#clawthorne family
stars-and-birds · 1 year
Dana’s last ‘fuck you’ to Disney
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He/they collector
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Genderqueer/bi-gender papa king
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TWO girlfriend kisses
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Onscreen mlm kiss
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Implied aladarius
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a happy ending to the bi/enby couple
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A happy ending to the aro/ace character
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Death to the white Christian puritain
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mistbix · 11 months
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raine and king bonding cuz we (i) need more content of them
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cookiesaddict · 2 years
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Hunter is really going to be Dells successor and take over the Clawthorne trade of carving palisman, isn’t he?
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boilingdreamland · 1 year
In this House [The Owl House] we stomp fascists to death.
As a Family.
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zibiscusloon · 1 year
1. Go to Demon Realm
2. Accidentally acquire bonus parents
3. Found family baby—
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probablyhuntersmom · 11 months
Thinking of this precious little window of Flapjack spending a short time with Eda
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Because y'know
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(Eda may not be here...but Evelyn is...and both Hunter and Caleb are in the frame too)
And y'know
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Here she was putting the differences between her and the Emperor's right-hand man aside, to extend help to a child that needed it.
Using Eclipse Lake as an example, I feel that in the same way Flapjack was the first to trust Amity i.e. perching on her shoulder while she gave Hunter some advice: Flapjack was connecting with Eda here, which I think should've preempted some 1-to-1 interactions between Hunter (Flapjack's witch) and Eda.
As seen in Dana's drawing of Hunter and Hooty bonding, I can confidently believe they wanted to go down this route but the shortening disrupted it. Even though Hunter's mask was off by this point, there's the barn owl motif thing as well and Hooty being present adds to this, lol. Eda's dad's palisman is also a cardinal, so hm hm.
I mean, this boi voted "A bird?" when guessing Luz's palisman:
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He surely would've spent some time with the birb fam (Clawthornes) prior to Watching and Dreaming, with a full S3. And at the start of For the Future, the squad appeared in the same spot near the Clawthorne residence as where Eda first used a portal to discover the human realm. I guess looking back, I don't know why they didn't wanna use that moment + location to connect with Dell and Evelyn, and thus link back to the Clawthorne ancestry...since Flapjack had just passed on at that point, too.
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haystarlight · 1 year
ok but what if, when Eda and Camila meet up for the first time, Eda tries to impress Camila by speaking broken Spanish that Luz taught her like:
"Hola, señora Noceda, un gusto comerte."
And Luz and Camila laugh at her like:
"Eda, you just said 'It's a pleasure to eat you'."
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liiiiiima · 1 year
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Clawthorne! Family! They are silly
After Hollow Mind, months or maybe years later, Hunter finally asks about his lineage, but it’s not an easy question. Eda only knows so much about her ancestor, Evelyn, when the witch and witchlet realize something shocking
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drunken-ender-art · 12 days
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The Clawthornes' Nightmare
"I see that my daughter took in an apprentice, and you accepted my eye. Well... make yourself comfortable... this is the Titan's Nightmare, where each and every Clawthorne is fated to end and rot to..."
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"I'm the last one... well, at least the last one not to succumb to the thirst of blood completely yet..."
Lastborn of seven, Dell Clawthorne watched all of his brothers, sisters and parents die during the Hunt or succumb to madness before he reached his twenties, becoming the last heir of the Family and Head of the Workshop.
When he got married with an Huntress, and was blessed with two beautifull daughters, he saw a ray of hope for his family; he would spend hours training and teaching the two girls on the ways of the Hunt and weapon crafting... but his dream suddently was fated to be snuffed one tragic night, when his mind ultimately collapsed and he was put down by his own blood... when he woke up in the Titan's Nightmare, he was faced with the horrifying truth: his family was cursed. An ancient and powerfull curse originated by sins now forgotten, and so he sought to uncover the truths of the Nightmare and free his family by the eternal agony they were trapped in.
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"...there they are... our family, drunk in blood..."
The Nightmare is home of the Hunters and Huntresses of the Clawthorne Workshop throught out the ages.
Generations of Clawthornes locked in an eternal Night of Hunt, in a state of perpetual feral drunkness, slaughtering the tormented souls of either innocent associates of the Workshop or, even worse, other members of the family that were unfortunate enough to become Beasts... sons, parents and relatives destined to be hunted by their own kin.
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The weapons of Hunters found in the Nightmare.
The Bonescutter is an heavy machete with a serrated blade, when turned into its tricked form, by a simple turn of the handle, it becomes a double handed heavy saw, cutting deep and causing the victim's blood to flow like a river.
Raptor Chains is a short ranged hook weapon with a mechanism which, when activated, release a long spiked chain that allow the blade to gain enormous range and to be thrown, so that it can hooks its victim. With a second activation the chain is retracted, pulling anything caught in its claw toward the Hunter.
Crushclaw, a claw-like blade mounted on an arm mechanism. Its tricked form is nothing short of an heavy brass knuckle, with the claw retracted and ready to spring back into his static form. The energy released by the blade is enough to breake the bones of the biggest of beasts. Many of the Old Hunters' weapons had claws/scythe like shape, in the image of a very old and important Hunter's weapon.
Boom-stick. A one handed mace that unleash all of its power in its transformed state: a long dual blade axe with a fire glyph contained in the central lantern, infusing the weapon with fire, a central element of the hunts of yore...
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"My daughter!!... pride and joy of House Clawthorne, now twisted into that... that thing!! Oh Gwendolyn... what have they done to our sweet flea..."
