#dream lore
bakuvex · 2 years
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Season 2 c!drunz!
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distortionswife · 6 months
I made Helen laugh in a dream because I asked her if Daisy barks
She asked why I thought that and I said “well, the hunt is basically wolf like avatar esc people, right?”
And she asked how I knew she was connected to the Hunt
And I told her to walk up to Daisy, and she'll see why.
So she did and Daisy growled at her, she was already in a pissed off mood and it's honestly very funny to me
But it made Helen cackle and I see what as a win.
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limbobilbo · 8 months
I had this absolutely fucking buck wild dream last night ago. Now for context I do always try to write down my weirdest dreams so I can (anyone there for the latter days of 196 I’m the deltamug guy if people paid attention to that)
Anyway so in the dream I fell down a rabbit hole of reading about this fabled RPG maker game called Sleeping Giants. Its was like this weird tale of about five different versions of a game three of which were missing. And the game was kind of unnerving but not explicitly scary but the weirdest part was the creator being this incredibly odd weirdo who replied to every single thing said to them with gifs and single sentences.
It was weird lol. Just thought i’d share.
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localmongoose · 2 years
Okay, So That DSMP Finale
Since everyone else is giving their two cents, I’ll give mine as well. There is A LOT of discourse about C!Tommy and C!Dream’s interactions here, and frankly a lot of people seem to be just looking at it surface level and not actually giving real thought to their interaction. First off; C!Tommy did not necessarily forgive C!Dream for what he did. Assumptions are being made here. Just because C!Tommy now understands C!Dream’s motives DOES NOT mean he believes the other was justified, and NEITHER DOES C!DREAM. In the stream, when C!Tommy says he thought C!Dream was the villain, C!Dream actually interjects and says he IS the villain because he TORTURED C!Tommy. There is ACKNOWLEDGEMENT that what he did was AWFUL, from BOTH characters. People also seem to think that just because C!Tommy is a victim means nothing he ever did wrong matters. That, also, is NOT TRUE. C!Tommy, in the beginnings of the server and through much of the story, DID cause a LOT of trouble and harm to others, INCLUDING C!Dream. Does this justify abuse? NO. But dismissing his actions is not valid either. A character can be a victim while also causing harm. This doesn’t negate their victimhood. The DSMP is full of morally gray characters. There aren’t many who count as full heroes or villains. Almost everyone in the SMP has done something awful before, but also done very good things. Nothing in this world is black and white, but many people here seem to think it is, which is a very unhealthy way to view the world. C!Tommy is a victim of C!Dream. But that DOES NOT mean that C!Dream is not also a victim in his own right. Let’s remember that it is an unfortunate fact that some victims of abuse sadly become abusers themselves. No, it does NOT justify what he did. But someone CAN be a victim AND an abuser, and C!Tommy realized that about C!Dream. C!Tommy was willing to give C!Dream a chance to change. A chance to be better, to come out the other side. He was willing to let C!Dream PROVE he had good intentions for the server and the people in it. The culture of damnation on the internet can be sickening sometimes. No one is entitled to your forgiveness, acceptance, or second chances, but that doesn’t mean that you get to dictate who deserves OTHER PEOPLE’S grace. C!Tommy made a choice to let C!Dream TRY. Would he ever fully trust or forgive him? Likely not, and that’s okay, because that’s a completely valid response to everything C!Dream did to him. But to say that it’s ‘bad writing’ or ‘insulting’ for C!Tommy’s character to have compassion for him after a moment of understanding that frankly, they should have had a long time ago before it went this far, is narrow minded and toxic. People are dynamic. They can change. Circumstances can shape us, and that’s what happened to both C!Dream and C!Tommy. C!Tommy witnessed living proof that C!Dream was capable of compassion, and he decided to let him try to do that again. They both have trauma, trauma that made them both do things they regret in the long run, but in that moment before the nuke hit, they finally saw light at the end of the tunnel for them both, to come out the other side as better people. It’s frankly similar to C!Wilbur and C!Quackity’s respective arcs. Both did terrible things, a lot of which traumatized and hurt people around them, yet both had endings that, at least from their perspective, seemed hopeful in some sense. (Though don’t get me started on Utah.) And honestly? The nuke hitting seemed poetic in its own way. C!Tommy saying it was too late had a poetic punch. Because whether C!Dream proved he could change or not, in the eyes of some of the fandom, it WAS too late, as we see with the discourse over the ending. There are people here who WON’T forgive C!Dream, who WON’T let him move on, because they see what he did as irredeemable. But there are also people who WANTED to see him change, to prove himself and be a better person. It was too late to please everyone. So perhaps it was better for us to never know. As for the reset at the ending, I don’t know yet. There are so many things that could happen here. We have to remember that DreamXD very well could come back into play at some point, and as a god, he likely remembers everything. The Egg may or may not return, as it also is a creature not of this world. I do think it will be interesting to see different character dynamics play out in the new server, how things would change depending on who became friends and enemies. How much of the old story that will come into play, we’ll just have to wait and see. I’m willing to give it a chance though, because honestly, I love the CCs, and whether you’re sick of DSMP content or not, they’re having fun, they’re happy doing it, and that’s what matters to me. Let them have their silly Minecraft servers and let them tell their stories. There are still a lot of us who enjoy it, even if not every story beat hits. Just remember that not every interpretation is surface level, and assuming the worst of something just because it wasn’t how you would end it is frankly the worst way you can approach the situation.
