#bc henry is such a dynamic character
mulderscully · 15 days
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NICHOLAS GALITZINE for GoldDerby (May 17th, 2024)
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razberrypuck · 1 month
rotating henry emily in my mind
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
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@crumbleclub oooooh, Evan not knowing that Henry essentially did nothing and excused/justified William’s abuse sounds delightful.
Maybe Mike has to struggle with whether he should tell Evan the truth; Evan’s maybe not excitement/happiness but certainly relief and peace upon seeing his Uncle Henry again is refreshing to a degree because Evan has had so little happiness in his life, but there's also the knowledge that this happiness is based on lies and that Henry is NOT someone to be trusted, and having Henry around isn't worth the risk or pain.
if Mike tries keeping it to himself, he won't have very much control over the Obvious distaste he and Henry have for each other: Mike because he was ignored when he most needed help, and Henry because Mike is a reminder of how thoroughly wrong he (Henry) was, how his (Henry's) actions (and inaction) contributed to all the horrible happenings around him and William, and of the utter betrayal by William. Maybe Evan can pick up on the animosity between them and is thoroughly confused and agitated, not knowing who to side with or who is being unreasonable in this situation since they both refuse to fill him in on any of the details. Having his uncle and his brother back should be a happy thing, and yet everything is falling apart around him.
Then again, I can also see a version of events where Henry objectively knows that Evan isn't at fault for Charlie’s death (she died way before the Bite even happened), but seeing Evan reminds Henry not just of his daughter's death but of all the families with empty bedrooms, empty seats at the dinner table, toys and clothes laying forgotten in drawers and closets. Maybe Henry's manner around Evan is cold; he refuses to look Evan in the eye, seems pained to even look in Evan’s general direction; his tone is thin and blunt the few times he speaks to Evan at all. Maybe Evan is crushed that this person he once loved and he always viewed as so kind and Objectively Good is so disgusted by him, and Mike telling Evan the truth is an act of mercy on Mike’s part. Henry isn't the saint they thought it was, and his judgment is nothing less than shady and flawed.
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petriichvrs · 6 months
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FORTY TWO MONTHS  OF  NOXTMS  /  four dynamics  !
ft. @taciiturns , @hoggleswart , @rebuildeds , @ofzvbini & @blondsnake !
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wibble-wobbegong · 2 years
guys if i start going down the deep dark hole of pennywise/mf parallels and start sounding Wrong you gotta reel me back in. it fascinates me and i will get lost in it
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hnrye · 1 year
ok finally writing nene/seiryuin fic.... listen they are just. theyre girlfriends to me.
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spider-xan · 1 year
Me, crawling wearily through the Dracula Daily tag against my better judgment, sighing: Once again (again), multiple things can be true at the same time, like, it is true that Jonathan is being abused by Dracula AND it is true that there are overtones of xenophobia where Dracula is the scary foreigner villain menacing the upstanding Englishman hero AND the dynamic between Jonathan and Dracula is a literary reference to gothic heroines AND I wouldn't be surprised if Stoker was using the novel as an outlet with plausible deniability for gay fantasies about Henry Irving AND there are gay predator vibes bc Stoker also had internalized homophobia and the whole thing with the second Oscar Wilde trial AND the characters are fictional but fiction affects real life and some readings reflect the readers' biases in a way that can hurt real people AND AND AND ...
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The dichotomy between Matt and Will’s characters dynamics in s1 vs s2 is so funny to me bc like
Darryl and Henry? TOO MUCH chemistry, literally kissing the homies, the definition of bromance. They act like an old married couple.
Lincoln and Normal? NEGATIVE chemistry, half the time I forget they’re even friends. When Linc called Normal honey and Norm was like “Okay…uh. Man.” I died laughing
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another-lost-mc · 11 months
Thinking about it, in a world with an otaku!MC the brothers are kind of obligated to be nicer to Levi bc any insults towards him would be dragging MC down with him..
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A/N: Oooooh. I wrote Player Two which is the brothers basically treating Levi and MC the same (as geeky weirdos) but MC doesn't really care because Levi's the best friend they've always wanted. Thinking about the reverse of that situation is interesting in its own way too.
LEVIATHAN x gn!Reader, 0.6k words, SFW.
Content warnings: some cursing and jealousy.
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It started with a pack of candy. Beel picked it up at one of the Devildom shops known for importing human world sweets. You've talked about the brand and he thought he'd surprise you. He would've given it to you in private, but Levi was glued to your hip more often than not these days. He found both of you in your bedroom playing Super Smash Devils.
