained while Megumi looked away to take a sip of his soda. "I get it! If my crush left in the middle of a movie I'd be pretty antsy too." Itadori giggled, trying to lighten the mood.
The pink-haired boy was not expecting the reaction that occurred instead. Megumi shot up from the headboard, leaning over his knees as he coughed and sputtered, choking on his soda. Itadori's smile faded in an instant, a look of worry plastered over his features as he placed his hand on the other boy's back, patting and rubbing it to help him out. "Woah, you okay??" Itadori exclaimed, reaching for his water bottle to hold out to Fushiguro.
Megumi couched into his arm, his other hand pushing against Itadori's hand that tried to hand him the water bottle as he peeked up at him from behind his arm. "You think... I like her?" Megumi asked, his sentence getting interrupted by small coughs as he looked at Itadori incredulously. Itadori kept his hand on Megumi's back, his expression twisting to a more confused one as he retracted his hand that held the water bottle. 
"Don't you?" Itadori questioned, finally removing his hand from Megumi's back. The dark-haired boy couldn't help but miss the warm touch of his hand already. Megumi shook his head in response, "What made you think that?" His tone was a little harsher than he meant it to be, but he was antsy to clear this confusion as quickly as he could. Especially because the one he liked was sitting in front of him, with the mindset that Megumi already had eyes for someone else.
"Well, it's just... you guys are together all the time. I mean she practically spends the night here every other day, doesn't she?" Yuji asked, both boys forgetting completely about the movie as they talked to one another, the voices of the actors droning in the backround. Megumi placed his head in his hands, the tips of his ears growing red before he dragged his hands from his face, looking up at Itadori.
"Yeah, but it's not like that. I think she spends the night here to see my dad getting water shirtless in the middle of the night anyways." Megumi groaned, one corner of his mouth turning down in a smile. Megumi wasn't expecting to hear the sweetest laughter he'd ever heard trickle into his ears. His eyes which had wandered to the blanket in front of him now made their way back to Itadori's cheerful and bright face as he giggled, his sharp teeth glowing under the light of the TV.
"Ah... that's good then," Itadori said, his words making Megumi look at him from the corner of his eyes, an almost unnoticeable blush spreading across his cheeks. "Good?" Megumi questioned, silently cursing himself for even asking. "Yeah, good," Itadori replied, not explaining any further, and Fushiguro wasn't going to press him. His face felt even hotter than before as he cleared his throat, running a hand through his soft hair as he leaned back and tried to relax against the headboard again. 
Just when Megumi thought they had gotten into watching the movie again; Megumi pretended to care about the plot, when really he was hyperfocusing on how loud the sound of his heartbeat was in his ears. "If I'm gonna be honest..." Itadori started, keeping his voice low, "I really like her..." Megumi felt his heart sink to his stomach, he wanted to throw up, he wanted to cry, and his face felt hot, would it be okay to excuse himself to the bathroom right now or would that be too obvious? Should he just hold his breath until he passed out instead? Should he-
"But I'm really glad she left." Megumi couldn't help but turn his head to look at Itadori, who was already looking at him. Itadori had an unreadable expression on his face, one Megumi was fighting to decipher. He contemplated whether or not to respond, but opted to stay silent and just gaze at the pink-haired boy softly, waiting for him to speak again if he would. 
"It's uh... nice to spend time alone with you," Itadori said, a nervous smile spreading across his face as he everted his eyes, rubbing the back of his head shyly. Megumi's eyes grew wide, a shiver running down his spine at his words. He wondered if his face was as red as it looked. Quickly, he placed the back of his hand in front of his face and looked away, his eyes trying to focus on the TV as he cleared his throat.
Yuuji's voice shocked him out of his thoughts again when he said, "Sorry, was that weird to say?" Insecurity laced in his voice, almost unrecognizable, but Fushiguro was observant. "No," Megumi said, turning his head even further away from the pink-haired boy as he stared at his door, feeling a set of eyes on the back of his neck. "I uh, like spending time with you too... alone." He replied, wishing the floor would open up and swallow him whole.
Never in his life has he ever said such embarrassing words. Megumi felt his heart pound in his throat when he felt a dip in the bed sheets next to him. Turning his head back to the other boy, he noticed the popcorn bowl was now resting by the other's feet, and a large hand was in its place, his fingers slowly moving against the sheets like inchworms. Megumi swallowed all the saliva in his dry mouth before he looked back up to Itadori, whose face now matched the color of his hair.
The two of them looked into each other's eyes were nervous expressions on their faces, their eyes darting back and forth from one eye to the other. Itadori's eyes took in the beautiful dark lashes that rested above Megumi's dark eyes before he traced the strong slope of Megumi's nose, his cupid bow, his lips- "Fushi-" "Soda." Megumi cut him off, looking around at the walls behind the pink-haired boy. "I uh, I'm out of soda. Would you mind getting us a refill? Please?" Fushiguro asked, sitting his body back against the headboard, his body going rigid in fear and nervousness as he stared at the TV, trying to forget the little staredown they just had.
Itadori looked at him with a blank face before he burst out into giggles. Megumi pouted when he felt his hair get ruffled and messed up by a large, warm hand in his hair, lingering maybe a moment too long before Itadori scooted off the bed, taking their soda cans with them. "Drinks in the fridge?" He asked, smiling to himself as he made his way to the door. Megumi made a small sound of acknowledgment as he held his breath, waiting for the other boy to leave to room so he could fucking breathe, the air felt suffocating around him.
When he heard the familiar click of his bedroom door closing, he let out a sigh of relief, his arms falling limply against the bed as he breathed heavily, a furious blush on his cheeks. He picked up his hands only to place them on his face, feeling how hot he was. "Be fucking cool, relax." He whispered to himself, fixing his hair before he got up from the bed walked over to the window, and cracked it open, allowing the cool air to calm his hot cheeks.
Iradori was faring no better, he practically floated down the stairs in bliss as he replayed the last few seconds over and over in his head. He wanted to be closer to Fushiguro, but he knew how shy the other boy could get sometimes. Itadori laughed to himself replaying Megumi's reaction from moments ago. He only meant to kiss his eyelids, his lashes were just so pretty, he couldn't help himself, but as he analyzed his actions once more he could see how Megumi thought he was going to kiss him for real, he did just get done toggling his lips before he called his name after all.
Amid his daydream, Itadori tripped over his feet and crashed to the floor, the empty cans getting crushed by his chest as his knees got rugburned. "Ahhhh, shit." He groaned, pushing himself off the carpet and grabbing the cans. He was so glad Fushiguro didn't see that, he would've died out of embarrassment. Walking around the corner and into the kitchen he remembered earlier from the mini house tour he got, he was surprised to see you sitting on the couch with Megumi's dad, and he was... shirtless?
After exchanging a few words with you, Toji stayed silent the whole time, looking away from him for most of it, he walked back up the stairs with two new, cold sodas in hand, wondering what on earth you were doing with him. Itadori knocked on Fushiguro's bedroom before he walked in, not wanting to walk in on the other boy pacing, trying to calm himself down. He was met with a rustling sound, sounding like Megumi almost doubled over in surprise before he was given the go-ahead to come in. 
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," Itadori said, smiling at Fushiguro as he walked into the room, kicking the door shut behind him. "You didn't scare me," Fushiguro replied, reaching out for the Soda when Itadori hadned it to him. His blushing cheeks and averted gaze said otherwise. The movie had been paused now, only the air rustling through the leaves could be heard as Itadori cracked open his drink, sitting crisscrossed against the sheets and facing Megumi.
"Feels good in here," Itadori said, watching Fushiguro start to relax as he sipped on his cola. "Yeah." He replied, not looking at the other boy. Right before Megumi was about to suggest turning on the movie again after they fell into a silence, Itadori spoke up. "Oh yeah, when I was grabbing out drinks I saw your bestie hangin' out with your dad," Itadori said, pursing his lips teasingly. Now Megumi was looking at him.
"Please don't say anything else I don't want to know." Megumi pleaded a look of sickness on his face. Itadori laughed, placing his hand on Megmi's knee and caressing it as he tried to calm him down. "It's okay they were just talking." He assured, before adding, "But your dad was shirtless..." Itadori retracted his hand and stroked his chin in thought. Megumi groaned as his head fell into his hands, trying to erase the words from his head that the other boy just said.
"Sorry," Itadori said apologetically, suppressing his smile. Megumi kept his head in his hands while Itadori rubbed his knee, his eyes raking over Megumi's form. "I uh, I wasn't going to kiss you." He suddenly said, his voice quieter than before. The atmosphere changed again, Megumi's body going ridged along with it. "Well, I was, but not- not on your lips," Itadori said, correcting himself. Megumi peeked at Itadori through his fingers, their eyes finding each other.
"You have really pretty eyelashes." Itadori blurted out, his face already fully pink again. He could see Megumi's eyebrows pinch together in his hands. His reaction made him feel more self-aware as he retracted his hand from the other leg and waved it out in front of him. "Sorry, that probably sounded weird. It's not just your eyelashes, well- you're pretty! Oh.. maybe you don't wanna be called pretty, I mean, you're handsome too! Everything about you, you're just-" "Stop." 
Megumi's voice barely came out as a whisper, his face now buried fully into his hands again. "I- I get it. You can stop." He repeated. Itadori would've thought he was offended if not for the bright red tips of his ears, and the crimson color of his cheeks peeking out from under his hands. "Sorry," Itadori said, smiling softly. "God..." Megumi groaned before freeing his face from the confines of his hands and running one through his hair, averting his eyes. 
