#clicker training
nocturnowlette · 2 days
gonna get Click! (2006 (by Adam Sandler)) trained
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osakanone · 2 months
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babygirlbondage · 5 months
oh puppy don't resist it, you know you want to let it happen. click you know thinking isn't good for you and it makes me so much happier when you're dumbed down. click thats it puppy click give in and don't fight it click go on and bark for me pup click bark like the good mutt you are click get on all fours click such a good puppy click open your mouth click stay click just let me use you how you're intended click good puppy! you seem like you're close already, huh? click wait for permission like you're supposed to. be good for me click fuck, your'e so pretty when click you're needy like this. click now cum for me puppy click cum for your owner click
good mutt click
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puppybr4ined · 2 months
clicker training thoughts
clicker training thoughts
clicker training thoughts
clicker training thoughts
clicker training thoughts
clicker training thoughts
clicker training thoughts
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sluttygirlboy · 8 months
I didn’t used to be into pet play but I spent too long on t4t tumblr and now I just want someone to turn me into their puppy and collar me and keep me in a cage when theyre not using me and call me their good girl and make me bark and clicker train me and keep me as their dog forever
This is a normal part of coming out as trans and realizing what a sub bottom you are I think
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kryspiekream · 9 months
i have learned a new thing about clicker training
once you're trained and your brain releases the pleasure chemical at the sound of a click
it doesn't just turn you on. it doesn't just make you horny.
i literally just got clicked to the point of inebriated.
i can't walk, my speech is slurred, it's taking all my focus to avoid typos.
i am actually drunk from clicks
the sex was amazing btw
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puppytopper · 6 months
I want to clicker train a sub. I want to train them to fall into subspace when I click it. I want to train them to do tricks with different numbers and lengths of clicks. One click, they’re in sub space and getting their collar. Two and they’re on their knees in front of me, waiting patiently to be collared, invisible tail thumping the floor excitedly.
I want to watch their eyes glaze when the collar closes around their throat, their cunt getting wetter by the second. Three clicks and they’re pawing at my pants, desperate to devour my cock and cunt. They’re only allowed to move and seek friction when they hear four clicks. I make them wait until I’ve come at least four times.
Five clicks has them on all fours, ass in the air to present their soaked, dripping cunt to me. They can’t move until they hear six clicks, no matter how hard, fast, or slow I’m fucking them. They’re allowed to bark when I hit their favorite spot, though.
Six clicks and I stop, letting them howl and whine and bark and fuck themselves wildly on my cock, driving themselves to the edge of orgasm. They’re not allowed to come until they hear three long clicks. I make them wait at least ten minutes, until they’re dripping down my cock, face down, whimpering and begging. I make them bark like the good puppy they are when they come.
I clean them up and let them out of sub space with ten clicks.
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sirpearl2 · 6 months
Clicker training is a fun concept right?
You’re way too smart for that aren’t you though?
You’re a big smart girl. Sure its you feel good when you hear that noise
But it’s your choice isn’t it?
If I tell you to stick your tongue out
And you do it 
That's just because you wanted to, right?
Of course you’re not being trained. You’re just having a good time 
Take your tits out
You wanted to do that didn’t you, it couldn’t of been the clicker
No of course not
But what if? 
Of course you’re not being trained. You’re just having a good time 
Start rubbing yourself
The clicker feels so good doesn’t it?
And of course you like to feel good
You want to do what makes you feel good
You NEED to do what makes you feel good
It doesn’t really matter if it’s your choice
It just feels too good
Go ahead and just admit it
You’re a clicker trained slut
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nocturnowlette · 1 month
it's so funny when people are surprised that they can be clicker trained like a dog. of course you can, you're an animal too. thing is, when you clicker train dogs it's actually harder to.
dogs don't know they want it already, after all. you could be trained in a week.
