nocturnowlette · 17 hours
desperately searching for a rock-paper-scissors dominant/submissive dynamic
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nocturnowlette · 18 hours
uhhh hey ! wrrrff !! jus wanna tellya tha u r so sososo cool aaaaa
ur so clever n smart n good at hypnosis !!! i’m so super shy but but i wanted u 2 kno how cool i think u r
the mind’s always been a huge interest of mine n i think its incredibly fascinating how trance affects the mind !! n n you understand how it works so well n idk i rlly admire that…
i feel like id learn so much if i ever worked up the courage to dm u >.< i kinda wanna pick ur brain so to speak bc im v interested in hypnosis ! n n ur so knowledgeable ab it id learn so much aaaaaaaa
okay um thankies !! awoooooooo *throws dust int he air, obscuring me* *runaway*
DMing me works great, and so does applying to the discord here.
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nocturnowlette · 22 hours
I just remembered a fun Memory Play trick that I pulled a while ago.
During the first time I did a full memory play session, I used the visual of fog that I could manipulate and control to cover specific parts of memory.
The fog would cover an area, and it would make it so that any time they tried to retrieve a memory from it, they would start dropping into trance, and that every object seemed to poof away when they tried to grab it.
Even when they managed to grab on to a memory, it would drop them sharply downwards until they let go, and when they let go, it would disappear again immediately.
I also used the fog to cloud their general perception during the trance, making it so less information taken in would be remembered.
All of this is to say that it was far more potent than any of the subjects anticipated, especially for a text trance, so an idea popped into my head to really mess with them.
They'd all been generally trained to be susceptible to me at this point, and even further with some specifically relevant connections. Among all the other triggers, they all had the Bark trigger. They had also been trained to a specific text format for my triggers, that being the larger header text on Discord.
And so, I woke them up in the middle of the trance and, out of nowhere, went
They all responded automatically and started freaking out about it, since they didn't remember me install it, before I put them back down again.
I continued the trance for a good while after that, installing a mantra, "Good Pups Obey", before finally waking them up. I decided to clear the fog because I like my subjects knowing how I affected them. I like to clear out the fog in a very specific way, by breathing in with my subjects, and breathing out to blow the fog away, restoring all of their memory.
However, after our talk about how it all went and how nice the session was, I asked a simple question:
When did I install the Whine trigger?
Answer is, I didn't. They were primed on all the surrounding ideas for the trigger beforehand, so I could assemble them all together into a new trigger the moment I said it.
They couldn't really tell the difference, though. ^v^
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nocturnowlette · 22 hours
Sorry if you have said before but what are your pronouns?
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nocturnowlette · 2 days
gonna get Click! (2006 (by Adam Sandler)) trained
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nocturnowlette · 2 days
One I did recently was a variation on the bubble visual.
I suggested the idea that their focus itself, after enough focus suggestions, become so sharp that it started to pop bubbles just by focusing on them. Any time any thought at all came into focus, it just went pop!
I really love "molding" focus into shapes as a visual, and this is a new one that popped into my head on the spot! ^v^
You know what's fun?
Inescapable triggers.
Every breath you take makes you feel sleepier and lazier.
Every time you see your reflection you grope yourself.
Every time you hear your name you call yourself a slave in your mind.
Watching as your subject can't help but brainwash themselves more and more just by existing.
Feel free to add some suggestions.
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nocturnowlette · 2 days
(I have averted my eyes from anything in this log, so fair warning!)
This is the training log of my owner and her process of slowly changing me one day at a time!! Be sure to follow her to see more of these!!
Training logs - Entry #1 05-31-24
We’re still in the early days, only three sessions in, but I’m already very pleased with my results. My subject is overly submissive to me, careful of any misstep or action that could potentially lead me to be displeased. In time we’ll work on instilling confidence in their behavior, as I do not want fear to be her primary motivation. I’ve begun to install a couple triggers, including “Trust Me, Pup” and “Treats!”
