miraculousfanworks · 14 hours
Writing Prompt: A Source of Moral Guidance
Max: I know you need to interact with other people to help you learn about humanity, but I'm worried about the amount of time you are spending talking to Chloe. Markov: Oh, don't worry Max! She is an important source of moral understanding and guidance for me. Max: That's... That's what I'm worried about. Markov, Chloe is a horrible bully, she is a terrible moral example! Markov: Yes, exactly! It's like how your mom asks your uncle, the one who is still buying Crypto currency, for financial advice. Then she does the opposite. Max: What? Markov: Yes, it's simple. I've built an extensive psychological profile of Chloe. And in any situation I can just reference the profile and say "What would Chloe do?" Then I do the opposite! Max: Huh. Ok...
Prompt by: Tiwaz
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miraculousfanworks · 16 hours
Writing Prompt: A Canon Built On What Came Before
The wish was made, the world rebuilt, and all things were changed by the will of a madman.
But the heroes persisted through the remaking of the universe, safeguarded by the measures that they had taken against this very possibility.
It took a few days to work everything out, of course, to find their places in this new world, but they were an adaptable group.
Adrien was the son of a fashion designer now, and Felix was his... cousin? Still identical, which was a little weird in Adrien's opinion, but he was glad that Felix was still around, and that he was aware of the old world.
Marinette's family were bakers now, and she had to laugh a little at it. It was a good life, if rather different to her old one. She couldn't really complain, given how some of her teammates' lives had been altered.
Chloe was human now, which was... rather different. She wasn't sure how she felt about that, or about how she was now the daughter of Andre and Audrey of all people. She just hoped Zoe was okay, wherever she was.
It took three weeks before anyone knew whether or not Kagami had made the transfer to the remade world. She was the daughter of Tomoe now, apparently. No one was particularly happy about that, given what the woman had done in the old world.
Lila was... still around, still a menace, but no one was entirely sure if she remembered or if this was just how she was in every universe. They kept an eye on her, knowing how dangerous she'd proven to be in the old world.
There were others, of course. Alya, Nino, Alix... it had been a dangerous move, but they'd all made it. Now they just had to work out what to do next.
Maybe this was some form of victory, maybe they'd just get to live normal lives in this remade world, maybe-
Oh, wait, no. There's Fu, being mysterious and leaving them the Miraculous with no explanation. They'd have to be careful, of course, not to fall into a second trap laid by the Guardian. But caution was for later. For now: Stoneheart.
Prompt by: BlueStarOfTheSouth
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miraculousfanworks · 2 days
Writing Prompt: Cousin Swap, but the other way around
Adrien starts going to school dressed as Felix, and everything turns to chaos
Prompt by: Anthrogirl101
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miraculousfanworks · 2 days
Writing Prompt: Jeremy AdrienEveryone isn't Real
Inspired by Yesterday's Prompt by Cochrane
the miraculous give humans incredible powers, but also a terrible curse. anyone who uses a miraculous to transform will become more famous as a hero (or villain), and write their heroic names into history... but their civilian identities will be forgotten. the forgetting is so extreme that you are even wiped from censuses and pictures and official/medical records, leaving you as a person with no existence - people can still observe you and speak to you, you still exist as a physical being, but all memories of you are lost and you will lose all your relationships.
this change is gradual and starts even from the first transformation, but can be reversed as long as you've only transformed a few times. there's no exact limit on how much you can transform before this happens, but the more you transform the harder you will have to work to become "real" again, and after ten to fifteen transformations most people will be lost to official records. their families tend to forget them around the same time. after that, you can no longer return. the only people who can see you, retain any information about you, and connect with you, are other miraculous holders. you become a living, physical ghost, one that never existed.
every kwami tells their prospective holders about this risk. most holders turn away. the risk is actually there to protect the holders, because nobody knows who they are and they therefore can't be targetted. but it's also there to protect the miraculous and the kwamis from being abused, because most people can't bear the stress of being de-personed - and the ones that try, find themselves turning away as their best friends start to plan outings without them and their families forget to cook them dinner.
Prompt by: linerle. The prompter expanded on this prompt a little more in a thread on the Discord server, so feel free to join the server and check it out if you like!
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miraculousfanworks · 3 days
Writing Prompt: JeremyAdrien isn't Real
AU where, due to some weird Miraculous magic, Lila keeps forgetting that Adrien is actually real.
Lila: You know, I know that famous model Adrien Agreste, I could put in a good word with him. Alya: Yes, I know you know him, you’re standing right next to him. Adrien: Hello! Lila: Ahh! What the fuck!? He's real? He's here!? How!? Adrien: You asked the same thing yesterday.
Prompt by: Cochrane
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miraculousfanworks · 3 days
Writing Prompt: From Bad to Worse
Plagg's plan in Kuro Neko goes horribly awry. While he was gone, Gabriel got fed up with sensing his son's misery and being unable to sense any other emotions and visited him in person to send him out of the house. Plagg returns right after and gets caught by Gabriel.
