erros429 · 15 days
Some Izutsumi text posts pleeeease?
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hell yea :) i already made an izutsumi exclusive (see: pt28) but here’s dungeon meshi textposts pt32, izutsumi + cat onion headlines
pt1 | pt2 | pt3 | pt4 | pt5 | pt6 | pt7 | pt8 | pt9 | pt10 
pt11 | pt12 | pt13 | pt14 | pt15 | pt16 | pt17 | pt18 | pt19 | pt20 
pt21 | pt22 | pt23 | pt24 | pt25 | pt26 | pt27 | pt28 | pt29 | pt30 
pt31 | pt32 |  pt33 | pt34 |
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danganronpafakes · 6 months
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Kokichi: …And so the ninjas tore their way through the bowling alley, expertly shredding the clothes of any attractive men present while leaving them unharmed, until they made their way to us, and… Maki: What are you doing? Kokichi: Lying for attention. Maki: Seriously? Kokichi: What? It's fine, she knows I'm lying. Tsumugi: No, I don't. Shut up.
Source: El Goonish Shive
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inbarfink · 8 months
It is kind of telling that this woman Simon meet one time by chance suddenly decided to drop everything to follow him on a expedition to find an artifact that might not even exist after a single, pretty short, conversation, and he just... doesn't question it for a moment and goes "Okay!".
Yeeeep, you hit that right on the money! Especially since his 'offer' for her to come was clearly done as, like, kind of a joke. He said that in jest
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But Betty, in her infatuation with Doctor Petrikov and, like, general impulsiveness, saw this an opportunity and just leapt at it.
And Simon went along with it, partly because he's just too passive against Betty's incredible forwardness to be like "Hey, um, what about your own study tour you literally just mentioned? That also sounds important.....Also I don't know you." and also because Betty gave him a whole bunch of Validation that he seldom ever gets.
Like, that's the reason for that whole "THEY LAUGHED AT ME AT THE UNIVERSITY" plot beat in this flashback.
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Betty was one of the few people to actually appreciated Simon's work and like... talked about him like he's this great brilliant researcher ("THE Simon Petrikov") and that was a mega-shot of validation he probably never got before. Yet another reason why he was so quick to take her up on that offer despite all the red flags.
And also, Betty being his first and often only source of Validation is probably the main reason why Simon's self image plummeted after Betty 'left' him and caused him to develop his own self-sacrificial tendencies.
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laurasimonsdaughter · 3 months
I thought you like this idea for a story I had one time: It was about a pair of ancient dragon siblings having a feud that was, literally, tearing a country apart. The solution ends up being calling their even more ancient dragon mother to scold them into behaving. And then have a nice meal with her. She don't get that without some good recipes.
Fantastic idea! I always endorse tattling to giant beasts' moms~
It's a very mythological concept in general, to have the feuds and reunions of ancient creatures or entities have a huge effect on mortal life without this even necessarily being their intention. Reminds me of the traditional story Jarita Holbrook (cultural astronomer at the University of the Western Cape in South Africa) talks about it in this interview:
"My favorite myth is from the Batammaliba people in Togo and Benin" in Africa, said Holbrook. In this myth, the sun and the moon are fighting during an eclipse, she said. The people "encourage the sun and the moon to stop fighting." "They see it as a time of coming together and resolving old feuds and anger," Holbrook said. "It's a myth that has held to this day."
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annabelle--cane · 7 months
Question: How often did tma episodes release when it was on going, so I know what to expect when tmagp comes out? Like, weekly, monthly or was it more sporadic?
weekly, with (usually) one mid season break, and it seems like tmagp will be following the same schedule
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abandoned-quiche · 1 year
I really, really hope Rouxl Kard insert himself as a miniboss in every single chapter even though the antagonist didn't ask him to or even know who he is. And every single time that he loses he does little "GOD. DAMMIT.", this dude is the worst and I adore him.
