#chloe redemption
3lmtree · 7 months
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Miraculous redesign because I believe we are missing out on a true friendship dynamic here. Just scrap the whole series and start again I say.
And yes I will sprinkle in some sexualities.
And please god forbid give them some better outfits….
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redfoxtress · 2 months
Old Chloé Redemption fics have such an interesting vibe to them. You can genuinely feel how the authors didn't believe it was a question of "If" She gets redeemed, only a question of "When" and "How"
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miraculousfanworks · 15 days
Writing Prompt: Technical Difficulties
AU where after a mishap breaks the earpiece, Chloe is mayor without any of Lila’s instructions. To everyone’s surprise (including her own) she’s actually doing a more than decent job. She eventually throws away the earpiece figuring she doesn’t need Lila to tell her what to do anymore. And for the first time since she was Queen Bee, she’s looking after the city. She can even tell people who she is this time.
Prompt by: blue-mango
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mattw83 · 18 days
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Miraculous Tales Chapter 15 -  PG12
Sometimes a little sweetness goes a long way to temper the vinegar within.
A tale of how Chloe’s many false starts in life were just the beginning to a real redemption of heart and hero.
We join Zoe and Sabrina, getting ready to watch Kitty Section, But they have lost Chloe...
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 -   Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 -    Chapter 10   - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 -
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edy-lyy · 2 months
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Chloe a sido llamada por medio de la Bee-Señal, es, de nuevo, una superheroína que se le ha dado otra oportunidad para demostrar su valía. Ahora y desde las sombras, golpea y envía hacia la justicia los males de París como Abeille en la misteriosa noche.
Mierda, de nuevo se me perdió la referencia- 😭😭
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trashyangelic · 6 months
A Chloe Redemption + Lila Salt but no redemption for that bitch!
The way I have seen it from seasons for Chloe she was getting better but it turn out to be dark on season 5 like wth. So I want was a Chloe Redemption Prompt if that would happen if anyone is interested to making this. I would gradually read it cause for me If I make it I don't have time to start one due to me having stories on Wattpad to get updated.
How about when Chloe had to go out of school just to call her mother about Marinette's accepting her offer instead of Gabriel. But to Chloe she notice Lila Rossi taking her wig that caught her off guard she took a quick photo or a video clip of it so she spread rumors about juicy stuffs about Rossi as a payback for messing with Dupain-Cheng only she can do that not her.
Chloe went to follow Lila and found her in the Paul Bert well that is concerning for her she is pretty sure the principal back in her school has their contract maybe showing this video clip to the Principal might spice things up for not following the protocal for the school as he should be doing unless if he wants to be get fired from her father the way she had seen it from the shadows of the principal expelling Dupain-Cheng without a hearing or checking the school CCTVs since he announced it was broken but it wasn't when she checked it herself.
Chloe had hired private investigators to find anything about Lila Rossi and found plenty of criminal records this might be good for her and Dupain-Cheng but she wasn't very fond of Adrien's advice towards Dupain-Cheng. As she can also see that Dupain-Cheng doesn't like Adrien anymore despite of Cesaire tormenting Dupain-Cheng alot. She even notice Dupain-Cheng getting comfy towards Felix while Kagami is with Luka. Since in secret Chloe is dating Alix they decided to play along to see who are real or fake friends for them.
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hamsteriffic · 5 months
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Miraculous Fandom Stats
We don’t talk about Chloe
I wanted to look at fanfics on Ao3 that have a Chloe Redemption arc, and whether there has been an increase or decline over time.
Since Season 5 finished airing almost 6 months ago, if there was a drop in fanfics then this trend would be apparent. I thought that with the introduction of Zoe in Season 4 and further development of Season 5, fans start to give up on the idea of redeeming the spoiled rich kid.
Contrary to my original hypothesis, It looks as though 2020 onwards there has been a significant increase in Chloe Redemption fics (P-value < 0.001).
Perhaps a revisit in a few years time may provide more insight.
Love her or hate her, she’s here to stay!
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Fig 1. Percentage of fanfics tagged with Chloe Bourgeois Redemption relative to total fics tagged with Chloe Bourgeois.
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Fig 2. This data could also be represented in a Line Graph to plot changes in absolute numbers over time, with the total fanfics (grey) and Chloe Redemption fanfics (yellow) on the same graph.
Method: The data presented here included all languages as well as crossovers. The number of fics each year is approximate and based off filtering for each calendar year using the Date Updated option on Ao3.
📈 Data obtained is a snapshot of the fanfics available from Ao3 as of 29 Dec, 2023.
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bunniartzi · 5 months
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Chloe redemption 💪🏽
Imagine if they kept up with chloes redemption… wouldnt that be neat?
