evercelle · 4 days
Hello, I hope you're having an amazing day!
I wanted to ask how you plan out your merchandise designs and what you want to sell! Your shop always has so many products and they're all very unique! So I'm just curious if you have a certain way of planning out what to sell and all that stuff. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope you have an amazing day!!!!
there isn't really a rational thought process to me designing stuff! it pretty much boils down to:
possessed by demons that wont leave me alone OR "i want _____ with blorbos on it and no one else is selling it for me to buy" (saiousai atm........ pain peko)
saw interesting materials that allows you to try something cool/is relevant to a character's theme or visuals (spinner -> aven's roulette!!, ripple acrylics -> water effects -> furina!!, partitioned quicksand -> would look neat in a symmetrical design... like a playing card... what about lyney and lynette!!)
i make fanmerch for fun, so it's gotta entertain me too lol. on a practical side, i would say the fact i have a boring full time job unrelated to selling at cons means i also have the motivation/luxury to make unique or obnoxious or hyper-specific items... like giant spinning charms or doujin or thermal mugs for a seven year old sleepy fandom. lol
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evercelle · 4 days
play hades ii!!!!! play hades tooooooo play hades two ,,,, play hades 2 !!!!!!! *waves vague hecate witchy hands at you* play hades tUUOOoUuuOoo
GET OUT OF MY BRAIN i was whining in the car to my friends about not being able to play hades two yet and then i looked down at my phone, checked my email and read this ask lmaooooo
i'm trying so so SO hard to be patient because i want to play the full release when it's out...!! and, rationally speaking, there are lots of other games in the queue and only so many human hours i possess in a day... but the heart wants what it wants and the heart wants hades game (claws feebly at the ground)
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evercelle · 5 days
are you gonna play wuthering?
nah... paper mario TTYD remake just came out!! and elden ring DLC is out in a month!!! and my willpower may eventually shatter causing me to play hades II in early access!!!! theres just so many excellent games to play and not enough hours in the day to allocate to gacha
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evercelle · 7 days
NOOO!! Your saiouma standees are gone!! I was to late! T^T is there any chance they may come back in the future? (They’re just so littol… 💜)
ahh, i'm sorry...!! unfortunately i don't re-run merch, but I'll put any leftovers I have up on the shop after I fulfill all current and PO orders, so there might be a few then... thank you for your interest!
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evercelle · 8 days
hello hello! shop is live now...! and i added one more item to the preorder menu, because i got possessed by the saiou demons for twenty four hours again. you understand how it goes
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shop link: evercelle.bigcartel.com
thanks for stopping by!
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shoptalk! i'm opening ye olde shoppe next week, SAT 05/25/24 @ 12p (PT) for venti, astral express and aventurine charm pre-orders, plus a bunch of other new v3 and genshin stuff and a pinch of dunmeshi for flavor :') more photos of the new goodies under the cut
pre-order window will run from 5/25 - 6/8 with expected delivery JUL - AUG 24, depending on which item! see ya then!
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tea for three bookmarks! it'll have a burgundy ribbon on them :)c
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venti windbell!!! this is a sample, so there won't be a wind sprite inside the bell for the final... had to let him out of jail
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saihara / ouma mini standee sets! the bonus gift this round are saiou kitty coin pouches!! i only made a few for myself and friends, so i have about ten extras. i'll put them in ten random orders that purchase both sets of standees.
thanks for checking out my wares see ya saturdaaaay
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evercelle · 12 days
psst....... i just wanted to point out ur carrd says ai traing instead of training....
also cant wait for shop reopen wah hope i can nab smth this time
thank you for the heads up! i am very bad at typing. psa please do not use my drawings for ai traing training
i ordered a pretty good chunk of stuff this time (i think) so i hope you can get whatever you were looking at!! i'll leave POs open for a full two weeks unless the order qty gets out of hand, but hopefully that won't be an issue (':
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evercelle · 12 days
mentally i'm still at your ousai nsfw
wow its been like a year since the last ones......... good thing i just updated poipiku
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evercelle · 13 days
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shoptalk! i'm opening ye olde shoppe next week, SAT 05/25/24 @ 12p (PT) for venti, astral express and aventurine charm pre-orders, plus a bunch of other new v3 and genshin stuff and a pinch of dunmeshi for flavor :') more photos of the new goodies under the cut
pre-order window will run from 5/25 - 6/8 with expected delivery JUL - AUG 24, depending on which item! see ya then!
