#bc my goal number one is have fun
booksandwillowtrees · 17 days
I don't see why people are upset at the IH/TBK for how the ratgrinders ended up. They TRIED to redeem and connect with the RG it never panned out. They are playing a game and telling a story. If a path doesn't pan out they have to move on.
If TBK try and fail to connect with the RG and then the world is going to end in 1 hour, they might kill them (not always permanent btw!) in pursuit of stopping the end of the world. And you know what. They might be assholes about it, because the RG are also assholes about it. Like IDK. I like the RG. But also like if you're upset when the performers are excited about having defeated their enemies in a battle-game-based show, like I feel like you're setting yourself up for disappointment.
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milo-is-rambling · 3 months
I LOVE YOU PAST MILO -current Milo nauseas head in a sparkling clean toilet I cleaned literally a half hour ago and then got too high while celebrating how clean it looked and feel sick now😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
#but yipppee sparkly clean. gonna put a little sticky toilet gel thing on the inside while I’m in here#maybe throw up if another nausea wave comes before I can stand up 😭#I had too much cereal and a lot of water at once and like. yuck yuck yuck I feel yucky high on the floor yucky I wish I was normal I need to#back off of weed a little to become a real person but also. I’d rather dig my own grave and bury myself in it alive than work a real job#like. fuckkkkkk I want to cry. fuck retail fuck fuck fuck I’m a failure wahhhhhhh I cant even handle beginner jobs#rattling the bars of my cage screaming crying throwing up why am I alive waahhhhhh okay nvm that’s too far it’s not that bad I’m chilling#the toilet is clean! look at the bright side. my therapist when I talked about like my mom maybe wanting to set a goal for working like a#certain amount of doordash hours and my therapists number she came up with was three hours and I was so happy like. she gets it. I am#exhausted just existing and she was like hmm you should work three hours a week. like. at most.#love her so much. it was probably a mistake but also. keeping it in my brain forever#imagine a three hour work week being backed up by my therapist to my mom like haha my therapist said I only HAVE to do three hours#god three hours still feels like a lot rn#like two weeks ago I dropped a salad in a tight packed restaurant and everyone watched me drop it and then walk back to the kitchen and wait#for them to make a salad so I could leave and fucking deliver the food and it was so embarassing and I haven’t done a single order since#then bc I get so anxious that I just exit the app if I don’t get an order like immediately which I haven’t yet so no orders.#I just get high. too high. and admire my cleaning work. it’s nice. I have to do the bathroom floor still. dog hair. dust. brother beard hair#my hair and bleach specks. I need to clean the bathroom fr. I’m excited I’m redecorating the bathroom in my mind and it’s giving me#motivation to clean it and I want to work more dooordash shifts (when I’m not this high) to save moneys to update my room and the bathroom#a little before the summer. just. replace air matress bc it’s low key a trigger now. so that’s fun. so buy a futon or smthing. and update#the bathroom into a thing that I like in my extra Milo type way. while making room for three ppl to share one bathroom. bc. it’s small#small bathroom for sure. but I’ll get it lookin good. add some cute decorations. maybe a candle or two. an incense thing for when I tak bath#slay. slay. building my dream bathroom in my mind and also. my Amazon wishlist land. and Pinterest land. I love making lists of things.
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urfavstargirl · 11 months
inner man challenge! (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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hey babes!! okay, i know i said i was going on break but i got this sudden inspiration and yk i had to make a post!! so this challenge is called the inner man challenge, because it's all about fulfilling your inner man and staying in the wish fulfilled!!
making the state of the wish fulfilled your dwelling state
fulfilling your inner man
falling in love with imagination
not caring about the 3d
this is crucial! remove the intention of manifesting to be for getting in the 3d!!! "but girl.. the whole point of manifesting is to get it in the 3d" okay yes, if u want to believe that i can't change your mind. but to get it in the 3d we need to be fulfilled, and you can't be in the SOWF if you are still trying to get it! read this if ur still confused <3
me personally i feel like the reason why some people don't get results from methods, challenges etc is because they are doing the method to get it in the 3d, not to feel fulfilled. but thats just me 🤷🏾‍♀️
now for the fun part, decide what you want!! df, db, sp, a billion bucks in ur account, being the smartest of ur class, moving out of your paren'ts home, getting into your dream college, literally go wild!!
fulfill your inner man when your inner man needs fulfilling! if something bad arises in the 3d that shakes ur confidence, fulfill!
having the urge to look in ur bank account to see if you have a billion bucks? close your eyes, imagine your inner man looking at her bank account and seeing the numbers go up by the second!
one of your family members makes a comment about how ugly you are?? would your inner man care?? NO! bc she's fine asf!
if anything 'bad' happens in the 3d, imagine your inner man saying "uh.. thats cute but i'm living my dream life rn sooo.."
there's no schedule to this challenge!! no "in the morning say 1409834 affirmations, in the afternoon vaunt for 3 hours, in the night do starfish position and affirm for the void" NO!! literally just fulfill your inner man when ur inner man needs fulfilling!!
"don't force yourself to do a method you don't want to do! don't force yourself to visualize the same scene someone else even though it doesn't create any feeling of knowing inside of you and feels like a chore to you. don't repeat affirmations if you don't want to and don't repeat an aff you don't resonate with. do what you think is fun! and do what feels natural to you! by taking the pressure of being perfect off yourself, it's easier to imagine in order to experience, rather than to get it in your 3d." - @remcycl333
no need to stay in the SOWF the entire day, we are always changing states! for example, right now you're in the state of reading this post, and i am in the state of writing this post. it's all about making the SOWF your dwelling state! so if you accidentally stay in the state of lack 7 times but you are in the SOWF 8 times, then the SOWF is your dwelling state! (btw don't count the times you enter a state lmao)
get off tumblr, just delete the app.. like this place is literally just making you overconsume. you have better things to do!
if you have a negative thought don't spiral and think all your progress has gone to waste. breathe in and out, your inner man has it and that's all that matters.
have fun!! this challenge isn't like other challenges (soo quirky i know 😜), it's meant to fulfill you instead of making you stress about the 3d. make fun scenarios in your head, vaunt, just have a good time!!
