holywhorror · 9 months
i hope you don't think of me as just a mutual or a silly person on tumblr, but as someone you would cover in blood and have filthy ritualistic sex with
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angelskillingme · 2 months
in the mood for being gentle (fucks you raw, cuts your guts open, watches my cock sliding in and out under your guts, makes you eat your organs, kisses your bloody mouth, cums in your corpse)
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notkitten · 7 months
vampire gf draining you until you're dizzy and spinning and rushing with endorphin fear electricity, then slipping her fingers inside you as she trails her incisors over your shoulder, playing with your weak, trembling reactions like a cat until you cum so hard you pass out
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shadesslut · 8 months
𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓴𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 DAY 5
Knife/Blood Play
(a/n: Sorry for the late post! I'll try to catch up but I have a lot of schoolwork:/)
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Pairing: (Gf!Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader)
Content Includes: (Knife play, blood play, handjob, smut)
Main Masterlist
𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓴𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽
Ethan knew he was weird, he knew that. He knew he liked certain things people would avoid or be afraid of. Ethan knew his hobby wasn’t normal, and that he wasn’t normal. 
It was Halloween night in New York, teens clad in werewolf and vampire masks. Ethan was hiding in plain sight. He wore his Ghostface attire as he rode on the elevator. His hands were bloody, and his mask splashed with red stains. No one batted an eye to him, it was just a costume right?
He knocked loudly with a clenched fist on the door. Y/N had invited him over tonight to have dinner and watch scary movies. 
The door opened, creaking on its hinges as it did so. Y/N had a maroon button-up long sleeve, orange and black plaid shorts, and knee-high knitted socks. 
“Nice costume,” she complimented him as she looked him up and down. He tilted his head down at her. She scoffed before stepping aside to let him in. 
Ethan shut the door behind him, his fingers still twitching from earlier that night. 
“You look good,” Ethan lowly said. She went back into her small kitchen, lifting a pot lid to check on the water. 
“Pretty.” Ethan corrected. “I’m hungry,” 
She dryly chuckled as she shook her head. “I’m making potato soup.” 
Ethan grabbed the bottom of his mask, sliding it off his head. Beads of sweat dripped from his hair to his forehead. He walked up behind her, his head hovering over her shoulder. “Not that kind of hungry,” he whispered, his lips dangerously close to her skin. 
Her breath hitched, but she waved him off. “Not before we eat,” She told him. 
He groaned, stepping backwards to lean on the counter. 
“You wanna help me?” She asked. She ripped open a mesh bag of potatoes and began to wash them. Ethan watched her as her thumbs swiped across the potato skin under the water. 
“What do you need me to do?”  
“Can you start cooking the bacon?” She asked as she brought the clean potatoes to her cutting board. Ethan nodded, and he went for the fridge. The sound of a knife sharpening caused Ethan to jerk his head towards her. She swiped the knife’s blade with her fingers. 
Oh fuck me. Ethan thought. 
She grabbed one of the potatoes with her left hand, and she held the knife above it. She started at the end, piercing in the middle with the knife. She slightly slid the knife forwards, and then she went down the middle, cutting it in half.
Ethan didn’t move, his hand freezing on the fridge handle. His eyes were focused on her hands as she cut. How could someone be so precise with a knife? So delicate with their movements? So careful? Ethan’s eyes watered barely, and his cock twitched in his pants. How would she handle cutting skin? Would she be as gentle as she was now? 
She chopped perpendicularly of her previous cut, chopping the potato into cubes. She did a few more potatoes, and when she finished she slid them off with her knife into the boiling water. 
Ethan tried to hold it back, but he accidentally let out a moan. 
Her hands froze as she looked over to Ethan with wide eyes. His face instantly flushed under her gaze. 
She lightly chucked, breaking the tension in the air. “You, you okay?” She asked, her voice lacing with concern. Ethan nodded. 
“Just been waiting for you all night,” he half-lied. She smiled sweetly. “Can I ask a weird question?” 
“Go ahead,” 
“Promise you won’t judge?”
“I promise.”
Ethan took a breath, and he decided to just go for it. “Can you give me a handjob?” 
