natashaslesbian · 3 hours
Let’s talk guys! Send me some questions or anything in my asks :))))))🩷🩷
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natashaslesbian · 2 days
It's Rs birthday and she thinks everyone forgot but mama Nat was just organizing a big party for her
Birthday Girl
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Word Count: 818
You laid wide awake in your bed, watching the second tick by on your clock. 56, 57, 58, 59, 7am! You sat up quickly in your bed, silencing your alarm on the way to the bathroom. You got through your morning routine as fast as possible and got changed into your new clothes. Running through your apartment floor of the avengers tower, you were so excited to see your mom. You were Natasha’s little angel and you had the whole team wrapped around your little finger. You weren’t the first from one of the avengers, but being the first girl meant you were the princess of the tower. Tony bad always spoiled you rotten and everyone knew if they messed with you they would have to deal with the black widow. You were 13 today, another huge milestone to be celebrated throughout the tower.
“Mom!” You called as you ran through to the kitchen “I’m up!” You said. You searched the living room, the bathrooms and your moms bedroom but she was no where to be found. You figured she was running late after training and would be back any second, so you decided to grab a glass of apple juice to pass the time. It was then that you finally saw a note posted onto the front of the fridge ‘morning y/n! I’ve got to see Fury this morning for a mission debrief, I shouldn’t be too long so I’ll see you later’ it said. That’s it? You thought. No mention of your birthday, no ‘I love you’ it was so unlike your mom to leave such a cold note. You sighed as you moved around the kitchen, helping yourself to breakfast despite the promise you were going to cook with Natasha and Wanda this morning.
After you’d eaten, you made your way down to the main avengers floor. You knocked on a few bedroom doors while passing, Wanda’s, Yelena’s, Steve’s, all of your favourite aunties and uncles but there was no answer from anyone. “Uncle Tony?” You called as you entered the main kitchen “uncle Bruce?” You asked into the open space. The silence was deafening. Not a single hush or whisper could be heard. You trudged down the hallways feeling deflated, where was everyone? You thought you might at least pass someone on your travels but there was no one in sight. You decided to give your uncle a call, surely Clint wouldn’t have forgotten your birthday. He was supposed to be coming over in a few hours and after your morning so far you wanted to check he hadn’t changed his mind. Pulling your phone from your pocket you made your way towards the elevator, maybe a walk would clear your worries away.
You paused at the doors hearing a slight buzzing from around the corner. You brought your phone away from your ears to listen closely and you were convinced someone’s phone was ringing, you ended the call confirming it was Clint’s phone nearby. Was he here? Why would he ignore you like this? You tiptoed around the corner to investigate, heading towards the living area. It was dark when you got there, despite the room facing the east where the morning sun should’ve been blazing through. “Hello?” You whispered when you heard a shuffle in the shadows. All of a sudden, the lights came on and a crowd of people yelled in joy “happy birthday!” They said. Natasha, Clint, Wanda, Yelena, Tony, Bruce, Thor, Lila, Laura, Cooper, Steve and Maria where all stood underneath a huge pink birthday banner. There were balloons freely floating around the room and sparkly silver tassels hanging from the ceiling.
“Surprise baby” your mom said as she came to give you a big squeeze. “Mom” you smiled “I thought you, everyone” you said “of course not y/n, I’d never forget my most favourite day” Natasha said as she gently kissed your cheek. “Happy birthday y/n” Wanda said as she came over “I know we said we’d cook together but I’ve made your favourite, and a few extra surprises” she said as she gestured towards the table. There were pancakes, waffles, fruit, toast, scones and coffee and orange juice. “Wanda, thank you so much, you didn’t have to do that” you said “I wanted to sweetheart” she smiled “and I promise we’ll still cook together, me you and your mom” she said “maybe just me you, I doubt mom made any of this” you said, cheekily looking at Natasha. “Hey, I tried okay!” She said “yeah and you nearly set the kitchen alight!” Wanda said. You both laughed, knowing your mom was the worse cook. “I love you guys” you said as you leant into your mom. “We love you too baby girl” Natasha said “let’s eat, then we can open some presents” Wanda said. You were the luckiest girl alive to have these people as your family.
@saraaahsstuff / @dannipotatoo / @tobiaslut / @a-simpfortessa-lesbriean / @marvelnatasha12346 / @yelenasdiary / @mousetheorist / @ashadash0904
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natashaslesbian · 6 days
How about Scarlett being so busy with work (acting or the outset) that she forgot an important appointment/event of her daughter.
The Dance Recital
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Word Count: 1k
The click of the front door was heard throughout the house, announcing Scarlett’s arrival. “Y/n I’m home!” Your mom called out. You didn’t answer, just remained sitting silently at the kitchen table. Scarlett made her way down the hall and stepped into the kitchen “there you are” she said “good day sweetie?” She asked. “Yeah” you said, twirling your fork through your spaghetti. “You look nice baby” Scarlett complimented your makeup and unusually tidy hair “you been home long?” She asked as she unloaded her bag. “Got in about 30 minutes ago” you huffed “been anywhere nice?” Scarlett asked. “My dance recital” you said, silence falling upon the room.
Your mom froze “oh my god” she said “y/n I’m so sorry I completely forgot, there was a problem with the lighting and we got held up-“ she began before you cut her off. “whatever mom” you said as you stood from your chair, leaving your dinner behind as you headed to your bedroom. “Y/n wait please!” Your mom called after you, running up the stairs “sweetie I’m so sorry please talk to me” she pleaded as you slammed your bedroom door shut. “Y/n?” Scarlett asked through the wood, she waited a few moments for a reply but frighten you needed space so returned downstairs.
You felt bad for getting angry at your mom, you knew how hard she worked and how hard she tried to be there for every event of your life. Scarlett had made it a mission in her life to find the right work-life balance, she did a great job at keeping you away from the public eye and not getting you involved in any of her projects, she didn’t want her career to define your life. People knew who you were, the Johansson name was a big give away, but you only saw Scarlett as your mother, not the A list celebrity and CEO of the skincare company.
You started dancing when you were just 5 years old and your mom was your biggest cheerleader. She was there for every showcase and every competition, she had never missed a performance, until now. You were graduating from school in a few months, your room already started to be packed up for college. Your dance recital had been on the calendar for months, it was your final time dancing with your studio and you had decided that it was something you were going to leave behind after you left for college. This was the last time your mom was going to see you dance, and she was no where to be found.
Scarlett sat downstairs with a cup of coffee for 30 minutes, giving you the chance to be alone and calm down. She couldn’t stop the guilt running through her veins, hands shaking slightly with anger at herself. Your mom made her way quietly up the stairs, thinking about how she could possibly make up for her mistake. She paused outside your bedroom door, listening for any sound from the inside. “Y/n” Scarlett said as she knocked on the door. She gently pushed the door open when she didn’t receive a reply, thrilled that you hadn’t completely shut her out and locked the door.
You were sat at your desk when Scarlett entered your room, a pile of makeup wipes next to you in order to remove your show makeup. You didn’t acknowledge your mom’s presence, choosing instead to start taking down your hair. “Baby can we talk?” Scarlett asked as she crouched down beside you “y/n I-“ she began “I let you down today, I know that. I’m so sorry” she said. The crack in her voice had you itching to just forgive her but you were so hurt by her actions. “There’s nothing I can do to make up for missing your show. I should’ve been there and nothing I say will make up for me not.” Scarlett said as she began to softly cry.
You looked down at your mom as she gently wiped at her nose. “I love you so much baby girl, and I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you today” Scarlett sobbed. You jumped down off your chair and wrapped yourself around your mom’s frame “it was just a dance show mom” you said, your anger long gone. Scarlett pulled back to meet your gaze “no baby it wasn’t, it was your last recital and I wasn’t there” your mom said “I let you down and I don’t expect you to forgive me right away but if there’s anything I can do to make up for it please tell me” she cried.