WHEN you get successes (whatever you consider to be a success: feeling that your inner man is fulfilled, or getting it in the 3d) send it to me or make a post about it using #star's-inner-man-challenge!
if you have any questions let me know in my inbox, bye yall!! 💞
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normspellsman · 5 months
what sports i think the metkayina trio + spider would play modern au headcanons!
second part to what sports i think the sully children play!
slowly but surely trying to get thru this writer block & hiatus 🤞🏽
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swimming and/or water polo
— he probably just naturally has a build built for water sports so he excels in it & is super cocky about it too (#blessedgenes)
— was defeated not given the choice on which sport he’d play when he was younger. both of his parents probably did either sport so they’d want him to also do it as well. or they at least wanted him to do one
— i don’t see him being the team captain but he’d def be co-captain or an alternate. he loves the sport don’t get him wrong but not to the extent where he’d be team captain. he already has enough pressure to perform well & doesn’t need that kind of title placed on him
— def see him being a butterflyer or a backstroker. like he much rather do those strokes in a swim meet than the other two
— is 100% the type of kid to have “eat my bubbles!” sharpied onto his arm or lower back during meets. probably begged his mom to write it on there too 😭
— also has to have the order of his races written on his arm so he doesn’t forget the order & where he’s supposed to go
— sees no point in wearing a swim cap
— always challenged himself by trying to score a point higher from his last game in water polo or get a better time in whatever stroke for swimming. he’d make sure to ask his parents to like reward him or something so he’d have the drive to do it. but even then, he’s still able to do it without the prize
— wears sandals everywhere. period. no arguments.a
— has such a bad swim trunk tan line. he really tries to get it even in the summer or during swimming season by wearing speedos lol
volleyball (indoor, sand, + grass)
— girl is graceful asf on the court
— position would probably be setter or outside i feel like. she might not have the height for it but def has the hops. like a secret weapon of sorts. you’d never expect it
— is 100% the team captain
— she is so supportive of her team & always makes sure that one of her teammates is not stuck in their head or blaming themselves for a bad play
— i can see her number either being 1 or some random ass number, like 49 or 27
— always has the best hair-dos on the court. she seriously goes all out
— def the designated braider of the team so she has to make sure her girls are looking fresh asf on the court too 🫶🏼
— very humble about her accomplishments & wins. she very much believes that an individual does not win a game, a team does so all of that congratulations should be projected to the team rather than on an individual level
— probably has this pregame ritual where she gets there super early to get used to the size of the gym/court. peppers by herself & gets into the zone 100%
— does volleyball literally all year around. so she’ll do school & club for indoor, sand in the summer, & grass for fun. it’s her whole life tbh
— ronal is 100% the team mom. no questions asked
— i can also see her doing swim, but like only for a club during the summer when she doesn’t have anything for volleyball
— her & ao’nung are the best sibling duo in this sport 100%. they’re always paired up for a medley relays
— she likes free style more than the other strokes so that’s her main event during meets usually
— isn’t as passionate about it as her parents or brother. would much rather do & play volleyball than swim
— is also the kid to have “eat my bubbles!” written somewhere on there body lol
— i can def see him playing soccer & being like a striker or a forward
— is def the one that annoys the coach to no end & ends up causing the team to run laps bc of it. sometimes it’s totally not intentional. it just happens lol
— team clown 100%
— he doesn’t really score a lot of goals but he does assist his teammates in their scoring. has the most assists on his team (idk if that’s a thing in soccer)
— has the most weirdest celebrations ever whenever he does manage to score
— been playing since he could walk fr
— jersey number is probably something like 14 or a random even number. bro likes even numbers for some reason
— is a really versatile player & if need be, can play goalie or be a defender if a player is out sick or injured
— def plays for his school & local town club
— can def see rotxo playing this as well
— most definitely a catcher (idk why but i just see it)
— probably only got into it to work on his soccer skills somehow or to work on his eye & hand coordination since he’s quite good with his feet & eyes
— only plays for his school since soccer usually takes up most of his free time
— lowkey has a wicked curveball
— he likes the catcher uniform bc it looks like he’s an autobot from transformers lol
— surprisingly somehow became captain & doesn’t know what to do with that title most times
— really good at determining calls for the pitcher & suggesting what they should throw next
— no one would expect someone like spider to play this sport so everyone’s shocked when he says what sport he plays
— probably a defenseman & has the most penalties on his team lol
— ^ will literally fight everyone on the ice if need be. he plays dirty & truly doesn’t give a single fuck
— not a team captain but probably one of the alternatives. he’s more on the silent side regarding his “captaincy” but has the ability to talk his teammates up when they aren’t playing very well. bro has a way with words fr
— a lot of people think he’s a playboy hockey player but that’s FAR from the truth. he barely has enough confidence to talk to a girl on & off the ice. poor boy just shuts down
— since he’s like 6’0+, his build is really intimidating & he uses it to his advantage. def slams others into the boards as hard as he can when they’re down however many points. like, just imagine a 6’0+ dude like spider skating down the ice at literal lightning speed to slam you into the boards. i’d be shitting my pants fr
— started playing at the age of like 4 or 5 probably
— he loves skating so much that he goes to the rink or puts on rollerblades & just skates around to calm down or let out some steam. it’s really his outlet
— his number is most definitely 69 or 96. some funny shit like that
— will also defend his teammates with his life on the ice if someone were to fuck with them. that’s his family. he’d do anything for them
— ^ especially their goalie. bro is only gentle with their goalie & if anyone fucks with them, you best expect his gloves to be thrown & knuckles bloody from how hard he punched. ride or die fr
— nicknames probably consist of spider (obvi), kilometer (for miles lol), socks (for socorro), ironfist (for how much he gets into fights), & oreo/orro (for socorro)
— has the talent & ability to potentially go to college for hockey. he puts so much time & effort into his skills & the sport & it def shows through how he plays
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heartsfourdazai · 4 months
HAI RUE i’m here to request smth for you 😈😈 can you do bsd (or ur choice !!) w an s/o who is superr busy w sports (literally me) like its everyday mon - sat and …. for almost the whole day !!
have fun and go wild !