She stared at him for a moment, before doubling over in a laughing fit. “Ethan, that's not bad, and yes, yes I can.” She smirked. 
Ethan gulped. 
“Can you also hold the knife up to my throat?” 
Her laughing stopped. She stared at him for a moment, searching for any sign of sarcasm. “What?” She asked once she realized he wasn’t making a joke. 
“I just think it’d be hot? You know, like how you think it’s hot when I choke you?” 
“What if I accidentally cut you?” 
He shrugged his shoulders in response. The water boiling was the only noise filling the room. He couldn’t be serious right? Obviously, he was making some kind of joke with her. 
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have said it-” 
“I’ll do it.” She cut him off. His eyes flicked up to hers as they widened. 
He tried to hold back a smile. “Really?” He asked, hopefully. She slowly nodded, and she walked towards the sink to wash the knife. Ethan swallowed nervously as his hands stimmed in excitement. 
She turned around with the knife in her hand as she tried it with a rag. “Take off your clothes.” She demanded. Ethan’s movements stuttered at first, his hands shaking as he bent down to reach the end of his robe. Swiftly, he raised it over his head along with his shirt. Y/N slowly walked towards him, tossing the rag to the ground. Ethan’s smile widened as he watched her fingertip trace the end of the knife, all the way to the tip. 
“You’re so hot,” Ethan moaned. Y/N smiled. She set the knife down on the counter before unzipping Ethan’s pants. Ethan slid the jeans down, not caring about them as they dropped to his ankles. 
Knife back in her hand, she carefully dragged the tip of the knife near his v-line. She made sure to not press as hard to avoid cutting him. What she didn’t know was that Ethan begged her to cut him in his head. 
She tilted her head up at Ethan and parted her lips. Ethan slightly bent down for her, giving her access to kiss him. Their kiss was slow, but heated. The knife was now pressed flat against Ethan’s stomach, and her other hand reached in his boxers. 
He moaned into the kiss, his cold hand grasping his cock. 
“You’re such a fucking loser,” she whispered, making Ethan’s cock twitch in her hand. “Getting off by me holding a knife to your skin. You’re disgusting.”
Ethan’s eyes shut, a whine coming from his lips. Her hand slowly slid up his cock, her grip tightening as it moved. She dragged the knife up over his belly button, up to his chest. Ethan shivered looking down as he watched the knife get closer to his chin. 
“Mm fuck,” Ethan moaned softly. His chest rose up and down, slighting pressing against the knife. Her hand quickened as she twisted it up and down on his shaft. Precum spilled down her thumb, lubing up the rest of him. She lifted the knife up to his neck, and Ethan’s eyes widened. Never had he ever been this turned on in his nineteen years of living. His hips jerked up, and his hand tightly gripped at her hip. 
“Y/N, please,” 
He snaked his hand around her ass, firmly groping. She flinched at the touch, causing the knife to press against Ethan’s neck. The knife punctured some of his skin, barely, and a few drops of blood dripped down his neck. Ethan felt himself get closer and closer to the edge. 
She finally saw the blood drip down, and she instantly stopped all her movements. “Shit! Are you okay?” She asked with concern, moving to grab a towel. Ethan’s grip tightened on her, pulling her back to him.
“Don’t you dare fucking stop.” He spoke lowly as his eyes darkened. She gulped and nodded in response. He let out a sigh of relief as she started to jerk him off again. Her grip on the knife wasn’t as sturdy as before, but Ethan didn’t care. 
Ethan swiped two fingers shakily across the blood, catching it onto his skin. He smeared it across his lips, and pulled Y/N closer to him. He came in her hand as he smashed his lips onto hers. She dropped the knife, it clattering onto the floor. Her hands came up to grip his face, his cum sticking to his cheek. 
His blood smudged against her face, staining her lips and chin. Harshly, he bit on her bottom lip, causing her to squeal in pain. Blood trickled from her lip, and Ethan sucked it all up. 
She pulled away, applying pressure to her lip with her fingers. 
Ethan panted as he stared hungrily down at her.
“That was,” she trailed off, shame bubbling inside of her.
“Fucking hot.”
