#chaotic thoughts
annie-one · 1 day
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It's just that I belong in the quietest quiet, that's what's right for me.
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I am the shore and the ocean, awaiting myself on both sides.
- Dejan Stojanovic
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in-subdued-ecstasy · 3 days
“And what if Romeo,
lying in that chapel in Verona,
miserable and spotty, at odds with everything,
what if he’d had a revelation from which
Juliet was absent?
What if, just before darkness settled
the arguments between most things,
through a gap in the walls he’d seen
a garden exploding,
and the pink shadow of blossom
shivering on stones?
What if,
unromantic as it seems,
her mouth, eyes, cheeks and breasts suddenly became
ornaments on a frame
common as any girl’s?
Could he still have drunk the potion had he known
without her the world still glowed
and love was not confined
in one shape alone?
From the prison the weary imagine
all living things inhabit
how could either
not have wished to escape?
Poor Romeo, poor Juliet, poor human race!”
- A Few Questions About Romeo - Brian Patten
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x3nshit · 1 year
you have to be at least a little delusional in order to lead a happy life
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aanantea · 5 months
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lostsoulsoc1ety · 2 months
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"𝑰 𝒂𝒎 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒔 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒎𝒚𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒇" -ᴇᴍɪʟʏ ᴅɪᴄᴋɪɴꜱᴏɴ
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The audacity of an academically challenging degree to challenge me academically
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feverish-chaos · 6 months
BDSM snz idea (will contain mess!) A Brat type with an obvious cold, runny/stuffy nose, face flushness, sore throat, sneezing and coughing. Their dom asks if their sick and the brat type denies it even though Dom knows they're sick. So dom decides to play keep away with the tissues until their sub admits it. Maybe they use their own shirt (or their dom's) until they can't take it anymore and begin to beg for a tissue. "pl-please sir/miss/mx, cad I-i haaah hah! have a tihhh hih! tissue?" But of course just this little ask isn't enough. the Dom wants more! "hm? but i though you weren't sick sweetheart, why would you need a tissue?!" The dom replies wanting to give their sub a taste of their own medicine (haha pun)
Thee sub keeps sniffling and snuffling to keep their runny nose in check as best they can but its only making the tickle in their nose worse. "pl-please I-I hih! I need th-them'b" "And why is that???" "b-behhh because i-i hahhh Have a c-cold" The dom chuckles and smirk widely. "oh you do?! why don't you tell me what doesn't feel good" The sub knows the dom's doing this to humiliate them and boy is it working. "M-my h-head h-hurts, s-so does my throat aaah hhhaaah! and! EEETCHIIIEW! EEETCHHIIIEEW! ugh my dn-dnose iiih! IITSHIIIEW!" The sub could hardly get a word out as each sneeze caused their nose to drip and leak with snot and spray wetly. Their breath still hitching signaling their nose still wasn't done making a mess out of them yet.
"Oh what about your nose, lil pet?" The sub begins to desperate fan at their face while they continue.
"It s-s-so stuuuuhh stuffy, ad ruddy aaahh ad so tiiih tih hih! IIH'CHIIEW! tickly!" The dom gets nice and close to their sub and chuckles a little. "oh yeah its all red and irritated honey, I think you do need a tissue" They slowly pull one from the box and press it to their sub's trembling and leaking nose. "go on, now right into the tissue" The sub gasped hugely and went into a fit. This quickly soaked the tissue, the dom could feel the wetness already seeping through and coating their hand but they kept going until the sub stopped. Pulling away the tissue caused many strings and cords of snot of varying thickness to follow. The dom laughs once more and says. "aaaw my poor baby, you really do have a bad cold. Look at the mess you made. All that snot oozing out of your nose, you got my hand all wet too! tsk tsk tsk what am i gonna do with you and that nose of yours~" The sub looks up at their dom, blushing in horny embarrassment. The dom kisses their forehead and pulls them to their chest. "Guess that means I'm gonna have to take care of you.~"
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flowersforfrancis · 7 months
Hey it’s raining and I have a cozy room come overrrr let’s get drunk and talk about The secret history I have a lot of candles yk maybe we’ll make out in their light in my blankets or maybe we’ll use them to light cigarettes or both and listen to r&b and talk about Henry winter and philosophy do u wanna?
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annie-one · 3 days
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summer went away still the yearning stays
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I felt very still and empty, the way the eye of a tornado must feel, moving dully along in the middle of the surrounding hullabaloo.
- Sylvia Plath
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yearning4life · 1 year
feeling proud of your friends is the best feeling in the world actually. like did you pass your exam? oh my god SLAY. did you get that good grade on that paper you were working on? good job dude! did you finally have that awkward conversation with your mom that you wanted to? pop off dude i just love my friends so much they make me feel like my mom from how proud i am of them
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thecoolnerdblog · 13 days
Chaotic academia in the way of:
tossing five library books into the return bin minutes before they’re due
drinking either hot chocolate or tea in lieu of coffee but in any cup it does not go in
finding four leaf clovers in all my books because I keep forgetting which one is supposed to be the clovers book
My room being full of sticky notes that have long lost meaning and stickiness
Buying every study organization essential on the market and never using a single one
Color coded notes but only in that pen weird way only i seem to understand
Handwriting fluctuates between a mix of cursive and print based on what I’m writing about and my excitement toward it
Thousands of notebooks that are half used or blank or filled to the brim
Using glitter gel pens for only the most important things (legal documents and research prospects)
Bringing a notebook to take notes only to instead take notes on your phone (too awkward…)
Either being thirty minutes early or fifteen minutes late, no in between
Study playlists compiled of everything from classical Mozart to musical numbers
Sifting through backpacks for class because the zippers keep breaking from overstuffing the bag with books
“How do I have highlighter on my hands?? I don’t even use highlighters”
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deadtiredghost · 16 days
a random assortment. a bit chaotic. I am not sorry.
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luciferslilith7 · 9 days
"The thing is... I'm scared to live, but brave to die."
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study-diaries · 2 months
It's okay to be bad at something new. Normalize people who want to keep trying without them feeling ashamed for being bad at it.
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