#crowley aziraphale
sygneth · 7 months
I just need them to hug, ok?
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late night sketch
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peach16s · 4 months
Soooo.. my second tattoo had to be about my safe ineffable place🪽❤️😈
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rosecoloredmax · 10 months
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those tragic old gay entities… i cant get them out of my head
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thethingswedotomorrow · 7 months
Crowley has been with humanity since the beginning. The original serpent of eden, he is the first "monster" in humanity's bedtime stories. He is the figurative and literal demon on human's shoulders, always there to guide them one way or another. He's weaved through history itself, and prides himself on an impeccable track record of demonic activity throughout the last 6000 years.
But, naturally, after 6000 years, Crowley finds that he's spent more time pining after a certain Angel than doing any sort of work. Like, an extreme amount of pining.
And it isn't until after the notpocalypse that Crowley realizes that, entirely accidentally and very embarrassingly, he may have accidentally made his pining very, very public.
One of Crowley's favorite ways to waste a day is to take Aziraphale to different museums around the world and watch as the angel wanders around and points out all of the inaccuracies
"Good Lord Crowley, have you seen this painting? Portraying you as a dragon is a tad dramatic, I think. All we were doing were having a picnic. And I have never had my hair looking like that, thank you."
"I don't know Angel, they've got your wings spot on. Wa-Hang on, have they added horns to my head?"
"Oh, I see, suddenly it's only inaccurate when they've got you wrong."
The museums always seem to be miraculously empty, and whenever Crowley mentions this, Aziraphale suddenly finds a new, very interesting piece of art to admire
Crowley admires the lengths Aziraphale goes to to hide the small miracles he's done for Crowley's sake
As if Crowley wouldn't move literal mountains for the angel
*He did, actually, do that once.
In the 12th century, they were having a lovely evening together with multiple caskets of wine, up until Aziraphale complained about the amount of light in his eyes
"Honestly Crowley, all this sun and no shade, it must truly be awful for the humans around here with no shelter. It's a tad much, even for me."
Crowley, even then, immediately recognized this off-hand comment as an underhanded complaint, and knew that would not stand
When the small earthquake passed, Crowley claimed that the nearby church was on a fault line and he was simply doing his demonic duty by damaging holy goods in the area
If Aziraphale realized that the mountain range in the distance suddenly provided much more sun coverage, he never mentioned it.
Currently, however, Crowley follows Aziraphale around, wandering behind him and never truly looking at the things in the museum
In every single place they've ever gone together, there was only ever one thing that deserved Crowley's attention
And it certainly was not an inaccurate model of a 18th century tea set
But when Aziraphale wanders into a hall titled 'Love of the Past', he starts to panic. Just a very tiny amount, basically none at all. A small enough amount of panic that he could deny it, even to himself.
He thinks about the past, towards the beginning, back when Humanity was still getting it's footing and figuring out how to have governments and societies and (the most important part) figuring out the whole alcohol situation
Throughout the years, especially towards the beginning, Crowley began to resent any time not spent with Aziraphale
Everything seemed small and dull when compared to the way the Angel smiled when he saw new type of human dessert, or the way he laughed when Crowley managed to work out a clever comment
And once Crowley experienced those things, he never wanted anything else
He had seen the poetry the humans had written, how much emotion they could pour into a simple piece of parchment or a clay tablet
He never cared for written word, but he was shocked at just how much feeling the humans could manage to pour into words
So after Aziraphale left Rome (after the oysters and the wine and the smiles, for somebody's sake the smiles), he went due east for a new miracle on another continent
Crowley stayed and got well and truly drunk. As he did best.
He had spent a few weeks around the other drunks around the area, most poverty stricken and saddened with some sort of grief of one type or another
It wasn't until a group of poets wandered into his dark corner of the pub that he started to considered writing
Obviously nothing anyone would ever read, he'd ensure that. Every scroll or parchment that he'd touch with a quill would be burnt with hellfire before it left his sight
But, as many of his worst ideas started, he had nothing better to do and too much time to think
So he wrote. He wrote letters, first addressed to nobody, about random thoughts that would pop into his very intoxicated brain. Whether humans would ever find traces of the unicorns they lost on the ark, whether he would ever find a way to count just how many scales he had, whether he would ever reach a point where he didn't have to cover his eyes every day
Slowly, the letters started becoming addressed to 'A'. Whether he was conscious of this or not, he'd never admit.
But he wrote. He wrote to A about Hell, the jobs they required of him, the things they'd have him do. He wrote of the way humans had beaten him to the punch 90% of the time. How they would do things worse than Satan himself could imagine, and they'd never blink an eye while doing it.
