#ambw nct
andysorbit · 1 year
1 Corinthians 6:19 (M)
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Church boy!Doyoung x church girl!reader Minors, fuck outta here Warnings: corruption?, some bible verses, Siwon is an asshole, unprotected sex, oral sex, fingering, light dirty talk, daddy kink, spanking, choking, overstimulation Is this blasphemy??? Idk sorry to those who are religious? I mean if you're reading this then... ya know.
Word count: 7.2k?? I know it's a lot
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"He's not gonna take the bait. He's got a crucifix up his ass," Jaemin says and rolls his eyes.
The church basement is quiet and one thing you've all learned from being in this... Holy Place... is how to successfully whisper in a room so quiet that even Hellen Keller could hear a mouse piss on cotton.
Joy leans in closer but never takes her eyes away from her Bible, "Y/n, he's not interested. You need to learn to quit while you're ahead. Siwon has him on a leash," she mutters.
"No, Jesus has him on a leash," Jaemin counters.
You pretend you don't hear them and turn back to Kun, "You got his cousin to give you a chance. He can't be that much different."
Kun looks across at Joy and smirks, "Don't say it like that... you sound like I used her," he mumbles.
Joy chuckles softly, "You were using me. You just didn't bank on getting used."
"And that's why I love you," he sighs.
Joy shakes her head, "You think you love me."
Your eyes wander back over to Doyoung's face and you watch him closely.
Sunday school is over for the day and you're all left to prepare for next week's lesson.
It's the same ritualistic pattern that’s posted on a bulletin board in Pastor Siwon's obsurdly perfect writing:
Sunday Schedule
Sunday school must begin at 8 AM and end by no later than 8:50 AM.
Breakfast/refreshments to be served from 8:55 AM to 9:15 AM.
Sunday school instructors are to work on next week's lesson from 9:00 AM to 9:45 AM
Everyone must be upstairs and seated in the sanctuary by 9:55 AM
Siwon's a bitch.
He hates women, gay people, and anyone he can't use God to manipulate. He also hates his brother Doyoung.
Siwon's father wanted Doyoung to lead the church in the event that he were to suddenly die. It was a discussion that had been talked about for years.
Nobody paid it much attention until, of course, their father did suddenly die.
The entire church- including Siwon's own wife- voted for Doyoung to lead but Doyoung, being an obedient little brother, declined.
"I'm just happy to be here and serve God with you all. Siwon hyung is more equipped to lead you than I am and I'm more than happy to continue teaching Sunday school with the little ones. If leading a church is my calling, our Savior will make me ready for that day but until then, let's just praise Him and do our best to show His glory."
That day, you were more than a little disappointed to say the least. You knew he'd look good in a clergy robe but here he is, still teaching the little ones.
Doyoung instructs the preschoolers, Kun instructs grades one through three, Jaemin instructs grades four through six, Joy instructs grades seven through nine, and you teach grades ten through twelve.
You don't enjoy it but you do it. You don't enjoy this church but you still come. Not because you feel obligated but because you don't want your funds cut.
None of you do.
Doyoung is the only one who still comes to church willingly, he prays with fervency, and cries during worship.
Sometimes, you wonder if he cries because he really feels God's presence or if that's his subconscious pleading for release from the Holy sunken place.
"I have to teach the kids about abstinence. I hate that," Joy mutters and snaps you out of your trance.
"Because you're a godless whore?" Jaemin laughs quietly.
Surprisingly, she nods, "I feel like a hypocrite."
"But you're not," You tell her. She smiles at you appreciatively.
"Ask Doyoung to help you. He's read the whole fuckin' Bible cover to cover four times already." Jaemin says.
You perk up when you hear Doyoung's folding chair softly drag across the concrete floor.
"Thirsty ass," Jaemin Snickers.
"Shut the fuck up," You hiss and drop your eyes back down to your Bible.
"Ask him for me, Y/n," Joy whispers.
"Hey, Doyoung?" You say as you close your Bible.
The room feels even hotter and you lock eyes with him.
He gives you the warmest smile, "Yes, Y/n?"
"Joy has to teach about abstinence and she needs help but she's not sure how to ask you. She's awkward about it," You tell him.
He smiles and nods at you then looks over at Joy, "You're such a jelly belly, Joy," He glances at the clock behind you, "Well, we have ten minutes. I finished early so I can help you."
He sits down in the empty chair beside yours and opens his Bible,
"I really like first Corinthians chapter six verse... nineteen. It.. speaks on how our bodies are temples and how they belong to God. I think that's a good way to start the conversation. You have to remember, Joy, your job is scratch the surface. They'll have a deeper discussion with their parents. You really don't wanna cross that boundary,"
Joy nods. This is her first go round with Sunday school. Yeri used to teach it but she just disappeared one day. There were rumors that she had gotten pregnant and that's why she stopped coming with her parents.
It's none of your business, though.
You sit and listen to him explain things so happily. His eyes light up and for a moment, you wish you were God just so he could make your own name sound so beautiful.
"I hope I was able to help you with this. If you need any help, don't be scared to ask. I'm here as much as I can be. Closed mouths can't get fed," Doyoung says warmly.
Jaemin snorts and masks it with a cough, "Sorry," he whispers.
Everyone gets up and Doyoung softly touches your arm, "Can I talk to guys before we go up?" he asks. You nod and watch as your friends glance at each other with befuddled expressions.
"Why don't you guys like me?" he asks and you feel your heart break.
"What? Who said that? Doyoung, who said that to you?" You ask him softly.
"My brother did. He said that... you guys talk about me behind my back and- I just wanna know what I did. I haven't made you feel uncomfortable, have I?" he searches your face for an answer and you can't believe he thinks that.
"Doyoung, we thought you didn't like us. You never sit with us and we thought you just preferred your own company," Kun says apologetically.
"I'm sorry. I- we never meant to make you feel that way. Especially me. We would love it if you sat with us," You say eagerly.
"Oh, yeah. Especially her," Jaemin agrees. You whip your head around to glare at Jaemin and he throws his hands up in concession.
You turn back to Doyoung and he smiles, "I know I can be a little closed off sometimes. Please don't hold it against me," he chuckles.
"It's no problem. We know you mean well," Jaemin says with a tight smile.
He's always been a bit stand-offish with Doyoung. How Siwon could have such a good brother perplexes him.
Doyoung smiles, "Okay. Next Sunday, I'm with you guys."
You nod, "I'm looking forward to it!"
Your week is slow and you're actually excited to be going to church. You pick Jaemin up on your way and he smokes as you drive.
"This shit better be aired out before we get there," You tell him.
He shrugs, "You say that every Sunday. Has it ever not been aired out?"
"Got me there," You concede.
Jaemin tosses his cigarette out the window at the red light. As you turn the block and into the parking lot, you see Doyoung get out of his car.
As always, he's neat and casual; opting for his usual solid-colored slacks and polo shirt. He looks so good.
"As much as I hate to say this, you're gonna have to stop picking me up if you're gonna get him to nail you to a cross," Jaemin says as you're parking your car.
"I hope you get lung cancer," You sigh.
Jaemin laughs, "You don't mean that."
When you get out, you see Doyoung leaning against his car.
He's waiting for you.
"Good morning!" he cheers.
"Good morning," You say back.
Jaemin gives him a wave, "He's trying to figure us out," he murmurs.
"Then stop cockblocking," You mumble back.
"I'm gonna head in. I have to help the kids with a few things. Thanks for the ride, Y/n," Jaemin says.
Doyoung squeezes his Bible and looks over at you, "So you never need any help with Sunday school. How is it?" He asks.
"It's good. The kids are great. Yeri took good care of them before they graduated," You tell him.
He nods, "Hey... uh... I was wondering if you wanted to um... go with me to the church picnic next month? Siwon's been..." he trails off because he's obviously trying not to badmouth his brother.
"Nagging you?" You ask quietly.
He freezes like a startled rabbit then nods, "Yeah," he whispers.
"You don't have to be married until you're ready. Besides... I'm not marrying you," You laugh.
Doyoung laughs too, "You know how he is... why he married Taeyeon and all that," he sighs.
"He just wanted a piece of ass and didn't wanna burn in hell for it?" You blurt out.
Doyoung, surprisingly, bursts out laughing, "Is he that obvious?" he says with an exasperated smile.
He's so handsome.
"Yeah," You say, "He is."
Sunday school is mundane as usual and when it's over, Doyoung comes to sit with you. Right beside you to be specific.
Jaemin smirks.
People in the congregation tried to rally for you and Jaemin to date and prelude to marriage but that would never happen.
Jaemin's gay and he's fucking the choir director's son Renjun but that, along with everything else that's sinful in this church, is none of your business. He's your friend and you love him but he's private about his affairs.
Everyone has a level of privacy they maintain in order to cover their own asses. He trusts you with his life but he stays discreet to keep your hands clean.
"It's my week to clean the church," Doyoung sighs.
"Tough luck," Joy laughs, "I had last week."
"I'll be okay," Doyoung says, "It's my own fault for staying up so late."
"Y/n can help you. It's not like she has anything to do later," Kun pipes up.
"No, that's okay," Doyoung says softly, "If she doesn't wan-"
"I really don't have anything to do later and you look pretty tired. I don't mind helping you," You say eagerly and Jaemin stiffles a laugh.
After service, you seek out Doyoung and he pulls you to the side, "Wait for everyone to leave. It'll make more sense once they do," he whispers.
So you say your goodbyes and avoid Siwon's leering eyes.
Once the church is empty, Doyoung smiles at you, "Come with me," he says cheerfully as he leads you to the sound booth.
"This is why it always takes me so long to finish."
He tinkers with his phone and when Higher Ground by Stevie Wonder begins playing, he looks over at you, "Doesn't it sound so good in the church? The way it echoes?" he says as he leans in close enough for you to hear him.
The chill that rushes down your spine sends you into a frenzy and Doyoung notices. Your voice fails you so you nod.
He doesn't say anything but he does hold your gaze. He's hard to read but you don't worry.
You clean and enjoy his playlist. One thing that hasn't changed is his love for Motown. As you clean, you sing together and when he's feeling extra playful, he keeps his eyes trained on yours and sings to you.
For a moment, you think that he wants you too.
When Doyoung comes to pick you up for the picnic, he's dressed in a seafoam green t-shirt, blue jeans, and white Keds.
He beams at you as he leans against the car, "What are the chances?" he says as he gestures to your seafoam green knee-length midi dress and white Keds.
"I definitely look better," You chuckle as you walk towards him. He opens the passenger door for you, "You look beautiful," he says as his eyes roam over you. "Thank you, Doyoung," You say as you hold his gaze, "You look really good too."
You can't look away from him and it's obvious he's losing the battle as well.
He draws in closer to you and hesitates. You reach out to gently place your hand on his cheek,
"I'm not gonna stop you if that's what you're waiting for."
Doyoung slots his lips against yours and kisses you slowly.
His kiss is essentially who he is; warm, gentle, wholesome.
He slinks an arm around to draw you closer, "Is this okay?" he asks you.
You nod and melt against the firmness of his body. He sets your insides on fire and the subtle strength of his hold on you sends a frenzied storm straight down to the pit of your stomach.
You can already feel your panties soaking.
He breaks the kiss and smiles at you then dips back down to kiss you once more,
"We should... get going," he says into your ear and it's so obvious that he wants to press a kiss to your neck.
"Let me go first," You chuckle.
He loosens his grip on you and smiles, "Whoops," he laughs softly.
"We're gonna be late," He says and it's more to himself because he's very much aware that he's the holdup.
You slip down into the car and look up at him.
He stares back at you and you can see his mind racing. He takes a deep breath and wets his lips with his tongue before closing the passenger door.
