#cyborg franky
redinthesea · 2 days
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Little eggheads because I really like that early shot in the opening and wanted to turn them into stickers!!!
+ individual goobers on their own
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wachinidad · 17 hours
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Part 2 of Zosan au, because it's just beginning
Zosan Germa Prince au Masterlist
part 1
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getsilly · 2 days
can you draw franky? hed look so silly in ur style :3 (pre-ts or post-ts is up to you if you wanna do this)
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sure can (+ robin 😁)
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tehzeldamaster · 3 days
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*squishes him like a squeaky toy*
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ettoarts · 2 days
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Got that pre-timeskip crew
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legend-had-it · 15 hours
happy pride month to all the gays on the thousand sunny
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ladynolia · 11 hours
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Little Perona ghost princess
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luffyvace · 3 days
There’s gonna be a new op series called character remix!!
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this is so exciting and cool!
here’s my thoughts and take on it 💌💗
so if you haven’t heard it’s basically where we’ll get to view all the strawhats pov before they met Luffy, instead of picking up on they’re life where Luffy met them since the anime is in his pov. They’ll be going in chronological order and the first 2 volumes will come out July 4th. Starting with Luffy I believe, in stead of flashbacks like marineford we’ll get the full thing! :) yippie! Also! There’s gonna be 580 pages per volume! That’ll totally be packed with info right?! 🎉
starting with who I’m most curious about:
Robin: 📖📚
she’s first because most backstories are straight to the point in flashbacks but for me it just feels like it happened really quickly. Personal opinion. Also! We got to see that she likes books but we mostly saw her pain. The only thing to have ever made her happy as a child was books, Saul and the researchers. Therefore we didn’t get a chance to learn much about little robin! Would she like dolls if she had to opportunity to get one? Or building blocks? If she wasn’t neglected would she have been a louder person naturally? You never know because how you grow up can mold you, so if you’re in a survival mode from such a young age you don’t get much time to focus on your personality! Which is why I like Robin’s “saying creepy things” gag, it lets me know she’d be a bit of a weirdo! But it can also stem from hardly having any light in her life- also fact that she’s straightforward about it shows some of her personality as well!
Zoro: ⚔️🗡️
this guy’s past is definitely gonna be good! We seriously didn’t get to see anything about him at all! We don’t know what he like’s personally, and yes training and such, but what about silly little adventures?! He lost Kuina which is a part of big part of darkness in his life, but we still don’t know Zoro on a deep level. Really it’s just gonna be interesting to see what the volume has to offer! :)
Franky: 🤖🦾
this!!! This guy! Nobody talks about how little we know of him! It’s like Zoro, we only know what he’s good at! We only know he likes to build! But we don’t know any habits or hobbies he could’ve tried to pick up that didn’t stick, we didn’t see him evolve and grow! Franky and Robin are in their 30s! We don’t even know what they were like in their 20s! Especially not franky!! I’m really pumped to see what he’ll be like from the flashback up til when he meets Luffy, a weirdo that’s for sure. It’d be fun to see the franky family funny moments too!
Brook: ☠️🏴‍☠️
Dude. No one talks about the fact that his flashback started when he was already an adult!! The only reason we know what he looks like as a child is because Oda drew it! Obviously he was playing music back then as well, but all the strawhats ambitions started when they were a kid! That’s not enough info! We don’t know his parents, hometown, anything! We don’t even know why he loves music! I mean we do, but not really we’re it stems from directly, was his parents out of the picture? Were they there but didn’t care so music was all he had? Were they struggling financially? Did he raise himself? What?!
Nami: 🍊🧡
again! All we know is her dream, not her personally! The most we know is why she loves money! And that was shown in the flashback! We also know she wasn’t financially stable, but what about the day to day life? Did the tangerine sales pick up in the summer? Why weren’t they selling good? Couldn’t they have gone to all the neighboring towns to sell them? How did Bellmere break the news that they weren’t a biological family when Nami was of age? Did she always figure and it was an unspoken thing? Or did Nami cry when she found out? We don’t know!
Sanji: 🧑‍🍳🥘
ngl he would be higher on the list if I watch whole cake but I’m only on Zou 😁 anyway, the article I read to find out the series was coming out mentioned the fact that we don’t know exactly when and how Zeff met, which is a good point!! I’m interested in how that went down too! It pretty much just slipped over that during the flashback, did Sanji escape? Did Zeff take him in welcoming or did Sanji have to fight to get in? Did Zeff help break in out? Now keep in mind I haven’t watch Whole cake so if these questions have been answered I don’t know yet. Anyway that’s my take on it, but one more thing. I feel we’ll get a deeper sense of why Sanji loves to cook. And if there’s anything else he likes besides that!
Chopper: 🦌
I wanna see his day to day life! And also funny moments bc IK they’re there. Also to see him study more! Honestly just more background for this little cutie is all I want. Maybe he should be lower on this list….idk? I really wanna see his tho..
Usopp: 🤥
he’s also lower bc i feel they did a good job showing us enough of Usopp’s background. They got the point across real well, but I would like to see more Usopp pirate crew adventures tho!
Luffy: 🧑‍🌾
Lol the emoji is supposed to be a strawhat. Anyway I LOVE Luffy which makes it odd that he’s so low on this list, but he gets lots of screen time, I feel he also got the longest and most detailed backstory. They did a real good job covering most things, I’d honestly just want to see more adventures and they years between 14-17 bc they timeskiped it lol. Itd be fun to see teen Luffy and Ace interact more, since they’re not little kids anymore. Like arguments about who’s gonna be taller, hobbies they might’ve picked up, talking about what they’re gonna name they pirate crews, sneaking into Goa kingdom together and going through another man’s trash to find they’re own treasure. So I guess I might wanna see his more than I thought! Anywho!
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“[Luffy] would rather be free than be important” -Bartolomeo
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pippin-pippout · 2 days
It’s not just the opening, they’re showing all the straw hats choosing to become stronger and remembering why they joined Luffy.
Nami’s story still makes me cry.
Meanwhile Chopper is shockingly the only one who managed to get off his island thanks to a lift from his friend’s dad, but then had to awkwardly ask him to turn around.
Franky needs to put on a face again. I hate his flashback because we keep having to see his bare ass butt. Also how many incidents knows as the Baldimore xyz is he gonna cause?
I feel worse for Iva having to deal with Sanji than Sanji having to deal with Iva. I hope Sanji learns how to not be pathetic around girls and stops being pervy.
Just relieved Brook’s goal of getting stronger has nothing to do with panties. Not great that the best he could come up with was trying to hold himself at a more extreme 45 degree angle. Can he not at least stop to see Laboon?
Robin’s still hits so hard. Get you a captain who will burn down the world government for you, just to renew your will to live.
Oh for Usopp it’s the moment he took off the mask to get Luffy back up and fighting. Also Usopp reading Luffy so well through that simply message: “he keeps pushing himself and he’s crying out for help.”
And Zoro swallowing all his pride to ask his enemy for training.
I can’t believe Rayleigh was like “no women can be on the island while we’re training.” I assume it’s because only women knew where he was but the implication that Luffy would somehow be distracted because *girls* makes me feel like Rayleigh needs to work on his observation haki.
I’m also wondering who Rayleigh thought was the dumb looking straw hat that might not get the message. Sanji because of the crappy drawing?
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Fuente: voiddotexe / Tiktok
Calza muy bien hehehe, amo <3
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fluffyartbl0g · 5 months
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one piece saved my life man
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themetalhiro · 2 months
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The End
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r0ttkins · 2 months
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today is agressive day
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yellowistheraddest · 4 months
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