"Why are you saying all that," Megumi mumbled, his voice quiet and insecure. Itadori stared at the boy who spoke to the door but directed his words at him, a little jealous at the lack of attention. "Look at me first," Itadori said, his voice chipper like it always was, not so serious and bashful and totally unrecognizable to Megumi. It's not like he hated it, not at all, but there was only so much room for embarrassment in one small space, Megumi felt selfish for hogging it all but he couldn't take it.
Megumi took a deep breath before turning his head around, staring at Itadori with a pout. "Can I do something?" He asked, that familiar smile still on his face. "Nothing scary." He reassured, waiting for his answer. Megumi could guess what he was going to do from his earlier babbling. He nodded with a pout, averting his eyes from the pink-haired boys in front of him ever so often. Leaning forward, Yuuji placed his hands on the bed next to Megumi, opting not to touch his knee again, being careful not to overwhelm him.
Megumi looked away, his eyes squeezing shut as Itadori got closer to him, his cologne filling his nostrils. Soon after, he was met with a warm, comforting touch of Itadori's lips against his eyelid, soft, gentle, and strangely familiar. His lips lingered for a moment before he pulled back and the touch was gone. When Megumi peeled his eyes open again, Itadori was staring at him with a smile, his face ever redder than Megumi's own. 
Megumi had been so consumed in his own embarrassment and nervousness that he had accidentally neglected how Itadori was feeling. Megumi noticed that the other boy's hands were shaking, even though his face looked completely normal. "Relax," Fushiguro said, his voice going back to normal as he pouted before laying back down against his pillow, lower on the bed this time, getting more comfortable. He needed to give Itadori some room to freak out a little bit too.
"I... I didn't hate it so... relax." Megumi continued, his own body vibrating with nervousness. Itadori's smile grew as he lay down next to him, staring at the same ceiling as Megumi. Both of them stayed silent for a long while, just their bodies proximity keeping them warm as the cold air tickled their skin, their breathing becoming one. 
Itadori looked under his bottom lashes at his hand, which was dangerously close to Megumi's. He inched his pinky out towards the slender, pale hand. It looked so soft under the dim, blue glow of the moonlight. Itadori held his breath when he felt his hot skin touch Megumi's, an audible gulp could be heard from the boy next to him. Megumi poked his own pinky out, touching it with Itadori's, trying to show him he wanted this too, he wasn't just putting up with it.
Itadori smiled as he fully intertwined his fingers on top of Megumi's, the dark-haired boy's fingers curling under his. Their hands fit together like puzzle pieces. "I feel like I'm gonna pass out right now," Itadori said, making Megumi shake his head in disbelief, a sigh leaving his lips. He squeezed his hand tighter against Itadori's letting him know he was there for him. "I've never done this before... liked anyone like this," Itadori started, turning his head against the pillow to look at the side of Megumi's face. His side profile was so perfect. 
Megumi turned his head and looked at the other boy, his eyes tracing down his chiseled, sweet face. "Me neither," Fushiguro replied, his eyes never once leaving Itadori's as he soon found comfort in them. "We don't have to say anything yet," Megumi added, realizing they hadn't even confessed to one another, even though it was obvious.
Itadori nodded back softly, licking his extremely dry lips. "Yeah, I like this." Itadori replied, "Your hand is soft." He complimented, making the corner of Megumi's mouth curl upwards as he got lost in the other's eyes. He swallowed before he nodded, both of their heads turning back to look at the ceiling. "Fushiguro," Itadori said after a while, making Megumi hum quietly.
"You heard that right?" He asked, referring to the loud yelp that sounded strangely like a moan and sounded sorta kinda like it came from inside the house, from downstairs to be exact. "Please just turn the movie back on." Megumi deadpanned, feeling a headache start to come on. "Yeah, yup, on it." Itadori shot up quickly, keeping his hand intertwined as he found the remote and unpaused the movie, even cranking up the volume a bit to drown out the sounds of you getting fucked by Megumi's dad.
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cloudzoro · 5 months
You're cuddled up against your boyfriend, Tsukishima, as a christmas movie neither of you are paying attention to plays in the background. When you look up at him you see he's already staring at you. His soft side is reserved for select people, so seeing the smile on his face as he gazes at you makes your stomach twist.
“You ok?” you ask when he refuses ro look away from you. He answers your question with one of his own.
“When did you first fall in love with me?”
The question shocks you so take a moment to think. There's been so many moments over the last few years when you've realised how much love you have in your heart for this man. There is one, from before you were even together, that stands out to you.
“A few weeks after we first met”
“that soon?” he asks.
“are you saying you didn't fall in love with me quickly?” you responded in mock offence.
“no, I fell in love with you at first sight,” he says, completely serious. The firm statement silences your dramatics immediately. “but I was such an asshole when we first met, I thought it would've taken you a lot longer to warm up to me”
He's not entirely wrong but you shake your head and he wordlessly turns off the television to prove to you that he's paying attention. You shift to get a little more comfortable before you start the story of the day you fell for him.
You set up to start working in the cafe on your university campus, you hear a pair of footsteps approach the counter and turn to see Tsukishima leaning on it.
"I know your shift doesn't start for another 10 minutes but can I please can I get a coffee or something, I'm exhausted" he looks as if he were attempting to look cool and intimidating but he's failing miserably. He stumbles over his words and almost loses his balance as his arm slips on the counter. He turns red in embarrassment but you think he looks cute. The nervous dork is way more appealing to you than the cold asshole - even if the whole tsundere thing is hot.
"Of course, it'll be our little secret," you say, turning to start making his drink. you're not usually this forward but you're enjoying making the stoic man flustered. "So what did you want?" At first, he mumbles, almost ashamed of his order. He usually doesn't care about the opinion of others but the idea of you laughing at him makes his stomach feel funny. When you lean a little closer to hear him, it makes his chest feel tight. He repeats his order carefully so he doesn't completely fuck up his sentence.
"I'll have a caramel iced latte," he says, waiting to see your reactions. His friends like to make fun, saying they expected him to get a black coffee and be done. You smile and nod at him before starting to line his cup with caramel sauce. He watches you make his drink with a small smile. Despite how awkward things were right now, he likes the idea of seeing you every morning.
You turn around with his drink and jokingly ask if he has a sweet tooth but the way he subtly looks you up and down when he says yes makes you nervous and you clumsily drop his drink. His eyes widen at the noise and he immediately feels bad for pathetically attempting to flirt with you. He rounds the counter, wordlessly helping you clean up. He mutters a quiet apology, fearing he made you uncomfortable but he relaxes a little when you laugh it off. You make him another drink and he insists that if you're not going to let him pay for this one then you should let him pay for the one you dropped. You cave and take his money. As he leaves you ask if he'll be here at the same time tomorrow and even though he doesn't answer, his smile says he will.
“that's it? I completely and utterly humiliated myself in front of you!” he says, pulling you from your own imagination.
“Yeah you did but it was cute. You showed me part of the real Tsukki” you coo ruffling his hair which earns you a sarcastic eye roll from your boyfriend. The action pulls a laugh from you which Tsukishima can't help but mirror. Seeing you happy makes him happy. “You are a little nerd tho” you add, provoking the blonde to playfully wrestle you onto your back. He raises his eyebrow as a dare to try pushing him even further but you just simply decide to ask him a question instead.
“Did you really fall in love with me at first sight?” you ask. His cheeks flush red as he averts his gaze.
“As soon as you walked through the classroom door I was a goner” he says, putting his weight on you so he could hide his face in your neck. You're about to respond when the alarm you set buzzes signalling it's midnight. The date flashes on your lock screen and you look up at your boyfriend with a grin on your face. “Merry Christmas, Baby” he says leaning in to kiss you.
“Merry Christmas Kei”
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wynnyfryd · 7 months
Trailer Park Steve AU part 7
part 1 | part 6 | chapter 1 on ao3
cw: panic attack, ptsd flashback to minor character death, graphic depictions of… food? lol
Dinner is exactly as chaotic as Steve expected it to be. He and Claudia take opposite end seats with a glass of red wine each, and the kids take the middle and start acting like a pack of caffeinated raccoons: talking over each other, scraping forks against plates, stretching their entire upper bodies across the table and dragging their sleeves through the side dishes instead of just asking someone to pass them the butter; Steve’s starting to wonder if any of these kids have ever eaten at a table before, or if they maybe just wandered in from the surrounding woods. Feral asses.
When they do start asking for things, he regrets wishing they would, because Lucas goes “Erica, can you pass me the salt?” and Erica sneers “I don’t know, can I?” and Mike jabs “Whatever; nobody says ‘may’ anymore, you dork” and Claudia gasps “Michael!” and it all escalates from there until Dustin tries to catapult lasagna off the end of his fork and hits Steve in the side of the head with a glob of warm cheese.
Silence falls around the room.
The cheese plops onto his plate.
“Sh-ii-it,” Dustin breathes, face stuck in wide-eyed shock.
Steve gives Claudia an imploring look.
“Why don’t we clear the table for dessert?”
The commotion starts up again in double time, everyone scrambling to clean up and clear the room before Steve starts bitching about them messing up his hair (and his plate, and his clothes, because the cheese splash sent a spray of little tomato sauce droplets splattering all over him, and isn’t that just perfect; he’s gonna have to hand-scrub the stain out of his khakis), so it’s just him and Dustin left when Dustin’s elbow catches and tips over his wine.