Trust Me, Pup This trigger was designed to encourage total submission and trust, a bit of a Mental Off-Switch, if you will. Using this trigger is intended to instill devotion, subservience, and blind obedience, it is the groundwork for my long-term goal of teaching her to trust my words over her own. It also encourages trust in a more kindhearted way, reminding the subject of my own devotion to her. She is to trust that I mean what I say, and trust my commitment to our training. Utilizing this trigger helps put the subject’s mind at ease, which in turn, allows me to have more control over her. If she is worried and anxious, she’ll be distracted from our work, and that’s not conducive to training. I felt this was an important first step of our work because I want to lay a very solid framework for trust, obedience, and total release of her reservations. This trigger serves me well in use whenever I can tell she is feeling insecure or beginning to question my decisions, although I’m finding that, far earlier than anticipated, there is a near complete lack of doubt in me. She trusts me immensely. This bodes well for our progress.
Treats! This is the second trigger installed into the subject. This one was intended to be more light-hearted, a fun and pleasurable way to lead my subject into the next step of our work together, but ended up adopting a bit of an edge that I’m pleasantly surprised by.
The original concept was that whenever this trigger was used, it would send a wave of pleasure into the subject, while also increasing her devotion to me. When she receives a treat, she is to feel a burst of overwhelming euphoria, followed by the desire to obey my every word. When discussing with another trainer, we decided it may be interesting to allow this trigger to be used by any individual who wants to participate in the training of this subject. I elaborated on this concept by telling the subject I was giving a bag of these special treats to anyone who she felt she could trust, in addition to the addendum that these treats would fail to work if there was a lack of trust, meaning she would not be forced to obey any who would hold negative intentions. Adding in safeties in this fashion helps to further cement a subject’s trust in their Owner, as they can rest assured knowing that their Owner has considered all outcomes and will protect their best interest. We also fashioned in a note that this treat trigger would have an addictive twist to it. The more treats this pup receives, the more she wants, furthering her desire for that euphoric sensation, and in turn, solidifying her total devotion to the user.
My subject did inform me that while this trigger is effective, she finds that it takes a few in order to stack the pleasurable feeling, so I do intend on dropping her again in order to reinforce a sudden, overwhelming, but also short lived nature to this trigger, which will in turn heighten her desire for more treats in an attempt to chase the pleasure. I’m pleased by her ability to communicate the efficacy of my methods, it allows me to adjust as needed. I’m lucky to have such a receptive subject.
To close out this entry, I want to again emphasize how satisfied I am over the complete change in demeanor this pup has shown in the short time we’ve been working together. Considering her near-immediate devotion, along with the plans I have in store-- to say that I’m excited would be an understatement.
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nocturnowlette · 2 days
one really fun part of my puppy training is people starting to underestimate or forget my skills as a hypnotist!
they'll tease me and pet me and talk down to me, but the moment they give me too tempting of a chance, I'll easily and smoothly take control of things and make them just as puppy as I am! ^w^
i quite enjoy the idea of being an infectious pup, being so powerfully submissive that the idea permeates from me. it slips through the cracks of the minds of people petting me before they realize how nice it feels to be a puppy too! i simply have to pull them down once i see that shift in their eyes and quiver in their voice! ^w^
surely, only those already susceptible to such ideas could be affected, so why don't you give it a try? i really love pets!
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nocturnowlette · 2 days
im finally being systematically and hypnotically trained for the first time in my life, and it's wild just how much can change so quickly.
three sessions in and ive been subconsciously barking and wagging my tail (wiggling my hips a bit) constantly in day to day life.
im being completely taken over and owned from the bottom up, and i'm super excited for it!!
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nocturnowlette · 6 days
wait until hypno fantasy kinksters realize it actually exists. and that literally everything they think is hypnotic isn't, like at all.
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nocturnowlette · 6 days
This is the tumblr (and cat) of a very talented hypnotist and file maker that I've recommended previously. Be sure to follow them!
I could also show you the ropes a bit if you're seeing this, dragon.
Tumblr media
I don't know how to Tumblr, but I keep meaning to. Here's a picture of my cat, Loki, hanging out on my arm as I attempt to work.
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nocturnowlette · 6 days
Did you teach yourself hypnotism? How would one learn?
I did teach myself, but to claim I started from nothing would be inaccurate.
I had been a subject for around 8 years before I started trying to be a hypnotist, I have a lot of experience writing (and specifically writing and altering tone and text towards a target audience), I had a lifelong fascination with perception and human behavior due to being autistic (this is my special interest), and similarly had an interest in communication which has ironically given me a better understanding of communication than most neurotypical people.
I essentially had every relevant skill before I even began.
That being said, I most certainly took the scenic route for learning hypnosis.