WITH A READER WHOS INTO SPORTS― dazai, chuuya, atsushi x reader
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warnings: lowercase writing!!
lets all forget that the icons are from haikyuu, bc it's a sports anime and it works well with the theme. bonus!! uhm; atlas!!! tysm for requesting and i'm so sorry it's coming out later then you asked!!
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goes to all of your games
he is your number one fan; n matter what your family says he is your number. one. fan
no matter what sport you play he will pretend he knows so much about it, but he doesn't even know what he's talking about.
he gets a tad bit upset when you tell him you cannot hang out'; you have practice.
"but-but i had the entire afternoon planned, 'donna!!"
"dazai; let go of my leg- dazai no- don't bite- DAZAI!!"
pouts when you kiss him goodbye, trying to manipulate you into staying.
it doesn't work.
cuddles you so much when you get home, no matter how late it is.
"dazai, i have two more praticaes, tomorrow morning and tuesday after 5-"
"can i come with you?"
"last time i brought you a soccer ball hit you in the face!"
"...that sounds like only a once in a lifetime situation."
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is happy you got a hobby of your own.
he doesn't show how much he gets upsets when you have to go to practice when he wants to be with you.
"i told you, it's one monday to saterday! i'll be free all day on sundays, so we can go to wherever you want then?"
you gave him a sad smile as you kissed him goodbye.
has offered to come with you to one of your games, and even packed water and snacks.
"don't nee my girl starving during her big game!"
"you sound like a dad, dude-"
"don't say that when i'm literally dating you!"
celebrates with you after every victory you've won, of course after you've had your victory with your teammates.
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he is curious and wants to know more about your sport that you play.
sure, he knows soccer.
you kick a ball and boom, goal!
uhm. yeah, your just missing a goalie who stops the goals.
"okay, this is a birdie-"
"it doesn't look like a bird. did nikolai ive you that? why are you talking to-"
"and that ends todays lesson, i've got to go, love you!"
he wants to play with you sometimes, and it usually ends with him again asking many questions.
he cheers for you on the sidelines, and he gets sideeyed so damn hard.
"what mean you have practice, you just did yesterday!"
"it's all week, babe, but i promise to hang out with you as soon as i get home!!"
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mrghostrat · 4 months
i appreciate all the kindness for my uni rejection, and anyone going through the same thing should def read through my replies if they need similar comfort. there’s a lot of “ATAR isn’t everything!” comments tho, which made me realise i haven’t actually talked much about my goals, so i wanted to share a little context.
i’m 30 (on the 17th). i took a gap year after high school and i went to uni at 19. i even dropped out a semester before graduating to pursue the one thing that was making me happy (my first original comic) during a really bad depression (undiagnosed adhd burnout). i got the last units and graduated a year later, a bachelor of game design.
haven’t used my degree once. i went into comics and freelance rather than games. but i also loved that degree and would do it all again, it was absolutely worth it.
i’ve been freelance and self sufficient for 6-7 years, and it’s fun and i’m proud of the things i’ve made, but i’m so tired. i’m specifically tired of having to work 7 different angles to make up one sufficient salary, and even if it ends up being temporary, i’d give anything for a 9-5. have someone else in charge for once.
got to the end of my rope last year and sat down to figure out what i like and what i’m good at. a Life Plan, yknow. i’ve always had an interest in teaching, helping, connecting like that. figured out degrees and became really invested in this new trajectory i pictured my life going on. i was also tired of waiting, because every time i wanted to move back to the city from this tiny town we’re in, somethings come up or delayed it. so zita helped me figure out how we could get the ball rolling and break our lease 3 months early, so we could move back to melbourne and i could start my degree this year. we looked for (and found) an apartment specifically on the side of the city that would be closest to my campus.
i hope that gives a lil context as to why i’m so devastated right now. the last 5 months have been me revving up to start this new chapter at the end of feb and one little email said nah.
the degree i wanted to do was a double degree, secondary education (hons) and a BA of fine arts. i was equally excited for both, because i never got to do a lot of actual art learning in my last degree, and the BA would give me all of that— life drawing, sculpting, painting, wood/metal/jewellery working, digital, fuckin everything. but it was the less important of the pair, when it comes to getting myself a job as an art teacher, because i already have the art experience. it was just a fun bonus, and the education degree was the one i NEEDED.
in nov i had to travel to melbourne to present a portfolio and interview for the BA. they showed me around the studio too, and i fell a little bit in love. i got the acceptance email in december, but i still didn’t have an offer for the education degree. another reason why i’m so discombobulated— i technically have an invitation, but it’s for the less important degree that would just be a money sink. do i go to uni anyway?? or just ignore this invitation and move on?
my state recently made education/teaching degrees free as a way of encouraging more teacher jobs. i learnt about this after i decided i wanted to pursue teaching, so it was just a fun lil bonus that i wouldn’t be adding to my student debt. apparently not, bc i didn’t think about how every teenager and their dog would apply for teaching degrees so they could get straight into uni without any debt. so, even tho i’m a graduate and i’m not relying on school scores, i was one in a million, likely just numbers on a page, and didn’t get in.
there could be other paths. i could start the BA and add the Edu degree later? i could reapply for mid year intake. i could… idk, most of what i could do requires emailing Monash and asking wtf, because i have no idea what’s actually possible and will need someone to lay it out for me.
still feels like i’ve run into a brick wall though. little bit shut down. more sad, not quite angry, but suddenly really spiteful for some reason— like “oh, you don’t want me? okay fuck you then, i won’t ever teach.” so stupid. just a bit fragile rn
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mediumgayitalian · 3 months
fic rec friday 3
hi!! welcome to fic rec friday. every week, i pick five fics i have bookmarked and rec them with a little review. check them out!