The liquid spills onto his plate: dark, and red, oozing into the uneaten scraps of sauce and cheese and pasta to form a viscous, fleshy sludge. Red like his dad’s office, like his father’s mangled thigh, and it’s just food it’s just food it’s not blood it’s not blood but he can’t fucking breathe, can’t hearing anything beyond the wet, gasping sounds his dad made the night he died, and then he realizes that he’s making them, mouth moving fruitlessly around air that won’t pass, trapped in the bottleneck of his choked-off windpipe.
“Steve?” Dustin asks, and his voice sounds far away. “Shit, shit, Steve! Can you hear me? Are you choking? I know the Heimlich, just- just hold on!”
He snaps out of it when Dustin pulls him halfway from his chair, gets his fists under his ribs and all but punches the air from his lungs. It sets off a nasty coughing fit that leaves Steve snotty and ready to hurl, and he braces himself with his forearms on his knees and stares hard at the ground until the hacking finally stops.
There’s a scuff on his sneakers.
He can’t replace them any time soon.
A moment to catch his breath, and Dustin’s shaking him by the shoulders. “Are you okay??”
Steve keeps his head bowed. “Yeah.” He needs to get the fuck out of here. “Yeah, I’m good.”
He rises from his chair, grateful that everyone else already cleared out before they could witness his little moment, that the blare of the TV from the family room covered the sound of his retching coughs; more grateful still that they won’t notice him now, scampering out of here with his tail between his legs. “Hey listen, man, I’m not feeling so well,” he says absently, fishing his keys from the pocket of his jeans. “Can you get your mom to drive everyone home?”
“Shouldn’t you stay?” Dustin frowns in concern. “If you’re sick? You can go lie down in my room or something, it’s—”
“—Nah, man; I mean, thanks, but…” His hand trembles around his keys, the muscles in his calves screaming bolt, bolt, bolt. “I just- I gotta go.”
He makes a break for it, rushing out the side door so no one else will see him leave (and he knows it’s fucking rude to head out without saying goodbye, but he’s also pretty convinced he’s going to combust if he doesn’t go right now.) “Tell your mom I said thanks, okay?”
“Tell her yourself!” Dustin chases after him, clumsy and slow across the darkened yard. “Dude, will you slow down? Talk to me!”
Steve throws himself into his car like there’s a demodog on his heels. “I’ll call you!”
“What the fuck!” Dustin shouts, but Steve’s already gone.
part 8
tagging a few people i know have been following along 🩷 @slowandsteddie @paintsplatteredandimperfect @stevesbipanic @pennyplainknits @ledleaf @hellion-child @formosusiniquis @missjashin @runninriot @xpaperheartso @steddieas-shegoes
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seungkw1 · 5 months
one more drink — bsk
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♡ pairing: boo seungkwan x afab!reader ♡ theme: smut (18+ mdni), strangers to lovers ♡ wc: 1.7k ♡ warnings: drinking, swearing, softdom!seungkwan, dry humping, oral (m. receiving), petnames (f. receiving - darling, baby, good girl, etc.)
You keep visiting your friend’s bar so you can watch his cute coworker from afar, but you never expected he’d end up taking you home one night.
“Last call, m’lady.”
You look up from your drink to roll your eyes at the bartender, who also happens to be your friend Jun. 
“You’re such a dork.”
“Not as big of a dork as my friend who keeps coming to this bar to drool over my coworker.”
You glance past him at the other bartender, who is drying glasses at the opposite end of the bar. The sleeves of his white button-down shirt are rolled up to his elbows, showing off his toned forearms. You look back to Jun.
“Oh hush, it’s not the only reason I’m here.”
“Sure, sure. Of course not. Anyway, you want another drink or no?”
You throw back the remainder of the mojito that’s already in your hand. “Yeah, fuck it, why not.”
“Okay great well I gotta go do something in the back, so you can ask Seungkwan.”
Jun zooms through the double doors to the kitchen before you can even protest.
You sigh as you look back down at your glass. You begin mindlessly stirring the remaining ice with your straw.
You sit there for a few minutes, waiting for Jun to come back - but he apparently isn’t returning anytime soon. You look over to see what the second bartender is doing, but you accidentally catch his eye and he begins walking over to you. Shit. 
“Did you need another mojito?” he asks as he goes to grab a clean glass.
“Nonono,” you stop him. “I’m good, thanks.”
He gestures to you with the rum bottle, which is already in his hand. “You sure?”
You think about it for a second. The eye contact he’s making with you right now is very distracting. 
“Okay, sure I’ll have one.”
Seungkwan makes you your drink and sets it in front of you. You expect him to walk off, but he just takes a step back, his eyes still on you. You peek down to see you’re the last person sitting at the bar. 
“Oh my god sorry, I don’t mean to be that person. I’ll close out now.”
“No rush, you’re fine.” He remains standing there, looking at you.
Feeling a little nervous, you pick up your drink and take a sip. You raise your eyebrows in surprise - this is the best mojito you’ve had in a while.
“Damn, your drinks are way better than Jun’s,” you tell him. His lips turn into a grin - one that might seem a bit smug on anyone else, but you can tell he’s genuinely pleased that you complimented him. 
“Don’t tell him I said that though.” You go to take another sip but pause. “Actually, do tell him I said that. He’s been a little too confident lately.” He lets out an honest laugh, the sound musical. His perfect teeth flash with his smile. 
You’ve never really interacted with Seungkwan for longer than a few seconds - you’re used to simply enjoying how good-looking he is from afar. You thought you had caught him watching you the last few times you’ve been here (your attendance has increased in frequency lately), but you chalked it all up to your imagination. Now you have your doubts.
Since Jun has apparently vanished into thin air, you two start to chat - mostly small talk, really, but your extra mojito is definitely making you a little flirtier than normal. You giggle through your conversation as he finishes up his bar tasks, and he seems to be enjoying the conversation too - he’s always had a very friendly demeanor, but you’ve never seen the man laugh and smile this much.
You’re not paying attention, so you don’t realize the whole bar has fully closed until you see the manager glaring at you from across the room, telepathically trying to make you leave. 
“Well, I think I’ve definitely overstayed my welcome,” you say to Seungkwan with a pout as you get up and start to put on your jacket.
He leans on the bar toward you, his face closer to yours than ever. God, he is so beautiful.  
“Let me drive you home,” he insists. Normally you would decline, but you’re a little bit drunk and Seungkwan is incredibly hot.
“My home or yours?” you say teasingly.
“Mine, if you’d like.”
You freeze. You never actually expected him to say that. His round eyes gaze at you, his mind clearly in the same place as yours. You can’t help but grin back at him.
You barely make it through Seungkwan’s front door before he pulls your body into his, his strong hand on the back of your neck as he kisses you. You make your way to his couch, pushing him down onto it and immediately straddling his lap, pressing your lips back onto his. Your tongue makes its way into his mouth and his into yours, fervently making out with him as he runs his hands up your back. Time is lost as he kisses you, soft moans from both of you as you feel his pants grow tighter under you. Eventually he can’t wait any longer - he slides his large hands under your shirt, taking it off of you and tossing it away. He pulls you in, giving you a kiss on your chest as he squeezes your tits through your bra.
“Stand up,” he speaks suddenly. You obey - he undoes the button of your pants with one hand, the other palming his bulge through his pants.
“Finish that for me, darling.”
You follow his order, taking off your pants and casting them aside as he watches you while undoing his belt. His pants unzipped to reveal the hardness in his underwear, he grabs your hips and pulls you back onto his lap. You moan as your core presses onto his cock through your already-soaked panties. Making out with him again, you can’t help but start to rock your hips back and forth, the friction against your clit sending you waves of pleasure. Your mouth keeps separating from his as you’re taken away in bliss, which you keep noticing and go back to kissing him, slowing your rhythmic pace of grinding against him. But he doesn’t let that go on for long - he pulls his head back and grasps onto your jaw softly, staring into your eyes lustfully. 
“Don’t stop.”
You begin to move your hips again. He groans as he resumes kissing you. 
“Fuck, that’s hot,” he mumbles, his lips barely leaving yours. 
If your underwear weren’t completely saturated before, they definitely are now.
You pick up the pace. The hand on your jaw goes to your ass as he grabs you with both hands, controlling your tempo. The faster you go, the harder he grasps onto you. The outside of his underwear are now damp where you have been pressing your pussy against him, pleasuring yourself against his hard cock. 
“I wanna watch you make yourself cum like this,” he says, his voice low and raspy. You start to grind harder but he forces your hips to a stop.
“But - not until I say so. Okay?”
You nod your head at him.
“Words, baby. When can you cum?”
“When you say so,” you whine at him. 
“That’s a good girl.” The words send a shiver up your spine as your hot core throbs. He gazes at you, practically licking his lips, watching you unravel before him.
You resume, his hands pacing you - every time you try to go faster, you’re met with resistance. But he slowly lets you rub your clit harder against him. Your whimpers turn into moans, getting louder and more intense the closer you get. 
“Do you want to cum, baby?”
“Yes,” you cry, tears welling in your eyes. Every single nerve in your body is on fire. You won’t be able to hold it in much longer.
“Okay, cum for me.”
The release rushes over your body instantly. The sensation is overwhelming - you cry out as you ride out your orgasm, your body shaking into his. As you come down from your high, Seungkwan grabs your chin between his thumb and forefinger, gently tilting your head up to look into his dark eyes. 
“Such a pretty girl.” His large hand rests on the side of your face. “So pretty cumming for me.” Your core pulsates against his heavy bulge. 