He wrote of the way the sun darkened each day that passed without his Angel, the way his wine never seemed to have enough flavor when he was alone.
He wrote of the ways he imagined he could orchestrate an elaborate reunion, a convoluted mess of too much demonic activity in a small area that just happened to have a wonderful new tea, or so he's heard, and wouldn't it be a shame to leave the town without tempting the angel to try it?
He wrote to A about how he was sure he had no heart, no emotions. He was a Demon, for somebody's sake, he certainly had no need for stupid things like that, and so the ache in his corporation's chest when he sees the Angel had to be some sort of malfunction.
Anatural function, surely, that could be fixed with the right amount of aloofness and strong liquor
He wrote of the way the sun always seemed to hit the Angel's hair just right, and Crowley had no faith, he had no God.
But in those moments, with a halo around the angel and that smile aimed towards him, he might consider praying now to a different source altogether, a closer source. One full of life and light and actual proper goodness, not that fake advertised bullshit they plaster on church walls in pretty paintings and sad songs
Crowley wrote for a long while, and found that the writing helped the pain.
Even if only because it brought on memories of Aziraphale, and that was enough to hold him until they met again. It had to be, he had no choice in the matter.
And he wrote so often throughout the ages, and often while he was drunk. And he was so sure, so positive that he had burned every trace of his heart and emotion out of existence.
He had to be. The danger those words could put Aziraphale in was far too great. He couldn't be bothered to care of the danger to himself, but the fact that the very hint of any emotion could come close to hurting his Angel was enough to ensure that they would never come across another being's eyes.
He destroyed every letter and word that described his desire, his pain, his greed. He ripped the words he created out of reality as easily as he had written them. Every time, he burnt the parchment, and every time, it burnt a part of him with it.
And then the Apocalypse had happened. Or, well, didn't happen, he supposed. Really, he wasn't entirely sure if there was a difference.
Because everything had changed, even if the rest of the world hadn't noticed. And he was suddenly allowed to see Aziraphale with no excuse, no half-hearted reasoning behind it. He was allowed to want, and to crave, and he relished it.
And he was allowed to take the angel to museums to watch him fuss over small mistakes humanity had collected throughout the ages
Until he realized that they had, in fact, also collected HIS mistakes.
In a hall. A whole bloody hall. A hall, dedicated to and full of stupid parchment and sappy letters and wine stains over words written so long ago
And honestly who gave them the right? Leave it to the humans to collect other people's belongings and put it on display as their own
And he knew, from the moment Aziraphale read the first page on display, he just knew. This was it. All of it was ruined.
All because Crowley had gotten so drunk and passed out in his room above the pub, and when they'd thrown him out in a drunken stupor, they'd collected his belongings to sell afterwards. And he'd never even realized, so concerned about the next meeting, the arrangement, concerned about anything and everything except the one thing he forgot about and could end them both.
Any moment now, Aziraphale would look up at him, with disgust and confusion and all those emotions that he'd really rather not see on his face, preferably ever, but especially not towards him.
But Aziraphale never looks up. He reads the first page 5, 6, 7 times, being sure to capture every single word. Every wrinkle in the paper, every crease.
Then he moves to the next, and then the next. He repeats this process. Every page, he scours each and every page. Searching and scanning, analyzing every word.
Crowley is frozen at the entrance of the hall, too terrifed to say a word, but too hopeful to leave. He stands there, suddenly feeling the same feeling in his chest that he felt so many years ago, in the corner of the pub, sitting in the dark, wishing for the light that he knew would never come.
He's so panicked, that he doesn't notice Aziraphale finishing the last page, and wiping the tears from his eyes. He startles when he accidentally meets his eyes, and prepares a number of excuses and deflections, all to preserve this shred of peace and safety they had carved out for themselves.
"Angel, I- you really- ngk- humans are so rid- are you hungry? I could eat, I've heard they've got a killer bar around here, and we cou-I can get us there in 10 minutes, ngk actu- scratch that, we could be there in 5, I bet. Museums aren-angel?"
Crowley finds himself stopping the random stream of words coming out of his mouth, when he notices tears in Aziraphale's eyes
"Angel, I-"
That's all Crowley can get out before Aziraphale is walking towards him with a purpose
And suddenly Aziraphale is very close to him
Very very close
And suddenly Aziraphale's lips are on his, and Aziraphale is holding onto Crowley's jacket, and Crowley's hands are just waving in the air back and forth while he processes the last .5 seconds.