You were mad at your mom, angry that she wasn’t there cheering you on, but seeing her so vulnerable made all of it so unimportant. “Mom” you said as you lifted up Scarlett’s chin “I am angry, and I am upset but you mean more to me than some stupid dance” you said reaching out to hold her hand. “Having you as my mom is the greatest gift of all, you’re Scarlett Johansson, and it’s pretty cool to be your daughter” you giggled “y/n” Scarlett sighed “all I want to be in your life is your mom, I’d give up everything if it meant I could spend every second with you” she said “nothing in my life means more to me than you, not films and interviews or any business” Scarlett cooed as she gently brushed your hair behind your ear.
You leant forward into your mom’s arms and held onto her tightly. When everything came down to it, having your mom in your life was more important than any dance show “I love you mom” you cried into Scarlett’s lap “and I forgive you” you said. Scarlett lent down and left a soft kiss on your forehead “thank you baby” she said. “I promise I’ll make it up to you y/n, I’ll hire out the entire theatre just for you if you want me to” Scarlett said. “No” you muffled “I don’t care about the recital, not really, I care about you mama” you smiled at Scarlett “I love you y/n” she said.
@saraaahsstuff / @dannipotatoo / @tobiaslut t / @a-simpfortessa-lesbriean / @marvelnatasha12346 6 / @yelenasdiary / @mousetheorist / @ashadash0904
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natashaslesbian · 8 days
Send this to the nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 🩷🩷
This is so sweet thank you!🩷
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natashaslesbian · 10 days
Scarlett and her daughter are going out to eat, having a great time until the paparazzi show up. Scarlett is protecting her daughter who is panicking
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Word Count:
“You ready to get going kiddo?” Scarlett called as you came down the stairs “yes mommy” you said. Today was Wednesday, meaning it was your special afternoon with mommy. Scarlett always made sure she had Wednesday afternoons free so she could collect you from school and take you out to do something special. Today you’re going for ice cream, a treat after receiving your most recent school report. Your mom always knew you were a smart kid and at only 8 years old you were top of the class, Scarlett was so proud of you. “Let’s get going then baby” your mom said as she took hold of your hand and lead you to the car.
The whole journey you thought of what ice cream flavour you were going to have and what toppings would go with it. You were unaware of the car trailing behind you and didn’t even notice when Scarlett took a few wrong turns in order to get rid of them. “Are we there yet mommy?” You asked from the backseat, the long ride making you fidgety “almost sweetie, just a few more minutes” Scarlett said, eyeing her wing mirrors to check she wasn’t being followed and sighing a breath of relieve after realising she wasn’t.
You were thrilled when you finally arrived, allowing your mom to help you out of the car and walk with you to the small ice cream shop. You were sat at a small two seat table in the corner next to the window after Scarlett had ordered both your desserts. You spoke about all kinds of thing with your mama, you told her all about your week at school and your new best friend Chelsey. Scarlett told you all about her week at work, on Monday she had been at the outset office and yesterday she was filming for a new movie.
The time slipped away as you enjoyed your bubblegum ice cream and rainbow sprinkles. An hour had soon raced past and Scarlett decided it was about time you headed home. When you stepped out in the street a gentlemen on the other side of the street had his eyes glued on you “come on sweetie let’s take a little walk back to the car” Scarlett said, leading you in the opposite direction and away from the man. When you turned the corner with your mother a large group of people came running towards you. “There she is!” Someone called “it’s Scarlett Johansson!” Another shouted.
“Mommy” you whined as you grabbed hold of Scarlett’s arm “it’s okay baby come here” she said as she lifted you up in her arms. “Scarlett can you tell us anything about the new movie?” A pap asked demandingly, the crowd around you both closing in quickly. “Scarlett how old is y/n now?” Another woman asked. You hurried your face into Scarlett’s neck and wrapped your arms tightly around her “mama” you cried. Scarlett pulled you as close as she possibly could into her body, gently kissing your forehead.
Soon you made it to the car park, followed closely by the large group of flashing cameras. Scarlett was trying her best to just ignore all the people, her sole focus was getting you away from them. Now next to the car, your mom propped you down beside her to find her keys. “Scarlett this way!” A man shouted as he pushed through the crowds colliding with you in the process and knocking you to the floor. “Hey!” Scarlett screamed as she came to pick you up “get the fuck away from my daughter!” She yelled, the man backing up slightly.
Scarlett helped you into the car before shutting the door “you lot are sick!” She screamed at the crowd “I know I chose this life but my daughter did not! You dare touch her again and I will shove that camera where the sun won’t shine” your mom angrily said, a few members of the pap has already given up and backed away, off to find their next target. “Lighten up Scarlett this is our job” the smug man said “and my job is to protect my daughter, you publish any pictures of her and I swear you’ll be behind bares before you know it! Get lost!” Scarlett screamed, taking a step towards the gathering of people.
It seemed people didn’t expect her to get so angry and many of the paps moved away quickly. The rest stood in shock, fearing the wrath of Johansson. “Don’t make me tell you again” Scarlett said, causing the rest of the group to scuttle away. Your mom opened the car door and climbed in next to you “I’m so sorry baby girl are you alright? They’ve gone now I promise” Scarlett cooed as she pulled you into her lap. “Don’t like it” you sniffled “y/n sweetie I’m so sorry, this is all my fault I should’ve known the paps would come and find me” Scarlett said as she held you close. “Not your fault mommy” you said as you reached up to wipe away a stray tear falling down your moms cheek.
Scarlett gently brushed a hair away from your face “I promise I’ll always keep you safe baby girl, as long as I’m here no one will ever hurt you” your mama said as she slowly rocked you “I know mommy” you smiled up at Scarlett “I’m alright” you said. Scarlett smiled back at you “my brave girl” she said “shall we go home and have a snuggle?” She asked. “Yes please” you cheered.
@saraaahsstuff / @dannipotatoo / @tobiaslut / @a-simpfortessa-lesbriean / @marvelnatasha12346 / @yelenasdiary / @mousetheorist / @ashadash0904
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natashaslesbian · 14 days
For You
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Summary: You’ve been going through a rough patch with your moms for a while, after a big argument you finally tell them how you feel.
Word Count: 1.2k
Parings: (Wandanat x Daughter!Reader)
Warnings: none I believe :)
The walls shook as you slammed your bedroom door shut, the tell tale sign of another fight with your moms. Most teenagers have arguments with their parents, who usually have high expectations of them. But being the daughter of the Black Widow and the Scarlett Witch meant that your expectations were set much higher. Growing up your moms were your best friends, you spent every second with them, it was the three of you against the world. You had a magical childhood and all your school friends were jealous of your home life, however after your 13th birthday Natasha and Wanda decided that it was time for you to start training alongside Peter. It was nothing extreme, a few hours a week in the gym and some basic self defence. As Peter progressed you soon fell behind, not only disappointing your teammates but also your mothers.
You let out a sigh as you slumped down onto your bed, rolling over to face the wall incase of any unwelcome visitors. You replayed the row in your head, Natasha’s words loud and clear in your mind. “Why can’t you be more like Peter, he’s doing so well, he puts so much work into his training, he’s not lazy like you!” She had shouted across the room. That was your final straw. If only they knew the effort you held within you, they just didn’t care about it as it had nothing to do with being an avenger. As a kid you loved to draw and paint, and as you got older it became a favourite hobby. At first your moms would take your cute little drawings and put them around the compound to be admired but as they transitioned back into work and long missions they didn’t really have the time to appreciate your art anymore and very quickly they forgot about your favourite activity.
A knock at the door arrived as another tear slipped down your cheek. “Go away” you huffed. Shortly after came a gentle click of your door. “Who said you could come in?” You asked. Your mom didn’t say anything just yet, she simply walked over to your bed and took a seat next to you. “Y/n” Wanda said “I- I’m sorry. I hate when we fight kiddo” she said as she reached for your hair. “Mama started it” you replied as you pushed away her touch. “Baby mama didn’t mean what she said. We had words after you left and she knows she was wrong, she’s gone for a walk to calm down” your mom said as she shuffled closer. “And I know that I was wrong too” she said, causing you to look up at her. “I shouldn’t have shouted like I did” Wanda said with a hint of guilt in her eyes. Your mom never usually shouted at you, she was normally the calm one although still echoing everything your mama was saying.