You rest against him for a few seconds (minutes? hours?), your head nuzzled into his neck. Once you’ve recovered slightly, you sit up, planting another kiss on his lips before sliding down your knees.
“Your turn.”
Pulling the band of his underwear down, you take his cock in your hand, licking the precum off the tip before dragging your tongue up and down his length. He hums as you wet his cock, letting out a groan when you finally take him into your mouth. He places his hand on your head, pushing you down onto him, his length sliding down your throat. Your head starts to move up and down, tears running out of your eyes as you choke on him. Just like before, as you start to go faster his grip becomes stronger, this time against your hair. 
“Taking me so well,” he moans. “Gonna make me cum in your mouth.”
You swallow him all the way to his base, his cock drenched in your spit. It only takes a few more pumps before his groans grow louder. You begin to moan against his length, and the vibrations send him over the edge. He holds your head down as he cums, his hips gently thrusting, white ropes hitting the back of your throat. His body relaxes into the couch as his hand loosens its grip on your head. You slowly take his cock out of your mouth, being sure to swallow every last drop of his cum. 
He pulls you back onto his lap, wrapping his arms around your torso, drawing you into him so he can kiss your neck. 
“So, are you gonna keep visiting me at work?” he asks you between kisses.
“Only if you keep taking me home,” you quip as you stroke his hair.
You feel his lips smile against your skin. “Sounds like a good deal to me.”
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hiorisgf · 1 year
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↪Different ways they jokingly propose to you
↪What's on your mind?: gehe. Everyone say hello to our new mascot/model, beary the bear! Also thank you @kysiraflowrz For helping me out with this😔 You're a lifesaver fr fr ily<3
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"What. Is this?" 
He pays no mind to your question and instead continues to place the ring in your hand. Humming in delight when he finds it resting on your middle finger snuggly. 
"Dear snookywooms—my darling lover—just what is this paper ring supposed to be?" you ask, expasperated.
Again, he pays you no mind. Giving his undivided attentions to your linked hands; The sight of the ring on your hand gets his heart pacing. Leaping and soaring as he eyes it with delight. Sure maybe it's only a paper ring made from scratch paper on his spare time—but it was a ring nonetheless. Soon, he promises. He'll put a ring on your ring finger too. One deserving to be resting at your hands—one that'd make you remember him on days where he's not by your side. But for now, he'll make do with a paper ring.
"Are you even listening?!"
ISAGI, KUNIGAMI, Rin, Nanase, chigiri
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"Love, what are you doing?" 
A question prompted by the fact he's kneeling down on one knee and offering a ring pop as though it's an engagement ring at 12 am in a convenience store.
"Will you—the love of my life, be interested in the prospect of staying with me for the rest of my life?" he asks—as serious as one proposing using a ring pop could get. 
You sigh at his antics, heaving out a sigh as you try to fight off a smile. How stupid.
"Ofcourse, I'd love to. Loverboy" 
He grins and inserts the pop ring onto your finger. And you let him, playfully rolling your eyes as you do.
"What a dork" you'd say, but he only laughs at your half-hearted insult. Because at the end of the day, he knows you'd love him still.
BACHIRA, NANASE, gagamaru, Nagi
"Let's make a deal." the first he proposes the prospect of a challenge to you, you raise your eyebrows in surprise. But you don't say anything.
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"If I get this stuff toy for you on one try you'll marry me and if I can't I'll do anything you say"
You roll your eyes at his challenge, but nonetheless, entertained by his antics. Playfully, you agree to his deal, never really expecting anything from it. "Sure sure, whatever you say, deary" 
With this, he's notably more determined. Eyeing the stuff toy with a calculative gaze. If you squint hard enough—you'd notice math numbers and equations reflecting on his eyes and you aren't sure how nor do you want to know how that's possible. 
When he finally presses the button, you aren't hopeful. But when you see the stuff toy stay in the claw machine and get to the end goal—you're left gasping in shock.
"Ah. I got it!" A second and he's already taking the stuff toy and handing it to the now turned speechless you. "Hope you'll keep your promise, love"  he says, eyes brimming with joy you thought impossible.
"Let's play flip a coin. If it's tails I'm yours if it's heads you're mine"
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You deadpan as he plays with the coin. Doing tricks or whatever with it—he could probably be a magician if his football career fails. "No, rewards are not beneficial to me at all"
Your reply prompts a pout out of him, "Now now, don't be such a kill joy love"
You roll your eyes, goodness gracious. "Sure sure, go flip that or whatever then"
He grins, doing his dumb yet kind of cool magic tricks before finally throwing it in the air. You eye the coin, the slightest bit curious about the outcome.
"D'aww it's tails. Guess I'm yours then" he sadly whines, although the smile on his face tells you otherwise.
"Oh goodness. What did I ever do to deserve this?"
Your lover only smirks, "I know I know, it's a blessing to have me yours for all of eternity"
What a stuck up bastard. "I meant that in a derogatory way, bastard"
Shidou, KAISER, OLIVER, Karasu
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blahblahblees · 3 months
Hey there!!!
This is my first time requesting on Tumblr and I am not sure if you're accepting requests or not so if you aren't feel free to ignore it.
Can you please write a short drabble on Rodrick and the reader being neighbours and the reader liking him but not telling him because he likes Heather. And then everything happening at rodrick's party.
And all the drama can go according to your imagination!
I am sorry for my bad English.
Have a good day/night/evening/afternoon.
Thank you.
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ヽ`、☁ヽ`─── make you mine ミ rodrick heffley
✎ ·˚ ༘ ─── reader has a crush on rodrick but his eyes seemed to be locked on heather hills, but when greg takes notice of rodrick’s lyrics, his perspective begins to change.
wc: 1,333
movie!rodrick heffley x fem!reader (use of she/her pronouns), the use of y/n (your name)
tw: kissing (?)
a/n: your english is wonderful :)
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HEATHER HILLS. The way her name rolled off of the tongue made her seethed in ways she couldn’t explain. It wasn’t because she was jealous of her, she knew that Heather Hills was gorgeous, but she (herself) was also just as beautiful. She liked her hair, she liked her body, she liked her style, and she liked Rodrick Heffley.
But his eyes seemed to be locked on Heather Hills. He always talked about her long blonde hair and how her outfits just perfectly fit her. It was Heather Hills this and Heather Hills that… but she let him go on about her.
It was an awful thing to do to herself, but here she was, once again, sitting with him in his dining room as he explained his plan to her.
His band, Löded Diper, had somehow convinced Heather to perform at her birthday party. She didn't know how they convinced her to let them play or even why for that matter, but it was good enough for Rodrick.
Her eyes watched as Rodrick scribbled down songs for them to potentially play at her party along with some newer lyrics that would "tell her how much he loved her", which she didn't quite understand. Rodrick hadn't really known Heather for long, quite literally meeting her at school when he was picking up Greg.
"... So, what do you think?"
She looked up from Rodrick's notebook and towards him. She was so in her own mind that she hadn't realized that he'd been speaking to her.
"I'm sorry." She muttered. "What did you say?"
"I asked if the hook should be changed so it fits for the party..." He answered. "Are you listening?"
"Yeah... yeah." She answered, sitting upright in her seat. "Sorry." She apologized once more and quickly gathered her belongings.
"What's wrong?" Rodrick asked, his brows furrowed by her sudden movements. "Where are you going?"
"I should head home." She said. "My mom is expecting me soon and I have to help her with dinner tonight."
Rodrick nodded, slowly standing up and following the girl to the front door. "I'll see you at Heather's party tomorrow, right?"
She closed her eyes for a moment before turning, her hand resting on the doorknob as she looked at him. She really didn't want to go to Heather's party and had planned on it, in fact, she was pretty sure it was an invite-only party and she hadn't gotten an invitation from the girl.
But she was pretty sure that Rodrick was going to find a way for her to get inside, invite or not.
So, she took in a small breath and nodded. "See you there."
With that, she quickly shut the door behind her and headed towards her car, and sped out of the Heffley driveway.
"I can't believe some of the stuff you write in here."
Rodrick quickly turned at the sound of the voice. It was Greg. He was standing at the dining room table with his eyes locked on Rodrick's songbook.
"Is this what being in love is like for you?" Greg asked. "If so, she just went out the door without a kiss goodbye."
Rodrick quickly marched over towards him and grabbed the book before he quickly hit Greg with it. "What are you talking about, dork?"
Greg muttered something under his breath, rubbing his arm in the process. "That stuff... that stuff you call music. That's about Y/N, isn't it?"
"What?" Rodrick scoffed. "No. This is for Heather's birthday tomorrow."
"You're going to sing a love song to another girl at Heather's birthday party?" Greg chuckled. "Are you crazy?"
"You're going to be crazy dead if you don't shut up." Rodrick barked and held his book in the air once more, prepared to hit Greg with it, but the younger boy quickly ran off before anything else could happen.
Rodrick heavily sighed and sat back down at the table. He flipped his book open and tapped back and forth against the table as he went over the lyrics once more, just to make sure everything was perfect for...
But the more he looked at his lyrics, the more and more that he imagined her… he only saw her.
With a heavier sigh, he shut his songbook and slumped down into his seat, rubbing his hands over his face before stopping halfway and sitting up quickly.
He knew what he had to do.
HEATHER’S PARTY was in full swing.
People had been partying for quite some time before she arrived. She obviously wasn’t going to upstage Heather, she didn’t think that was possible with how outlandish Heather’s party had been, but still, she chose to dress up for the party and stay until Rodrick’s band called it for the night, which may take hours at the rate this party was going.
