#charles leclerc au
norris55s · 13 hours
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the summer i turned pretty - charles leclerc & arthur leclerc
a reader x charles leclerc & arthur leclerc love triangle, pt. 2
pt. 1
warnings: none other than angst?
a/n: a million years later here is part 2 but it’s not over ladies and gentlemen! i hope it doesn’t suck lol. part 3 will come. also i’ve now added charlotte siné as the fc for practical purposes!
Day 4
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As I opened the door, terrified at who I was going to see behind it, I met Charles’ bloodshot eyes staring daggers into mine.
“Y/N, let’s talk, please. I screwed up, but let me explain,” he quickly said before I could even mutter a word.
I was still as speechless as I had been last night. Without a word, I moved aside to let him in my room, but he shook his head and insisted on talking to me at the beach. I just obliged, trying my best to be quiet around the house so as to not wake anyone up.
As soon as we arrived on the shore, Charles invited me to sit down and I once again just obliged. My heart was pounding on my ears and I felt like it would jump out of my body at any second.
“I feel like I should start at the beginning,” Charles said, while I looked to the sea instead of looking at him.
“I’ve always loved you. There has always been something about you that comforts me and makes me happy. I just didn’t realize how deep it went until last summer, when I realized that you kissing Antoine ruined the entire season for me.”
I tried to recall any reaction from Charles when I hooked up with Antoine last year that could’ve been a sign, but I found nothing in my memories. I was too busy sulking over the fact that he didn’t and would never like me, but I had been proved wrong 365 days later. The words were in my head but they didn’t make sense. Why would Charles Leclerc like me, much less love me?
“I’ve tried to avoid it, I’ve tried to think nothing of it, I’ve tried to deny it and it’s been no use.”
The irony of me doing the same thing for years was not lost on me. How I have pined for years not realizing he spent some of that time feeling the same way was borderline funny.
“Will you please look at me?” Charles asked with a hint of desperation in his voice, making it impossible for me to deny his request even if I knew any resolve or strength I had left in me would evaporate the minute my eyes met his.
The butterflies in my stomach felt like a swarm of wasps, and I’m sure the blush in my face evidenced it. Charles’ green eyes, the object of all my hidden wishes for as long as I could recall, stared into mine looking to decipher my emotions.
I wished I could say he found nothing but love, but in between all those beautiful feelings of loving and being loved in return, I could still sense a wretched feeling of disappointment.
“Why didn’t you tell me this before?” a stronger voice than expected called him out. All this time he had to know I felt the same way, but he let me believe there wasn’t a chance in hell he could care about me beyond a friendship.
“It took me too long to even understand it. Even then, I couldn’t justify changing your life on a crush, or hurt you and ruin it all. I still don’t know if I can justify it, but I know I can’t stand it anymore. I love you and I’m done pretending I don’t, or that you don’t love me too.”
When I searched into his eyes, all I could find was sincerity. And it was enough for me to jump into the deep end, leaning closer to him in hopes he would initiate the kiss I’ve desperately wanted for far too much time.
He granted my wishes, placing both of his hands on my neck to connect our lips. It was just like I imagined it.
Soft, passionate, unrushed, warm. I felt the fireworks that everyone speaks of go off in my head, and I just knew Charles felt them too.
As we pulled away to breathe, struggling to even think of ever separating me from him ever again, Charles smiled brightly.
“Can you say you love me too, mon cœur?” he asked so prettily I could coo at him.
“I love you, Charles Leclerc,” I obliged, because how could I say no to him?
“And I love you, Y/N L/N,” he replied, smiling even bigger, and kissing me even better.
Our bubble of a newfound love lasted a while, but was eventually meant to break when I received a text from Arthur.
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The conversation about Arthur with Charles wasn’t the hard part at all. The older brother brushed the kiss off as a drunken mistake, and was a little too confident on who my choice would be.
The conversation about Charles with Arthur would be the hard part, and I didn’t even have time to settle down in my bed after the rollercoaster of emotions I had just gone through when Arthur barged in.
He looked happy to see me, and it broke my heart.
In trying to find the words to say I couldn’t be with him, and before I could mutter them, he hugged me.
“I’ve been trying to find you all this time, where have you been chérie?” Arthur smiled, but it quickly faded once he realized my energy wasn’t the same.
“Chérie, don’t say it was a mistake because you know it wasn’t. Fuck my brother, you know that this is right.”
“I’m so sorry…” I began and pushed back further away from him, as if my next words would hurt him any less because of it. “Charles and I spoke, and we have realized our feelings for each other…” I looked down, cowardly, unable to face his reaction. “You know I’ve loved him forever and I am just so sorry for leading you on.”
Like it always happened between us, I didn’t have to look at him, and he didn’t have to say anything. I just knew that we were done.
He stormed out of the room.
charles_leclerc added to his stories
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y/ninstagram added to her close friends stories
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arthur_leclerc added to his stories
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chrisevansonly · 29 days
CouCou Charlie
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charles leclerc x female reader
summary: some like to tease charles about his ever so sweet gf, but to charles she can’t get sweet enough…
warnings: none, very fluffy!!
a/n: i’m so sorry i haven’t been updating, i’ve been not feeling writing and then i’ve been so busy with life and getting a horse and just anyway, enough excuses, this is small but i hope you enjoy<3
The paddock was bustling ahead of Qualifying, it was Saturday in Miami Florida and with a few hours still to go, Charles found himself sat with Carlos and Pierre Gasly in the Ferrari motorhome, waiting for you.
You were incredibly lucky to be able to travel to every race with Charles, and he absolutely loved having you there, but anytime you followed, so came the teasing.
All harmless of course.
“So Charles where is the princess?” Carlos asked smiling mischievously at his team mate which earned him an eye roll
“She is on her way, should be here soon” replied the monégasque
The next to speak up was Pierre who was stifling a giggle
“I can’t wait to hear ‘coucou charlie!’ when she comes in.”
Pierre laughed as Carlos joined, you’d always greeted Charles that way and some of the other drivers found it cute of course, but they couldn’t help but tease the both of you.
“Okay, that’s enough…she doesn’t always say it…”
“That’s bullshit and you know it.”
Carlos cackled leaning his head back,
“It’s her trademark Charlie”
All that Charles could do was shake his head and wonder why he was friends with such children, it was only when the electric doors slid open that he turned to look who was coming in.
“Coucou Charlie!!”
You said sweetly as you walked towards the table, straight to your boyfriend who quickly stood up and pressed a gentle kiss to your lips, pulling you in for a hug.
“Bonjour mon cœur, how are you?”
Smiling you leaned into his side
“I’m good, it’s very hot today, hi boys!”
Carlos and Pierre smiled back and said hello, before you caught the spaniard handing the frenchman a twenty dollar bill, your eyes furrowing.
“What’s with the twenty dollars?”
Rolling his eyes yet again, Charles was quick to pull you away and walk from the two laughing drivers, leaning down and kissing your cheek
“They’re just being stupid, pay them no mind amour…”
Of course you had questions, infinite ones but right now you were just happy to be back with Charles and walking around the sunny Miami paddock. Soon forgetting all about the monetary exchange between Charles’s teammate and best friend.
Even if others liked to tease you, Charles found your greeting, the sweetest around.
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harrysfolklore · 14 days
baby fever - husband!charles blurb
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gif credits to @blueballsracing <3
If there was something you never got tired of no matter how many years passed was joining Charles for race weekends.
And ever since you became husband and wife a year ago, being by his side during races and practices felt even more exciting and special.
This weekend was no different, you were joining him for the Emilia Romagna GP and this time you were bringing the newest addition to your little family: your dog Leo.
"Do you have Leo's pass?" Charles asked as you sat on the back of the car that was driving you to the circuit.
"Yes, I have it," you said, scratching behind Leo's ears, "Do you hace your pass though? I didn't see you grabbing it before we left."
Charles eyes widened at your words, "Shit!", he exclaimed, patting his jeans pockets in search of his pass, "I think I forgot it back there."
"Of course you did," you rolled your eyes and shook your head, "You're such a teenager sometimes, always forgetting everything."
"Give me a break, woman. I've got a lot on my mind," Charles retorted playfully, leaning over to give you a quick kiss on the cheek. "Let's just hope they'll let me in without it."
"I don't think they will," you laughed, feeling the car start to slow as it approached the entrance to the paddock. "It's not like you're Charles Leclerc driver for Scuderia Ferrari or something."
Charles threw his head back in laughter, kissing you cheek again and scratching Leo's little head.
The driver pulled up to the security checkpoint, and as predicted, the guards immediately asked for Charles’s credentials. Charles gave them a sheepish smile, scratching the back of his head. "I might have left it back at home," he confessed.
"Mr. Leclerc," the guard began, trying to keep a straight face. "This is the third time this season."
"Does it help that the dog has his pass?" you chuckled, holding up both your pass and Leo's as if to compensate.
"Alright, alright," the guard burst into laughter, shaking his head. "But next time, no excuses. We’ll let you through this time. Right Mrs. Leclerc?"
You smiled widely at the guard calling you by your new middle name, "I'll make sure he doesn't forget it!"
"Thank you!" Charles said, relieved, as the car was waved through. He reached over to scratch Leo's head. "Looks like you're the star of the show today, buddy."
