#ask my muse
mercurygguk · 1 year
risque jk mind telling us about that time u made oc squirt? 🤨 what else u keeping from us? 🤨🤨
risqué ; timestamp #1 (m)
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+18 content below the cut
pairing; risqué!jungkook x risqué!oc
genre; smut
➵ series masterlist · risqué tag · playlist
[23:17 PM] “you take my fingers so fucking well, baby–”
jungkook growls these words right next to your ear, watching how your pussy swallows his fingers for every pump of them, your arousal coating his digits in shimmering wetness. your back is arching off his chest, lips parted in silent cries of pleasure, chest heaving in short puffs of air as you fight to catch your breath. 
the tightened string in your abdomen is about to break within you for the fourth time tonight, jungkook can tell from the way your walls tighten around his fingers as he buries them deeply in you, your hips bucking as they chase your orgasm.
“look at you,” he chuckles softly, lips brushing your temple, “such a good girl… letting me fuck you with my fingers like this.”
your moans and whimpers of pleasure fill the room, your hands tightly fisting the sheets as you feel yourself nearing euphoria with the same force as a tsunami wave.
“kook-“ you whimper his name.
“yeah, baby?”
your head falls back into the hard panes of his chest, his heart hammering in its cage underneath you. he curls his fingers within you, brushing that spot you love so much.
“please- kook,” you cry, the hints of tears in your eyes. “please, i need it-“
jungkook’s lips curl into a soft smirk as he notices how your fists tighten around the sheets, gripping onto them for dear life as he hand moves at an inhuman speed, fingers continuously adding pressure to that specific spot that always causes you to see stars. your jaw falls open as your orgasm sneaks up on you.
“wanna come, hm? wanna come around my fingers like a good fucking girl?” he grits the words out.
you nod vigorously, your legs tensing and trying to close around his hand between them. he hums in disapproval, his free hand grabbing a hold of your leg by the crook of your knee. he spreads your legs further apart, keeping them spread as he finger fucks you, bring you closer and closer to the edge.
“use your words.”
your squirm in his hold, the feeling of the string within you about to snap too overwhelming, your clit overly sensitive from your previous orgasms not too long ago.
“tell me what you need, ____.”
“i need to come!” the words burst from your lips, hanging in the air as you whimper and moan, tears rolling down your cheeks due to the pain and pleasure of being stimulated so many times in just one night. “wanna c-come so fucking bad- please, jungkook!”
your instant begging causes jungkook to growl against the shell of your ear, jaw falling slack as he watches your hips bucking as the orgasm reaches you.
“let go, baby- come for me,” he tells you, the guttural moan you instantly let out going straight to his cock, the blood rushing to the head and making his hard on so painful he might start crying himself.
you come around his fingers, a row of ‘fuck’ and ‘ohmygod’ leaving your lips in a rushed tone as you let go, letting the orgasm wash over you in tidal waves. the release you feel is intense, unfamiliar yet so fucking good you blackout for a brief moment. jungkook fingers you through your orgasms, eyes widened in surprise as he watches the wetness squirt from your pussy, soaking his sheets.
“fuck, baby-“ he mutters the words, sounding out of breath as he leaves a kiss on your bare shoulder. you’re heaving for air, trying to catch your breath as you fall limp against his chest, head lying on his shoulder. “my pretty, beautiful girl… you just squirted all over my sheets.”
“what- i don’t…” you try to lift your head to see what he’s talking about but you’re too spent to even do that, dropping your head back to rest on his shoulder. jungkook’s palms are sliding over your thighs in comforting strokes as he waits patiently for you to return to your senses, leaving kisses on your shoulder and neck. he can’t help but smile against your skin, feeling pride in his chest as he stares at the wet spot on his silk sheets, unable to get the image of you orgasming and a squirting out of his head.
half an hour later of cuddles and comforting praises, jungkook returns to the bedroom after cleaning you up with a damp towel. he helps you into one of his oversized t-shirts before lifting you of the bed, carrying you bridal style out of the his bedroom and into the guest room across the hall.