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gengarghast · 11 months
Why are all the weird dreams with Bogleech in them ones where he has, in some shape or form, an association with creating video games
What is this alternate reality wherein he became a game dev instead of a blogger
Did he make an Awful Hospital game? That'd be neat, I think.
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lunadragongem01 · 2 years
Imagine if human dream was being operated by blob dream. Like the human dream's face can be opened like a door and inside you see blob dream with a bunch of controller shit.
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ysabelmystic · 9 months
My brain is building dream lore again
I don't remember if I posted this before but if I did that post is lost to the void of tumblr's broken navigation so I guess I'm starting from the top.
So back in fucking August,I had a dream that felt extremely real and made perfectly good sense until I thought about it, but even after thinking about it, it did have something of a coherent plot-line.
I was back in college getting my English degree (but not the college I went to), and the year was 1981. For reasons related to Ursula K LeGuin that I do not recall, my professor made us do this project that involved digging up the corpses of two famous philosophers/politicians/writers/etc and somehow relate/compare the state of their decomposition to their ideologies. For the second part, we had to dig up two more people (famous or no), who's existences somehow contrasted the ideals of the first two. Then we would analyze their corpses and write a paper about the whole thing. We did this in groups of four.
Now we were all very anxious about doing this, but this was worth a large percentage of our grade. Our professor assured us that we wouldn't be caught if we stole the bodies and buried them at another site since it would somehow be easier to make the graves look undisturbed. My group picked a new burial spot in the middle of the woods about five miles away from a small suburb (and unrelated until the sequel, one mile away from a haunted baseball field). We got a change of clothes, plastic bags, a bunch of cleaner, etc, and set out to acquire the corpses. Because dream-logic, the first body we stole was the partially mummified corpse of Immanuel Kant. Two stayed behind to clean up. Me and another person transported the bodies and after documenting our findings and taking photos for the other two, we buried them.
The next month was uneventful, but when it came time to gather the second pair, things started falling apart. We decided that the corpses we would gather were a famous ballet dancer (name unknown) and a random child. Of course, two people were very conflicted about this, and were very upset when my partner and I chose to dig up the old graves and throw the new bodied on top of the old ones. There was a big fight, but ultimately, we left, wrote our papers, turned everything in....everything was fine.
Until two weeks later, someone found the bodies. The police were sure it was a prank for some reason, so were taking a while to investigate, but word had gotten around that some kids had found four crosses in the middle of the woods.
Because someone had gone back and put crosses at the graves. So of course, we started spiraling into paranoia and arguing about who did it. One person wanted to confess to the police. They "committed suicide" that night, and the next morning, another group member vanished. This left me and my grave-digging partner.
We decided that since it was inevitable that the police would find the bodies, we decided that the best way to clear our names would be to frame the English professor. So we went back to the graves, dug up the bodies, did a little extra dismemberment to make it more manageable, and drove them to our professor's house.
We took one arm per person. The door was unlocked so we let ourselves in. We went to the professor's bathroom and closet and started touching everything with the corpse-arms. Unfortunately, his wife was there. Fortunately, they were in the middle of a divorce. I came up with the idea to say that I was having explosive diarrhea and was in the area, and she believed it (and was happy to let me wreck his bathroom).
We finished our work and then went outside. It was trash day so the cans were on the curb, and our professor's was only half-full. We started throwing the bodies in when my professor pulled up in his car. Again, we were lucky. He was drunk. My partner said we were cleaning up Halloween decorations that his wife had thrown on the lawn, and he bought it. The trash truck drove by and picked up the bodies, and my partner and I made out aggressively by the empty trashcans. Then, we fled to Canada, and then I woke up.
(Unrelated but my professor's deranged son who ate wires tried to fight us but ended up chasing the trash truck because he smelled old TVs).