Memories Made by zjass06
"Hi! I'm Will! You're my new neighbour!" the blonde boy beams; Nico frowns in turn, peering curiously at this Will. "My ma' says not to talk to strangers," Nico replies as he sits himself upon the grass. Will plops himself down next to the dark haired boy, who giggles so purely it makes his smile contagious. "I'm not a stranger, I'm your neighbour! You live next to me now and we can be friends!" Or A few snippets of Nico’s life and how his friendship develops with Will, all within a much treasured treehouse.
childhood friends to lovers will ALWAYS be elite. to me. and the centrality of this treehouse in this fic is so fucking cute bc they absolutely are the type of nerds to have a treehouse they use well into their late teens lol
2. Mafia by @buoyantsaturn
Nico is the most terrifying mob boss in New York, and Will is his live-in doctor. A Mafia Au
MY FAVE SOLANGELO SERIES TBH. like is it toxic a little bit? yeah. did the second one make me squeamish? yeah. in the 6/7 years since its been posted, have i read it literally DOZENS of times?? you betcha. idk man theres something about the danger of it all. the insane mob boss and the doctor hes whipped for. SO SO much fun and so so so romantic
3. you stormed into the battlefield (of my heart) by fedyaism
“Doctor Solace,” he says, “would you be willing to tend to a foe?” Will blinks. (He had practically expected everything but this.) “I’m sorry?” “I need you to heal an enemy for me. Can you do that?” Grace asks in a tone that lets Will know that he wasn’t really asking. “An… an enemy, sir?” “Yes. I will send him to you.” “Of course, General.” (What else could he say?)
this ends ambiguously but i am Choosing to believe they find each other again and live happily ever after for ever and ever bc im a weenie. its just...man fuck the military and i got no fondness for war BUT this isnt real and ergo i can sigh dreamily at love that is inherently kind of tragic and all the more desperately beautiful for you, yknow??
4. It's a Process by @oh-hush-its-perfect
When Nico comes out to Hazel, she really isn't sure how to react. Of course, she loves her brother to pieces, but something is holding her back. It takes a while to get over old beliefs. It takes a while to become accepting. It takes Hazel a while indeed. A.K.A. Nico is gay and Hazel can't wrap her head around it.
contrary to what the summary may lead you to believe, hazel is NOT at all homophobic in this fic. in fact her number one goal at all times is to be supportive, even as she struggles, and you know what? thats more important i think. her love for her brother is so transparently obvious in this one, she spends like 8k words doing everything she can to make SURE she is loving and accepting!!! hazel i love you. also the campfire scene had me giggling fr
5. three times everyone thought they hated each other by lizamarri
and the one time everyone realized they didn't ~ ft. capture the flag, big three kids sparring, will healing nico and being sassy about it, and more. enjoy!
NOTHING hits as hard as flirt fighting. truly nothing. also 3+1s are my weakness i stg, theres just something about outside pov and the sheer clarity of how much they love each other and love driving each other up the wall lmfao
thank you for joining me this friday!! happy reading!!
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lovebvni · 6 months
things to look forward to + ways to move forward!! <3
hello, lovelies!! i’m finally doing a pick-a-pile on this blog… after about half a year of being active
this pap will be answering 2 questions, but they have multiple parts. what’s coming in (from what i can see) and ways to get to it.
disclaimer: this pac isn’t legal advice or what you should do in your life. it is just based off your current energy. and that can change. purely for entertainment purposes.
now please, close your eyes and take a deep breath. wait until you see a swirl of colour to exhale. let your breath and spirit guide you to a pile.
piles 1 -> 2 -> 3
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pile 1 — find it inside
hello, pile 1! here’s your reading :)
how close is your reward?
your reward is very close. 6 of pentacles coming out makes me have the vision on a banker grabbing their papers being put together before handing the recipient, you! maybe there’s like two more things you have to sign, or bring those documents to someone else, but at most im getting that there’s about 3 more steps left in the process? 4 at most. but seriously, you are close!
the papers can be to finally get your new business started… are you starting something like a business pile one? material wealth is coming through. the justice card comes to mind — perhaps in a legal argument with someone? i think this is the success about to come. or at least a satisfactory agreement.
what do you need to remove from your energy?
being too ambitious. you’re almost toooo focused and driven. are you cutting people off or isolating yourself from people and friends? honey you need a support group. it’s not always good to do things alone. you aren’t in a cage. your tunnel vision is too stuck on this goal you’re trying to reach. you need a breath of fresh air. just take a moment to relax and have a fun time. even students need a break from school, why do you think we have weekends? you’re wearing yourself out.
what do you need to accept?
finishing touches make everything look better. this is the final steps. just because i’m saying “oh you have abt 3 more steps” didn’t mean those are big steps. those are teeny steps. but material wealth(or a legal win) is coming either way, no matter what you change in the end. just trust the process.
a new focus & what to reject
stick to your plan! don’t back out of it last minute because you don’t like how it’s turning out. you need a BREAK! take a step back! but this doesn’t mean let everyone get into your business. keep it to yourself for now. it’s gonna work out, though!
thanks for reading, pile one! i hope this resonates, and i wish you the best!! now go have fun! stop working yourself overtime!
confirmation/additional signs: “don’t compare yourself to others”, don’t let others control you, have your own path and stick to it, “have some sort of tunnel vision”, the colour red, “girl trip!”, painting, “i need you to take a step back before i knock you on your fucking ass” — elita’s mentally not here, 555.
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pile 2 — gift from the gods
hello, pile two! this is your reading!
first off, i’m doing this reading with my friend nile (nile says hi bc nile always says hi 💯) and they said they REALLY felt the need to touch on ur overall energy. so here’s what they said!
“With the number of face cards that are in this spread, and the general theme I thought about while pulling out the cards, it seems like pile 2 is the type to ask others for 2nd and 3rd opinions alot? I mainly thought about family members but it could easily be like, friends, classmates, school counselors/teachers, etc. Pile 2 maybe feels like they're conflicted because they're getting way different opinions on something (or maybe that's the normal dynamic) and they aren't sure which one is good advice and which one isn't”
don’t second guess urself 😡😡 ur intuition is always right!
how close is your reward?
this idea is brand new, isn’t it? some something you just decided to try, to dabble in. to dip your toes in, maybe as a distraction? i feel like this is something you decided to do on a whim, so maybe you’re not that far along with it. i mean you aren’t even in the pool yet… how can you start swimming? so, i would say about a 1-3 out of ten.
what do you need to remove from your energy?
wow, fear of some sort of older male figure. you may have an older sibling, nile got a brother or a cousin. they have divine masculine energy. they may or may not be a male, though. they may be someone who reaches out when they need something from you. you need to learn to start saying no to them. i also think that this could be where your double and triple checking could come in. are you someone who asks “should i do this for them?” and most of your friends say no, but you only need that one yes and you’ll take it? why would you do that to urself :( it’s so harmful to give away your energy without gaining.