Leo barked happily, tail wagging as you all stepped out of the car. The familiar buzz of the paddock enveloped you, the hum of engines, the chatter of the teams, and the clicking of cameras.
As Charles go through the gates, you and Leo following close behind, a camera from Ferrari's social media team approached him and asked how was he feeling about the start of Race Weekend.
"Started the morning without my pass," he said as he kept walking, Luckily they let me through and my wife had our dog's pass," you laughed quietly from behind him, "So today I can get to work and tomorrow we drive, so it's all good. But I almost missed out on race weekend for a pass."
The camera team chuckled at Charles’s confession, "Well, it’s good to know Mrs. Leclerc and Leo are on top of things," one of the team members remarked, directing the camera toward you and Leo.
"Always ready to save the day!" you gave a playful salute to the camera.
You and Charles made it to the Ferrari area, where his team would tell him what activities he had to do before getting in the track, as you walked hand in hand, you noticed that a couple of Tifosi were hanging around, and a little boy who's eyes lit up as Charles walked by caught your attention.boy,
"Baby, look," you called for Charles, pointing at the little boy, "Why don't you go say hi."
Charles followed your gaze and noticed the little boy standing shyly among the crowd of Tifosi, clutching a miniature Ferrari car in his hands. His eyes were wide with excitement as he looked up at Charles.
Charles smiled warmly and made his way over to the boy, crouching down to be at his level. "Ciao, piccolo amico," he greeted, extending his hand. "What's your name?"
The boy told Charles his name, and as you stood back watching the interaction, you couldn't help but think how good he was his kids.
Even before you got married, you and Charles had talked about wanting a family together, but you agreed that would needed to wait until the time was right.
However, every time you saw him interact with little kids you couldn't help but feel what people called "baby fever" take over your body.
The little boy handed Charles his little Ferrari toy for him to sign, "Now it's even faster!" Charles said as he handed it back to him, "Would you like to meet my wife and our dog, Leo?"
"Yes, please!" the boy's ever grew even wider.
Charles beckoned you over, and you walked up with Leo trotting happily beside you. "Hii, this is Leo. Do you want to pet him?"you said warmly
The boy hesitated for a moment, then reached out tentatively. Leo, always friendly, wagged his tail and leaned into the boy's hand.
"He's so soft," he said, beaming up at you. "And he's got his own pass!"
"Yes, he does," you laughed, "He's a very special member of the team."
After taking a few pictures with Charles, the boy went back with his parents with a happy smile on his face.
"You're really good with kids, did you know that?" you said to Charles, feeling his arm wrap around your waist and pull you to him.
"I love being around kids," he caressed your cheek softly, "Little fans always make my day."
"You'll be such an amazing dad someday," you let out before you could even stop yourself, watching Charles' smile grow bigger at your words.
"Am I sensing some baby fever?" Charles teased, making you cover your face in embarrassment.
"It's not baby fever!" you protested and Charles gave you a raised eyebrow, "It's not!"
"Sure, sure," Charles chuckled, pulling you closer and planting a gentle kiss on your forehead. "Whatever you say, Mrs. Leclerc."
"Don't tease me, it's true," he raised an eyebrow at you again, "Okay, maybe I'm getting a bit of baby fever, but we agreed to wait until the time is right and that's fine."
"I know, I know," he pulled you to his chest, kissing the crown of your head, "But honestly, I can't wait to have our own little ones to bring to the races. You'd be an amazing mom and Leo would be a big brother."
You threw your head back in laughter, pecking his lips softly, "That sounds like the dream."
"It does," he kissed your lips again, "Now, I have to get to work to make my wife and kid proud."
"Go do that, Leo will be cheering you on."
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leclercsainzz · 4 months
BEGGING for a charles leclerc x reader smau based on “some one like you” please 🙏🏼 where he’s married to someone else after reader and him broke up .. you can make it however you want:)
PARINGS: charles leclerc x ex gf!reader
TYPE: social media au
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liked by carlossainz55, yourusername and 720,038 others
charles_leclerc: dreams do come true, i love you, my love 💘
view 6,736 comments
user: OMG OMG
user: “dreams do come true” 😭
user: he’s officially married, guys
carlossainz55: congratulations, mate 🍾
user: YN LIKED OMG 😭😭
pierregasly: congrats, bro! wishing you the best ❤️
user: congratulations 🥰
user: *liked by yourusername* 😢
↳ user: my heart SHATTERED, OMGGGG 💔
user: i just want to know how yn feels
user: can ya’ll move on from charles and yn?!?
user: yn 😭😭
joris__trouche: ❤️❤️❤️
user: he finally got what he wanted, omg 🥺
user: congratulations 🥳
user: i was doing fine until i saw that yn liked this post
user: im happy for him!!
landonorris: congrats, mate
user: idk why i was waiting to see a comment by yn
sebastianvettel: wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness
↳ charles_leclerc: thank you, sebs! 😊
lance_stroll: congratulations!
user: can’t believe so much time has passed since yn:(
user: i know all the drivers were invited but i NEED pictures
user: guess i won’t be mrs leclerc anytime soon 😩
danielricciardo: wishing you both lots of love ❤️
lewishamilton: congratulations
user: i wonder how yn must be feeling 🥺🥺
user: was hoping him and yn would get their happily ever after
user: i wonder if he calls his wife “mon cœur” or “mon ange”
↳ user: i doubt he calls his wife that considering those belong to yn but who knows
↳ user: maybe “my heart” but not “my angel” or idk
↳ user: ya’ll think she calls him “charlie” ?? the way yn did??
user: guess yn is never getting him back 😭
user: congratulations, charles! sending lots of love 💗
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liked by francisca.cgomes, lorenzotl and 610,840 others
yourusername: — la vie est belle <3
see translation: life is beautiful
view 4,810 comments
user: SHE’s HangING WITH KIKA 💗
user: babes, did you get the apartment you always wanted?!?
↳ user: wait— the one her and charles always wanted right?!?
↳ user: with the view, yes! it seems like it in the third post
pierregasly: hey! that’s MY girlfriend
↳ yourusername: OUR* get it right 🙄
francisca.cgomes: tú es belle 😘
see translation: you’re beautiful
user: “life is beautiful” LIES ik deep down you missing charles
user: i miss you and charles 😭😭😭😭
user: i really thought you and charles would’ve been endgame 😭
user: charles is married but not to yn 😭😭😭
danielricciardo: oui
see translation: yes
leclerc_pascale: belle comme toujours 😍
see translation: beautiful as always
↳ yourusername: ❤️❤️❤️
↳ user: mama leclerc 😭
user: how do you feel about charles’ marriage??
user: crazy to think how charles is married while yn’s not
user: i really thought you and charles would’ve been endgame
user: charles’ got a whole wife, bro 😔😔 and it ain’t you
user: charles got his dream but yn???? 😭😭😭😭
user: she got her apartment with the eiffel tower view
↳ user: but without charles 😢😢
user: times flies fast … it feels like her and charles were still together:((
user: wonder if she congratulated charles
↳ user: she definitely didn’t 🤣 why would she??
user: charles was suppose to be her love forever 😭😭
↳ user: well as they say, “sometimes it last in love, but sometimes it hurts instead”
user: her and charles were supposed to live in france together
user: ya’ll seriously need to move on from those two, he’s a married man ….
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liked by sebastianvettel, arthur_leclerc and 772,046 others
charles_leclerc: surprise!
view 5,940 comments
user: i just know yn feeling SICK right now
user: he got married, he’s gonna become a dad, now he just needs that ferrari championship (FERRARI GIVE IT TO HIM)
carlossainz55: you’re both going to make amazing parents! congratulations on your new baby!!! ❤️
↳ charles_leclerc: thank you, carlos!
user: he’S GONNA BE A DAD 😭😭😭
user: we’re getting a mini leclerc 🥺
lewishamilton: congratulations 😊
↳ charles_leclerc: thanks, mate!
user: he’s achieving his dreams
↳ user: without yn 😭😭😭
user: ya’ll gotta stop with the whole charles/yn relationship, they BROKE UP! i don’t think his wife appreciates you all bringing yn up every chance you get
user: can’t wait!!!!!
sebastianvettel: congratulations on your new adventure
↳ charles_leclerc: 😊😊
leclerc_pascale: ❤️❤️❤️
user: we’re all happy for you, charles 😌💗
alex_albon: congrats!! 🥳
↳ charles_leclerc: thanks, alex
user: i’d be crawling back into his life, if i were yn
lorenzotl: ❤️
user: he’s getting his mini leclerc 🥺🥺
maxverstappen1: favorite uncle max is gonna spoil her/him
↳ charles_leclerc: favorite uncle?!!?? absolutely not
joris__trouche: at your service 🫡
arthur_leclerc: ❤️❤️
user: he finally accomplished his dreams
user: this could’ve been yn’s life 😩😩
yourusername: congratulations, charlie!
