#and both happen to be spiritual redraws of different pieces lmao
microgravities · 7 months
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Here’s the scrapped version of a piece I’m currently working on that I might revisit/finish as a refined sketch later. I’d figure since I’m at the point where I’m currently transferring the final version to my PC so I can finish it I might as well share this while I’m at it.
There’s lore by the way, some facts regarding Shimmera and their 'braincases' since Null’s is on display here.
When newly formed Imago develop their physical form (referred to as ‘Pelt’) the first thing that forms is their braincase which holds their consciousness. This braincase turns into a skull when the pelt finishes forming.
Shimmera past the Imago stage can still revert back to this early stage of development if they have been stripped of their anima and can no longer hold their fully formed pelt. This form (braincase as the only physical part of the body) is easier to maintain so they’ll stay this way until they can regenerate enough anima to restore their full pelt again.
Null’s braincase here is what it looks like when a Shimmera past the Imago stage has been stripped of their anima, it retains a bone-like appearance for a time then reverts back to it’s normal smooth appearance.
Null’s braincase has iridescent striations from drinking water from the Skall, which reacts with the magic they use. The material the braincase is made from depends on where the Shimmera is formed, being a blend of organic material produced by the Shimmera and hard minerals/metals found in the area.
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