Wanda’s vulnerability made you think for a moment. You had always hidden how you truly felt, putting on a tough act so you didn’t disappoint your moms even further. When Wanda had come to see you, you were prepared for round two with her. But the delicacy she had entered the room with caused something in you to shift. “Why am I not good enough for you and mama?” You cried out, the sight breaking Wanda’s heart. “Baby don’t say that!” Your mom cooed as she pulled you up into her embrace “you are good enough for us darling” she said. “You just want me to be like Peter” you sobbed “you’d rather him be your kid” you tried to push away from Wanda’s hold, but she tightened her grip around you, “we don’t think that y/n” she said. “I know I’m not as good as him at combat and weapons and stuff but I am good at other things! Why can’t you see that? I’m trying so hard to make you proud of me but nothing I ever do is good enough!” You cried.
Without realising, a second pair of arms had been wrapped around you, a steady hand was trailing through your hair. “Mama?” You mumbled as you looked up to see her green eyes. “I’m never gonna be good enough for you am I?” You said as you melted into her arms. Natasha had been stood outside your room for a few minuets listing to yours and Wanda’s conversation. She felt so guilty when she heard what you said and came running to your side, crying along with you. “Oh my little spider, look at me” Nat said as she cupped your cheeks, bringing your gaze towards her. “I promise you’re enough baby girl, I’m so sorry I made you feel like you weren’t. Your mom and I are so proud of you but we’ve been blinded by our own want for you to become an agent. But it’s not what you want is it?” She asked. You looked at her confused for a moment, finally starting to calm down again. “Your artwork” Natasha whispered.
“Mama you remembered?” You asked. “Of course we did sweetie” Natasha said “baby you’re a fantastic little artist we loved when you used to bring us all your drawings” Wanda said as she brushed your hair back from your face. “But I thought you didn’t care anymore, you just wanted me to focus on being an avenger” you cried “you never had any time for me” you mumbled as you laid in your moms arms. “You’re right baby girl and mama and I are so sorry” Wanda said as she kissed your forehead. “Y/n being an agent and an anger is all your mom and I have ever known” Natasha said “we’ve not put being mothers first and we know that now. We thought we were putting you first by pushing you into training but we weren’t and we are so sorry” she finished. You sat up so both your moms could see you, you took a deep breath as you prepared to tell them the truth “mom, mama” you whispered “I don’t wanna be an avenger” you cried out “I’m sorry” your moms both scooped you up immediately, both now crying with you.
“We know that now sweetie” Wanda calmly said “you don’t have to be sorry” she said. “I don’t wanna disappoint you” you mumbled as you wiped your nose “dekta you could never disappoint us” Natasha said “this is your life and you’re old enough now to decide how you want to live it, all we want is for you to be happy” your mama said. It was like a breath of fresh air had hit your bedroom, everything you had wanted to say was finally out in the open. “I think I know what I wanna do” you said looking up at your moms “what is it darling?” Wanda asked “after I finish school, I wanna go to college, to study art. Is that ok?” You sheepishly asked. “Oh y/n of course it is” Natasha said “it might be expensive though” you frowned “well that’s what uncle Tony is for” Your mama giggled “and besides we’ve got some money put away from you, it’s plenty enough to get you where you need to be” Wanda said “really?” You asked, trying hard to hide your excitement. “Really baby” Natasha said “whatever you need, we’ll sort, we’re your moms and that’s our job” Wanda said as she ran her hand under your chin. “I love you mom” you said to Wanda “I love you mama” you said to Natasha.
@saraaahsstuff / @dannipotatoo / @tobiaslut / @a-simpfortessa-lesbriean / @marvelnatasha12346 / @yelenasdiary / @mousetheorist / @ashadash0904
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natashaslesbian · 19 days
Nats daughter is going on her first mission and it doesn't go well. She's hurt and lost somewhere until Nat finds her and brings her back home
Send Out An Army
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Word Count: 1.4K
Natasha was beside herself with worry. Her one and only baby girl off on her first solo mission. You’d been arguing with her for weeks, trying to convince her you were ready. It was only natural that she was worried but you had gone through the academy training just like everyone else. Natasha finally agreed to let you go when she sat in on your training session with Steve and you managed to knock him on his ass three times. You left a few hours ago and so far Nat had tried training, reading and even resorted to doing her paperwork to keep her distracted. She was in her office now, trying her best to keep her eyes off the clock.
It was quiet in Natasha’s office, so the sound of her mobile ringing took her by surprise. An unknown number appeared on the screen so Nat was skeptical about answering. She brought the phone up to her ear whispering a hello and listening to the crackle coming from the other end. “Hello?” Natasha asked again, being met with the same silence. She was about to hang up when a small voice called through “mama?” It whispered. “Y/n?” Natasha said, pulling the phone back up to her ear “baby are you okay?” She asked with a panicked voice. “Hurts mommy” you mumbled “what hurts baby? What’s happened where are you?” Natasha frantically asked as she made her way to find Tony and the rest of the team. “Lost” you coughed through the phone.
Natasha came bounding down the stairs where she met Clint and Steve in the kitchen. “Natasha?” Clint said, seeing the fear in his best friends eyes. “Y/n baby talk to me, where are you? What hurts?” The redhead said as she dragged the boys down the hall with her. “I don’t know mama” you cried as Natasha switched her phone to loud speaker “baby have you activated your tracker?” Your mom asked as Clint filled Tony in best he could of the situation. “Lost it. I’m scared mommy” you mumbled. “It’s alright sweetie we’re gonna find you I promise” Natasha cooed down the phone. “Stark where is she?” Steve asked as he joined Tony at the computers. “I’m not sure, somewhere in Bulgaria” he said. “How can you not know where?” Steve said frantically “it’s not standard procedure only Fury knows the exact location” Tony said, trying his best to hack into S.H.I.E.L.Ds files as quickly as possible. “Then call Fury!” Clint shouted.
You began coughing loudly over the phone “mommy” you cried. “It’s okay baby girl take some deep breaths for me alright we’re gonna find you” Natasha said as calmly as she could. Tony continued to scan the files as Steve headed off to gather the rest of the team and prepare the quinjet. “Mm tired” you said through the phone “y/n I need you to stay awake for me okay sweetheart” Natasha said, fighting back her tears. “Y/n?” She questioned when you failed to answer her “y/b baby talk to me” she pleaded. “Tony find her now!” Clint shouted, taking the phone from Nats hand “y/n its uncle Clint, can you tell me where you are? What’s around you bug?” He asked, pleading for you to respond. The silence was deafening as the three waited desperately for your voice to come back through the phone. “She’s in Yambol!” Tony cheered as he finally cracked your location “okay Steve’s on the jet let’s go” Clint said. “She’s dead I know she is” Natasha cried “hey don’t go there yet, we’re gonna find her” Clint comforted as he guided the redhead to the jet.
It felt like weeks you had been lying in the grass, the sharp pain had long ago turned into a dull ache and you were struggling to keep your eyes open. Your cries fell into the open space and you fought to keep your breath, the warm pool of blood being the only thing keeping away the cold. “Mom” you whined into the empty space, pleading for your mother to come and find you. You held on for as long as you could until your eyes finally fluttered closed. In your last consciousness your ears began to ring, sounding like a small crunch of leaves along the ground. Your mind started playing tricks on you, the sound of your mom calling echoing through your head.
Your shoulders began to shake and a soft hand against your cheek pulled you back into reality. “Y/n come on open your eyes baby” a familiar voice called. “Mommy?” You mumbled as you pealed open your eyes “I’m here sweetie, mamas got you” Natasha cooed as she lent over you protectively. “You found me” you smiled up at your mom “yeah we did baby” Nat said as she gently stroked your hair “we?” You sleepily asked. “Hey kid” Clint said as he came to your side and began tending to the open wound on your abdomen “we’re gonna get you home alright” he said. You groaned as your uncle pressed down on your injury, quietly crying out in pain. “Shhh sweet girl it’s ok, you’re okay now” Natasha comforted you “thought I was gonna die mama” you weakly said.
