All these people drawing Odysseus and none of them tying him up to his mast all bondagy
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halibellecter · 1 year
Break Me Open
"You want to spar? You never want to spar. Planning on defecting from us, Legate?"
"I want you to hurt me,"
"I want you to hurt me--" She's still so angry that she's shaking. And the right thing to do would be to spill the whole story to him, the return to the elevator, the digging, the other files-- the codes that now beyond a doubt weren't even their doing-- she nearly killed him and only to find out that her first recon mission had been right: that HE'D been right: there was no second layer, no true story, they did this to her on purpose, but... "And-- I want to hurt you. I can't-- there's so much and I can't--" Can't cry, can't scream, can't anything because Agents are always quiet, they're calm, and--
It's nice to be understood, even if at the moment, the way she knows Hunter understands what she's trying to say is via his left hook. That's a good start.
It's not enough to break her open-- let everything out so it will stop choking her-- but it feels good not to think about anything but the next few moves. Watch. Touch. Block. Dodge. Focus. Neither one of them is wearing any protective gear, belatedly she thinks she should've let him put some on but kicking against bone and tissue hurts, too, more than if he was wrapped up. They've never fought like this before, not before Quesh and not when she could finally hurt him. Not when she nearly killed him-- even then he went down easier, with that shock device. She can feel bruises forming and while they're not aiming for each other's face or head, accidents happen-- she'll have a black eye by tomorrow and her lip is split, nose bleeding, the blood mixing with sweat... striking and breaking apart again and again. It's so high energy that a stitch aches in her side as if she'd been running. No good, still no good. A few seconds where her eyes mist up or her voice jumps to a little louder than usual, but still...
Finally, both panting and bleeding-- when did she do that to his eye? ouch-- Legate curls in around her side, trying to guard the painful muscle spasm that keeps going every time she moves, and leaves her other side open. He lunges, and they both go down onto the mat, hard, rolling over and over. It's hard to fill her lungs up while being slammed down on her back and twisting around him to gain the upper hand. She didn't prefer either of them to win, not really; as long as they beat the osik out of each other that was fine with her--
But there is a winner, she realizes as his face looms over hers, as his hands clench around her shoulders, pinning her to the mat, locked in place. With some difficulty he frees a hand, shifts his weight,
"Shut up," He moves around her carefully, as if she's the enemy-- isn't she?-- aware that she's still trying to get out of his grip, and suddenly manages to get the right angle to scrub the sharp points of his knuckles against her sternum.
Pain. Pain, and an overwhelming amount of it. She gasps in a breath.
"You wanted me to hurt you." He digs the points deeper, and something breaks-- fortunately, only on the inside of her mind. Of course it's okay for her eyes to water a little. They don't use this trick in interrogations for nothing. Her next gasp comes out broken, a catch and then a rough sob. Her eyes finally brim over and tears spill down onto the mat.
"There you go. Keep going."
She assumes he'll draw back, give her some space, he hates this kind of mushy feelings crap, but he doesn't even move his hand away. He doesn't move it at all, in fact, except to gently rock his knuckles back and forth, watching her face and occasionally telling her she's doing good. He keeps varying where the points are exactly, but holds steady pressure that gives her constant pain-- and a constant reason to be sobbing as he pins her down. It's so bad, rough and dull and like an ache that's on fire, but that means it's a good excuse-- one that doesn't stop until she seems to have run out of tears, exhausted and only feeling half real. He pulls his hand back.
"Y-y-y---" she finally just nods, swallowing hard. He untangles them, stands up. Doesn't offer a hand.
"You good?"
More nodding.
"You're welcome. And Legate?"
She tilts her head at him, still not quite trusting herself to speak.
"Next time it's my turn."
He only waits for one nod before slipping out of the room, leaving her alone-- still sniffling-- in the middle of the mat.
I guess it takes one to know one.
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b3achysurfur · 2 months
APRIL FUCKING FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I COULD NEVEERRRR SUPPORT THAT LOUSY NERD!! notice how we see logan in 3 different forms (no glasses, glasses, and contacts) and there were 9 support posts for logan on my blog? well what’s 9 flipped upside down: 6. and combine that with the three… 666. Logan’s the devil. WE MUST GET RID OF HIM!!!!! DOWN WITH LOGAN FIELDS!!!!!! JUST WAIT UNTIL APRIL 10TH!!!! LOGAN DOESNT EVEN KNOW WHATS COMING 🔥✊
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kebriones · 7 months
They don't show you Achilles piercing hector's heels because they are huge cowards
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sher-ee · 6 days
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Memorial Day 2024
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 2 years
Kanaya: Men Will Make A Reddit Post Saying Their Gf Is Weird And Then Describe The Coolest Woman Imaginable
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poisonousquinzel · 8 months
Paramount cancelling iCarly when s3 ended with that cliffhanger is my villain origin story
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elisabeta-darling · 6 months
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violetthekiller · 10 days
its suddenly got cold the past couple days and now the library is freezing compared to it being like a greenhouse the last couple of weeks
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shaunashipman · 23 days
umm no we don't want you to stop asking about b*ddie because "we don't talk about gay ships" (what fucking year are you from) we want you to stop asking because it's annoying and repetitive and it makes the interviewers who are hungry for clicks ask it of every single actor on the show even when they should be focusing on that actor's character
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theejaguar · 1 year
Vox Machina entering Whitestone like:
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Brynjolf: I am not flirting. I am just hot and talking.
Brynjolf, to the Last Dragonborn: Not to you though.
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cantstayawaycani · 11 months
Going through the spock x uhura tag and seeing the anti-black hatred being spewed towards the beautiful actress portraying Uhura because she has darker skin, more "ethnic" features and short hair is so sickening to me. And it appears to be coming from women of color.
Wow. The colorism is hateful and nasty.
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evilhorse · 3 months
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It’s disgraceful for samurai to get so drunk they can’t do their duty!
(Usagi Yojimbo #13)
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