“i didn’t know i could do that,” you tell him, the faint hints of surprise evident in your voice.
jungkook chuckles softly, “well, apparently you can.”
you’re still pretty worn out, eyes tired and droopy as he places you on the bed. he leans over you, kissing your lips softly a few times before standing up again. he’s about to leave the room and go fix his sheets but he never makes it far before you’re grabbing a hold of his hand. he glances at you, smiling softly when you tug at his hand.
“stay,” you mumble, sleep laced in your voice. “we can fix the sheets tomorrow.”
jungkook doesn’t need further persuasion, forgetting all about the sheets as he crawls into bed with you. you let out a satisfied hum as you cuddle up against him, burying your face in the crook of his neck as you throw a leg over his. jungkook can’t help but grin softly as you cling to him, your soft snores filling the air before he can tell you goodnight.
“goodnight, baby.”
he wraps his arms around you, pressing a kiss to your forehead before closing his own eyes and dozing off into a deep slumber, explicit images of you on his mind.
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angelicyoongie · 14 days
LS! Namjoon: you say you’ve snuck into the MC’s apartment multiple times…what would you do while in there and have you ever been hiding in there while she came back? Did you ever hide in her closet or watch her sleep? Did you ever have any close calls in being caught by her?
"I just wanted to make sure that darling was taking good care of herself. That her fridge was stocked and that she was on top of her perscriptions," Namjoon scratches the back of his neck, a little embarrassed about being asked so directly about some of his least proud moments when it comes to his soulmate.
"I never did anything bad!" He quickly adds, "I made sure I was never around when Y/n returned home. I didn't want to scare her or make her feel unsafe. I never touched her things or did anything perverted."
"I'm not Jimin," Namjoon finishes with a grimace, shooting the blonde a narrowed look. "I would never go that far."
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ahundredtimesover · 9 months
For the ask game. Inevitable JK and OC - how are you and the boys doing? It’s been awhile. Miss you and your family. 💜💜💜💜
INEVITABLE OC: Oh, definitely a lot of this (laughs). Kook is often tired from training and he’d wake up to find all of us in the boys’ room just cuddling and telling stories without him. I think he gets a little jealous sometimes but the kids love him just the same, always drawing him and saying how good he is when he plays.
INEVITABLE JK: Ahh, seeing them in my jerseys during games is the best thing. Even if they do show their support differently (laughs).
INEVITABLE OC: There’s Jungwon curled in my arms and only stands up to clap when his papa is batting. And then there’s Ji-yoo who squeals as if he understands everything and then yells “that’s my papa! He is so good!” every time. He even brags about it in daycare (laughs).
INEVITABLE JK: Ji-yoo’s such a rascal, too. He loves running around like he’s some superhero, but then when he falls, it’s his big brother who’s first on the scene to make sure he’s okay. They’re so fun to watch grow up.
INEVITABLE OC: My favorite though is when these 3 boys try to compete on who loves me the most. It’s hilarious! Kook won’t back down, saying he married me so the 2 kiddies say they’ll marry me, too.
INEVITABLE JK: Ah, they’ll be hit with reality in time. I do hope they’ll be lucky like us - finding the person who makes them the happiest and creating a family with them. I think that’s all I really want for them - whatever it is they desire, I just want them to have it.
A/N: shout-out to @wonwoonlight who always sends me videos that remind her of this family 🥹☺️
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ditzyblue-blood · 7 months
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"Happy Halloween to you all! I hope to take Via out Trick-or-treating if she's up for it. She was always so happy when I took her out on Halloween."
Mun: Sadly, I am not back just yet. But I wanted to come back from this break just to wish you all happy Halloween! I should be better by January, and Hazbin is being released then too, so yay!
I'll make a post for the holidays, too. Bye, everyone!
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papetoonfox · 1 month
5. Who are they loyal to? Why?
Get To Know Your Character!
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"Y'know, loyalty's a big deal for me and my team. We're tight-knit, but if I had to pick one stand-out..." He paused for a moment, taking a moment to think strongly about this particular question. "-it'd be Peppy Hare. He's been there since my old man passed, kinda took me under his wing. I look up to him like a father figure, for sure."
