#but valerie loves that girl like she’s her own
zylev-blog · 5 months
Dick, Damian, and Tim are ice skating. During this time, Danny, Dani (age 2, which is her actual age vs her aged up age) and Valerie are also ice skating. Tim trips Damian, sending him careening into Dani and Danny. Danny rolls on instinct and lands with Dani and Damian on his chest. Valerie, who saw this whole thing, grabs Tim by the ear and forces him to apologize to her boyfriend and daughter. Tim recognizes Danny as his newest PA, and decides that today wasn’t the day he wanted to meet his newest employee.
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vladpirexx · 3 days
working on Dani/Ellie RN since she's the one that won the poll so here's a sneak peak
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I'm already coming up with like, headcanon/facts about her in the crossover au thing
Anyways here's the next poll
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glass-oranges · 12 days
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colorful headshot of Valerie i really like so im posting it :))!!
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watchmakermori · 2 years
far be it from me to psychoanalyse an author based on their books but natasha pulley’s relationship towards women and femininity just seems so...strange. so many of the significant female characters in her books (and there aren’t that many of them, but that’s a whole separate thing) have an active disdain for traditional facets of womanhood such as marriage, caretaking, and motherhood, and they usually eschew these things in favour of career pursuits. and that’s cool in a vacuum! I love to see people writing female characters that are cold and ruthless and unladylike, especially given that that type of female representation is lacking in most media
but the issue is that almost every female character seems to be like that in her work. there’s a consistent coldness to how they’re written, especially with the female characters that are career-minded and intelligent, and it comes off as though academic prowess is incompatible with traditional femininity. we don’t really get to see any women who are emotionally sensitive and also genius physicists, or who are smart and capable while yearning for marriage and children. and while I understand that women have often felt forced to act masculine to be taken seriously - especially in the past - that conflict isn’t really dissected in any of her books.
it just feels like there’s a constant discomfort with femininity running through all of her novels. it’s not as straightforward as just a distaste for women - it’s tangibly different from the kind of misogynistic writing which is unconcerned with women or doesn’t view them as fully realised people. pulley’s female characters are more often than not intelligent and capable, and her books do occasionally discuss institutionalised sexism and the general stupidity of it. but there’s a distinct lack of feminine joy in her work. there are no women in her books who are glad and happy to be women, who embrace their femininity despite having been made to feel lesser for it
which is a massive shame, because even when a person is targeted and discriminated against for their identity, they can still love it. that’s true of gender, race, queerness, disability - anything. while acknowledging the destructive shame caused by misogyny is important, so too is pride in femininity.
i think the problem is exacerbated by the overwhelming lack of female POV characters in pulley’s work. if she’d written one book with a cold, disdainful, unmaternal female character, I’d be yelling with joy (as I was when I read the watchmaker of filigree street). but she’s written about five now, and there’s been very little variation outside of that archetype. pulley’s books feel as though they are written by someone who finds little joy in womanhood, who sees it as something to be endured more than celebrated
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estxkios · 9 months
I was just wondering if you could write a one shot or something where basically Bill, from 2007 because I love his hair and it becomes a key point, is at an interview with the boys. The interviewer asks if they have any celebrity crushes. Bill says Reader, who’s from an American pop group, later the same interviewer interviews Readers band and ask the same question. Obviously telling reader that Bill from Tokio Hotel has a crush on them. Reader didn’t know who he was at first by name but remembered when a member of their band reminded them of a song they had played for Reader. Reader of course gets excited and is all like, “The one with the big spiky porcupine hair?! Someone get me in contact with him ASAP-.” And soon it gets back to Bill and how he’d react. Kinda long, I’m sorry.
CRUSH ੈ✩‧₊˚
bill kaulitz x fem!reader
summary: read the request loll
warnings : fluff, celebrity chrushes, reader is in a band!!! and also its not proofread, that should honestly be a warning.
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It was probably the 6th interview of the day, and needless to say, bill was bored.
he was bored of being asked the same questions all day long, “what is it like being a twin? or “what do you guys look for in girls?”
frankly, he was totally over it. he could’ve sworn he was about to fall asleep when suddenly the interviewer said, “okay, bill! it your turn to say who your celebrity crush is!” she paused an looked the rest of the boys while saying, “who could be the lucky girl?”
“oh! well..” bill softly chewed his bottom lip as he thought. “hm, i would have to say y/n/l/n, yeah.”
the room filled with ooo’s as bill giggled.
“really? wow, what a coincidence..” the interview laughed to herself and bill cocked his head
“whats a coincidence?” tom butted in.
“we are having her on our show next weekend, such a shame. you could have shoot your shot if you were scheduled for sunday!” the interviewer obnoxiously laughed at her own sentence, pointing at the camera and staring into it.
although the others laughed with her, bills heart sank to his feet at the interviewers words.
‘i could’ve met y/n/l/n if we had just scheduled for sunday?! fuck.’ he cursed himself.
———————————————time skip - a week later.
"Alright y/n, last question for the day!" the interviewer enthusiastically said, into her microphone, but moving the microphone away to clear her throat before talking.
you chuckled at the interviewers unique personality, although you werent even sure if you were laughing to make the interveiw less awkward, or if you were actually enjoying the experience.
"sorry," she cleared her throat once more before starting again, "so, the question every man wants to know.." she dramatically paused and stared into the camera before turning back to you, "who is your celebrity crush y/n?!"
you looked over to the drummer of your band, valerie, who chuckled, she knew you didnt have a celebrity crush, which made the suspense of the interveiwers question very awkward.
"well.. you see, she doesnt really have a crush." your bandmate connie said, adjusting her miniskirt.
"wow really? the fabulous y/n doesnt have a crush?!" the interveiwer made a suprised face at the 3 girls sitting on the couch.
her face made the 3 of you chuckle lightly, but soon your face twisted into a look of curiosity when the interviewer said, "well, y/n i know someone who has a crush on you!"
you perked up, slightly taken aback by what she had said. "oh, well.." you smiled lightly, "who is it?"
"bill kaulitz." the interviewer paused to look at you, and connie grabbed your arm while valerie's jaw hung open.
there was an awkward silence until you squeaked out, "..who..?"
"ohmygodhowdoyounotknowbillkaulitzwhattheacctualffuckheslikethehottestrockeronearthrightnow!!" Valerie shouted, almost breaking the sound barrier of the mic that was fixed onto the ceiling.
connie shot her a look that said 'slow the fuck down'
so she did exactly that.
"okay, y/n hes the guy who sings durch den monsun!! the song i was playing earlier on the way here..!" she shook your thigh as she spoke.
oh. my. god.
"THE bill kaulitz..? the spiky hair guy likes me?!" you squealed, realization hitting you like a bullet.
"yeah, he's totally smoking, shoot your shot girl!" the interviewer chimed in.
"oh yeah, he is hot.." you said slowly, lost in a long train of thought.
"alright guys! well thats today's interview with, connie, y/n, and valerie from b/n!" the interviewer giggled as the camera guy zoomed in on your dazed out expression.
you laughed out of embaressment and squeezed connies hand once you realized what you were doing.
and soon after the interview was over, your asistsnt came running to you.
"shit, you loook hot! like, you know, temperature hot!" she paused and looked you up and down, "do you need water? a wet towel?..."
but you accidentally drowned out her talking and brought your hand up to your cheek, which was in fact extremely temperature hot.
fuck, were you blushing?
------------------------------------------- time skip - 3 days later.
it was late at night, bills face was sticky with makeup remover and his hairwas pushed off of his forehead, he turned to his side to face tom, hoping he would have someone to talk to.
"tom?" bill whispered and smacked toms shoulder
"halt die klappe.." tom groaned in annoyance and rolled over, turning away from bill.
bill whined loudly and layed on his back, looking at his ceiling for a breif moment before reaching to the hotel nightstand, groping aimlessly until his hand landed on his computer, witched he swiftly grabbed and put in his lap.
he opened his computer and instantly he computers bright light hit his face.
bill squinted as he typed in his password. he waited a moment before he opened his browser, letting his eyes adjust to the light.
finally, he opened google and searched 'teen.com tv/(y/n/l/n)' and clicking the first video that came up.
he looked at your band members before laying his eyes on you and smiling like a fan girl.
he bit his manicured nail as he watched you talk, completely and utterly consumed by every word you said, and he giggled when he thought about the fact that he had sat in that exact interviewing room the weekend before
bill was lost deep in his thoughts when he heard someone a name that seemed extremely familiar.
his jaw dropped and he paused he video, staring at the screen for a few moments before rewinding the video.
had he heard that right?
he watched the video again.
"THE bill kaulitz..? the guy with spiky hair likes me?" your voice echoed out of his laptop
he watched in complete shock as you said this, blush creeping across his whole face.
his eyes stayed wide and his jaw still dropped as he played he video over and over again.
he couldn't watch the rest of the video.
he closed his browser and immediately went to his gmail, and pulled up his managers name.
he wrote faster then he ever had before, with all the typos it was hard to decipher, but he wrotr something along the lines of "hey!! please get m3 in contact with y/n/l/n!"
he attached the video clip of you saying "THE bill kaulitz..?" along with your manager's email address.
he shut the laptop, too stunned to eeven move.
he threw his head back and ran a hand through his hair.
bill fought the urge to shake tom awake and tell him, but knowing tom that wouldn't end well, so bill just laid splayed out on the bed until his phone buzzed
"bill? its me, y/n. my manager gave me your number. :) let me know if u wanna me up sometime, yeah?"
"holy shit" bill practically shouted
"mmm..." tom groaned and punched bill in his sleep.
but bill couldn't care less, THE y/n had just texted him.
2/18 drafts posted !!
and anon i know this isnt exactly what u wanted but i still hope u enjoy!!
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anonymouscheeses · 2 months
why does Vaggie take Drugs?
Ooof... this is a doozy! Get ready for depressed Vaggie/Valerie! CHAGGIE HUMAN AU LES GO
(Tw: massive talk about drugs n smokin! Like- its literally the main focus 😭)
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Valerie used to smoke just to fit in with her friends Adam and Lute, plus the "exterminators" (which I will get into I think next request eheheh 😈). But now that they had a fall out with eachother, she relies on them heavily for other means. She has grown to use them for her anxiety(which, yes, she does have anxiety. It's hell, me and her are twins), although she has become SUPER reliant on them that she goes to any means to get them. Like going to the secret drug dealer that is Anthony(Angel Dust by most). Since he's pretty much everywhere and nowhere at all times, it's like if she wants drugs he is immediately there. It's creepy but it gets the job done I guess.. 😭
(He 100% cares and worries about her. Like, he loves when they talk and tease eachother, they have like a little sibling thing going on and he genuinely thinks of her like a little sister. Maybe cos his sister is dead but like let's move on from that right 😍)
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Charlie HATES drugs. Not even hates, she DESPISES them. She tries to get Valerie to stop, but to no avail of course. Despite their differences, Charlie attempts to fit in with her.
