#c++ programming
giggibaloggio · 8 months
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proud to be learning c++
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izicodes · 7 months
Learning C++ | Log #1
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Friday 20th October 2023
I have been studying C++ for some time now, and I'm really happy with my progress. I really thought it was a super difficult programming language (I am jinxing it right now, aren't I?), but what I mean is that even the beginner stuff would be hard. But it's not!
Two days ago, I stumbled upon a website called Saymor Academy, buried seven pages deep in Google. I decided to check out the CS107: C++ Programming course, and I'm so glad I did! I've been learning so much, and it's been a blast, especially since I'm taking the course along with my friend over on Discord teaching me C++ too.
Learning can be challenging, but it's also incredibly rewarding. Once I master the basics, I'll be able to create all sorts of amazing things. I can't wait!
In the meantime, I'm just enjoying the journey~! So if you're ever thinking about learning C++, I highly recommend checking out Saymor Academy. It's a great resource, and it's a lot of fun!
☆ What I learnt today...
History of C++
Data types
User Input
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king-fae · 5 months
1/100 days of code.
i have started of this challenge by learning C++ through MIT's open course Introduction to C++ found here, where i studied the first lecture and read through the second. this course is designed to be completed in a 4 week term, but depending on my availability, it may stretch as i take breaks from it specifically, and then circle back on coursework to retain information learned. we shall see
using namespace std;
int main(){
.....cout<<"Hello, world!\n";
.....return 0;
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hannahxrosey · 2 months
Everyone says Pointers and Function is difficult in C++ but this stupid Arrays specially Bubble Sort and Selection Sort!!! I CAN'T UNDERSTAND IT!!!
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codingcorgi · 1 month
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I am not dead just severely busy! Days 74-109. I have so much to talk about this time!
So at work (Can't show that due to NDA) I've been bug chasing, and ultimately having to restructure many classes and methods to make one function work as intended.
Then for my C# final I'm still working on my .Net Maui project I finished the journals implementation, and added the event reporting function. I added the events to the journal entry for the day. If there are no entries yet it makes one. I am going to be using the library of microcharts that were used in xamarin (before Xamarin got depreciated into .Net Maui) now it can be used for .Net Maui. I'll be capturing data gathered in the journals to display on graphs to track progress in sleep disorders. At a later time I'll be getting it set up to grab information from sleep tracking apps on mobile.
In C++ my final is to make a game. I am making an adventure game where you can explore a village. It has lore, Easter eggs, and fun imagery (it's a console game unfortunately can't do Unreal). I have to change the code a bit but it has been fun to code!
I might have a contract role coming up for another game studio, so that's exciting.
My plans for the next few days is to get some functionality on the statistics tab in my Maui app, and get my C++ project more put together. At work I'm waiting on the senior dev to plan out how to fix the massive problem we have.
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waterfaii · 3 months
Switch/case part 2 leap year
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ //program to determine whether it's a leap year //below is the rule to determine whether the year is leap year or not: year % 4 = = 0 & & year % 100 ! = 0 | | year % = = 0
int year, month; cout << "year, month: " cin >> year >> month;
switch (month) {
case 2: (year%4==0&&year%100!=0||year%==0) ? cout << "21 days month." : cout<< "28 days month."; break;
case 4 : //30 days case 6 : //30 days case 9 : //30 days case 11 : cout << "30 days month."; break;
case 1 : //31 days case 3 : //31 days case 5 : //31 days case 7 : //31 days case 8 : //31 days case 10 : //31 days case 12 : cout << "31 days month.";break;
default : cout << "not valid"; }
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performing-personhood · 4 months
Okay, another day!
Not today RSD, fuck you!
Failure to understand a concept despite my best efforts is NOT going to ruin another entire day by making me feel like a stupid waste of flesh and resources that's incapable of learning basic concepts NO SIR-REEBOB
I will make cookies instead of learning a new skill just to prove I am capable of literally something, do you hear me motherfucker I have butter and I am not afraid to use it, do not try me today
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devhubby · 10 months
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aminiallight · 3 months
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Does anybody know a way to find all divisions by a non-constant value in a C++ project? It seems like LSP or clang analyze or something should be able to do this, and it would be great for improving divide-by-zero resilience
Otherwise I gotta check all these by hand...
