#by ines
dailyflicks · 17 days
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#you know it's serious when they pull that face
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souperluminal · 1 year
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Every day Road Work Wizard fills in potholes and every night Dark Road Work Wizard crafts new ones
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dailybridgerton · 2 months
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Season 1 // Season 2 // Season 3
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skyberia · 7 months
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workarounds to having a vampire as your partner in crime
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pixelpolls · 6 months
Vamps vs Werewolfs like its 2010!
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mysticfemme · 5 months
Getting railed to the point I go nonverbal, the only noise I'm making are little whimpered uh uh uh's. They notice and in between rough thrusts gently ask me if I'm doing okay, so I reach my hand up to tap their arm twice. They smile at me in recognition and praise me before pulling my hips into their lap and going even harder.
men dni
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cursedthing · 4 months
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.imagining pearl like this at times
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I don’t know if I’m late to the party here noticing this, but @staff what the actual hell is this. This is what I get when I click on the link to my own mantis shrimp post, shared on Twitter. I can see the first half, and then I get forced to log-in to keep reading.
I write a free blog on your free platform, and you’re using link sharing on mobile to try to force people to sign up? Not only is this absolutely not okay - this isn’t a paywalled site and my content isn’t subscription only - but it really fucks me over as a science communicator who relies on posts being shared easily to disseminate information.
This is absolutely not okay. I’ve used this site for eight years to do for science outreach and loved it. This choice leaves a really nasty taste in my mouth.
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zegalba · 11 months
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Number (N)ine 'Dreaming Rain' T-Shirt (2006) Designed By: Takahiro Miysashita
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mintaikcorpse · 5 months
I love this photo because this was Aziraphale's reaction after the priest lady interrupted Crowley pinning him to a wall. And he seems bothered by it
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dailyflicks · 2 months
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thylacines-toybox · 11 months
Hey, I found a beanie boo that I liked the design of but I can't stand those giant uguu eyes. Do you think it would be possible to replace them with smaller safety eyes akin to the old beanie babies? If yes, do you have any advice?
I was gonna answer this in a normal way, but then I got curious about trying it for myself and thought I might as well demonstrate!
So, I went and picked up a guy from the supermarket. The selection there was pretty barren today but I found a decent test subject:
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Eye replacement procedure below!
(First of all, to my friend who loves beanie boos, I am so sorry for this lmao)
So! First I opened up the closing seam on his back. However, I found an extra mesh barrier inside! Clearly this is to prevent bean escape since this is the most likely seam to accidentally pop open through play. This would be a bit annoying to work around so I just sewed it back up and went in the back of the head instead…
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Opened and unstuffed the head…
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…And turning it inside out to get to the backs of the eyes. Whoa, these plastic washers are the biggest I’ve ever seen!! Cutting through them will take some work!
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Please be very careful of your fingers cutting through these!! Be careful not to cut the fabric around the eye too, but mostly be careful of yourself!
Anyway grrrrrrr attack attack slice slice grrrr
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They’re out! With a little glue I think the washers would be able to hold on perfectly well again. I’ll keep these eyes to reuse on something where they’ll be a bit more proportional!
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The washers on these eyes are particularly cup shaped, fitting around the back of the eye and holding the fabric tightly against them. Now that the eyes are removed, this has left imprints on the fur!
Plenty of brushing and rumfling will help to fix the creased and flattened areas of fur, and wetting the fur or gently steaming over a hot cup of water should help too. It might take a little time!
(Also, I did make a little cut in the cheek while removing a washer, oops! No worries, that can be stitched up.)
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Now we can try on a few new eye styles! Restuff the head for now so you can see how they’ll look.
I have a few sizes of solid black, from teeny dots to absolute tbh creature…
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These blue eyes were a little scary… no thanks!
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I even have some glittery ones like the original, but smaller! Pretty nice actually!
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And even some googly eyes hehehe!
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But my favourite eyes were some basic 9mm black ones! They are placed a little funny here, but the position will change a little bit…
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The holes left by the original eyes were very big, so a couple of stitches are needed on each one to tighten them up to fit the new eyes. I stitched the top outer corners, to move the holes down and inwards a bit. If you wanted, you could even sew them closed completely and make new eye holes elsewhere!
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Unstuff again and pop those new eyes in!
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Restuff! You might actually need to add a little extra stuffing, as the fabric not being so pulled around the eyes any more will mean it is a little ‘baggier’.
Then sew the head closed again and that’s about it! The fur is still a little creased around mine, but I’ll keep working at it and it should become less visible.
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To add a tiny bit more shape to the big round head, I also did a touch of threadsculpting. I ran a thread from the corner of each eye to below the chin and back, just pulling the eyes in a tad more. You might decide you don’t need this!
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And there we go! Hope you’ll try it yourself!
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dailybridgerton · 18 days
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Bridgerton Cast Test How Well They Know Each Other with Vanity Fair
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ahmedaltalaten · 2 days
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My son was in good health before October 7 But because of the war, his health condition deteriorated, which led to the death of my child
I need help so I can save my pregnant wife Please share or donate if you can, every dollar makes a difference 🙏
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iphigeniacomplex · 5 months
making up a guy to get mad at can actually be really lovely and rewarding like for example i was feeling understimulated so i crafted an alternate world where moby dick was super popular on tumblr and the most popular ship from moby dick was ahab x humanized whaleboy merguy moby dick who was always drawn as like a skinny little white guy with white hair and sharp teeth and sort of unusual eyes like maybe with black scleras or something. and it was literally inescapable and people made like hannigram aus where will was ahab and hannibal was moby dick and people also made human!boatless!modern! aus of ahab x moby dick where they were just like normal guys as well. and the moby dick fandom all thought they were so cool and countercultural because melville's unfinished novella billy budd was also really popular and the billy budd fans were at odds with the moby dick fans because billy budd fans described it as like a heartfelt queer story in comparison to moby dick being toxic and soulless (because ahab was trying to kill moby dick in canon) and moby dick fans described billy budd as basically steven universe but none of this ended up mattering because in four years the meteors came and all life on earth was lost
if you are reading this please donate to $trextalents on cashapp; he is a disabled fx artist active in my city’s horror scene who is in a bad situation and needs financial aid. if you cannot donate, please reblog my pinned post with more information. the world of this post is not real, but logan is.
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dyslexic-mess · 9 months
Okay so Danny gets adopted by Bruce. Yeah? Yeah.
And they don't know about his powers? Obviously. We know this part of the story.
BUT. On a casual trip out for food or whatever, Danny and some of the bat sibs get cornerd by reporters and paparazzi. There panicking bec danny JUST got here and they haven't had time to breif him on how to interact with the media and he's totally gonna flounder and they need to help him before he totally flubs it!
Exept, he doesn't. He smiles, nice and bright, into the camra. He waits patiently for each reporter to ask their questions and then answers confidently, giving them something walst acctually answering nothing. "Where are you from?" "A small town, I'm sure you wouldn't know it but, really, it's about where I am now."How did you come to be adopted by bruce?"Well, I look quite a bit like my new brothers, don't you think? Haha. I like to think it was meant to be."
And on and on he gose, dancing around them, shareing professionally worded jokes and calmly addressing eatch person as they viyed for his attention, controlling the flow of conversation.
The bat kids all look at eatchother.
This kids been media trained.
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