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sigmahimejoshi · 6 months
"Dont bite me it hurts!" Oh baby, you don't mean that. Don't say such silly things like that! You love the feeling of my teeth sinking into your skin, the weakness you feel when I drain you of your blood, and the little moan you let out when I lick the spot I bit is adorable!
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fanged-cotl · 10 days
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met4lwhore · 3 months
Put a knife through me and tell me that you love me
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whumblr · 3 months
The first time Whumpee had fainted after watching their own blood seep down their arm, Whumper had watched in silent amusement. Before realising that… well, this could be a bit of a pain.
So the second time he strapped them to a table and walked up with his knife at the ready, he came prepared.
Whumpee glanced at the knife and while their expression tightened, there was a hint of smugness crossing their face. Not much to torture when they’re out cold after just the first cut, Whumper had to admit.
But their face fell when Whumper held up the knife and a piece of black cloth dangled from the tip.
A blindfold.
“Figured we could see to what extent your fear of blood goes,” Whumper said, swinging the cloth back and forth until it slipped from the knife and draped over Whumpee’s collarbones.
“It’s not a fear of blood!” Whumpee bit, pulling at the leather straps binding them. “It just… happens,” they finished, less fierce.
“It happens…” Whumper mused. So this probably wasn’t the first time. “Have you ever tested it? Do you just go whoop when you see your own blood or is the sensation of it pumping out of your veins enough to pass out?”
Whumpee paused, their lips pressed together and their throat bobbed. “I… I don’t know,” they admitted.
“Let’s find out.”
He set the knife down on the table, deliberately placing it just next to Whumpee’s bound hand. If they struggled enough, maybe they could touch it with a pinky finger. Blindfold in hand, he leaned over them, easily slipped it over their head as they shook ‘no’ and they continued to shake their head even when the band fit snugly over their eyes. He shushed them gently, cupping their face with both hands, stopping them from shaking their head.
“Now, then…” His hand curled over the handle of the knife and as he lifted it he let the blade scrape over the surface with a scratchy shing to signal that he was about to start. And to draw a flinch from Whumpee. He grinned; now that they were dependent on their other senses, he wasn’t above helping out with that.
He rested the blade just under their shoulder where their deltoid curved, letting the cold touch seep into their skin before the sharp edge of the blade would follow.
A soft and surprised little yip sounded within their throat when the knife broke skin. Teeth clenched when he slid deeper, their chest heaving to keep their scream contained until he dragged the knife further through muscle and a broken gasp tore free.
Blood gushed along the stripe of the cut, streaming down their shoulder, tickling over skin.
A fist clenched. And Whumpee went white as a sheet.
But they didn’t pass out.
“You look like you already lost a gallon,” Whumper said with a smirk.
“Sh—shut up,” Whumpee shot back, but their voice was weak, high-pitched.
They tensed up when the blade rested against their arm again.
But Whumper merely held the flat of the blade under the cut, not yet breaking skin, and he caught a few thick drops of blood. Then he carefully brought the knife up, hovered it over Whumpee’s face, and watched as the red pooled closer to the tip. A single drop fell right onto their cheek.
And after an initial flinch, Whumpee completely stilled. To the point where Whumper thought that was it for the experiment.
But then a shivering inhale rasped past their lips.
“Don’t do that…” they managed to whisper.
“Don’t do what, dear?” Whumper drawled, smile creeping wider. He tapped a finger to the blade and watched a second drop fall right onto the blindfold. It drew out another twitch. The cloth absorbed the dark stain immediately, while the spatter on their face slowly rolled down their cheek. It sent a shudder through them as it tickled the underside of their ear and disappeared into their hair.
“That… the b—the blood, don’t—”
“It’s just a splash of water, love.”
“It’s not!”
Whumper grinned, fingertips swirling through the puddle of blood forming under their arm. “No,” he murmured in agreement, and he tapped two fingers slick with blood against their cheekbone. “It’s not.”
A strangled sound of anguish sounded in Whumpee’s throat as the two fingers slowly made its way down, leaving two cold stripes of red draped over their face.
Whumper watched them fondly. Amazing how the brain worked. It registered everything, from the warmth gushing out of their cut, to the splash on their face and it drying on their cheek. Yet it didn’t trigger that severe drop in blood pressure to make them check out.