Now, in theory, this would be the end of it. But sometimes my brain likes to incorporate old elements to the level that I now have "dream lore". This ended up being one of those times.
Halfway on our ride to Canada, we decided that we were probably being hasty, and it wasn't worth it to abandon our grades for the semester. After all, we still had finals to take.
When we got back, the case progressed quite slowly. The police did eventually visit the graves, but since we had refilled the holes after digging up the bodies, they found nothing except a couple of scraps of clothing and a single tooth. This didn't give them much to work with, so though an investigation was opened, they didn't have an immediate explanation. We took our finals, got our degrees, graduated. Because the investigation had caused housing prices in the nearby suburb to tank, we bought a house there. In fact, we bought an oddly-built 3-story house at the edge of the woods. It was obscenely cheap, but was also covered in Mickey Mouse and Elvis memorabilia, so we figured that that was why it had been empty for years.
Of course, anyone who's ever seen a horror movie knows where this is going. That shit was haunted. We were having nightmares. The mickey mouse heads would start singing Elvis songs at random. Cabinets were flying open...it was a whole thing. More interestingly, the baseball field had been recently abandoned. No one knew why, except it was now covered in a mess of tall, very aggressive weeds and grass and anyone who went there got the intense feeling of impending doom. Hikers who used the woods also reported becoming anxious and disoriented, sometimes waking up in completely different areas.
(Fun fact: the haunted baseball field has appeared at least three other times in my dreams. I believe this instance is the earliest in the timeline, as later instances have a much more post-apocalypse kind of vibe)
It seemed fairly obvious that clearly, something was up with the graves. At this point, a few months had passed. The police weren't really watching the crime scene. It was fairly safe to investigate. So we took our gear and went off in the middle of the night to do some digging.
We didn't expect to exhume bodies, but lo and behold, we got about a foot down into each grave's surface when the bodies appeared. It wasn't our original bodies either. There was just a mass of corpses, and they were all spilling out...like y'know in Minecraft if you spawn a bunch of mobs in a box and then once you open the box they kinda explode out? That's what it was like. It was weird as hell. Then, naturally, it got really cold, and we became extremely anxious. Suddenly, we were in the center of the baseball field. The sky was completely black. No stars, no moon, nothing. Just a never-ending field. A large black dog materialized out of nowhere, but it did not attack us. Instead, it delivered its terms.
I don't remember the exact details, but basically, the whole area, especially that house, was already haunted as fuck. By transplanting the bodies we'd picked up Bad Vibes. By digging up the earth, we'd allowed a place for evil spirits to manifest in the land. By moving into the house, we'd heightened the power of the spirits. This was all linked to some spiritual fuckery that an occult organization had performed at the university. The only way they (and we) could be released was by finding diamonds and gold-dust on university property, a specific coin that could only be given by catholic priests, and a small disk picturing a woman in a white dress playing in a field with her dog that was hidden on the 8th floor of the school library...which didn't technically exist).
Because dream logic, we decided that the best way to find precious gems/metals on the university property would be to pan for gold. It was winter break, so the campus was mostly empty. My roommate agreed to search the grounds. I still had a library pass, and there was some legend about there being gold hidden in the dustiest of library books, so I figured out some way to pan for the stuff without damaging the books.
When I arrived, I ended up using some back entrance instead of the main entrance. I hadn't seen that entrance before, but maybe it was a shortcut, right?
(Fun fact: The library near the has appeared several times but gets increasingly stranger and more decrepit. The fact that it was this established adds proof that it was earlier in the timeline.)
And luckily, that was the right decision. I went down a moldy hallway with stained wood floors and found a single concrete staircase at the end of it. The staircase went up in a spiral, with a never-ending hole at its center. To my dismay, it ended at the top (fifth) floor. But when I entered that floor, I was in a section of the library that I'd never seen before. It was a small room with shelves of ancient books. In the middle was a single desk, and in its chair was a taxidermy orangutan in a dusty lab coat. On the other side was an open door leading to more concrete stairs. Except now, the walls were covered in old-fashioned gold and floral wallpaper.
I thought I was alone, but as I was almost at the eighth floor, a woman with glasses and a vaguely Edwardian black dress appeared in front of me. She didn't let me pass at first, but somehow, we fell into conversation. I did eventually leave, but I came back the next day, and we talked again, until I left and returned, and so on and so forth... we grew attached to each other, and one day, she led me to the 8th floor. She brought me a trough of water, and together, we meticulously removed the dust from the books. This was difficult since they were heavily damaged, but we did it with minimal damage.