You watch him go behind the car and stop for a moment; bowing his head and closing his eyes, he prays. You know he's asking for forgiveness and strength.
He finally moves around to the driver's seat and gets in; he seems ready to pull off but he hesitates,
"Traveling mercies," he says softly and bows his head.
You follow suit and he prays,
"Blessed Father God, thank you for giving us another opportunity to live another day in your glory. Please be with us as we travel today. We're thankful as always for your love and protection. In Jesus' name, amen."
"Amen," You whisper.
He starts the car and his motown playlist picks up from the middle of Mama’s Pearl by the Jackson 5 and you smile.
As he drives, you both chat about work and sometimes stop to sing because the music is just too good.
"You're the only person who sings with me," he says as he pulls into the church parking lot.
"Am I?" You ask incredulously, "How could anyone not wanna sing with you?"
Doyoung shrugs, "I dunno... I don't mind. I think I prefer if it's only you anyway."
You smile at him and he puts the car in park before cutting the engine.
Your mind wanders back to when you were both younger and how close you were to each other.
As if he read your mind, he pipes up,
"What happened to us?"
"I don't know, Doyoung, but I miss you," You reply.
"I think I let Siwon steer me too much. He always said you were trouble and I'd be getting myself a one-way ticket to hell if I stuck around you..." he trails off.
"Ouch," You grunt.
"I'm sorry I told you that," he says apologetically.
"Don't be... I kinda already knew... but why the sudden change? Are you just trying to spite him?" You ask.
Doyoung shakes his head, "Not at all. I just... I'm tired of trusting him so blindly... he's not a good person."
You arch your eyebrows in surprise, "It's okay that you trusted him. He's your brother and you love him. There's nothing wrong with that."
He nods and then opens his door, "I'll get your door for you. Stay put," he says.
He comes around and opens your door. As you get out, you see Siwon pull in a few spots down.
He's alone.
He gets out of comes over with a confused smile, "Sister, your dress is mighty short," he says.
"And considering there's a dresses only code for a picnic, so is my patience," You say with a tight smile.
Siwon nods and stands down, "Fair enough," he concedes before looking over at Doyoung, "Is she your date?"
Doyoung nods, "We agreed to come together so yes... she is."
Siwon smiles. "Well it is time you started seeking out a wife."
Doyoung shakes his head, "It's not a job hunt, hyung. I'll know when it's time," he says sheepishly.
"Of course," Siwon says with a smile, "I'll see you guys 'round back."
When he leaves, Doyoung looks at you, "I'll leave early if you do."
"Definitely. How long should we stay?" You ask him.
"I say we give it about an hour. Eat light. I'll cook for you," he says with a shy smile.
"You're gonna cook for me? Get outta here," You say with surprised smile.
"It's a hobby... no big deal," he says coolly.
He's pulling you in.
You watch as Siwon stands at the grill and burns a fourth burger. It's a shame that hardly anyone is eating and those who are, obviously aren't enjoying the food.
You're close enough to hear him mutter to himself about it. Renjun comes over, "Pastor, I can take it from here." he says with a sheepish smile.
Siwon turns him away just as he has the others but Renjun doesn't back down; instead, he drops all pretenses of pleasantries and gently pries the spatula out of Siwon's hand, "Nobody likes your food. Look around," he says.
"They're burgers, Renjun. Taeyeon did this all by herself last year. How hard can it be?" Siwon scoffs.
"Rocket science since nobody can tell your burgers from a hockey puck now... move. Over," Renjun says shortly.
Siwon sighs and moves over, "Everyone's so mean today. First Y/n and her dress now you and these burgers."
Renjun flips the burgers with ease and rolls his eyes, "We're only two people- not the whole world and there's nothing wrong with Y/n's dress. She looks pretty. If you're feeling some type of way about her kneecaps then that's something you should work out with God. Don't put the blame on her for it."
Renjun looks at you and winks. You smile back and fight back your laughter. You take a sip of your soda and watch Doyoung come over to you.
"Ready to go?" he asks you softly.
You nod, "Yeah... I am."
"Head into the church. I'll count to seventy and meet you by the nursery," he says.
You nod and stand up.
You head inside and wait for him.
You send Jaemin a text:
Y/n: he's gonna cook for me 😳
Jaemin: CAN I GET TO DA YAMZ??? SWEET YAAAAAAMZ!!! 😩😩😩💦💦💦💦🍑🍑🍑🍑🍆🍆🍆🍆
Y/n: Why did I even bother telling you 🙄
Doyoung comes around the corner and you slip your phone back into your bag. He takes your hand,
"Come on."
Doyoung's house is a cozy one level cottage. He's big on earth tones.
"This is your house? It suits you, Doyoung," You gush as he unlocks the front door. The aroma of clove hits you and for only a breadth of a second, you imagine waiting for him in this very foyer after he's come home from along day of work.
"Is that a good thing?" he laughs.
"Yeah. Your house is really cute."
"You think I'm cute?"
"I don't kiss ugly men."
He turns to you and smirks, "That was... my first kiss y'know."
"No," You gasp.
He nods, "Yep."
"Doyoung, be serious!" You exclaim because there is no way in hell he could've kissed you that well if it was his first time.
"I am! Why is that so hard to believe?" he laughs.
"It was too good... just too good," You say incredulously.
He gives you a smug smile, "My ego's gonna skyrocket. Be quiet."
You stare at him with bewildered eyes and he waves a hand at you, "Come on. I know you're hungry."
His kitchen is decorated in shades of terracotta. You look around at the neatness of everything.
After you take turns washing your hands, Doyoung pulls a bowl of fruit salad out of his refrigerator, "I made this for the picnic but I forgot it so eat as much as you want because I don't want it to go to waste but I'm definitely not going back to drop it off."
You laugh and pop a grape into your mouth. His eyes linger on your mouth so you take the opportunity to pick up a pineapple chunk and bite into it slowly.
The blush spreads across his cheeks but he can't look away, "I um... what are you hungry for?"
"Whatever you wanna cook. I just wanna eat," You say between bites.
Doyoung smiles at you, "Do you want... rosemary chicken? I have a really good recipe and I still have fresh rosemary left," he rings his hands out nervously.
"That sounds so good!" You exclaim.
You watch Doyoung prepare ingredients and you make small talk and of course, he plays some music; this time opting for a soft jazz playlist.
"You like carrots?" He asks as he chops up a carrot.
"Eh... not raw," You say with a frown. You watch him hold a slice out for you.
"Do it for me. It's good for your eyes. They're too pretty to not be taken care of. Say 'ah'. C'mon," he says eagerly.
You frown a little deeper and pull back.
"Ugh, I'm gonna have to scratch you off my potential wife list. You're too disobedient. Yuck," he says with mock disgust and a sassy roll of his own pretty eyes.
You both cackle and you let him ease the carrot slice into your mouth.
"That's a good girl," he hums.
You both freeze and the silence that hangs over his playlist is deafening.
"What?" You grunt.
"I'm so sorry I said that," he says just above a whisper.
"Why would you be sorry you said that?" You ask him as you pucker your lips suspiciously.
Doyoung blushes again, "I don't... know," he replies and pops his lips. He tries not to smirk but he fails and he gives you a gentle brush across your cheek with his knuckles.
You lean into his hand and he gives you a knowing look.
When the food is ready, Doyoung seats you at his breakfast nook, "Lunch is served," he says as he sets your plate down in front of you.
"Wow... Doyoung, it's almost too pretty to eat," You say as you look at the plate and then up at him.
He smiles and turns to get his own plate. He brings it to the table and sits across from you. He reaches his hands across to take yours,
"Will you lead us in saying grace, sister?"
He's definitely flirting.
"Um... dear Lord, thank you for this food we're about to eat, bless the hands of the chef, and bless us as we take privilege in enjoying this meal," You say softly.
Doyoung smiles and stands back up, "I forgot the wine," he says as he crosses the kitchen to retrieve it from the refrigerator before getting two wine glasses from the cabinet.
"So... bless the hands of the chef, huh?" he says as he pops the cork.
You watch him bring the bottle and the glasses over, "Yeah... you did a great job," You say.
He fills your glass and then his own, "Bless the mouths that enjoy it," he counters as he holds his glass up.
You clink your glass against his as you nod in agreement, "Amen."
You can't conceive how Doyoung's meal can taste better than it looks but somehow, it's possible. As you finish off your wine, Doyoung clears the table.
"Doyoung, that was the best meal I've ever eaten," You say as you lean back and sigh.
Doyoung's face lightens up, "I'm glad you enjoyed it. Next time, I'll bake you something," he says and winks at you.
"Bake me something?" You gasp, "You're gonna bake for me too?"
Doyoung nods, "I told you, it's just a hobby."
"That's a great hobby. You're really good at it," You tell him.
"Siwon hates that I do this... he says it's menial woman's work but I like doing it and I like being useful. I don't want my wife to cook for me because she has to... I want her to cook for me because she likes me,"
You tilt your head "Because she likes you?" You ask him.
"Yeah," Doyoung nods, "Loving someone and liking someone are often two very different things. You can love someone and not like them. I love my brother but I don't like him... I want my wife to like me. I want her to smile when she thinks about me. I don't want what Siwon has with Taeyeon. I want my wife to see me as someone worthy of respect and not as someone she feels religiously obligated to respect."
You nod in agreement, "That's a good thing to want. There's nothing wrong with that." You reply.
Doyoung leans over the sink, "I don't want things to be traditional," he murmurs.
"Yeah?" You egg him on. You know the wine has him on the cusp of saying something that he normally wouldn't say.
"I- I don't... I don't wanna marry a woman who gives herself to me because the Bible says we have to reproduce. I wanna marry a woman who jumps into bed with me because she thinks I'm hot and I turn her on, I want her to... to think about me and squeeze her thighs together because I just do it for her. I don't believe that love has to be so... boring. Why would God even give us all of these feelings if we're supposed to just ignore them?" he finally says.
You sit in silence and Doyoung chuckles.
"Have I said too much?" he asks as he turns to look at you.
"No... of course not. I don't... see where you're wrong. You deserve that... Besides, if it's in us, it's meant to be enjoyed within reason," You say as you rise to your feet. You step closer to him and he reaches out for you.
"I placed bets that I'd marry you," he confesses as his lips find the corner of your mouth. He presses a light kiss to your skin there then his lips ease down to your neck.
"Yeah?" You sigh.
He hums as he kisses down to the base of your throat, "Yeah."
"Gambling is a sin." You laugh and he catches you lips with his own.
"I'm not always traditional," he sighs.
He traps you against the counter and the warmth of his body soothes you, "I won't do anything to you that you don't want me to do," he sighs as he kisses you.
"Do your worst, church boy," You whisper.
Doyoung slides his hands up your dress and cups your pussy. He moans, "Did I do that to you?" he purrs.
"Yeah... you always do," You hum.
He quirks up an eyebrow, "This is a regular occurrence for you?" he laughs against your lips.
"Uh huh... And sometimes when it gets to be too much, I touch myself."
"Y/n! No!"
You laugh, "Oh, yes!"
Doyoung tuts and dips his tongue into your mouth, "Such a dirty... dirty girl." He slips his hand into your panties and his fingers find your clit. For the first time ever, he curses,
"Fuck, you're soaked, baby,"
It sounds so hot and you whimper as he strokes your clit slowly.
"Doyoung!" You shrill.
"For what it's worth... I'm no better. You just do something to me and I... I can't control it."
He takes his free hand to bring one of your arms up to his shoulder and then the other, "Hold onto me," he says and his voice is low and steady.
You circle your arms around his neck and kiss him hungrily. His fingers massage you slowly, "Does this feel good?" he asks you.
