#bmblb week
wandesu · 2 months
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Bumbleby week day 6: Comfort
I love the hurt/healing trope so fucking much... soft...
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bumblebyweek-blog · 3 months
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On this day we're happy to present…
Bumbleby Week 2024's prompt list!
Day 1, March 25th: Bumblebaby Day 2, March 26th: Jock & Nerd AU Day 3, March 27th: Soulmates/ Reincarnation Day 4, March 28th: Nomad Blake & Farm Girl Yang Day 5, March 29th: Evil Yang/ Blake (or both) Day 6, March 30th: Comfort Day 7, March 31th: AU Day Day 8, April 1st: Bonus/ VA Appreciation Day
Thank you to everyone who submitted their prompt suggestions and voted!
The official tags for this year will be #bumblebyweek and #bumblebyweek2024 ! We'll be making another post concerning the tags once the date nears, but for now know that those will be the main tags that we'll be using during the event in order to reblog and share what's made!
If there are any questions feel free to read our Q&A or send us an ask! We apologize for the delayed announcement and thank y'all for all of your support and participation! We can't see what you'll make this year!
See y'all then!
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bumblebybelladonna · 1 year
bumbleby hug 🐝
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manlyquail · 2 months
Prompt: Soulmates / Reincarnation
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: RWBY Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long Characters: Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao Long, Ruby Rose (RWBY), Ciel Soleil Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Soulmates, Romantic Soulmates, Witchcraft, Alternate Universe - Magic, Alternate Universe - Medieval, Potions, Immortality, Resurrection, Heavy Angst, Angst and Feels, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Suicide, References to Depression, Loss, Grief/Mourning, Bumbleby Week 2024 (RWBY) Series: Part 2 of Bumbleby Week 2024 Summary:
Blake Belladonna, an immortal witch who in all her years has only fallen in love once, has lost the love of her life. However with her vast magical knowledge and resources, she exhausts every available avenue in an attempt to defy death itself to bring her back. Unfortunately, not everything goes according to plan.
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yangspinkeyes · 1 year
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One of my beautiful creations
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tumblingxelian · 2 years
Bumbleby Week Day 1: Domestic Bees
I’m so busy with everything but I really want to participate and so here we go with some oneshots! 
#bumblebyweek and #bumblebyweek2022 @bumblebyweek-blog
Domestic Blees. 
Waking up early was writ into Blake’s bones from her days as a travelling activist to her time as a soldier and now as a huntress. Still, just because one woke up didn’t mean they needed to rise, and she was oh so very warm and comfortable. 
The bed and quilts folded around her frame snuggle and pressed against her was a living beacon of warm. The perfect mix of firm and soft, with a strong steady heartbeat that resounded with rhythmic familiarity. 
“Mhmmm,” A voice familiar as her own moaned, wiggling under the sheets; the warmth beginning to pull away from her. 
“Nooo,” Blake groaned, arm tightening in its python like hold the other sliding against soft, form fitting shorts to help lift the blonde and press her against Blake again. 
“Blaaaake,” Yang yawned, licking her lips, “We gotta... Aaaaah... Get up...” 
“Mff, no we don’t,” Blake retorted quietly, burying her face in Yang’s hair, the scent of sunflowers and sea salt an intoxicating combination to her senses. 
Despite her words, Yang snuggled back against her, patting Blake’s arm, “Come on sweetheart, we need foooood.” 
Blake briefly left the warmth of her pillow to nuzzles Yang’s neck, making her giggle delightfully, “That’s a better argument, how about we order breakfast in bed, hm?” 
Turning to face her, Yang pecked her on the nose, “Oh, so you don’t want to see me sway and sing around the kitchen in an apron?” 
Something rumbled in Blake’s throat, “Well, twist my arm, why don’t you,” Shh rolled Yang onto her, back, clambering atop the blonde as she did so. 
“I can’t get up with you on top of me, ya know,” Yang said, smirking up at her. 
“You’re strong, I have faith,” Blake kissed her brow, then her nose, one cheek and then the other, before resting her forehead against Yang’s. 
“You know I love you right?” 
“And I love you, always and forever.” 
“Always and forever.” 
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beewives · 1 year
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It’s the dorky smiles for me 🥹😭🤧🥰
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pretending the last ep didn’t happen and staying in bee delusion
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sky-dragon-03 · 2 months
Bumbleby week
Day 3: Soulmates / Reincarnation
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Hope y’all like it 💜🐝
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mysteriolesbo · 2 months
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Right so super late for Bumbleby week, I was busy so have a commission I got from the great @frishbi featuring mama Blake and my RWBY OC Tyler, Blake and Yang's adopted son! He is the biological son of Adam but he couldn't be more opposite from his bio dad. A sweet and loving boy who his moms love dearly! (He is a total mama's boy for Blake lol)
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wandesu · 2 months
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Bumbleby week day 3: Soulmates/ Reincarnation
Beehaw + feudal lord mlm past life soulmates my beloved
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bumblebyweek-blog · 11 months
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Drumroll Please...
