oneinathousand · 1 year
These bio-mechanical designs with mythological inspirations from the Macintosh game Samurai Mech II are rad. These pictures aren’t in great quality, but I don’t have the know-how to download the game, parse the Japanese and extract the images from the source, so these are screenshots from a Youtube upload. Oh well. 
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The end credits these are showcased in were very stylish for the time period, flashing a bunch of pictures of these enemies in different poses framed like comic panels and flashed in rapid succession to give the illusion of movement, all while a banger of a soundtrack plays behind it, it’s very cool (though if you do have photosensitivity to extremely fast-moving images, you might want to skip a viewing). I’ll probably upload more of these pictures in the future.
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vulneprostudio · 2 years
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Early Whispers of the Deep bio-mechanical Taedai, a human character Gavin Middus, and a bio-mechanical SADUS character concepts, circa 2011, 2012,  2014. Also posted on our https://theos-ke-polemos.tumblr.com
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lafcadiosadventures · 9 months
I never forgot Hugo’s description of his first contact with a train:
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“The gave me Watt entirely naked, when I’d rather have him clothed by Benvenuto Cellini”
1) I agree, I love useless ornament. (although 19th c trains are beautiful to me xD)(and if he thought 19th c needed more ornaments what the hell would he think of contemporary architecture/design) 2) i wish someone would write about the quotidian with this much visionary power nowadays
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musclesandhammering · 2 months
There’s zero chance Loki and Hela having so many similarities is just a coincidence. And even though we’re most definitely never getting a full explanation for it, I’m so curious as to what you guys believe the reason is. Do you think:
a.) Loki’s a shapeshifter who can see people’s memories when he touches them. So when Odin picked him up as a baby, he saw Hela in Odin’s mind and shifted himself to resemble her.
b.) Loki and Hela have the same biological mother.
c.) Hela is Loki’s biological mother.
d.) Odin changed Loki to look like Hela when he first held him, because he missed her.
e.) Hela’s biological mother is jotun, and she and Loki both have black hair/pale skin/green aesthetic/etc because that’s just what frost giants look like when they take an asgardian form.
f.) Hela and Loki are both adopted, both children of Laufey. Odin took Hela centuries earlier, then when he realised Laufey’d had another child, he took Loki too.
**I’ve listed these in order from the ones I find most likely to least likely, if you’re curious. Tell me which headcanon you prefer, I wanna see.
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rocksanddeadflowers · 10 months
so i've been listening to elysian fields way too much lately and thinking how fucked up that song is for the mechs to perform. like put death to the mechanisms out of your head (bc that basically didn't happen yet with udad) and listen.
they're immortal. they can't die. the song is all about the sweet release of death, and arguably a gentle one at that, cradled in the fields on a world were nature ceases, next to the grave of your deceased beloved. it's a beautiful song, and arguably, ulysses got their happy ending.
the mechanisms don't get that, though. most didn't even get the option of keeping mortality. they're stuck on the mortal plane, in flesh and metal, with no escape or release within reach.
their finale performance of this album is the bittersweet comfort of mortality and endings, something they're well aware they will never be granted.
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nosnexus · 2 months
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Daily sketches! Mechanical stuff is so hard and I should do more of it.
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size-two-shrimp · 9 months
ULTRAKILL Subnautica (BZ) AU. Angels instead of architects. V1 and V2 frolicking with peepers. The horrors. Gabe squabbling with Minos and Sisyphus via V1 and V2. All the fluff and angst potential. The horrors. Cool glowing fish and the horrors. Do you understand?
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yutaan · 1 year
I can't believe I have to ask this with my own mouth and type this with my own two hands but.... will you ever drop the rita+dio heights 👀?!?!? Honestly I'm jk because they have that mechafiction thing going on so it's nice to leave it up to imagination but I'm just tickled pink the way you refer to him as tiny or 'comparatively' small. Rather than an actual height, is Dio small compared to the average person or just his super cool and adoring, amazing and loving tall gf Rita? From the mash up drawings I've seen, Dio is always the smallest person on the page :3 I love a confident little man in charge so I adore Dio and Rita and their dynamic <3 The caption about him being in distress because his gf was out of shot in distress had me cracking up lolol
Darlingest anon I cackled SO hard when I got this ask; thank you for being interested in my motorcycle kids!! And you are in luck: Even though I usually don’t get too fussed about how tall characters are, this is the one project I have where I did work out out everybody's heights. If you don't want to know exact answers, I'll just say that Dio is, in fact, Tiny specifically when compared to Rita. He's of pretty average height! Even a little taller than average! She's just QUITE tall.