With Whumpee blubbing their mouth like a fish on dry, heaving in shallow breaths yet none coming back out as cries, you’d think their level of emotional distress was at peak. But fight or flight was still overpowering everything. And oh, how they wished to fly; their wrists pulled tight against their bonds, straining as they hoped for the leather to give just a bit so they could slip free. Just a bit more, dear, and you’ll feel the blood bubble up there as well…
“Lost your voice?” Whumper purred.
His hand tightened over the cut and Whumpee screamed. Ah, no, still there. But they immediately fell silent when that same hand gripped their jaw tight. Fingers sleek with blood dug into the side of their jaw, just under their ear.
“That’s right,” Whumper crooned. He let a fresh drop fall onto his thumb and pressed it against their lips. “Just… shush.”
Their lips, slightly parted in despair, immediately pressed tight into a thin stripe. And with a grin, Whumper took advantage. He slowly smeared the drop over both their lips, coating them in red.
“You might wanna lick your lips. Seems a bit dry to me.”
Every little gasp had indeed made their lips uncomfortably dry, blood now seeping into the cracks, immediately drying and making things even worse. As Whumper pulled back, he could see them hesitate, fighting the automatic response of their tongue wanting to offer a bit of relief.
Those beautiful red lips trembled hard, and their chin started to quiver as well.
The underside of the blindfold started getting wet. Tears trickled out from underneath, mixing with the red stripes over their cheeks, breaking them up and a drop pooled on the edge of their jaw, tinted with a hue of red.
“P-p-please…” The word puffed past quivering lips. “Stop. Just… just cut me up like you wanted, but… stop…”
“Ah.” Whumper feigned his surprise, though he didn’t have to hide his grin, growing wolfishly large. “Right. I think we both got a little distracted.”
He scraped the knife over the table again before resting it against their arm, slowly moving up and increasing the pressure. “Let’s tap out some more.”
General whump tags: @firewheeesky @myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19 @whumpawink @painsandconfusion @whumpifi @auroragehenna @oprhan
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kinkyliterotica · 1 year
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(This image belong to Sony and I do not claim ownership of it)
(Part 2)
Venom x OC Period Sex Smut
Summary: Shannon unexpectedly starts her period, Venom has a creative solution.
Warnings: Period sex, blood play, oral sex, rough sex, rough penetration
Shannon, Eddie, and Venom had formed a much more intimate bond since their first night together. The initial lust was strong, and Shannon’s chemistry with Venom was substantial. There were moments when Eddie felt like he’d been sidelined by his own Symbiote.
He tried to remember that he fronted most of the time, Venom had little time and space to be free. Perhaps he owed Venom this.
That evening, Eddie invited Shannon over to cook. He was not an excellent chef, but he was eager to try. Anne had done most of the cooking during their relationship, and he was ready to prove himself as a partner.
Eddie was pan frying sausage while Venom mixed pancake batter. Shannon rang the doorbell, and Venom dropped the bowl on the counter, and extended himself to answer the door.
“Hello Darling.” Venom greeted her.
Shannon moved smoothly past Venom, “Hey, sorry I have to use the restroom. Give me a sec.”
Venom was caught off guard. Eddie had to remind him to close and lock the door. Venom’s wide white eyes watched Shannon as she headed to the bathroom. Eddie continued cooking, shaking the pan to flip the sausages.
“There is something wrong, can’t you feel it?” Venom asked Eddie, his head floating next to him.
Eddie dismissed him, “What’re you talking about? She just had to use the bathroom.”
“Listen to me Eddie, I smell blood.” Venom ground out.
That got Eddie’s attention. He killed the heat on the pan, and turned his attention towards Shannon. He rushed down the hall and knocked on the door.
“Hey, are you okay in there?” Eddie asked. Venom pressed his head against the door to listen.
Shannon sighed, “Yes, I’m fine.”
Eddie didn’t want to drop this issue, he pressed on, “Venom said he smelled blood.”
Shannon was irritated, “Could I get a little privacy please?”
Eddie held his tongue, he didn’t want to piss her off, but he needed to know what was going on.