It obviously goes to crap. Girl CANNOT and WILL NOT use that "devils dandruff" 😔🙏
(Wym girly- ignore the first image 😍 I just want to go for a peaceful vibe in their "friend" ship. Like they go to the mall, go get ice cream, get in trouble even if Charlie doesn't want to. They are goals fr fr I think im gonna draw them doing random stuff. WHICH REMINDS ME! IF YOU WANT TO SEE THEM GO TO A PLACE PLSS REQUEST! I WANT TO SBB I WILL ANYWAY BUT LIKE- ANYTHING SPECIFIC IDC <3)
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What DOES she not understand? Sure Valerie is at a rough time where she feels she has to rely on a substance to keep sane. But.... Charlie doesn't know that. She just simply doesn't know how to understand a person's feelings. Let alone her own.
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sayafics · 7 months
Cherry Season - Part 1
Rick Grimes x OC
This contains smut
I've barely written smut before, so please be kind xx
Next Chapter
Valerie wasn't always a Greene. But she's been one for quite some time, even before the dead started walking.
Her parents owned a farm only minutes away from Hershel's. It had to have been years ago when she was just a small girl playing with Maggie and the chickens on Hershel's farm when they saw it.
Large, billowing clouds of thick, dark smoke shrouding the sky. Valerie remembers the look of horror that tore at Hershel's face, the gasp of dread Maggie's mother let escape past her lips as she ushered the girls inside.
The smoke was coming from her farm, her home.
Hershel had ran, gathering their neighbours as they brought buckets and hoses and anything else they thought could help. But when they had reached the farm, the fire had raked through it, burning the land and all its contents to ash.
When they managed to get the fire under control, there was nothing left to salvage. The earth had been wrought of life, the barn now dust and the house crumpled and broken.
It was under the boulders and wood that they found a happy couple holding each other in a tight embrace, the flesh melted off their bones which were charred under the heat of the fire.
Hershel liked to think they were at peace when they passed, finding comfort in each other's embrace.
But then he thought of the little girl in his home, of the brunette hair she shared with her mother, the tan skin and brown eyes of her father, the bashful grin she stole from them both and their mischievous twinkle - how could they be at peace, knowing they left a child to fend for her own in a world already cruel and harsh.
It was Maggie's mother who suggested the idea first, so motherly and so loving - she accepted the child as her own. Decades passed, and even as Maggie's mother passed into the next world, Valerie stayed on the Greene farm, growing into a fine young lady.
Valerie didn't remember much of her parents, or their farm. There was always a part of herself grateful for that, happy for the reprieve because it simply made it easier to live.
In Valerie's mind, she never lost a mother or a father because she was not old enough to remember them and whatever void their deaths had left had been quickly filled and cemented by Hershel and his first wife.
Valerie wasn't a shy girl in the slightest. She was bashful and awkward but never shy. So when Rick and his group had finally settled upon the farm, tents dotted around the land, campfires lit a soothing orange and friendly chatter bubbling through the air Rick simply could not wrap his head around it.
He had seen her talk with Dale, laugh with Glenn, exchange fruits and meats with Daryl in exchange for cross-bow lessons. He had seen her comfort Carol when she became overwhelmed over her missing daughter and sneak Carl sweets she had found during runs.
And yet, it seemed she couldn't stand to be in his presence. It seemed she skirted past his every attempt and dodged his every call, finding any excuse she could to be rid of his presence.
Rick thinks he shouldn't be upset. He had, after all, turned up on their front porch with his dying son in his arms and covered in blood - what a sight he must've made.
But still, there was something about this girl that intrugued him.
He knew of Hershel's beliefs when it came to the dead, the ignorance he held in his heart that he labelled as hope instead. Hershel did not want to kill the walkers, and neither did his children - apart from Valerie.
He heard the stories from Glenn, how she brought them down with ease, and used a knife as though it was an extension of her body.
It was as though she was made for a world like this, brought up to thrive in an apocalypse.
And yet, she dressed like that.
Normally, Rick would have no quarrels over how a woman dresses. And he was sure if this was Maggie or Beth, he probably still wouldn't.
But this was Valerie - sly, mischievous Valerie.
Valerie, who could take down a handful of walkers with ease. Who could scale buildings and ride horses and hotwire cars.
Valerie, who seemed so brave and independent, who ran from him at every turn.
And she dressed like this.
Whether it was her short skirts, tight tank-tops, frilly dresses, or sheer shirts.
Whether she was going on runs, going horse-riding, feeding the chickens - whatever it was, she dressed like this.
It wasn't practical, but dear God, was it a sight he couldn't take his eyes off of.
On his last run, Carol had insisted on joining. She wanted to escape the suffocated views of the farm as her worries for her daughter grew too much to bear. Rick relented with ease, deciding instead of going into town where he was sure the shops and departments would be too infested for his liking, they could wander the neighbouring homes.
They wandered through a small, abandoned home. The land around it wasn't as vast as Hershel's, but it was certainly large. Whilst Rick picked his way through the house, Carol ventured across the fields towards the bushes and trees, picking off fruits and vegetables, seeds and saplings wherever she could find them.
When Rick returned with an arm full of clothes and a bag full of supplies, he was surprised to see a beaming Carol with baskets full of peaches, pears, and cherries.
She held the basket of cherries out to him, "I heard Valerie loves cherries."
Rick quirked a brow, wondering why she felt the need to deign him with such information.
She grinned, mischief twinkling in her eyes, "I also heard she doesn't like you very much."
Carol pursed her lips at Rick's fallen expression, "she doesn't like me?"
"Come on, she runs whenever she sees you. I think she's just intimidated, but Glenn is sure she just doesn't like you."
Rick rolls his eyes, a huff escaping him as he pretends the words don't sting as much as they did. Still, he threw out his spare hand and stole the basket from her grasp.
He pretended not to notice Carol's silent laughter and shaking shoulders as he walked past her grumbling under his breath - if Valerie hadn't liked him before, she better like him now.
When they had returned from their run, Rick left Carol with their newly acquired items and left to find the girl who plagued his mind.
Rick's first stop was the chicken hut, knowing how she enjoyed feeding the belting animals and would spend every spare moment with them if she could.
When he found her there, he hesitated for a moment. His palms suddenly sweaty, lips twitching and thoughts racing at the sight of her.
She was dressed in a tight shirt, the material almost sheer as she sweat under the heat of the sun. She wore a skirt, something so impractical Rick almost tutted at the sight. But she moved with ease, comfortable in the way she dressed despite the grazes and scratches from the plants and thorns around her.
Valerie's soft call broke him out of his reverie, and he looked caught off guard. He swallowed roughly, unsure of why he was here now.
"Rick?" Valerie called out again, her voice unsure as she watched the man stand awkwardly with something held tightly in his hands, "did you need something?"
She steps up to his slowly, eyes wide and earnest as she reaches out to wave a hand in front of his face.
Rick coughs, eyes darting around them as though he was making sure no one else saw the embarrassment he was making of himself.
"I- uh, I got something for you."
"For me?"
Surprise coloured her features, glowing bright under the high sun as her cheeks flushed at the confession.
"Well, actually, Carol found it. But it's for you. I wanted to give it. To you."
"Oh. Well, what is it?"
She peered up at him shyly, a wry smile playing upon her lips as she waited for him to answer. Rick held out a basket between them, it was small but filled to the brim and his knuckles blanched as he held it in a tight grip, as though he was afraid his hands would tremble and the basket would fall.
"You brought me cherries?"
There was a note of softness in her voice, and when he answered, Rick was sure he could hear a similar chime in his own - "Carol said they're your favourite."
A tentative smile pulled at her lips, gratuity filling her features, "they are. I don't even know how you found them. It's not even the right season for cherries. She must be one lucky person to have found these."
Rick still held the basket tight in his grip, unsure what to do now and feeling his ears flush red as his face heated under her stare.
It seemed she caught onto this, her smile growing into a broad grin as she took the basket from his hands and beamed up at him, "thank you, Rick. Really."
As her hands pulled the basket from his reach, her fingers brushed against his own, and Rick felt his breath wedge itself in his throat. He nodded vigorously, terrified his voice would break should he try to speak.
Valerie stood there for a moment, her eyes bouncing over his shoulder as she looked towards the house. Rick followed her gaze to find Hershel in a heated conversation with Maggie. He turned back to the girl, ready to say his goodbyes and leave.
Instead, Rick was met with a fluttering kiss pressed upon his cheek and the sight of a sheepish girl who reeled back from him quickly with frantic glances back at the house.
Rick felt a heat bubble in his chest - it was warm and calm and nice. Something he hadn't felt in so long.
A feeling he didn't realise he missed.
A feeling he didn't realise he needed.
Valerie skirted around him, skipping towards her father's beckoning figure and stern gaze. As she took a few steps away from him, she threw a playful smirk over her shoulders as she waved him goodbye.
Rick felt as though he couldn't move, gaze fixed upon her enticing form. He leered at the sight of her, the way her hips swung delicately under the ruffles of her skirt, they way her hair flowed under the whispers of the wind, the way her eyes glowed amber in the sunlight.
Rick didn't understand how she could dress so pretty in the midst of an apocalypse. But a small part of Rick, one that was dark and desperate and needy enjoyed it.
Perhaps that was why he had no quarrels in this moment now.
Rick had stayed up, working late into the night helping Hershel tidy away chores that were long neglected now that he had grown older and frail.
The hours passed by quick, the sun had sunk, and the moon rose. Everyone was tucked away in their tents and beds, except Rick.
He hesitated for a moment, cleaning his hands on his dirt-ridden jeans as he looked around him. In the dying embers of a fire, he could see the open flap of the tent Lori slept in - an invitation.
It would have been so easy to pretend Lori hadn't slept with Shane, that she wasn't pregnant with his child. It would've been so easy to go as he was and slip into the tent, drag himself onto the cot next to the woman he considered his wife, to close his eyes and hold her and just pretend everything was okay. Everything was normal.
That the world wasn't ending and the dead wasn't walking and his wife did not betray him.
It sounded easy.
Rick always did hate it when something was easy.
He gritted his teeth, glancing towards Hershel's house and the darkness that blanketed it. Hershel had told him he was able to come in whenever he needed, to wash up and clean his clothes in exchange for the work he was doing.
Rick had avoided the offer for quite some time, not wanting to take too much advantage of the man's kindness and only going in broad daylight.
But then his thoughts travelled to places sinful and dark, and he thought of how Valerie's bedroom sat right next to the bathroom and in the dead of night, one glimpse would not hurt her.
One glimpse would be enough for him.
He wondered to himself whether she slept in the same flimsy clothes she traversed the farm in or whether she didn't wear any at all. Perhaps her modesty showed in her sleep, and she was covered head to toe. Did she wear her hair loose and let it fall in graceful curls? Did she sleep peacefully, or was she just as restless as him - plagued by nightmares and horrific possibilities.
Rick was not sure when he made the conscious decision to walk in, but he found himself standing in Hershel's doorway, the door creaked as it swivelled open.