And if you do want the exact measurements, Dio is 5'5 (and a half)! Rita is 6’3 in her bio body and 6’4 in her mechanical proxy body so next to her he simply looks like a bean rather than a beanpole. AND the rest of the main cast actually ALSO skews quite tall so he just… appears short most of the time. He doesn’t mind! It's rad! His girlfriend is tall and amazing and can lift him up with one arm and he is THRILLED about it.
Rita and Dio are in their late teens in the main part of the story, so it’s possible they both could still grow slightly? They’ve pretty much reached their full adult heights, though; it would be a very minor difference.
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shkika · 9 months
i agree that someone should mod in a way to rebuild moon in some capacity
or maybe a campaign where you play as her and can wander the world and stuff
I think that's a fun idea for a mod, combining assets from submerged and spearmaster's Moon sounds like a challenge, but a fun one.
Maybe a mod for Riv campaign. A rarefaction cell today, the entirety of her memory arrays tomorrow if any cat can do it, it's that goober.
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spookyspaghettisundae · 2 months
Too Afraid to Protest
With a twist of the keys, the lock clicked into place.
Evening’s growing dark turned the window panes of the store’s front door into reflective surfaces. Maisie Williamson, owner of Amazing Maisie’s Beauty Salon, lost herself in the mirror image of her store.
It looked great. She looked great, too. Felt a way to match.
It had been a good day.
Little did she know what awaited her that eve.
She flipped the sign on the storefront windows.
Maisie’s feet were killing her, despite her feel-good comfortable sneakers. A short night’s rest and a long day had been making her eyelids as heavy as lead for the past hours since noon. Oh, how she yearned for a hot bath and her cozy bed.
The tips they had earned all day made up for the toils. The words of encouragement, the good news she had heard for herself and others… it had just been a great day all around.
She shuffled about her empty store, ensuring everything was in its proper place. Words from conversations and compliments still echoed in her mind.
With a smile on her lips, she wrapped up her last chores, locked up all cash in the safe, and finally slipped on her winter jacket.
In the back office, where she paused, her hand hovered over a pack of cigarettes on her desk. Habit made this motion natural, but she resisted the temptation.
Maise had been keeping that unopened pack around to keep resisting that temptation. It had been working out well enough.
Instead, she grabbed her pack of spearmint chewing gum, and popped a stick into her mouth, before rolling up the wrapper between her fingers.
The smile on her lips still, she shuffled on out to the back of her store, shutting off all lights along the way, until the entire salon had gone dark.
Time to go home.
Just as she reached the salon’s backdoor, she froze. The balled-up wrapper from her chewing gum reminded her—she needed to take out the trash, as Lily had probably forgotten to do that.
With a sigh, she turned around and to the other door nearby.
The door to the basement.
Its brass knob was cold to the touch.
It was always cold down there.
The brass knob squeaked. The old door creaked. She descended into darkness.
The fluorescent tubes downstairs flickered to life, with significant delay after flicking the light switch, while she thumped down every wooden step, with a cheery rhythmic bounce to it all.
Maisie was eager to go home. That the previous tenants of the building had believed it was haunted, well, that was the farthest thing away from her mind in that moment.
She was in such a good mood, she didn’t even harbor any resentment for Lily forgetting to take out the trash. Maisie snatched up the tied-up two plastic bags and swiveled, ready to leave with the same fluid motions that had taken her down into this cold, cold basement.
Those movements ceased. All happy thoughts of that bath and warm bed vanished in the blink of an eye.
Her heart skipped a beat.
A wave of alien warmth washed over her. As that surge of sudden warmth clashed with the cold of this basement underneath some Seattle city building, the colliding temperatures flushed her body with uncomfortable heat.
Yet Maisie froze.
Her lips stopped smacking from chewing gum. This time, she was frozen in shock. From a mouth agape, the wad of chewing gum fell onto cold, concrete floor.