Bumbleby Week 2023's prompt list has arrived!
Day 1, Sept. 11th: Faunus Princess & Human Partner Day 2, Sept. 12th: Sacrifices / "Your life is more than a sacrifice for others" Day 3, Sept. 13th: Flowers Day 4, Sept. 14th: Cuddly Bees Day 5, Sept. 15th: Jealousy Day 6, Sept. 16th: Vampire & Human AU Day 7, Sept. 17th: AU Day Day 8, Sept. 18th: Bonus/ VA Appreciation Day
As always, we thank everyone who submitted prompts and participated in this year's poll! The official tags for the event will be #bumblebyweek and #bumblebyweek2023 ! We'll send out another announcement concerning the tags once the date of the week nears, but for right now keep in mind that these are the main tags that we'll be paying attention to during the week! One last thing! We made a small mistake when we initially announced the date of the week. The official date is from the 11th of September until the 18th! That should be all for now! Once again, thank you for your support and participation! Make sure to check the Q&A as well as send us an ask if there are any questions! We can't wait to see what will be made this year! See y'all!
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bumblebybelladonna · 1 year
some things never change 🐝🐈‍⬛
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manlyquail · 2 years
Bumbleby 2022 Day 4! Beacon Days
Just a quick short for the Bumbleby week! I usually do a much longer format and haven’t posted a story directly on Tumblr before, but this felt like fun! I hope you enjoy :)
“Oh crap, oh geez, how the heck does she-” 
Blake Belladonna, book in hand and just low enough to let her see over the top while she walked the halls of Beacon Academy back to Team RWBY’s dorm room, paused and tucked a few stray black hairs away as she raised a brow towards the slightly open door. She could hear a voice inside, it sounded worried, and as she gave a quick glance to the page number she was on gave a gentle tap on the door.
“Um, hello?” The voice had sounded like Yang, and even though it was her own dorm too she felt obligated to knock given what she’d overheard. Following her knock was the sound of things shifting, a couple of thuds, and the noise of something impacting the floor and subsequently one of their beds. At this point curiosity and concern had taken over, and Blake pushed into the room, golden eyes darting around as she tried to identify the source of all the noises.
“Hey Blake, what’s up?” Yang Xiao Long, messy golden locks splayed out on the pillows she was using to prop herself up, looked down in her direction from the precariously placed top ‘bunk’ for a moment, before returning to a book of her own in hand. As Blake looked at her she narrowed her eyes in suspicion, taking a few slow steps into the dorm room and meticulously looking over everything in sight. Whatever Yang had been up to she’d done a surprising job hidi-
“Yang.” Blake paused as she reached her bed - the bunk below Yang’s - brows raised in surprise and amusement before she looked back up to the blonde, whose lilac eyes were overflowing with guilt.
“Yes?” Doing everything she could to hide the guilt in her voice, Yang was clearly starting to sweat as Blake’s eyes bore into her.
“Did you happen to touch Gambol Shroud while I was away?” Glancing back down at her own bed, Blake could see her weapon laying on the top sheet unsheathed, the ribbon attached to the handle unwound and all over the place.
“What!? Why would you think that? I’ve obviously just been sitting here reading this whole time.” Yang gestured to the book in her hands with a nod of her head, Blake standing tall on her tiptoes to get a look at the cover.
“It’s upside down.” With a thin expression, Blake looked from the flipped cover back to Yang, whose eyes grew even wider.
“I’m reading in expert difficulty?” Forcing a bright smile, Yang kept up the act for only a second longer, before letting out a sigh and tossing the book onto her bed. “Alright, look…”
Yang jumped down from her bed, combing through her messy hair nervously as she stood beside Blake and glanced down at the weapon.
“Go on.” Gesturing out curiously as she watched Yang hop down, Blake couldn’t help but grin at the normally confident blonde acting so shyly. 
“So you know how in fights you use that ribbon to jump around, and it just stretches on and on? But then I see you hold it normally and there’s like, no ribbon! I just had to know what the deal was, so I found the end of it and started to unwind… and unwind… and unwind…” Bobbing her head in a twirling fashion as she continued to repeat the word unwind, Yang eventually paused and gestured openly to the weapon in disbelief. “I mean where does it even all come from!? Where does it even go! I was trying to put it back but-”
Blake reached down to Gambol Shroud, lifting the grip of the sword and shaking it a little to try and straighten out the ribbon. Shifting her weight, holding the weapon out in a dramatic fashion, Blake pushed a tiny hidden button at the hilt and the ribbon began to zip into the handle before all but the tiniest patch of cloth was left.
