wandesu · 2 months
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Bumbleby week day 6: Comfort
I love the hurt/healing trope so fucking much... soft...
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bumblebyweek-blog · 3 months
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On this day we're happy to present…
Bumbleby Week 2024's prompt list!
Day 1, March 25th: Bumblebaby Day 2, March 26th: Jock & Nerd AU Day 3, March 27th: Soulmates/ Reincarnation Day 4, March 28th: Nomad Blake & Farm Girl Yang Day 5, March 29th: Evil Yang/ Blake (or both) Day 6, March 30th: Comfort Day 7, March 31th: AU Day Day 8, April 1st: Bonus/ VA Appreciation Day
Thank you to everyone who submitted their prompt suggestions and voted!
The official tags for this year will be #bumblebyweek and #bumblebyweek2024 ! We'll be making another post concerning the tags once the date nears, but for now know that those will be the main tags that we'll be using during the event in order to reblog and share what's made!
If there are any questions feel free to read our Q&A or send us an ask! We apologize for the delayed announcement and thank y'all for all of your support and participation! We can't see what you'll make this year!
See y'all then!
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blueamethystdraw · 2 months
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This is probably the only art I will do for this week, but I needed to draw something
Day 6 : Comfort
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citadelofmythoughts · 2 months
I just don't have time to do anything else for Bumbleby Week but when I saw the first prompt I had to write a quick ficlet about the future leader of SREN.
“She’s so beautiful, Yang. Just like her Ma.” Blake said as she cooed down at our newest child. I was exhausted from labor but there is no way I could sleep, not with this little miracle sleeping in my arms.
She really was beautiful. Just as beautiful as her older sister, Rose but special in her own way. Her tiny cat ears covered in blonde fur, a darker shade than mine twitched a little at the sound of our voices. 
“So, I guess we need to give her a name, huh?” I said softly. “I have a thought but it’s kind of dumb.”
Blake took my hand. “I really doubt that. What’s your idea, love?”
I gently stroked my daughter’s tiny head. “Sandy.”
Blake smiled in amusement. “It’s cute, but why Sandy?”
I shrugged. “It just seems to suit her, especially with that hair of hers. It really doesn’t have any kind of deep meaning, unlike Rose.”
“Not everyone has to carry the burdens and expectations of family.” she said as she kissed our daughter’s head. “Not that we’ll do that to little Rose.”
“So, you like it?” I said, almost surprised at her agreement.
“I love it and look, she’s smiling. I think she loves it too!”
I felt a tear trickle down my cheek which Blake wiped away, just like always. “Sandy Xiao Long.” I said with pride. “You’re going to have the best life. I promise.”
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sawrinwrites · 2 months
Expecting - An Ember Story
I promised you all a new Ember adventure to celebrate the 1yr anniversary of the Bees and it just so happens to coincide with today's Bumbleby Week prompt!
Read on for a story of our favourite Bees as they prepare for the arrival of their first child, told from the perspective of the giant floof and resident Best Girl, Ember.
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samyelbanette · 2 months
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A quick moodboard I made for Bumbleby Week 2024, Day 2.
The prompt was “Jock & Nerd AU.”
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betabites · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: RWBY Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long, Ruby Rose/Weiss Schnee Characters: Ruby Rose (RWBY), Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao Long, Zwei (RWBY) Additional Tags: Fluff, Weiss suffers, Canon Compliant, Bumbleby Week 2024 (RWBY), No Actual Cannibalism Occurs
Yang has a post-test celebration in mind, commemorating team RWBY's successful extraction of the civilians (eggs) Eggbert and Eggweina from a Grimm infested area.
Takes place between Volumes 2 and 3, immediately after RWBY Vs Wild (My BMBLB fic index).
Written for Bumbleby Week 2024: Day 1: Bumblebaby (yes, I will continue to do violence to the prompts; it's traditional).
(Whoops, forgot: @bumblebyweek-blog )
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chaoticevilspacewitch · 2 months
That Time I Got Bred And Took An Alien Space Princess's Virginity
Behold! My first entry for Bumbleby Week 2024! Day 1: Bumblebaby
That Time I got Bred And Took An Alien Space Princess's Virginity
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Art by the amazing Phinnia (sorry I had to throw on a censor block to be okay on Tumblr; the image embedded in the fic is uncensored)
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ftmshepard · 2 months
Bumbleby Week #3-Soulmate/Reincarnation
Finding your soulmate was rare. This was something that was drilled into the head of every child on Remnant. Finding your soulmate was rare, and that was okay. You could fall in love with someone who wasn’t your soulmate, and that love wouldn’t be any less real or meaningful or important. What mattered was the connection you built with other people. A soulmate just meant that you had a head start. 