A shimmering orb of brilliant light had appeared in the middle of her salon’s basement.
Hovering inches off the ground, it was made of pure light. Like she was looking into the shattered splinters of the sun. Floating triangles, refracting the light, circled in the clustered shape of a large sphere.
And the strange phenomenon, it… chimed. A beauteous melody, accompanied by a steady hum that thrummed all the way down to Maisie’s marrow—the sphere chimed. A mystical music emanated from the sphere, as breathtaking and serene as the apparition itself.
Maisie stared into the light of this… Anomaly.
It flashed brighter yet as a man’s silhouette appeared. He stumbled into the basement from the sphere’s blinding light. An unfamiliar shape that defied instant recognition, as she would only register later on what she was looking at.
He wore armor. Ancient armor, with shoulders shielded by metal pauldrons, and a breastplate articulated in rings to guard the man’s chest and belly, all the way down to feet clad in strapped sandals.
From head to toe, he was covered in blood. His eyes bulged, wide with terror. And a seething rage curled his lips.
When he lunged at Maisie, she screamed at the top of her lungs.
Her scream did nothing to stop the man. The trash bags dropped from her hands and she flailed helplessly against his iron grip. The man in ancient armor, covered in blood, wrestled Maisie around, and her sneakers scraped against concrete as he dragged her, pulling her away from the glowing sphere.
A hand as coarse as sandpaper clamped down over her mouth, and the taste of grit and copper soon admixed with the flavor of spearmint on her lips.
Only now did she recognize the sword in his hand—tipped by a crimson-caked blade, now raised to her neck, a silent threat to what he might do to her throat if she didn’t stop screaming or struggling.
On instinct, she went limp in the ancient warrior’s grip, and he dragged her farther yet away from the glowing orb in her basement, pulling her into the shadows behind a set of shelves, where even the fluorescent tubes failed to shine. He dragged her down with him, and they cowered in the gloom, seeing the gleaming sphere only through the little spaces afforded by items lining the shelves.
Her heart pounded with dread. The impossibility of this all had long shut off all conscious thought. The man held her tight. Squeezed her mouth again, as if to remind her not to scream another time.
Yet he lowered the blade in his hand, retracting its deadly edge from her neck.
Just when another figure emerged from the glowing sphere.
This new, second silhouette looked nothing like a human. The shelves between them only further obscured its strange shape.
To the beat of her pounding heart, its bulbous head jerked around. Against the backdrop of shimmering light, a ferocious maw opened, and revealed rows of shark-like fangs. Glistening until that maw snapped shut like a bear trap.
Spindly limbs contracted and flexed, then the creature’s back arched violently.
It screeched at the ceiling.
A raged screech. A horrific, alien screech, nothing like any animal was capable of emitting, at least not in Maisie’s imagination. So hateful and deeply twisted that it froze the very blood in her veins.
On the creature’s forehead, something blinked. Blood-red.
Not an eye but a light. A lamp, or a lantern. It pulsed.
Was it attached to its head somehow? Or part of it?
The red light pulsed as the creature emitted guttural sounds, pouncing on cardboard boxes, and spraying their artificial insides all over the place. Bottles of makeup and glitter exploded where the beast thrashed around in the basement, in search of its human prey.
The man in ancient armor stayed still. Kept his hand clamped around Maisie’s mouth, and she knew better now than to struggle anymore—he was hiding from his beast, and may have saved her life in doing so.
That was the only coherent thought she could form in those breathless, horrified seconds.
The beast’s thrashing claws tore through the basement, destroying more boxes, knocking over cans, and obliterating a different fixture of shelves like it was nothing against the monster’s raw power. The shelves’ contents flew all around, and stray debris shattered a fluorescent tube, followed by spraying sparks from exposed electric conduits.
The monster emitted another guttural sound in response.
Then it sniffed. Sniffed the air.
The man’s arms tensed, but the grip of his hands on Maisie loosened.
The world exploded into chaos again as she was sent flying—shoved aside, thrown almost. She tumbled against the wooden steps of the stairs, their sharp edge digging into her lower back with painful impact.
The beast swiveled to face its prey. Its misshapen head darted back and forth between the woman prone against the stairs, and the ancient man covered in blood, brandishing his sword against the monster. Another ear-piercing screech escaped its toothy maw. The man in ancient armor yelled in fury—indignant rage—with his sword raised, and defiant of the creature’s sheer monstrosity.