"Oh...you meant this was for both of us, right?" you asked, glancing between the pack of candy and Levi guiltily.
Beel fumbled through a lie to cover up his mistake and rushed from the room. He makes a note for next time so he remembers to buy three boxes instead of two (one for you, one for Levi, and one for himself).
After he left, you took a piece for yourself and handed Levi the box. You hummed happily around the coated end of your stick candy while you turned back to the screen to select your character for the new match.
Maybe you bought Beel's flimsy excuse earlier, but Levi didn't. Things have been strange with his family lately, but you seem ignorant about the changing family dynamics going on around you.
The other siblings don't tease Levi anymore when he talks about a game he bought or some random gacha toy he managed to get, because you're excited about it too. They don't want to hurt your feelings, so they try to keep their opinions to themselves.
Some of them, like Beel or Mammon, make an effort to surprise you with little gifts: capsules from a gacha machine in downtown Devildom, overpriced knock-off plushies of anime characters at the ghost carnival passing through. Satan surprises you with manga off your Akuzon wish list, and Asmo paints your nails while you watch anime together in your room.
From Levi's perspective, their sudden change of heart about his dorky hobbies is a double-edged sword.
He's happy that they're accepting of you now. When you first arrived, they initially treated you like a weird outcast—the way they used to treat him. You're not as introverted as he is, and they're making an effort to include you both in activities you might actually enjoy.
But on the other hand, part of him wishes they would just fuck off. You're perfect. He knows you've charmed them as much as you've charmed him, but he was your friend first. He thought he was going to be able to keep you all to himself. He knew from the first time you stepped into his room that you were the real-life Henry he's always wanted. He's the one that should be buying you gifts so he can hoard your praise for himself. You should be spending time in his room, or inviting him to yours, if you want to watch anime.
Why are you even giving them a chance? They don't deserve it. They were too stupid to realize how special you were. Don't you realize they're only tolerating the things you love so they can be close to you?
He tries to hide his growing jealousy, but it gets harder as time passes and his brothers keep finding new ways to insert themselves into your hobbies.
You notice Levi's foul mood sometimes when he can't contain the bitterness that laces his voice or the irritation in his glances. He gives you an excuse so you don't worry about him; he doesn't want to taint you with the bitter venom coursing through his veins.
You're finally happy living in the Devildom now that his family seems more accepting of you—of both of you.
He's furious that their acceptance means having to share you with anyone else.
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ok thinking about how Michael is both introduced into the story in a mask and (presumably) leaves it in a different one & how that not only shows how much he changed but also how the way he wanted to be perceived changed
Because the first time we see him it's in the foxy mask which has a ton of (potential) symbolism on its own bc like
There's the whole predator animal(bear)Henry vs prey animal(rabbit) William dynamic and Michael starts out as the fox
Which on the one hand is mainly known for being tricky and self-interested, it's not clear yet who's side he'll end up on, as a child he's only concerned for himself.
At the same time though, what are foxes mainly known for hunting?
Even this early on, Michael hates his father and wants to act out and rebel even if he doesn't know why yet. It's only later on though, only after he's clearly been betrayed by William and gotten scooped that he's definitively on Henry's side with a bear mask and character of his own
Then there's the appearance of the mask itself contrasted with the later one in fnaf 6. While the foxy mask was bright red, toothy, and clearly meant to be intimidating, the polar bear mask is the most placid harmless face imaginable.
And like this character who in his first instance was a child trying to scare other children by making himself look big and threatening ends up choosing a mask to look as approachable as possible and hide a rotting torn up body that would probably scare the snot out of anyone at first glance. I just can't let go of that.
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random-lil-illing · 7 months
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okay, listen… i know stickmintober has basically ended, but ive only JUST started. prepare for me to post stickmintober during the month of november. anyway have day 1 and day 2!!
choice explanations under the cut!!
for day 1 i didnt choose triple threat as my fav ending only because i just find special brovert ops more genuined ig?? idk how to explain it, but its the fact charles didnt have to get the pickup sanctioned by the general + henry wasnt expected to help, AND he was officially enlisted at the end too!! in triple threat henry and ellie have to help bc of the pickup, and at the end they dont officially enlist, theyre just there just in case. however, i do absolutely ADORE the triple threat/polythreat dynamic, don’t get me wrong. tldr: i prefer that in special brovert ops henry isnt pressured/expected to help as payment for getting picked up, unlike in triple threat. Other than that, triple threat is only second to this ending.