By the time he realizes what is actually happening, Aziraphale pulls away just enough to rest his forehead against Crowley's, and laughs.
He laughs. Laughs. Aziraphale is laughing and it's a wonderful, beautiful noise and Crowley doesn't quite understand why, but then he's laughing too and then they are both standing there, arms around each other, laughing and Crowley realizes now that all the words he's written, all the praises he sang of his Aziraphale, the way he wished and prayed for his heart and laugh and love
Not one bit of it is at all comparable to the real thing.
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reesemh · 3 months
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All of us ineffable strangers
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daneecastle · 2 months
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Reversed Veil of Worlds
Chapter 2 - page 30
Rouge is so lost with his demon. I hope Crowley will take him back after seeing this change.
Also I have started a discord group for this comic. Come join! Reversed Veil Discord Group
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Disclaimer: Fyi it is Rouge as in Red. Not Rogue as in the DnD class! And Baby angel is Kokabiel (or Koka).
To read future parts of this story, smut, and extras for Reversed Veil of Worlds go to my Patreon (supporting me will help me get them out faster) and Kofi (this has written details about each page). Link to both is within the Carrd Link. Previous Pages are on my AO3 which is also on my Carrd Link.
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raine-kai · 10 months
Can we talk about the fact that BOTH canon angel-demon pairs have had a date in the Edinburgh graveyard to stare at the statue of Gabriel.
Crowley took Aziraphale there to laugh at the statue, and Gabriel took Beelzebub to stare at the statue unironically.
That statue in a graveyard is the hottest date spot for angel-demon pairs in love on the planet.
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avadoingart-imus · 4 months
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All those sketches were for this one. I had so much fun doing this! This is based on a statue called The Brotherhood by Aime Jules Dalon.
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clitttteeriin · 6 months
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You should be dancing, yeaaah!!
Bee gees inspired
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worldvhs · 1 month
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the sillies !!
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sygneth · 7 months
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Something about parallel universes and broken hearts
My main inspiration was "Nobody" by Hozier, though this lovely piece of art finally pushed me to draw it.
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abirdhouseinyoursoul · 8 months
Listen, Crowley may have fell hard (pun intended), BUT THIS BISH FELL SO MUCH HARDER. I am CONVINCED he created heart eyes. CONVINCED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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A lot has already been said about Good Omens. And I think the most beautiful thing about it is that, as WE, the fans, try to analyse it to make sense of the events that came to pass in the last episode of season 6, we're also learning a bit more of ourselves, through the lens and perspective of the different characters.
It's sort of a comfort movie, a kind of therapy and self-reflection. So here we are empathising and learning to hold space for the characters that we dearly hold close to our hearts. (More like brain rot, if you ask me.) For me, I've gained a better understanding of myself over these past weeks (oohh it's actually months now!)
And I think we'll keep going back to it until we make sense of Crowley's heartbreak (even the depth of him sauntering vaguely downwards) and Aziraphale's choices. As we continue to simply wish for Muriel to get their ineffable parents back together:)
Like can I also say there are so many layers to it? It's astounding, brilliant, and deserving of the word, ineffable. The genius of its writing—metaphors, imagery, symbolisms, easter eggs and most significantly, the integrity of the characters.
Because just when you think you've figured it out, you reread the book, rewatch the series, stumble through a TikTok video or Tumblr post, and you learn something new! Ineffably chaotic. Ineffably human. Ineffably curious!
So here's to the world and to the ineffable idiots' endgame, where they get to live together for all eternity in their garden of Eden, where Crowley no longer puts the fear of Crowley to his plants, books and books upon shelves scattered through the garden, and the Bentley parked underneath the Tree of Knowledge.
At night, they have a better view of the galaxy when the solar system finally gets moved to the centre of the universe.
Let there be light. Let there be a happy ending. 🪽🐍
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thethingswedotomorrow · 5 months
I've been bored lately and realized now that season 3 is actually confirmed, I might as well rewatch Good Omens, and noticed in the season 2 credits, as Aziraphale and Crowley walk through the different scenes, all the 'people' following them are actually just Michael and David's faces with different haircuts and clothing attached
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And maybe I'm like 6 months behind and others have realized this but I CANNOT get over how great that is
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My personal favorite is this one.
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reesemh · 3 months
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daneecastle · 4 months
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Reversed Veil of Worlds
Pg 18
Is he really Aziraphale anymore? I mean to kill? Let me know what you think. Also looking for songs that fit the story. Post them. I’m making a playlist.
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To see previous pages go to my Patreon (support will help me get them out faster) and/or Kofi (has written details about each page).
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