Natasha lent her body down beside yours to give you a tight hug, avoiding your wound “oh my baby I’m so sorry” she said. “I should never have let you come this is all my fault” your mom cried. You slowly reached up your hand to wipe away your mamas tears “no mommy” you whispered “you saved me” Natasha took your hand in hers and gently kissed it. You cried out again as Clint pressed down on your abdomen “sorry kiddo” he empathised “so tired” you groaned, eyelids fluttering closed “no no come on sweetie keep your eyes open for us ok” Natasha pleaded “you’re gonna be alright baby we’re gonna get you home” your mom cooed. You tried to keep your eyes open but being back in your mamas arms you couldn’t help but bask in her comfort. Before long you lost the battle, falling into unconsciousness. “we need to get her to the jet” Clint said to Natasha.
You felt a gentle scratch along your scalp as you began to wake up, unsure of where you were and almost who you were, until you opened your eyes. “Hey baby girl” Natasha said as she rose to her feet by your side. Her red hair was messy with loose pieces falling by her face, the bags under her eyes were a give away as to how long you had been out. “Mommy” you croaked out “you look tired” you said. Natasha let out a small laugh as a stray tear fell from her eye “oh y/n, I’m okay I promise, you’re the one who needs looking after right now” she said “we look after each other mama” you smiled, attempting to sit up but stopping as a sharp pain shot through your abdomen, reminding you off why you were in the infirmary. You sighed loudly as Natasha softly took a hold of you “easy baby, just lie back ok” she said as she helped you to lay back down “you get some rest ok, we’ll talk later when you’re properly awake” your mom said as she placed a soft kiss on your forehead.
It was a few hours later when you woke up again, your mom still sitting by your side. “There’s my girl” Natasha said “look who’s here to see you” she said as she pointed to the man on the other side of your bed. “Uncle Clint” you smiled “thanks…for what you did” you said sadly “hey none of that” Clint said as he saw your eyes well up “don’t you dare go blaming yourself kiddo, missions go wrong, whatever happened wasn’t your fault” he said. “It was” you cried “what did happen sweetie?” Your mom asked. “The brief said the facility was abandoned, but when I got there it was crawling with agents” you began, your mom placed a comforting hand over your own. “I set off the alarm trying to get in through the back door, I tried to get away and I thought I’d managed but when I stopped in the woods an agent came up behind me. I didn’t think he had any weapons so I fought him without mine but he pulled out a knife. I fell down when he cut me and I thought he was gonna kill me but they called him back to the facility” you sobbed.
Natasha felt the anger rise in her chest “the brief was wrong?” She asked “imma kill Fury” she said, answering her own question. “Mommy don’t go” you called after her as she headed for the door. “I’ll go, you stay here” Clint said as he guided Natasha back over to your bed “you’re not as scary as me” she giggled as she sat back down with you “no” Clint said “but the least I can do is warn Fury of angry mama Nat” he said as he pulled the door closed. Your mom turned her full attention back to you as she sat next to you on the bed “I’m here baby girl” she cooed “it wasn’t your fault ok” she said as she brushed your hair away from your face. You dropped your gaze, still feeling guilty despite what Natasha said. “Hey” your mom said as she lifted up your chin “I am so proud of you” she said “why? I failed” you whimpered. “I’m not talking about the mission, I’m proud of you y/n” Natasha said, leaving a soft kiss on your hairline.
“How did you find me?” You sleepily asked “Tony hacked into S.H.I.E.L.Ds data base” Natasha said. “He did?” You questioned “yeah he did” Nat answered “everyone was so worried “I’ve never seen Bruce move so fast” your mom giggled. You let out a small laugh at the thought. “I didn’t think they’d all come” you said “I knew you’d find me mama but I didn’t think everyone else would come to get me” you mumbled, almost falling asleep again. “They’re your family baby, of course they’d come” your mom cooed “you know they care about you right?” Natasha asked “I know” you smiled up at her “you’ve got a whole army of love and protection behind you y/n, don’t ever forget that” Nat said as she tucked you up in your baby blanket, she made sure you had it the second the team brought you to the medical bay. “Rest up okay baby” your mom cooed. “Can you read to me mommy? Please?” You asked with half closed eyes. “You never have to ask twice sweetie” Natasha said as she pulled your book from her bag, another essential she’d grabbed along with your blanket. Her soft voice lulled you into a comfortable and deep sleep. The deepness with which she spoke her words causing a gentle hum throughout the room. Your mom continued to read long after you had fallen asleep, comforting both you and herself.
@saraaahsstuff / @dannipotatoo / @tobiaslut / @a-simpfortessa-lesbriean / @marvelnatasha12346 / @yelenasdiary / @mousetheorist / @ashadash0904
121 notes · View notes
natashaslesbian · 23 days
Safe With Her
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Word Count: 1.9k
Parings: (Scarlett x Teen!Reader)
Warnings: death / abuse / bruising / talks of sexual abuse but not extremely detailed
“Hey kiddo” Scarlett said as she came into the guest bedroom “you ready for bed? How you settling in?” She asked. Tonight was your first night in the Johansson-Jost household. Last week, child protection services removed you from your mother’s care after a school teacher reported your bruising to the CPS. You would’ve been thrown into the foster system if it wasn’t for Scarlett, there were no living relatives to take you in. When you were five years old, your dad took you to an open call audition for a minor roll in a new upcoming film. The directors hired you instantly and your first day on set you met Scarlett, she couldn’t explain it but she felt so protective of you and the two of you stayed in contact after the film wrapped.
You fell back into the shadows after the movie released, your character had a total of two lines so you weren’t expected to gain much recognition. You had hoped to go to more auditions but after your father passed away you lost the passion and your mother couldn’t have cared less. Scarlett came to the funeral with you and stayed at your house a few days after. It was clear that your mother was in denial, she was in no state to take care of you. When her next movie came up, Scarlett had to go back to work and since then you had only managed to see her a few times over the last 10 years. Now you were sitting in her guest bedroom after being introduced to Colin and Cosmo, you met Rose when she was born.
“Y/n?” Scarlett asked, bringing you back into focus “I’m okay” you said. “You hardly touched your pizza, thought that was your favourite?” Scarlett warmly smiled “it is, I’m sorry I’m just not that hungry” you tried to smile, but it didn’t work. “You don’t have to apologise sweetie” the blonde said as she came to sit with you on the bed “this is a big change, it’s a lot to take in isn’t it?” You nodded “how about I bunk up with you tonight?” Scarlett asked. You smiled, you’d like that a lot “won’t Colin be mad?” You asked “no of course not, he’s on baby and toddler duty tonight, so I can take care of you” Scarlett said. “Ok” you hummed, Scarlett lent forward and brushes your hair behind your ear. “Alright, I’ll go get ready for bed then we can snuggle, how’s that sound?” She asked. “Good” you nodded excitedly.
You’d been cuddled up in Scarlett’s lap for a while now, she was gently running her fingers through your hair trying to sooth you to sleep. You seemed unable to settle though, constantly fidgeting and shuffling in her arms. “What’s going on y/n/n?” The blonde asked. “I’m sacred” you whispered into Scarlett’s neck “oh sweetheart I know this is scary, it’s okay” she said. “No” you mumbled sitting up “I- I’m scared of Colin” you said as you dropped your gaze. You were preparing for her to shout at you but Scarlett softly pulled your chin up, finding your eyes. “Why?” She quietly asked “He- will- I- I’m scared he’ll hurt me” you shyly said “sweetie Colin would never-“ “I know” you cut her off “It’s just- at home, moms boyfriends” you paused, unsure how much you should share with her. “You can tell me anything darling” Scarlett said.
You couldn’t hold on anymore, the tears you had spent your whole life holding back started to fall. You curled into yourself, bracing for the impact of fists. Your mother hated when you cried, she said it was almost the most annoying thing in the world, the most annoying being you of course. You felt arms wrap tightly around you and for the first time in so long you didn’t push them away. You allowed your body to be anchored into Scarlett’s hold, it was warm and secure. You cried so hard you began to soak Scarlett’s shirt, she gently shushed you as she held you close. “It’s okay baby” she cooed “take some deep breaths for me okay?” She said as she heard you struggle to suck in a breath. “I’m sorry” you sobbed, looking up to Scarlett. “You have nothing to apologise for y/n” she said as she continued to gently rock you in her arms.