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moose-mousse · 6 months
Help learning c++
So at my internship a whole bunch of people have to switch to C++. And because management is incompetent, there are no learning package or company resources to help this. So I am converting some of my code notes to help this along. And I am also sharing them here. They are created on, and meant to be used on godbolt. They contain explanations and some of them instructions for how to investigate what you are looking at. The ones I have for now are: Understanding objects ( Constructor, destructor, assignment and copy operators ) https://godbolt.org/z/EaMc1fW44 Access modifiers (IE, do you know what public, private and protected means?) https://godbolt.org/z/v3nejaYhh
Pointers (Basically, to not use raw pointers and what to use instead) https://godbolt.org/z/4745PK38n
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fingors · 1 year
Rust be like: “yeha you can easily call C functions from Rust” and then tells you unsafe
C++ be like: Yeha you can easily call C++ and C functions it’s trivial and then be like extern "C" and don’t fucking use C++
C be like: Buddy we are the function and then crash you back to login
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mimimicpp · 1 month
Hi all.
Today I want to share the result of many days of work.
I finished making a character input field for my application. And although some text editing capabilities are not available, the required minimum is present.
The following text editing options are currently available:
Deleting characters using the backspace key.
Moving the carriage between characters.
Selecting characters using the Shift key.
Copying, cutting, pasting characters using the keys Control + C, Control + X and Control + V. Using the clipboard.
The next thing I want to do is read some books about C++. And then continue working on the project.
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izicodes · 2 years
Top 8 Most Demanded Programming Languages in 2022 | Resources ✨
A study by DevJobsScanner analyzed more than 7M developer jobs. They concluded the following list to be the most in-demand when it comes to the required languages in the job descriptions!
This is a good starting point/help for those wanting a career in programming!
1. JavaScript + TypeScript 2. Python 3. Java 4. C# 5. PHP 6. C and/or C++ 7. Ruby 8. GO
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Other languages include SQL, Scala, Kotlin, Dart, Rust & Swift.
Take advantage of this, and have a happy day programming 💻
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king-fae · 4 months
7/100 days of code.
Hello again. After that hiatus due to again life, I am once again jumping ship from a resource as I found this nifty little note in the documentation of Exercism's C++ course:
If you are brand new to the C++ language, you should spend time learning the basics of the language first.
UGH. I just want a simple learning course that's free and avail- Oh. learncpp.com exists. And Exercism recommends it right under that above note. Isn't that just simple as shit. Thus, here we are, starting over for (hopefully) the last time. I won't say I'm not frustrated, because I am, but at least I've found what looks like a good final destination. While I do have a tendency to over-complicate, it's hard not to when I'm interacting with intermediate resources with hardly a beginners knowledge. My mistake.
This is not all a downer, though, as 1.0 of this resource goes through very basics of C++ including!! How to set up an IDE using Visual Studio as its first example, so now I know how to use it! Actually helpful basics! Woo! Unfortunately for me however, going through 1.0-1.1 took an hour, so I will just have to return tomorrow to get to the good stuff :) [putting a gun to my adhd head]
int main()
.....std::cout << "Hello, world!";
.....return 0;
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hannahxrosey · 2 months
So this whole weekend i was like, please do function overloading, please do function overloading, but i didn't do it.. And that shit came in exam🤡 and i didn't know how to link 2 structures??? Paper went okayish (bad😭😂) but it's legit fine, I'm chill😋
Idk how will I do exam tomorrow while fasting... Also should i study now or pull an all nighter...
Okay y'know what's my motivation, to actually be able to help my classmates in exam..😋👍
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codingcorgi · 19 days
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Days 110 to 118 of coding everyday for a year and I've gotten so much done!
I finish both of my finals the C++ and the C#. The C++ final is an adventure game and it wasn't too challenging to make honestly I had fun with it. The C# project was also fun because I got to play with microcharts when creating the statistics page to display collected data! I plan to make the C++ game more fun honestly because I can't just let it die from here. I am going to make the Android and iOS build better on the C# project. I'm really proud of myself today :)
My next adventures will be brushing up on JavaScript since I'm severely out of practice and using what I know to make my portfolio website using Blazor!
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