In the shimmering light of the glowing sphere, it was clear now: the monster was twice his size and mass.
No thought guided Maisie as she scrambled, slipped, tripped, fleeing up the stairs with reckless abandon. Acting on pure survival instinct, she ran, thumping back all the way up, skipping several steps as she escaped.
The last thing she saw of the man in ancient armor was him leaping at the monster with his sword’s tip pointed at the creature. The creature in turn had far more reach with its spidery limbs, all ending in razor-sharp claws, and lunging at the man with dreadful speed.
Without ever looking back, the wet sounds of blood splattering blended with shouts of fury and screeches of feral rage, as the ancient man and the horrid creature clashed in Maisie’s basement.
She slapped and cursed and finally ripped the backdoor of her darkened salon open, fleeing into the back alley, where—
Blinding light engulfed her. The cacophony of helicopter rotors deafened Maisie, and drowned out any noises of carnage echoing up from the bowels of her salon’s basement.
People shouted at her. Flashlights shone into her eyes, forcing her to alternate between squinting and screwing her eyelids shut. The shadowy figures of people dressed in black overwhelmed her entirely.
She tried to run past them, past the silvery rifles pointed at her, but someone seized her in another hold like the man in ancient armor, wrestling her around, then shoving her past, where she tripped, and another person caught her before she fell, only to shove her farther along.
Before she knew it, she was being evicted from the premises. An uncomfortable gloved grip around her arm squeezed and tugged and pulled her along, past thumping jackboots and jingling metal.
Under the floodlights from a helicopter hovering above Seattle’s buildings, casting the alleyway behind her salon in bright light, amidst a small army of figures in modern black armor and terrifying masked helmets, Maisie was shoved one way, then the other, unable to parse what anybody was telling her.
Yelling at her.
“Get her outta here on the double! Secure the neighboring buildings!”
Soldiers in black ushered her away. Others stormed past, jackboots tromping as they marched in a jog, futuristic weapons raised, and flooding into her salon’s backdoor.
Before she knew it, she was shoved yet again, forced down into the backseat of an unmarked, black van.
A beautiful red-haired woman, dressed sharply in an expensive-looking navy-blue three-piece suit, stared Maisie in the eyes with a smoldering intensity that stood at odds with her otherwise calm demeanor, and a fearsome smile—a sharp contrast to the chaos she had just been whisked away from.
“Hi there.”
A soldier slammed the van’s backdoor shut, muffling the noise of helicopter rotors and militaristic orders being barked back and forth outside.
What would follow Maisie’s questioning was a series of unpleasant instructions.
Maisie needed to forget whatever she had just witnessed.
Or there would be consequences.
Serious, serious consequences. For herself, and the rest of the world alike.
For now, and the days to follow, she was far too afraid to protest.
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royaltea000 · 10 months
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Sorry I just rediscovered the joy of making oc children and am going a little wild 🤠
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vulneprostudio · 2 years
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2018 Whispers of the Deep character (bio-mechanical and human) portraits, both color and monochrome. 
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monster-or-man · 4 months
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New tat baby!!!!
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the-r0adh0use · 9 months
"I'll slice you to ribbons!"
BMN-002: Sabre Man
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He was created by Dr. Wily from the bones of pillaged dig sites. He can manipulate fossils into many different shapes, earning his nickname: "The Bonesmith." His weapon of choice is the Sabre Claw.
Good point: Resourceful
Bad point: Catty
Likes: Fossil Reconstructions
Dislikes: Dogs
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cassieuncaged · 10 months
Nyx Mortal Kombat Mechanics & Bio
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Based on the MK character wiki pages. More beneath the cut.
About Nyx:
Born Rachel Rogers, she grew up in Colorado to a mother and father though her father died of cancer shortly after her younger brother was born.
Her mother struggled to make ends meet and worked multiple jobs to support her family. Rachel started selling drugs to help make more money. She was often arrested by local authorities and spent a lot of time in juvie.
Instead of going to college after high school, she enlisted in the military before assigned to special ops. She sent money home to her family.
After being discharged, Rachel found a hard time making ends meet and relocated to Los Angeles as began working for different underground crime syndicates to make ends meet.