↳ user: MOM, OMG 😭😭
↳ user: ik she’s lowkey crying about this
↳ user: “charlie”
↳ user: i want them back together, idc 😭😭😭😭
pierregasly: congrats ❤️
user: he’s living his dreams
user: yn 💔💔💔💔
user: mom’s comment 😢
user: i’d be feeling sick to my stomach, if i were yn
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly and 649,083 others
yourusername: bonjour
see translation: hello
tagged: @yourbrother
view 4,081 comments
user: when she listens to lana del rey >>>
user: LA LA LAND, OMG 😭😭😭 PAIN
pierregasly: yourbrother & toby >>> you
user: charles liked!!! OMG
user: she’s watching la la land!
user: i didn’t realize the 5th slide was @yourbrother
leclerc_pascale: ma belle fille 😘
see translation: my beautiful girl
↳ yourusername: je t’aime ❤️
↳ user: “my beautiful girl” i cant 😭😭😭
↳ user: pascale LOVES yn so much even after all these years
francisca.cgomes: 😍😍😍😍 my wife
lorenzotl: avez-vous oublié monaco? 😔
see translation: did you forget monaco?
↳ yourusername: jasmais ça
see translation: never that
↳ arthur_leclerc: 👍🏼
user: the way charles family still interacts with hers 😭😭
↳ user: i miss them 😔
user: third slide is lowkey for charles
↳ user: girl, MOVE ON! he’s married, get over them
user: i miss yncharles 💔💔💔💔
kellypiquet: 😍😍
danielricciardo: bonjour
yourbrother: mon chein est meilleur que toi
see translation: my dog is better than you
↳ yourusername: toby m’aime mieux que toi
see translation: toby likes me better than you
charles_leclerc: toby est tellement grand 🥺 @yourbrother
see translation: toby is so grown
user: missing mom and dad 😭😭
user: i know charles is married but i can’t help myself thinking about him and yn all the times:(
user: he commented
user: she’s the one that got away 😔
↳ user: what should’ve, could’ve, and would’ve been
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beiasluv · 5 months
christmas spirit’s | f1 grid
a/n: super rushed but enjoy 💀💀
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liked by username, username and 76,727 others
view all 3,764 comments
username mans knew that she loves f1 dilfs and went with it
username I NEED to see Jenson reaction
username NO because Sebastian IS her mentor 😩
username I FEEL SO BAD FOR YN 😭
username RIGHT
username 😭😭
username I wouldn’t be mad if I was gifted the three branches of government
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liked by yourinsta, landonorris and 524,626 others
carlossainz55 ¡feliz navidad! from the sainz’s 🎄
view all 101,261 comments
username carlos is in spain (without the s)
username another one ticked off the list 😭😭😭
username ikr???
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liked by landonorris, georgerussell63 and 361,155 others
alex_albon wishing everyone a very happy christmas from the albons!
view all 89,621 comments
username sad day to be an albon fan
username girl imagine being a logan stan
username you’re either american or american. either way, he is definitely back in florida
username ngl I’ll let him spend any day with lily. a win is a win
username get a fucking life yall it’s just a party
username it’s LIFE
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liked by arthur_leclerc, yourinsta and 861,718 others
charles_leclerc family dinner from the leclerc ❤️🎄
view all 275,255 comments
username okay mr. host candidate, pack it up rn
username so no one is going to mention that yn goes on to like every single post 😭😭
username and lando.
username they plotting sumthinh
username tell me that bitch didn’t lie to us 👹
username that’s mean. do it again
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liked by oscarpiastri, carlossainz55 and 861,517 others
yourinsta new player contract?? 🤭
view all 341,255 comments
carlossainz55 ankles still working?
landonorris at least I’m better than you
yourinsta she was a fairy 🤭🤭
username YN IS IN THE UK 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🦅🦅🦅
username so bf??? 🤭😭😭😭
username football girlie here but gah daium yn looks so fine 😩
username the crossover we never (kinda) expected 👹
username so…the party?
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liked by charles_leclerc, oscarpiastri and 385,288 others
yourinsta happy holidays and making cookies!
view all 86,626 comments
landonorris where’s mine
yourinsta burnt 👹
username switching sides
username maybe she’s not planning something after all 😔✊
yourinsta SAY SIKE RN 🤭
username WHATHDG
landonorris 4h
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yourinsta 2h
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landonorris 23m
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liked by username, username and 97,277 others
f1gossips photos of the F1 Christmas party parties last night were leaked. lando norris comfirmed as the party host and special guests of carlos sainz, nico hulkenburg, max verstappen, pierre gasly, kika gomes, yn ln, and charles leclerc himself. monte carlo confirmed.
- admin
view all 1,097 comments
username please tell me yn took that picture of Charles
username queen getting back for his present
username no she was a savage last night 😭
username Queen was roasting no one with hesitation
username AS SHE SHOULD
ngl guys, I actually finished the mark webber one first and then the poll shifted 👹👹👹👹
if you guys enjoyed it, any interaction would be appreciated. if not, then why the fuck not? 😘
today’s a great day to get out and take care of yourself 🫶
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landograndprix · 9 months
「Baby fever ๛ c.l」
✧.* in which the two of you get hit by baby fever a little too much and a little too often and are not that subtle about it.
✧.*...i saw that french video on youtube of him teasing pierre like "i'm gonna call Kika tonight and motivate her, saying you're ready" (to be a father). I would love to see reader and him having baby fever and people roasting him for that. It's not a great idea, i know. for real, anything is great for a charles leclerc smau. // you're telling me, someone who's in a constant state of baby fever, that this is not a great idea? girl this is everything to me 🥺 this kinda took a turn but hope you like it nevertheless
✧.* taglist & requests are open!
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y/nusername posted to their story
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📍 Monte-Carlo, Monaco
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liked by charles_leclerc, joris__trouche and 98,896 others
y/nusername babe sittin' this week 💗
view all 567 comments
julieeeexo omg where are you getting all these kids from girl 😭
sharl16 their friends and family won't stop having kids 💀
lolaaaa can you adopt me pls I'd do anything..
charles_leclerc 😍😍
charles_leclerc fais-leur un câlin de ma part! ❤️
bananaclerc I have no idea what it says but yes..
bott_ass he basically said to give them a hug!
bananalerc oh eughghh disgusting 🥰🤢
hamilt44n would never understand why someone would babysit for more than a few hours but you do you baby 😍
joris__trouche quand vais-je recevoir mon filleul? when do i get my godchild?
y/nusername je ne le veux pas près de chez toi de toute façon don't want it near you anyway
joris__trouche appelle-le au moins Joris at least name it joris
youdidaverstappen wait are they saying there's a baby on the way or am I tweaking? 😭
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourbestfrienduser and 88,675 others
y/nusername summer with some favourites ft. spiderman 🕸
view all 499 comments
estebanocon wow you met spiderman?
y/nusername the one and only!
leclerccharlew aw mom and dad practicing to be mom and dad 🥺
charlessixteen I want to thank y/n for giving us starved charles girlies some Charles content
yourbestfrienduser when are you going to bring spiderman back home?
charles_leclerc when he wants to go home
yourbestfrienduser great so he's not coming home for the next 16 years?
charlos16 these are the first signs of kidnapping 🤪
charles_leclerc des crimes graves ont été commis aujourd'hui 🕷🕸 serious crimes were committed today
y/nleclerccc hope he locked up some ferrari strategist..
norry4 7th picture is too cute can't wait to see an actual baby leclerc 🥺
charles_leclerc posted on their story
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max taglist;
charles taglist;
lando taglist;
everything taglist;
2K notes · View notes
love-belle · 8 months
give you my wild, give you a child !!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ in which fans are once again spinning theories but they're just making more memories — and family members apparently.
for when you have everything you ever wanted. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
social media au // charles leclerc x fem!reader
warnings - language
author's note - posting this before i go ghost for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow :// i love u so much thank u <3
≡;- ꒰ °twitter ꒱
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≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by landonorris, lilymhe, heidiberger_ and 876,628 others
yourusername last night out for a while ❤️
username i have trust issues
username someone ban that acc from updating abt y/n and charles i've had ENOUGH
username dad??????!!!!!!!!!
landonorris thank god i CANNOT babysit you anymore
-> yourusername i'm not that bad
-> landonorris you ran away from me and charles and we found you in a souvenirs shop trying on glittery boas
username mother mothering like mother never mothered before
-> yourusername literally
*yourusername deleted this comment*
username me when u
username no bc these pictures are from WEEKS ago bc she posted an ig story and her hair was short and she's not even in monaco atm
-> yourusername slow down sherlock
≡;- ꒰ °instagram stories ꒱
*charles_leclerc added to their instagram stories*
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≡;- ꒰ °instagram stories ꒱
*charles_leclerc and yourusername added to their instagram stories*
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≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, danielricciardo and 2,417,915 others
yourusername he's been moody lately and we finally found out why! u gave me ur wild and now ur giving me a child ❤️❤️❤️ thank u for making me a milf although i'll be doing the most for us but those 2 seconds won't go unappreciated
tagged charles_leclerc
username "those 2 seconds won't go unappreciated" PLEASE
username milf to be ❤️
carlossainz55 godfather is me, no doubt?
-> danielricciardo back off
-> pierregasly please
-> maxverstappen1 hi?
-> landonorris i'm y/n's favourite
-> yourusername ur all equally shit
charles_leclerc now if i say something i'm gonna be the bad guy
-> yourusername yes
charles_leclerc you said you loved me :(
-> yourusername i do bullying is js my love language
charles_leclerc can i even argue with you?