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softesteshouten · 17 days
You are like the closest thing right now to a Homestuck beyond canon liveblogger and I really appreciate it. Especially how you actually try to engage with the story they are trying to tell instead of dismissing it out of hand.
Thank you!
I really like Homestuck and it's also just really nice to see what they're trying to do with modern Homestuck. I'd be doing more with the other Homestuck properties on this blog but I lack the time to do it.
The story they're trying to tell is inherently interesting, even back when it wasn't Roach leading the pack. I think the inevitable thing of Meat & Candy combining or fusing or whatever is what's going to happen, and this is watching the leadup to that and whatever happens after.
To me, it feels like the two canons combining will end up being something similar to Cascade, or maybe just all four kids being in the game at the same time. You know it's gonna happen, everything's leading up to it, it's just how will it happen, y'know?
What'll happen after? What are the consequences?
I've also just been interested in Squared in particular because I wanted to know just how good it would or wouldn't be. I kinda aimed for a lot of my liveblogs to capture the review kind of energy as well, but it's hard to capture that energy when there's not a lot I'd like to criticize.
As well, the story is what it is. Trying to actually interact with it makes this whole thing a lot more fun than just complaining whenever an upd8 comes out. Or just, posting the funny pictures and going "WOW COOL ART THE ART RULES BUT THE STORY SUX LMAO".
(That was kind of my general consensus on Squared back then in 2020. They never missed with the art except that one time, but the story was always questionable that's leading towards one big thing, but who the hell knows what'll happen after that. Now it feels like the writers have a concrete plan in mind and they're building up all these little things to hint at it. What's the plan? I have no fucking clue but I'm excited to find out.)
TL;DR: Squared is fun and I like liveblogging it and thank you for liking my liveblogging.
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isabelguerra · 1 year
The hell you are talking about? Gage very clearly doesn't have a giant scar thing going diagonally through his face. Do you even understand genetics?!
reginald d. punnett is on the phone with me right now he says its a recessive gene and also gave me the science nobel prize
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tokiro07 · 1 year
Saw your posts about giving negator powers to one piece characters and I loved it! They were so many creative uses of Canon ones and also ones you made yourself, I wish I could do so many.
(Also as an epithet erased fan, I imagined what characters I could give a negator and I choose to give Giovanni one i called Unloyal, which make anyone betray what they care about the most, which caused all of Giovanni minions to try to kill each other and him when it manifested. Because I like angst and tragedy.)
The realization that I didn't give a single thought to how the One Piece Negators would have experienced tragedy like those from UU proper
Honestly that's very like me, I'm not too interested in writing angst myself, but that's absolutely fair
If I were trying to write Epithet Negators, I probably would have tried to find a way to incorporate soup into Giovanni's Rule, like...Unclean, allowing the user to generate unclean materials. In Giovanni’s case, when he thinks “unclean” he thinks stains, and nothing stains like soup, so he can conjure and manipulate soup, that sort of thing
I do see your point, the tragedy of Giovanni’s boys turning on him is much more in line with how Tozuka would make a character suffer, that’s just not how I like to approach things
To me, an Epithet is much more in line with a Rule while something like, say, Giovanni’s special skill for landing a critical hit every 13th attack would be something more akin to an Artifact, likely tied to his Soul Slugger Doom Bat. Let’s call it...Bad News Bears, that’s a baseball movie! 
Alternatively, his critical hits could be his Rule, either as a reinterpretation of Unluck (because of the 13 hits rule) or Unendurable (his attacks cannot be endured and he severely injured someone in a baseball accident), and his Artifact is...Duck Soup! Since it’s a silly ability, it should be named after a comedy, and it allows him to conjure a healing broth that he weaponizes by making it into Soup That is Too Hot with Unendurable
There’s really a shocking number of ways you can make this go considering how radically different the Epithet and Rule frameworks are
Let’s see how far I can take this...