Not much is known about her at this time other than she began working with Kano as a hired gun. She wasn't a member of the Black Dragon but spent most her time at the club and with other members.
She also had a short term casual relationship with Kabal.
Kano keeps her at his beck and call by black mailing her with her past, being the person who gave her tabula rasa. Because of this, Nyx feels like she has to submit to her boss.
Paths cross and she eventually meets General Sonya Blade of the Special Forces. Officially betraying the Black Dragon for immunity, Nyx hands over intel she's acquired over the years in an attempt to clear her name.
This puts Kano on the warpath who eventually enlists help from Outworld to begin a war with the Special Forces. Nyx's betrayal isn't the inciting factor but is more of the straw that finally broke the camel's back.
Has pale skin and has been compared to an uncooked shrimp by both Johnny and Cassie Cage. However, Nyx takes this in stride as she likes her ivory complection.
She has aquamarine eyes though she wears black, purple, and red contacts to add to a the mystique around her entire character. She also wears smoky eye shadow, black lipstick, and sports two piercings (one in her left eyebrow and a septum) as well as several on either ear (3 on each lobe, daith, helix, and industrial).
Original - black leather pants, black combat boots, fingerless gloves, a plain black, white or red t-shirt under a black leather jacket decorated with goth band buttons (Sisters of Mercy, The Cure, Joy Division, etc.), a plain choker, a studded mask covering the bottom of her her face, half black/half white hair that falls halfway down her back.
Moshing - ripped black jeans over fishnet tights, checkered creepers, hair down accept for two small space buns on either side, all make-up and piercings on, long sleeved fishnet top covered by an oversized band tee (most likely Bauhaus or Joy Division) and a choker with an o ring.
Red Carpet -hair down, makeup but no piercings, hair down, wears long black velvet evening gown with one slit up the side with matching spike heels that are used as a special finishing weapon.
Powers & Abilities:
Nyx may not possess any supernatural abilities, but she does both military and underground street fighting training. She prefers using weapons from a distance as compared to hand to hand combat since she doesn't like blood (which makes any battles between her and Skarlet very interesting).
But she's practiced both Judo and Karate since high school before integrating Krav Maga into her regimen. Nyx is very elusive and can move in credibly fast which makes her practically untouchable. Kano used her as a hired gun for these reasons as her agility mixed with the cover of night (i.e. her code name) made her chances of escaping undetected that much higher.
Fighting Styles:
Krav Maga
Thrown Weapons
Sig MPX K with a silencer
Ducati Panigale Matte Purple
flat kunai style throwing knives
Road Kill - Uses her Ducati to eviscerate her opponent's face with the front tire. Can be any distance from opponent to trigger.
Straight to the Heart - Throwing knife to the chest, far distance.
In My Sights - Uses her Sig with silencer and scope attachments from a far distance to effectively
Single White Female (special) - Similar to Straight to the Heart. Removes her black Stiletto before jabbing into her opponent's eye. Mid to close distance. Must be in Red Carpet skin.
'You're probably wondering how I got here' followed by a record scratch. Cut to Nyx playing The Cure on a record player before collapsing into a bean bag chair before inviting her competitor to join her.
has a white ferret named Ghost
practices yoga
secretly loves the color pink which Cassie mercilessly teases her about
despises going to Johnny's movie premieres but attempts to be supportive for her wife
enjoys vintage video games (specifically Dos Box games from when she was a kid) Her favorite was Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers
Was never able reunite with her mother after going underground. Eventually finds her younger brother Noah with whom she has a close relationship
Secretly misses her friends at the Black Dragon. She really only hangs out with Cassie and Jacqui on base which gets kind of lonely.
Never rides her Ducati without a helmet
favorite bands are Joy Division, Bauhaus and The Cure.
Has a collection of vinyl records. Her favorite is Bela Lugosi's Dead
Doesn't care for horror movies. Her genre of choice is neo noirs, likely for the vaporwave aesthetic.
Recovering alcoholic
Johnny Cage Announcer Names:
Daughter in Law from Hell
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rooolt · 4 months
the unfortunate truth of my life is that when I see the letters “ABO” on my biology exam, my first thought will always be the omegaverse and not blood types, and that’s just a personal truth I have to live with
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