After a while, your cries started to soften. So much so that Scarlett thought you’d drifted off into sleep, until you shifted in her lap. “You’re okay sweetie” Scarlett gently coaxed as you began to sit up. “I- um- when- ughr” you sighed frustratedly, all of your words were just stuck. “It’s alright, take your time” Scarlett said as she looked down into your lost searching eyes. “After my dad died, it was just me and my mom for while” you began “things were somewhat ok at first but without dads work we got short on money fast. My mom refused to work and she started drinking to cope I guess” you paused, checking to see if Scarlett wanted you to continue, she nodded “she would get angry and shout, we argued a lot” you continued “after a few years she started dating again, it seemed to help her, she was happy again” you shifted back into Scarlett’s hold, you were afraid she would look at you differently.
The blonde wrapped her arms tightly around you and urged you to continue. “She’d had a boyfriend for a few months and she wanted me to meet him so she invited him over for dinner. It was fine, he seemed ok. He asked to stay the night which I thought was strange but my mom said yes. I said goodnight and went to bed as normal” you pulled Scarlett’s hand towards your own, wanting to fiddle with her rings to keep you calm. “I woke up a little while later and… Matt, the boyfriend, he was in my room. I tried to ask him what he was doing but he told me to be quiet and came over to my bed. He got on top of me and I tried to push him off but he held me down, told me to be good for my mom, I didn’t know what he meant. He was too strong and I couldn’t get him off me. He started touching me” you cried out. “How old were you?” Scarlett said while holding back her own tears. “12” you sobbed.
You held onto Scarlett’s hand so tight it was starting to be uncomfortable for her, but she didn’t mind. “It felt like it lasted for hours” you whimpered “I couldn’t move. I couldn’t scream. I couldn’t do anything” you sobbed. “Oh baby I’m so sorry” Scarlett said. “After, he left my room and went downstairs. I thought he left so I went to find my mom but when I saw her, Matt was giving her money. She saw me at the top of the stairs and she didn’t say anything, she just looked at me. She took the money and put it in her purse then said goodbye to Matt.” You took a few moments to calm your breathing before you carried on “my mom came up the stairs and she walked past me and went to bed, I didn’t understand what was happening but a few nights later, another guy came round and…he did it again. She took a shopping trip the next day and I finally figured it out” you cried “she was selling me to men so they could-“ you couldn’t finish the sentence, you’d never said it out loud.
Scarlett had never felt to angry in her life. It took all of her energy to not loose control right in that very moment. She wanted so scream, make you tell her each and every name of the monsters that had done this, she’d go out and find them and make sure they never laid another finger on another girl, woman or anyone. But as you laid in her arms, so broken and fragile, she knew that was the only place she wanted to be. “I’m so sorry sweetheart” she said “how long was this going on?” Scarlett asked. “She would never have stopped if my teacher didn’t see that bruise, the bruise he left a couple nights ago” you sobbed. “Oh baby” Scarlett cooed. “They think the bruises are from my mom, I just said they were because I was scared I didn’t know what to say” you whimpered “are you gonna make me tell?” You asked. “We can think about all that another time y/n. Right now we’re gonna stay right here okay. You don’t have to do anything right now” Scarlett said.
The two of you stayed cuddled up for a while until you spoke up again. “I’m sorry, I know Colin would never hurt me” you whispered. “You don’t have to apologise baby” Scarlett said “it’s okay to be scared but I promise that you’re safe here. We’ll all spend time together so you can get to know Colin better but you don’t have to spend any time with him until you’re ready” she finished. “No I want too” you said as you looked up at her “I wanna spend time with Colin, Rose and Cosmo too. And you of course ma-“ you paused, unsure if she would want you to give her that title. Scarlett picked up on your discomfort and reached down to gentle kiss your forehead “mamas here sweetheart” she cooed “my brave girl” she said as she ran her fingers through your hair. You smiled widely up at your mama, loving that she accepted you calling her that. You’d always considered her a second mom and now she was your one and only mama.
After a few more tears, you finally fell asleep in Scarlett’s arms, she pulled the duvet up above you both and shuffled further down into the bed. When she was sure you were deeply asleep, Scarlett let her tears fall. She didn’t want you to see how your story had hurt her, after all you were hurting a lot more and it was up to her to look after you. She kept her tears quiet and ran her fingers along your arm to sooth herself, eventually drifting off to sleep with you. The next morning, Scarlett had Colin take the kids out for breakfast so that you and her could talk things over. She reminded you many times that you didn’t have to do anything you weren’t ready for, and although you were scared you decided you were going to report what had happened. Your mama promised to be there every step of the way and continued to shower you with love for the rest of the day.
You spent the afternoon with Rose and Cosmo. The young boy seemed to take an instant liking to you, fussing horrendously when it was time for his nap. Rose wouldn’t leave your side either and you both ended up asleep on the couch after dinner. Scarlett and Colin stood in awe of the new member of their family, cuddled closely together when Scarlett asked “can we keep her?” Colin looked down to his wife, knowing that the first moment you came home he wanted the same thing. “She’s not going anywhere” he said. The two moved you both to your bedrooms and settled you down for the night. After, they met at the kitchen table, making calls and taking notes, getting the process started of adopting you. Even as you slept you knew you had found what you always wanted along with so much more.
@saraaahsstuff / @dannipotatoo / @tobiaslut / @a-simpfortessa-lesbriean / @marvelnatasha12346 / @yelenasdiary / @mousetheorist / @ashadash0904
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natashaslesbian · 27 days
Oh! Scarlett introduces R to her colleagues (at the outset or Marvel set) and she gets a bit shy so R sticks by her mom
Mamas Girl
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Word Count: 988
Today was the annual ‘bring your kid to work day’ on the marvel set, the filming of Endgame had been taking place for a few months and finally a date had been set for all the actors to bring their kids with them for the day. You had managed to avoid all the previous meetings, saying you needed to study or that you had a headache. You had met most of the cast on a few occasions by now, that wasn’t the problem, it was the amount of people that caused the hair to rise on the back of your neck. You were also the oldest kid, being in your early teens while the rest were toddlers, it’s not like you could hang out with them. You had tried so hard to get out of this day, but your mom pushed every problem aside. She even moved the dentist appointment you made yourself to next week so you could come to set, you just didn’t want to upset her by saying you’d rather not go.
You arrived at 11:30am and most of the cast had already arrived for the day. You stuck close by your mom as she said her hellos and just politely waved when they acknowledged you. “Come on sweetie there’s a few new people I wanna introduce you to” Scarlett said as she pulled you out of her trailer with her. You stuck closely by your mom as the two of you made your way through the set. “Y/n this is Chris Pratt, Chris this is my daughter” Scarlett said introducing you to yet another Chris “ah the little Johansson, pleasure to meet you” he said as he extended his hand “hi” you mumbled shaking his hand in greeting. “Oh there’s Joe, I just need to speak to the director hunny I’ll be back in a minute” Scarlett said as she began to walk away “wait can I come with you?” You called after her “I won’t be long y/n, I think Lizzie’s around if you want to find her” your mom called back.
You wanted to run after your mom but your feet were stuck to the ground. “So” Chris said awkwardly “how old are you y/n” he politely asked “14” you mumbled shyly, scanning the room for any sign of someone safe, preferably your mom. “I think Scarlett will be back in a second, sorry I’ve gotta run to makeup, it was nice meeting you” Chris said excusing himself from the awkward situation. You felt your legs begin to shake as you continued to search the room for your mom, a few cast members flashed you small smiles but you just ignored their gazes. “Hey kiddo” a voice called from behind you, you thanked the stars when you realised it was Lizzie. “Hi Elizabeth” you quietly said as she led you to a nearby couch “you waiting for your mom?” She said “and you can call me Lizzie by the way” she bumped your arm. You nodded politely and began biting your finger nails.