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Fox McCloud is fiercely loyal to his team and anyone who treats him with respect, dignity, and kindness. He's the kind of guy who wears his heart on his sleeve, so if you show him some goodness, you can bet he'll do the same for you. His loyalty to his team—Falco, Slippy, and Peppy—is like family to him. He holds them in the highest regard, and that loyalty is rooted in the deep bonds they've forged over time. They've always had his back, and he'll always have theirs.
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professionhero · 9 months
What’s your biggest regret?
(Again going to answer all three)
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Glaive Nyx:
Nyx takes in a deep breath. This was a question he asked himself daily, "I wish I could say something heroic, like I wish I stayed and fought for my home...that's not the case though..."
He bit his lips together chewing for a moment before letting out a big sigh, "I regret freezing."
He puts a hand on his bouncing leg to get it to stop, talking about this made him anxious, "I regret not moving to do something when I had a chance. Guess that's why I run in full throttle now. I don't ever want to freeze again."
Hidden King Nyx(Insomnia):
"There's a guy I dated when I first got here. Took me to a lot of places I shouldn't have gone...fucked me up pretty bad..." He crosses his arms over his chest defensively, "Did a lot of things for that man I shouldn't have. Put up with a lot...I deserved better...still have a hard time accepting that."
King Nyx(Galahd):
"I get that question a lot from my sister. She's always pestering me about it. Lena fears embarrassing me and our family." Nyx gives a small smile, "She really shouldn't, she's a great representative for our people. Couldn't ask for a better princess."
"Anyways, not what you wanted to know." He let's out a soft breathy chuckle, "Uh...I suppose I regret not spending more time with my dad before he was taken from us. I was at that age where I was too cool to hangout with the family, ya know? Thankfully I didn't have like one of those 'I hate you dad' moments...was just me being a little shit...then..."
He falls quiet for a moment thinking it over, "...well...he saved my life and lost his...so I guess there's that too...next question?"
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citrustan · 6 months
Ask my muse
To Taehyung from STMF : bitch why did you betray my baby like that? Are you even her bestfriend? the audacity to be friends with that new gorilla and save her contact and be bestfriends with her.
I hope your crush finds someone else…kiss & make out with him in front of your fucking eyes😘 I hope your cereal turns super soggy.. and you put salt instead of sugar every single time and I’m gonna manifest for ya coffee orders to get mixed up everytime. I hope your hairstylist gives you a neon green or yellow colour instead of the one you wanted. Also take your care and shove it up your ass😘
"I'm always on _____'s side. I've always been there for her. I know her better than anyone else. So I know that we'll be just fine."
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sabiekay · 6 months
❄️ Merry Ask-mas everyone! ❄️
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That’s right, from today until January 4, 2024, my inbox will be OPEN to your asks for the following:
A) Ask My Muse - Ask any character from my fics in the master list anything you want to know!
B) Ask Me Anything - Ask me anything about my fics. This can be about inspiration, plot, anything related to my fics!
I can’t wait to see what you all send. This is my first event and I’m so excited!
Send your Ask-mas questions here!
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I wanna ask the Skz pack what would they do if alpha (y/n) ever gets pregnant, and who would be the father (or maybe they dont care about that). Are they gonna they care of (y/n) as they do the omegas?
"Ooooh jumping right into the nitty gritty stuff." Minho rubs his hands together like he's hatching an evil plan and glances down the group to where Chan sits. "I think we should let our leader answer this one."
The room suddenly smells a whole lot like the spice of amber.
Chan is already pink, and Jisung is cackling maniacally now.
"Yeah, you know because of the whole breeding kink thing."
"It's not a kink!" Chan protests, cheeks flushed red and ears burning, as the rest of pack devolves into laughter ranging from guffaws (Jisung) to low, knowing chuckles (Changbin).
"Okay, okay." You interrupt, trying to bite back a grin, as you put a placating hand on Chan's thigh, sending a wave of chilly pheromones his way in an effort to quell some of his embarrassment. You level Jisung with a glare, though it doesn't hold much bite. "There's nothing wrong with wanting to be a dad, Han Jisung. And I happen to think that Channie would be an amazing father."
"No one's disputing that." Seungmin shrugs, elbowing his fellow beta as he continues to giggle. "We are, however, saying that hyung definitely has a little bit of an obsession with the how and why and who of getting to fatherhood in the first place."