-> yourusername u have one (1) brain i have two don't
username im so so so excited to see how all this unfolds like this is gonna be a treat and im rubbing my hands js thinking abt it
3K notes · View notes
luvclerc · 8 months
how bout a charles leclerc x kpop idol reader? where charles and the reader have been dating even before they became famous. theyve been soft-launching each other for years and years, and the fans are trying to figure it out.
ps: i imagine jennie kim as the face claim (i love her sm)
gf reveal please
summary: when fans are manifesting a relationship they don’t know already exists
pairing: charles leclerc & reader
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liked by lewishamilton and 5,928,193 others
youruser happiest girl in the worlddd
view all 34,828 comments
rubylove to the person that sends her blue flowers every year for her birthday, thank you <3
heartyn the way she’s always getting the same flowers every year 😭
petrolh lewis what are u doing here 👀
pink1 pretty sure they did a campaign together recently so nothing juicy from them
rosiesyn i just want to know who’s been gifting her flowers every year
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liked by carlossainz16, landonorris, pierregasly and 2,928,019 others
charles_leclerc from the camera roll 📸
view all 26,929 comments
lecler16 ahhh not charles in his soft launch the flowers again???!-
scuder1a going to pretend i didn’t see the last slide 🫶🏻
pierregasly 😁
amorcl ???
lestapa33n what does this mean
pinkari i want to say something but i don’t want to get ratioed on here too
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liked by scuderiaferrari, charles_leclerc, carlossainz16, and 4,729,019 others
youruser uk recap (ps. wasn’t exactly the results we wanted but still had a good time!)
view all 34,929 comments
ynnniviee we were robbed of yn content at the race
scuderiaferrari 🤭
sainzchar DOES THAT MEAN YESS???
scuderiaferrari see you again next race?
lechairs but charles already has a gf…
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liked by landonorris, youruser, and 2,292,019 others
charles_leclerc 9th. not the results we were expecting but thank you for the continuous support. next stop break.
view all 24,425 comments
itsleclerc silverstone + strategist screwed over charles this weekend but the man still has the mood to soft launch..
clmcquen shout to to charles gf for helping him through this tough time
lechairrie one day ferrari will stop fcking up charles
ynmon would have been great if yn got to celebrate a win with ferrari :(
youruser forever proud! comment has been deleted
sainzchair ENOUGH with posting the back of her head gf reveal pls
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liked by youruser, carlossainz55, maxverstappen1 and 4,420,324 others
charles_leclerc always nice to spend the holidays with family ❤️
view all 34,028 comments
itslec1erc it’s been 5 holidays gf reveal when 🥹
scuderiaferrari lovely family ❤️
carlossainz55 this a big ass tree
landonorris psa! charles gf makes more money than him
charles_leclerc as she should :)
alex_albon when i borrowed $200 from her and she didn’t ask for it back 💃🏻
ynlnlover is anymore here from yn recent post?!
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourbestfriend, lewishamilton and 4,593,013 others
youruser happy holidays everyone!
view all 43,505 comments
ariyn the dress... the tree... the private jet
sharleclerc waittt is this the girl from charles recent post???
landonorris oop the dots are connecting
georgerussell63 did you get me a christmas gift this year??
youruser uM haha
plsyn f1 driver x kpop idol is the weirdest crossover i’m sorry???
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liked by carlossainz55, maxverstappen1, pierragasly, youruser and 29,210,425 others
charles_leclerc took her on a trip for our fifth anniversary ❤️
tagged: youruser
view all 98,184 comments
pierregasly damn i wanted to be the one who did the reveal 💔
youruser ilyy 💞
carlossainz55 does this mean i can finally post my pictures 😭
scuderiaferrari parents 🫶🏻
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc, lewishamilton and 12,244,091 others
youruser me and my man <3
tagged: charles_leclerc
view all 80,241 comments
leschairs it was you and me against the world :(
charles_leclerc yn only agreed to hard launch cause she didn’t want pierre to reveal it himself 😞
pierregasly you never want to see me win :/
landonorris adopt me 🫶🏻
charlyn don’t know who i want more, yn or charles 😭
carlossainz55 don’t forget about me 🥹
2K notes · View notes
sunny44 · 5 months
No baby here
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Girlfriend!reader
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy
Summary: because of a mistake, Charles believes that you’re pregnant.
Next Part
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Yourusername Instagram stories
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She had told me she was going out with her sister, and when I asked where they were going, she wouldn't tell me exactly, just said they were having a girls' afternoon.
But when I saw that photo, I couldn't believe it.
At first, I was shocked that she posted it online before telling me, but then I started celebrating and was so excited that nothing could bring me down that day.
I bought all the things she likes to eat and also went to a baby clothing store to get some things.
I got home, and she wasn't there, so I figured she was in the shower, giving me time to organize the food on the counter and put the gifts in the box.
"Hi, love," I heard her say as she hugged me from behind. "Wow, what's the occasion?”
"None, I just wanted to surprise you," I turned to her, and she smiled, giving me a kiss.
"You're so sweet, you know that?" She gave me another peck and turned around as I put my hand on her belly, luckily unnoticed. "And what's in this little box?"
"It's a gift." She took it and gave it a shake.
"Can I open it?"
"Yeah." She smiled and opened the box.
"I don't get it," she said. "Are you pregnant?"
"What? No, you are."
"What?" She asked, turning around alarmed. "What are you talking about?"
"What do you mean, what am I talking about? I would have preferred you told me before posting it online, but..."
"Wait a minute." She interrupted me. "Told you what?"
"That you're pregnant."
"But I'm not pregnant."
"Then whose ultrasounds are those you posted on your stories?" Immediately, she widened her eyes and grabbed her phone, realizing there were thousands of messages on Instagram congratulating us, and various gossip profiles spreading the news.
“Oh my god.”
"What happened?"
"I didn't tell you where I was going today because I was accompanying my sister to her appointment because she's pregnant with Michael, and instead of sending the photos to my mom, I posted them." She said, embarrassed. "Oh God, I'm so stupid."
"Hey, it's okay." I tried to ease the situation.
"I'm so sorry, love." She said, and I hugged her.
"It's okay."
"Now I understand why you were so excited, and there are the baby clothes too." She said with a choked voice, and I wiped the tears from her eyes. "You were so sweet to prepare everything, and I disappointed you."
"Hey, you didn't disappoint me." I held her face. "It's not our baby, but it's a good thing. Let's be happy for your sister, and when our time comes, I'll be just as excited as I was today."
"Promise you're not upset?"
"I promise." She agreed, and I gave her a quick kiss. "Now let's eat because later we need to clarify things for everyone online and also give these clothes as a gift to your sister."
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Bonus scene!
Yourusername instagram post
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Liked by @charlesleclerc, @f1gossip, @yoursister and others 19370
Yourusername Hello guys, I posted some ultrasound photos on my stories a few hours ago, and I just wanted to say they're not mine.
Charlie and I aren't having a baby yet; the photos were of my sister, and I accidentally posted them instead of sending them to my mom.
Thank you all for the kind messages, and I apologize for the confusion.
Ps: my “baby bump” it’s actually a Burguer bump.
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cloudbride · 6 months
Wildest dreams
pairing: charlesleclerc x famous!reader , pt2
reader is pierre gasly’s childhood friend , enjoy
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pierregasly : idk which was more exhausting, the hike or y/n taking a selfie every five minutes 🤣
yn13:@/pierregasly ITS FOR THE MEMORIES Pez ur gonna thank me 20 yrs later
lewishamilton : no tag ?🧍🏾
liked by author
userr77: miss u on the paddock yn come backk
chalresleclerc: @/pierregasly i thought hiking was our thing no?
Pierregasly: @/charlesleclerc i thought y/n invited you?
yn13:@/charlesleclerc i stole yo man 😘
liked by pierregasly
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The F1 world is in absolute chaos right now as romance rumours surrounding Charles Leclerc spread quicker than his winning races. The latest news?
Rumours have circulated that Charles Leclerc and one of Pierre Gasly's childhood friends model Y/N (who fans previously thought gasly was dating ) were together.
Leclerc just earlier, this week, took the world by storm when he defended the model on Twitter against his own fans can you believe it?
But now they're all shocked as it's revealed that Charles has actually been photographed going out with a different girl altogether !
Fans are now questioning the relationship between y/n and Charles Leclerc, as there have been hints that they hung out before …..—>
Read on for all the exclusive details and more.
i randomly thought about this and had to post something haha idk where to go from now but we’ll see
938 notes · View notes
norris55s · 12 hours
chaotic texts - charles leclerc
reader x charles leclerc texts, except they're crazy and about his maiden monaco win
warnings: alcohol consumption
a/n: better late than never am i right
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302 notes · View notes
chrisevansonly · 2 months
Little Leo
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charles leclerc x female Reader
summary: you and charles become parents
warnings: none super super fluffy!!
a/n: CHARLES IS A DOG DAD I CAN’T TAKE IT!!! this is so self indulgent and for me and @wintfleur because EEEEEK i’m dying 🥹🥹
Today was finally the day, after waiting months..long days and nights filled with anticipation, you were finally welcoming your first child to the world. Something you and Charles had been so over the moon for, this decision was the best you ever made, and he was finally here.
Little Leo, a 3 pound miniature dachshund.
Charles had been talking to Doni about a puppy for a while having loved his dachshunds, and knowing your love for dogs it really was a no brainer. You watched the monégasque with excitement in your eyes as he stood beside you on the back deck, seeing Doni walk through the back gate.