Lizzie attempted to make some small talk with you but as she figured it was more of a one sided conversation. “Lizzie!” Scarlett beamed as she came back over to you both “its great to see you” she said as the two said hello with a hug. You allowed the two a brief catch up while you came to your mom’s side, the anxiety finally subsiding. “Alright sweetie I’m not needed for a little while so you wanna go back to my trailer?” Scarlett asked you “yes please” you said. The two of you said goodbye to Lizzie and made your way back to Scarlett’s trailer. You held on tightly to her hand as you danced through the crowds. “You ok y/n?” Scarlett said when you grabbed her hand, you simply nodded. “Hey talk to me little bear” she cooed as she opened the door to her trailer.
“I’m sorry” you whispered as your mom led you towards the couch “there’s just a lot of people here that I don’t know” you mumbled. “Oh sweetie” Scarlett said as she cuddled up with you “I’m sorry I should’ve realised it might be too much for you” she said. “I don’t mean to be like this, I’m sorry” you sighed “hey stop apologising” Scarlett said as she gentle brushed your hair from your face “there’s nothing wrong with being a little shy you know” she cooed. “How do you do it, all the people you have to talk to?” You asked, avoiding her gaze. “Well I guess I’ve been doing it for so long I don’t really think about it anymore” Scarlett said “but I still get nervous sometimes. I know it probably looks like I’m really outgoing but it’s just part of my job, I’d much rather be curled up with you all day” your mom said, lifting your chin up to meet her gaze.
You leaned into Scarlett’s embrace and gently closed your eyes “love you mama” you said as you buried your face in her neck “I love you too my little bear” Scarlett kissed your forehead. Your nap was short lived as your mom gently shook you awake “baby I’ve gotta go makeup do you wanna come with me?” She asked. You groaned as you tried to pull her back to cuddling you “wanna stay here with you mommy” you mumbled sleepily. “Me too sweetheart but mommy has to work” Scarlett said giving your tummy a soft tickle “you can sit with me the whole time I promise, even on mamas lap if you want too” your mom teased. “I’m not a baby” you pouted “well you’re my baby” Scarlett said as she helped you to your feet. “My shy little baby, you know I wouldn’t want you any other way than yourself” she said as she kissed your forehead. “Mom don’t be so soppy” you laughed.
@saraaahsstuff / @dannipotatoo / @tobiaslut / @a-simpfortessa-lesbriean / @marvelnatasha12346 / @yelenasdiary / @mousetheorist / @ashadash0904
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natashaslesbian · 1 month
Same here! Comfort fics of any type never fail to make me feel better. Yours are so sweet and always leave me smiling!
Aawwweeeee thank you!🤍
0 notes
natashaslesbian · 1 month
And what exactly made you decide to write platonic reader? I would do the same if I could write because Nat would have been a great mom
I write romantic stuff sometimes but platonic is deffo my fav! Nat would absolutely be the best mom and comfort fics are my fav I read them before bed and they make me feel all cosy🤍
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natashaslesbian · 1 month
Hi! What inspired you to start writing? Espesyal for Marvel?
Heyyyy!! I always liked creative writing in school but because of my dyslexia I was never considered good at it. I joined tumblr like 2 years ago and started reading marvel fics so I decided to try writing my own stuff. I just love Natasha with my whole heart so I love to create little stories with her🤍
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natashaslesbian · 1 month
I really wanna get to know you guys more and talk with yous more. Let’s chat in my asks??
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natashaslesbian · 1 month
We Saved Each Other (Part Seven)
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Summary: Your mom starts to notice some differences in your behaviour and she’s not the only one. With the help of Maria and Clint they figure out the next steps
Word Count: 1.9k
Parings: (Natasha x Daughter!Reader) (Natasha x Clint) (Natasha x Maria)
Warnings: Crying, panic attacks, talks of autism symptoms/diagnosis (written from personal experience with my own autism)
A week ago, you and Natasha moved into Clint’s barn. It had been recently refurbished so it was the perfect place for you and your mom to take residency in. There was a cozy fireplace in the living room and the windows held a beautiful view of the wide fields. Although you were excited to have your new mommy and be living next door to your uncle, auntie and cousins, you were having a hard time settling in. Natasha was starting to notice some differences in your behaviour, the way you reacted to light and sounds and the subtle ways you were a little different to Lila. The young Barton was the only example Nat had of a normal upbringing for a child and in the months you’ve been with her it was obvious you weren’t developing in the same way. Natasha just thought it was your red room upbringing, they didn’t exactly care about the well being of their widows.
The interruption to your routine once again had Natasha’s suspicions on high alert. You were seeming to thrive at the tower but this big change was taking its toll on you. It was yet another restless night for you both, you were again taking residence in your mamas bedroom. “Come on sweetheart, just close those pretty eyes and I’m sure you’ll be asleep before you know it” Natasha whispered “I don’t like the sheets mommy” you whined. Your mom had brought seven different sets of bedsheets by now, both for your bed and her own, but you seemed to hate them all. “I know baby, I promise I’ll go and get our old ones in the morning” Natasha said as she gently stroked your head. You were desperate for your old bedsheets, they were so soft and comfy, they felt like heaven. You continued to fidget a little longer until the exhaustion finally caught up with you and you finally fell asleep.
Breakfast was the next mountain to climb, there had been no time to grocery shop so the cupboards were filled with little to nothing from the Barton’s pantry. Every morning you had coco pops, but since moving in all there had been were cornflakes and you hated them. They went soggy in the milk and got stuck all around your teeth. Natasha has tried to offer you other alternates including pop tarts but all you wanted were your coco pops. “You won’t grow big and strong if you don’t eat your breakfast y/n” Natasha cooed in the hopes today would be the day you would actually eat the cornflakes (or anything else for that matter). “I don’t like it” you mumbled as your eyes became watery “oh sweetheart don’t cry” Natasha said as she came to your side “how about mommy takes a trip to the store after I pick up our sheets okay?” She suggested “yes please” you said.
You begged Natasha to take you with her to the tower, you couldn’t bare to leave her side. Your mom explained that there was work being done and it would most likely be very busy but still, you refused to let go of her as she tried to pass you into Clint’s waiting arms. “I think I’m just gonna have to take her with me” Nat sighed as she adjusted you on her hip. “You need a ride?” Clint asked “yeah that’d be great actually” Natasha smiled, grateful for the extra pair of hands. You fell asleep during the journey, giving your mom a few minuets to finally get a little rest of her own. “Somethings wrong Clint I can feel it” the redhead muttered as she looked down at your sleeping form. “Is she sick?” Clint politely asked, “no, no something else is wrong” Nat sighed “it’s something else, I just don’t know what”
As soon as Natasha stepped foot in the tower you bolted awake as the sound of drills invaded your head. You cried loudly into your mamas neck and wrapped your hands tightly around your ears. “Shhh sweetheart it’s okay it’s just some construction work remember” Nat cooed in an attempt to calm you down. “Let’s get up to your room” Clint suggested, leading you both quickly to the elevator. You calmed slightly when the doors finally shut, opening your eyes to blink up at your mama. “See you’re okay baby” she whispered. When the three of you arrived at your desired floor, it was apparent that the work being done wasn’t just confined to the lobby. You shrieked at the sudden appearance of hundreds of workers, all of them men and racing past you in every direction.
You squirmed out of Natasha’s hold and crashed to the floor in a panic. “It’s alright y/n, come on let’s go get our things” Nat said as she crouched down to lift you back up. “No!” You yelled as hands attempted to pick you up off the floor. You found your feet and they took you running through the forest of tall legs around you. “Y/n!” Natasha called after you, the fear of loosing you setting in quickly. She began to run after you, swiftly followed by Clint. The two bumped into every worker as they tried to keep their eyes on you but soon enough you were out of eyes reach. “Y/n!” Natasha called again, throwing a builder to the floor as he crossed her path. She came to an abrupt stop as the crowd around her dispersed and she was met with the many hallways leading to different parts of the tower.