"F-faster... please?" You plead softly. He laughs and easily obliges.
"Spread your legs a little more for me, sweetheart," he tells you softly; you quickly do as your told and he pulls back to smile at you,
"Good girl."
You moan a little bit louder and he pulls his hand out of your panties. His fingers find his way to his mouth and he sucks them clean, "Are you comfortable with coming with me to my bedroom? I can have you here next time."
"Next time?" You gawk.
"There will be a next time. You have stars in your eyes, Y/n."
He takes your hands and presses your knuckles to his lips, "Am I wrong?"
You shake your head, "No."
"Then let's go," he says and leads you out of the kitchen. Your head spins with excitement as he brings you along gently.
His bedroom is a cozy and comfortably cluttered dream. On the seat of his bow window, sits his Bible; it's opened to the book of Matthew. You try to see what chapter he was reading from but he guides you to his bed.
"Matthew, chapter five... verse twenty-eight," he says softly as his fingers begin to slowly unbutton your dress, "'But I say to you that everyone whose eyes are turned on a woman with desire has had connection with her in his heart'... I've battled with this far longer than I'd ever be proud to admit."
You smile up at him, "You're battling a sex demon?"
He laughs and covers his face with his hands, "Everyone has something that they struggle with! I mean, we're humans!" he laughs. He drops his arms down and smirks at you.
"That is true," You sigh.
Doyoung eases his shirt over his head and tosses it beside you on the bed.
It's your turn to freeze. As his hands find their way back to your dress, your eyes roam over his toned skin. He chuckles as he pushes the dress off of your shoulders,
"What demon do you fight, Y/n?"
"I have no demons... I'm a perfect vessel," You chuckle breathlessly. Doyoung pulls you to stand up and lets the dress pool at your feet, "I don't believe that for a second."
You step out of the dress and he picks it up. You watch him fold it gingerly before bringing it over to his honey colored easy chair and placing it down. He turns back to you. He's ambivalent and it's written all over his face.
"We can... put our clothes back on, Doyoung. We don't have to do this. We can just get dressed and act like this never happened," You tell him reassuringly.
He comes back over to you and pulls you into his arms, "You know neither of us wanna do that."
You nod in agreement and he kisses you. It's different. It's rough.
He eases you down onto the bed and as you scoot up to the middle, he hovers over you, "Tell me something... something wicked. Tell me something that will make me feel better about the things I'm going to do you."
Your body is somehow even hotter. He kisses your lips then licks a warm stripe across your neck before sucking on the tender flesh.
"I think about you all the time... I imagine you... bending me over in the church basement and fucking me until I can't stand," You whimper.
Doyoung groans and presses his hardness against you, "That's your fantasy? Being fucked in a church basement? Such a dirty girl... what else do you think about?" Doyoung kisses his way down to your chest before pulling you up. He reaches around behind you and unclasps your bra.
"I think about you overpowering me and- using me until you're satisfied... I just wanna be ravished by you," You whine as you both grind against each other.
He's invading all of your senses and neither of you has completely undressed yet.
"How are you even real?" he groans as he fumbles with his pants. He clumsily gets them off and kicks them off of the bed. Your bra is next to go then his briefs and then finally, your panties.
Doyoung kisses you with fervency. He pulls back and pins your arms over your head, "You wanna be ravished, huh?" he chuckles and dips down to take your bottom lip between his teeth.
"Uh huh," You sigh.
Doyoung slides down and nestles himself between your thighs. He peppers your skin with soft kisses. His mouth latches onto your clit and he sucks it softly. You cry out and buck your hips against his mouth.
He laps at you and teases you with his tongue.
"Doyoung... yes. Please... please," You gasp.
He continues his attack on you and you reach down to card your fingers through his hair and grind your hips desperately.
"Not enough, is it?" he asks as he raises his head to look at you.
"I... no... that's not it... I just want you. Come back up here... please," You whimper.
Doyoung laughs, "Do you miss me or something?"
"I do," You reply.
Doyoung comes up and presses a sloppy kiss to your lips.
You reach between your bodies and stroke him. He squeezes his eyes shut and grips the sheets.
"Want you in my mouth," You whimper and Doyoung flips you both over. He looks up you before propping himself up on his elbows,
"Have at it."
You nestle between his legs and grip his cock with both hands, "You're bigger than I expected," You say then lick from the base up to the tip.
Doyoung's tongue darts out to wet his lips, "Fuck," he sighs.
"Am I teasing you?" You ask him innocently.
"Come on... do something, baby," he sighs.
You smirk and drag your tongue back and forth over his leaking tip; collecting precum as you do, "Make me do something," You say softly.
Doyoung takes a fistful of your hair, "Don't be such a tease," he says and gently forces your head down. You moan and take him all the way into your mouth.
He slowly bucks his hips as the head of his cock repeatedly taps the back of your throat, "That's a good girl," he moans, "So fucking good."
You let him use your throat as you feel your own wetness slicking up your inner thighs.
Doyoung pulls you back up and kisses you, "Not like this... I need to be inside you," he says as he gets you back underneath him.
He teases your slit with the head of his cock and you whine desperately, "Ask me for it nicely."
"Please... give it to me," You whimper.
"You need me to fuck you?" he asks you roughly; his voice is coarse and heavy with desire.
You nod and that's all it takes for him to guide himself into you.
"Fuck!" You both cry in unison. You look at each other and laugh.
Doyoung dips down to press his forehead to yours, "You're so much better than I could ever have imagined... so fucking tight for me. We were made for each other. Don't you agree?" He says and his hips collide with yours over and over and over again.
"Y- yeah... I... I love this. Please don't stop, Doie... please," You plead. You wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist, "I want you to fuck me forever."
"Forever?" he sighs and slows his pace, "You could take this forever, baby?"
You kiss him, "Uh huh," You pant.
Doyoung groans, "I'm... fuck, baby... I'm close."
You reach down to bring yourself closer to your own release.
He pushes your hand away and replaces it with his own, "No... that's what I'm here for... let me," he says as his fingers draw fervent circles into your clit.
"Doie! Yes, yes, yes! Fuck..." You moan as you both release together.
"That's it, baby. You sound so pretty when you cum for me. That's my girl," he praises you as his own orgasm rattles his body.
You cling to Doyoung and he collapses on top of you. You both tremble as you regain clarity. Once his breathing is under control, he rears up to press a chaste kiss to your temple then rolls off of you.
You turn to face each other and the air is still thick; he smiles, "I want you to know something..." he says as his eyes roam your face, "I don't want you because I just need a release... I want you because you're the only woman I've ever thought about doing this with... You're the only woman that's ever made me forget that God even matters."
You gush at him and bring your hand over to stroke his cheek, "I don't even think I could say anything to top how special that is but I can try," You say with a chuckle.
Doyoung smiles.
"I... I've kissed boys... maybe too many but... I waited for you. I didn't want anyone else," You tell him.
His face beams, "We waited for each other and didn't even realize it," he laughs.
Come Sunday morning, Siwon is privy to the way you and Doyoung engage each other.
"Sister, can I have a word with you?" he pipes up. Jaemin's eyes perk up and he's obviously ready to go to battle. You shake your head and smile at him before turning your attention to Siwon.
"Yes, Pastor?" You say.
"You've been very close with my brother. What exactly are your intentions?" he asks you suspiciously.
Doyoung is at your side before you even have time to react, "Her intentions are well, hyung. Better than yours were," he says coolly.
Siwon scoffs, "What?"
"Taeyeon hasn't been here in... three months now? She's not that sick. She left you and everyone knows she did," Doyoung says.
"Literally everyone knows," Renjun says in passing.
"I'm just worried about the choices you're making. You seem different," Siwon presses.
Doyoung shrugs, "My choices are fine. If I ever go astray, I'll do the work to get back on track. I think you should worry about your own affairs."
Siwon nods, "Well, if that's how you want it then that's how it'll be."
He excuses himself and Doyoung turns to you, "You're not his sin to overcome," he laughs.
That afternoon, while the sun hangs low in the sky, Doyoung tends to his garden, and you watch him as you remain on standby, ready to help him with his needs.
"Being married is gonna be a lot of fun... I like having you here to help me with the gardening," he sighs with a soft smile.
"Daddy's little helper," You mumble.
He straightens up and his eyebrows go up, "I- I- whoooo, what? What? Y/n, behave!" he gushes as he gently nudges you with his arm.
"You've never had that thought?" You ask him teasingly.
He nods, "I have but I'm busy right now and you have to behave yourself because this was supposed to be done three days ago and I don't want my garden to die so... sit there, be quiet, and don't touch me until I'm done."
"Okay, Daddy," You say sweetly.
Doyoung stands up and pulls off his gloves off, "On your feet. Come on," he says as he places his gloves in his supply box.
You stand up and follow him into the kitchen. He washes his hands and turns to you.
He's trying so hard to be firm with you but a smile shines through on his face, "You gotta... don't smile at me- you-" he laughs and pulls you into his arms, "You gotta behave yourself. You're failing the wife trial. Get it together!"
You hug him and press a kiss to his cheek, "I'll try harder tomorrow," You chuckle.
Before you know it, Doyoung is turning you around and pressing you down against the counter, "Why can't you behave yourself right now?" he asks you softly, his fingers pushing your shorts and panties down.
"Don't wanna," You sigh as his hand caresses your bare ass.
He lands a mild slap down and you gasp.
He laughs low and thick, "You like that?" he asks.
"Y- yes!" You whimper and wiggle your ass in an attempt to touch some part of his body.
"Well, you're not really supposed but... I guess that's okay for right now... I'll just have to find some other way to punish you," he says and slaps your ass again, this time a little bit harder. You moan and he slaps you once more.
"Daddy!" You whine.
Doyoung slides his hand down to your cunt and kicks your legs apart, "You're always so wet for me... no matter what's going on, I know that if I just... slide my hand between those beautiful thighs, I'm gonna get my fingers soaked."
"I always want you, Daddy... always," You sigh as he slides his middle and ring fingers into your pussy. He fucks you with his fingers and leans down to lick the shell of your ear, "Such a greedy little whore." he says softly.
You clench around his fingers and writhe. Moans pour from your mouth as he shows no signs of slowing up.
"Oh? You like that?"
"Yes, Daddy!"
"You like it when daddy talks to you like this? Huh, slut?"
You nod furiously and clench around his fingers once more.
He tuts, "Can't hear you."
"Yes, Daddy! Yes!" You scream.
"That's my girl."
Doyoung eases his fingers out of you and pulls you up by your hair, "Taste yourself, baby," he says as he pushes his fingers into your mouth.
You hum as you suck them. Doyoung drops down to his knees and helps you out of your shorts, "Hold onto the counter,"
You do as you're told and he lifts your left leg onto his shoulder before devouring your pussy. You throw your head back and cry out as he brings you close to your release.
His tongue speeds up and slows down. He gets better each time and you mentally note his progress. Your legs give out as you cum against his tongue.
He pulls back and lets you sink down onto the floor in front of him.
He kisses you, "Was that good, princess?" he asks you.
You nod, too enthralled by the throbbing of your pussy to speak. He chuckles and his hand returns to your cunt, "Then you shouldn't mind one more, right?"
Doyoung brings his other hand up to circle around your throat, "One more time, baby... I know you can do it," he purrs as he tightens his grip just enough to make your eyes roll back. He chuckles at the effect he has on you.
You grip his biceps as he massages your clit and you try in vain to squeeze your thighs shut but he doesn't slow up and you're coming undone again.
Your thighs tremble violently and he just doesn't stop.
"You have the power to stop me, Y/n... you know I'd never do anything you don't want me to do so... go ahead... stop me," he whispers against your mouth.