His steps were soft as he made his way to the staircase, so cautious to not make a ruckus, so careful to not wake her up.
A sound caught his ear, making his spine straighten and his shoulders raise as his head twisted in alarm.
He held his breath, listening again.
A light moan echoed across the darkness, a light and airy hum that replayed within his mind over and over until he could place the voice.
His body boiled with desire as he recognised the sweet voice - Valerie.
But why was she making such sounds? His heart almost sank, worry etching his features as he deliberated ideas that angered him and hurt him most. He followed the melodic sounds - footfalls quiet, unlike her.
He traced them to the kitchen, almost hesitating to step inside.
But when he did, Rick could feel the blood rush to his cock as it twitched in his jeans and stiffened.
It was all he could think.
There upon the counter, legs dangling off the side was Valerie.
She was dressed in a flimsy nightgown that was much too short as it skimmed the flesh of her upper thighs and left her legs bare for him to ogle at. The white satin made her look like an angel under the moonlit sky.
If he looked closely, he was sure he could make out her silhouette as the moonlight lit up her figure from behind.
His eyes traced her curves almost instinctively, slowing down as they passed over the swell of her breasts before pausing upon her puffy lips.
There she sat, in pure bliss eating the very cherries he brought her.
The juice dribbled past her lips, his eyes following as it ran down her fingers, dripped down her hands, and weaved down her arm to spill across the white nightdress - staining it a deep red in the shadows of the night.
As she reached for another, the juices dripped upon her bare thighs, slipping between the two as she paid no mind to the mess she made. She pit the cherries with her fingers, tearing it in half as juice spilt wherever her heart desired, before plunging them one by one slowly between her luscious lips.
Something had come over Rick in that moment.
Where he had been hesitant and shy, where he had been cautious and careful. Something feral washed over him at the sight of her, something so pure and pretty and messy.
Rick wanted her to be his mess.
Rick wanted to see his cum drip from her lips, wanted to see his seed paint the expanse of her thighs.
Rick wanted to hear her moan because of him.
Rick wants her.
He needs her.
And he needs her now.
"Hey sweetheart," his voice was gruff, drowning in the lust that raked at his body in endless waves.
Valerie startled, head flicked up as her wide eyes took in Rick's stance. He leaned against the doorway now, arms crossed as he raised a brow in her direction, "what are you doing up so late?"
She glanced down at her lap, the pretty white nightgown stained by her carelessness, her fingertips stained purple, and she was sure her lips were too. Valerie flushed under his gaze, embarrassment pinching at her cheeks as it sweeped its way down her neck and chest.
She was glad it was night, hopeful Rick couldn't see her burning skin in the rays of moonlight as she stumbled over her words - "Rick."
A subtle smirk tugged at his lips as his eyes darkened, "I like it when you say my name."
Her breath caught in her throat, her next words whispered as though she heard his challenge and wanted to take it, but was terrified all the same.
"Rick," a breathy call passed her lips, "what're you doing here?"
She fiddled with the ends of her gown, paying no mind to how it pinkened under the touch of her wet and sticky fingers as she tried to compose herself in front of Rick.
The truth was, she had been fascinated by the man from the moment she saw him - he was kind and loyal and fierce, there was a darkness in him that she yearned to unleash, a beast within him she longed to tame.
And it helped that he was devilishly handsome too.
But he is a married man.
Or at least he was. Before everyone on the farm found out about Shane and Lori.
She transgressed, at least one good thing had come of it - her apprehensions had been washed away, especially now watching him tremble with desire.
"Hershel asked for my help cleaning up. I just got finished, came to freshen up and head to bed," he nodded alongside his own words, as though he himself believed that was what he truly intended.
Rick tutted, looking deep into Valerie's eyes, his once sea-blue hues grew dark as his head became heady with lust - "but it seems like I'm not done cleaning up yet."
Valerie frowned, eyes earnest as she tilted her head in confusion, "what do you mean? Is there other stuff you have to do? It's really late, you need some rest Rick."
She sounded so concerned for his wellbeing, her lips puckering into a soft pout that Rick almost felt his heart swoon with giddiness as he refrained from shifting the bulge that grew stiff within his pants.
Rick stood up straight, stalking his way to the girl as she looked into his eyes with unabashed curiosity.
He came to stand in front of her, one of his hands reaching to skim his fingers across the bare flesh of her legs and watch as goosebumps broke over the surface - "there is other stuff I have to do, I gotta clean a big mess. You think you can help me?"
He tried to catch her gaze as she looked down at his wandering fingers, she hummed in thought before nodded in affirmation.
"Okay, but you have to do something for me first."
"And what's that, baby?"
Her eyes widened at the petname, cheeks flushing with heat as she ducked her head and fidgeted on her bottom. Rick took a step closer, wedging himself between her plush thighs as his hands clamped upon her waist to hold her still, "look at me when I'm talking to you."
Valerie's head had never snapped up so fast, her breaths ragged as she answered his previous question with a shy smile upon her face, "I want more cherries."
"Fuck," he breathed out, looking at the pretty little mess she was in front of him, sticky and wet with cherry juice staining every inch of her and already his mind began running rampant.
"I'll get you all the cherries you want, sweet girl."
She bit her lip softly, holding back a beaming smile as she shuddered at the pet names that fell off his lips so sweetly.
"So, what big mess did you have to clean up?"
Rick rubbed circles into her waist with his thumbs, eventually rubbing his hands up and down in small motions - "well, it's sitting right in front of me."
Valerie looked confused, a frown upon her lips, but Rick carried on - he dragged his hands up her thighs, tugging at the end of her nightgown as he tutted, "look at this mess. Such a pretty dress ruined, clumsy girl."
She looked down at her dress with wide eyes, unsure how to respond as an apology sat at the tip of her tongue.
Rick didn't give her an opportunity, dragging his hands up her stomach, gliding across her shoulders to her hands. He lifted them up to his face, eyes dark with lust, "and look at this," he shook his head lightly, a smirk upon his lips, "what a silly little girl. Getting stains everywhere, making herself so messy."
A whimper slipped out at his words, and she looked away from him, unable to look him in the eyes.
She wasn't sure what she was going to say, wasn't sure whether she liked where this was headed or not, knowing that his wife was probably waiting for him to warm her bed instead.
He whispered her name so desperately, coming closer to brush the tip of his nose against her as he pressed her hands against his chest - the dusty, white henley soon had neat little impressions from her fingers upon them, stained pink by the cherries he brought her.
"We shouldn't do this."
Rick closed his eyes at her words, pressing his head against hers as he nodded, "I know," he spoke softly, "but I need you."
She pulled back at his words, eyes wide in surprise - "but... what about Lori?"
"Lori made her choices a long time ago. It's time I made some of my own," his hands gripped her hips tightly, pulling her towards the edge of the counter so she was flush against him, her legs wrapped around his waist almost instinctively and he groaned quietly as her clothed cunt, warm and wet, pressed against his hardened cock.
She gasped quietly at the sensation, her flimsy panties doing nothing to stop her from feeling the press of Rick's rough jeans and hard member grinding softly against her cunt as he took deep breaths to try and control himself.
"I want this. Do you?"
Valerie tilted her head up, eyes hazy with lust as she looked from his heavy eyes to his parted lips as he took slow, meaningful breaths. She thought of every moment Rick caught her eye, every time she touched herself at the thought of him, every glance and every whisper, every touch and every hesitation.
She nodded vigorously, "please."
Rick surged towards her lips at the whine, capturing them in a soft kiss as he drew his hands towards her jaw and cradled her face softly. He grew frenzied, the kiss growing rough as he lost himself in the taste of her cherry-flavored kiss, her soft lips, and her teasing tongue.
Soft moans poured from her lips, and he swallowed every single one.
Valerie wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer as her legs tightened around his waist - she canted up her hips, breath catching at the sensations that buzzed through her.
"Fuck," Rick groaned, hands slipping into her hair as he tugged her locks and pushed into her relentless grinding, "you feel so good, baby."
"Want more," she panted, head thrown back as he peppered kisses down the column of her throat, "please Rick, need more."
"Anything you want, sweetheart."
They fumbled with clumsy fingers, Valerie reaching to undo his belt and unzip his jeans as he bunched up the nightgown around her waist and ripped off her panties off.
Rick paused for a moment, Valerie watching him in amusement, a heavy blush spreading across her face as he stuffed the damp panties into his back pocket.
"You do know someone's going to find that, right?"
"I have nothing to be ashamed of."
He bore a wide grin as he pulled her closer once more. This time, his kisses trailed over her shoulder, down her chest to flutter around her soft thighs.
He looked up at her, hunger raked across his face, "lie back for me, sweetheart. And try to keep quiet, will you?"
There was a teasing smirk upon his face, one that made her hold her breath as she fell back against the cold counter, hands covering her face as his hot breath puffed against her throbbing pussy.
It twitched as he blew lightly upon it, the sight causing him to groan as he laid a kiss upon her clit - Valerie sucked in a sharp breath, hips lifting only to be held down against the counter by Rick.
He tutted into the softness of her thighs, nipping at the flesh, "not happening, baby. You keep still and you keep quiet, y'hear me?"
The authoritative rasp of his voice sent a shiver down her spine as she nodded vigorously, "I'll be good, Rick. I promise."
"Yeah? You promise? What a good girl," he teased her clenching cunt, fingers brushing her across her folds as he collected her wetness upon his fingers.
"God, look at you. So wet, so perfect. You're so good for me," Valerie couldn't help the quiet moan that escaped her, nor her aching whispers.
"Rick, please. I- I need... I need mo-"
Her voice cut into a harsh whine, hips lifting off the table as Rick dove into the folds of her cunt with hungered vigor - he lapped across her folds, slow circles around her entrance and suckling upon her clit.
Valerie's hands locked into his hair, tugging and pulling as she pushed her pussy further into his face, trying to get him deeper, trying to get more.
She threw her head back, moans escaping her unabashedly as the thought of her father and sisters asleep upstairs had slipped her mind, and Rick's long and thick fingers slipped into her tight hole.
"C'mon, baby. You want me to fuck you with my fingers? Hmm? Or do you want my cock instead?"
Valerie's head twisted from side to side, eyes closed as she panted heavily under his ministrations, his voice almost muffled as he laved at her folds and drank her juices like it was nectar.
She could feel his smirk flush against her folds, could feel his grip tighten momentarily before-
A cold air washed over her, a petulant whine escaping her lips as Rick's head parted from her glistening pussy.
"Rick..." she reached for him with desperate hands, only for him to dodge them with an amused stare, "what are you doing? I need more," her hips canted up towards him, the sight so enticing he almost gave in.
He tutted, head tilted in faux disappointment - "but you didn't answer my question. And little girls who don't listen, don't get to cum."
"That's not fair," Valerie sat up, tears welling in her eyes with desperation as her pussy throbbed against the cold counter. She shuddered with arousal as she felt a bout of slick and spit drip from between her legs, hips moving almost instinctively into the puddle that lay on the counter between her legs.