Clint came crashing into Nats side and managed to stop them both from hitting the floor. “Natasha take a deep breath” he said as she met the widows eyes “she can’t have gone far we’ll find her” he assured. “Clin- Clint” Natasha stammered “I can’t- breath- Clint” she mumbled as she tried to take a breath. “Natasha, hey, look at me, you need to breath for me, like this ok” Clint said as he began to take deep breaths encouraging Nat to do the same. The red head didn’t know what was happening to her, sure she’d had many panic attacks and breakdowns before but they had never been this bad. By now, Clint had learned how to best help his friend when these moments arose, he led Natasha a few feet down one of the several hallways where it was slightly quieter.
Nat pressed her back against the wall and gently slid down to the floor. “Natasha” Clint said as he crouched done next to the redhead “deep breaths okay, in and out, you’ve done it before you can do it again” he calmly spoke. Natasha was just starting to regain control of her breath when Maria came running down the hall “Romanoff” she called, the widow immediately turning off her emotions when the agent appeared “it’s y/n she’s in your guys room” Maria said, out of breath from her small jog. Natasha didn’t waste a second as she stood to her feet and sprinted wildly down the corridor. She almost crashed into the door but managed to stop herself before she could burst in and scare you even more. “I’ll be here” Clint said from a few doors down, giving Natasha the space to comfort you.
“Y/n baby” Natasha quietly called as she slowly pushed open the door “are you in here?” You peaked your head out from under the covers when you heard your mothers voice. Her eyes landed on yours and she softly walked over to the bed “what happened sweetheart, did you get scared?” Natasha asked, you nodded your little head as you reached out to your mom “too loud mommy” you whimpered. Natasha didn’t hesitate for a moment as she came to scoop you up into her arms “oh baby I’m sorry, I should’ve known it might upset you.” She cooed as she wrapped you up in her embrace. You let our soft whimpers as your mama gently rocked you, the motion slowly lulling you to sleep. “You have a nap baby girl, I’ll get us home okay” Natasha whispered.
A soft knock on the door brought Nat back to reality “come in” she quietly said. “How is she?” Clint asked as he peered around the door “asleep, the noise scared her I think” Natasha said. “Can I talk to you? Can we talk to you?” Clint said, pushing the door wider to reveal Maria stood beside him. “What’s wrong?” Natasha said in a fearful tone “nothings wrong I promise, it’s just, well we wanted to talk to you about y/n. About maybe getting her tested for a learning disability” Clint said. “What” Natasha said, gritting her teeth. She gently placed you down between the sheets and ushered the two agents outside. “What the hell are you talking about?” She said frustratedly. “Well” Clint began “this morning in the car when you were saying that you thought something was wrong with her” he said “I didn’t say something was wrong with her” Natasha cut him off “she’s not stupid” she bit at the pair. “No ones saying she is” Maria said “she might just have some different needs” she finished.
“Are you calling my daughter special needs Hill?” Natasha questioned angrily. “Natasha calm down we’re just trying to help, we’re concerned and I know you are too” Clint said. “I guess she is different I just- figured it was because of the red room” Natasha said sadly “but it’s not is it” she sighed. There was a moments pause before Maria spoke up again. “I noticed a few things when we were at the store a few weeks ago, when she got lost. And Clint said he’s noticed some stuff to” she said. Clint cleared his throat “she obviously doesn’t like loud noises and crowds are defiantly an issue for her” he said “there’s other things as well like her delayed speech and her reaction to light. I’m worried it might be autism” he finished. “Autism” Natasha questioned. She had heard of it before but remained unsure of what it actually looked like, if any girls at the red room where found to have any kind of disability they were executed.
“So what do we do?” Nat asked, all she wanted to do was keep you safe so although the circumstances made her nervous she knew she would do whatever it takes to help you. “We can get a shield professional to asses her” Maria said “they’ll look at her behaviour over a period of time and then make a diagnosis” Natasha let out a nervous sigh “okay” she whispered. “Whatever happens we’ll be here for her, and you” Clint said. “Will they take her away from me?” Natasha asked, keeping her tears at bay. “No of course not” Maria said “Natasha it’s not your fault” she continued when she realised the root of Nat’s worry. “Hey look at me” Clint said “nothing will ever change the fact that she’s your daughter. This will just allow us to help her.” He said. “Okay” the redhead sighed “I’ll set everything up” Maria smiled, excusing herself to get back to work. “Why don’t I take you both home” Clint said.
The journey back felt longer than usual. You stayed soundly asleep in your mamas lap as she gazed down at you with love. Natasha was battling with the thousand thoughts racing through her head. Would people look at you different if you had a learning disability and how would you cope with another issue on top of the mountain of ones you already had. The widow pulled you closer into her chest as you began to squirm “shhhhh you’re okay, mamas here baby” she cooed. “Mommy” you whispered “bad dream” you whimpered. “I’m sorry sweetie. Mommy’s here okay. I’ll always protect you” Natasha said as she gently kissed your forehead. She meant every word, she would always and forever look out for you.
Finally the next part of WSEO is here! Sorry it’s been so long🩷
@saraaahsstuff / @dannipotatoo / @tobiaslut t / @a-simpfortessa-lesbriean / @marvelnatasha12346 / @yelenasdiary / @mousetheorist / @ashadash0904
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natashaslesbian · 1 month
Mine All Mine
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Word Count: 1.2k
A/N• This is the cutest thing ever istg actual tears in my eyes
You sat patiently in Colin’s lap waiting for your mommy to come home from work. Today was a shorter work day for Scarlett, a few simple reshoots was all she needed to get done. Your mama was out of the house before Colin woke you up, you hadn’t since Scarlett since you went to bed last night and you missed her so deeply. You sighed deeply “daddy Colin?” You shyly asked, “yeah sweetheart” your stepdad said “when will mommy be home?” You asked once again.
Scarlett and Colin had been married for over a year now and just recently you had started calling Colin ‘daddy Colin’. He was over the moon when you started to except him into your little family, he knew it might never happen and he promised you he would never take the place of your birth father, so you decided you wanted to call him daddy Colin so that way you had two dads. It was a big change for your little brain but Scarlett was so proud of how well you were adapting.
“She should be home any minute now” Colin said “that’s what you said last time” you whined, the seconds feeling like hours. You cuddled into Colin as you continued to focus on your favourite cartoon, fiddling with your step dads sleeve. You were starting to fight off sleep, it being close to your nap time, when finally the front door opened with a gentle click. “Mommy!” You yelled when you saw her blonde hair, leaping off Colin’s lap and running to Scarlett. “Hi baby girl!” Your mom beamed as she lifted you up into her arms, slipping off her shoes in the process.
You stayed glued to your mommy’s hip as she made her way to say hello to her husband. The two shared a sweet kiss which you were not happy about. You reached up to Colin’s face and pushed him away from Scarlett “my mommy” you said cheekily. The pair laughed at your adorable pouty face but when Scarlett tried to pass you to Colin to take a quick shower you let out a loud shriek. “No!” You yelled as you gripped onto your mom’s shirt. “Y/n that’s not very nice” Scarlett said.
Colin took a step back and your mom tried to place you back on the floor. “No mommy!” You screamed as you wrapped your arms around her neck. “I think someone just want to be with mama don’t they?” Colin cooed, his slight parental instincts kicking in. Scarlett gave in to her little girl, as usual, and swaddled you back into her arms “alright baby” she said “well mommy needs a shower so I guess you’re coming with me?” Scarlett asked. You nodded your little head and huddled your face into her neck, happy you got your way.
Scarlett had hoped that after getting you and herself all clean and cosy in some pjs for the afternoon, you would allow her some space. But as soon as your mom said she was headed to her office to complete some paperwork you were running after her down the hall. “Mommy mommy I come too!” You said happily “baby why don’t you go and see Colin, I bet if you asked nicely he’d be happy to colour with you” Scarlett said. “No mommy I come with you” you pouted with crossed arms - clearly you had spent too much time on the set off black widow.
Of course your mom gave in once again and soon enough you were crawling into her lap while she switched on her laptop. You stretched out across her legs and cuddled into her hips while she began to work but the lack of attention was not suiting you well. You grabbed onto Scarlett’s hand and pulled it into your chest, giving it a tight squeeze. “Sweetheart mama needs both hands to do her work okay” your mom said, attempting to pull her hand back. “No mama no!” You grumbled as you fought to keep a hold of her.