You don't stop him. You can't. He feels too good and he brings a level of greed to your body.
Tears prick your eyes and a third orgasm rips through your body. You whine weakly and finally, his hand ceases.
"How's my girl?" he asks softly as he moves his hand from your throat to your cheek.
You can't speak. You collapse against him and he rubs your back, "Do you need anything?"
You shake your head and cling to him a little tighter. Your body slowly relaxes and he rocks you slowly.
When you finally come down, you give him a chaste kiss and he smiles.
Doyoung pulls back to look you over, "I stopped repenting y'know... for what we do," he says softly.
"Why?" You ask him. Your voice is still hoarse and he can't help but laugh.
"How can I when I'm not sorry?"
yo if you got to the end of this, thank you!!
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𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐩𝐰𝐩, 𝐢𝐝𝐤 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲...
word count: 0.8k
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐚𝐞𝐢𝐥 𝐱 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤!𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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"I'm here..." she shouted, walking inside of the condo.
It felt nice and warm. The feeling of the heater hitting her cold body made her smile. Taking her jacket and coat off, she placed them inside the closet near the door. She took her boots off and placed them on the rack. A small and satisfying sigh left her lips as she slipped into her warm slippers. Now she could go find her fiancé.
After he texted her that he wanted her to come over after her dinner with friends, she was wondering what was up. When she told him that she'd be back in South Korea for a two-week visit, he wasn't expecting her to be here with her friends. He thought he'd be getting [your name] to himself, especially now that he was done with the 2 baddies promotion.
Now he'd have to wait for her to be done with whatever she was doing with her friends before he could have his fiancée all to himself. I guess he was a bit jealous. Having to hide an engagement from his fans, and then not being able to spend time with his fiancée.
Yes, they were able to make things work long distances. He just didn't like the idea that he'd have to be sharing her with her friends while she was here.
"Tae..." she shouted, walking to the living room.
She saw the rose petals on the floor, and it was leading her upstairs. 'Since when was Taeil like this?' she thought to herself. Following the rose petals, she opened their bedroom door. There on the bed, there was a heart made out of petals.
"Do you like it?" his voice startled the woman standing by the door.
"It's beautiful..." she trailed off, smiling at her man.
"I wanted to show my love for you tonight..." he walked away from the closet and towards her.
"Taeil..." she wrapped her arms around his shoulders.
He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him. Nose touching, their lips touched. Her lips tasted sweet, she was wearing her favorite peach lipgloss. His lips moved down to the side of her face, and then down to her chin. Taeil's lips then made its way to her chin, then to her chest.
As the couple were kissing, Taeil began to walk backwards towards the bed. From there, [your name] sat down on the bed where Taeil continued to kiss on her chest. His lips moved down to her stomach, where he eventually made his way towards her wet cunt. She helped her fiance remove her shorts.
Taeil began to kiss her inner thigh, making eye contact with her. His tongue slowly went inside of her pussy, causing her to hiss. His tongue flicking in and out of her pussy before he stuck two fingers inside of her.
"Oh my God..." she tugged on his head, looking at him.
He continued to stick his fingers in and out of him while his tongue licked around her lips. He could feel her juices falling on his tongue while he began to kiss her inner thigh once more.
Getting up from his knees, he began to unzip his pants. Dropping to the floor, he pulled his boxers down. He placed his dick in his hands, giving it a few pumps. Slowly and carefully, he stuck himself inside of her.
Slowly and gently, he began to thrust in and out of her. He made sure that she laid down on her back while he began to pepper her lips with kisses.
It felt like she was in heaven and truly gained the best man on earth. Whenever they had intercourse, Taeil knew how to make love to her. Peppering her with kisses, being gentle with her, making eye contact, and most importantly, taking care of her afterwards.
"Fuck Tae..." she whimpered, placing her hands on his hips.
He was hitting all of the right spots. Spots that were feigning for him for the past two weeks. Pulling out, he laid beside her. She crawled over to him and sat on top of him. Sticking his penis in her, she began to bounce up and down on his cock slowly.
"That's it baby..." he groaned, smacking her ass.
It was hard for him to decide on what his favorite position was. Sometimes it would be missionary, or sometimes it was cowgirl. Both positions he liked because he was able to see her pretty face while she moaned and cried his name out.
He began to thrust in and out of her, feeling themselves collide into each other. His lips lingered on her breast while she moaned and groaned. Hands moving up and down on her sides.
"Good girl..." he whispered, kissing her breast.
She could feel it coming, and he was prepared for it. Feeling her cum drip down on his dick before he pulled out of her and came on her stomach.
Grabbing a towel from the nightstand, he wiped [your name] down. Then he sat up and wrapped his arms around her.
"A bath or shower? Which one do you want?" he looked at her while she thought for a while.
"We can do a bath tonight baby," she pecked his lips, and the two got up and made their way to the bathroom.
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⌨ ◠ ⌗stfu tori is speakin' ;;  ❞
i feel like i didn't do him justice☹️ so i think imma work on a ceo taeil mini series but idk since the ceo shit is common idk.
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a-spicy-reader · 2 days
Midnight Desires
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Jaehyun and Amara, a passionate couple deeply in love, spend an intimate weekend together, savoring the warmth of each other's company. 
o inglês não é minha primeira língua, desculpe por qualquer erro
The soft glow of candlelight danced across the room, casting warm shadows against the walls as Jaehyun and his girlfriend, Amara, lounged on the couch, sipping their second bottle of wine. The room was filled with the warm crackle of Jaehyun's old record player, his extensive vinyl collection lining the walls. Tonight, it was past midnight, and they were lost in the comfort of each other's company, talking about everything and nothing at the same time.
Jaehyun leaned back, his fingers brushing against Amara's protruding belly, feeling the warmth of her skin through her thin top. He admired her red hair, which she had recently dyed, and he couldn't get enough of how it looked against her dark skin. They were both a little tipsy, the wine loosening their tongues and making the night feel endless and full of possibilities.
"I still can't believe you dyed your hair this color," Jaehyun said, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "It looks amazing on you."
Amara smiled, her fingers idly playing with the hem of her top. "Thanks, babe. I needed a change, and I thought, why not? Do you really like it?"
"I love it," he replied, his eyes locking onto hers. "It suits you perfectly."
Their conversation continued, flowing naturally as they discussed everything from work to their favorite movies. Jaehyun's fingers brushed against her belly again, this time with more intention, and Amara felt a pleasant shiver run down her spine. The warmth of the wine and the intimacy of the moment created a perfect atmosphere for their connection to deepen.
The soft strains of "I Like It" by DeBarge began to play from the record player, the familiar melody filling the room. Jaehyun's eyes lit up as he recognized the song. "I've been thinking about you for a long time," he sang along softly, his gaze never leaving Amara's.
Amara chuckled, her eyes sparkling. "Oh, have you now?"
"You're on my mind every day and every night," Jaehyun continued, his voice low and smooth. He leaned in closer, his lips brushing against her ear. "Oh, and I like it, girl, you drive me crazy."
Amara felt her heart race as his words and the music intertwined, creating a heady mix of emotions and desire. "I like the way you brush your hair," Jaehyun said, his fingers running through her vibrant red locks. "The new color suits you so well."
"Thank you," she whispered, feeling a surge of affection for him. 
Jaehyun stood up, holding out his hand
to her. "Dance with me?" he asked, his voice filled with a soft, seductive charm.
Amara took his hand, allowing him to pull her to her feet. They moved to the center of the room, swaying gently to the music. Jaehyun's hands settled on her hips, guiding her movements as they danced. Amara looked up at him, her eyes filled with warmth and desire. She leaned in, trying to capture his lips in a kiss, but Jaehyun pulled back slightly, a teasing smile playing on his lips.
"Not so fast," he murmured, his voice filled with playful intent.
Amara pouted, but the look in his eyes made her heart race even more. After a moment, Jaehyun's resolve melted, and he leaned in to capture her lips in a deep, passionate kiss. His hands roamed over her curves, squeezing and caressing, his touch igniting a fire within her. They kissed hungrily, their need for each other growing with every passing second.
When they finally pulled away, breathless and flushed, Amara bit her lip and backed towards the bedroom. "Aren't you coming?" she asked, her voice filled with sultry invitation.
Jaehyun let out a mischievous smile, his eyes dark with desire. "Oh, I'm definitely coming," he replied, following her eagerly.
In the bedroom, Amara was already sitting on the bed, waiting for him. Jaehyun approached her, his eyes never leaving hers. He leaned down, capturing her lips in another searing kiss as he gently pushed her back onto the bed. His hands moved to her shorts, deftly pulling them off and revealing her naked form to him.
Jaehyun kissed his way down her body, his lips and tongue tracing a path of fire along her skin. He settled between her legs, his breath hot against her inner thighs. Amara moaned softly, her hips arching towards him in anticipation.
His tongue flicked out, teasing her clit before delving deeper, exploring her folds with deliberate, tantalizing strokes. Amara's moans grew louder, her hands tangling in his hair as she pulled him closer. "Oh, Jaehyun, fuck," she gasped, her voice trembling with pleasure. "That feels so good."
Jaehyun increased the intensity of his movements, his tongue working her with expert precision. Amara's cries of pleasure filled the room, her body trembling as she approached the edge. "Don't stop," she pleaded, her nails digging into his scalp. "Please, don't stop."
He didn't, his tongue driving her higher and higher until she finally shattered, her orgasm crashing over her in waves. Amara's legs shook uncontrollably, her back arching off the bed as she screamed his name.
As she came down from her high, Jaehyun kissed his way back up her body, his lips meeting hers in a heated kiss. He quickly shed his shirt and sweatpants, his erection straining against his boxers. He pulled them off, his hard cock springing free. He stroked himself a few times, letting out a low moan of approval.
Jaehyun positioned himself at her entrance, his eyes locking with hers. "Are you ready?" he asked, his voice thick with desire.
"Yes," Amara breathed, her body aching for him. "Please, I need you."
With a single thrust, Jaehyun buried himself inside her, their bodies coming together in a perfect fit. Amara cried out, her nails digging into his shoulders as he filled her completely. "Oh my god, Jaehyun," she moaned. "You feel so good."
Jaehyun began to move, his hips driving into her with deep, measured thrusts. "You're so tight," he groaned, his hands gripping her hips. "You take my dick so well, baby."
Amara's moans grew louder with each thrust, her body responding to him with every movement. "Harder," she begged, her voice desperate. "Fuck me harder."
Jaehyun complied, his pace quickening as he pounded into her. Their bodies moved together in a frenzied rhythm, each thrust bringing them closer to the edge. "You're such a good girl," he whispered, his voice strained with pleasure. "Taking my dick so well."
Amara's breath hitched, her body trembling as she felt herself nearing another orgasm. "Jaehyun," she gasped, her eyes rolling back. "I'm gonna cum."
"Cum for me," he urged, his thrusts growing more erratic. "Cum all over my dick."
With a final, powerful thrust, Amara's body convulsed, her orgasm washing over her in a tidal wave of pleasure. Jaehyun followed moments later, his release flooding her as he groaned her name. They collapsed together, their bodies slick with sweat and trembling from the intensity of their lovemaking.
Jaehyun wrapped his strong arms around Amara, rolling them over so she was on top, straddling his still-hard cock. He looked up at her, his eyes filled with desire. "Ride my dick, baby," he commanded, his hands guiding her hips.
Without hesitation, Amara began to move, her body rising and falling as she rode him. Jaehyun's hands gripped her waist, helping her maintain the rhythm as they moved together. The sensation was overwhelming, their combined moans filling the room as they approached the edge once more.