A sharp slap brought her back from her sinful thoughts, "keep still."
Rick was closer now, hands on either side of her as he leaned closer - his nose almost touching hers.
"Answer the question, baby. And I'll give you what you want."
"I need you, Rick. So bad, it hurts," her voice was whining, hands reaching for his unzipped jeans and slipping inside to hold his hardened member in her delicate hands. She tugged at it, suppressing a smile at the pool of precum that had leaked from his tip and using it to speed up her ministrations.
Rick clenched his eyes shut, his moving into the palm of her hand with sharp thrusts, "don't you want me, Rick? Don't you wanna fuck me? I want you to fuck me, Rick. I need your cock so bad, can I have it? Please?"
Rick found it hard to snap back to reality, her voice in his ear and her hand on her cock was almost too much for him. His hips stuttered as she tightened her grip and his movements became sloppier as the seconds passed, "what happened, Rick? Are you gonna cum? Hmm? All because of me? Do I make you feel good, Rick?"
He didn't know how he had lost control so quickly, but as he threw his head back, groaning yes's and violent pleas, he knew he didn't care. He yanked Valerie forward, gripping her hair tightly as he thrust his cock into her fist and crashed his lips against hers.
Rick moaned against her lips, a final grunt as he went into a spiral of bliss and came in her hands. He tucked his head into her neck, teeth bared against her skin as he sunk his teeth into her soft and supple flesh, hips slowing down as he groaned softly.
"Shit, baby. I was supposed to make you cum."
She giggled into his neck, hand never leaving his still-hard cock, "you still can."
She guided his cock to her puffy cunt, dragging the tip against her clit with stuttered breaths, "see how good that feels. Don't you wanna be inside me? C'mon Rick, I need you to fuck me. I need your cock."
"Shit. Yeah, baby. I'll fuck you, I'll fuck you so good you won't be able to walk tomorrow."
Rick slid his hands under her thighs, picking her up as she wrapped her legs rightly around his waist. Her hands reached into his hair, tugging on his curls as she brought him into a desperate kiss.
She moaned as he slipped him tongue into her mouth, letting him win the battle of dominance this time.
Rick steered them towards the dining table, every move careful and quiet so Hershel didn't walk in on Rick tainting and ruining his little girl.
He sat heavily in the chair at the head of the table, tugging Valerie down by the throat to hold her even closer as his hips grinded against hers.
"Do you want this?"
She nodded vigorously, tracking kisses down his neck until she found a sweet spot behind his ear that could him keen and groan.
He tugged her head back with a growl, "I asked you a question, do you want this?"
"Yes, yes, yes," her echoed words were frenzied as she shifted upon his lap, her cunt sliding across his cock with hurried desperation - "please fuck me, Rick. I need it so badly."
"Fuck, look at you. Don't even care that your dad's upstairs, do you? Shit, I bet if I asked you to scream for me you would, right?"
"Anything - I'll do anything. Please, Rick."
Rick's lips twitched in amusement at her words but still he gave in oh, so easily.
He held her waist, breath catching as she gripped his leaking cock and guided it to her clenching entrance. Valerie leaned her head against Rick's, eyes twitching closed as she pushed herself down onto his thick member.
They held their breaths, a low whine escaping Valerie as she tried to push herself down further. Rick, in a scramble, gripped her hips tightly enough to bruise, giving an almost animalistic thrust as he bottomed out.
A synchronised moan left them both, holding each other desperately as Valerie bounced on his cock in slow, drawn out moves.
Rick had his head thrown back, eyes focused upon the beauty in front of him - the only thing he regretted was not doing this sooner.
If he knew cherries were all he needed to have her so pliant within his arms, he would have brought a truck full just to see her like this.
His hands slipped under her nightdress, skimming across her skin until he found her breasts. He reached behind her back, tugging her forward as he mouthed at her breasts through the pretty satin, groaning at the sight of his spit turning the material sheer.
Valerie tried to keep her voice down, so scared someone could walk down and that they would have to stop.
She didn't want to stop.
Her nails embedded themselves in Rick's shoulders, slipping under his shirt to feel every slip of skin she could find. There was a part of her that wanted him marked as her own, red scratches and dark hickeys proving she owned him in this moment as much as he owned her.
She ground against him, chasing her own high as Rick's thrusts became sloppy once more. They moved in a crazed frenzy of heated kisses and whines and moans, until a white hot flash crashed over them both causing them to whisper sinful moans into each other's mouth as they share a soft kiss.
Valerie stays on Rick's lap, his soft cock still inside of her, their cum mixed and pooling between her legs as he tried to stuff her full of it. She ground her hips softly, whimpering at the over-stimulation but not wanting to stop.
This felt good.
Really good.
She laid her head tiredly on Rick's shoulder, head lolling as she panted softly into the crook of his neck.
Rick's arms were wound around her, holding her pliant body firmly against his own as he relished in the warmth between her legs.
He sighed softly, "let's clean you up and get you to bed."
"Don't wanna go bed."
He snorted quietly, "Well, I don't wanna be caught by Herlshel balls deep in his daughter because we both accidentally fell asleep in the dining room."
She couldn't help the giggles that escaped her, "yeah, papa would murder you."
"Oh, yeah? And what about you?"
"He'd put me on chicken-duty," her words were so sure that he couldn't help his grin.
"You love the chickens though."
She leaned back to stare at him, a proud smile on her face, "he doesn't know that."
Rick shook his head with a smile, and Valerie smiled softly.
"Stay the night. With me."
Rick looked into her eyes, dark and quiet, hopeful and trusting. He probably should have gone back to the tent, should have felt guilt for his actions and confessed to Lori and asked her to start over after they both betrayed each other.
But in Valerie's warm embrace, there was no guilt. No pressure, no responsibilities. Simply content.
"I'll stay."
The pair lay in bed, holding each other in a tight embrace. Rick felt as though he could finally relax, as though the world had quietened for the first time since he woke up in that hospital bed.
Valerie lay pressed against his side, her legs tangled with his as she traced messy shapes onto his bare skin.
"You're thinking"
Her voice was soft, no judgement and no demand for him to have to reply.
Rick pulled her closer, tugging her to lie her across his chest as he burrowed his face in her hair - "everything going on with Lori - with Shane, it's already so complicated. And now, this? I feel like I'm making things worse."
"Oh." Her voice was quiet, and Rick wasn't sure if that was because she was hurt by his words or because she thought the same.
He continued, words spilling out now that he had started talking, "but the worst bit is, I don't feel guilty. I don't feel bad. About any of this. I want this. I just don't know how I'm going to explain it to Carl."
"Oh," her tone was understanding now, hands pressed upon his chest as she heaved herself up to sit on his lap so she could look him in the eyes. Still in that cherry-stained dress of hers, and she looked like an angel in the moonlight.
"Rick you can't be so hard on yourself, it's like you said - Lori made her choices. Carl might not understand now, but he will one day."
"How is he supposed to understand that his sister is not my child?"
"Oh, Rick..." she couldn't begin to understand the feelings that swamped him, the betrayal that stung deep even after he moved on from her - this wasn't just about Lori sleeping with his best friend, this was having a child with him but expecting Rick to be the father.
"I'm so sorry, Rick."
His eyes were misty, his chest heavy as the weight of the last few weeks threatened to crush him.
They stared at each other in silence for a few moments before Valerie's lips parted. She licked lips in hesitation, "you're still going to take care of the baby, right?"
There was a pause as Rick stared at her with incredulity, surprised she would even ask such a thing, especially after all they had done. He thought she would want him for herself and away from Lori and everything that had to do with her.
"I know you said Lori's baby wasn't yours, but it's still Carl's baby sister or brother. When mama first brought me home, papa couldn't even look at me because I reminded him of his friends who died - he didn't want me. The only time he tried was when he saw how much Maggie loved me, and then slowly he did too. Carl's too young to understand what Lori did, as far as he's concerned that baby is his sibling, and your child."
Rick closes his eyes as though his heart clenched with misery and dread knowing every word she said was true, and Valerie slid across his body to hold him in a soft embrace. Rick wrapped his arms around her, anchoring her body to his own as she whispered into his ear, "you're a good father, Rick. You're probably the only person here who can keep that baby safe."
They both knew what she meant by that - Shane would get them killed.
"Thanks, sweetheart."
Rick didn't know how much he had been needing to hear those words - to know that to raise the child didn't make him a fool or a coward, it made him a good father. To Carl.
And that was what was important.
They fell asleep in each other's embrace, Rick's mind so quiet that he wasn't plagued by nightmares or foul thoughts in his sleep. There was a ghost of a smile upon his face as he breathed in the scent of strawberries and mint from the girl who held him so tightly. It almost felt like Rick was still alive.
Like he hadn't been shot and left in a hospital bed to die.
Like he hadn't woken up amongst the dead.
Valerie wakes up to soft kisses being scattered across her face, trailing lower as she sighs into the dark sky.
The sun hadn't rose yet, but it was warm where she lay.
Her hands drifted to Rick's hair, petting him as he continued his fluttering kisses and traced his way back to her face.
He pressed soft kisses against her lips - again, and again, and again. She laughed softly at the attention, reaching up to reciprocate his kisses until they fell into one deep and passionate.
"I should probably go," but from the way he kept pressing tantalising kisses across her skin, she had a feeling he didn't want to.
The day passed by slowly, and it was like a breath of fresh air had seeped into the farm.
Valerie and Rick skirted around each other as they always had, except lustful and loving glances replaced what had previously been longing and wistful gazes.
Every smile and every touch held a new sense of exhilaration as they kept their relationship a secret from others.
Day by day, Valerie had said.
To make it easier for Carl, Rick had said.
They used every opportunity to be near each other, whether Rick offered to take her out on runs, or she offered him a glass of lemonade as he worked in the heat, when Rick brought Carl with him to see the chickens saying it was son's idea and not his, or when Valerie would wake up in the dark hours of night to keep Rick company on his watch.
Everyone was oblivious to the change, thinking that Carol's tactics of bringing cherries had been enough to warm Valerie up to Rick and that they were friends.
But Lori knew better.
So did Shane.
He saw the deep red scratches on his friends arms and back, saw the hickeys he didn't try to hide, saw his wandering eyes, and possessive hands.
Lori couldn't say a word, not when she was growing round and heavy with another man's child.
Shane, on the other hand, grew crazed with anger. Crazed with jealousy.
Lori had said no to him at every turn, had denied him his child and her body now that her husband had risen from the dead.
So when they had found the farm, Shane found himself enticed by the little minx Hershel called his daughter. Wanted to break her and ruin her and make her his.
But Rick had taken her too.
Just like he took Lori.
Just like he took Carl.
Just like he took Shane's baby.
Shane wasn't a second-choice. He was better than Rick.
He would do everything he had to, to protect those he loves. Rick can't do that - he was a coward, stuck in the echoes of a world that no longer exists.
Shane wouldn't let him have this, too.
It wasn't fair.
This was his.
Valerie was his.