This is the most okay learning resource I have personally found for hypnosis. DO NOT read Mind Play, that book sucks and teaches a deeply limited system. Do not use almost any hypnosis book, because they all just give you training wheels then give no further tools to advance yourself.
This resource gives a somewhat more wholesale depiction of things, but you need to keep in mind that even for the things this guide states in an absolutist manner, there are zero absolutes in hypnosis. It's a vague conceptual goop that is always changing forms for each new person by the second, hour, day, month, and year.
We draw imaginary lines to make it more traversible and understandible, but they are exactly that. Imaginary. Only drawing inside those lines cuts out a lot of potency and possibility.
You learn the guiding structures, but then you need to get good enough to shed that limiting skin. Try new things, experiment, question every single claim you've heard about hypnosis, and build an intuitive learning over time.
And for the love of god, do not use breathing exercises, key elman inductions, or PMR inductions. I will slap you.
Don't be quick to trust scientific claims about hypnosis, as many were made in like the 1970s by some random person called Kim Blorbo (not actually) and everyone just assumed it was correct. I'm not saying to not trust science, but it draws many imaginary lines due to some of the flaws with the scientific process in an inherently vague and line-less place. It's a pseudoscience for a reason.
Don't trust anyone who calls themselves a hypnotherapist.
Don't trust anyone who talks about NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming).
Don't trust anyone who seems to really like hypnospirals (spirals themselves look cool though).
Don't trust anyone who exclusively talks about hypnosis in kink terminology.
Don't trust anyone who never stops talking about how hot it is.
Don't work with subjects that don't have preferences or tastes and only want their self-destructive needs met.
Don't use scripts or named inductions past the first few times you do hypnosis, if you use them at all.
Keep your ears perked and be observant.
Be willing to go out of your comfort zone and introspect.
Be willing and happy to fail, and to learn from those failures, and you will learn quickly.
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nocturnowlette · 8 days
who’s a good puppy? - owner
...meeee. This is mean. This is mean thing to do!
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nocturnowlette · 9 days
scenario: dog food companies conspire to forcepup the population via chemicals and subliminal messaging to sell more product
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nocturnowlette · 9 days
how often if ever are your hypnosis sessions NSFW? or is it all sfw hypnosis?
Most of my sessions are SFW, though my subjects almost always get... into it, regardless. I don't mind at all, in fact I'm flattered.
That being said, I have done NSFW trance a good number of times now, and I'm quite good at it.
I like to use the visual of electricity. I've primarily done NSFW trance with amabs, so I specifically target the prostate. I set up the idea that the brain controls the signals to our body via the nervous system, and that the spine is the strongest part of the nervous system, with a direct line down to the prostate.
I use two triggers, Charge and Jolt, while additionally using a reward trigger that increases arousal (while teasing/degrading them mercilessly). Normally, I use something like Good Girl, Good Puppy, or Good Boy.
When I say Charge, they feel the electricity in their spine get stronger, creating a buzz of pleasure in their prostate, and causing little muscle spasms all across their body, but especially around their pelvis area.
I suggest that arousal makes them more and more sensitive, multiplying its effects with the Charge trigger, so within the span of a minute or two and a couple charge triggers, they're a desperate mess. I make them beg sometimes, and sometimes just Jolt them suddenly, then Charge again before they have any time to recover.
Sometimes I Charge once and then dirty talk them so much that it has just as strong an effect, sometimes after that I Charge them when I make them think I'm going to Jolt them, and push them far far past when they even thought they could feel beyond sudden bursts of pleasure. They feel an enduring, desperate stimulation that drives them insane and makes them beg for me to let them release.
I tell them that every time they say please, they get even more sensitive.
Then I tell them to beg.
Right when I see their will start to falter, their pleases only driving them more insane, starting to think I won't do it, I Jolt them, and Jolt them, and Jolt them, over and over again, giving them waves of pleasure, one after the other, until all I hear is their ragged breath.
I tell them how good they did for me, how nice that much have felt, how each time we do this, it gets easier and more automatic and more and more potent.
Then, we start all over again, Charging and Jolting them until I'm satisfied with their training. They never seem to protest that idea.
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nocturnowlette · 10 days
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nocturnowlette · 10 days
me 2 my owner:
hey i wanna know whats in a can of dog food, im a visual learner btw
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