Jaehyun's grip tightened, his hips bucking up to meet her movements. "Fuck, you're amazing," he groaned. "Keep going, just like that."
Amara's head fell back, her moans growing louder as she rode him harder and faster. "I'm so close," she panted, her body trembling with the effort. "Don't stop, Jaehyun. Please, don't stop."
With a final, frenzied thrust, they both reached their peak, their bodies convulsing in a shared orgasm. Jaehyun's release filled her, his cock pulsing inside her as he groaned her name. Amara collapsed onto his chest, her body spent and trembling from the intensity of their lovemaking.
They lay there, their bodies entwined, catching their breath as the aftershocks of their pleasure slowly faded. Jaehyun pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, his heart swelling with love for the incredible woman in his arms.
"I love you, Amara," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion.
Amara smiled, her eyes shining with tears of happiness. "I love you too, Jaehyun," she replied softly.
 Forever and always.
I hope you liked it, leave your comments here ☺️
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calibabii21 · 9 months
I ship you with Johnny or Jeno
you and Jungwoo as besties would be funny af also
Johnny x Z is a 9.0 bc yes yes yes we would vibe vibe vibe aaaand my size kink would go crazy hehehhehehe
Jeno x Z..idk this one is more like a 8.3 bc I feel like he would really piss me off😭😭 we are better off as fwb than actual lovers yk.
Jungwoo x Z is a fricking VIBE!!! we would constantly cut tf up and we would flirt with each other just to piss folks off😭😭 I'm here for the shenanigans🤪
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panjakes · 1 year
Can I get dad!Yoongi comes back from tour and his daughter and black wife come pick him up from the airport? Also I love your writing❤️
Thank you!!!❤️🫶🏼
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Yoongi couldn’t wait for this damn plane to land and everyone could tell. Jimin who was sitting next to him smirked before nudging him a bit.
“Can’t wait too see the family?” He asks
“It’s been a while since I’ve physically seen them…and I just wanna be in my bed” he mumbles making jimin laugh
“Yeah I feel you” jimin says making yoongi side eye him
“Well, on the bed part” jimin says making yoongi nod and chuckle
Before he could respond the flight attendant announced they would be landing soon. Yoongi didn’t wait to pull out his phone sending you a quick text.
Not wasting time to get his overhead bag and getting into the isle to get off the plane. The rest of the members laughing at his excitement
After being the first person off the plane, yoongi did wait for his members who met him inside the airport.
Staring down at the watch on his wrist looking at the time
“Are you going to eat? I want food” jungkook says as the rest of the members walk over to yoongi
“Took you long enough” yoongi mumbles taking the sunglasses off his face
“We get it! You miss the family! Gosh” Jin says rolling his eyes as they start to walk
“Don’t be upset because you don’t have your own family to go home to.” Yoongi mumbles
Yoongi looked around the empty airport. It was slightly dark outside and there was surprisingly no cameras and no army inside which he was glad for
He looked down at his phone to see where you parked.
Stepping outside in front of the airport yoongi and the guys looked around for you and the tiny angel.
Yoongi couldn’t help but smile when he looked over across the street and seen you holding your three year old daughter who was holding a sign with different colors and sparkles.
“Mommy!! It’s daddy!” He heard her scream
“I know babygirl! Let’s go get him” you say smiling at her
Yoongi waited for the two of you to cross the street. Your daughter kicked her legs ready to get out your arms and into yoongi's.
"daddy!! Hi!" She shouts waving her tiny hand
"Hi princess" Yoongi says pulling you and the small child into a hug. Leaning over to kiss your forehead then your daughters. Yoongi sighs in relief at finally being home
"Look!" Your daughter says holding up the sign she made almost hitting you with it
"she insisited that we make you a sign" You say playfully rolling your eyes
"It pretty?" she ask looking at yoongi with her big wide eyes. He chuckles before running his hand through her curls
"Very pretty princess. Whats going on with your hair?" Yoongi asks noticing her hair wasnt in its usual twist or braids with beads
"She gave me a hard time when I tried to do it. So shes rocking the baby fro" You say
"Hey yn you cooking?" Jungkook asks walking over to the three of you
"Excuse you? Cant say hello to my wife?" Yoongi asks
"Dont do that, me and yn are cool like that. I'm just hungry" Jungkook says waving yoongi off
"Uncle Kookie!"
"Hi pea! Where you good for mommy?" He asks taking your daughter from yoongi,
"Yeah!" She screams excitedly
"Yeah Im cooking but it'll be later. Me and ava had pancakes" You say pushing her air out of her face
"Yeah later, now go away so I can have my family to myself" Yoongi says grabbing ava from jungkook
Jungkook glares at him before smacking his lips and looking over at you.
"He cried the third day on tour because he said he missed you guys" Jungkook says pointing at yoongi who smacks his lips
"I did not" Yoongi says
"He did, the stylist had to redo his makeup he was crying so much" Jungkook says making yoongi push him a little bit
"Get out of here" He says making jungkook laugh and leave
"I did not cry" Yoongi mumbles
"well Ava did" you say making her gasp
“Mommy! Stop!” She says feeling embarrassed
“Yeah mommy stop! She’s a big girl” yoongi says making your daughter agree
“Yeah whatever, get in the car I know your tired” you say patting his back
“Daddy can we play?” Ava asks
“Ava daddy’s tired you can play tomorrow” you say walking over to the car
“No tomorrow” she says pouting as yoongi puts her into her car seat
“It’s okay princess we can play all night” yoongi says kissing her forehead making her giggle
You shrug going over to the drivers side to open it but yoongi quickly shuts it and shakes his head
“What’re you doing?” You ask
“I’m driving” he says
“No baby your tired. I can drive” you say
Yoongi ignores you taking the keys from your hand and pushes you over to the passenger. You sigh and obey anyway.
The car ride home was filled with you filling yoongi in on what happened while he was gone. Everything was about Ava but yoongi was glad to hear.
Once you three were settled inside the house, Ava immediately pulled yoongi too her big pink purple and yellow room filled with every toy a three year old could have
While you were in the kitchen you couldn’t help but smile as you heard Ava’s loud giggles. Sooner or later the giggles were no longer heard.
Just as you turned off the stove, you walk upstairs to Ava’s room to find yoongi in her tiny bed and her in his lap. You take out your phone taking a pictures smiling. You knew he was tired.
Before you could wake him up you heard someone knock on the door. You go down the stairs to open it to find jungkook
“Oh so you was serious about getting this plate” you say letting him in
“Of course! Where’s yonngi and Pea?” He asks
“Asleep. They played for about two hours” you say going to make his plate
“Really? Alright I won’t bother y’all. I’ll get my plate and go” jungkook says following you too the kitchen
“Take some to jimin and taehyung” you say handing him the extra plates
“Nah I think I’ll keep them to myself” he says laughing
“Bye jungkook” you say laughing
“Bye Yn! Thanks for the food” he says opening the door and leaving.
You make yoongi and Ava’s plate putting them in the microwave knowing they’d probably wake up at the same time and want to eat.
After cleaning the kitchen you go back to Ava’s room to check on the two. They were still sleeping just in a new position that made you laugh.
Yoongi was on his back with his feet hanging off the end off the tiny bed with Ava laying on his back.
You don’t say anything. You just take another picture and go to your bedroom. Quickly showering and getting dressed.
Getting into the bed yoongi wasn’t far behind
“Wassup baby” you say making him glare at you
“Ain’t no wassup, why didn’t you wake me up to get in the REAL bed” he says making you chuckle
“You looked comfortable so I left you alone” you say shrugging
“Bullshit. You know that plastic bullcrap isn’t comfortable. Plus Ava kicked me in the mouth” he says rubbing at his jaw
“How?” You ask chuckling
“I don’t know but I do know I’m going to bed” he says climbing into the bed throwing his arm around your waist
“Okay goodnight” you say turning off your lamp and turning you attention back to Netflix
Soon enough yoongi was back lightly snoring and you were watching some reality show on Netflix. Not even 25 minutes later Ava came into the room with a pout
“Mommy!! Daddy left again!” She says sadly
“No he didn’t he’s right here baby” you say pointing to the sleeping man
She peeks over and immediately runs over to the big king size bed. She tries her hardest to get into the bed but she just couldn’t so she pats yoongis leg
“Daddy! Help” she says making you giggle at her cute little voice
Yoongi groans grabbing her from under her arms and putting her in between the two off you. He kisses her forehead and pats her stomach
“Go to sleep pea” he mumbles
“Okay” she mumbles snuggling closer to yoongi
You smile at the two before turning the tv off and snuggle into your daughter and yoongi.
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unique-high · 8 months
Hi love 💕 I would like to request a fic where y/n gets pregnant and Mark from NCT is just so soft and loving and just completely takes care of her. Btw thank you for writing all genres for us black girls and making us feel loved and seen 🥺🤍
My baby is having a baby | Mark Lee x blk fem reader
word count: 847
sorry for any mistakes.
Note: Omg I love this! Thank you so much for requesting. And awe you're welcome. 😭 I just want black girls to have nice things too. 🥹
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Mark: He loves your little round belly. He couldn’t keep his hands off you, always touching your belly and caressing it. One of the things Mark loves to do is lay his head on your belly and talk to the baby. He was amazed at how you and he created another human being and how it was growing inside you each day. “I want another baby,” Mark says one night in bed as he’s rubbing cocoa butter onto your stretch marks. You laughed at him saying, “We haven’t had the first baby yet, Mark.”   Your boyfriend smiles a little saying, “I mean after this little one.”
Mark: Ever since becoming pregnant, you hadn’t felt your prettiest with the stretch marks and the gained weight and how your body was changing. But Mark loves your body even more now that you're carrying his child. One morning you cried because you couldn’t fit into your favorite pair of jeans anymore saying how fat you had gotten. Mark pulls you into a hug, kissing the top of your head, his hands gently running up and down your sides as he speaks to you in the softest voice ever. “Hey.” Mark says, “When can get you another pair of jeans.”   You shake your head pouting into his chest. “I want these jeans!”      Mark's hands were still moving up and down your sides. “Okay, love we can get another pair of jeans like those.” 
Mark: Before your stomach got bigger and rounder. You would wear Mark's hoodies all the time because they smelt like him. But now the hoodies wouldn’t go past your belly. You cried to Mark about it. So one day he went to the store and bought some larger hoodies. He wore them first leaving his scent and favourite cologne behind. He gives them to you. “You do too much for me.”  You say as you put on one of the hoodies.   Mark cups your face, he's smiling. “You deserve it, baby.” 
Mark: Being pregnant, you ate a lot and craved the strangest of things in the middle of the night. Like tonight, you craved pickles and chocolate sauce again. You wake up Mark, feeling a little bad about it. But he doesn't mind at all. “What is it, Y/n?” he asks you, voice groggy, as he rubs sleep from his eyes.     “I'm hungry.”   You pout. Mark nods, gets out of bed, slips on his slippers, and grabs his car keys and wallet. “Prickles and Chocolate sauce, right?” He asks with a yawn.
Mark: Today you and Mark were going to the autumn festival. It's been hard for you to put on your own shoes and tie them since your belly was in the way. You sat on the little stool near the front door. Mark was kneeling down at your feet, slipping your socks on you, and then putting your shoes on you and tying them nicely. “Mark~ I don't deserve you.”  You say.     “But you do deserve me,” Mark says as he reaches up, bopping your cute nose, making you giggle.
Mark: He's in love with every version of you. But his two favorite versions of you are when you're sleeping and when you're smiling and dancing around. Now you're pregnant. This version of you was going to be just as special. On the days when you worry about being a bad mommy.  Mark gently scolds you saying, “Ah, don't say something that's not true. You're going to be an amazing mother. Don't think that way.” He then wraps you in a comforting hug, pecking your face with sweet little kisses and telling you how much he loves you with each kiss. 