nile also brought up inner voices, “inner voices that has that sort of vibe, but this is the energy of a young, mean-spirited, holier-than-thou, smart-ass that moreso likes to spout their own ideals than to actually consider what is pile 2's idea of a 'reward'” and you know what i say to this energy? SUCK ON MY DICK!
sorry. that was out of pocket. but tell them to get a life, and cut them off !!
what do you need to accept?
have u had a romantic offer? or do you think someone’s attracted to you? grab them 🤭 get ur man!! this person may also be an important friend. maybe friends w benefits? that was js a side thought. but focus on them, accept them into your life, and allow them to make your life better! i also get the feeling they could have darker hair (dirty blonde at the lightest)!! masculine energy btw!
i got the need to ask if yall r gay but 💀💀 ok girl u slay!! i’m gay too!! dw!! nblm here girly 🤞🫶‼️
a new focus & what to reject
an older, calm spirit. they could be a father or grandfather — but they could also be the person in the romantic offer trying to support you. they may advice you to focus on the here and now rather than the future or the past. stay grounded in your truth and your faith. spend some time in nature, too! you really just need a minute to take a break.
is there a person with extroverted, wild energy? they may be an energy vampire. they could be a friend of a friend, and they might spread rumors around a lot. but don’t waste too much time with them. they could make you physically sick.
that’s all i have for you, pile two! i hope your messages resonated!! have fun :)
confirmation/additional signs: “on those we call”, rapunzel’s healing song, past lives, ancestors guidance, black panther, a calming energy, (air or water sign?), the colour purple (movie + colour), issues being grounded (root chakra?), Oh No! by Marina, knowing what you want but not knowing how to get there, knowing why you make actions you don’t want to, beating yourself up, spiritually, 555.
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pile 3 — black cat, do you belong?
hello pile 3!! this is ur reading :)
how close is your reward?
i also heard goal, by the way, so this may have been something you’ve been working to for a while. your card was knight of wands. homestretch, almost. i keep thinking of soccer/football. that may be something you’re into, but i’m gonna use sports references now.
this is the final quarter, not even. there’s 3 minute left in the game. you know you can win this! i feel like you’re almost too carefree in this moment though. i mean you have a carefree spirit, so that’s good! but you need more focus. overall, i would rate you the highest of any pile, a 9! at the least it’s a 9, at the most you’re literally on the last step.
what do you need to remove from your energy?
nile and i both thought it was weird/important that ace of wands came out. this is a card that obviously symbolizes new beginnings, and it’s probably the most creative card too. it shows swiftness and excitement in a challenge. you need to remove your carefreeness just for a moment to be able to grab the ace of wands from the hand of the universe. i feel like you’re being a bit lazy, so don’t! reignite your passion!
this is what nile said btw (it genuinely made me laugh 💀)
“pile 3 shouldn't just think about what they want - they should act on it! I really don't have much else to say, maybe pile 3's guides think that there's no other way to say it - it's a one way or the other type of thing, you do it or you don't - chop chop”
what do you need to accept?
5 of wands is usually about fights and rivalry, but in this context nile got sports, and i totally agree.
i mean, sports already came up in this pile for you guys already, so i feel like spirit is saying join a club or do something with other people!! stop isolating yourself! you need to do something competitive, primarily because you like fighting in a friendly way (maybe sometimes a violent way! anger issues).
if there isn’t a sport you can join, maybe because of finances or time issues, be competitive! race against yourself! do something that makes you feel good!
“if not sports, then something at the very least that gives pile 3 a sense of competition; something that makes them feel like they have to put their best foot forward to reap the best rewards! this isn't something that will wait for them if they do things half-a-step, every once in awhile kind of pace or attitude.”
a new focus & what to reject
focus on relationships. i want to say i get the feeling most of u guys are shifter and shifting for someone, but i could just be biased and projecting bc this like really resonates and resembles me in a lot of ways — and it’s scary!
anyways, there’s some romance in this pile. someone who has a calm spirit, maybe cold on the outside but warm on the inside. they may have been sending you signs that you haven’t been picking up much. or maybe you have been picking them up but you aren’t making an effort to reach out or you just forget easily. i totally get that, by the way, but try to put some time and focus into this romantic offer! even if it’s not in this reality, or in your mind (be delulu, and may it become trululu). nile also got this person may not want a romantic offer, but idk abt that one. getting a strong sense this is a romantic offer.
ok, sports coming through again! maybe you’ve been thinking about them a lot, but for some reason it’s in the context of something to reject. maybe this is a coach or a controlling person in a sporting way? maybe someone from your past? someone who thinks with his head, not his heart. they aren’t very emotional, and they could be cruel to you.
“maybe pile 3 is getting offers for more than one team/group? if that's the case, then I think pile 3's guides is saying to avoid the one(s) that have no-nonsense, frownie face leaders, the type of person to cut down any chances of fun and straight-up running things like a marine. whoever this is, they're way too tough on everyone else and they're allergic to fun, their authoritative stance prevents the teammates from develop a bond with each other, and this energy would probably damper pile 3's motivation.”
i’m gonna be so for real, pile 3, i had to hold off posting this pick-a-card because of yall — it’s not bad, by the way! it’s just that something that i need to say to you guys — its a personal message, i believe. i was talking to a friend, sigyn (love u girl, even if you don’t see this), and she made me think about my own journey with shifting and breaking out of a shell. i said these words: “but man, even tho i’m scared, i don’t care, because my happiness… no, im worth more than fear.”
i feel like this was what i was missing no matter what happens, no matter how scared you are of success or messing up, you are worth more than fear. it cannot hold you. and, as i said before, do it with fear. be like miles morales, jump off that roof fucking BACKWARDS. fear cannot control you, you control it. omg i’m about to cry, but you guys, fear is not all. i promise you this. if you need to talk about fear and how to get over it, send me an ask and i’ll dm you. this is not the end of this journey, nah man, this is the beginning of your life. i love you pile 3.