But as soon as Rodrick set eyes on her, he sat his guitar down and told his band to just go with the flow until he got back.
He took in a deep breath, and gently shook his hands to bring himself some comfort. He titled his head side to side before finally reaching her side by the punch bowl.
“You made it.” Rodrick smiled.
She turned at the sound of his voice and nodded, taking a small sip from her drink. “Yeah, of course.” She smiled. “Couldn’t miss the best band play their biggest gig.”
Rodrick smiled at her words, whether or not she meant what she said didn’t matter. She said them to make him feel good, to bring him comfort over the fact that he was about to tell Heather Hills that he liked her.
Or so she thought.
“Did I miss your love bomb to Heather?” She asked.
And she really hoped she had.
“Uh, not quite, no.”
She furrowed her brows at his response. “Everything okay?”
Rodrick's heart was racing as he looked at her. He knew he needed to tell her how he felt; he just didn't know how. But as he looked into her eyes, he found himself lost for words. All he wanted to do was kiss her.
Without warning, he leaned in and captured her lips with his own. It was a soft, gentle kiss, but it was filled with all the emotion he had been trying to hide from her.
When they pulled apart, he could see the surprise in her eyes. "I'm sorry," he said quickly.
She blinked. “You’re- You’re sorry? What- What-“ She stammered, her face growing red as she flustered her words. “What about Heather?”
“I don’t think- It was never Heather was into.” He said. “I mean, yeah, she’s hot, but she doesn’t make me feel the way I do when I’m with you. All those songs I was writing were never about her.”
As Rodrick spoke, she could feel her heart racing. Did he really just say what she thought he said? Could it be possible that he liked her as much as she liked him?
"Really?" she asked, her voice soft.
He nodded. "Really.”
Without hesitation, she leaned in and captured his lips with her own. It was a deep, passionate kiss, filled with all the emotions they had been holding back for so long. Her body melted into his as their lips moved in perfect harmony, each kiss taking them deeper and deeper into the moment.
When they finally pulled away, they were left breathless and dizzy with desire. She looked up at him with a shy smile, her heart beating like a drum in her chest.
"I've loved you for so long," she said softly.
"I know," he replied, cupping her face in his hands. "I've loved you too, but I didn't have the courage to tell you until now."
She leaned into him, her head resting against his chest. "I'm so glad you did," she whispered.
He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close.
This would be the only time that Rodrick would be thankful of Greg.
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— lucy has something to say !!
i think i’m gonna start using you and yours again lol
but regardless, my request are opened! check out my rules and such before requesting and check out my masterlist to see who i write for!
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fanaticsnail · 3 months
Despiértame mi Corazon
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 3,454
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(Image Source: Actor: Alex Pettyfer + @fanaticsnail's dodgy photo editing skills)
Synopsis: You have been on the run from Donquixote Doflamingo, sheltering and caring for a young, sick child. Your emotions catch up with you as you process the change your life has led you to. You’ve left it all: family, career, friends - all to support Rosinante in his quest to cure the boy. Upon seeing you in this state, your Corazon will do anything to see you smile again. 
Themes: mutual pining, sickness, love, Rosi is a daddy, Rosi is a sweetheart, idiots in love, friends to lovers, Trafalgar Law is a child, baby Law is an edge-lord, angst, crying, hurt/comfort, dancing, Rosi is a dork, sad ending (I’m sorry), Dance reference link here.
Notes: This is a gift for @writingmysanity. You get two Cora fics, because we both need it. The other, more happy one, is coming soon, sweety!! 
Tag List: @sordidmusings @since-im-already-here @feral-artistry @gingernut1314 @cinnbar-bun @vespidphoenix @i-am-vita @sexc-snail I don't know if you guys like Corazon, but I hope this convinces you to love him.
Song Suggestion: “Wake Me Up” - Postmodern JukeBox
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The air carrying the tide towards your feet felt as thick and heavy as the encumbering weight on your heart. Frozen remnants of falling snow stuck to your cheeks, your eyelashes collecting a small amount of dust to coat your follicles in the crisp breeze. Aside from the peace found in momentary stasis, your mind was racing and your soul screaming for release. 
Trafalgar D Water-Law was dying. The boy you took under your wing, the child you cared for, the adolescent who held your heart in his hands was dying. He was not going to make it without consuming the Op-Op Fruit, a cruel reality that had finally caught up with you. 
You were so close. So unbelievably close to getting his cure - his fate balancing on the edge of a knife in the steely grasp of Donquixote Doflamingo. A cure like this was not something that would be gifted freely, both you and Rosinante knew this for a fact. There was no amount of convincing, scheming, bribing, groveling, or begging you could do to gather this cure for the sickly child you both loved. It needed to be claimed by force, and claimed now. 
Finding solace in the small moment you carved aside, you allowed yourself the luxury of hot tears rolling down your cheeks: consumed by the grief in the dire situation you found yourself within. You were simply unable to carry the weight of these harsh and raw emotions any longer. What began as a small sniff through your nose quickly and quietly escalated into soft sobs. As the sorrow was released, you felt the weight grow heavier in your heart and expand to encumber your chest.
Drawing up your knees and cradling them against you, you turned your head away from the shack as your shoulders shook with each whimpered sob. You desperately hoped to any deity that was listening that you were far enough away from your home for the night to hold your sobs in silence, not alerting or disturbing your two companions as they lay in slumber. 
Stalking slowly towards you, aided in silence by his devil-fruit abilities, Donquixote Rosinante was approaching you in your sorrow. His hand stuttered forward, wanting desperately to place it down on your shoulder and give it a gentle squeeze in consoling your release of your emotions. 
He, himself, knew this feeling, and he knew this feeling well. Giving into his feelings a few weeks earlier, while drinking a vast amount of sake straight from the bottle. He felt helpless in the overwhelming devastation that currently held the three of you hostage. Desperate to provide you comfort, although not desiring to give you a touch you were not expecting, he halted his movement from descending upon your shoulders.
Retracting his extended hand away from you, he stumbled backwards towards the shack to check in on the sleeping Trafalgar Law. Clambering up the steps, he looked over the peaceful form of the boy nestled up in his blankets to keep warm in the cool night. Noticing the fluttering rise and fall in his chest, the subtle wheeze extending and catching in his throat, he felt the return of helplessness overcome his body. 
Turning away from the child, his fingers absentmindedly brushed against the surface of the steely frame of his radio, flicking on the valve to wake its static call. He began turning the knobs, seeking out a whisper of a song to drown out his circulating devastation and distract himself with. 
The rustling static did nothing to wake Law from his rest, but did alert you of the fact Rosinante was awake and skulking around. Hastily drying your tears with the inner sleeve on your wrist, you ensured you were the very picture of positivity should the leader of your expedition join you in the cool air outside the shack. 
Your relationship with the younger Donquixote brother was complicated. 
Pledging your undying loyalty under pain or death to Doflamingo in your youth, your proximity to the younger brother had you develop the swell of infatuation with him. Through the years, your heart always had a soft simmer threatening to rapidly boil towards the surface. He was quiet, he was calm, his skills as a fighter were a privilege to behold in battle, and it was an honor to fight beside him. 
Under the orders of the older Donquixote brother, you had done  terrible things that required atonement to cleanse your hands of it. As you were both introduced to the young child who wished for death to claim him, you both became as hardened as the other to force the will to live upon him in repentance for your transgressions. 
Watching Rosinante take the lead in Law’s care, your infatuation rose once again: a rise which prompted you to cast aside your loyalty to Doflamingo and aid ‘Corazon’ in the task of betraying him. You were in exile, hiding while searching for a cure for the boy that you only now learnt were in the clutches of the very hands you were attempting to flee from.
You loved him. You loved watching the lanky man fawning over the sickly boy. It had your heart soar and fly ever higher. The way he loved with his whole heart had a ripple effect, prompting you to open your own heart to love both of them even more. When Rosinante displayed his heart, it was worn on his sleeve and given unconditionally. And when you saw this love for others, it made you long to be a recipient of such devotion. 
The rise in static volume prompted you to turn around, glancing at the looming figure exiting the door of the shack, a radio within his hands. He placed it on the wooden frame lining the porch and gestured for you to come over to him with a subtle sway of his hands. You offered him a soft, melancholy smile and rose to your feet from the cool sand beneath you. 
No words were spoken as you approached him, keeping your head bowed from him as the static crackled and roared to life. A familiar tune from your youth rose in the speakers, your smile broadening as the lyrics shepherded you into a gentle sway. 
Rosinante’s outstretched hand flitted fluidly down to you, a small bob in his head indicating for you to place your hand within his own. You returned this gesture with your eyes closed and shaking your head in disbelief at his invitation. He smiled, reaching forward his other hand down and claiming your unoccupied hand and began swaying you to the beat. 
“What are you doing, Rosinante?” you slowly hummed your question up at him, brow twitching up in intrigue. His warm smile pulled you in, alongside the slow shimmied-shake of his arms with your own. 
“We’re dancing,” he confessed with a rumbled chuckle, his toes accidentally colliding with your own: both flinching at the contact. He shook his head, adding to his answer, “I stand corrected: we’re trying.” 
Although the mood was filled with sorrow, the sway of Rosinante’s awkward movements had your smile rising up your cheeks and eyes drying of their prior downpour. A small swell in your heart at his attempt to make you smile had your cheeks begin to pull upwards by the smallest smile you could muster. 
Everything about the way he danced with you was stiff, awkward and rigid: a memory rising in both your minds of earlier in your youth springing forward.