"Oh my god." Chan groans out from between his fingers, and you squeeze his thigh before you glance toward the other members of the pack.
"Look, all that aside, because we don't kink shame in this family-" You pointedly shoot a stern look in Jisung's direction. "-I don't think any of us are quite ready for pups yet. But when we are, it's gonna be awesome. Regardless of who carries them or who their DNA comes from."
Changbin is nodding along thoughtfully to your words, arm slung lazily around Hyunjin's shoulders, who is listening quietly, attentively, ears perked.
"Yeah, see, there used to be the idea, passed down, that omegas were the only ones who could carry the pups, usually the head omega specifically."
"But I'm definitely not about that life." Hyunjin interjects, visibly shuddering as he dramatically grimaces, Changbin squeezing him affectionately. "I'll snuggle the shit out of any pup we have, but having to carry that sucker inside of my body for nine months? No thanks."
"Plus, we all agree, you'd be a shitshow while pregnant." Minho points out unhelpfully with a slight smirk, cocking an eyebrow at the head omega as he fixes him with a glare from beneath the safety of Changbin's arm. "Think you're dramatic now? You'd be a million times worse."
Jisung dissolves into laughter once more.
"And now-" You speak a little louder over the sound of Jisung's mirth, combining your glare with Hyunjin's until the beta looks suitably repentant, quieting as he leans into the warmth of Seungmin. "-those ideas are practically archaic. Female alphas can conceive and carry pups as well. Any omega can get pregnant, because that's canine biology, but any female-regardless of subgender-can get pregnant also, because that's human biology."
Jeongin, who has been mostly quiet through the conversation, finally speaks up from where he's cuddled in Felix's lap, the older omega soothingly brushing gentle fingers through his hair.
"Felix-hyung would have a pup in a heartbeat."
Chan, who seems to have recovered somewhat from his earlier embarrassment, at least enough to engage, offers the youngest an affectionate smile, before his gaze falls on Felix fondly.
"Lix would be a great dad."
Felix blushes under the head alpha's open praise and buries his nose in Jeongin's hair.
"I mean, after school and when we're all settled-yeah. I'd like that."
"We decided a long time ago that (Y/N) and Lixie would carry any pups we have. They both seem to actively enjoy the idea of pregnancy and since Hyunjin has no interest and Jeongin's young, well-" Chan trails off, shrugging slightly, as if that's all that needs to be said.
"As for the dad-" Changbin shrugs, following the lead alpha's example, and you note the tips of his ears are slightly pink now, the only outward sign of his sudden bashfulness. "It doesn't matter. A pup is a pup, regardless of biology."
"We're gonna Russian roulette it." You add, and when Chan looks at you in open shock, you can't help the laugh that bubbles past your lips, reaching up to pat his cheek before you continue, ignoring Jisung, who is laughing once more, as giddy as a middle schooler in the middle of their first sex ed lesson.
Minho rolls his eyes and cuffs Jisung's ear, effectively shutting him up.
"Yeah, well that's what we agreed on right?" You glance around, and a few of the other pack members nod. You continue, more confident now, less teasing. "We track Felix's heats pretty religiously, and when the times comes, I'll just get better at tracking my human cycle in the same manner and then-" It's your turn to shrug, as you smugly grin. "Everybody takes a turn when the timing is right and boom, pup comes out a mystery."
"Oh my god." Chan repeats for the second time in as many minutes.
"As for taking care of (Y/N), it's not gonna be any different than we would treat Lixie or any other significant other who was carrying our kid."-subgender be damned."
Minho shrugs, still keeping Jisung head locked under his arm, as if he's worried as soon as he lets go, the beta will dissolve once more into hysterical giggles.
He probably will.
"Hyung's gonna get a hell of a lot more protective, regardless of who it is." Changbin remarks, a sly grin creeping across his lips as he shoots a knowing gaze across at the head alpha, who looks like he wants to disappear under a rock. "He's not gonna let them out of his sight."
Minho finally lets Jisung up for air, and the beta rubs the raw skin of his neck in irritation before he glances over at Chan, a suddenly mischievous look in his eye and wicked smirk on his lips.