It was around lunchtime now. The group sat scattered across the field as they dove into their rations for the day. Rick wiped the sweat from his forehead with a damp rag, his stomach growling in hunger.
But his eyes caught the sight of Hershel's house and he thought of how his family had probably already had lunch. He thought of how if Valerie wasn't grazing through the fields of the farm then she was most likely in her room.
Rick suddenly thought he was in need of a long, hot shower.
He bit back a laugh at the idea, speeding towards Hershel's home with hidden intentions and sinful thoughts.
When Rick had come across her room, he frowned in confusion as he found the girl was nowhere in sight.
He stepped out hesitantly, shrugging as he thought he may have simply just missed her on his walk to the house and got into the shower instead.
Rick would find her after.
Only a few metres away, at the edge of the woods Shane urged the girl to walk ahead of him with a manic grin - "'mon, I'm telling you. I saw one."
Valerie shook her head in amusement, "Shane, there is no way you saw a bear in the woods."
"Yes I did. If you would just follow me, then you'd see."
"I am following you, but if you are telling the truth then I would rather not get mauled by a bear."
He scoffed as though she had said something dumb and stupid, "nah, you'll be fine. Saw 'em eating."
Valerie frowned, pausing in her steps as she turned to face him. She stumbled a step back when she found Shane was much closer than she expected, her back hitting a tree as she looked around his looming, broad figure to see they were too deep in for her to see the farm from here.
A sense of unease settled in her gut - "what were they eating?" She was worried some of the wildlife might have been attacked and torn to shreds by such a beast, a cantankerous predator in the face of such small prey.
He gave her a leering grin, leaning closer so she could feel his hot breath as he spoke, "cherries."
Valerie swallowed roughly - it's not cherry season.
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spookberry · 5 months
do u have hcs on what the danny phantom characters would have as pokémon?
ooooh, I've thought about this before!! Based off vibes and not strategy (also not limiting to any particular regions) here's the pokemon I think people'd have
Danny: Marshadow(ghost/fighting this just makes sense for him), Dragapult(airplane dragon thats also a ghost? this is very danny), Minior(i think he'd have a blue one), Staryu(in the pokemon world people think these come from space), Clefairy(moon theme), Glaceon(his starter was an eevee and at some point it evolved into glaceon)
Tucker: Rotom(this is the most obvious pick ever for tucker but im sticking to it), Ampharos(do androids dream of electronic sheep?), Chansey(he doesnt like going to the nurse so he caught his own personal nurse but shes really pushy and they have a love/hate relationship), CoFAGrigus(everyone was really glad when his yamask evolved tbh cuz its mask looked a little Too much like Tucker and it was kinda eerie), Porygon2, Golett (theres something about the manmade mons that fits tucker really well)
Sam: Torterra(giant plant turtle with spikes she'd love this), Carnivine, Gloom, Trubbish(she found this guy in the city once and she loves him so much she'd kill for this trashbag), Shiinotic(she wouldnt like fairy types but would make an exception for the creepy mushroom), Cursola (a pokemon that was hunted to extinction and has now come back from the dead?? this is SO something Sam would have on her team)
Jazz: Noctowl, Cinccino, Drampa, Abra, Nidoran (Jazz wouldn't be someone who keeps pokemon with the intention of battling, they're just her friends or help her in other ways)
Valerie: Scizor, Lokix, Maschiff(this is cujo), Shelgon(she is aiming to get a salamance one day), Lopunny(if any of the dp characters were to be real into Mega Evolution it'd be Valerie. Idk how to explain it, but im right), Oricorio(its in pompom form when shes friends with the a-listers but Baille when she becomes Red Huntress)
Danielle: Ditto, Galarian Zigzagoon, Goomy(every goopy girl needs her goopy dragon), Eevee(like danny but she has the potential to do whatever and be whoever she wants still), toxel(her pokemon are all in their base stage still and I don't think she'll push them to evolve but rather let them decide on their own terms whether they want to or not)
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astriddestelle · 8 months
Lol so here’s another unpopular opinion about a ten year old show no one care about.
First of all the show hasn’t aged well but it’s still fun. But omg Sam Manson is like the worst.
It’s so sad because I remember being obsessed with her she was like my fave but now I can’t stand her.
Her whole thing is just look how different I am. I’m not like the other girls. Which I get is a product of its time but wow.
She always brings up how unique and different she is and omg I get it already. You don’t wear makeup congrats, let other girls live their lives how they want.
Maybe it’s cause I’m not like ten anymore but idk I don’t like her like that anymore 😭 I thought she was so cool but she almost had Mary Sue vibes with how awesome/cool/perfect she is in some episodes and how she’s almost always right.
He should’ve ended up with Valerie they would’ve been a cute couple (once she got over her beef 🤣)
Not to mention she’s a hypocrite and always tells Danny not to use his powers for his own gains, but when it’s for her own gains it’s cool. Spies on him but gets mad when he spies on her.
Then it felt like she only liked Danny cause he had powers and it made him unique like what (obviously not true but it felt like it at times)
She’d also bag on other girls just living their lives. Yes Paulina was a bitch but sometimes she’d just be existing and Sam would have some shit to say.
Oh and being rude af and jealous of Jazz when she joined the team his own sister. Idk bout y’all if my friend treated my siblings the way she did it’d be a problem.
Ugh. The problems of getting older. I’ve found myself tolerating the snarky/rude character less and less as I’ve gotten older.
Like why are you so rude for no reason.
Grayghost will always be superior to Amethyst Ocean in my eyes.
Not trying to debate so if you wanna reblog and talk to yourself go ahead. Idc
This is just a random ass mini rant after rewatching an old cartoon that I’ll prob forget about it in like a day.
Sidenote; I love Jazz now, hated her as a kid. Funny how things change.
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melancholicmarionette · 3 months
[Oh shit I did something. I wrote Val and Sam as podcasters. Warning: this is fucking stupid. I literally had to just stop writing bc it made less and less sense as I went on. But I love writing dialogue and it’s silly and this is tumblr. here have a little snack my dudes]
Graveyard Girls Episode 12: Roasting Ember’s Beauty Guru Era at 1 AM
“Hello and welcome to Local Ghost Smash or Pass—”
“I will fucking kill you.”
Valerie had to admit that Sam Manson’s ability to keep a completely straight face while saying the most unhinged nonsense was probably one of the reasons their video podcast was so popular. Her own ability to refrain from actually killing her was the reason it still existed at all. How they’d made it to episode twelve, however, still remained at least partially an enigma.
Though it was overall Danny’s kindness that slowly made his trio of friends into a tenuous quartet, Valerie had slowly become accepted by all of them, once she finally came to terms with Danny’s secret. Sam was the last to come around, though by the time they were both seventeen their tension was less due to fighting over a boy and more due to the fact that they could agree on almost nothing.
Most of Graveyard Girls was the two girls arguing, originally spawned by a viral TikTok Tucker posted, in which Valerie—at Danny’s bizarre request—tried to explain The Bachelor franchise to them and Sam being convinced she was making some of it up. People had been interested, and with Amity Park being a niche-but-also-hot topic, a weekly podcast was born.
“Okay but,” Sam leaned back in a vintage-looking office chair, “if I returned as a ghost, would you sma—” Sam cut herself off with a grunt as she dodged a throw pillow.
The show was mostly the two competing to see who could get the other to essentially rage quit, and while Sam’s personality was surprisingly just as strange as those of her best friends, Valerie was competitive enough to be a worthy opponent.
“You might just be, like, the worst person,” Valerie said, expertly catching the throw pillow as it was hurled back at her. “We’re not even three minutes in and I’m so uncomfortable with the energy you’ve created.”
“So our very last episode is three minutes long and titled Valerie Quits, then?”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you Manson?” For a tense moment they stared each other down. “Say it one more time, see what happens.”
“So what is today’s topic, then?”
It was a challenge, to see if Valerie had forgotten it was her turn to start. She had.
They had the Box Ghost to thank for it, too.
“Okay, so—full disclosure,” she began, and she looked at her phone, “it is…1:16 in the morning. And both of us have been awake for like…”
“More hours than usually recommended,” Sam continued, “for reasons. We wanted to get this episode out on time so we are crunching.”
“And suffering.”
“And suffering quite a bit,” Sam concluded, nodding. “So my topic is that Ember McClain is trying to release eyeshadow palettes.”
“You cannot just drop that on me.”
“It was dropped on me,” Sam told her, “I’ve had to live with this. You don’t read the DMs for our official account so you didn’t see it and this poor lady, she has this indie cosmetics company and she slides into our DMs asking ‘is this person for real? I think she’s a ghost? She wants to collab.’”
“And she sent me like…a mock up. I’m putting it in the google drive so get ready.”
Valerie picked her phone, opening their shared drive and—sure enough—seeing a digital version of a very Ember-esque palette, showcasing both dark and neon shades.
“She’s unhinged. But like…some of the shimmers on here aren’t terrible.”
“That’s the thing—I don’t like the bright blues and greens but there’s potential here. I could make a look out of it.”
“I’ve got conditions—if she wants to start the beauty guru era of her ‘career’ I need a full press release saying it’s not a complex murder plot,” Valerie said.
“I swear under penalty of perjury that I’m not imprisoning your parents in hamster wheels to power my sound system,” Sam affected an impression that would positively enrage the ghostly pop star as she spun around in her chair.
“My mad power-grab via subliminal mind control is so over, okay? That was the old me. Get to fucking swatching.” Valerie continued, snickering. “We kid, but this is actually peak influencer already.”
“We’re writing her YouTube apology for her,” Sam said, and she trained her eyes on the camera before continuing, “you cannot use this. I know you’re watching, I said your name once, and your Obsession is name-searching the universe. You have to do your own YouTube apology.”
“We should edit her name out before we upload.”
“We should.”
“…We’re not going to.”
“No, and a certain somebody’s gonna be on my ass about it. We should perhaps move on…”
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vintagetvstars · 1 month
Mary Tyler Moore Vs. Elisabeth Sladen
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Mary Tyler Moore - (The Dick Van Dyke Show, The Mary Tyler Moore Show) - MTM's beauty was always being played up (with good reason), but she was just a fun performer, period. An actor, a dancer, and an incredible comedian who had so much chemistry with her co-stars, whether it was Dick Van Dyke, Valerie Harper, Betty White, or Ed Asner. She famously got American housewife Laura Petrie wearing trousers in just about every episode of the Dick Van Dyke Show, began her own production company (MTM Enterprises), and changed TV history with The Mary Tyler Moore Show. The 1960s That Girl had offered the world a show about a single girl, but Ann Marie was very much under the thumb of her parents and her boyfriend. By contrast, MTM's Mary Richards was single, steadily employed, and making her own decisions, paving the way for shows like Rhoda, One Day At a Time, and The Nanny.
Elisabeth Sladen - (Doctor Who) - I loved her as Sarah Jane Smith!
