#canon drarry
nettedtangible · 2 months
Oh, Draco definitely wrote the Valentine's poem in Chamber of Secrets!
Who do we know who stays up all night workshopping poems and songs about his enemies (*cough cough* "enemies" *cough*)
That's right, Draco! Weasley is our King didn't come out of nowhere.
You know who doesn't stay up late into the night composing sonnets about Harry? Ginny.
So why does she get embarrassed you may ask. Well, she's having blackouts. She's told Tom all about her crush on Harry. Maybe she thinks she did write the poem and can't remember.
NOT TO MENTION. Most people don't call Voldemort 'The Dark Lord,' as Harry so rightly points out to Snape in OOTP. Y'know who does call him that? That's right, the Malfoys.
Harry then humiliates Draco so Draco immediately turns and blames Ginny for the poem. Which like? If it was her how would he even know that? We know Ginny has a crush on Harry because he spent time at the Burrow and Ron is his best friend. How would Draco know that? Except, oh yeah, of course he has a mental list of all the students at Hogwarts with a crush on Harry, they're his competition.
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risafeywritesdrarry · 5 months
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When writing fanfiction... there are two beasts that wage war within the writer. *sage nod*
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iamnmbr3 · 2 months
7 most unhinged canon drarry moments
Harry calling Draco his arch nemesis just a few months after Lord Voldemort tried to murder him for the second time but also immediately thinking that he kinda misses him
Harry getting hit in the head by a piece of luggage because he got so distracted by the sight of Draco changing that he didn’t notice someone swinging a large object at his face
Harry lying to the Order and Magical Law Enforcement to obfuscate Draco’s crimes at the end of sixth year
Voldemort immediately assuming Draco has gone looking for Harry when he goes missing during the Battle of Hogwarts…and being right
Narcissa assuming Harry will know where Draco is and if he’s still alive…and being right
Lucius getting mad at Draco in book 2 because he has spent the entire summer talking nonstop about Harry Potter
Harry forgetting about the time Voldemort possessed and nearly murdered Ginny but remembering every item he saw Draco look at in Borgin and Burkes 4 years previously
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thats a nice canon you got there. be a shame if i completely ignored it.
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hephaestiions · 2 months
It stands to reason that Harry’s holding groceries when he runs into Draco Malfoy for the first time in twenty years.
Well— doesn’t run into, exactly. No, more like peers through a shop window like a right barmy bastard, bits of overspilling lettuce brushing his arm and passers-by on Diagon shooting him strange looks.
Of course Malfoy has to look up from the till— because, yes, Draco Malfoy is a shopkeeper on Diagon Alley apparently— and see him goggling. So, of course, Harry has to step inside, as though he meant to make a stop at— right, yeah, Narcissus Needlework Studio— all along, holding brown paper packages of vegetables.
Malfoy’s frowning when Harry makes his way over to the till.
“I don’t want any trouble,” he says. “I’ve registered the shop, everything’s perfectly within regulation—“
“Trouble?” Harry blinks. “Oh, no. I’m not an Auror. Anymore.”
“I know that,” Malfoy says unhappily. “The whole Wizarding World all over Europe knows that. Only you’ve never left well enough alone, have you, Potter?”
Harry’s forty next month. He’s lived twenty years seeing hide nor hair of Draco Malfoy, and he’s never gone looking. Well, except for that one time when he was twenty one and went to the Manor as a trainee Auror for a— well, it was a routine check, really. And that other time when he was twenty five and thought he saw a man at a club who looked just like Malfoy from the back and was convinced for four months Malfoy was back in London and must be up to something if no one knew about it. And that time when he was thirty two— and, oh, alright, Harry hasn’t ever left well enough alone, not when it comes to Malfoy, at least.
This time, though, Harry really didn’t go looking. And it’s definitely Malfoy.
“I just wanted some— thread,” Harry says. A needlework studio should have some of that, shouldn’t it?
“Thread,” says Malfoy. He looks down, deliberately, at Harry’s lettuce.
“For Molly,” Harry says. “As a, um, birthday present. New shop on Diagon, thought I’d pop by. Seemed the place, you know. Didn’t know it was yours.”
Molly’s birthday, Malfoy doesn’t need to know, is in December. It’s June.
Malfoy continues to stare at him, until Harry’s unsure whether to get indignant about it all or turn tail and flee.
“Well,” says Malfoy before he can make a choice. “Embroidery yarn for you, then, Potter. Come along.”