“Just tell me, are you hurt? Should I be worried?” Eddie’s voice was laced with concern.
Suddenly Shannon pulled open the door, her underwear and pants were around her ankles. On the crotch of the pants there was a puddle of red. She had fresh red blood dripping down her legs. Her brows were drawn together in frustration.
Shannon’s voice was frantic, “I started my fucking period 3 days early, I don’t have any spare clothes, and I’m bleeding everywhere!”
Eddie couldn’t hold back his laugh. He hunched forward and gripped his stomach. The laughter burst from him.
“Oh shit,” Eddie exclaimed, “I thought it was something serious.”
Shannon’s mouth formed a dangerous looking frown.
“This is serious for me Eddie.” She said between clenched teeth, “It’s humiliating. I’m a grown woman.”
Eddie realized his reaction was less than ideal, “Sorry, sorry. Let me run down to the store and grab you some stuff alright? I did it for Annie all the time. You can borrow some of my clothes.”
Before Shannon could respond, Venom consumed him. Enveloping his form, and growing around Eddie.
“What a waste. Why not let me solve your problem?” Venom purred.
His tongue lashed out, flicking through the air. Saliva dripped from it and landed on the vinyl floor beneath them.
Shannon’s brows hit the ceiling. She had not expected this kind of reaction. She stumbled back, her hand grabbing the sink for support.
“What–what do you mean, Venom?” Her voice, a moment ago so full of anger, had faded down to a meek whimper.
Venom’s enormous black arms wrapped around her, forcing her down on top of the toilet. Her bare ass shivered against the cold porcelain. Her pants and underwear were still around her ankles.
“Sit back, relaaaaaaax…” Venom’s voice was equal parts hypnotic and eerie.
His hands were so large they easily closed around her biceps. His huge body was crammed between the wall and the toilet. He got onto his knees, his head hovered right above her bleeding cunt.
Her flow had just started, the blood was fresh, and quickly pooling inside of her. It leaked out of her hole just a bit.
Venom smiled, his teeth bared, enormous and terrifying. The tip of his tongue traced his lips like he was about to devour his favorite meal. His wide white eyes looked up at Shannon’s face for a moment. There was lust there, so much lust it frightened her.
All at once his tongue dove into her. The blood inside of her made a noticeable SQUELCH. It didn’t stop Venom from digging the fat muscle futher inside. He was moaning, growling. He withdrew for just a moment, her blood coated his tongue. He swallowed it, sighing contentedly.
“What a treat!” Venom said, “I want more.”
Before Shannon could respond, his tongue was back inside of her. Exploring her folds, and lapping up all of the blood. She couldn’t hold back her own moans. Her voice was foreign to her, full of meekness and hesitation.
It did feel good. Extremely good. But all the same it was strange, this was not what she’d been expecting. She knew that Venom had eaten people before, but she didn’t know about his affinity for blood drinking. It was entirely new to her, she’d never had a guy fetishize something like that. She wondered for a moment how Eddie felt about this, if he was enjoying himself, or just allowing Venom to indulge himself. Either way, it felt too good for her to risk stopping it. Venom was fronting, so she had to trust him.
Venom’s grip on her tightened, he was truly ravenous. The blood continued to flow from her hole, and Venom drank it like it was the sweetest thing he’d ever tasted. Shannon writhed and moaned as his tongue played with her cunt. The tip traced along her folds, leaving no part untouched.
Shannon was shivering, her body unable to resist but struggling to find comfort or purchase on the seat.
“The taste of fresh blood,” Venom’s voice was deep, “There is nothing like it. Eddie does not want to scare you, but you’re not scared, are you?”
Shannon cried out, “No, no, please, keep going!”
“Yes, yes, this is all mine. There is no shame, I want all of it.”
Venom lifted her up, holding her hips and ass in his enormous hands. He buried his face in her cunt. She grasped his head for support, nearly hitting the wall. She could barely register the sensation of his tongue lapping at her pussy. He was moving so fast, she was afraid his teeth would puncture her. She wrapped her arms around his head, trying to keep herself upright.
Venom’s pace was torturous. The sounds he made were primal and deep. Eddie was in there somewhere, but now, there was only Venom.