Master Poll List of the Hot Vintage TV Ladies Bracket
Additional propaganda below the cut
Mary Tyler Moore:
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Mary Tyler Moore Theme Song
Elisabeth Sladen:
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topguncortez · 1 year
Maybe some ❛ here we are, home sweet home. ❜ with Jake Seresin for 3 k
Thank u
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Shy!Reader (not wifey yet) warnings: it's so damn fluffy you might shed a tear. Opposites Attract Masterlist | Hangman Masterlist Main Masterlist | 3 fucking K celebration
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Jake was ready to take the next step. It might've been a bit too soon- hell, it was a bit too soon. But four months was long enough to know when you met the right person, right? Jake knew it was absolutely insane that he was planning out how he was going to propose to Y/N in his head, but he didn't want to send another second apart from her.
The two of them had been spending almost every night at each others houses. The first time Y/N had stayed over at Jake's was completely by accident. They went out mini-golfing and ended the night at his place watching the Legally Blonde movies (which Y/N pointed out that Jake and Elle Woods were the same person). Sometime during the movie, Y/N fell asleep on Jake's chest and he didn't have the heart to wake her up and let her drive home. So instead, Jake asked Y/N if she wanted to stay, and he even offered up his room and he'd sleep on the couch. It took both of them by surprise when Y/N said that they can share the bed.
The night was a little over three months ago, and in that time each others belongings had been scattered among the two homes. Early mornings were spent driving home after spending the night wrapped in the warmth of each other. Jake didn't like watching you leave, knowing you were going home to your house alone. It wasn't that you couldn't handle your own, it was that Jake worried about you going home late or arriving home by yourself. There were too many weirdos in the world for Jake to sleep comfortably about.
"What has you all wired up, Bagman?" Javy asked, leaning on Jake's desk, "This about the girl?"
"Yeah," Jake sighed, running a hand down his face, "Do you think I'm moving too fast?"
"You wanted to tell her that you loved her on the third date. . ."
Jake rolled his eyes, "That's true," He sighed, "I'm thinking about asking her to move in."
"Shit, already?" Javy said, straightening up a bit, "You really care about her?"
"I would propose her tomorrow if I could," Jake said, "I've been looking at rings and everything."
"I don't think I have ever seen you this crazy about a girl, Seresin."
"She's the one for me. I see her and I see my whole future. I see a house in San Diego, near her parents, maybe get to be an instructor or some hotshot pilot, I see us having like four or five little ones. I can't see my life without her and I don't want to live one either."
Javy smiled, knowing that it was the exact way that he felt about his girlfriend Valerie. He clapped his friend on the back, "Ask her. And do it soon, before she figures out that you snore and talk in your sleep."
"I do not snore."
"Keep telling yourself that buddy," Javy patted his shoulder before walking back to his desk.
--- --- ---
Y/N looked through the curtains of the big bay window, waiting for Jake to arrive. She had been at work when Jake texted and asked if she was down for dinner, and she agreed. She had a mountain of second grade math homework to look through, but she wasn't going to miss a chance to get dinner with her favorite guy.
A smile rose to her face as Jake's familiar ford f-150 pulled up into the driveway. On the very first date, Y/N made a joke about how you can take the man out of Texas but not Texas out of the man. Y/N met Jake out on the front porch, giving her that megawatt smile and pink carnations in his hand.
"For you," He said, and kissed her hand, "I missed you."
"I missed you too," Y/N blushed furiously.
Jake knew that she wasn't about to lean in and kiss him, not when Mrs. Lockheart next door was as nosy as she was. The small cottage house that Y/N rented was right next to a retirement community, and she had made friends with a lot of them. It made Jake smile seeing her spend so much time caring and talking to her elderly neighbors. He made mental note to take Y/N home to Texas to meet his nana someday.
"I'll go put these inside," Y/N said and Jake nodded. Quickly, Y/N put the carnations in the same vase as the other ones from the week before were. Anytime Jake took her on a date, he always showed up with pink carnations. Partly a nod to the first song that they had listened to on their first date.
"Ready?" Jake asked and Y/N nodded. He grabbed her hand and led her to the truck. He helped her in his lifted pick-up and made sure she was all buckled before shutting the door and jogging to the drivers side.
Jake made a reservation at their favorite seafood restaurant down by the pier. Y/N loved their fish and chips, and Jake always got some sushi that made Y/N crinkle her nose. They talked about each other’s days and how work went. Y/N hardly understood a word of what Jake was talking about but she was always so intrigued. It’s what made Jake love her so much, that she was actually interested in what he did and asked questions about it. They once again argued about who was going to pay for the meal (Jake had already slipped the waiter his card when Y/N was in the bathroom). After they ate, they decided to get ice cream from their favorite place and walk down the pier. 
That’s when Jake’s nerves really started setting in. 
He had a spare key made after his conversation with Javy, and it was currently burning a hole into his jeans. He was terrified of what she was going to say. Of course the worst she could say was “no” but Jake wasn’t sure how he was going to be able to handle that. Everything had been so perfect between the two of them so far and Jake was starting to think maybe he was reading this all wrong. Y/N had noticed him become distant, his hand not gripping hers as tightly anymore. 
“Are you okay?” Y/N asked, looking up at him. Jake snapped out of his thoughts and looked down at her. 
‘Now or Never, Bagman’ 
Jake didn’t say anything as he set his ice cream dish on a nearby bench, and got down on one knee. Y/N sucked in a breath, her eyes going wide. 
‘Is he proposing? Oh my god! I didn’t even wear my good white shoes!’ 
“I’m not proposing,” Jake said. 
“Oh thank god,” Y/N sighed in relief, “I mean, not like that.” 
Jake chuckled, “I will one day. Just not today, but I want to ask you to move in.” He held up the brass key that was in his pocket, “I don’t like going to bed without you. And it doesn’t have to be everything. It can be like a drawer, or a toothbrush. But . . I can’t sleep another night without you in my house.” 
Y/N bit her lip, as a blush came across her cheeks. She set her own ice cream dish down, and reached into her purse, retrieving a very similar brass key out. 
“I had one made for you,” Y/N whispered, “I was going to ask you, but I was too scared.” 
Jake shook his head and stood up from his kneeling position, “Only us would do this.” Y/N giggled, and Jake pulled her in for a hug, “So you’ll move in? Like to my house?” 
“Unless you want to be woken up by Mrs. Stone’s bingo parties. They can get pretty rowdy.” 
“Damn, I’m not sure if I can move away knowing I’ll miss Thursday night bingo,” Jake frowned and Y/N giggled, burying her head into his chest. 
“But yes, I will move into your house with you, Jake.” 
Jake wrapped his arms tightly around her as he spun her in a circle. A shriek came from her lips followed by continuous laughter. Jake set her down, and kissed her quickly, knowing that she probably felt the eyes of onlookers on her. 
“Well, we better get going. I got packing to do!” 
— — — 
Three days later, Y/N was carrying a box in her hands up the sidewalk to her new home with Jake. He had a cute little two story house that was right between the base and the school. He walked a bit ahead of her, also carrying a box of her things. He set the box down, and reached into his pocket grabbing his keys to unlock the door. Y/N went to open the door but Jake stopped her. 
“Wait!” Jake said, and then covered her eyes with his hands, “Close your eyes.” 
“Jake, I have seen your house before.” 
“Yes, but it is no longer just my house, it's your house. . . Our house,” Jake said and Y/N broke out into a large smile, “So close your eyes for me.” 
“Only for you,” Y/N said and closed her eyes. Jake removed one hand to open the door, and then carefully guided her through the front door of his house. 
Her nose was filled with the familiar scent of his house; sage and the hint of jet fuel. She could feel the warmth of the home, and it felt so inviting. She never felt like a stranger in Jake’s house, and she felt even more at home than ever before. Jake kicked the door closed with his foot, and continued to guide her into the living room. 
“Alright, Here we are,” Jake said and took his hands off her eyes. Y/N opened her eyes slowly and looked around at the living room that was now partially her’s. Not a single thing physically had changed since the last time she was here two days ago, but everything had changed emotionally, “Home sweet home.” Jake kissed her cheek and wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin on top of her head. 
There was a moment of silence as the two of them just soaked up being in each others embrace in their home.
"What do you think, sweets?" Jake asked.
Y/N sucked in a breath before answering, "I think we need throw pillows." She looked up at Jake, who had a bright smile on his face.
"You're lucky I love you."
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reddbuster · 10 months
The Hawthorne sisters make me so insane because they're so interesting and have so so much potential but the way they're written (Especially Dahlia) encourages the audience not to look below the surface.
(long ass ramble-y analysis below and cw for mentions of the shitbag that is Terry Fawles. btw)
Remember that the Hawthornes are also Feys. They spent their early childhood raised by Morgan, a notoriously horrible parent, in a society where they were essentially viewed as disappointments. To their own mother, they were nothing but a waste of space. Dead weight born to drag her own name through the mud. Not to mention the fact that they were identical twins. Morgan probably barely treated them like people, let alone as her daughters. And then, when Misty took her role as the Master of Kurain, she shipped them off to the same father that didn't hesitate to leave the family behind.
And then, unsurprisingly, he decided that he didn't need them either. Even having left behind everything they'd ever known, The Hawthorne twins could never escape the curse of being unwanted. And so he shipped one off to Hazakura, and, reluctantly, took the other into his home. Their entire childhoods were just comprised of being left behind, again and again and again, and then, finally, being ripped away from the only person who'd ever understood them. And then their paths diverge.
Iris is alone. She's left at a temple in the mountains with a stranger. After a childhood of the twins likely being treated as a single, undesirable unit, (And with Dahlia probably being the more outspoken and therefore more noticed sister) Iris probably wouldn't have much sense of who she is. And she's been brought back into the world of the Kurain channeling technique, where she already knows she is useless. All she knows about herself is that nobody wants her. But Bikini is different. Over the years, they become a sort of family. And Iris has her issues, of course, but at least she has a place where she's needed, wanted, loved.
And then there's Dahlia. She's left in much the same state as Iris, except she doesn't get that same experience of finally belonging. She grows up as the awkward stepdaughter that nobody really wants around. But at least, if she can finish growing up in this household without losing her mind, she'll finally have the freedom to build her own life.
She's just starting high school. She gets a tutor to help her with math. Everything is normal. And then it turns out her tutor, a adult man twice her size, is attracted to her. This grown ass man starts dating her, a traumatized and vulnerable 14 year old girl. Somehow, Dahlia gets a hold of poison (what the fuck were her parents doing!!!!!!) and finds a way out, a way to get rid of her abuser. But Valerie, a) Dahlia's older sister and b) a police officer, who has a responsibility twice over to protect this girl, encourages her to stay in this relationship so she can get a share of her father's money.