Mark: Sometimes you're exhausted because of your pregnancy so you can’t do things you wanted to like during your hair. And Mark knew how you liked keeping your hair done. He’d watch a bunch of YouTube videos and even took classes on how to do black hair so he could help make things easy for you. It’s raining outside. The soft flow of Neo Soul plays from a Bluetooth speaker, you sat between Mark’s legs as he did your hair into two strand twist. “You really didn’t have to do this for me.” You say.   Mark puts some product on your hair. “But I wanted to, Y/n.”    You couldn’t help but smile and feel warm all over. Mark was the best guy you ever had been with and you were so grateful to be having a child with him.
Mark: He couldn't wait to see who the baby would resemble. “I really hope the baby has your nose and eyes. I really love your nose and eyes.” Mark says as he's helping you with nesting.   “I hope our little one has your smile! Like that would be the cutest thing ever.” You said gushing. You loved Mark's smile a lot. You will never forget that big excited smile on his face when you told him you were pregnant.  He picked you up and twirled you around the bedroom, saying, “My baby is having a baby!” 
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markiemocha · 1 year
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haechanx darkskin fem! a lil shortie!! 💁🏾‍♀️
Des: He just loves your hair😻
baby.. haechan uttered while sitting on the opposite side of the couch, just staring at you. “Yes” you said wondering why he called your name all of a sudden. “can you come here in between my legs and lay with me?” He said with those pretty doe eyes.
You smiled and crawled over to his laying figure and turned on your back and laid your head on his lap.
he then ran his tan & slim fingers through your curls,loving how each strand tangled around his fingers. your hair is just so beautiful babe..he said in a heartfelt tone. Thank you hyuck you said and he smiled down at you as you looked up at him.
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moonlightdreamzz · 10 months
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SUMMARY ✰ Mark is your boyfriend, and Vernon is your best friend. You're sick of Mark not treating you right, and Vernon is too. He's also sick of watching from the sidelines when he knows no one can make you happier than him.
PAIRING ✰ Idol!Mark x Idol!Reader x Idol!Vernon
NOTE ✰ This is actually the first story I ever wrote in my entire life three years ago. It’s my baby. I said to myself, I should rewrite this because the original version was written like the beginner I was at the time. I hope you all enjoy. It’s so good.
© moonlightdreamzz
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Blonde by Frank Ocean has been playing on loop for hours over your speakers. For what seems like days, your gaze has been fixed on the candle blazing in front of you. There are numerous reasons why you can't take your eyes off its flame—the first being that if you do, you'll be forced to see all of the decorations and food you prepared for Mark, who has decided for the third time in a row that you aren't important enough to show up for. All of his favorite things are strewn throughout your living room, unused.
The second reason you can't tear your gaze away from the flame is that you're intrigued. The lavender-scented wax is nearing the end of its life after being used for so long. What happens when there’s none left? Does the flame die peacefully? Or does the jar burn and combust, leaving you regretting not extinguishing the flame sooner?
Sick isn't the word to describe how your boyfriend has made you feel over the past few months. You’ve tried to see the positives of his absence right now, but it’s utterly impossible. What could you say to yourself? At least you got ditched in the comfort of your own home this time, Y/N? And not in a restaurant, or a random parking lot his manager drove you to?
Mark always has his excuses of course. His favorite one to use was that you don’t understand the sacrifices it takes to be an idol. When the two of you first began to have issues, you took those words to heart. You know how much he’s sacrificed to be where he is, and you never wanted him to think you were that girl—the girl who got in a relationship with an idol and acted like she didn’t know what she was signing up for. As time passed, you realized that he was just manipulating you.
He’s so good at it too. Or maybe he’s just an incredibly beautiful man, whose doe eyes could convince anybody that he indeed is a good person—he just doesn’t think sometimes. You just wish he’d understand that you indeed do understand his life, it’s simply his unfulfilled promises that are so incredibly frustrating. Summer Walker once said, “it doesn’t matter how hard I I try, I say it nice, yell it out loud, write it down, I’m tired.” She damn sure was right.
“Why plan a date you can’t come to? Just tell me it’ll be awhile before I’ll see you again.”
“I’m sorry, baby. I thought I could make it.”
Your phone begins vibrating on your coffee table infront of you, interrupting the reflecting that you’re tired of doing anyways. You know it’s Mark, back again with whatever his reason is this time for not showing up. For a second, you consider not picking it up. Maybe if he knew what it felt like to be abandoned, he’d stop doing it to you.
You inhale deeply before picking up the phone, surprised at whose name is popping up.
“Vernon?” You whisper to yourself. You feel a brief burst of happiness before immediately shifting to concern due to the time of night.
You and Vernon have been close friends since debut. Some would say it’s because you two are the English speakers of your group, but you only saw that as a plus in your friendship. In reality, Vernon was a quirky, artsy, adorably curious boy, and you always felt this weird urge to…protect him. You figure he was drawn to how you never judged him, and how open you were about what you referred to as “Vernon’s philosophies”. He got your jokes, and you pretended you understood his. The rest is history.
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Laughter escapes your throat, scaring you simultaneously as you can’t remember the last time you genuinely found anything funny. In the midst of your giggles, Vernon begins to FaceTime you, and you don’t hesitate to answer the phone.
You can see through the phone how hard he’s trying to be irritated with you, but you also notice how bad he’s failing at doing so. The corner of his pink lips are twitching, and his hooded eyes are melting along with it as neither of you break virtual eye contact with each other. This only makes you laugh even harder. His flawless features don’t hold long, and he’s smirking boyishly now.
“You really think this is funny, huh?”
“Well you know what I think is funny right now? You’re alone right now.” He jokes.
“Ha ha,” You laugh sarcastically, “Am I really this worthless? Like be honest.” You question, a sad smile naturally creeping onto your features as reality attempts to set back in.
Vernon’s eyes roll aggressively, followed by a deep inhale. You know him. He wants to tell you about yourself, and remind you of all the times you promised him you’d have more confidence, just to end up asking him questions like this in the end. It takes him longer than you expected to find kind words to say to you, but you appreciate the fact that he cares enough to spare you, because he wouldn’t do it for anyone else.
“Don’t ever call yourself worthless. He’s the worthless one. If he can’t see how amazing you are,that’s his problem and you shouldn’t just sit here and take it, Y/N. That’s not even like you.”
“But…I love him.”
“Yeah...that always sucks doesn’t it?” He says, almost as if he’s speaking to himself and not you. “I know it’s late, but how about I come keep you company Y/N?. You deserve to be happy for at least a few hours don’t you think?” He chuckles.
He’s no longer looking directly at you. He’s looking at whatever is below him now. Vernon coming to keep you company isn’t a terrible idea. Right now, you so deeply crave to be around someone who actually cares about you, and he’s a clear candidate.
“Yeah! Let me get dressed and I’ll come pick you up.”
“Do really think I’d let you leave your house at this hour to do anything for me?”
“Well, how else are you gonna get here? You don’t have a car and I know your manager is knocked out.”
His boyish smile returns, and you already know a sarcastic comment is closer than around the corner. “You ever heard of uber?”
Now you’re the one rolling your eyes. Was this okay? I mean, the two of you are only friends, but Dispatch nor fans would care about that if they so happened to be stalking you. Him coming over late could turn into a whole situation that you aren’t in the mood to hear about.
“What if you get caught?” You question, although unconsciously do you begin to tidy up in your living room.
“I didn’t.”
He didn’t? Was he already—
Your doorbell ringing interrupts your thoughts.
“Vernon!” You scream through the phone, so many questions running through your mind.
“Are you going to let me in, or are we gonna hangout from outside the door?” He snickers slyly.
You should have known he was up to no good the moment you couldn't identify where he was from his surroundings. All you saw was darkness, but you imagined he was walking around his neighborhood or simply in the dark, because that was so Vernon.
With precision and quickness, you run to the door and open it. You’re still dolled up; face beat like it’s prom night from the date you should’ve been wrapping up by now. Vernon steps in, and for a second it seems like he’s frozen in place. It’s embarrassing, as you often got reactions like this when you dressed up because without an occasion, you were going to choose sweatpants, a graphic tee, and crocs everytime.
“Woah.” He utters.
“What? You just saw me on the phone, Vernon.” You question amusingly before walking to your kitchen to grab him a water.
“Thank you.” He whispers as he takes it out of your hand. “It’s just…you’re so…ugly.”
You know that he thinks you’re going to hit him immediately, so you wait an extra second before punching him lightly in his stomach.
“Shut up!” You laugh, loudly this time. It’s a rare occurrence these days for anything to unconsume your mind of Mark Lee, but Vernon’s doing that with ease right now. “You stay your ass right there and I’ll be back. I should probably take all this off.” You whisper while pointing to you and all your current glory.
“Take your time.” Vernon utters, no funny business in the room now. His smile is gentle as he nudges you towards your room.
You began walking in slow motion down your hallway. “Oh trust me, I will.” It doesn’t take you long to strip down to your natural state. You remove your clothes first, settling on a gray t-shirt you’ve had for years. If you didn’t have company, you’d stop it at that. You decide on some matching gray pajama shorts. The sight of Mark’s clothes in the drawer pisses you off all over again. As you remove your makeup, you can't help but squeal with delight. The wipes that you bought in replacement of the ones that took way too many to clean your face, was worth the investment.
The final touch is your bonnet, which you slip on your head with ease. Your icy feet drag over the hallway floor, a flood of fatigue washing over you.
“Awe.” Vernon coos when you reappear. In the midst of you getting ready for bed, he carefully placed all of the decorations you left out for Mark out of sight in the kitchen. He really wanted to throw it away, but that wasn’t his decision to make. Netflix is waiting for two of you.
“Don’t awe me.” You plop yourself on the couch so hard you’re pretty sure Vernon levitates for a second. You push the button to recline your seat, shutting your eyes right and leaning your head back with a sigh. “Thank you, Vernon.” You say the second you realize he cleaned up your clutter. The room feels less heavy now that you’re not forced to look at your wasted hard work. You feel his gaze on you, but energetically, you can’t interpret why he’s staring at you. You’ll settle on pity.
“Ah, I haven’t done much. Plus, you’ve always been there for me.”
Your comfort turns into guilt, recalling all the times you haven’t been there for your close friend in the midst of you and Mark’s relationship crashing. “Not like this.” You utter.
“Well, no you haven’t surprised me with a big box of donuts and a new video game,” He chuckles, “But you’ve been there for me. A lot of times unknowingly, if I’m being honest. Your presence alone…does a lot for me—I mean, for people.” He rambles. “Plus, I’m one of a kind, anyways.”
A smile creeps onto your features at him teasing you lovingly. You’re beginning to doze off, which typically makes you stare at things unintentionally. Your target tonight is Vernon, who is sitting extremely close to you right now. Your hand begins to entangle themselves in his locs, causing his eyes to flutter in relaxation.
“Enough about me.” You protest softly, “What’s going on in the life of Hansol, hm?”
“Nothing much,” He whispers, enjoying the feeling of your hands running through his scalp. His eyes are stuck on the ceiling, but you know he’s still listening to you. “I’m like a robot these days. I wake up, go to practice, go back to the dorm, sleep, repeat.”
“Why didn’t eat make the list?”
“Oh yeah, that too. But you know me. If I have to pick between sleeping and eating, I’m picking the first option.”
“Oh I know.” You can’t count on one hand the amount of times you scolded Vernon for sleeping too much, even though you do the same thing the second you get a break from schedules.