Blake knew all of these things, and her time with Adam and the White Fang had driven any further thoughts of soulmates or love from her mind. That’s not what she cared about. What she cared about was fighting grimm, and making a better world, and then maybe she wouldn’t constantly feel like she’d wasted the opportunities given to her by her birth. 
It didn’t happen the first time she saw Yang. She thought Yang was hot, and being put on a team with her was exciting, but it wasn’t until Forever Fall that It happened.
She wasn’t sure how exactly they’d wound up touching–the heat of the moment, maybe, their bodies brushing against each other as they fought off yet another grimm–but it was in that moment of contact that Blake understood exactly what she’d been missing in her relationship with Adam. 
And clearly Yang felt it too. It was a good thing that they’d finished off that particular beowulf, or else they might have been so distracted that Ruby, or worse, Weiss, would need to rescue them. “Wait,” Yang said, though her lips weren’t moving. “You?” 
There wouldn’t be any more secrets. Blake’s cover was blown wide open, the soulmate bond revealing her thoughts to Yang, and Yang’s thoughts to her. But she didn’t mind. She couldn’t mind, not when she now understood with her whole heart that Yang would always stay by her side. 
“Me,” Blake said. “Wow.” 
They stared at each other, frozen. Finally, Yang broke the moment by closing the distance between them and pressing her lips against Blake’s. 
The kiss itself was almost chaste, but it held the promise of a future together. A future that Blake could now believe in. 
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manlyquail · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: RWBY Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long Characters: Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao Long, Ruby Rose (RWBY) Additional Tags: Domestic Fluff, Cute Kids, Children of Characters, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Fluff and Humor Series: Part 1 of Bumbleby Week 2024 Summary:
Blake and Yang are well into the domestic routine of looking after a child, and after a debate on whose in charge of picking up from school that day they realize something is amiss.
Prompt: Bumblebabys!
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wandesu · 2 months
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Bumbleby week day 3: Soulmates/ Reincarnation
Beehaw + feudal lord mlm past life soulmates my beloved
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bumblebyweek-blog · 4 months
New year, new Bumbleby Week!
Usually we host a pool to decide in which week we should host the event, but from now on that won't be necessary because what better week than the one of theis kiss' anniversary?
So let's pin down the date, because we're telling you already that this year the week will be from 25th of March to 1st of April!
About the prompts, you'll have a week from next monday (12th of February) to send your prompts, then the next one (from 19th of February) to vote your favorites! You can send your proposals with an ask or a direct message, whatever you prefer. Don't be afraid to send us whatever prompt you like!
We're not giving you too much time to send prompts because we like to include past ones in the pool, so we actually have lots of them already. You know, we like the variety!
Like past years, we'll be keeping the classic "AU Day" and "Bonus/VA Apreciation Day", and the two of us will personally pick out a prompt each of our liking. So, when the time will come for you to vote you'll have to pick up to four prompts.
Rules too are the same as past years, but we will be reblogging and sharing them again soon for new fans, or as a general reminder, so don't worry about it
That would be all, if there are any news or changes we'll post it here! And, as usual, our ask box is open if you have any question!
Talk soon, bye!
-Mods Wings and Foxa
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sawrinwrites · 2 months
I See You - Bumbleby Week Day 2
This was supposed to be 4,500 words from Weiss' perspective but now it's 10,000 words from the POVs of Weiss and the Bees.
A tale of understanding and acceptance and poetry as a vehicle for bonding over trauma. Featuring graduate student Blake and basketball star Yang.
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samyelbanette · 2 months
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Another quick moodboard for Bumbleby Week 2024.
The prompt was “AU Day”, so here’s Devil!Blake x Angel!Yang 🤷‍♀️
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betabites · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: RWBY Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long Characters: Yang Xiao Long, Blake Belladonna, Weiss Schnee, Ruby Rose (RWBY) Additional Tags: Fluff, Canon Compliant, Weiss suffers, Team Bonding, Music, Discussed Blood & Gore, Bumbleby Week 2024 (RWBY)
Yang's humming prompts a discussion of lyrics.
Takes place during Volume 7, around Chapter 5 (My BMBLB fic index).
Written for Bumbleby Week 2024: Day 8: Bonus/VA Appreciation.
( @bumblebyweek-blog Thanks for hosting a great week!)
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chaoticevilspacewitch · 2 months
Haunted Heart
Yang's quiet, lonely job as a graveyard tender gets turned upside down when a terrified faunus ghost floats out of the woods and into her life.
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