"Hey hyung."
You shoot him a warning look, but he either doesn't see, or blatantly chooses to ignore it.
It's Jisung, so probably the latter.
Jisung leans the swell of his full cheek onto his hand and regards the alpha with nothing but pure, sweet innocence on his face-eyes wide and lips pursed.
"What was it you told (Y/N) the other night? Oh wait, I remember!" He snaps his fingers, feigning sudden remembrance, and something cold washes down your spine at the same moment Chan tenses beside you.
Jisung, little shit that he is, looks nothing but purely triumphant as he mimics the gravel of Chan's voice.
"'God, you're so pretty, baby, bet you'd look even prettier with alpha's pup inside of you, hm?'"
Jisung looks smug as the words fall into the space between you all, out in the open for everyone to see.
There is shocked silence, and then the room breaks out into chaos.
No less than two members of the pack immediately jump Jisung (Minho and Changbin), Hyunjin looks a little green as Seungmin dissolves into disbelieving, shrill laughter beside him, and Felix shrieks, moving to cover Jeongin's ears as if he's a stricken child hearing a curse word for the first time.
Jeongin, to his credit, doesn't immediately break out in tears or throw up, so, progress?
Chan, however, looks like he wants to be swallowed up in the earth right this very instance.
Amid the ensuing chaos, above the sound of Jisung's panicked screaming as Minho and Changbin tackle him mercilessly to the floor for his crimes, you shoot a thoughtful glance at the alpha beside you, and when he meets your gaze-flustered and red-you tilt your head curiously, regarding him.
"Maybe it is a kink."
"Oh my god."
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minisugakoobies · 1 year
Ask My Muse/Fanfic Title Game
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For my latest milestone, I'm opening up my asks for:
Ask My Muse - send in questions for my characters! Any characters, from anything on my masterlist
Fanfic Title Game - send me a title and I'll tell you what I'd write
I'm going to be traveling this weekend, so I'll answer when I have time, but you can keep sending until I announce asks are closed
Thank you all again for being here! 💕
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mercurygguk · 2 months
reread risque for the 10th time so risque jk i have a question: do you miss bratty oc
“I miss everything about her– her bratty attitude, her stupid jokes, her ridiculously long skincare routine, her scent, her laugh… everything.”
jungkook’s lips purse to the side in an attempt to hide his deep frown, his mind traveling to a time and place where his life felt like he won the lottery. however, he soon shakes himself out of it and lets out a deep sigh, returning his full attention to the paperwork in front of him.
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angelicyoongie · 14 days
OMG! I’m so excited you are doing ask my muse! My question for the lovesick guys is this…
Are you guys ever gonna give MC her freedom back and let her go back to work/school? Will her life ever be normal again once you’re not worried about her running off?
(These questions were sent in before the final LS chapter was posted, so they will be answered from the perspective of the boys in ch 15!)
"We are planning on letting Y/n resume her degree eventually," Namjoon says carefully. He shares a slighty shaky smile with Yoongi.
"She might have to finish it online if the new place we're moving to doesn't offer the same program, but we have no intention of keeping her from living out her dreams," Seokjin supplies.
"She doesn't really have to work though," Jimin shrugs, "Between the seven of us, we make more than enough to support her. I'd rather she spends her time doing things she enjoys at home, where it's safe, over working menial jobs where she's surrounded by dangerous strangers."
Jungkook and Taehyung nod in agreement. Hoseok considers the final question for a moment before he leans forward in his seat, a chilling smile on his face as he says, "I'm not sure I like the implication you're making. Y/n does have a normal life already – what could be more normal than finally being together with her soulmates?"
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ahundredtimesover · 10 months
Ask my muse plm!jk, how’s life these days? How are you taking care of oc and the baby? :)
PLM JK: Life is good for an expecting father, you know? Lots of anxiety, lots of excitement. Half of it is admiring my pregnant wife’s belly getting bigger, the other half consists of freaking out because there’s really something growing in there and it’s human (laughs). But we’re doing okay and we’ve found a rhythm. I drive her to the studio, I pick her up, I give her back massages when we take baths together, which she asks me to do a lot with her now. The doctor says that physical affection helps with her own stress and anxiety and you know me, I follow the doctor’s orders so that’s what I give her all the time!