for day 2, i chose toppat civil warfare as my least favourite bc henrys lowkey a major asshole in this one?? like he just comes waltzing into the airship acting like a leader knowing he left ellie behind, and then he gets mad shes upset with him?? and that the toppat clan dont want him as their leader anymore?? like dude cmon have a lil self reflection here. also the toppats siding with him?? get outta here. i was a bit disappointed dave was on henrys side but then i realized he technically doesnt know WHY henry got denounced, he just knows henry got him out of his cell and out of the airship so hes probably just thankful for that. anyway tldr: i dont like it when one of my fav characters is protrayed as an asshole and i also dont like it when theres conflict between two or more of my fav characters, so thats why topoat civil warfare is my least fav ending.
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meircury · 3 months
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Hello everyone! I hope everyone have a nice today! I very much rarely engage in fandom directly but there's has been something nagging me for a while, and this has something to do with SOME of Grey and Gauche shippers, alongside SOME of Gauche 'fans', treated him. I'm mostly talking about English speaking side of the fandom. I feel like the need of talk about this because I really hate the way they treated canon Gauche:
(Fair warning: LONG)
I absolutely hate seeing fans turning Grey into another Marie for Gauche or a replacement of his sister and makes him simp for her just like how he acts around Marie. In the story Gauche‘s simping for Marie is called “complex” because he simps out of unhealthy familial love and attachment because of what happened to them in the past and as a result of Gauche’s trust issues. His simping is NOT normal. It’s an ISSUE. FLAW. That needs to be FIXED. Not deflected to someone else. I see a lot of shippers make Gauche shoves his problems into Grey and repeats all his complex action with her. Example, a lot of memes show Gauche being weird about Grey’s photo. Whyy? One of the charms this ship has is how it brings out a unique caring side of Gauche we rarely see, like when he told Grey to work on her magic in the seabed temple, or when she saved him with the bulls after the elf fight. Yeah. That… that side of Gauche acting tsun and shy because he’s not used to be nice or open to others. Yet a lot of fans choose to use his unhealthy simping and shove it to Grey rather than builds upon his established development.
Nosebleeding over Grey. I saw this troupe is used TONS of time by the shippers artists, specifically English/West ones, and it's bothering me A LOT. Like. This troupe is used a lot in western Grey and Gauche shippers community and it's so fucking weird because aren't the same community despise the way anime over exaggerating this troupe at the point it's destroyed gauche's characterization? (For the record, after his arc Gauche only nosebleed for 5 times in manga, while in anime? Idk 50 or smth 😂😂😂) Then why they act the same way with anime with over-using this troupe when he found Grey's cute or adorable or anything sexual? Like, I'm so sorry but this such a huge hypocrisy. Hate the way anime treated him but do the same. Do you know what's ironic? I've seen less of this troupe used in the Japanese bc ship community, where most of them didn't mind the troupe. There's more irony. Most of the nice fanarts and actually depicted their relationship right it's also from JP artists who's not even have Grey and Gauche as their main ship. They're drawing them once in awhile and that's it. It's sad because why ppl who doesn't have them as their main ship understand the ship's dynamic better more than the actual shippers?
Grey Fix Gauche. Grey will Fix Gauche. Oh my God. This is the most cringiest shit ive ever heard when it came to a ship. This is also the biggest reason why I lost all of my love I had for this ship and ended up disliking it. Like. No. Grey ain't fixing Gauche. Gauche is the one who's fixing his own problem. And if you really want to insist of using 'fixing' troupe, then Asta fixing Gauche is way more valid than her. Because, he's the one who changed Gauche's mind. If Asta didn't do this then Gauche will still not giving any shit about Grey. But yeah, I hate the fixing troupe as I'm firm believer one can and SHOULD fix their problem by their own self, not by others. This troupe is problematic and I'll stand by it. That aside, saying her fixing Gauche is literally disrespecting Gauche's own development and the others characters that help him grow up (henry, gordon, Theresa, YAMI). Like, stop. Stop thinking Grey took all of those efforts that's she's not even done. Stop being delusional. Please. Why y'all not trusting him to became a better version of himself by his own efforts? Damn.