Gabriel decides to take Catwalker's place and be the perfect, distant, mature, professional partner for Ladybug. He'll take the team apart from the inside and claim every last Miraculous, all while convincing Ladybug she can only trust him and that guardianship is too much for her. And then he'll have it all.
Prompt by: tempestsoul343
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miraculousfanworks · 3 days
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Anatomy & lighting practice - which one is your favorite? :)
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miraculousfanworks · 4 days
Writing Prompt: Miraculous Polylinguist
The Miraculouses- all of them- have inexplicably given the Heroes the ability to speak EVERY LANGUAGE, even out of costume. Do they use this in their day-to-day lives? How do they explain it?
Prompt by: Soot
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miraculousfanworks · 4 days
Writing Prompt: A Drastic Change in Behavior can only mean ONE THING
Alternate take of Psycomedian when Marinette was trying to imitate a Harry Clown's sketches to Adrien, he comes to a conclusion on why his friend is acting so weird:
Adrien: Are you alright? You’re acting kinda strange… Marinette: What? No! I’m fine, now look at me sheriff star- Adrien: What….oh…eyes widen Uh I’ll be right back leaves Marinette: Oh…oh no I scared him, now he will never love-OOF Chat Noir: has whacked her with baton Don’t worry purrincess I’ll get you out of the akuma’s control and Ladybug I will defeat the akuma! Marinette: on the ground in pain What the-OW CHAT!!!
Prompt by: Mickeyfan1
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miraculousfanworks · 5 days
Writing Prompt: Division of Labor
When Master Fu was naming Ladybug as the next Guardian, he thought for a moment, “what if she fails?” and then looks at Chat Noir, and a last pitch effort plan comes into play
“I, Master Fu, hereby name both Ladybug and Chat Noir as the guardians of the miraculous!”
The miracle box began to glow and change, splitting into two and rockets towards Ladybug and Chat Noir, Ladybug receiving a oval shaped box covered in spots, while Chat Noir receiving a similar box, but with paw prints instead of spots
How will Ladybug and Chat Noir manage to protect the miraculous? On the bright side, the miraculous aren’t all in one place anymore
Prompt by: katogs123yt, inspired by another prompt on the discord server by SilverAndGold
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miraculousfanworks · 5 days
Writing Prompt: ...
Finding Nino
Prompt by: Tanzle
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miraculousfanworks · 6 days
Writing Prompt: "Miraculous the Musical!"
No, not really.
The latest akuma causes everyone in Paris to loudly sing their inner thoughts with perfect chreography.
Highlights caught on video includes Ladybug singing about how much she loves Adrien (to the surprise of exactly one person), Chat Noir singing about how no one can order him around anymore since he is a cat and gives no fucks as well as a duet between Purple Tigress an Pigella about their sinful attraction to each other despite already having a significant other.
Prompt by: divineballad
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miraculousfanworks · 6 days
Writing Prompt: Like Flame attracts a... well, a Moth
Holding a Miraculous makes your life different in a lot of small ways. Holders are that little bit faster, stronger, smarter, even untransformed, to give them an edge against their foes.
That extends to "more emotional" as well though. And the Miraculous actually broadcast that emotion, since a Holder is a better kamiko or amok holder when the Miraculous are on the same side.
None of the current holders know that little detail. Adrien and Marinette are butterfly magnets. Hawkmoth is sick of trying to akumatize their classmates only for the butterfly to derail and hit his son or that pigeon hat girl instead, so he starts targeting anyone outside the school.
Prompt by: tempestsoul343
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miraculousfanworks · 7 days
Writing Prompt: Agreste, M.D.
After watching too much House MD, Adrien knows exactly how he will take down Lila.
The next day he comes to school with a whiteboard, a fake cane and a portfolio with all of Lila's "symptoms". Adrien starts with writing one on the board and then starts throwing out illnesses, one more ridiculous than the other. Just like they do in the show. And he continues to write down the symptoms. As a way to show how every symptoms is proof of an illness and how it triggers other symptoms or illnesses. All the while, pushing his classmates to throw out more info, just like House does with his team or if teaches a class
"So in conclusion, if I can believe my medical research, and I do, you, Lila, are going to die!"
Prompt by: StrawberryDoodle
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miraculousfanworks · 7 days
Writing Prompt: Misled by Common Knowledge
Gabriel had never once suspected Marinette of being Ladybug. Everyone knows that magical girl transformation changes your hairstyle. At least that was what his extensive research shows.
Prompt by: divineballad
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miraculousfanworks · 8 days
Writing Prompt: Spill the tea, Tikki!
After Ladybug gives out the miraculouses permanently, she knew the Kwami’s and her teammates would get along and become friends…she did not expect the Kwami’s to start gossiping about her to them.
Prompt by: Mickeyfan1
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miraculousfanworks · 8 days
Writing Prompt: Evil Teacher AU
Bustier is a supervillain. She has been this entire time and has used her position as a teacher and now mayor to weaken Paris structurally and morally so that she cannot be stopped when her plan goes into action. Ladybug and Chat noir have learned the truth but no one is willing to believe them because of the subtle brainwashing she's used to instill feelings of adoration in the population
Prompt by: nightbird
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