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mommyownsmee · 8 months
Today I woke up with the urge to clicker train you. This isn‘t the first time this happened. It‘s on my mind almost the whole day since an whole week now. It makes mommy think about all the beautiful possibilities I could use it for- to make you completely obey to me. I want to reduce you to a whimpering needy mess at the sound of a click.. moulding you into my personal little obedient toy. Mommy knows you‘ll love every second of it, baby. I don‘t want you to hestitate. Just enjoy mommy‘s touch.. see.. I didn’t even touch you properly and you’re already squirming? click. Awh, baby.. do you like mommy‘s lips click on your skin? click. Do you want more, baby? Mommy‘s hand click on your neck? click. Or mommy‘s fingers click on your clit? click. Does this make you moan? click. What did you say, baby? Ask me again nicely. I can‘t hear you well between all your pathetic click moans. click. Mh? Mommy‘s fingers click in your pussy? click. Does my little whore click deserve this? Yes? Look at mommy‘s hand click, baby. Open your eyes and stop squirming. click. I want you to see how I‘m sliding my fingers into your cunt.. click. Good girl. click. Look at my fingers. Your breathing is already fast click, baby.. Mommy didn‘t even touch click you properly. Do you want me to go faster click, whore? click. Deeper? click. Hitting your gspot? click. Moan louder click, baby. Show me how much you want it. Be my good girl.. click. Such pretty sounds click for mommy.. Oh, are you already close click, baby? Too dumb fucked click to answer mommy? Your eyes are all glassy, whore. click. Do you want to cum click for mommy? Say it, whore. click. Tell mommy what you want. Can you, hm? No? Such a pathetic click little thing. Use your words click, baby. You want to cum? click. Good girl click, baby. Mommy knew you could do it. Then go on, whore. click. Cum click for mommy!
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lilcute-lilcrazy · 2 months
Me liking a bunch of your posts is the equivalent to a puppy nudging your hand for pets. (Also I'd probably want you to fuck me stupid but pets is cool too)
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tboychewtoy · 3 months
save me.. save me clicker training... please save me..
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ifwedanceinthemagma · 29 days
Such an obedient puppy that you know when I can't stop staring at those pretty lips and order down and present you should be on your knees, chin up and mouth open, staring up at me with those big expectant eyes.
My dumb mutt already drooling watching me unzip myself, you know you've been a good puppy. You can barely wait for your treat but you're too loyal to pounce on me without permission.
So happy when I grab you by the collar and pull you in close to nuzzle my bulge, let you feel it's warmth rub against your face, feel my fat cock grow and harden, take in its scent. Obediently holding in those pretty moans and muffling your whines into my crotch until I give permission to bark for your owner.
My poor puppy's mind so fuzzy with sex since the last time I used it, almost overflowing with joy as I take out my dick and slowly work the head into your mouth, parting your wet lips around it. Hear the clicker in your ear as I fill you up to the back of your throat, so thick on your tongue. How do I taste pup?
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cafterdark · 4 months
Need a girl to just walk up to me in public, collar me, then take me home and break my brain in two because obviously I'm an indoor pet
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dog-collared-moved · 4 months
date idea under $20:
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meren-mindgames · 2 months
A little experiment I had recently. My cute Sub and a lovely friend in the same room.
Taking your Sub, and setting her in front of a trusted friend. She gets to go from a respectable adorable cutie, to a Pathetic, Panting Puppy. Pawing at your leg for attention, pleading for you to pet her. Passing her betwixt the People having a conversation. She doesn’t really understand what is being said, you can take her words from her and leave her helpless. All she has is her whimpering and barking for your attention. Barking for a Treat. Crawling between the People to get them. Letting her get needy and desperate, until she can’t help but grind on your leg. It’s understandable when she has been trapped in her own mind.
Putting her back into her kennel to rest and behave, while being admired. Still withholding her words, she doesn’t need them. She never needs them. All she needs is a choke chain to give a little tug on to catch her attention. All she needs is enough thought to recognize the clicker, and her commands. Nothing further. Clicker Training to keep her Obedient.
Puppy gets to perform, entertain, and amuse People. Decoration ultimately. Enjoy a conversation with a Pretty Pet in the room. Being shown off for all the tricks, and the way her Dignity disappears the moment you drag the Puppy out.
It Feels Good to be Good.
Bark for me, Pet.
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