Gauche has sister complex and I hope people especially his fans will accept that as one of his character flaws instead of being denial x') he's not some poor guy who show his love differently. I know the anime explained it like that but in my honest opinion he reads to me as a man in need of therapy help because his traumatic past of having his family killed is left untreated and resulting in him developing attachment issues to his sister, the only family he has left. (Manga - Context) Did Gauche get better at not being a full siscon? Yes. Did he enterly get over it? No. Because he will always show sister complex gags and it's the same with any other bulls with their gags (ex. Noelle's royalty tsun, Luck's fight obsessed, Vanessa's alcoholic). These are flaws that make them more humans and will need more time to smooth over. As his fan, I want Gauche to fully love Marie in the healthy way of course, and I'm happy he's not as bad as before. Some bulls already helped him with that by showing him there's others he can protect beside his sister. I'm sure Grey is also gonna help him because she's his love interest but fixing him? Nah. He’s already getting better by his and the bulls’ efforts not just Grey.
(I'm saying this again just to make sure: NOT ALL Grey and Gauche shippers act like this, there's only SOME of them (the rest are good) but the way they treated Gauche is just too much I need to make a post about it lol)
Alright that's it. I had more complains like how people keep drawing gauche with muscles (he's a twink omg y'all following anime way of drawing him 😭/hj), ignoring Gauche's canonly beautiful blue greenish eye, etc but that's my personal preferences and I believe everyone deserved to draw him in their own way x) with this vent is clear enough that I do not like and vibes with Grey and Gauche as the ship because of the shippers (also the way tabata treated them but that's a different topic lol) I know this two will eventually be canon but I don't care and I still want to give more loves for him and drawing him with others characters because he deserved to have more fanarts thats not tied to his canon ship x')
Lastly. I just wish the Grey and Gauche shippers can see more from Gauche's point of view instead of being huge biased towards Grey. Because at this point I'm convinced that the shippers is Grey fans who only cares about Gauche because he's her love interest. Please respect and adore Gauche's character as y'all do with Grey 😞
Thankyou and have a nice weekend everyone!
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horsetailcurlers2 · 9 days
Please ramble about Tedstina I’m a total truther lol. Their chemistry was SO intense and palpable from the second Teddy stepped on screen and I agree about them not getting together whilst Teddy was mentoring her but I always thought the Henry plot was a perfect lead in to them developing something long term. Like in my head Cristina dumps Owen after he makes her lie about Henry and in Teddy’s grief and Cristina’s guilt they get closer, eventually sleeping together and then dating. Out of all the couples something about them both being so stubborn but also so clear eyed, ambitious and somewhat cold makes them the most likely to last in my opinion. A little line with Burke but this time they actually know and like each other lmao. And it would definitely be a little twisted since Cristina technically ‘killed’ Henry and then dated his widow but also it’s no darker than other weird romance plots on greys lol. Plus they would’ve been hot as hell 😭
yess you get it. okay but be forewarned this is a true ramble- it may only be vaguely coherent as i’m just going off the cuff.
exactly the chemistry is genuinely insane!!!! the thing about greys that bums me out in the early seasons is that they had an aversion to making any of their main female characters canonically queer. like, i get it, bc getting the callie storyline out there was an uphill battle. but it’s like they want to be explicitly clear all the time that cristina and meredith are both very very Straight. and that’s a whole other thing i could go on about. all this to preface that i think if the show aired now, cristina would be canonically openly queer right out the gate.
by the time teddy came along, it was still pretty early in the owen/cristina and so he hadn’t really done anything yet to make him quite so hate-able. and after hahn there was a big gap left where cristina was sorely lacking in a good mentor. burke was almost a good mentor but then you know they started canoodling and he eventually got frustrating. hahn just straight up refused to teach cristina despite her clear enthusiasm and untapped talent. then teddy comes in and it’s like…. she’s brilliant, she’s not put off by cristina’s cristinaness and she actually seems to be interested in the teaching aspect of working at a teaching hospital (which was fucking rare at that point). so i was immediately drawn to the teddy-cristina dynamic. especially with the complication of owen being the common link.
i could go on a whole other ramble about teddy and the long lasting effects that stemmed from allison’s death and the guilt about that infidelity but suffice to say by the time we meet teddy she’s pretty messed up about love.
and as we know, cristina has a long history of being attracted to mentor figures.
i think that with teddy’s infatuation with owen being shut down on his end pretty early on (despite him doing a total one eighty in the later seasons and claiming to have always loved her 🙄) it opened the door for her to realize WHY she was attracted to him in the first place (a best friend she made in a war zone shortly after the allison tragedy, him already being in a relationship).