“He’s finally here Char!” you said softly, squeezing his hand
“Look baby he’s so tiny…”
Doni passed Leo to you first and your heart just about melted at how tiny and virtually weightless he felt.
“Hi baby…hi Leo…”
The puppy yawned before looking up at you, a pout on your lips before you gently kissed his head
“You are just the sweetest little thing…here say hi to your daddy..”
Charles took Leo from you gently and cradled him to his chest softly, kissing his head a few times
“Char he looks so tiny in your arms” you laughed shaking your head before taking photos of the two of them together
“I love him so much already..”
“Me too my love…”
Leaning up to kiss Charles softly you leaned your head on his shoulder, gently petting Leo’s soft fur, this really had turned out to be the best day ever. The two of you had been together for nearly 4 years and marriage was on the table, but a baby was too soon still for both of you so a puppy was the next best thing.
Leo might be a dog, but to you and Charles, he was your perfect little baby and now? You’d become a family of three.
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harrysfolklore · 6 days
charles and his childhood best friend but he's secretly in love with her pretty please
childhood friends to lovers is my favorite trope 🥺 i hope you like this
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liked by charles_leclerc, lilymhe and 102,625 others
yourinstagram perks of your best friend being a formula one driver: you get to travel to cool places to see him work
📸 by my love @boyfriendsusername
view all 3,087 comments
charlesfan1 the most beloved non wag is coming
charlesfan2 “��by my love” charles was found fuming
↳ charlesfan3 no bc he refuses to admit he’s in love with her (we all know it)
lilymhe i can’t wait to see you 💗 ♥︎ by author
charlesfan3 is her boyfriend going to the gp?? bc is he is we’re getting pissed off charles again lol
↳ charlesfan2 brazil gp flashbacks 😭
landonorris Don’t forget about me and come say hi ♥︎ by author
↳ yourinstagram will do landoeeee 🫡
↳ landofan1 love this duo
charlesfan4 why does she have to take her boyfriend? 😫 actually can she break up with him and just get with charles ?
↳ charlesfan1 you guys are so disrespectful sometimes, they’ve been best friends since forever you shouldn’t be projecting a relationship between them when there isn’t
boyfriendsusername 😍😍 ♥︎ by author
charles_leclerc About time, I miss you a lot ❤️
↳ charlesfan2 MARRY HER
↳ yourinstagram same hereeeee
↳ charlesfan3 she replied to charles’ comment but not to her boyfriend’s. see? she’s in love with him
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liked by charles_leclerc, lilymhe and 114,824 others
yourinstagram cooking breakfast because running over my ex with a truck is not the right thing to do
view all 4,033 comments
charlesfan2 okay sucks for her but i bet charles is jumping up and down 😭
francisca.cgomes It’s his loss 💗 Ilysm ♥︎ by author
↳ charlesfan1 she’s so loved along the wags she just needs to become a wag herself
carlossainz55 Sending you a big hug, nena ♥︎ by author
↳ carlosfan1 carlos what are you doing here charles would have your head if you ever try something with her
charlesfan4 it’s kinda insensitive that you guys celebrate that she broke up with her boyfriend and the comments about how she should get with charles… she’s a human being who just had a breakup and charles is literally her best friend and nothing more
charles_leclerc I don’t think it’s a wrong thing to do. Actually, I can run over him with my Ferrari if you want, I know a thing or two about driving cars at a really fast speed 🤷 ♥︎ by author
↳ charlesfan1 CHARLES WTF 😭
↳ charlesfan2 HE HAS NO CHILL
↳ charlesfan3 we knew he always hated him
↳ yourinstagram 😂😂 love you, charlie
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liked by yourinstagram, pierregasly and 1,002,367 others
charles_leclerc When your best friend is obssesed with all things aesthetic
view all 15,044 comments
charlesfan1 LOVE OF MY LIFE
charlesfan2 he’s really the hottest man alive
landonorris Can she be my best friend too?
↳ charles_leclerc No
↳ charlesfan1 😭😭😭
leclerc_pascale ❤️
charlesfan3 he looks so boyfriend so i think he should be yn’s boyfriend
yourinstagram you look cute through my lens 🥲
↳ charles_leclerc I always look cute what do you mean
↳ charlesfan1 stop flirting in front of us
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liked by charlesfan1, charlesfan2 and 34,836 others
f1gossip Charles Leclerc and YN out in Monaco tonight
view all 2,088 comments
charlesfan2 they’re both so pretty. they would make the hottest couple on the grid
charlesfan3 why don’t they just get together ffs 😭
↳ charlesfan1 streets say (and ny street i mean people from monaco) that charles has been smitten over her since they were kids but she always dated other guys
↳ charlesfan2 this must be true like we’ve seen it
charlesfan4 something in the air is shifting people maybe they’re finally confessing that they’re in love with each other lol
↳ charlesfan1 LETTUCE PRAY
charlesfan5 why is this comment section full of weirdos they’re FRIENDS
↳ charlesfan2 stfuuuu
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liked by charles_leclerc, oscarpiastri and 120,725 others
yourinstagram back on my tifosi era ❤️
view all 5,033 comments
charlesfan1 YEEEEES
charlesfan2 imagine being charles’ best friend and traveling with him for races
↳ charlesfan1 babe that’s not his best friend that’s the love of his life
lilymhe IT WAS SO GOOD TO FINALLY SEE YOU ♥︎ by author
↳ yourinstagram i literally LOVE you 🤍
↳ charlesfan1 just become a wag already
charlesfan3 see charles was all smiles today because her (ex)boyfriend no longer tags along
landonorris When will the two of you confess to each other
↳ landofan1 LANDO😳
↳ yourinstagram you’re so weird i never know what you’re talking about
↳ charlesfan2 of course yn is playing dumb
↳ charles_leclerc ???
↳ charlesfan3 PLEASE 😭
charles_leclerc I look weird in that pic :(
↳ yourinstagram you look cuuuute
↳ charlesfan2 KISS KISS
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liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55 and 250,388 others
yourinstagram i’ve known and loved this one since he was this little. growing up, we talked about what he would become countless of times, and in every single conversation i told him that he was going to achieve every single one of his dreams. today he drives the monaco circuit for the 6th time, and i know this year will be his year and monaco will finally love him back 🏆
love you beyond words @charles_leclerc ❤️
view all 10,187 comments
charlesfan1 AWEEEE
leclerc_pascale ❤️❤️❤️❤️
↳ yourinstagram tysm for the picture 🥺
landonorris Little Charles Leclerc
scuderiaferarri FORZA CHARLES ! 👏
↳ charlesfan1 the thing is we all can see it but they just can’t
charlesfan5 seriously if this ain’t love then what is
f1gossip Charles and YN’s romantic relationship will be confirmed any minute now
↳ charlesfan2 WHAT DO YOU KNOW
↳ charlesfan3 SPILL THE DEETS
charles_leclerc Thank you for being my biggest supporter and never leaving my side. I love you so much 🤍 ♥︎ by author
↳ charlesfan1 STFU STFU
↳ charlesfan2 YN WAKE UP
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liked by yourinstagram, oscarpiastri and 3,436,137 others
charles_leclerc BEST DAY EVER ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for everything, I love you all ❤️🤍❤️🤍
view all 43,826 comments
schecoperez Bravo Charles! 👏
charlesfan2 IM STILL CRYING
oscarpiastri Congrats bro 👊
pierregasly Bravo Champ!! Trop content pour toi!! ❤️
georgerussell63 Congrats mate !!
charlesfan3 HE DID IT FINALLY
scuderiaferrari Bravo Charles !! So proud ❤️
yourinstagram im so proud of you, words are not enough. this was your dream and you achieve it, i love you so much
↳ charlesfan1 AHHHHH
↳ charlesfan3 JUST GET MARRIED
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liked by charles_leclerc, lilymhe and 376,956 others
yourinstagram when we were 15 i told him that i would be his girlfriend the day he won the monaco grand prix. i guess it's time 🤍
view all 15,875 comments
charlesfan1 AHHHHHH
francisca.cgomes 🥹🥹🥹🥹
arthur_leclerc Finally ♥︎ by author
↳ charlesfan1 ARTHUR 😭😭😭😭
↳ charlesfan2 even their families were rooting for them I CANT
scuderiaferrari ❤️
carlossainz55 👏👏👏
charlesfan6 they were always meant to be but they were too stubborn to see it
landonorris I LOVE LOVE ❤️
↳ landofan1 PLEASEEEEE
charlesfan7 they have been in love for YEARS i cannot
charles_leclerc I’ve waited my whole life for this moment 🤍
↳ charlesfan1 IM CRYING AGAIN
↳ charlesfan2 CHARLIE DONT DO THIS
↳ charlesfan3 they’re so invisible string coded
↳ yourinstagram 🥺🥺❤️
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liked by yourinstagram, landonorris and 3,574,037 others
charles_leclerc Lucly I’m in love with my best friend ❤️
view all 44,399 comments
charlesfan2 THIS IS PERFECT
pierregasly Adorable 🙌
instagram 🥺
scuderiaferrari ❤️
charlesfan5 every single soul was rooting for this relationship fr
charlesfan6 I LOVE THEM SM
charlesfan7 childhood friends to lovers 🥹
yourinstagram i love you so much 💗💗
↳ charlesfan1 took you decades to find out but it’s okay girl
↳ charlesfan2 i can’t get enough of this relationship
1K notes · View notes
chlerc · 26 days
did i do that? ; charles leclerc
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— summary; all the stupid things and subconscious actions he does but at the end of the day it just shows how great he loves.