that’s all i got for you, pile three! wishing you the best, and i rlly hope your work pays off before the new year :) i know how hard it is to keep motivation, and keep moving after such a long time of hard work, but know it will all pay off in the end. nothing {bad} can last forever, as all things must come to an end.
confirmation/additional signs: football, hockey, sports in general, Doja Cat, fire truck (victim of sa), food, especially salads or greens, “almost there”, “i can’t give up now; i have to prove them wrong,” getting back what you lost, anger issues, self doubt, the colour blue (throat chakra?), 2020 music 💀💀 (my heart went oops by tiagz came on…! and so did savage by megan thee stallion), chaos, thriving in chaos, not from the us, barbie, sia, black and white, contrasting colours, i know better by noahfinnce — “and i won’t stop running until i hear the sirens coming…”, not stopping until you get to your goal, “i’m just ken” — ryan gosling, 69, miles morales, impulsive decisions, 555, 999, alien blues.
thank yall for reading my first pac on this blog !! it was really fun, and i hope to do it again soon <3
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the-record · 1 year
softball!ellie headcanons
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thank you to @lov9r ‘s lovely anon who said this im OBSESSED
softball!ellie x soccer!reader
an: i know little to nothing ab softball so bear with me
ellie is our lovely player (more ways than one) literally anyone knows ellie like shes a total babe
you however!!!
very focused on soccer and keeping up with the team
very focused on soccer and keeping up with the team
and when u see her you immediately ask bestie!abby who it is bc you need her like yesterday
and abbys just
“excuse me? wdym thats ellie. ellie williams??? how do you not know her?? she’s literally the hottest girl on the softball team”
and now of course you have to go to the softball games!!!
bc what kind of crush would you be if you didnt
ellie is not into the sport for the fame, no she honestly just loves the sport
but when she sees you??????????
on her BEST behavior playing her absolute best
bc this totally fine babe is at her game and now shes in love
youre both too wimpy and scared to do anything
until one night at some stupid frat party
abby dragged you, dina dragged her
“els cmon it’ll be fun! we can smoke and whatever and that hot soccer girl will be there” wink wink nudge nudge
“y/n babe come with me youve been so stressed lately you need to relax! plus… a little birdy told me ellie would be there”
honestly ellie is so disappointed when she cant find you, she thought this was her chance
and shes going to refill her drink when BAAM
drink ALL over you and shes just
“oh shit, my bad im so sor- wait, i know you, youre at all my games! hi im ellie”
and ur justs frozen, nodding in place
bc abby was right and you cant decide to giggle and scream or run away
ellie just smiles (she loves having that effect on you) and grabs your hand, pulling you to the bathroom
and you are just starstruck as she helps clean your top now soaked in alcohol
you dont even realize when she asks for your number
and the rest was history (ew)
you do literally everything together
“babe you’ve gotta stretch or youre gonna be sore tomorrow … well dont come complaining to me when youre in pain!”
after a bad game, maybe an offense got past your or you missed a goal :/
“hey, its okay. it happens to the best of us babe… you didnt let them down sweet girl, they understand.”
when you’re stressed before a big game
“i know angel. come on, lay down with me, you should relax before tomorrow.”
and you ofc do the same for her
when shes running late (always)
“els babe you’re gonna be late!! no i dont care, ill get something there, lets go!”
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novantinuum · 4 months
no, so like-
i watch a lot of reactors, yeah? and they all have varying opinions on SU s5 and what they thought about the pacing.
gonna be real here.
i genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, can not imagine Any other pacing for the end of the season at all and literally just think. it's fine.
i feel like people kinda like... take the behind-the-scenes knowledge that Crewniverse had to pull some storytelling strings to wrap up in a limited number of episodes and then copy paste that Real Life situation and all the nebulous what-ifs over the actual Fictional Story that we got, which. is not a "poor" ending at all, as i've seen some claim. it hits all the beats it needs to for the ending to make thematic sense. it re-introduces plot points when they're relevant. the moment the wedding happens it all moves forward at a swift clip yes, but like. god i am so, so fucking tired of the term "rushed."
(also bc when people say it isn't "rushed," then they're saying it's "filler," and. damn. what the fuck do y'all WANT lol you get nonstop plot heavy ep after ep and call it rushed and the moment you get a few fun little breather eps as a courtesy you're complaining that you're not getting plot. geebus.)
because honestly, like. okay. pretend for a moment that the wedding episode still happens completely as-is. exactly what are people proposing takes up the space of a complete season and a fourth before moving to its conclusion, without compromising the entire theme and vibe of the ending? the precise second the diamonds know who steven is, you're already in endgame territory. there is Zero situation in which the show can dawdle after that, because if steven has revealed himself to the diamonds then he's going straight to work, and he's going to press them about healing their corruption damage. in my mind there is Zero way to insert any meaningless fluff here that is not one hundred percent steven gunning to get white diamond's support because it would not make Sense for him to run off on little side adventures when he has the pressure of his mother's biggest goal bearing down on his shoulders.
in sum the diamond days arc is FINE, it serves its purpose in ramping up to the climax of CYM perfectly, and i just wish more people would stop letting the nebulous "what-if" game tint their view of the already really, really good show we GOT, and stop arbitrarily "warning" reactors that season five is "rushed" and thus swerving their opinions of the end of the show before they can even make any themselves
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aphidclan-clangen · 1 month
question for the creator :3 is it a good idea to log everything that happens for every moon before you draw? bc that's what I'm doing, and I'm wondering if its a thing you did? basically, how did you start?
Yes!! Definitely log everything that happens, especially when you’re starting off. Later on when you have a more fleshed out plot and characters in mind you can start throwing out prompts that don’t add anything and focusing more on the ones that do. (I’ll also get very out of character prompts sometimes, I just throw those out entirely and hold on tight to the prompts that are in character)
I would log 1. the main moon events, 2. as many relationship events as I can, 3. the cats’ statuses/thought bubbles/whatever the sentences on their profile are called, and 4. Patrol events ((don’t forget to check the statuses of dead cats and outsiders!!)