The perpetual hunt is only a part of the Titan's Curse to the Family. Hunters of the Nightmare are forced to face other members of their own family... those so wretched, despised or broken beyond salvation that took a bestial form even after their death in the Waking World... all that is left of them is scared, confused and mindless flesh to be slayed time and time again.
Death doesn't hold salvation for them, unless someone will put an end to the Nightmare.
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"The source of the Nightmare is shielded by the great Cathedral Castle, a bastion full of secrets and death, there the Host of the Nightmare resides... they protect the Nightmare's secrets... but the doors are guarded... a lonely Huntress tiredlessly stand guard on top of a red cardinal Palisman"
The witch Evelyn Clawthorne was the first person to come into contact with the two brothers from the Human World.
A free spirit, curious and determined to expand her knowledge of magic in hope to help others, she found immediate kinship with the two human scholars, and in time, kinship bloomed into love with the older of the two: Caleb. She was there when the Titan Blood was first administered and its effects discovered, there when they found the island beyond the fog, the child killed and the skull took back to the Boiling Isles, marking the birth of the Blood Coven... until the end of her days she would tell herself that all they did was for the greater good of both witches and humans; even when she stood next to Vicar Belos in the square as the beast's corpse was burned... her uniform still warm with her lover's blood.
In times now passed, she would use her sickle and dagger of siderite to gather plants and materials for rituals and potions, later on she refashioned the two tools into weapons of mercy: the template from which her descendants would forge their own instruments of death.
She was one of the last witches to use a Palisman, now a disused practice, and that loyal little palisman would later follow her into the Nightmare when her time finally came... together they still stand guard to protect the doors of the Cathedral Castle, and Host of the Nightmare inside...
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Scholar of the Byrgenwerth College of Salem, from the Human World, dreamer and passionate soul, Caleb Wittebane and his younger brother shared the dream that one day they would bring knowledge to humanity and shed the light of reason over the darkness of ignorance... a worldview developed from their upbringing in a society plagued by the Witch Trials... innocent people would be put at the stake out of fear and stupidity.
Their lives forever changed when they met the witch Evelyn and followed her into the Demons' Realm, a world of magic and wonder, that fueled their dream of discovery. So they began to work and study together: witch and humans side by side, with the common goal of pushing the boundaries of magic and knowledge for the betterness of both worlds.
The threes' goals degenerated into ambition of ascension and trascendental knowledge when they discovered the Titan's Blood and its powers: it didn't just boost the witches' natural powers, but granted the powerless humans with magic too, on top of miraculous healing effects and phisical strenghtening for both species.
But such power came at a dreadfull price. A curse. Both on the blood they so carelessly administered and consumed but also on the souls of those responsible for the great sin committed against the natural order... the Titan's unfathomable roars conjured into eternal torment for the guilty.
He was the first to fall at the hands of the Titan's Curse, becoming what he desperatly sought to avoid: a mindless, rabid beast to be killed and burned at the stake, like one of the innocent witches he longed to save in his home, a place his gaze would never again grace...
When he died, his twisted mindscape became the Clawthornes' Nightmare, and he was bound to the astral plane as its Host... his bestial body forever stripped of flesh and of the precious blood with which he indulged in so much. His bones scorched and ablaze forever in an eternal flame of suffering... guarding the secrets of his past and the true source of the Nightmare.
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"Woah there, girl... you don't smell the same as those blood drunked lunatics out there... no, no, you're sane... for now... a word of advice then, go back the way you came. Leave this nightmare and return home... secrets are secrets for a reason, and it would be a shame to cut off that pretty head of yours... so go back... return to your home and pretend it was all a bad dream... it's for your own good..."
When the Vicar first learned of the Curse, he hurried to prolong his mortal life through blasphemous and horrid methods... one such way was the creations of dolls-like grimwalkers made in the image of his dead brother... as they were born from Caleb's blood, those pitifull creations too are destined to end up in the Nightmare, so Belos equipped the first one with a silent bell, a cursed dagger and set him on a mission: to snuff every intruder and protect the secrets of the Nightmare... least the world knew of their unforgivable sin...
Oh boy, another big one! The first part of the Titan's Nightmare, another piece of the puzzle of the story of the Owlborne!
Still, this one was a very funny one, I had a blast designing the Old Hunters and their weapons, especially Evelyn and Caleb!!
At this point I can guess what will be the result, but why the heck, let's make a poll anyway!
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maddytheintrovert · 1 year
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kingoftheu · 1 year
Hunter Wittebane vs Hunter Noceda vs Hunter Clawthorne vs Hunter Deamonne
The entire debate is meaningless because we all know in a few years he’s gonna become Hunter Park.
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OWL HOUSE FACT #41: For the rest of her life after this moment, Evelyn referred to Belos as “that fast-footed little slime”, though after a few apple bloods this would apparently become more and more vulgar; what else she might have said is lost to time. She had no idea of Phillip’s fate.
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mistbix · 11 months
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bathing your accidentally acquired son
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morgangalaxy43 · 5 days
I could totally see Hunter getting adopted by everyone and they would all have joint custody of him
Darius would be his legal guardian and he would be with him on Mondays and Tuesdays but then Hunter would stay at the owl house with Eda and Raine from Wednesdays through Fridays and then he would go over to Camila’s house in the human realm and be with her on the weekends
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ambericesage · 1 year
Was anyone going to tell me about this?!
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It’s the same crown design the second one just has a collector twist to it
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scribble-kitti · 1 year
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We didn't get a reunion for them all so I did it myself; I actually had been working on this before the latest episode aired, sort of an anticipation piece, though I hadn't been able to finish on time.
I've never really posted my art on Tumblr before, I am much more active on Instagram, my handle over there is @/scribblekitty_ if you ever wanna check out my other work :)
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