Molly, Unintelligent - negates intelligence in a target; Artifact A Quiet Place creates a no sound zone
Giovanni, Unclean - negates cleanliness by manifesting dirty materials, which Giovanni interprets as staining soup; Artifact Bad News Bears deals extreme damage every 13 hits
Mera, Unsubstantial - negates the substance of a target, making it frail and weak; alternatively, Unhealthy and compensates with the Artifact Wreckfest to make others as fragile as she is
Indus, Untouchable - barrier
Sylvie, Unwaking - negates wakefulness in targets; Artifact Requiem for a Dream manifests dreams
Percy, Unguard - using her Real Ass God Damn Sword, Percy is able to cut through anything; Artifact Two Towers allows her to construct spires with various magical abilities
Ramsey, Untarnished - turns objects to gold so that they cannot rust or decay
Zora, Untimely - negates the current state of an object by moving it through its own timeline, into the past or future; Artifact The Good, The Bad and The Ugly allows her to fire her own energy as projectiles rather than using ammo
Maybe there’s better ways I could have gone about it, but this is the best way I could think of to accurately recreate the Epithets within the framework of Undead Unluck. I’m sure these could be used to create tragedies akin to those in UU, but the story of Epithet Erased is so different that it kind of feels artificial to me to inject tragedies that aren’t already there
Either way, thanks for giving me the excuse to dive down this rabbit hole, it was a lot of fun!
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lion-buddy · 1 year
Have read prison of plastic yet? Because it was really good.
ahhh i havent yet!!! i reallyyyyy really need to get on that cuz i like. have the book and everything. and everyone is telling me its very good and yet, it cant seem to start it. i do plan to read it tho!
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lorillee · 2 years
In regards of Aramaki change of personality, it been a few years since our first snippet of him, so perhaps Oda change his mind on a few characteristics since then or didn't have him completely figure out yet. Those things can happen with something as long as One Piece.
i mean its true but also....... it hasnt been that that long comparatively in a series as long-running as op and it seems deeply strange to do a complete 180 from his introduction. it'll definitely get explained though and i am SOOOOOOO excited . i just want more of him so bad immediately right now
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crystalelemental · 2 years
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Any sandwich. Just cook up on the move and friendship can grow beyond the 160 maximum.
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danganronpafakes · 9 months
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Komaru: If you ever want to talk to somebody… Toko: …Curl up in a corner of my room and pointedly avoid all human contact? Komaru: Or talk to somebody. Toko: Sure, if I wanna break out in hives.
Source: Dumbing of Age
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inbarfink · 4 months
Your art so cool! Do you got any more? I been starving for content.
I'm... assuming that you mean DOA-themed artwork. In that department, I only really have this shitpost "Joyce as Franziska from Ace Attorney" I made very quickly due to a joke a friend of mine made
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And I do mean to do more Good Omens AU stuff next month or maybe the month after that!...... But first I need to settle on who Crowley's gonna be (Everyone in the comments to the poll are making very good arguments for every option!)
If you're just talking about my art in general.... I have a webcomic wink wing nudge nudge!
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With the latest chapter showing one of the elders transformation we gotta give credit to Sabo for being able to get out alive from a room with FIVE of those plus the the thing they bow to. Saw something straight out of literal hell and lived to tell.
All of that, PLUS he got like,,, pretty far with Cobra under his arm, too. Didnt quite make it out of the room, but hey, thats further than i would get 🤷‍♀️
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annabelle--cane · 7 months
I am still mad I completely missed it, could you tell me what was the tmagp ARG about and anything particularly important or interesting I should check about it?
if I were you I'd start by watching this video by @pinkelotjeart that was made as the arg was happening and chronicles most of the big events, and then I'd go to the masterdoc linked in that video's description and pick deeper into details that catch your eye. big picture: the arg gave us some introduction as to what spooky atrocities the alternate universe magnus institute was up to, some of the OIAR's vibes, and also bonzo is there. who is bonzo? bonzo.
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