Venom pulled his tongue out of her. She let out a held breath, tears coming to her eyes. She was shivering, her heart racing beneath her breast.
“I want more. I’ll have to speed things along.”
Venom’s hands ran up her ass, along her back, until he held her upright entirely with his own hands. He slid her down onto the floor carefully, making sure she didn’t hit the door or the counter. When Shannon was about to get her bearings, Venom’s tentacles slithered out. His tentacles wrapped around his midsection, lifting her from the ground once again. Just enough that she could be flipped over onto her knees. Her hands came up to support herself, but one of Venom’s hands pushed her down.
Her ass was prone in the air, her cheek pressed against the fuzzy rug on the floor. Her arms were tucked under her form, no space to move, she was trapped. Before fear could overcome her, Venom used one of his thick long tentacles to prepare her cunt for him. It pressed in and out of her, stretching further, going deeper. The friction on the inside of her walls was maddening, she ground against him. The tentacle suddenly swelled, pushing the limits of what her cunt could take.
“Venom, please don’t break me!” She begged.
Venom purred, the appendage stretching her did not let up, but he did slow the pace down. He gently entered, and pulled out, dragging out the sensation. His form fell over her like a shadow. His mouth was by her ear.
“I will not break you, but I will make you bleed. Again and again for me.” His voice was a promise.
The tentacle slid out of her entrance, and was quickly replaced with the tip of his cock. The head was so much larger from the back, she knew that in this position she would be the most vulnerable. She tried to take a deep breath, and steady herself. But when his dark head pressed into her heat, she whimpered.
It hurt. It hurt so much. His girth was inhuman. There was nothing that could soften this. She knew by now that enduring was the best she could do until her walls adjusted. Her cunt would learn to take him eventually.
Venom let out a dark laugh. The sound rumbled in his chest, and vibrated against her back. She wondered what had caused him to laugh, but in a moment she felt it. When his tip hit her cervix, he had caused another wave of fresh blood to flow. She was bleeding on in, because of him. It lubricated her tight hole, and provided some relief.
Venom teased, “You’re coating my cock with your sweet red juices. Such a filthy Human.”
His hips drove into her, forcing her tits to drag across the small bathroom rug. Her pelvis strained from the effort of Venom slamming into her. Venom was primal now. Growing and drooling and using all of his strength to hurt her, just enough to make her bleed once again for him.
She wondered if Venom could keep this up all night.
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holywhorror · 9 months
if you're not trying to sloppily make out with each other's blood in our mouths then don't even speak to me
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alasxaa · 3 months
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Ugh what a mess 🔪🩸
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lisathegoth · 11 months
Y'all don't even realize how much I fantasize about rape. I dream that while walking home alone at night, someone would drag me into a dark alley and fuck me like a rag doll. This guy will leave me with dripping cum, blood, all beaten up and that's when I will be happiest.
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markedbycain · 9 months
Imagine. You’re shivering, honey. You poor, poor thing. They’ve done a number on you— they’ve dunked you in the River in baptism. Forced communion down your throat until you’ve choked. You’ve shown up at my doorway, oh so tired— your white, billowing shirt drenched and stuck to your skin.
Oh darling. My expression shifts to pity, I cock my head ever slightly, invite you inside with a warm hand upon your back. How could they do this to you? Don’t worry, you’re safe now.
I clothe you, I feed you, I keep you warm within these halls. You trust me with your very soul.
Until one night, I slip into your chambers, eyes alight and hungry. They focus in on you, and you know exactly what they crave.
“Shh…quiet that pretty little mouth of yours. It’s meant for other things.
Yes, good, that’s right. So obedient. I know exactly why they wanted you.
Too bad you’re mine. Down to the very soul.”
My teeth meet your flesh as your chest drips with blood and your legs drip with something else <3
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fanged-cotl · 2 months
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morgue-nymph · 2 months
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kadaverk1nks · 1 year
really in the mood for cutting a pretty pet up. carving little hearts into their skin to dig my fingers into while i fuck them, licking their blood up off their skin and forcing them to taste it on my tongue with every kiss. and when they're thoroughly fucked and carved up, I'll clean and patch them up and give them cuddles.
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