#diary of a madman
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Me whenever I'm around people...
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theconstantnymph · 7 months
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Diary of a Madman, 1962
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weirdlookindog · 1 month
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Vincent Price as Magistrate Simon Cordier in Diary of a Madman (1963)
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 4 months
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Ozzy Osbourne, 1981
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fanofspooky · 9 days
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Do you have a favorite Vincent Price movie?
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six-white-venus · 3 months
UHMM uhm. thoughts on strays
Dear God,
I am- you must know my name already, right? After all, I’m your child. My mother tells me you used to be a shepherd. My hair is white like that of a sheep. You must’ve let me go astray. What a bad master you are.
Dear God,
I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that.
Dear God,
Father (I can call you that, right? I’m your son, after all), won’t you take care of ma? She’s sick, and she screams way too much these days. You will take care of her, right? Ma tells me you are everywhere. I think I saw you yesterday. The doctor looks an awful lot like you when she tells me ma’s gonna be alright. I see you, father. You have a pretty smile.
Dear God,
I kissed a boy today. He tastes like apples.
Dear God,
I haven’t seen the boy I kissed in a week. The doctor won’t look me in the eyes anymore. I can’t see you. Where are you?
Dear God,
Would you come running if I burn the words that praise you? Would you come running, not for your kin or your children, but for yourself?
I must say, fire looks prettier than your smile. I rather like it. The smell of your beloved bible burning stings my nose. How very sweet.
Mother died today. The doctor cried. I see you. Do you know how I figured that was you, right there?
There was no sorrow in those tears.
What do I call you, now that I have deemed you unworthy of prayer? You are not human. You are not holy. You are cruel and twisted. You, do you exist? No. No, you exist. If you don’t exist, then that means I am my own God. Then that means I am the one who hates me so. You exist. Can you see me? I can’t see you.
I think I know what to call you. Coward sure does have a good ring to it.
No one knows I talk to you.
I laugh when someone brings up your name when I’m in the room. I spit on your existence. I don’t pray. But I talk to you. Because it’s soothing to pretend you’re here. You villain. It’s easier to pretend I’m just a stray searching for its way back to Bethlehem. Easier to pretend there is no freedom for a stray. I roam the streets searching for you with my leash in my mouth, whimpering, weeping, howling. It’s terrifying to be alone. So I talk. If I am the cause of my own demons, then what’s adding one more to the roster?
I made a priest go mad with anger today. In my defense, he kissed me back. I was the one who let go, too. A perfect gentleman. He told me I would never know of the lord ever again. I wanted to tell him: you silly thing. I have known him my whole life.
He is a stray stuck on the top of a lonely mountain. He is your father, the one that beats you black and blue for your own good. He is the light that blinds you. He is the filth that spills out of your mouth. He’s the hands you pulled me closer with. He is the holiest sin. To be holy is to be sinful. To sin is a thing of beauty. Beauty has always been bloody. I know God. He is the bloodiest one of them all.
Dear God,
I like to talk to you because one day, when I find my way home, I can fall to my knees in front of you. Father, look at these teeth you’ve given me. Father, I will promise to make you holy again. Father, why are you screaming? Father, don’t be scared, it all happens for a reason. Did you know a stray doesn’t cross the path of another in fear that the other will sink its teeth in its fur? Is that way you hid from me for so long, Father?
Father, look at these teeth you’ve given me. My hair was never sheep-white, was it? It has always been the white of Lilith’s fangs. I will see you again, Father. You would be proud to see the man your son has grown to be.
Can you hear me, Father? Soon, I will be the holiest (bloodiest) of them all. Watch out for my teeth, father. Watch out for the one stray you never came back for.
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*Originally published in Chinese with the title "Kuángrén Rìjì"; sometimes translated as "A Madman's Diary"
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zacksnydered · 1 year
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VINCENT PRICE as MAGISTRATE SIMON CORDIER Diary of a Madman (1963) | Dir. Reginald Le Borg ─ requested by @safarigirlsp​ .
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xray-vex · 1 year
"Believe him. He's quite insane."
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"He does have the eyes of a madman."
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gifsfrommydvds · 5 months
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Vincent Price and Nancy Kovak -
Diary of a Madman (1963)//dir Reginald Leborg
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theconstantnymph · 7 months
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Diary of a Madman, 1962
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weirdlookindog · 2 months
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Diary of a Madman (1963)
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 11 months
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Ozzy Osbourne "Diary of a madman" original billboard.
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im literally fucking screaming (not really)
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