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pairing — oblivious-idiot-but-sweet-charles leclerc! x f. reader! ( third person story )
word count — 2280.
content — 5 occasions charles does subconsciously or his stupid antics that he does so you could talk to him or just him caring for you in general.
NAVIGATION + author’s note: i’m so in love with marc guiu i might go insane?? i just love smiley dimple boys!!! ps i cried when lando won, my 505!
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— 1.
CHARLES HAD ALWAYS BEEN ATTUNED to every of her moves, even when he wasn’t consciously aware of it. There was an unspoken connection between them that transcended words, a silent understanding that manifested in the smallest gestures and actions. One such subconscious act was his instinctive protection of her head from sharp edges whenever she bent down to grab something from the cabinets or retrieve an item that had fallen.
Whenever she bent down to grab something from the cabinets or reached for fallen objects, Charles instinctively moved to protect her head from any sharp edges nearby with his palm. It was a subtle gesture, one that went unnoticed by many, but not by their observant friends. Whenever they hung out at his house and witnessed Charles’ protective instincts kick in, they couldn’t help but tease him about it.
“Hey Charles, lisse. (smooth one)” Riccardo quipped with a playful grin as he watched Charles subtly adjust a nearby item to prevent it from bumping into her head. Charles chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. “Quoi? Qu’est-ce que j’ai fait? (What? What did I do?)”
“Non, rien, tant pis. (No, nothing nevermind.)” His friends exchanged knowing glances, their teasing smiles widening. They found it amusing how Charles seemed oblivious to his subconscious actions around her.
Yet just when she reached down to pick up a fallen book, Charles swiftly moved her hardcover books away from the edge of the table with his palm covering the sharp corner, averting any potential accidents and injuries from her. “Riflessi sul punto, fratello. (Reflexes on point, bro)” Joris teased, his tone laced with amusement. “Immagino che la cavalleria non sia morta, dopo tutto. (I guess chivalry isn't dead after all.)”
There were practically question marks written all over his face, he just laughs at the comment in response while attempting to brush off the comment. But his friends could see through his instinctive actions. It was evident that Charles had developed a protective instinct specifically for her, whether he realised it or not.
The teasing was now always a regular occurrence whenever they gathered at Charles' house. His friends found joy in poking fun at his subtle acts of protection, while Charles continued to downplay his actions, always lost when they comment on any of his actions and shrugs it off nonchalantly. Neither did she ever realise his palms reaching out to cover the sharp corners of tables and cabinets or why he was always bending over when she was too.
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— 2.
THE DINNER WAS LIVELY, FILLED with chatter and laughter as Charles and her sat among their friends, enjoying a meal together. As the evening progressed, engrossed in conversation, she reached for her food, only to realize her hair was getting in the way. Neither did she have a hair tie to pull it back. Yet without missing a beat, Charles, sitting beside her, reached over and gently held her hair back, allowing her to eat comfortably.
It was a simple gesture, one done almost instinctively, as Charles continued to enjoy his own meal, seemingly unaware of his actions. Yet the smallest gestures are perhaps the loudest and most honest of ways in which the soul speaks of its true needs. Too focused on her plate, she didn’t immediately notice what Charles had done. She appreciated the relief from her hair without realising it was him who provided it. Instead, she assumed it was a random occurrence, perhaps a draft of wind or a lucky moment.
And opposite them sat his friends who observed the entire exchange, couldn’t contain their amusement. And the next day at the track, they couldn't resist teasing him about his subtle act of attentiveness. “Hey, Charles, did you enjoy being your girlfriend’s hair tie last night?” Lando teased, a mischievous glint in his eye. Charles blinked in confusion for a moment before the memory of the dinner rushed back to him. He chuckled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. “I guess I didn’t even realise I did that.”
And the smirk plastered on Carlos’ face said literally everything, nudging him playfully. “Not taking the credit now huh? We literally saw how smoothly you swooped in, Charlie. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.” His cheeks flushed with embarrassment, yet he couldn’t help but laugh along with his friends. It was moments like these that added a layer of warmth and camaraderie to their friendship.
There wouldn’t be a better moment for the said girlfriend to show up next to him, looking puzzled by the sudden burst of laughter. “What’s so funny?” Her voice was laced with genuine curiosity but Lando couldn't resist that uplifting of the corner of his lips. “Oh, nothing much. Just admiring Charles’ newfound talent as a hairdresser.” Her doe eyes widened in surprise as she glanced at Charles, who shrugged, unable to come up with a suitable explanation.
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— 3.
NIGHT AFTER NIGHT, THE ROUTINE unfolds in their shared space. As the day winds down, she takes her nightly shower, letting the warm water cascade over her. It's a ritual of relaxation and self-care, a moment to wash away the stresses of the day.
Meanwhile, Charles, attuned to her habits, instinctively senses when she finishes her shower. He hears the water cease its gentle flow, and without a second thought, he finds himself standing by the bathroom door, ready to lend a helping hand.
She steps out, her hair damp and clinging to her shoulders. It’s become a familiar scene, and Charles knows what’s coming next. She’ll complain about a headache, the consequence of falling asleep with wet hair, a nightly occurrence that seems to elude change.
“Hey love, my perpetual headache is back.” She greets, a weary smile on her face as she ruffles through her brown strands with a towel. Charles nods knowingly, a hint of concern in his eyes. “You really should let me help you with that hair dryer.” She chuckles, as if entertaining the thought. “I’m fine, really.”
But Charles, driven by an instinct that surpasses words, leads her to the walk-in wardrobe, where the hairdryer awaits. Without waiting for her response, he takes the hairdryer into his hands, motioning for her to sit on the small vanity stool she had. As she settles in, Charles begins to gently dry her hair, the warm air enveloping them in a comforting hum. It’s a silent act of care, a ritual born out of familiarity and an unspoken understanding. Charles knows the routine so well; it’s as if his hands move of their own accord, each stroke of the hairdryer a tender caress.
Too caught up in the soothing sensation, she closes her eyes. The headache that had threatened to linger by next morning begins to dissipate, replaced by a sense of comfort. She doesn’t protest this unspoken nightly routine; instead, she leans into the care Charles provides. The soft hum of the hairdryer becomes a lullaby, and Charles watches with a quiet satisfaction as her features relax.
As the last strands of hair fall into place, Charles turns off the hairdryer, a small smile playing on his lips. She opens her eyes, meeting his gaze with gratitude. The potential headache has retreated, leaving behind a sense of peace. “Thanks Mr gorgeous.” Her voice filled with genuine appreciation but he just shrugs, downplaying the significance of his actions like always. “Just looking out for my girlfriend, love.”
As they turn off the lights and prepare for sleep, the room is filled with an unspoken warmth, a testament to the beauty of the ordinary, the simple gestures that weave the fabric of connection. And so, night after night, Charles continues his instinctive routine, providing comfort to her in the gentle hum of a hairdryer, a melody that lulls them into the embrace of a shared sanctuary.
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— 4.
IN THE BUSTLING COFFEE SHOP, they sat with a group of friends, chatting and enjoying the lively ambiance. She cradles her Ice Americano, relishing the cool refreshment it provides on a warm day. The laughter of her friends blends seamlessly with the clinking of coffee mugs when they should be working on their project work instead.
Charles leans in, his eyes gleaming mischievously, and swiftly snatches her Ice Americano from her grasp. The sudden move catches her off guard, and her friends erupt in laughter at his boldness. “Charles, did you just steal her drink?” Lilah questions, amusement evident in her voice.
She raises an eyebrow, feigning indignation. “Seriously, Charles? What are you doing?” Kenze comments but Charles, unfazed by the questioning, simply grins and stands up, holding the pilfered Ice Americano high above his head like a triumphant conqueror. Without a word, he strolls away, leaving them in amused disbelief.
“Is he always like that? That’s rude of him.” Mariane remarks, all four pairs of their eyes following Charles’ retreating figure. She watches him with a bemused smile, knowing that this is just another one of his caring antics. There was more to the story than a simple drink theft.
As Charles settles at another table, still sipping the stolen ice Americano while giving them space to have their private conversations. “No, he isn’t I promise, I’m on that time of the month today.” Her friends exchange glances, realising that whatever Charles just did was out of her sake. “So, he stole it to save you from yourself?” Her friend chuckles, eyes slightly widening. She nods, her smile widening. “Exactly, he knows me better than I do. Who could ever turn down an Ice Americano right?”
But before they could continue with their conversation, Charles shows up by her side, presenting her with a steaming mug of hot chocolate, adorned with a swirl of whipped cream. Her friends exchanged knowing glances, a few giggles here and there. The corners of Charles’ lips upturned, his eyes looking shinier than ever.
“I figured a hot drink would be more to your liking today and also better considering your condition while sitting here working on your project work.” He scratches the nape of his neck before turning around awkwardly to head back to his table. “You got lucky with this one.” Her friends teased but she knew well how lucky she had been to stumble upon him.
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— 5.