Anyways this is my version of Chloe Burgois as the fox hero a.k.a Goldie Fox! In my version i imagine that because she did so much trouble as queen bee (and she was exposed as the bee miraculous holder) id rather give her a different miraculous! I know the fox is originally Alya’s but i also think because she was also exposed as the fox it would be smarter not to give it back to her. So instead after proving herself to Ladybug (i would give her like a year or two to grow) she is formally added back on the miraculous team.
For the design i know for queen bee the whole idea was that Chloe is a leader- or more so someone who refuses to be a follower haha, but in my design i wanted her to be less royal/high status type. I want to think that because Chloe spent time as the bee holder with high sense of superiority and misused it- Ladybug tasks her with the idea of being a servant for the people. (Now i know Chloe would never call herself a servant but theres character development in between before she gets the miraculous)
I made her design a bit more ‘wild’ i.e her hair because the miraculous is giving her a bit more freedom. Unlike Adrien, shes not really confined to rules or strict regulations but more so freedom in exploring herself and not needing to be perfect all the time.
I have designed a more combat-ready suit including winter, water, air, ex. Outfit modifications.
(You can tell i was super inspired by @zoe-oneesama miraculous designing and story. Thank you for the inspiration!)
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a-flaming-idiot · 22 days
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They're good kids, I SWEAR!!!
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chlodrien-zine · 3 months
Interest Check Open<3
Do you like childhood friends to lovers?💛
Or maybe friends to enemies to friends?👑
Are you still waiting for a Chloé redemption?🐝
Does seeing the long-time class bully get all soft and protective with her precious homeschooler friend make you squeal?🌞
Do you have a lot of complicated thoughts about Chloé and Adrien and want a safe space to explore them?🐾
This mini-zine is a space to put all of those thoughts onto paper. We're open to all possible interpretations of these two characters because the show never gave us much insight into their relationship.
If any of this sounds fun, even just as a reader, please fill out our interest check!
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3lmtree · 2 months
Can you draw chloe and lila?
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Chloe is a tricky one but she’s always been my favourite out of all of the characters so while this is a rough one I’ll always take any opportunity to draw Chloe!
Here’s Lila:
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redfoxtress · 3 months
Personally I think the entire Bourgeois-Lee family is fucked up and the fact that Chloé seems to be the only family member affected by it proves to me that she is the only normal one
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miraculousfanworks · 11 months
Fanfiction Prompt
Chloe finds out Adrien is Chat Noir. After a fierce internal battle between her desire for attention, her resentment towards Ladybug, and her desire to protect Adrien, Adrien wins out. Chloe decides to help him, and Ladybug indirectly, in the only way she can. By abusing her father to manipulate public policy. Because, clearly, Adrien is doing TOO MUCH. And she CAN'T get him to stop being Chat Noir. So she needs to free him from his other commitments. Which means freeing him from his father, and Nathalie. So, clearly, Adrien needs money, money his father can't touch or control. Money he can use to live. There's a lot of hemming and hawing and "but but but Chloe..." but, in the end, she gets her way. It was simply a matter of pointing out, FIRMLY, exactly how much money Ladybug and Chat Noir saved the city. Not JUST in repairing the post battle damage. But in the cost of outfitting an actual effective Anti-Supervillain taskforce. CLEARLY the cost of such an undertaking would EASILY outstrip the city Police budget, probably by more than double. Then add all the public good works NOT related to fighting Akuma, the potential liability lawsuits, the cost of counselling people would need... The next day, at the end of school, she quietly passes Adrien two large manilla envelopes. One addressed to him, one simply to LB. Inside his were a debit card drawn on the central bank, a large number of documents establishing Chat Noir as a legal entity, a bank account statement that startled even him, a contract guaranteeing a monthly stipend that almost staggered him, and a brief explaining how he could (both in a legal sense and a practical one) purchase and own real property in his own name as Chat Noir. Also documents establishing that, as far as Paris was concerned, he was a legal adult. He didn't open Ladybug's, but he looked forward to seeing her reaction...
Prompt by Tiwaz
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mattw83 · 3 months
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Miraculous Tales Chapter 14 -  PG20
Sometimes a little sweetness goes a long way to temper the vinegar within.
A tale of how Chloe’s many false starts in life were just the beginning to a real redemption of heart and hero.
A show of trust gives way to a moment of bonding that Chloe steps in to warily...
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 -   Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 -    Chapter 10   - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 -
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edy-lyy · 6 months
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Mi universo en donde Chloe se redime y vuelve ser la portadora de la abeja bajo una nueva identidad, Abeille.
Ese sueño es cada vez más imposible. 😭🤙
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astroarcane · 1 month
Miraculous Writers trying to convince me these three ugly bitches who look like they snuck on on earth are redeemable fathers/characters but the girl who was literally just a mean 14 year old with an abusive mother is "irredeemable"...alright.
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