Here’s an example of my logs:
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Everyone has a different way of coming up with a plot, either before the comic even starts or maybe the plot comes along on its own! I didn’t start AphidClan with a plot in mind, I was only drawing the daily events between the characters up until moon 6. Moon 6 onward is when I started building a plot and figuring out lore, worldbuilding, conflict, etc. I got a patrol that said Lilacpaw was murdered by a rogue, so I used that and went with a more murder mystery-esque plot
I would recommend playing ahead! Everyone has their own perfect number of how much to play ahead, I used to prefer it to be around 2-3 moons ahead of what I was drawing, to keep my workload small and spontaneous, but now that I have a much more plot-based story I prefer to play FAAAR more ahead than that so I have a more solid idea of the full story and how/when I want it to end. I’ve played up to moon 78 so far, and we’re currently on moon 20 in the comic
I started my comic very spontaneously with no future goal in mind. It took me a while to get to this place, where I now have a very plot-centered webcomic and a vague idea of how and when I want it to end. You very much make your own plot, and in a way, you make your own characters! The game gives you prompts that you can work with as inspiration for certain story events (like using the statuses “Stormkit wishes Sparkkit would play more quietly” and “Lilacpaw is worried about Stormkit” to create a plot event that adds more to Lilacpaw’s death) but most of the creative aspect you make yourself!
Hopefully that answers your question okay! Have fun creating! ^^
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swifty-fox · 2 months
HI so for the mota hockey au:
any out of pocket viral moments of the boys? magazine photoshoots press tours etc what are they like? are clegan out and proud or are they more like go on keep guessing?
Bucky has a LOT of notable moments. He's just a teenage girl and puberty is so hard it makes him so hormonal.
He gets sent to the penalty box for BLATANT hooking one time which is a pretty iconic out of pocket moment you dont really get tendys serving penalties. usually another play subs in for their penalty but refs are prob like Fuck you Bucky you're such a menace you pay the price.
He drops the gloves with a rival teams goon that absolutely boards the fuck out of Gale a la Scheifele/Evans hit. Normally we love a good Goaltender fight but this hit was too scary. people still take notice bc they're like look at Bucky defending his BOY
John is a very Seguin type character. As I mentioned he has a similarly nude sports illustrated photoshoot. But also very messy party phase with Curt much like Segs and Marchy
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theyre messy bitches who know how to have fun okay.
He's got a LOT of really famous soundbites, just the most out of pocket shit professional yapper w the cameras fr. it's mostly him hitting on Curt and Gale. There's a mic'd up clip of him singing "Baddie Friend" by kevo jefe perfectly word for word.
Gale's really bad with the cameras he clams up a ton and just kinda defaults to hockey mumbo-jumbo. he does get one Hockey social media clip where he gets to talk about space and that gets him a little excited. The clip of his one skate goal does some pretty big numbers just because Holy Fuck Dude.
he gets gif'd a lot for chewing on his mouthguard like Tkachuk. nasty boy. the fangirls go a little feral over those ones.
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In terms of their relationships there is some plot stuff I'm cooking but John doesn't really care for the most part. he isn't ashamed but hes also like well im here to play hockey and im single nobody needs to be privy to my sexuality so he's kinda just closeted bc hes too lazy to do otherwise. you bet ur ass he wears pride tape every game and practice after Gary fucking shittman tried to institute the ban
(Shoutout to Travis "It had to be done" Dermott who called garys bluff like a PRO you my number 1 bbygirl i have a puck signed by him)
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Gale is definitly closeted and it's a plot point in the au his journey with it. hes not closeted to himself but there are factors making him NOT want to be open with things.
I do think once theyre established in their team, they both have the C and a couple cups under their belt; when gale is ready - yeah they sit down with management and draw up a coming out plan. The team is so supportive of them they love their Bucks squared.
It's internet breaking
Please bear in mind hockey is REALLY homoerotic like these straight men kiss and hug and call eachother handsome and pet names constantly so theres a LOT that Clegan can actually just get away with and have plausible deniability
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( a few seasons ago Marchand started licking other players and the NHL had to release a statement like 'its not against the rules but wtf bro stop')
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arcadekitten · 3 months
My friend wanted me to ask you this bc their shy. Anyway.
We don't see much art of crowven and vasilis anymore. Will you make more?
I do love Crowven and Vasilis, of course! But when I have the time to draw for myself, I draw what I want to draw. And what I want to draw most of the time is usually Mary and Reginald, or Stella and Lambchop, or whatever else pops into my head and feels most fun for me.
I understand wanting to get more official art of your favs, but I'm not a big company whose goal is to put out an equal and even number of character content so everyone's fav can get covered. I am one individual person, and I draw what makes me happy when I want to draw it, I hope you may understand!
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Penalty Box— Trevor Zegras (Part Twenty-Three)
previous: twenty-two
next: twenty-four
ik damn well this isn’t gonna do well bc i gotta get the next one out before tonight’s canucks v ducks game but it’s fine i’m still gonna try
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liked by trevorzegras, jamie.drysdale, and 9,014 others
yourusername welcome to my post game penalty box update show: my boyfriend’s teammates were the most entertaining part of this game edition!
while that’s true, the best part (third best part) of this game is that TREVOR IS AT EIGHT GAMES SINCE HIS LAST PENALTY! MY LIL DEVIL HAS BEOME A SAINT! ALL HAIL!
while this wasn’t a fun loss, this was an entertaining game. stromer got a “gordie howe hat trick” meaning he got a goal, an assist, and had a fight all in one game! he did this is less than two periods! then he grinned like a psycho! and grant and carrick went 2 v 1 against nemeth in a fight!! needless to say, i was jumping on the couch!
and z picked up a point with an assist tonight! and the team got a point, but didn’t snag the second in the end. bitch ass aves ihy. ANYWAYS— i love you, always, z🧡 create some chaos for me, please?
tagged trevorzegras
view all 188 comments
trevorzegras i love you, forever, baby🧡 but i want to reach 11 games without a penalty! there’s the exact number of games left to do it!
jamie.drysdale @/yourusername think of the portraits!
yourusername since when do you two have goals smh
user1 tag yourself i’m stromer
_quinnhughes 🕯️z will get a penalty🕯️
yourusername QUINTIN NO
jackhughes QUINTIN YES
trevorzegras @/yourusername i’m taking you away from them they’re bad influences
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras she was ours first
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes that sounds like a personal problem
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras at least i was the one that gave her a fight in my game! what do you do for her?