The plot is Dahlia's last chance to get out of this. The others see an opportunity for a profit, but for Dahlia it's so much more than that. She can use this to escape, from her family and from Fawles. If she can just wait out the plan, she can eventually start fresh, with money and a new identity, away from her past. And she asks her sister to help. Because, of course, Iris is just like her! Iris must be alone and desperate too, so surely she will understand. Meanwhile, Iris is scared. She loves her sister, but Iris has finally found a family. She belongs somewhere. And now her sister wants her to help commit a crime? What Dahlia wants could put everything Iris has gained in jeopardy. When she decides not to assist in the plan, Dahlia feels doubly betrayed. Not only is Iris not helping, but it seems like she's moved on from her sister. Iris has everything Dahlia wants. A safe home. A mother. A place in life. And Dahlia is alone, just like she's always been. At this point, she may not even have a sister.
Dahlia commits her first murder because she is abused, desperate and scared. And every subsequent crime is fueled by these same emotions. Dahlia is not a genius or an evil mastermind. She's a girl who is scared and angry and bitter and at this point she's too far gone to start over. She kills Valerie, the sister who used her. Fawles dies on the stand. She poisons the defense of her abuser. She is scared. She's left behind a trail of evidence. She's practically running away from her own shadow at this point. The only asset she thinks she has left is her looks. She probably doesn't think twice about using Doug Swallow, because what has life taught her so far but that any man who wants her cannot be trusted? Doug and Phoenix are collateral damage. She doesn't see humanity in them.
When she is convicted in Phoenix's trial, he has failed at what she sees as his only asset. To her he isn't a person who loved her, because the only man who's ever claimed to love her before is Terry Fawles, and look how that turned out. It's not like she was actually there to get to know him. In this long waiting game that is her life, he's just the piece that didn't stay put. She couldn't predict him, and that fact leads to her downfall. And maybe there's no point anyway. Maybe her whole life was a downfall of sorts. Maybe Dahlia knows she doesn't have a future. But she keeps going because what else is she going to do, this broken, miserable girl fueled only by hurt. In the end, all Dahlia Hawthorne's life amounts to is 2 dead men and a murdered sister. Those were all people from her past. But now, the ones who ruined her, Phoenix, Mia Fey, her own sister who she loved and who betrayed her, they're the ones who get to live what was supposed to be her future. And then she dies with that knowledge that her entire life was nothing more than a bump on the road on someone else's path to happiness. No wonder she was bitter. No wonder she wanted them dead. She's like the living embodiment of everything that's wrong with her family.
And then Iris has to live with that knowledge! And it's not like she did something wrong. Of course she didn't. She saved an innocent man from being murdered. But her choices hurt someone she loved anyway, because that's what it means to be a Fey.
Yeah so anyway I'm normal
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redbleedingrose · 11 months
rhysand as a girl dad. you know u want to
First off... did you even get sleep??
Second off...
YES HE ISSSSS!!! I headcanon all the ACOTAR males would be the perfect girl dads and I am still furious with SJM that Rhys does not have a daughter... yet.
But in my head he is the perfect girl dad so let's get into it!!!!!
Okay!!!! I feel like you both keep the gender a surprise because honestly, you don't really care as long as the babe is happy and healthy
But we alllll know that Rhys prays for a girl
He just adores the idea of having a mini you
And when you give birth to a girl??? This male sobs, he kisses you all over your sweaty face, muttering thanks to you and the gods and mother above for all that he has been blessed with, but especially for his little girl that he will forever spoil
He obviously coddles the hell out of his little girl, insisting that she needs to be in his arms at all times when she is not being fed or sleeping, everyone has to pry her out of his arms just to get the chance to hold her. The only person he willingly hands her over to is you.
He loves taking her out to fly, especially during the night where she is cooing in his arms and he points out different constellations and describes them to her
He spends hours talking to her. He talks to her about anything and everything, often holding her while he does his work in his office. If you can't find your babe, chances are that she is in his office and he is discussing policy. Your babe just smiles back gummily with the chubbiest cheeks and babbles at her papa, and whatever problem Rhys had is suddenly solved all thanks to his precious babe
Tea parties galore. This male will go all out for his little babe and honestly, you can't even blame him. The entire house is decorated in fairy theme, flowers and ivy all around the marbled columns. Rhys creates the illusions of tiny stars all around the house, and forces Uncle Azzie and Uncle Cassie to where pink tutu's with a princess crowns. Rhys wears a purple tutu with his night court crown.
He has a crown custom made for your babe when she is born, and adds to the collection every birthday she has with different jewelry. And he always always always buys out all the flower shops in Valeris and adds to your own jewelry collection on her birthday because he cannot thank you enough for one of the greatest blessings in his life
He loves watching the two of you interact, sometimes standing behind the door to watch the two of you talking. This little girl rambles like her life depends on it with you patiently listening and humming along, asking her questions so that she knows you are interested in whatever she has to say
Your babe used to whine about taking naps but ever since papa started to join her in for a daily nap, forcing you to join as well, she has gone down without any issue. Rhys doesn't really fall asleep, but he will watch the both of you cuddle and nap. He absolutely adores listening to the both of you breathe and pulls you both into his chest so that he can hold you close to his heart.
He calls you his heart, and your daughter his soul
He spoils the hell out of this little girl. She gets whatever the hell she wants, all the books and shoes and dresses and jewelry. His favorite activity though, is taking her to the market so they can both spoil you together: "I think mama needs this papa," small finger pointing at the largest diamond ring either of them have seen, "You have the best eyes my little darling," smirking down at her.
"Maybe we should gets mamas this whole store papa!" "We should little love"
Proceeds to buy all the jewelry in the shop and shrugging his shoulders in nonchalance when you glare at him, pointing at the bouncing babe in his arms, "It was my darling girl's idea"
his muscles when he holds her I cannot
This man also develops the largest breeding kink after she is born
He loves you and her the most and I am convinced he is the best girl dad and will probably add more to this as more thoughts come
Also he def paints her nails all pretty, and he also allows her to paint his nails and proudly shows them off at high lord meetings
He also gets hers and your initials physically tattooed on his chest, right above his heart
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spankinganthologies · 4 months
From Spankingwomen - Sisters and All
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The little wooden paddle that Beverly kept in her bedside table was ultimately the real reason that her granddaughters Heather and Valerie were sent to stay with her for the week.
Beverly knew it. Heather and Valerie's parents knew it.
Unfortunately for Heather and Valerie themselves, they were clueless.
Beverly was a kind and loving woman, but she could be very strict as well. She also ran a tight ship. She had no room for bullshit and frankly, this made her exactly what the two little hellions needed most. Without hesitation, Beverly would paddle a bare bottom whenever she saw fit. Age did not matter. One simply did not outgrow spankings under her roof. Heather's own mother knew this to be true as she once had her butt roasted with Beverly's paddle at the ripe old age of 31.
Now that Heather and Valerie were both college girls, they were in serious need of some discipline and structure, not to mention a serious attitude adjustment. Beverly was just the woman for the job. 
The girls were horrified at what was in store for them on night one. 
Both had been polite to their grandmother at first, but slowly, the mask of politeness melted away and their true selves were revealed. Brats. Spolied little brats far too lazy to help with dinner or the clean-up afterward. That evening, Heather and Valerie found themselves on Beverly's bed, on all-fours with their bottoms exposed. Each girl was soon begging for forgiveness as that nasty little paddle did it's work, reddening their backsides and ensuring that both girls would only be comfortable sleeping on their tummies.
But of course, this was only night one. 
Beverly's house would be filled with the sounds of two naughty girls getting their butts blistered all week. One spanking just wasn't enough to cure what Heather and Valerie were suffering from and Beverly wanted to make sure that she sent home two brand new versions of her granddaughters. 
(stories for Lauren and @sophiemeudon!)
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In this house, there's no such thing as "too old for a spanking."
Janice was determined to raise her daughters right and make sure they turned into respectable young women. On occasion, that meant turning bare butts bright red with the help of her trusty hairbrush. Janice's own mother had spanked her bare behind all throughout her college career and her daughters could expect the same. 
(like our visit to Mrs. Harris!)
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For Angie, there was nothing more exciting/ thrilling/ terrifying/ arousing than watching her step mother spank her sister's bare bottom. Oh, the sound the hairbrush made against bare skin! 
But sometimes Angie would get it too!
In those instances, knowing she was next over her stepmother's lap, spanking somehow seemed less fun. She took a lot less joy out of seeing her sister's buns roasted and watching her hop around, frantically rubbing her crimson ass. Because Angie certainly did not react much better to the hairbrush, that's for sure!
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The room was kept very cool and so, as she stood there completely naked, her nipples hardened and her soft skin erupted with goosebumps all over. But before too long, her bum would be on fire. First, a spanking and then, after her ass was all hot and red and sore, she would get a healthy dose of the cane.
It was to be a trying ordeal. She already knew this.
But she had also known the risks involved. She knew them well and did everything she possibly could to remain undiscovered, but in the end, she had been caught anyway. Even if it all made her want to cry, she could not claim that any of it came as a big surprise. 
Down the hall, her best friend's spanking started. She was not taking it bravely.
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Consider this a wake-up call
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Paddled right in the living room and left on display with her skirt still up and panties still down. 
She is an example, a message to her younger sisters - yes, you can still be spanked in this house, even at age 22. She removes one of her hands from atop her head only to wipe a tear away. It was her first spanking in quite a few years but it was a doozy and she knows she earned it. Her bottom feels like it's on fire and it's vibrating like crazy like crazy too. Her whole body is tingling; her nipples are hard and aching.
Bare corner time lasts for one whole hour. It's a lot of time to think, to reflect on what has happened. She started out furious that she was being bent over and paddled at her age, but now, in the aftermath of her punishment, she feels nothing but shame. She's ashamed of her behavior. And she'll have even more time to mull things over though because she's grounded too.
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Misbehave together, get spanked together.
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aanoia · 1 year
Kaz Brekker x reader
Summary; the enemy of your enemy is your friend... unless they are also your enemy
Warnings; blood?, knives, uhhhh violence lmfao, enemies to lovers
Words; 2,000+
This didn't end the way I wanted it to but that's okay
The inspo was from the song Trouble by Valerie Broussard
I'm prolly gonna make a pt. 2 bc im cool
Btw,, when introducing the Night Scarlets, each member will have their code name like this, name (code name)
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We wear red so they don’t see us bleed
Kaz Brekker hated many, many people. However, there was one group, in particular their leader, that he hated most. The Night Scarlets. Or the Cardinal, their leader. She has been after Kaz since he joined the business. She and her girls have stolen countless of missions right from under his nose, always having his Crows do the work then swooping in and taking over. She infuriated her.
Hundred dollar bills under our sleeve
We intend not to sleep ‘til we’re dead
The thing Kaz never understood was how. How did she know everything he had planned? He had thought it was spies at first, possibly he had a rat in his nest. But no. Even when he went on solo missions. The Cardinal would always know. 
Drink our problems right out of our heads
Singing oh, oh-oh-oh, oh
Singing oh, oh-oh-oh, oh
Here comes trouble
“Now, not a word to a single soul about this mission. Hear me?” Kaz asked lowly to his Crows. “If the Night Scarlets find out about this and ambush us I will take each of your hands and shove them down your throats. Am I understood?” The Crows nodded nervously.