“YOU’RE BEING CHILDISH AND you know it.” He cocks an eyebrow, giving her the look she hates and he knows it. “I’m not! You’re literally so stupid I don’t know how to deal with you sometimes I swear.” Her face was practically red at this point, smoke steaming out of ears if it was possible. But Charles only scoffed in return when he watched her walk to their bedroom and lock the door.
It was stupid really, his fault and not her being childish. Sometimes he never realised how straight of a man he could be to miss all her hints that she so casually dropped. “Oh shit.” Charles mumbles to himself, recalling all other conversations they had about coming home too late just because he was at the club with his friends.
“I’m not saying you can’t be with your friends, I’m saying you could just tell me that you’re at the club so I don’t have to wait and worry all night for you to be home.” She mumbles through her gritted teeth, brows furrowing at him. “I’m a grown man, do I have to tell you everything?” He throws his hands up before walking away, shrugging the conversation off. “You’re literally such a man sometimes. Like a literal man, not a boyfriend type of man.”
It hits him harder than it should at the moment, realising how it was his fault and not her being childish. And now he doesn’t know how to face her without making it obvious, he obviously has an ego to maintain. Charles walks to the kitchen and subconsciously finds himself twisting all the caps of the jars tighter than it already was, specifically her favourite coffee powder jar. “This should be tight enough.” He murmured to himself, grinning at his effort before sauntering back to their bedroom to sleep.
“Charles, help me with this. It’s too tight.” She shoves the coffee jar in his face, his hair disheveled from just waking up. There’s a little grin playing at his lips when he hears her talking to him. “Here.” He twisted it open, handing it back to her. “Yesterday, it was my fault. I’m sorry.”
She turns around facing him, an eyebrow raised questioning him. “I’m stupid you’re right, you’re always right by the way. I’ll let you know if I’m reaching home late in the future, it won’t happen again.” He bites at his lower lips, swinging his body from side to side. “Okay Charles, next time stop twisting the jars tighter so I need to ask you for help. Just talk to me.”
His jaw hungs agape, questioning if he heard things right. “That wasn’t me!” And she just shrugged her shoulders in response. “If it isn’t you then who would it be? And why do you think it’s always so hard to open the jar after our arguments? I know you wouldn’t talk to me first, you and your ego wouldn’t allow that. I gotta make the first move somehow or we’ll never end up communicating right?”
He thanked the god for her arrival in his life, for all the first moves she had taken to keep their relationship going. She’d always end up right, hitting the nail on the topic of his ego. If not they’d be on a never ending cycle of ignoring each other or even broke up. Charles wouldn’t want that. Not at all.
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beiasluv · 8 months
forbidden fruit | Charles Leclerc
a/n: new to the f1 communityy 😬 apologies for any term or idea i got wrong. female!reader. no proofread! enjoyy 🤍
summary: the princess of mercedes and the prince of ferrari, what could possibly go wrong?
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“y/n! y/n! she’s in her last turn! leclerc’s trailing behind! can he do an over take?”
splashing champagnes and listening to the dutch national anthem were never your favorite of winning a podium, but who cares?
you were on P3 and charles leclerc was not.
perhaps retelling the story of your rivalry with the monégasque driver would take a whole frustrating, aggravating, and lengthy year for us to get through; and perhaps it was for the best to leave it where it is, never to be touched, but to reminisce with a needle of cringeness poking through your heart.
although an honorable mention to verstappen, for taking the lead role of leclerc’s personal favorite rival.
it was all an inchident, of course.
smirking back to the driver in a flashing, scuderia ferrari, red fire suit, you could only feel your ego bubbling to the top of your throat. charles leclerc was staring. and staring hard. what a shame you couldn’t even take out your phone and take a snippet of his raging glance. what a fun sight for the whole news headlines to see.
‘charles leclerc, envy and jealousy…’
of course, he couldn’t lash it out. how could he? would the handsome, young, and talented ferrari driver want to ruin his reputation in the media? obviously, not.
of course, you knew it all too well. every day you wake up with the tip of a knife, aiming at your throat, ready to nick you anytime you take a wrong step on the luxurious path of an f1 driver. being the only female driver on the grid makes your life a thousand times more challenging.
but who were you to be a nitpick?
the media loves drama. we all do. perhaps it was a little bit more entertaining to see what you are wearing when the races had gone wrong. what hairstyle were you wearing for the big race? or, maybe, just which driver you were dating on the grid this season?
never once you could escape the dating questions or all the bullshit misogynistic attitudes from the journalists, press, media, and, well, …you name it.
perhaps you have to give it to leclerc for never going easy on you just because you are of a different gender.
“congratulations on P3, y/n,” max turned towards you and gave you a pat on the shoulder; simultaneously, bringing you back to reality.
“t- thanks.”
“you win this one, l/n.”
he took off his helmet, and clutched it loosely to his side. the cheeky smirk plastered on his face. the eyes searched for the depth of yours.
only you knew how much pain it was for him to force his lips to create such a soft and fake smile for the thousand camera lenses, waiting to catch the two rivals lacking. bumping into leclerc after the race, fresh and full of adrenaline, alone in the hallway of the track was never an enjoyable experience to endure.
“good race, leclerc,” you muttered out as many PR and drivers walked past you two.
“same to you.”
what a shame your PR manager ushered you out for the media room before you two could give a shot of throwing hands - elegantly, of course.
“good work on the qualifying round, l/n. return to the garage. over.”
“copy that,” you tapped your headset, notifying the engineer of the prestigious mercedes team.
driving for mercedes in f1 could count as your biggest dream since the karting days. and the race won against ferrari was a - personal - success.
slowing your baby down, and pressing the brake mechanism of the car, you came to a halt as the friction overpowered the tires. one or two seconds later, you could hear the mercedes team rushing and scurrying over to your parked position to collect you back to the mothership.
“take her back, guys!”
the screaming of your fans nearby erupted as you ascended out from the cramped space of your f1 seat. taking your helmet off, and waving to them; you gracefully jumped down from the car and headed towards the mercedes headquarters.
a long walk, but who are you to make a fuss?
an f1 driver should have no problem walking a couple of miles. oh but how annoyingly a group of fans quickly crowded over you and blocked your ways…red flags, horses, and charles leclerc faces. clearly, you knew whose fans they were.
fussing, grabbing, and pulling, you were harassed, unfortunately. autographs, hats, pictures, postcards, and questionable stuff were pushed into your face.
“y/n! please! sign my shirt!” “get the hell away from charles!”
“charles deserved p3 today!” “l/n!! l/n! say hi to my dad! he loves you!”
trying to fulfill all of their requirements, you realized you had found yourself in the sea of scuderia ferrari fans. it is an unspoken fact that you were the rival of charles leclerc; you could say some fans were more enthralled by that fact than others.
“y/n! what do you think about charles? are you guys dating?”
sometimes you hate technology. the cameras pointing at you reminded me of the knife you carry mentally with you every day. it could gain you thousands of thousands of likes in a few tiktoks or perhaps get ready to say goodbye to your f1 position.
“…we’re not talking. in any complicate way,” smiling through the pain you signed the cap that was shoved into your face. gosh, mercedes. where was your security?
your patience could only last so much until one fan decided it was worth it to grab your hand and pull you down for an instagram-worthy photo. and he possibly thought the best way to execute it was to, firstly, seize your waist. how thoughtful of him.
“fuc- please don’t-”
“y/n! i love you!”
man-child was not having it. sweaty and clammy hands could send chills down your spine if you didn’t know.
smile through the pain. smile through the pain. it was all part of the job, at the end of the day. the fans still won and you were just a doll for f1. breathe in, breathe out.
he pulled his iphone 7 out of his pocket, painfully slow; slower than the ferrari’s pitstops. his side was squished to yours. the cologne, the smell, the sensory, everything-
“hey, hands off.”
you could say it was the first time you were glad to see charles leclerc from your entire life; wearing his race suit sluttily around his waist. leclerc - being leclerc - stunned his fans, leaving a big hole in the crowd around you.
he was reaching out for your waist; surprisingly, in a way you were pleased, and pulled you out of the red crowd. and just like magic, the security came rushing in and ushered the mob of fans away from the scene.
wearing that stunned face of yours, you regained consciousness and your rival emotions. clearing your already cleared throat, charles took it as a signal to let go of your waist. how suddenly you realized it was all happening over the armor of your fire suit.
thank god.
“no need to thank me,” the competitive tone made its way through his annoying lips again. scoffing, he looked at you with his hand clutching his helmet by his side, “i don’t understand why they need to adore you this much.”
how rude.
“for the record, they are your fans, leclerc,” you scoffed offendedly, and your hand found its natural place on your chest; clutching for dramatic effect.
“what did i do to deserve such loyal fans, l/n…” not even looking at you he smirked under his nose. “they shouldn’t be acting this way, no?”
he looked over at you, seeing you in your distressed state and a chuckle left his lips. the cameras settled on the stands far away in the distance and stared at you two, they were definitely on.
this is going to end up in the headlines.
“check out your new title…” your manager cleared his throat as you nervously waited.
“you can’t just leave me hanging here!”
placing your phone in your lap your hands returned to the comfort of the steering wheel. twisting and turning, you maneuvered your mercedes inside the driver's garage.