“I’ll see you again, I assume,” Malfoy says at the end of what transpires to be a surprisingly smooth purchase.
Harry nods.
He only realises after he leaves that there’s no reason for him to come back. He’s seen it for himself— what Draco Malfoy’s up to these days. Nothing nefarious or suspicious, just yarn and needles and tapestries on Diagon.
Except, well, he’s committed now, hasn’t he? And Harry Potter’s a man of his word. He said yes, when Malfoy asked— Malfoy asked!— so he’ll be back.
And really, if he has to invent Hermione’s sudden new and passionate interest in needlework— well. That’s between Harry and his lettuce.
written for @drarrymicrofic’s prompt “sewing”. i just personally think harry james potter could be seventy five and still rapidly become obsessed with draco malfoy at any given moment.
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tiny-pun · 10 months
"You know how to clean up a crime scene but not how to wash the fucking dishes ?!?
How is that even possible?! "
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lekhajhoka · 1 year
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harrysdracon · 6 months
drarry but its just them denying they're obsessed...oh wait that's canon
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nevermindigotthis · 3 months
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Oooookay, so in my quest to find a Drarry fic I like I came up with my own idea. Basically, instead of Harry, Ron and Hermione all being captured (during the war), Harry manages to draw attention so only he is captured and manages to hide his face (similarly to what Hermione does). He gets taken to the manor and Draco is asked to identify him. Harry is absolutely sure Draco knows it’s him, but Draco hesitates to say so. In that moment, Harry gets a Voldemort vision: Voldemort has found the Elderwand. However, Voldemort also sees what Harry sees, which is Draco, with the absolute certainty that Draco knows it‘s him and isn‘t saying anything.
So Voldemort returns to Malfoy manor absolutely PISSED and accuses Draco of treason and starts torturing him while Narcissa tries to reason with him. Voldemort demands all Malfoys prove their loyalty by torturing Draco with Cruciatus. Bellatrix does not hesitate. Lucius is reluctant, but too afraid to resist, so he complies. Narcissa begs that he‘s her son and she just can‘t. Haven’t decided if he kills her for it.
Then Voldemort turns to Harry, who doesn‘t want to die and tells Voldmort that he‘s a horcrux so he won‘t be killed (Hermione figured it out earlier). Voldemort tortures him a bit too and then throws the both of them in the cellars of the Manor. Which is where this picture comes in (with a lot more humor than the fic would have).
I haven‘t decided how this would end (apart from Drarry, lol), but the glorious escape would entail Harry realizing Draco is the master of the Elderwand and them using that fact to escape. Now that I think about it though, Voldemort torturing Draco would probably make him the master… eh, I haven‘t figured it out yet.
But enjoy the image, because writing is hard and I probably will never actually write this fic.
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sinnamonpork · 1 year
I have this thing where I see the brattiest, most condescending character of a series and immediately wants to see them fucked within an inch of their life. Just fuck the attitude out of them, piece of cake. Bonus points if its enemies to lovers for the rough sex and "Oh fuck no, why you?" moment.
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nettedtangible · 2 months
Since Lucius knew about the prophecy, it's safe to assume Draco did too. So the whole time he's walking around knowing Harry is the chosen one and destined to defeat Voldemort. I can see how that would totally add to his fascination and obsession with him. Then in 6th year when everyone's going around calling him the chosen one Draco's just like *shrug* yeah of course he is.
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risafeywritesdrarry · 4 months
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Took a short week long break before diving into edits for the Drarry fic to make this. The same image as the fic's book cover, only they're younger.
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iamnmbr3 · 5 months
Draco in second year like: Did you hear? Ginny Weasley has a crush on Harry Potter. How embarrassing. Can you imagine? Can you imagine someone being attracted to Harry Potter? I couldn't. I mean what's he got besides his stupid scar and his stupid hair and his stupid green eyes and his Seeker skills and his heroics?
Can you believe someone is actually attracted to that? I can't. It must be so embarrassing for her friends. Imagine having to put up with that. Imagine if someone just talked about Harry Potter all the time. It would drive me mad.
The entirety of Slytherin House: ...........
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rereading the prisoner of azkaban and found this line-
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sacrificialter · 11 months
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"Come here."
I reread 'find a new place to be from' again and although every scene in that fic is a master piece I think this moment between Harry and Draco is my favorite. Harry going after what he wants always makes me weak.
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Cedric: *flirts with Harry*
Draco and Crabbe: *watch them*
Crabbe: You're awfully quiet, Draco
Draco: Nobody plans a murder out loud
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