Assuming you were getting sleepy, Scarlett took you to your bedroom for a nap. As soon as you realised where you were going you fussed in her arms “Nuh uh I’m not tired!” You said “y/n sweetheart I need to get on with some work ok so either you have your nap or you sit with Colin until dinner time” Scarlett attempted. “But I wanna be with you mommy” you whined. Scarlett huffed in defeat, she wanted nothing more than to be with you too but she had to get her work done.
Your mom considered taking you back to Colin, but given your clinginess there was no chance you would be happy about that. “Ok baby why don’t we go to your playroom hm? You can have some play while mommy does her work” Scarlett offered. “Okay” you nodded, allowing your mama to carry you through the house. Scarlett stopped by her office to grab her laptop and then walked with you into your playroom.
You decided to play with your dolls while your mom settled on the small couch to continue her work. You were entertained for a total of three minutes before you were desperate for Scarlett’s attention again. You waddled over to your bookshelf and picked your favourite book, taking it towards your mommy. Once again you crawled into her lap and placed your book in front of her laptop screen. “Y/n” your mom said, a warning tone in her voice “please mama just one story” you begged and Scarlett sighed loudly but gave in never the less.
Colin had been reading his book in the living room for a while now, so he decided it was about time to start dinner. He scanned the cupboards and the fridge to see what he could find. When he couldn’t decide for himself he set off to find his wife for her input. He headed straight to her office, assuming that’s where she was after she had put you down for a nap, little did he know you had been attached to your mommy the whole time. After checking their bedroom and yours, Colin figured there was only one place you both could be.
Walking softly towards your playroom, your stepdad had expected your hear your giggles or any signs of playtime. When he reached the door the silence was deafening, Colin gently pushed the door open and was met with the most beautiful sight. On the small corner couch Scarlett was laid at an awkward angle, one arm wrapped tightly around you and one holding a book. Colin smiled as he crept in and picked up Scarlett’s laptop, placing gently on your small table. Grabbing a fallen pillow, Colin silently moved Scarlett’s head slotting the pillow in behind assuring she wouldn’t wake up with a stiff neck.
Your stepdad continued to scan the room for supplies and noticed a discarded blanket by your toy box, it was small but it would do. Colin took the fluffy material and gently draped it over your and your mama, tucking it under your chin. You stirred slightly and rolled into your mom’s chest, she subconsciously pulled you closer and wrapped both her arms around you tightly. A frozen Colin resumed his actions when you had both settled again, he tucked you in all snug and laid a small kiss on Scarlett’s forehead and then yours. “My beautiful girls” he whispered “sweet dreams” Colin said has he ran his fingers through your hair. Your stepdad snapped a quick photo of you both and switched off the overhead light before leaving you both to a nice nap.
@saraaahsstuff / @dannipotatoo / @tobiaslut / @a-simpfortessa-lesbriean / @marvelnatasha12346 / @yelenasdiary / @mousetheorist / @ashadash0904
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natashaslesbian · 1 month
First Moments
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Summary: Some of your first moments as Wanda and Natasha’s little girl
Word Count: 754
Parings: (Wanda x Nat) (Wandanat x Daughter)
Warnings: none :))
A/N• I’M BAAAACKKKK. So excited to get some new fics out
“Is it the 4th today?” Wanda called to her wife. “No the 3rd” Natasha called back as you continued to rock you in her arms. The witch placed down her pen and gently closed your baby book, she rose from her chair and slowly crept over to wrap her arms around Natasha’s waist. “Our baby girls first smile” the widow whispered as she looked down at you, beaming with pride, then turning her neck to kiss the witch. You babbled softly looking up at your moms “are mommy and mama talking about you baby?” Wanda cooed, reaching her hand out to brush your chubby cheeks. You leant into her touch and a wide smile was drawn across your face. “Well, she’s definitely got the hang of smiling” Natasha said, mirroring your grin. “My beautiful girls” Wanda said “I love it when you both smile” she blushed.
The continued mimicking of a plane was not amusing you anymore, you pushed your hands out in front of you and pushed the spoon away. “Come on baby girl, open up” Natasha pleaded, she had been trying to feed you for over half an hour now, and so far you had only swallowed three mouthfuls. “Want me to try again?” Wanda asked, lightly massaging her wife’s shoulders. “Sure” Natasha sighed in defeat. The readhead took a deflated seat at the kitchen table while Wanda took her attempt to feed you. “Okay sweetheart, open up for mommy” Wanda cooed bringing a large spoonful of mush towards your mouth. Your tiny uncontrolled arms immediately shot out, crashing directly into the spoon and sending the food flying straight into Wanda’s face. Both women froze as you erupted into laughter, highly amused at the mess you had caused. “Was that funny baby?” Natasha giggled, adoring the sound of your first ever laugh. “Natasha can you just get her baby book!” Wanda demanded, wiping the goo from her face to match eyes with her little devil. And she always denied it, but Wanda would relive the moment of your first laugh over again a million times.
You had been crawling for over 5 months now, and your moms were starting to worry that you hadn’t yet figured out how to stand. You had surpassed every milestone so far in your short life, racing through your early development. Even though Nat and Wanda would hold you on your little feet as soon as they let go you traveled straight to the floor. You were currently playing with your mama, stacking up your alphabet blocks and knocking them back down again, it was your favourite game. The door opened with a soft click as Wanda returned from work. The noise caught your attention straight away “is that mommy?” Natasha cooed at you “is mommy home?” She asked. You mumbled in joy when you saw your mom rounding the couch to say her hellos. “Hi baby girl” she waved at you “hello my love” she said as she lend down to give Nat a gentle kiss. You babbled upon seeing the actions of your moms, deciding that you wanted some attention too. You flipped round onto your knees and crawls towards the sofa, carefully missing the fallen blocks. You reached up to grab the cushion of the couch and used it to pull yourself up onto your feet. “Oh my god Wanda look!” Natasha said, both women turning to watch as you found your footing. “Are you standing up all by yourself?” Wanda said brightly, you giggled as you patted your hands along the sofa “I’ll get a pen” Natasha said as she ran her fingers along your head.
Wanda careful closed the book in her lap, reaching up to wipe the fallen tear on her cheek. She had spent the last 2 years filling out this book, how was it already finished? “Babe what’s wrong?” Natasha said from the doorway, wrapped up in a fluffy towel. “Nothing” Wanda lied, “let me get dressed then we’ll talk” Natasha said placing a kiss on the witches forehead. Your baby book was placed on the bedside table as Nat joined Wanda on the bed “talk to me sweetheart” she said. “It seems like yesterday that we bought that book, and now it’s finished. All of our baby girls first moments gone” Wanda sighed. Natasha smiled at her wife’s sensitivity, it was something that she admired so much about her. “Oh Wands” she said “there are so many more firsts to come” Natasha said as she pulled Wanda’s chin to meet her gaze. “We’ve got the whole of eternity left to love y/n. Just because one book is finished doesn’t mean she’s done growing up” she said while rubbing Wanda’s back. “I don’t want her ever to grow up” the witch mumbled. “She’ll always be our little girl Wanda, even when she’s 30 years old. There are so many more firsts too come, her first day of school, her first big bed, her first time on a plane, and one day her first boyfriend or girlfriend” Natasha said, not really wanting to think of you so grown up either. “Well she’s never allowed to date Nat” Wanda joked, she just wanted to protect you from everything. “She will” Nat laughed “and we’ll be here for it all, even her first heartbreak” Wanda looked deeply into the widows eyes “we can’t protect her from the world can we?” She asked. “No. We can’t. But we can walk by her side through it” Nat said.
Your moms loved you more than you would ever know. The nights they had dreamed of you were now the reality, you were everything to them and they would continue to be everything to you.
@saraaahsstuff / @dannipotatoo / @tobiaslut / @a-simpfortessa-lesbriean (?) / @marvelnatasha12346 / @yelenasdiary / @mousetheorist / @ashadash0904
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natashaslesbian · 2 months
Almost 2 weeks into my lil hiatus.🩵
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