SO anyway teddy meets cristina. they’re both in love (?🙄) with owen, they are both passionate about the same specialty, they both have tragedy and failed romance in their pasts.
and i see what you mean about them being very similar. but they are also opposite (and therefore perfectly complimentary) in a lot of ways. i personally think teddy is a lot more optimistic than she appears. she’s not easily discouraged. i also like that right off the bat she recognizes cristina’s talent, takes a liking to her, and is kind of just impervious to cristina’s dislike/wariness of her. i think it’s so funny how almost everyone but meredith is at first really put off by cristina’s bluntness or outright offended by her but teddy is just like “i respect your skill, i’m not gonna take any shit, i know i’m great at my job so let me do it and we’ll be chill”
i think that the conversation about teddy wanting to leave and cristina begging her to stay and yelling that teddy can have owen was a turning point for both of them. i think they both had a lot of revelations.
AND THEN i think the saga of henry’s death was also a major turning point for their relationship. i don’t think this would make their relationship that twisted tbh bc i don’t think teddy ever saw it that way. i think if she blamed anyone other than herself, it was owen (which, yeah bc the way he handled that was fucking bonkers). and i’ve seen a lot of frustrating stuff (mostly on tiktok lol which i have to stay away from bc there’s rarely any nuance on there when it comes to fandom/media discussions) about how teddy repeatedly grilling cristina about henry’s death was the worst thing she ever did and she was punishing cristina or something. but i think that that isn’t true at all in the slightest. it was fucked up and brutal and it was a grief response that was terribly unfair to cristina, but i think it actually showed the two of them being on the same wavelength in a lot of ways. cristina isn’t fazed (at least visibly) by teddy’s need to hear it over and over. bc i think she understood why teddy needed to hear it. they both deal with grief by making it about the facts and about the medicine. teddy needed to know that there is nothing anyone could have done to save him so that she doesn’t feel like she has another death on her hands. and i think cristina gets that because of her backstory with her fathers death. AGAIN i think they just get each other in ways that owen never got either of them.
ANYWAY i personally have this AU idea in my head where they cross paths in europe and reconnect.
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rongrii · 7 months
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Me when when bunny murderer
So I watched the movie, and it was great!!
I will share my thoughts on it but try to keep it simple, bc i can write a whole 2 pages ass text about it(real)
1) OKAY i will say at first i am not a very big fan of changing canon (like in books), but on the other hand it creates a new different universe to explore, which is great! + I didn’t fell atmosphere similar to fnaf games, horror and tension in movie was a bit different, and whole mood of the film gave different vibes
2) I like the idea of Afton familt being in there, but not as Aftons?? I mean Mike, Abby and Garrett. On the first scene where Garrett was kidnapped i was like “WAIT GARRETT. THATS ONE OF C.C. FANON NAMES HUUUUUH”, i really liked this detail
3) About William not having a big of a motive, I am a fan of a slightly different William character. Like not JUST insane sadistical maniac, but something leading to this side of him to go out. Not very disappointed tho, as i said, it’s a different universe and exploring of new sides of characters.
4) About animatronics: I LOVED Foxys little singing when hes near and ready to attack. That was awesome to hear. Overall, robots are well made and they move in a very cool way!
What i want from future sequels(my selfish wishes): To see some version of Henry and Charlie(or at least puppet, and i am sure she will be there bc of some of moments in film), Springtrap and how his design will change after dying in a suit. Will he have visible bones and meat? Like in game, those details are so cool as a part of visual design, and future dynamics and characters interactions :D
Thank you for reading this all large text, I hope you liked the movie, and have a good day!!
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max-xie · 6 months
unpopular opinion, i like season 2 a little bit more then season 1... i feel like people hate it for no reason, like they say the story is inconsistent which isnt necessarily true, like yeah season 1 was a very straightforward plot line -saving their sons- but season 2 is more complex and less straightforward, its about saving the world that their dads and granddads messed up but along the way things change, like how the doodler became this emotional teen but they still are going on the original plot line which is saving their (and the other) relm(s). i just think that people dont like change and got very much emotional attached to darryl, henry, glenn, ron and all the other npcs that we know and love, and since they arent there all the time people start to dislike the new season, also idk if this is 100% true as im not a patreon (someone pls give me money 🙏) but i think i heard from somewhere that anthony doesnt like season 2 as much as season 1, and i simply think that its the same reason as i said before, but he and everyone else has the right to their own opinion, i personality love season 2 more bc i can relate to it more being a teenager, and the fact i like the character dynamics a bit more, although i do miss paedon and erin o'neil.
also i am in need of more content with the kiddads bc they are super cool and i need to know more
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bigsnzstanacct · 28 days
Fanfic Writing Ideas / Goals
Fandoms I want to write for that you should ask me about or talk to me about or give me ideas for or pester me about writing for (and I’m not putting the slashes and stuff in so if you stumble across this post while not being a part of my niche fetish community, no you didn’t):
Fellow Travelers: thinking in a context where Hawk has the fetish and Tim indulges him with some of the topping from the bottom/role reversal dynamics from the show. And Hawk sneezes really loud. Bc I want him to. Tim meanwhile just has the woooooooorst allergies and get some satisfaction out of someone being turned on rather than turned off by them for once.