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tea for three bookmarks! it'll have a burgundy ribbon on them :)c
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venti windbell!!! this is a sample, so there won't be a wind sprite inside the bell for the final... had to let him out of jail
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saihara / ouma mini standee sets! the bonus gift this round are saiou kitty coin pouches!! i only made a few for myself and friends, so i have about ten extras. i'll put them in ten random orders that purchase both sets of standees.
thanks for checking out my wares see ya saturdaaaay
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evercelle · 14 days
Could you elaborate more on the previous ask—more specifically about how Saihara is a mystery to Ouma as much as the reverse is true? I agree with the sentiment but I’m curious about your thoughts as a fellow saiou enjoyer and feeder of the fandom :3c
I undersand how Saihara feels more straight-laced to us, since we as the Player get to read his every thought, but I’m curious as to what makes him mutually intriguing to Ouma as well.
saihara's a bunch of surprises when we're not in his brain! he's a bit of a social doormat who's thrust into a leadership position. he's skilled at a talent he resents because he's both cautious of the power the truth has and fearful of the responsibility of wielding it. he's closest to the heroic & charismatic people, but he's willing to lie to his advantage in trials... and if you're doing FTEs, he returns to hang out with ouma repeatedly, which is probably strange in and of itself. it's a safe guess that few if any of the other characters tolerate, pick up on, or are willing to engage on ouma's layered antics at all, so i think saihara coming back for more would be surprising & intriguing to ouma, too. we get to know saihara via omniscient viewer and his 2 FTEs, but outside that, he's also a person who tries to hide himself. just with a different performance and motivation than ouma, and curious minds love a mystery...
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evercelle · 16 days
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what's it gonna be, the red or the black? 🦚🎲 i made these gold foiled aventurine charms that you can spin to win!! (or lose!!)
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evercelle · 20 days
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i have walked the path i should have walked
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evercelle · 23 days
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HAPPY MAID DAAAAY whew wow who is this MYSTERIOUS maid who is possibly also a DETECTIVE?? only one way to find out...
MAIDGATE (r/OumaKokichi), fic by @merthurlin
it's another collab with maayan! the thrilling sequel to last year's deranged maidective/idol AU!! i drew a bunch of pics for idolouma's stans to puzzle over. they're all embedded in the fic, but i'll put the extras under a cut :)c
these are version are without ouma's graffiti on them...!
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(if ur asking is that his zozotown outfit the answer is yes. i dont know how to dress idols)
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evercelle · 27 days
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someone help him
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evercelle · 1 month
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mysterious, and surprising.... let the magic begin!
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evercelle · 1 month
any eta on when the next ship update will be or if there’s any sort of notification/mailing list we can join to be notified of when it happens? i love your merch c and i love Aventurine and don’t wanna miss it!
probably gonna be mid-may! i'll have the twins shakers and a bunch of other stuff in stock, but i'll also be running pre-orders from aventurine, fancy venti charms, maybe a special freiren standee if the stars all align...
i don't have a mailing list, but i'll post new shop catalog and opening date/time a week in advance, both on here and twitter!
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evercelle · 1 month
Ever if you make Aventurine or Wanderer merch (or just about anything glittery) I will buy it so fast. Gosh. I take the Venti glitter shaker with me EVERYWHERE and the XV shaker lives in my ita backpack, always on display. I’m checking in often to see when the Lyney and Lynette ones will be available to get even more glitter shakers in my life. They’re my favorite types of merch by far and it’s led to showing so many people your store! Idk where I was going with this but. More glitter things please 💳💸💰
you're partially in luck, cuz i have wanderer and aventurine merch in my next shop update! ...though neither of them are glitter shakers, sadly. here is a little sneaky peek as an apology :')
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evercelle · 1 month
Do you have your process/timelapse posted anywhere please 🙏🥺
just this process photo and this timelapse! theyre both from last year but i still draw the same way. the only difference between these and my drawings for hyv stuff is having to copy 3d models and warp/paint over really annoying bits to draw like wanderer's hat or aventurine's chips lol
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