“You remember when we first danced together?” Rosinante asked you, his painted lips attempting to hold back a toothy grin. You giggled at him, ushering his body to spin in your arms and gently twirled his body. The dark feathers tickled your skin, a sneeze rising in your nose in response to the subtle brush from the inky follicles.
“I remember it being about as ah-... ah-... ahh-...!” you sneezed, shaking your shoulders as you turned away from him to save him from the spray. He chuckled as you recovered from your sneeze, continuing, “-As awkward as this one. You didn’t have your feather coat then, either.” 
“Oh, right!” Rosinante laughed, twirling his body away from yours and removing his feathered overcoat from its place on his shoulders, casting it over the wooden frame beside the speaker. “Alright now, where were we?” His pink shirt dipped in his chest, the subtle rise of his lungs and exposure of soft skin tempted a warm flush to rise in your cheeks. You shook your head to rid yourself of such thoughts about your friend, recovering enough to plaster a small smile on your face. 
Swaying your hips and tapping your toes against the ground, you skillfully twirled your body to rejoin your hands within his. He gleefully laughed at your gesture, his own hips swaying to the beat and rocking his shoulders as the rhythm picked up. His knees were unpracticed and unskilled in this artform, but his enthusiasm overtook his inability to dance. 
Twirling his body away from you, he clapped his hands and began stomping his feet lightly on the floorboards. He tapped twice more before kneeling himself down on one knee, his other leg arched into a deep lunge in front of him. He placed his right hand on his hip, rising his left above his head and brandished it with a playful flourish. 
“Oh, we’re doing this one, are we?” your tone picked up, your brow arching on your forehead as you leant forward to claim his left hand within your right, “You remember how I tripped over your lanky legs when I did this last time,” you smiled, circling his body and hopping yourself over his calf lying flat behind him.
“I do,” he chuckled in return, following your movement with the lull of his head. His smile rose further as you playfully watched him from the corner of your eye. “You remember how we recovered, though? What we did to balance out the dance?” 
“Yes, Corazon,” you half-laughed, half-sighed, as you recalled how the evening progressed, “We drowned ourselves in several bottles of sake and laughed at our own idiocy.” Rosinante shook his head, rising to his feet after releasing your hand from within his. 
“No, mi amor,” he whispered, placing his hands on your hips and swaying you from behind, “I meant this.” He turned you within his arms, raking his hands over your hips, hands circling over your waist and holding you firmly against his torso. You hooked your arms over his shoulders behind your head, shepherding him to embrace you further while swaying to the rhythm. 
Rosinante pressed his cheek against your own, your eyes instinctively fluttering closed as you felt the rise in his grin on your skin. His breath tickled the nape of your neck, you breathing along to his rhythmic pattern with each passing moment. 
You felt all of your worries cast themselves aside each moment he held you in his arms, all anguish and melancholy passing from your body and reigned within his embrace. The pressure of his own sorrows fled from him and onto you, the sharing of the emotional labor departed each of you in this moment to simmer and smother between you.
“Why were we dancing again?” you whispered to him, your lips almost making contact with the shell of his ear. You felt him shudder against your touch, instinctively pressing your back further against his chest and nuzzling into your neck. 
Spinning in his arms, his hands tugging at your shifting shirt as you turned to face him, his eyes widened as he sought out his answer to you. Humming thoughtfully, he finally located his answer in his memory.
“I think it was Doffy’s birthday, or celebrating a raid on some unfortunate-,” Rosinante began, halted by you pulling away and glancing into his eyes. 
“-I mean now, mi corazon,” you floated your eyes between his, looking for rhyme or reason within his steely orbs, “Why are we dancing now?” He stuttered in his sway, freezing like a fainting goat being startled by a loud sound. 
“Y-You called me-...” his breath caught in his throat, lips parting as he floated his gaze between your own eyes, briefly caught in gazing longingly against your lips. “You called me ‘mi corazon’, mi amor.” He held you in silence, his heart swelling and adrenaline urging his body against his will to surge forward. 
The air was tense, the deafening silence being broken only by the smooth rise in melody from the radio beside you. His eyes softened more, wordlessly asking you a question with his lips quivering and eyes frantically darting between your own.
A small nod from him, answered by a nod of your own was all the answer he needed to join his lips with yours, softly molding himself to your lips and breathing in your air. 
The world came crashing down around you, the realms of unanswered questions from your youth were retorted by the soft lips of Donquixote Rosinante’s pressed against your own. You squeaked against his lips, eyes wide and watching as, his were closed with his brows furrowing in deepest concentration. He hissed in a breath through his nose, turning his head by the angle of his chin to deepen the embrace. 
Raking his hands up from your hips, he claimed fistfuls of your shirt in his needy grasp. He whimpered against your lips, prompting you to reciprocate his passionate kiss. You felt his heart, his spirit and his worries pass from his body into yours further. This intimate and wordless confession had your heart racing at the impossibilities that brought you here. 
Slowly pulling your hands from his shoulders, you slid them down his neck and grasped the embroidered pink collar of his shirt and pushed him back towards the railing. As his beck hit the hard, wooden pillar, he gasped into your mouth and desperately clawed at you to hold you firmer. Angling his head away, he pressed lengthy kiss after kiss against your lips, cheeks and chin: a trail marked by his pink lip-paint. 
“I want you,” he whispered against your lips, hovering them above your own before pressing his own against yours twice more, “I want us. I want all of us-.” He peppered your cheeks with lengthy kisses, the smear of his lip paint rubbing against your skin and tinting your flesh. “-The three of us. I want to be our own family: go where we want to go, wherever our hearts take us. I want to forge a life with you and that kid.”
“What are you saying-?” you whimpered for him, your hands claiming his cheeks within them and ushering his face away from yours. He groaned, leaning forward and claiming your lips beneath his own before fully allowing you to push him away.
“I want to adopt Law,” he continued, his hand rising to your hair and caressing your scalp, “You already mother him, fawn over him and treat him like your own.” Your hand flew to his hair as he pressed a long kiss against your neck, “I want to do this, and I want to do this with you, mi amor. I want to marry you, to be yours and you to be mine.” 
“I want us to be happy, mi amor,” he concluded, a melancholy smile finding his cheeks as he dipped his brow down to seek out your eyes, “I will have you smile again: a smile mirrored between the three of us.” He pressed a gentle kiss against your brow, adding a muffled, “Three against the world.”
The shock of it all happening at once held you in momentary silence. Feeling the pull to confess your own adoration and wants for the future onto him, your lips formed words before you could withhold them in your throat. 
“When this nightmare is all over,” you gasped, tugging at his blond locks to subtly weave him away from your neck to look in your eyes. “When we wake up from the darkness,” you slowly caressed his cheek, your thumb finding his bottom lip and attempting to press the paint within the boundaries of his lip line, “I want all of that with you, mi corazon.” 
At your confession, Donquixote Rosinante’s heart soared for you and his tears began to prick at the corners of his eyes. He truly didn’t know those words were needed to grace his ears and soothe his mind, but so thankful you formed them. 
He loved you from the moment he met you all those years ago. The urge to protect you from the evil his brother ushered into the world was so strong, he nearly broke the mask he made while infiltrating the crew. Seeing you hold your own against them, your skill in combat ushering a swift death to those who opposed you with mercy had him swooning at your kindness amongst the brutality. 
“Te amo, mi corazon,” you whispered, your lips again hovering over his own, “I always have, and I should’ve acted on it sooner. I just got caught up with the mission, with loving our child. You are doing such a good job with him, I want you to know that.” You soothed over his blond hair, brushing your nose against his while confessing your admiration further, “I love you, and I love Law so, so much-.” 
Surging forwards, the contact he made with your lips was wet: the stale aftertaste of his last cigarette was eclipsed by the salty tears falling over his lips. He didn’t know when his tears started to fall, nor did you grasp when your own intertwined with his against your lips. You laughed against his lips, feeling the lingering tingle of affection spark and ignite in your chest. He swooned for you, raking desperately at your body to hold you as close as he could without breaking through the material of your clothes. 
You broke away from his lips, gazing into his eyes with nothing but pure adoration and love. His own unspoken confession lingered in the air, the atmosphere tense and swollen with the lust-stricken adrenaline. The spark of the adoration tinting your eyes surged his confession forward, his words clumsily jumbled over his lips. 
“Mi tesoro, mi amor, mi familia,” he whimpered for you, his voice stuttering and stumbling over his words as he stooped down to you, “Te amo-... I-I love you. I love everything about you, and I should’ve told you sooner. I wanted to tell you from the day I first met you. I swooned for you when you danced with me all those years ago. My heart beats for you, and propels me to complete this task all the sooner to start this adventure with you and Law.” 
He pressed his forehead against your own, the feeling of hot tears rolling down his cheeks at the confession had you both sobbing and laughing at yourselves. Sniffling and collecting your own tears on your wrist, and he with his, you both glanced up at each other and allowed your smiles to rise. 
“We will get this done, Donquixote Rosinante,” you hardened your resolve, nodding through every word, “And when it’s all over, we will be una familia- a family, mi corazon. The three of us. Together.” You held each other close on the deck of the small shack: swaying between kisses as the darkness plaguing your journey was eclipsed by the light rising between you. 
Hanging on your every word, a small sob hitched at the crack in the door, Trafalgar Law’s hand clasping over his lips to mask his presence. Law had never witnessed so much love pouring from one person to another. The fact that you both held such love for him too had him openly sobbing at the interaction. 
He wanted this too. 
He wanted to be a family with both of you: two absolute idiots that loved both him and each other unconditionally. Two complete idiots who were hardened fighters, pirates, and war criminals. His idiots.