“Too much of a good thing, is a bad thing, Vernon.”
“Not everything.” He whispers, seemingly dazed out now. You’re ceiling wasn’t that interesting. He has something on his mind, but you’re not sure if you want to pick his brain. If he wanted you to know what’s on his mind, he’d say it. At the same time, you’re his right hand woman, and he’ll just have to deal with you being in his business.
Your eyebrows raise in an interrogative fashion. “Give me an example?”
“You.” He says simply. His eyes lock themselves into yours confidently, but you’re unsure how to feel. What was he trying to say? Is he flirting? Is he just being kind? It’s always been so hard for you to understand him when he gets like this.
“What about me?” Is all you can manage. You’re not sure why you’re nervous now, but you are. You hope you’re not making it obvious that his comment has made your breathing unsteady.
“I’m just saying it’s impossible to get tired of you. ‘Too much’ of you,” he air quotes, “would make the world a much better place.”
“You think so?” You question genuinely. “Mark doesn’t seem to think so.”
“Mark is a fucking idiot.” He spits out.
“I’m not gonna disagree.”
“I mean look at everything you did for him today, just for him to not show up?” Vernon begins to frantically point in all directions of your home, including at yourself as well as your kitchen. “What kind of boyfriend doesn’t come home to this?”
Silence is the only thing you can provide right now. One because he’s right, but two, because you’ve never seen Vernon so riled up on your behalf. He was the one always talking you off cliffs, not the other way around.
“Sorry,” He clears his throat. His voice is back to his regular tone now.
“Don’t be. Thank you for caring about me.”
You don’t know why, but you feel a desire to nuzzle into Vernon’s shoulder, so you do. Naturally, he wraps his arm around your shoulder to allow you more comfortability. Maybe it’s wrong, maybe it’s not, but it doesn’t feel wrong being in his arms right now. You know if you consider Mark, you should pull away, but when’s the last time Mark considered you?
“Is this okay?” He questions, his tone a mixture of hope and concern as he’s likely reading your mind right now. He had a knick for that when it came to you.
“It’s okay.” You decide. I mean, who’s going to catch you?
The two of you lay like that for the remainder of the night, watching a movie that Vernon puts on, but you can't concentrate. All you can think of is how you're lying in the arms of another man, your heart fluttering. That isn't supposed to happen. However, your thoughts are brief because you quickly find yourself dozing off in his arms that feel as if they never want to let you go.
It’s the wee hours of the morning when your phone rings, and then vibrates, indicating someone has called and texted you.
You and Vernon sleep through it.
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© moonlightdreamzz
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andysorbit · 11 months
Home (M)
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non idol!Jaehyun x fem!reader
Warnings: angst, smut, oral sex (male receiving), semi public, dirty talk, cum swallowing, lowkey breeding kink, light snowballing
genre: smut, romance, slice of life
word count: >1K
note: I had me a lil Jaehyun brain rot at like an hour ago and I had to get this off my chest. do I love it? no but the thought wouldn't let me sleep.
part 2 can be found here
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Jaehyun fumbles with a loose thread on his t-shirt. You stare on in silence, waiting for him to say something.
"I uh... you wanna go to the store with me?" he asks awkwardly.
You two were arguing again. This time, over finding a new apartment to move into. You liked the new building that was almost complete a few blocks away but Jaehyun was more than happy to move up to the top floor of the building you already live in.
You both had wanted it when you moved in and the plan was to take it once it became vacant but that new building sure is a lot prettier.
"No, I don't wanna go anywhere with you," You reply as you cross your arms.
He shrugs, "Well then don't ask for shit because I'm not bringin' you shit. You want it, come get it."
"Fine. I'll come but you better not say shit to me," You sigh as you turn to get your wallet off of the dresser.
"The fuck are you bringing your wallet for? Leave it. I'll pay," he says peevishly.
"Fuck you and your money. I'll pay for my own shit," You snap as you shove your wallet into your back pocket.
Jaehyun scoffs, "Fuck you too. I'll be in the car. Hurry up or I'm leaving and you can walk," he says as he heads out.
"Leave if you want to- watch me change those locks before your flat ass gets back!" You call out.
A "fuck you, my ass is fine!" booms through the apartment and then you hear the front door slam.
You roll your eyes and decide to take your time getting to the car.
Once inside the car, you sit in silence as Jaehyun drives. The silence is thick and you keep your eyes out the window. The night air is cool and you roll your window up a bit.
Jaehyun does the same, "There's an ice cream sale at the grocery store across town so that's where we're going... in case you were wondering."
"But did I ask?" You mumble.
Jaehyun sighs, "Well, I figured you would eventually since you question everything I do anyway."
"When have I ever questioned you?" You scoff as you turn to glare at Jaehyun.
"This whole shit with the goddamn apartment! That was the plan since we moved in- take the smaller one and wait it out and if it wasn't available by the time we hit thirty, then we'd look elsewhere- so now- literally not even a whole fucking year later, you wanna deviate from the plan and keep asking me if I'm sure I don't wanna leave altogether! Like I'm too stupid to know what I want!" he yells.
"I never said you were!" You yell back.
"Really? 'Oh, c'mon, Jae... are you sure? Really just think about it. I think if you really think about it, you'd like it.' I did think about it and I still don't like it! The top floor gives you the view of the water just like you wanted, we're good with all of our neighbors, most of what we need is within walking distance- this is a fucking penthouse that's in our budget- why are you not happy about this?"
"Well I guess now is as good a time as any to tell you that I talked with the owner of the building."
"You're gonna fucking leave me? Over a goddamn apartment? Really Y/n?"
You groan, "No, Jaehyun! The owner was telling me about the floorplans and there's no space for expanding the family if we move in. That's what I was gonna tell you before you got your lil attitude. Fuck!"
"Oh shit, really?" he asks incredulously. The crease he's had in his brow all day finally softens and he purses his lips.
"Yeah... The closets are too small, he canceled the balcony plans, the kitchen is more like a kitchenette, and there's no room for a washing machine or a dryer so we'll lose more than we gain... You thought I was gonna dump you for an apartment?"
"I dunno. Maybe? I'm sorry but like... we've been fighting a lot and I didn't know what to think," he replies sheepishly.
"The day our arguments become sexless, prepare for the worst because that's when you should be worried about me leaving. You're my home, okay? Whether we stay where we are, or move upstairs, or move into a boat- I just wanna be with you."
Jaehyun laughs softly, "Well since that's resolved... You said my ass is flat. Apologize."
You smile and lean over to kiss him softly, "Push your seat all the way back, daddy... I'll apologize."
Jaehyun presses the button on the side of his seat and slowly he moves backwards. It brings a funny lightness to this moment.
When he's as far back as he can go, he leans the seat back then his hand comes up to grab you by the back of your head and he brings you in for a searing kiss.
His tongue licks against yours as his free hand gets his pants open, "D'you know how fucking hot you are when you're angry?" he purrs.
You reach down to palm him through his jeans, "Is that why you're so hard?" You sigh as you shift enough to lean over.
"I love it because I get to put you back in your place after... now get to it," he says and pushes your head down.
He hits the back of your throat and you moan as you suck him hungrily.
"Such a good girl... just like that... yeah, baby," he sighs as his hand gently strokes your head.
You hum as you take him in as far as you can and Jaehyun holds you there for a moment before pulling you up to kiss him, "Not so quick to talk shit now, huh?" he says and pushes you back down.
He holds your head steady as he fucks into your mouth. You moan and gag around him, "Take it, slut," he moans.
And you do take it; each slow thrust. Every time the head of his cock hits your throat, you moan. You can feel your panties getting soaked and you squeeze your thighs together.
Jaehyun's thrusts get sloppy, "Gonna swallow daddy's cum like a good girl, right?" he sighs.
You hum eagerly. Hot cum shoots into your mouth and you greedily milk his cock for every drop you can get. You slowly ease him out of your mouth before giving the head of his cock a soft suck; hoping for more.
"God... every time you do something like this... all I can think about is how much of my cum we're wasting because... fuck..." He trails off as you continue to suck on the head of his cock.
"As much as I love seeing you swallow, I'd much rather pump that little pussy with my cum til it's leaking out... maybe get you pregnant... You wanna be full of my cum, right?"
You nod.
"Fuck... tell me you're mine... say it," he sighs as he pulls you back up to kiss him. He licks into you mouth and you share the traces of his cum that's left.
"I'm yours, daddy," You mumble against his lips.
He presses his forehead to yours, "Yeah fuckin' right you are," he chuckles.
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— 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬: 👓 — 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟: ☁️
— 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬: 🧸 — 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: 🍄
— 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭: 🕸️ — 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭: ⛈
— 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜: 📕
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a-spicy-reader · 2 days
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"Forbidden Desires"
Mark eagerly anticipates a private lingerie show from his girlfriend Maya. As he succumbs to his desires, his senses sharpen, intensifying his longing for Maya's touch. Despite Maya's rule against touching, Mark's desire overwhelms him, leading to a passionate surrender.
Word count: 1,302
English is not my first language so sorry for any mistakes
The soft glow of candlelight danced across the room, casting warm shadows against the walls as Mark rested on the bed, a joint hanging between his fingers as he took a long drag. This night was special—his girlfriend, Maya, had promised him a private fashion show, and he could hardly wait to see what she had in store.
The weed worked its magic, wrapping Mark in a haze of relaxation as he waited for Maya's arrival. His muscles loosened, his mind wandered as he got lost in the gentle buzz of the herb. He closed his eyes, letting the sensations wash over him as he waited for Maya to arrive.
When Maya finally emerged from the bathroom, Mark's breath caught in his throat. She was breathtaking, her dark skin glowing in the dim light as she moved with effortless grace. The effects of the weed only sharpened his senses, making her beauty seem even more intoxicating.
With a sensual smile, Maya walked over to him, her hips swaying in a hypnotic rhythm. "Ready for your private show, darling?" she purred, her voice sending shivers down Mark's spine.
He nodded eagerly, his eyes drinking in every inch of her. Maya had always been stunning, but tonight she was radiant, a goddess in human form.
As Maya began her private fashion show, Mark's heart pounded in his chest, his desire growing with each tantalizing move. 
The first set Maya revealed was a delicate lace bralette and matching panties, the fabric a rich burgundy that perfectly complemented her skin tone. Mark's mouth went dry as he watched her, his eyes tracing every curve, every dip and swell of her body.
Maya twirled, a playful glint in her eyes as she posed for him, running her hands over her curves with ease and practice. "Do you like it, darling?" she asked, her voice husky with desire.
Mark could only nod, his throat tight with longing. He wanted nothing more than to reach out and touch her, to feel the warmth of her skin beneath his fingertips.
But Maya had made it clear: no touching allowed.
With a pout, Mark forced himself to sit up, his hands clenched into fists as he fought the irresistible urge to reach out for her.
Maya's smile widened as she moved on to the next set, a sheer nightgown that left little to the imagination. The fabric shimmered in the candlelight, clinging to her curves in all the right places as she swayed and twirled, teasing him with glimpses of what lay beneath.
Mark's breath caught in his throat as Maya approached, the scent of her perfume swirling around him like an intoxicating mist. "You are so beautiful," he whispered, his voice thick with desire.
Maya's laugh was like music to his ears as she danced, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Not as beautiful as you, darling," she replied, her voice a husky purr.
But it was the third set that truly took Mark's breath away—a daring black lace bodysuit that left little to the imagination. It hugged Maya's curves like a second skin, the sheer fabric leaving nothing to the imagination as she posed and preened for him, her confidence shining with every movement.
Mark's pulse quickened as he watched her, his desire reaching a fever pitch as she teased and tormented him with every move. He could feel the heat building between them, a potent mix of longing and desire that threatened to consume them both.
