#bsg rewatch
leodanbrock · 4 months
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Restart the clock. 33 minutes. BATTLESTAR GALACTICA 1.01 - "33"
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divinemissem13 · 2 months
Every few years I think it’ll be a great idea to rewatch BSG… because I guess a few years is enough time to forget that it is the most stressful television show known to man. 😬 😩
But it’s also so, so, so frakking good. ❤️
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redrikki · 4 months
Battlestar Galactica Rewatch: Mini series
You can thank @beatrice-otter for this. Her recent bsg fic had me reaching for my dvds when I realized how much I'd forgotten.
The mini series introduces the titular Battlestar Galactica, a 50-year-old ship under the command of Bill Adama, just as it is set to be decommissioned and turned into a museum. His estranged son Lee and Secretary of Education Laura Roslin are both in attendance. Then, everything changed when the fire nation, er, cylons attacked. Laura becomes president, assembled a fleet of civilians, and they set of with Galactica in search of earth and safety.
Initially airing in 2003, the show often gets described as post 9/11, but on rewatch it feels more cold war nightmare scenario to me. The visuals are mushroom clouds, not crashing jets. Laura's swearing evokes LBJ's and the scene with the little girl on the ship is basically a Barry Goldwater commercial. The only things that really scream 9/11 is the memorial wall and the planes halted in transit.
In my first watch, I remember being moved, but on rewatch I'm not feeling it. The problem is that it's so fast paced there are really only two quick moments with Dee in the hallway and Billy talking about his family where you get a hint of the weight of it. The show gives more to the ship board deaths. Over all, the show is so focused on the fight for survival that it never lets the characters or audience really sit with the grief.
Mini series does a good job introducing the various characters: Laura, Bill, Kara, Lee, Saul, Gaius, Boomer, Tyrol, and the rest of the gang. The fact they shoehorn Tyrol and his deck gang into everything that requires non-coms makes sense in terms of managing casting, it does get ridiculous.
The problems of Bill Adams's leadership which will haunt him throughout the show are on full display. He plays favorites in ways which undermines unit discipline and cohesion and ignores problems until the day comes he can't hide from the things he's done.
Laura's leadership strength of ruthless, clear-sighted pragmatism are also on display. Her flaw of riding roughshod over everyone is there too, but since everyone who fights her in this is clearly wrong, it's easy to miss.
From a Doylist perspective, having Leobin as the only one in the station makes sense as a way to introduce Adama to human-form cylons, but from a Watsonian perspective the fact the station is in-manned makes the Colonial Fleet seem dumb and incompetent.
This has been much debated, but I think Caprica killing the baby was an accident. She is fascinated and it's all an experiment. She doesn't care she killed him, but she didn't set out to do it.
Bill gives a great speech. So say we all!
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Starting what seems to be an annual rewatch – who’s in?
📷: Katee selfie from Instagram
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patwrites · 1 year
You know, for all the shady things Zarek did… he wasn’t exactly wrong. At least not a solid portion of the time.
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grissomesque · 2 years
Admiral Cain 🤝 Captain Ransom
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virginiaisforhaters · 3 months
me, as a teenager: god I hate gaius baltar
me, as an adult: god I hate gaius baltar
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sourfall · 5 months
On this rewatch, I’m surprised to find my fave minor character is Doc Cottle. Man’s an icon.
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dykeredhood · 1 year
combine the ova of Kara Thrace, Jaina Solo, and Lee Adama and that’s how I came to be
Side note: if some out of touch senior VP exec woman decides to tell a group of us miserable underlings that we just have to use AI since it’s in vogue right now and damn the consequences… then I’m sure that she’ll be fine with eating the inevitable literal costs that AI botching things will incur
side note but looking at the other side of things: I would absolutely fuck Gaius Baltar
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gayspock · 1 year
i love it when a tv show has lows that are so low you're so ashamed to ever show it to anyone ever but then highs that melt your brain a bit, like, "good fucking god, this is genuinely such an astounding piece of craftmanship... my perception of the medium, and perhaps of myself, has been challenged/changed in 40 minutes" but you cant even express that to ppl without feeling like youre fucking deranged bc my god the lows .....
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transpidergwen · 4 months
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I watched Ressurection Ship pt. 2 tonight aka their first kiss and I was so normal and calm about it and I didn't even cry!! /lie
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leodanbrock · 4 months
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"But always remember, I have your heart. I can always rip it out of your chest if I need to."
BATTLESTAR GALACTICA 20 Year Celebration Challenge favourite dynamics: gaius and six
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divinemissem13 · 2 months
I kind of can’t believe that Baltar’s Cylon detector wasn’t to just frak everyone in sight and see if their backs light up.
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redrikki · 4 months
Battlestar Galactica Rewatch: Episode 1.02 Water
An explosion in Galactica's water tanks causes problems for the fleet. Spoilers ahoy!
I feel so bad for Boomer. She's losing time and possibly doing terrible things against her will. That has to be terrifying!
The other Sharon, on the other hand, I have issues with. Apparently, the production team liked Helo's actor so much they wrote this whole plot to bring him back, but what is Sharon's motivation here? Is she trying to get intel? Is it part of the Cylon breeding program? Is she just frakking with him? Good on her for later realizing that genocide bad, but if I were Helo I would never trust her again after all the lies and rape by deception.
Adama's leadership flaws bite everyone in the ass round 1: if Boomer and Tyrol hadn't been allowed to carry on their affair, Boomer's everything would have been way more suspicious. As it stands, everyone is so used to the two of them having subtext laden conversations and dragging each other to the tool room, no one notices anything.
Boxey sassing Tigh is hilarious. This is the last episode he appears in. What happened to that kid?
Gaeta patting his pockets for money when Baltar needs cash for his ante. Oh, you sweet awkward queer! Never sleep with him and never change.
During the briefing, Baltar lists some food consumption statistics that boggle the mind. Not that 45k people need that much, but that the fleet has that at all. It's not until seasons later that they have a food crisis arc, but they should have had one way sooner. In real life, cruise ships carry only enough supplies to keep their passenger and crew fed for 10 days while passenger liners do it for just the expected duration of the voyage. Galactica was just decommissioned with her crew expected to leave within days. Unless one of those shipping containers was full of food or the Galactica took on a massive amount of M.R.E.s at the depot, the fleet should already be in the brink of starvation.
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byyourcommand · 10 months
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Kara Thrace 4.17
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patwrites · 1 year
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