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes a lot ;)
yourusername @_quinnhughes ;)
lhughes_06 MOM
user2 this game was violent and i loved it
user3 tell me why when stromer had a fight i immediately thought of if he’d make it to penalty box
jamie.drysdale tell me you didn’t make that prayer candle
yourusername i did not make that prayer candle
jamie.dyrsdale @_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras my y/ndar is tingling
trevorzegras @/jamie.drysdale that’s because she’s hiding something
_quinnhughes @/yourusername you bought the candle, didn’t you?
yourusername no comment
user4 maybe if he gets a penalty we’ll win
_quinnhughes there has to be a cocomelon song about not biting your friends
trevorzegras i wasn’t biting rico!
yourusername @/trevorzegras now why don’t i believe you?
jamie.drysdale i know why i don’t believe him
trevorzegras i came out to have a good time and i’m honestly feeling so attacked right now
yourusername @/trevorzegras you’re very perceptive, my love🧡
user5 this game made me feel things and i hated it
colecaufield i have never been more proud of you!
trevorzegras i’ve never been more proud of YOU
yourusername @/trevorzegras i love him sfm but what did he do?? i want to feel proud!!
trevorzegras @/yourusername he existed!
yourusername I’M SO PROUD OF YOU COLEY
colecaufield thank you❤️
user6 i need that candle asap
jackhughes 🕯️z will get a penalty🕯️
yourusername howdy rowdy you take that back
jackhughes @/yourusername make. me.
trevorzegras i kinda wanna see this
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras you remember your senior year, right?
trevorzegras i REALLY wanna see this
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witchonthebeach · 4 months
So, on the dilema about how to make and use sigils discretily, I may have come up with something: ✨numerical sigils✨
It is extremely simple to do and its not very artistic or particularly pretty. It is as its name suggests: a string of numbers, so you could write on your hand or a piece of paper or on a digital post-it in your laptop or cellphone and no one would bat an eye (which is extremely useful for a closeted witch like me).
I got the idea from my job, where i use a lot of part numbers, or PNs for short. If you are familiar with the concept of a PN, you know that it is a code that refers to an item in your ERP/system/whatever. It is a way to categorize and identify things in a database.
Usually, the process of creating a new PN follows a set of rules like type of product, size, technical characteriscs and so on, followed by a serial number (1, 2, 3, ..., 100, etc). The result is a unique code that refers to only one especific item or product.
Now, i didn't came up with anything fancy for this part, but i think it has a lot of potential. For now, I am stiking with a table that goes from 1 to 9 (bc 9 is a perfect number) and each letter from the alfabet is assigned a number:
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The process of creation is simple: write the word or frase of your sigil, take the vowels out and swap the remaing letters with their respective numbers. That is all. There is some wiggle room here to customize your sigil: you can take out the numbers that apear more than once, for exemple.
You could argue that it takes all the fun out of creating sigils, but for me personally it helped focusing on the intent/goal of a sigil. Also i love the practicality of this method.
Anyways, its a work in progress and very experimental, but im sharing it regardless.
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lets-try-some-writing · 6 months
Your CC Warfare fic legit had me stressing out so bad I thought I was feeling a genuinely new emotion, lol. That whole thing was like a really bad car crash: it's terrible what happened, but you can't look away. If Strongarm had just said nothing, she would've avoided putting her foot in her mouth and getting in trouble. With how tense everything was, I see no reason why she would jump in. I understand she was trying to help Sideswipe out of that situation, but she did it in like the complete opposite direction! She should've reared him in, not back him up. She said it herself that they were war veterans. Though, I suppose that's easier said. Strongarm may be intelligible of the war records and Autobot law, but truthfully, plain intelligence pales in the face of wisdom and actual experience. Intelligence says: this war could've easily been won because of xyz. Wisdom and experience say completely otherwise. And I guess that is one of the points Optimus is trying to make: that Strongarm and Sideswipe do not have the wisdom or experience to understand exactly why things played out the way they did. I have the feeling the two simply looked at the war records itself and not any history that came before, especially Optimus' involvement with Megatron's revolution. I don't know if that would make much of a difference for Sideswipe tbh but I think Strongarm would be able to see just a little why Optimus couldn't outright kill Megatron in the beginning like Sideswipe said he should've. Even so, going back to the records itself , it won't contain legitimately every single thing that happened. It probably only recorded decisive battles and notable events. Billions of people were involved, and with that many variables, it would be impossible to say that the war could've been won if only Optimus did something sooner. WHICH BY THE WAY MAKES THIS SO MUCH WORSE. Sideswipe (and by extension Strongarm) is basically saying that Optimus is personally responsible for dragging on an intergalactic war just because he didn't off one guy as if the most wicked bots in the face of existence werent out there making lives worse on purpose under the cover of the war and would help stretch it to continue their sick actions. As if there weren't a hundred other Megatrons ready to continue the war themselves the moment Megatron died. If I could write an essay on every reason why the war dragged on, I'll be writing until I die and never come close to finishing. Even within the small game Optimus planned there are obvious reasons why it wouldn't be a quick or easy victory if they even win: limited number of fighters (no guarantee they'd hit the max min bc rallying people to fight is difficult), no details until they got to Helex (you're not always going to know what your goal is when being sent out to fight), no resources from the state (war is expensive and getting funding is difficult). So imagine that plus way more reasons plus on a planetary scale. The scope is simply unfathomable. Anyways, I think this comment has gone on long enough lol. Excellent work as always and I'm excited but also incredibly nervous to see how this all plays out. Take care!
This whole fic is one giant show. Optimus wants the idiots under Bee's control to LEARN. You've already picked up the logical reasoning behind the rules he's laid down so far. And let me tell you, its only going to get more complicated. War is a difficult and unpredictable thing. Optimus is going to make that as real as possible in this non-lethal scenario.
Is it overkill? Maybe. But if even those serving under Bumblebee don't have the barest inkling of the truth? It hints at a FAR larger problem. I am going to have so much fun writing this thing. I want to get a few chapters stockpiled and then I will post them on Ao3 and continue there :3
Thank you for enjoying my writing and giving this lovely analysis. This sort of things makes my dad and encourages me to write more.
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