“Kaz.” Inej started. “You do know we’ve never said anything before, right? I don’t know how but they always find out, whether we talk or not. She always knows.”
Kaz sighed, “I know.” He answered shortly, turning to look out the window.
Dangerously havin’ the time of our lives
These boys are just poisonous thorns in our sides
“So what do we do about them? I mean, I love the ladies, don’t get me wrong. But these ones gotta go.” Jesper said, toying with his new gun he had just stolen.
“I don’t know if there’s anything we can do, Jesper. They’re practically non existent when they aren’t in action.” Nina responded.
“I mean, there has to be a way to catch them. No one can be completely invisible forever.” Wylan said, his brain running through thousands of possibilities. “Maybe we can set a trap for them?”
Matthias snorted, “They’ll turn that into a trap against us. Bad idea.”
“Well, we need to do something. I need money!” Jesper argued.
“You don’t need it, you’re just going to gamble it all!” Wylan said, raising his voice slightly.
Starting fires wherever we go
Watching ‘em gamble everything they own
The group stopped arguing as the sound of glass breaking filled the room. KAz swung his cane one more time and a strangled bird cry came out. He stuck his hand out the broken window and grabbed the bird. Throwing it onto the table in anger.
“A cardinal.” Inej whispered.
Kaz slammed his hand down on the table, “She knows! She knows! How does she always know!” He yelled, picking up a glass and throwing it all the wall, causing Nina to flinch and Jesper instinctively step closer to Wylan. Kaz looked up with death in his eyes. “Change of plans. We’re killing the Cardinal. No matter the cost.
Singing oh, oh-oh-oh, oh
“Ready girls?” Y/n whispered into the small, barely workable communication device that her Fabrikator, Aisha (Raven), had been working on for months. 
“Yeah.” Luna (Eagle) whispered back.
“Ready, C.” Patty (Hawk) responded.
“Steph?” Y/n asked as she pulled her dark red hood over her head.
A few grunts were heard before Stephanie's ( voice filled their ears, “Yep, ready boss.”
Y/n smiled as she began to climb down the walls of the building to the top window, careful to stay out of the Wraiths' sight. “Great. Let’s commit some crimes. Shall we?”
Stephanie giggles, the clicking of her guns being prominent. “Oh, we shall. Ooo, my fellow sharpshooter, my favorite.” 
The line went quiet as Y/n carefully crawled through the opened window, landing silently in the office. She walked briskly to the desk, quietly rummaging through the drawers. She let out a gasp as her arm was pulled back and a familiar cane wrapped around her neck, causing her back to be flush against someone's chest.
Trouble coming in the dead of night
Trouble making everything alright
“Looking for something?” Kaz said quietly into her ear, proud as to finally catch the Cardinal. 
Y/n sighed with a smirk, “Yes. I am.” She said before kicking out his leg, being sure to not hit his bad one. He grunted and took a step back, keeping the cane around her throat. She took the chance to duck out of the way and push him back against the wall, raising her dagger in between the two.
“Y’know, I was very offended to find out you killed my bird.” Y/n said, her hood shielding her eyes.
“Should’ve told it to stay away. The Crow is stronger than the Cardinal after all.”
Y/n laughed, “Oh, Kaz. You should know by now strength is not the most valuable trait of this lifestyle. It’s intelligence-” Kaz’s eyes widened.
“In which I’d have the upperhand on both of you.” A new voice said as two arms knocked the dagger from Y/n’s hands, bringing them behind her back and ripping the hood from her head. Kaz stared at her as people grabbed him as well. He had never truly seen the Cardinal without her hood, and he hated to admit how her face made his heart stutter,
It’s in your blood
It’s in your bones
You cannot sleep for
You cannot sleep for
The two hostages were dragged down the stairs to see their fellow partners bound in ropes. They pushed the two down on their knees next to each other, causing Kaz to let out a grunt as his leg bent weird. Y/n sighed, disappointed in her lack to see the real trap behind Kaz’s. 
“Well, well, well. Look what I have found.” Pekka said with a disgusting smile, looking at each of the criminals tied up. “A bunch of little thieves who think they are so smart.” Pekka continued on his speech as Y/n struggled with her binds. If only she could reach her ear.
“Kaz.” She whispered quietly, careful to not let the boasting man hear.
“What?” He hissed angrily.
She sighed again, “I need you to kiss my ear.”
Kaz almost looked like he was going to hurl, causing the girl to roll her eyes. 
“What the fuck? No way.” He whispered back.
Whoa, oh
Whoa, oh
Tro-tro-trouble, trouble
“Do you want to get out of this?”
“How will kissing your ear help?”
“Just do it, for Saint’s sake!”
“Hey! Quiet, little bird.” Pekka said, walking over and caressing the girl's face with her own blade. She looked at him in disgust and spit in his face, causing everyone's eyes to widen. Pekka calmly wiped the spit from his face before angrily sliding the dagger against her cheek, slicing her skin.
Y/n smiled at him, “Red is my favorite color, you know?”
Pekka glared at her in anger, “Useless slut.” He said before walking back to his men, pulling them into a circle and talking quietly.
“Now!” She whispered to Kaz who reluctantly brought his lips to her ear, ignoring the water pooling around his knees. His lips met a piece of cold metal and he pulled back, actually looking into her ear to see a weird device.
“What is that?” He questioned, eyebrows raised.
Y/n ignored him, “Raven, are you there?” She whispered to nothing, before a relieved smile came across her face. “Emergency. Help. Now.”
Woah, oh
Woah, oh
Here comes trouble, trouble
After a few moments the door of the house burst open, letting in birds of all different kinds, all flocking around and clawing at anything they could get their claws on, Pekka and his men included and targeted.
“Hey, Cardinal.” A voice whispered from behind the girl as she cut her restraints.
“Raven, good timing.” Y/n responded with a smile, taking the dagger Aisha handed her. “Free the other Scarlets. Leave the Crows for now.”
“No, you let us go. I helped you.” Kaz protested as a few of Pekkas men ran out of the house.
“No can do, Brekker.” Y/n said before pulling her hood back up and going to fight off the men that weren’t scared by the birds.
After a few moments a disgruntled, furious yell broke out, “I will get you and kill you all!” Pekka screamed as he ran from the house, scratches littering his skin.
Y/n whistled to the birds, causing them all to stop and fly out the door, their duty finally fulfilled. Her Scarlets stood beside her as she studied the Crows, still tied up and on the floor, a few adorning bird scratches.
“Free them.” She demanded her girls, who broke out in protest. She raised her hand and they silenced. “They will not kill us. They need us, as we need them.” She addressed their concerns and they reluctantly cut the ropes binding their hands. Immediately Inej stood and got into a fighting stance. Her fellow Crows followed after, other than Kaz, who simply lifted his hand to tell them to be calm.
“We need you, do we?” He asked, taking a step towards the Cardinal.
“Yes, as do we, you. Pekka Rollins is, obviously, after us both. We are small groups. Six in yours, five in mine. Rollins has dozens of Dime Lions. It is simply impossible for one of us alone to take him down. You know that, hence why you didn’t let your Crows attack. Isn’t that correct?”
“Unfortunately it is. We shall work together.” Every bird in the room protested. “Until Pekka is down.”
Y/n smiled and held out her hand, “And then you can go back to getting bested by the Night Scarlets. 
“I’m not planning on it.” He said, not raising his hand, and Y/n, ever so observant, had noticed his touch aversion ages ago.
“Air shake.” 
“Come on.”
“It’s not a deal unless we shake on it.”
“I’ll kill you.”
“You don’t have weapons.”
“I’m smarter than you.”
“I’m cooler than you.” Everyone laughed, even Kaz had let a small, smug smirk fall upon his lips.
“You aren’t.” He said, pretending to shake the girl's hand without touching it.
There are dogs on the loose, there are snakes in the desert (in the desert)
I’m that knife in your boot, girl, I got ya (Girl, I got ya)
I’m your number two man in a fight (In a fight)
“And then, we win. Easy peasy.” Y/n said, finishing explaining the plan to the now group of nine.
“Easy peasy my ass.” Jesper mumbled.
“Language, Jes. A kruge.” Y/n smiled triumphantly as Jesper rolled his eyes and handed the girl a kruge. In the three months the two groups had been working together they had become quite close.
“Oh, yeah. I’m so ready for this. We’re so gonna win.” Patty said with a large smile, her arm linked with Nina’s who nodded along.
Y/n laughed slightly, “We will. Now go. Get rest. You’ll need it. We have a big day tomorrow.”
We are revolutionaries tonight
Singing oh, oh-oh-oh, oh
The office emptied, leaving the Crow and Cardinal. Kaz stared at the map, thinking hard.
“Kaz, what’s on your mind?” Y/n asked, placing her hand next to his to provide comfort without actually touching him.
“We can’t do it. We aren’t strong enough.” He muttered and Y/n laughed. Kaz looked at her in annoyance.
“Kaz. We are just about the strongest lot Kerch has seen. We’ve got this. We’re the coolest bunch in Ketterdam.”
Kaz shook his head with a smile he only let out around her. A genuine, happy smile. “Yes, we’re so cool. Do cool people always talk about how cool they are, though?”
Y/n nodded, “Obviously. Have you met me?” She asked with a teasing smile.
“Unfortunately, I have.” 
Trouble coming in the dead of night
Trouble making everythin’ alright
Y/n put her hand over her heart with a gasp. “I’m hurt. You, Kaz R. Brekker, have wounded me right in the heart.” He smiled at the use of his real last names initial, something she had always done once she learned his last name was truly Rietveld. 
It’s in your blood
It’s in your bones
You cannot sleep for
You cannot sleep for
“Oh no, Kaz, I'm Feeling light headed.” Y/n said, stumbling back towards the bed. She fell once the back of her calves hit the bed frame. “I see the light!” She said, reaching her arm up towards the sky. “Oh, it’s getting brighter! Kaz! It’s getting brighter!” She portrayed blood spurting from her chest, before spasming and falling limp, her tongue hanging from her mouth.
She failed to hide her smile as Kaz’s oh so beautiful laugh filled the air. It was like music to her ears. Compared to most people, Y/n got through Kaz’s walls rather quickly, which surprised everyone, including Kaz himself. She had provided him a safe space, free from the water and cold skin and lifeless eyes.
Y/n continued to play dead even after the laughter stopped, not failing to hear the footsteps nearing the bed, causing her heart to speed up. In just a moment, a soft hand gripped hers and pulled her body up as Kaz pulled her into a hug.
“Thank you.” He whispered, before quickly pulling away before the water rose above his head.
Heat creeped up Y/n’s neck, “For?”
“Making me look cooler by your loserness.” He simply said before walking out, pretending nothing happened.
Y/n smiled to herself, falling back onto the bed, a dreamy sigh falling from her lips. She kicked the air while giggling in excitement. Oh, how whipped the Cardinal was for the Crow.
Woah, oh
Woah, oh
Here comes trouble, trouble
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