PLM OC: He’s not joking. He really means all the time. Makes me wonder sometimes if he’s pregnant, too (laughs). I can’t really do much without him holding my hand or cradling my belly.
PLM JK: Like I said, doctor’s orders.
PLM OC: I know. And I’m glad they are, not that he needed them though. But they’ve helped alot.
PLM JK: I’ve been working out a lot more, too. You know, gotta broaden the shoulders for the baby and increase the stamina for my wife (smirks).
PLM OC: He just wants an excuse for me to ogle him when he does it at home. Which he does, a lot.
PLM JK: I need to keep you entertained, okay? And gotta make sure you’re still into me. But yeah, that’s how our life’s been so far. Taking care of her has been so fulfilling, and I can’t wait until we get to take care of the little one together.
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I know I've answered this ask by @yourlocaltea but I decided to separate them into two posts to avoid confusion
🥰 - What pet names do their partner(s) use for them? How flustered do they get by them?
Kanato does not actually have pet names for Maya. In fact, he’s the only diaboy aside from Azusa who calls Maya “Maya-san.”
However, there's a catch because fun fact: Kanato is the only one who gets to call Maya by her given birth name. Ofc Karlheinz and her former master know her real name but they still call her Maya.
So yeah, surprise, surprise! Maya is NOT her real name, though the “Maya” name is taken from her true name (and it’s kind of a Japanese equivalent of a biblical name).
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Kanato only calls her by her birth name during intimate times, like lovemaking sessions or private dates. Though if he was being honest, he thinks it doesn’t fit Maya’s image.
The only closest thing Maya could get from Kanato that indicates a pet name is when he deliberately calls her his wife in public, like:
“Hey, wife-san, are you done with your club activities?”
“Let’s go to the nearby cafe, wife-san.”
Like he freaking asserts dominance by emphasizing the word 'wife' and discreetly telling ppl "yes I am her husband, got it?"
Kanato knows he’s being petty af but there are still men out there who try to make a move on her despite being unavailable to the market (his mind is actually not playing tricks; it’s real guys pls believe him 😭)
And yes, Kanato even ensures their photos online would be like this:
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Maya might come off as this emotionless girl, but if she's somewhere with Kanato and he starts being affectionate, she gets flustered really hard. Well, for Kanato's part, he doesn't mind. He thinks it's great he has that kind of effect on her
Cause he'll raise hell if she doesn't react to his advances
For some reason, this reminds me of a convo w/ @whitechocolatemochaasblog where Kanato accused Malorie of stealing Maya from him 💀😭😂
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papetoonfox · 1 month
What are their fears?
Get To Know Your Character!
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"Believe it or not," Fox paused for a moment, his voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "I've got my fair share of fears." He took a deep breath, steadying himself. "But if I had to pick my top one, it'd be losing my team. It's not something I usually talk about. They're the backbone of Star Fox, and without them, I wouldn't be where I am today." A somber expression settled on his face as he added, "They're like family to me, and the thought of losing any of them... Well... That's a fear that never leaves."
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Fox McCloud has quite a few different fears, so here are 5 of them.
Losing his family: Without them (his team), he knows he wouldn't be where he is now. Failure: is yet another fear McCloud has, once again, revolving around his team. He can't bare the thought of failing them or failing to accomplish a mission. Betrayal: Fox often relies on trust and loyalty. This isn't just with his own team, but anyone he encounters along his ventures through the galaxy. (Mostly if they are someone lending a hand to the Star Fox team during combat.) Abandonment: Since the loss of his father, Fox has this underlying fear of being alone. Physically and mentally. Losing Himself: His identity is tied to his role as a leader and a pilot. Whether it's through succumbing to darkness or losing sight of his values. Challenging his sense of self and purpose with every decision he makes.
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Ask Reese a question!!!!!
I am so bored I can't freaking stand it, and I want to develop Reese a little more! So, send this sweet boy some asks! If you feel like it, you can even set a little scene for where he's being asked the question! (is he being tortured? Imprisoned? On the job? Cuddling with his boyfriend?)
Reese will answer each question!
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