He wanted this so desperately. 
He wants his imperfect, perfect family. 
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But some things were not meant to be. 
Law would call on this memory often. Each time that melody played over his personal radio, his heart would both consequently swell and shatter as tears threatened to pour down his face. He wanted to wake up, for it to all be some horrific nightmare and still be searching with you and Cora-san for a cure for his illness. Your love was real, and he was thankful to play his part in it.
However small a time it was, it was his. His perfect, imperfect family.
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smartycvnt · 6 months
True Love
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Title: True Love
Pairing: Randy Orton x Reader
Word Count: 767
Randy cackled as he watched a couple of his friends get into a shoving match. Everybody was stuck in some small town because of road work, so Y/n was forced to spend the night in the hotel bar with everybody else. Her roommate for the night had brought someone up to the room and had demanded complete privacy. That meant, Y/n was stuck there until her roommate came down for the night, if she did.
The clock was nearing midnight, and there were no signs that she would come down anytime soon. Y/n didn't want to sleep in the lobby, but it was looking that way. She doubted that Randy would be willing to let her crash with him for the night. He hadn't been in a very giving mood since losing his title.
"You're up late." Y/n grimaced at the sound of a familiarly slurred voice next to her. "Get the sex boot too?"
"Yep," Y/n said as she avoided making eye contact. Randy would absolutely kill Wade if he caught him talking to Y/n. They had been friendly until Wade started hitting on Y/n, asking to rekindle their old relationship. Randy hadn't openly come out and admitted his feelings for Y/n, but he had gotten himself a pretty lengthy suspension for his behavior.
"You can stay in my room if you'd like," Wade offered. Y/n kept her head down as she picked at the label of her drink. "Come on baby, look at me."
"Maybe she would if you didn't look like a damn caveman," Randy said as he slid up next to Y/n. Wade scowled at him as the two men had a staredown over Y/n's head. "Are you tired baby? Come on, I'll take you back to my room. Cody and Ted are gonna be awhile."
"Night Wade," Y/n muttered as Randy pulled her away. Randy made a show of sticking his hand onto Y/n's ass as they walked away for Wade to see. "You're an asshole."
"I hope there's a but coming."
"But I love you," Y/n added. Randy beamed at her words, his guard obviously a bit down from the drinks. Y/n stepped into the elevator and waited for Randy to join her and press the button. "Are you coming?"
"Not yet, but thank you for offering." Randy was smiling like he had just said the funniest thing in the world. Y/n leaned back against the wall as she rolled her eyes at him. She didn't understand how he could go from being the most suave man she had ever met to that dork. It was only bound to get worse the more comfortable that they got around each other, but Y/n was looking forward to seeing the real Randy. She knew that so much of his personality was a facade that was just waiting for the right person to drop around. She knew that he could be the man of her dreams if he stopped trying to be cool for everybody else.
"Just get over here please," Y/n said. Randy hopped into the elevator and stared at the buttons expectantly. "I don't know what floor you're on."
"Oh right. Right." Randy pressed the button and then immediately started jumping up and down. Y/n knew what he was trying to do, but she doubted that he'd succeed in it. It was whenever he got his group of merry idiots to join in that she ever really got worried. Randy could be a little destructive on his own, but it was so much worse with Ted, Cody, and the others.
"I'm pretty tired. Will you carry me to the room?" Y/n asked. She had expected Randy to make some stupid quip, but instead he just scooped her into his arms. He carried her down the hall in his arms bridal style. Y/n's arms clung around his neck, opposite to the side where she had buried her face. Randy carried her all the way into the room and over to the bed, where he dumped her somewhat clumsily onto the mattress.
"I'm gonna hop in the shower. You don't have to be sexy when I get back, Ted took the last of the condoms." Randy had spoken so seriously that all Y/n could do until he was gone was nod. Once she was alone, she busted out laughing. Randy could be a lot of things, but at least he was smart enough not to press Y/n for anything without protection.
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c0smoshit · 8 months
KWODKSOW HELLO I found you on Ao3!! If you don't mind I have a request :) Can I have Cloud with Y/n who's helping him with his motion sickness? Like maybe he feels really insecure about it for mutiple reasons and they have a trip coming up and y/n is super sweet and tells him he's still strong/amazing and they do everything they can to make the travel comfortable for him until they arrive at their destination? Y/n making sure no one else says anything about Cloud either makes me heart go doki ❤
This is so sweet😭
Thank u for the request sweetie, hope u enjoy it and I'm sorry for the wait😭🫶🫶
Long trips ミ★
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⋆ ࣪. ℙ𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 ≫ Cloud/fem!Reader
⋆ ࣪. 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 ≫ fluff, cuddles and just sweet sweet stuff :) not proofread!
⋆ ࣪. 𝔸/ℕ ≫ I want to hold him I want to hold him I want t-
⋆ ࣪. 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥 ≫ 774
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"Alright, let's hop on"
Barret's shout ringed through everyone's ears. Tifa, who was right next to you, grabbed your forearm as she guided you to the front seats.
Of course, the farm truck of a kind man who offered all of you a ride, was packed with chocobos. And you wouldn't have cared if Cloud was with you, far away from those hyperactive big chicks.
You knew he struggled with motion sickness, he had told you that he didn't enjoy long trips. And you knew this wasn't going to be the shortest one.
So you felt guilty
You should've at least lent him your seat next to the girls, but you got too carried away. And looking at his stoic but rather uncomfortable face by the window behind you, made your gut clench.
"Hey, where are you going?"
As your hand opened the warm window, you turned around to face the confused frown of the brunnette.
"I'll be right back don't worry about me!"
. . .
His eyes found your big grin as you sat next to him, your butt touching the coarse hay bellow you.
You tried to keep some distance between the both of you, not wanting to make this more uncomfortable than it was. But it sort of was a difficult task by the way you were all enveloped by two big birds.
"Are you feeling alright?"
His face was a replica of the frown you had seen on Aerith's one, and he asked himself if it was so obvious that his brain was spinning harshly inside his head.
But he nodded his head, ignoring the horrible feeling down his stomach.
A few minutes passed by and you noticed that his hand was holding his head, eyes closed as he tried not to focus on the dizziness.
A bump made your shoulder bump with his own one, coming to rest close to him. You enjoyed the warmth he seemed to radiate, that's why you always kept close to him on cold days.
What he didn't expect was your palm being softly placed where his hand rubbed his temple. And before he had time to open his eyes, your hand guided him to your right shoulder.
His eyes shoot open, but his body slumped over yours.
Unconciously drowning further into your lulling mute voice.
Soon, he was fast asleep over your shoulder, the afternoon rays of dying sun washing all over his face. He looked too cute to be real.
And you had finally seen him calm, not a sign of stress or worry on his cold facade. He was just laying there, his hand holding yours as you fidgeted with his fingers.
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It came out as a whispered snicker, followed by two warm smiles as they looked at the scene.
"They are so cute"
"I know right? Such a shame they are too dumb to notice"
The black-haired girl then looked at her green orbs, seeing the well-known comforting and loving gaze she had seen before as she talked about her lover.
"She's safe with him, he always tries to protect her from anything"
She nodded her head in approval, listening closely to what her braided friend was saying.
"It's almost as if they were made for each other"
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He had calloused and dry hands, he didn't have time to spend on taking care of himself since there was a bigger problem out there.
Your right fingers inspected his hand, taking him with both of your hands as you smiled like a dork. You looked around for a few seconds and you saw that Barret and Red XIII were snoring too, next to the Chocobos that had eventually laid down to rest too.
The scene was so serene, the passing mountains in front of you and the warm breath that often trickled your skin.
How would it feel to be cuddled by him?
Maybe he would sneak a hand over your stomach as he spooned you, keeping you close to his chest as you both drifted off to sleep.
Maybe he was the one who liked being spooned, his hair brushing your neck as he held your forearm.
He would crush you down on the bed as he laid on top of you, and you wouldn't mind since it was Cloud who was fast asleep on top of you.
Or maybe he would like to hold you, keeping an arm over your thigh as your leg rested on top of his waist, wrapping your arms around his neck while his other hand secured your back into him.
Who knows...
"Such strong arms"
Your whispered praise fell all over the chilly afternoon air, and you didn't care since everyone was visibly asleep. Your hand traced patterns over his unclothed arm, admiring the hard work he had done over the years.
"And such amazing skills"
Your mouth kept ranting all the things you had kept to yourself, weary eyes open as you shuffled closer to him.
"Woah there"
You chuckled lowly as your hand kept his forehead from falling off your shoulder, oh how you wish you could've stayed there for just some few more hours.
"You're not only handsome but you're smart too. So oblivious you don't even notice all the people who look at you"
Your hand fell until it wrapped itself around his own one once again.
"I wish I could tell you all this stuff to your face for once"
A sigh fell from your lips and as you slowly closed your eyes again, something interrupted your well-deserved rest.
"Did you mean all of that?"
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nonranghaes · 11 months
heads up! mentions of a past abusive relationship (for reader). this should really go on wooahaes but i'm too lazy to format it rn and i need sleep so take this ig??? i might repost over there some other time....
there's things that are unfair about having a boyfriend like vernon. you think one of them is how pretty he can look when he's sleeping.
of course, he's still human. he ends up with messy hair, and sometimes he drools, and there's about a thousand other things you can list off about him when he sleeps... but he's still your boyfriend. and thus, every little 'flaw' he has is something you consider pretty on him. he would (and will, when he's in a sappy enough mood) say the exact same about you, to be fair. he shifts a little in his sleep, stretching and reaching for you.
you still remember overhearing him talk to his mom the morning after you slept in the same bed as him for the first time. it'd literally only been sleeping, but you heard him quietly say 'they trust me a lot,' to her while on the phone. he'd been unpacking breakfast. when she asked about it, he merely said "they fell asleep next to me. they've never done that before. i think... i think they trust me," in that pensive way, like he's thinking more than he's actually saying.