Red White and Royal Blue: kinda thinking it would be fun to do a mutual fetish thing, probably changing some details about how they met and their interactions prior to the Cake Incident, but also I can’t work out the timing. I want one or the other (probably Alex bc how would Henry even do this) to have Very Secretly put some sneeze fetish content out into the internet and the other has been getting off to it since that very day, without realizing who it was. Also really trying to decide how much I can convince myself that Henry has a mental block and/or *always* stifles but actually if you get him to let it out he has a surprisingly big/loud/harsh sneeze. I know Alex sneezes loud and proud and uncovered and with a high-pitched upturn at the end, and is the kind of guy who sneezes just kinda randomly all the time, but it isn’t like intense fits unless he encounters one of his few allergies and then it is Intense Fits, you know what I mean?
Check Please: which I have a whole setup for, definitely a mutual fetish situation for Nursey and Dex where like Dex has The Perfect Big Loud Sneeze for Nurse but he always stifles so Nurse has the hots for a Mystery Loud Sneeze Guy who is later revealed to be Dex. Also something involving Holster also having Big Loud Uncovered Epic Dad Sneezes that echo through the Haus and Nursey and Dex both are like SO into, bc that guy just seems like he’d absolutely holler out his sneezes for real. And that he’d get like Epic Man Flu with Epic Dad Sneezes, etc.
Ted Lasso: specifically giant!sneeze Roy, and more specifically: “sex-linked giant sneezes are common and considered hot and Roy’s are EXTRA BIG and therefore considered Extra Hot but he is grumpy about this as he always is about everything” also he’s in some sort of romantic entanglement with Keeley and/or Jamie. And I still haven’t decided what Jamie’s sneezes should be like but he’s definitely going to have some degree of jealousy-of-Roy-and-the-jealousy-is-also-horny situation going on.
9-1-1: Somebody on here suggested Buck as a possible Big Sneezer character and I was like eh maybe that actor’s hot but THEN they made him Canonically Bi on the show and now I’m like fuck yeah make it happen need it yesterday. And I’m trying to decide if I want to go with the whole Buddie thing and have Eddie be a fetishist and maybe they can do a like “well like I’m Not Into Dudes like you are (yes he is stop lying) but I have this weird like… Thing for Sneezes and your sneezes are I dunno they’re like really big and hot and maybe we should make out about that and definitely not about Feelings” or if I want Buck to have the kink, but actually I think I’m leaning towards the former bc I want Buck’s big loud sneezes to be like A Problem somehow bc he’s such a cute golden retriever guy that I kinda want to whump him a little. Gentle whump. And then comfort bc like “I don’t have a problem with your sneezes and actually I kinda think they’re… hot?” Yeah, that sounds fun. I am deciding this now as I’m writing lmao.
Also possibly interested in Disco Elysium, like y’all make that fandom sound really hot and again one of those characters having the fetish could be suuuuuper hot also Harry definitely has the Dad Sneezes of all Dad Sneezes.
Also also I have the whole Dream Daddy setup that I’ve written about before on here. Really want to do the Hugo and Brian dates that I have plotted out especially, but always feel like once I get out of the Dream Daddy world I lose the voice for that fandom and it really requires a very specific voice. Although maybe I’ll just base it on the fics I’ve already written. Like if I just emulate that voice it’ll be close enough and at least it will be internally consistent.
Also also also I have the King’s New Allergy story that I feel I have basically revealed as a BBC Merlin fanfic, for which I want to write a steamy epilogue involving The King and The Mage huddled up in the King’s chambers while he sneezes out the last of the Big Magic Sneezes and they talk about the fetish and they fuck lmao.
I think that’s all I have on my list fanfic wise but if I’ve mentioned something else or you think something else would be a good idea for me to look into hit me up! In particular I think Ted Lasso and the sorta-kinda-Merlin-ish fic are the only ones that include real giant!sneeze (as opposed to my usual ridiculously loud and borderline unrealistically so sneeze) and perhaps I should also think of more fanfiction contexts that could accommodate that too.
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