Yang stared in disbelief as the massive amount of ribbon that had been coating most of Blake’s bed had vanished into the tiny handle of the weapon before her. She continued to gawk as Blake sheathed the blade and set it down, before she walked up to Yang and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.
“I’ll show you the schematic one day, but for now I was hoping we could get lunch.” The kiss returned Yang’s senses to her as she shook off her confusion.
“Oh, can we get noodles? I think seeing the ribbon all over the place like that subconsciously made me think about Simple Wok.” Grinning as her stomach growled thinking about some type of endless noodle dispenser Yang looked down to Blake with a wink. “My treat.”
“Sounds good.” With a nod, Blake watched as Yang extended her arm out, and taking it with her own grin happily let herself be escorted down the hall towards the docks to Vale. “What were you pretending to read anyways?”
“Huh? Oh I’m not sure, it was all upside down. I think the title said something about ninjas, I just grabbed the first thing I found.” As Yang pondered the full title of the book she felt Blake suddenly twitch as if she’d been electrocuted. With a sideways look she wondered if the reaction had anything to do with the book’s title; she had found it under Blake’s pillow after all. “Wait, why?”
“No reason! I was just curious is all.” Blake’s cheeks were burning as she desperately avoided eye contact with Yang, who shrugged it off as the feeling of hunger outweighed her own curiosity.
As the two left down the hall, Weiss Schnee would return to the dorm after a lengthy day of training. Somewhat exhausted, she smiled as she stepped into the empty dorm, wondering if she’d have time to take a quiet bath and get some studying done. Still, as she set Myrtenaster down beside her bed, she glanced over to the bunks opposite  and frowned. The sheets on Yang’s bed were usually a disaster, but it looked like that same disaster had struck Blake’s as well.
Walking over, knowing her mind wouldn’t rest until order had been restored, she briefly flattened out the sheets on Blake’s bed before popping her head up to do a damage estimate on Yang’s. To her surprise, a book sat at the foot of the bed, and Weiss raised a brow as she reached out to grab it.
“Yang can read?”
Glancing at the title Weiss wondered if Blake had finally discovered a book Yang might find interest in, but as she opened it to a random page and let her eyes skim the contents, her cheeks blushed deeper and deeper.
Having arrived at the docks, Blake suddenly felt a disturbance in the air.
“Oh no…”
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yangspinkeyes · 1 year
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#bumbleby #bumbleby kiss #wewonbmblb #inyourfacesun #LETZ GOO
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tumblingxelian · 2 years
Bumbleby Week Day 7: AU Day
Goncharov AU - AO3 Link
The scent of smoke hangs heavy in the air, puddle of ashy water stain their shoes as the pair race down the crowded streets, chaos slowly engulfing the city.
She looked to the woman's whose hand was held firmly in her own, leather and silk gloves in matching black. The touches of ash and blood doing nothing to undermine her allure, which was rather how Yang got into this mess.
"Where's your tommy gun baby?" Blake's voice is smooth and silk in her ears and all too distracting, just like the satin dress clinging to her skin.
"Out of ammo, all I have left are two pistols," She breathed intently as they skidded around a screeching car and made for the bridge,
"And I thought you were going to kill me with that tommy gun baby~" The words almost lyrical in their breathless amusement.
"The time for that passed us by when the clock stopped darling," Yang threw over her shoulder, a hand tugging at her suits tie so she could breath a little easier.
"Yet times still running out," Blake murmured, a bullet flying over head.
"Dammit!" Yang spun around, revealing twin pistols, "Want one?"
"Not my style, baby,” Blake unveiled a series of slim needles hidden in her gloves.
"Were those meant for me?"
"Now you'll never know."
The cars in hot pursuits screeched onto the bridge, windows down and tommy gun's out.
Yang let lose, careful, precise shots to keep them pinned as Blake loosed her needles, the glinting metal invisible to the other gangsters eyes and striking true. 
It could work, it could have worked, but the sound of sirens and roaring engines rang out, more pursuers, more bullets, more endings and ways out closed, one after another and the clock ticked down.
"I'm down to one, darling."
Blake twirled her last needle, eyeing Yang coolly before asking, "Do you trust me?"
It was an insane question for endless reasons, she had no reason to, neither of them did, but somewhere in the ash and the fire and betrayal... Well she'd found her answer.
"I do," She intoned, dropping her pistol.
Blake smiled, dropping her needle and grasping her wrist, she pulled Yang against the railing and together they tumbled from the bridge, falling to the sea in a tight embrace.
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