(i do, you told him later. trust you. i think i love you, too. and it'd been what made him say that he loves you for the first time--something he didn't expect to hear back without that 'i think' to protect yourself. you said it to him a few weeks later, and he teared up--although he'll always deny it when you bring it up now.)
"you're staring again." he pulls you out of your thoughts with ease, and his eyes meet yours in the low light. "what's wrong?"
you saw today's date. some birthdays never leave you, and that's true of the person who hurt you. the person you only told vernon about a few months ago in full, although he knew of the person's existence before then. you remember what that person said to you, too. that you didn't need anyone else aside from them...
"nothing," you say, and it's a half-lie. it'll bother you a little more, but you don't want to have this talk now. not when you're already starting to drift off, safe in his presence. vernon's good at protecting you from ugly feelings that settle into your bones like an unwanted guest. "we'll talk later, honey."
he gives you a uncertain look. "you only call me honey when you're upset."
(it's a mutual thing: he calls you either by your name or a casual dude any other time, and baby and babe and love of my life whenever he's trying to avoid a topic temporarily. the two of you communicate: vernon's good at making you feel safe in that, too.)
"right," you say. "we'll talk in the morning... homie."
it earns a crackling snort from him, and he smiles that cute gummy smile as he hides his face for a moment. "ah, really... god, you're such a dork sometimes, i swear."
"a dork who landed you," you always remind him. yet when his eyes meet yours a moment later, you feel something warm in your chest that washes away that ugly feeling all too easily. you reach out, holding his face. "i think... i won."
"you won?"
"you love me," you say. "my friends love me... i'm loved," you say quietly, and the feeling still feels a little foreign. you are loved, you repeat mentally for a moment: because they see you as you, not the broken mess you feel you are. "so i won."
vernon gets it soon enough, and he nods. "you won," he says quietly. "i'm glad you're here... homie."
you crack up, too, and he quietly laughs at his own little moment with you. his laugh and his smile always make you giggle, too, and he pulls you in to kiss you happily.
"i love you," he mumbles against your lips, "i love you, i love you, i love you--" and he keeps planting kisses against against and around your lips to punctuate every repeat of the phrase, before he draws back, satisfied after being struck with the need to be overly sappy. "alright?"
gone is that bitter feeling that once flashed through your veins and settled into your bones. all you feel now is love, soft and sweet, as you're so openly reminded that you're not alone. that the two of you shoulder these problems together. you won, you think, because you are alive and being loved and learning to love wholeheartedly again.
"yeah," you settle in to sleep, planning to keep to your promise of talking come morning. "i love you, too, you big sap."
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shelbgrey · 9 months
Might i request an Egon Spengler and a nerdy dorky kinda reader that knows a lot about the paranormal, or is a parapsychologist like them in general?
Two Nerds falling in love headcanons:
Paring: Egon spengler x Nerdy!Venkman!Reader
Summary: headcanons about Egon falling in love with Peter Venkman's Nerdy little sister.
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I think you guys would be clueless to your feelings, like they're obviously there and everyone can see It expect you two.
Your really in the paranormal, your old brother Peter would always tell you stuff about the poltergeists and ghosts and soon enough you were studying and were obsessed with it as well.
It was no suprise that the team was impressed by your knowledge of the paranormal, but no one was more impressed than Egon.
And your well... A dork, and there's nothing wrong with that. Your extremely smart and just passionate about the things you love.
[pausing and currently breaking the 4th wall] I'm a dork, so I don't get upset by this label, dorks are amazing people to be around.
Any-who, like Egon your a quiet person, but if the conversation brings up something you love you'll be talking to that person about it for hours. It also helps if your used to the person too.
There was one night you and Ray had a long conversation about Scooby-Doo where are you? And The Twilight Zone.
Egon I very reserved and quiet guy, it's rare for him to give in to human urges or emotions, so it didn't go unnoticed to Peter and the others how he'd turn red in the cheeks at just the mere sight of you.
Without realizing it he fell for your brain and knowledge first, you'd often a company him in the Lab and quickly cought on to how the protonpacks work and how to repair the damaged ones.
Your also very passionate about ghosts and haunted places, you go out of your way to find cool abandoned place that could be haunted. At first Peter found it bizarre but found it cool when you found a haunted amusement park.
“do you all think we can take a trip to Colorado and see if the overlook hotel is really haunted?” you asked.
Egon remembers the little things and that's one of the things that made your relationship special. He remembered you bring up the overlook hotel and he took you a vacation to see it.
Speaking of ghosts, you had a strange sympathy for Slimer, he was the only ghost you encountered that was no harm to anyone. The green dude was just eating.
Your also a movie nerd, you'll qoute movies on calls and 9 times out of 10 Egon won't understand. This ment you guys will have many movie nights in your future.
“I don't understand that reference”
“I know you don't, that's going on the list too”
It got to the point in your relationship that you'd flirt without relizing it... Or how ever how nerdy people flirt.
Your brother Peter is always teasing you, even before you guys started dating. To him he's know from day one that you guys liked each other, he'd always have a snide commit like, “He’s dying…” Peter said sadly. “He asked us to bring him here so he could see you one last time and tell you that he lo—ow!” He yelped when Ray smacked him with the rag he was using to clean the protonpacks after a call.
But, your brother got tired of it, the consent glances you'd sneek and how Egon desperately tried to find the right words to flatter you with.
“Hey, sis, you busy Saturday night?” Peter asked one night. “no?”
“Egon, you busy?” he asked. “I'm not”
“good, because I am... You two go out and have a good time”
Yeah your brother asked Egon out on a date for you. Neither one of you knew how to proses what your brother did but it didn't stop you guys from going out.
It was awkwardly sweet, you guys went to a musem and just talked the who time.
“when it comes to things like this I'm not good with words, but y/n I do have an attraction to you... You just make my life more enjoyable”
You kissed his cheek which made you both blushed. “I like you too Egon”
After your some what of a confession, Egon got more comfortable expressing his emotions to you, and you only.
You both didn't have the best childhoods. Egon's parents didn't let him be a kid and often only cared about if he got an equation right. With yours, well they weren't around much after their devorce and you once told Egon that Peter practically raised you.
After he told you and Ray about the slinky he straightend, you took him to a toy store to get him something cool. You got him a toy airplane and stuffed giraffe.
They both set on a self in his lab so he can see it everyday. He fell deeper in love you when you went out of your way to make him feel loved.
He didn't relize how touch starved he was till he met you, usually he didn't really like it but when you started holding his hand or hugging him from behind on the lab he couldn't help but crave more.
“I'd like another hug... Please?”
You'll give him all the hugs he wants and more.
Kissing took a while to enter the relationship, you were both shy and suprisenly Egon instigated it. He'd give a kiss good-bye on the forehead before a call or he'll kiss your cheek in the early mornings before he heads to the lab.
Peter also goes out of his way to tell embarrasing stories about you. “ya know, when y/n was four I told her if she ate the Fortune out of the fortune cookie it'll come true, she totally ate the paper!” he laughed, you'd turne red when Egon heard it. Egon smiled softly and just wanted to hear more about you.
There will always be an ongoing fight about him not getting enough sleep, you love him and you don't want him spending all night in his lab but he'll always be like, “I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine.”
When he's clearly tired but still trying to not to be wrong you'll not give up and try to persuade him to come to bed with you “But, Love, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again.”
“O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns??” he asked.
“I-is it working?” he knows your just trying to look out for him and eventually he will break down and follow you to bed you share in the Firehouse.
He is very gentle boyfriend and taking care of you as softened his heart a lot. He's type of man to cover you with a blanket when you fall asleep on the couch after kissing your forehead. Or carry you to bed if you fall asleep at your desk in the Lab.
He is amazed by you, even if you breathe he's like a love sick puppy. Everything you do just makes him fall even harder for you. Something as little as using the Dewy desim system to organize your guys book collection just amazes him or something as simple as organizing the snack cabinet.
Egon loves and needs physical affection. After every call, no matter how messy you guys are he will instantly engulfs you in a the biggest hug. Or if your working on something in the Lab and he needs a cuddle break, he'll stand behind you and wrap his arms around your waist and rest his chin on your shoulder so he can watch you work.
When he dose come to bed you guys are always cuddling or close to each other. If your not cuddling and he's sleeping on his stomach, your draped over his back using him as a pillow.
You both wear glasses and sometimes if there's a call in the middle of the night you two will get them switched up in midst of running around getting ready. You both have similar prescriptions so you won't notice until Peter says something.
Peter couldn't stop laughing the first time it happened because at the time your glasses were purple.
Even though your pretty smart, Egon dose say things that even you need a dictionary to know what he's saying. You know scientific names but sometimes your mouth works faster than your brain and words like 'swabie thing' comes out instead of swab.
“I need a... A Swabie thing to get a sample with”
“a what?” Egon asks as you digged in the drawers of your lab.
You guys are an unstoppable force in the Lab, you two just woke well together and have your own methods.
I don't know if he's the marriage type, but just know he won't leave your side. He'll get possessed by a spirit before he'll leave you.
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