“calm the fuck down! i’m pulling out the source for accuracy,” you swore you could see your manager rolling his eyes. “wait for it…‘charles to the rescue. mercedes and ferrari, love or rivalry?’”
“shut up.”
“i can send you the links.”
“please don’t,” you sighed as you looked over your shoulder to slide into the parking lot like a distinguished f1 driver. “…the devil works hard, but the media works harder, or what?”
“we could use a little PR for mercedes, y’know?” the crackled chuckle left your phone.
“the signal is shit in the parking lot, i’ll see you at the paddock. bye.”
“alright, be quick.”
gathering your bag and phone, you checked your face one last time in the rearview mirror and opened the car door. unfortunately, the infamous ferrari entered the parking lot with its signature roars, as you stepped out of your car.
the devil had worked hard once again. walking to your trunk, you kicked it open and snatched some of your essential stuff for the race. and who would’ve thought charles leclerc could park his car in under 20 seconds?
not to mention, it wasn’t straight. (oops)
getting out of his car, he checked his hair and fixed his shirt. obviously, aware of the paparazzi lurking around the track’s garage for the big day, and hoping to sell a couple of pics for something a little more than a couple of bucks. perhaps an even better price for them if they caught you and your rival having a ‘friendly’ chat.
don’t get close to him. don’t get close to him.
“what a coincidence,” leclerc approached your mercedes as he locked his ferrari with its infamous beeping.
“how so?”
smirking back at him, you slammed your trunk closed and shut off; locking your car in the same manner. catching the glimpse of his eyes you made it your personal goal to escape him as fast as you could possibly can.
flicking your head away and taking off, the path inside the track was as empty as you hoped it could be.
“slow down, i just wanna talk.”
“you walk too fast,” you swore if you looked back and he is grinning. “you trying to escape from me?”
“got a problem with that, leclerc?”
his dark green eyes met yours after you decided the risk was below the ‘manageable’ level to turn around.
“no,” he grinned at you. how you wish you could smack it off of his face. “i jus’ want some company while walking to the track, no?”
company, my ass.
clearing his throat, he looked at you, “you’re a pretty good rival though.”
gaining a nod and a smirk from you leclerc was cut short of his run time as his PR manager came to collect him to the ferrari garage. how sad. his messy hair, the confidential wave, and two eyes met yours one last time before you decided to head to the mothership of your mercedes headquarters.
big trouble, y/n. big trouble.
“y/n, we neeed to talk.”
the paddock was usually quiet upstairs, all the mechanics and engineers spent their time in garage down below. only toto, george, lewis, your manager, and their managers, and - obviously - you would spend time up here. also. is every private manager in the world annoyingly scary and friendly at the same time or what?
sitting down next to you on the black sofa of the mercedes headquarters by the pitch, you were face-to-face with your lovely manager.
clearing your nonexistent anxiety, “…yes?”
“look…the media is starting to notice your relationship with charles…”
“and,” he crossed his arms, “we need to work on keeping this situation private…it could affect your reputation. maybe after the soft launch phase is over, you can publicize it…if you want to, obviously.”
the fuck?
“…what are your thoughts?”
he looked into your face, not a single thought behind it. somehow the racetrack outside the notoriously big, shiny window of the mercedes paddock suddenly gained your attention, and he restored to snapping his fingers in front of your face.
“what-? oh right- for fuck’s sake! we’re not in a relationship!”
“and what about those paparazzis’ pictures? I thought we agreed on sharing every ‘public’ detail about your life with me?”
“first of all, privacy. second of all. you believe that?! anthony! you’re my manager, i would’ve told you if i was dating a ferrari driver!” grabbing a quick breath,
“do you think i want to date the reddest of all flags on the grid?!”
“yeah? but that’s not the impression the media got,” he said. “even max! max verstappen thought-”
“who cares what max thinks!” you thrown your head back on the sofa.
“PR could be good, but we don’t know if it’s going to blacklash-”
george russell. he walked up to you two arguing on the black sofa and smirked at you; clearly, he heard your talks about ‘the reddest of all flags on the grid.’
“shut your mouth, russell,” sighing sarcastically as you could and you turned to your manager, who was having the time of his life.
“I’m not saying anything,” he raised his hands defensively, grinning the shit out of the corners of his mouth.
“I’m a driver, not a play doll you could match-make for the team’s reputation. hell. doesn’t charles have a girlfriend?”
anthony pulled out his phone and scrolled through ‘something,’ “yes…charles…has a girlfriend, PR relationship?”
“what do you mean?”
putting his phone away, “doesn’t matter. but what the media care about is to get a story out of nothing.”
“you have a reputation of being a private figure, and you're an expert in keeping it that way. we just need to do that until the end of the season.”
george chuckled sarcastically, "she seems angry at us, guys.”
“i am. and i’m not dating anyone for mercedes. done,” you stood up from the sofa and beelined towards the door. “also. i’m telling toto.”
and someone finally heard you this time. the whole room’s atmosphere seemed to tense up as someone entered the door.
toto wolff.
“is there a problem, y/n?” toto asked as george smirked at the unfolding situation.
you swung your head towards the origin of the sound and cleared your throat, “your employee, mr. wolff, is trying to matchmake me with a ferrari driver.”
toto chuckled.
toto chuckled?
“so there is something between you and charles?” he raised his eyebrow at you. expectedly, george was holding his laughter in for his dear life.
“why does everyone thinks that we’re dating?! even toto?!”
“so you’re not dating leclerc?”
congratulations. you have successfully crashed onto the sofa once again, groaning your pain out.
“she’s lying,” george chimed in.
“I. am. not.”
how surprising that george’s back kissed the sofa as you tackled him jokingly down. a moment of silence for toto to watch many of his best drivers tackle each other like it’s a normal day in kindergarten.
“are you sure you are not dating, leclerc?”
last straw. you clutched your bag and left george dysfunctional on the couch. walking past the room, you glanced back one last time and said with the best sarcasm, “i’m not. and I’m not dating him for mercedes. done! I’m a driver, not a doll!”
slamming the door shut, you headed for your private driver’s room.
"she's angry at us…” george chuckles nervously; obviously, with a hint of joy.
“no shit sherlock”
edit: part 2
part 2?? reblog, like, whatever the heck you want would be appreciated 😘
today’s a great day to take care of yourself, lots of luv 🤍
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landograndprix · 9 months
「Mini me, mini you? ๛ l.n || c.l」
part v
✧.* lando's doing everything to fix things but he isn't aware others are ruining it, until he does.
✧.* needed some light, fluffy content, ofcourse that won't last long 😉
✧.* prev part - next part
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liked by charles_leclerc, maxfewtrell and 200,875 otters
y/nusername dolomites you were cute 🗻
tagged: yourbestfrienduser, yourfriend2, yourfriend3, yourfriend4, charles_leclerc, joris__trouche
view all 599 comments
landoscar god she's met joris, this is it lads, we've lost her
charlos16 Arianna what are you doing here?
leclerc_16 they've been hanging out almost the entirety of their stay 😭
landonorris look at the gremlin 🐰
norry4 convinced this man has been hit with baby fever..
yourfriend3 you were cute until we found the apre ski.
charles_leclerc till we meet again 😊
carlandooo stop it, she's with lando 🗡
sharl16 I can't proof it but they did it..
landonorris posted on their story
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liked by landonorris, riabish and 201,562 others
y/nusername say hello to Benji 🐾
tagged: landonorris
view all 523 comments
landoscar stop it!!! 😭
riabish oh my god, I need to meet him asap! 😍
yourfriend2 are you kidding me? Why am I crying?
landonorris you're not the only one, y/n's only just stopped crying
y/nusername and I will cry again, don't underestimate me..
norrizz omg mom and dad got a baby?! 😭
lnfour I've only had Benji for a minute but I'm obsessed already 😍
landonorris told you you'd like the surprise 😉
zhou_ey oh someone got laid last night
hamilt44n girl stop 😂
yourfriend3 oh new hairy, adorable nephew you say? 👀
yourbestfrienduser the glue that keeps it together
maxmaxmax what you on about woman?
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y/nusername posted to their story
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y/nusername posted to their story
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Everything taglist; @thomaslefteyebrow @hopefulinlove @smoothopz @softboystarkey @buffysummrsx @honethatty12 @cixrosie @parkersmjs
Mini me taglist: @myloverjk-blog @allywthsr @myescapefromthislife @justdreamersdream @atoomaples @celestialams @ihrtdan @sunnytkm23 @yunnie-f1 @mrsmaybanks13 @stevesworld9 @azxulaa @chilwellpulisic @ivegotparticulartaste @raizelchrysanderoctavius @leclercdream @opchelia @ssararuffoni @homeybunchiesofoats @lndonrris @mqcherie @c-tangerine @sessjarg @au-ghosttype @cabbyhabs @changetyre @lazybot @jaydensluv @elijahslover @roseseraj @luciaexcorvus @yagirlhayes @evans-dejong @rinhvnt @champomiel @janeholt3 @ohyoureaqueenbutuncrowned @hearts4joao @alesainz @escapism-writer @eugene-emt-roe @bb-swift @christianpulisic10 @bladestark @ayoana @idkiwantchocolatee @greigreyhiyyih @f1mockingjay @kapsylia @ironmaiden1313 @enhacolor @hockeyboysarehot
Lando taglist: @beatricemiruna
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