kewaizi · 4 months
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Bad parenting 😼
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unbfacts · 2 months
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sunsonline · 29 days
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you’re parents forgot yoooou!
(month of mae day 4)
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jimmyhoffathecat · 9 months
Jimmy’s Recent Crimes
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1. He figured out how to open the drawer full of cat treats and ate a bunch of freeze-dried minnows and chicken hearts with the other cats
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2. He climbed to the ceiling above the fridge and got scared so I had to climb up there and get him down
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3. He has begun to attack my feet when he is hungry
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intriga-hounds · 22 days
i didn’t know where bazzy was for a while so i’m pretty sure he was stuck up here for at least 10 minutes
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thatsbelievable · 5 months
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drsonnet · 3 months
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It's 2024, not 1963.. Do you remember?
RIP Thích Quảng Đức 1963.
RIP Aaron Bushnell 2024
Thích Quảng Đức - Wikipedia
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On 29 April 1993, Graham Bamford doused himself with gasoline and set himself on fire in front the British House of Commons in London. Bamford did it in the hope of drawing attention to the atrocities committed during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, particularly the Ahmici massacre.
Britanac koji se prije 27 godina živ zapalio zbog rata u BiH – Index.ba
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RIP Aaron Bushnell.. His last words (Free #Palestine)
RIP Aaron Bushnell.. He decided to be a free man and not to be complicit in #GazaGenocide.. His last words were (Free #Palestine).
“I will no longer be complicit in genocide. I’m about to engage in an extreme act of protest, but compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it’s not extreme at all…Free Palestine.”
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"I don't need guns, I need fire extinguishers!" an EMT screams at police pointing their guns at a man who self-immolated in protest of a US-supported genocide. What an encapsulation of America, 2024.
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nichiperi · 5 months
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Had a rough day? Here. Have some canon-sized IITM boys. ✨👽🫴✨
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reality-detective · 13 days
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jloisse · 8 months
Netanyahu est un criminel de guerre
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tanuki-kimono · 9 months
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Irezumi kei (tattoo penalty) as depicted in the [徳鄰厳秘録 - Tokuringenbiroku], a kind of penalty instruction book compiled in 1814, digitalized by the National Archives of Japan.
CW for this post about Edo period judiciary => mentions of physical punishment, torture, death penalty (text only, no details, no graphic illustrations) . The irezumikei pages above are p.19 to 25.
I won't reproduced the illustrations here, but the Tokuringenbiroku book also presents other Edo period "punishments" and death penalties, like different types of goumon (torture), gokumon (decapitation and exposure of the head to public view), kakei (stake), haritsuke (crucifixion), or tameshigiri (sword cut testing, here on executed convict corpse). Please proceed to the full book according to your sensibilities!
Back to irezumi kei : the markings of character Akaza (from Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon's Slayer) are directly inspired by those, same for Mugen in Samurai Champloo for example:
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After Tokugawa Yoshimune's reforms abolished bloodier punishments (nose or ear cutting) for lesser crimes (like theft, gambling or fraud), irezumikei spread, inspired by Chinese bokkei practices.
Yet, zainin (lawbreakers) were also often beaten or whipped (tataki), which could be a "light" sentence or more far extreme one. Women tended to be imprisoned instead.
Punishment tattoos also often went alongside tokorobarai (banishment), which had several levels depending on the crime. You could be banished to a remote island, just away from your city, or forbidden to enter a certain perimeter.
Exile is why different areas had different marks, placed on the arms or faces, easily identifying the person as a criminal convicted in another region.
Number of lines or dots were often used to symbolize repeated offences (pic below source). Most of the times, getting 3+ irezumikei could grant you death penalty.
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Irezumikei maybe be why criminals came to use extravagant tattoos, as to cover their infamous marks, leading to the yakuza association with body ink.
Yet, other strata of population also favored figurative tattoos, so the link between criminals and tattoing in Edo period is not self-evident.
Some shapes of -sode (sleeve part of a tattoo) for example left arm interior bare, maybe to prove then that no armband tattoo was hidden underneath a bigger design.
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flock-talk · 2 months
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Criminal activities
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urban0primitive · 1 year
If I see one more person bitching about the “it” pronouns or “bi lesbian” label you are banished. That’s it. It has 9 girlfriends and hacked the fucking no fly list!! You wish you could comprehend it’s swag
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intriga-hounds · 7 months
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mushroomates · 11 months
fellowship crimes
pippin: steals. canonically, and without a doubt in my mind, does not give a shit. all the time. mostly shoplifting, extends to any building. restaurants, houses, etc. fuck it.
merry: steals when around pippin. mostly provides diversions. pippin steals more but merry steals bigger, more expensive items. only from large corporations.
legolas: trespassing. private property?? what’s that?? you WILL find him on government property, he WILL be 30 feet up in a tree.
gimli: steals rocks from national parks. “if it’s on the ground, it’s fair game.”
gandalf: accused of kidnapping the hobbits. pippin played into it, getting him detained. also arrested on “disturbing the peace” at the shire.
boromir: vigilante justice and assault. wrestled back his wallet from a pickpocket and punched him in the face.
aragorn: weapons with out permit, bringing weapons into public places without proper licenses. (“sir, you can’t bring your sword into this walmart.”)
frodo: unpaid library dues. forgot to return a book, felt bad so he avoided the library, and the fines exponentially increased. it has been 8 years. he drives to the next town over now for his books.
sam: propagation. not crimes, but sometimes he will take a leaf or two off of a pretty plant and always feels bad about it :(
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folks, it's happening... get on our level, this wednesday, in your favorite podcast client
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