Time didn't pass in that room, so I was probably there for an equivalent of months. During this time, of course, we fell in love. We panned through the dust together and indeed we found diamonds, emeralds, rubies, and gold dust. She said I needed much more than what I initially came for because the priests would only trade those coins for these gems from the 8th floor. She also told me that I couldn't simply bring the gold and diamonds to the baseball field, but that it needed to have been *inside* a priest. She knew this information because she'd formerly been a part of the original occult order. She'd had a relationship with a specific priest. He was the one who had bound her to that floor.
I also found the disk. It was hidden in a false book (the inside had been cut out). I don't know why I didn't tell her about it. I simply pocketed it.
She'd never died, so she planned to come with me when I left. Once I had what I needed, we descended the stairs. We entered the room with the orangutan. She followed me to the other side and down the next set of stairs, and then, suddenly, she was gone. Just...completely vanished. When I went back to the fifth floor, it was full of people (no orangutan in sight). All of the other floors were also full of people, students, and new books. Somehow, I knew this was because of the disk. The disk crossing the threshold had nullified her existence.
I was fucking devastated, but I still had work to do. I went to the church and provided the gems and gold dust. After some back-and-forth with the head priest, I was taken to a separate room with white walls. Lo and behold the priest who'd trapped my late ghost/goth girlfriend, not having aged a day, was there to greet me. He gave me the coins and almost sent me away but, remember, I what I kept needed to be handled intimately. And I'd been told some very specific, very useful information.
Long story short, I seduced and pegged the priest. Since the gold and diamonds had indeed been inside him at that point...well...you get the idea.
While he slept, I stole more of his coins and fled. I took everything to the baseball field. The dog ate the disk. And then...
I woke up...feeling very cold, morning the death of a relationship I'd never had, and a newfound confirmation that I definitely have a Type.
So. WHAT THE FUCK??????!!!!!
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blackarrow-bagels · 2 years
He had tnt in the power fantasy
Why is no one talking about c!wilbur using tnt in the power fantasy. C!eret hit the nail on the head when they demanded Revivebur give up something he valued- something that gives him power.
Revivebur didn’t have tnt in his Ender chest or inventory, but it’s still in his dreams. His self image. His conception of himself is a bomb, just waiting to explode on whomever he deems bad enough to deserve it
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"Hey, today would be a good day to watch a Foolish stream! I'm sick and want to just vibe, so Foolish is the perfect streamer for this!"
*Dream XD threat, Sam Nook sacrifice attempt, Dream shows up asking for Quackity, Sam gets ordered around by Dream, and Foolish makes a deal with Dream*
"That was not just vibing😃"
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dontcryminecraft · 2 years
The "I'm sad because I miss The Old Days when I hung out with my friends" storyline doesn't fit c!Dream's narrative because part of his villain storyline was he WILLINGLY cut out his old friends in order to grapple for power. He called them "attachments" and in the end, all George and Sapnap could do is be bitter and stare at the prison in grief and mourning for their friend who wasn't dead but might as well be. His entire villain lair from the Disc Finale was centered around how he wants to manipulate the attachments of those around him, and he's going to control the server by not having attachments. So making that his "almost redemption" (had it not been for the nuke) makes zero since and i hate it.
And don't get me started around the fact that TOMMY was the one to "realize" this and why THAT was a poor choice.
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honksapling · 2 years
NOOO what about kinoko kingdom and c!George c!sapnap. Wbu c!karl and his time traveling WHAT ABOUT THEM
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bakuvex · 2 years
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Some sort of redesign! Dream has his limbo hair
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distortionswife · 6 months
Okay but what if I wrote out all my TMA related dreams? I have a few already written out so you can all catch up on the lore ( half joking about that )
Stares at the joke me and my friend have that it's dream lore, so I'm gonna tag the posts as dream lore if I do post them.
They start out chaotically and keep going like that, so let me know!!
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More of my season 1 c!dream design, wish I made him bigger :/
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crissid5 · 2 years
I don't mind the dream smp ending, I think it's fine although a little boring, but it has left me with so many questions.
Like what happened with Michael? Is phil fully dead now because he only gets 1 life? What happened to all of the characters that weren't on there last life? What happened to ranboo? Is Wilbur going to return from Utah one day and find everyone dead or missing all of their memories? What happened to foolish since he can't die?
Idk, I've just been left curious about a lot things. Hopefully some of these questions get answered as other creators finish up their characters and we fully move on to season 2.
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mariusslonelysoul · 2 years
I've been watching evanmcgaming's dream smp lore videos all day and honestly? I'm still Very Confused, yet intrigued and entertained
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