But Maya held firm to her promise—no touching allowed.
Mark groaned in frustration, his body vibrating with need as Maya drew closer, her dark eyes smoldering with desire. "Please, Maya," he begged, his voice raw with longing. "I need you."
But Maya only shook her head, a teasing smile playing on her lips as she danced just out of reach. "Not yet, darling," she whispered, her voice a seductive purr. "Not until I say so."
But Mark had reached his limit. With a growl of frustration, he surged forward, capturing Maya's lips in a fierce, desperate kiss. She gasped in surprise, her arms wrapping around him as he pulled her close, their bodies pressed together in a frenzy of need and desire.
Clothes were discarded in a frenzied rush as they tumbled onto the bed, their kisses growing more urgent, more desperate with every passing moment. Mark's hands roamed over Maya's body, tracing every curve, every dip and swell as he worshipped her with his touch.
Maya moaned into his mouth, her nails digging into his back as she arched against him, her body trembling with pleasure. "Mark," she gasped, her voice husky with need. "I need you."
Mark's lips traveled down her neck, peppering kisses along her collarbone as he moved lower, his breath hot against her skin. Mark buried his face between Maya's legs, his tongue darting out to lick her swollen clit. Maya cried out in ecstasy, her fingers tangling in his hair as she rocked her hips against his mouth.
"Oh fuck, Mark," she gasped, her voice trembling with pleasure. "That feels so good. Don't stop, darling. Please, don't stop."
Mark obeyed, his tongue working its magic as he explored every inch of her, driving her wild with need. Maya's cries grew louder, her body trembling on the brink of orgasm as she rode the waves of pleasure crashing over her.
And then it hit her—a blinding wave of pleasure that consumed her entirely. She screamed his name, her body convulsing with the force of her orgasm as she fell into bliss.
Mark kept licking, drawing out her pleasure until she was trembling and spent beneath him. He kissed his way back up her body, his lips soft and tender as he pressed them to hers, his passion rekindling like a flame.
With a low growl of desire, Mark moved forward, burying himself deep inside Maya, his throbbing erection pressing eagerly against her slick entrance, the tight heat of her sex enveloping him in a delicious embrace.
Maya gasped, her body arching to meet him as he filled her completely, every inch of him sinking into her depths. She was so wet and tight, her walls clenching around him as he began to move, each thrust sending shockwaves of pleasure through them both.
Mark groaned, his hips driving forward with increasing urgency as he set a relentless pace. Maya's nails dug into his back, her cries of ecstasy spurring him on as they moved together in perfect rhythm, a symphony of passion and desire.
The sensations were overwhelming—the heat of her body, the tightness of her grip, the way she met his every thrust with eager abandon. Mark felt himself teetering on the edge of oblivion, his pleasure mounting with each stroke until he could hold back no longer.
With a primal roar, he came, his release flooding Maya in a hot, pulsing torrent of ecstasy. She screamed his name, her body convulsing with pleasure as she clung to him, her own orgasm crashing over her in a wave of bliss.
They collapsed together in a tangle of limbs, their bodies slick with sweat as they rode out the aftershocks of their passion. Mark pressed a tender kiss to Maya's forehead, his heart overflowing with love and gratitude for the woman in his arms.
"I love you, Maya," he whispered, his voice soft with emotion.
Maya smiled up at him, her eyes shining with love. "I love you too, Mark," she replied, her voice a gentle whisper.
"Forever and always."
I hope you liked it, leave your comments here ☺️
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calibabii21 · 7 months
haechan is so "just the tip" coded.
I'm feral.
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nirvanawrites111 · 1 year
Amnesia (Ten Lee x Dom!Reader)
Pairing: Ten Lee x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1991
Warning: Pegging, rimjob, degradation, femdom, mention of killing, fem pronouns, he refers to you as mistress, oral (male rec).
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Your landline phone rings two times, and then it stops. You turn over and look at your nightstand in the dark. The glow from your iPhone tells you everything you need to know.
You sit up in the middle of the bed and take a deep breath. These calls are few and far between, but you know it's him.
You move to the edge of the bed and place your foot against the cold wooden floor. Your feet move along, trying to locate your slippers. You slip into your furry slippers. You walk into your living room and turn on the hallway light. You go to your front door and open it.
His hair is disheveled but much longer than before. The last time you saw him, it was a short pixie cut, but now it has length. He doesn't speak, but you grab his hand to usher him into your apartment. You close the door behind him.
You can see the darkness in his eyes. You know that he's seen things in those streets that he frequents, but he doesn't have to explain anything. You are here for him.
You peel off his jacket, and he lets out a deep sigh. You know he can't share his life with anyone else other you. No one else understands Ten in the way that you do.
You place his jacket on your couch. You walk back over to him and remove his clothes layer by layer. A ritual that you two are used to by now. He stands before you, vulnerable. You kiss his forehead.
"It's okay. You are safe, now."
"But, I did bad things, tonight."
"I'm sure for the right reasons."
You look into his eyes again. You know he wants to say so much more, and you will give him the space to do so if he feels he needs to.
"I need you, Y/n," his confession is raw, but he's stern in the way that he professes for you.
A rush runs through you. You wouldn't acknowledge it to anyone, but you enjoy being needed by Ten Lee. The most misunderstood, mysterious man in the city, needs you. He doesn't even trust his own brothers, but he trusts you.
"Shall I draw you a bath, Tennie?"
His eyes light up a bit. You can see the glimmer in his eyes even if he doesn't smile. "Yes, please."
"Let's go."
You head down the hall to your guest bathroom and turn on the bathtub. You go back into your linen closet and grab your herbal mix that you prepare for him for nights like these. You pour the entire container into the bathtub.
Ten watches you prepare things for him. Never has he met a woman so understanding as you. A woman with such an enchanting spirit that helps him cleanse away his sins from the hard life that he's been dealt.
He admires you as you get on your knees to light the candles around the bathtub. He knows that your methods keep him safe.
If he could, he would leave WayV and run away with you. Live on a country farm somewhere where there are more cows than people. He would change his name so that no one could find him. He would live happily ever after with you.
But, that's just not his reality. He's good at what he does... according to his brothers, he's the best. So, how can he leave this line of work when it's all he knows how to do?
"Alright," you reply.
Ten stares into your eyes and admires your full thick hair that is so beautiful. How can a man with so much darkness attached to him be allowed to be in the presence of a goddess like you?
"You can get in now. It's ready," you instruct him.
Ten nods without hesitation. He climbs into the bath, and it's perfect. Not too hot, but not too cold. He eases into the warmth of the herbal water, and it feels incredible.
"I'll give you a moment."
"No," Ten shakes his head, and abruptly tells you. "I.." he stares into the water and then backs up at you. "I want you to sit with me."
Typically, he isn't this needy for you during his bath. He usually prefers to be submerged in his thoughts to process his night. But, tonight, he's singing a different tune, and you're okay with it.
"That's fine, baby."
You sit down on the toilet next to the bathtub, and he leans back against the headrest.
"I want to get out of this lifestyle, Y/n."
"I know."
"I can't be a killer for the rest of my life."
"I understand. But, you avenge those who are most vulnerable. Taking out the ones who need to be taken out."
"It's easy to look at it that way. But, why did I have to be born into this family? I just want a normal life."
"I'm sure, we all want to live a normal life. But, that's just not how life works."
"Yeah, but.. I want to be able to get married one day. Have children. Have a spouse."
"I'm sure your spouse would be understanding of you."
"It's not about being understanding. I don't want to put anyone at risk. If I lost the people I love because of my lifestyle, I wouldn't be able to live."
"I hear you. You are so thoughtful. I wish you could see yourself the way I do. You're more than your job."
"Nah. I'm a killer, nothing more, nothing less."
"Well, I can't change your perspective. But, you are amazing at what you do. Please don't beat yourself up over it. If you really want to leave, then do it."
"I'm thinking about it. But, I want to indulge with you after my bath."
You sit in your guest bedroom on the couch with everything ready for him. The only light in the room is the red LED lights. You sip a glass of water.
Ten comes into the room, and you sit up. He kneels between your thighs. "May, I suck you off, mistress?"
Ten doesn't waste any time sucking your strap. You grab the back of his head and push him further down on it. He doesn't gag at all, because you have trained him so well.
Ten works his beautiful mouth on your strap, and you start fucking his mouth. You tug at his hair while you drill deep inside his mouth.
"Got damn.. such a good little slut," You degrade him in the way that he craves. You know exactly what he needs when he needs it.
"I'm leaking.." He takes your strap out of his mouth.
"May, I please stroke it?"
"No, not yet."
"Mistress.. please."
You stand up and shove yourself back into his mouth. "So, needy. But, you are not understanding who is in charge here."
You pound into his mouth more brutally this time, and he takes it perfectly, just like the little whore he is. You look down at him. His eyes are connected to yours—there is just something so special about him on his knees for you.
"Do you want to get fucked or Nah?"
"Mmm.." he mouths around your strap and sucks you in deeper.
You caress his head to make sure you are still gentle with him. The last thing you want to do is hurt him.
"Get on all fours on the bed," you command.
Ten jets over to the bed and assumes the position you requested. You stand there and watch him on his hands and knees for you.
He's so beautiful like this. You grab your lube and toss it on the bed.
"May I taste you?" You stand behind him against the bed.
"Yes, mistress."
You lick around his hole and tease him a bit. You don't dive in just yet.
"Yesss," Ten moans out. You love the way he whimpers for you.
He gives you the motivation you need. You swirl around his center again, and you reach down to stroke him while you tease him.
His whimpering is louder now. It has you wet with excitement. You can feel a bit of your own wetness drip down your legs. You love pleasing him. You actually get off on it.
"You like this, baby?" you ask. Already know the obvious answer, but you want to hear some verbal confirmation to make sure he's enjoying this just as much as you are.
"Yes.. mistress. Yes, feels soo... uh.. good," Ten is panting for you at this point.
You stick your tongue into him and drill your tongue into him deeper. You slap his ass hard and hold his waist while you eat him out.
"Fuck... please let me cum. Mistress."
You pull out of him and turn him on his back. You put his legs on your shoulder and return to eating his ass.
"Stroke it while I eat it. But, don't cum until I tell you," you instruct him.
You can't see his face, but you can feel his body shake from how your tongue destroys him. You love tasting him.
You move up and push his legs back to his ears. You hold his legs up while you start sucking him. "You can cum now."
Ten, lets go and release his load into your mouth. You enjoy the salty taste of his release inside your mouth. You swallow all of it.
Ten legs are still trembling for you. You grab the lube off the bed. "You ready to get fucked?"
"Yes, please. Fuck me. Ruin me, mistress."
You run your finger across his juicy bottom lip. "Don't worry. I got you."
You get on your knees and lean back a bit. You lube up your strap-on. You put some on your fingers and get him ready.
You spread his legs and slip into them inch by inch. "You ready?" you ask.
"Yes, mistress," you see the smirk on his face.
You drill into him because he can take it. You watch him bite his bottom lip while you work your hips into him.
He pants for you and turns you on even more. You love to see his spread out across the bed like this and only for you. He doesn't have to worry about judgment when he comes home to you.
"You love it?" you ask.
"You better."
"I always love being ruined by you."
You pull out of him. "Get on all fours."
Ten does exactly what you say, and without skipping a beat, you dive into him from behind. You drill harder into his ass.
You love his flexibility, and you grab his hands to pull them behind you while you fuck him. You pound harder into him. "I want you to cum all over the bed without touching your dick."
"Mmm.. is that a challenge, mistress?"
"Nope. It's a demand. Now take this dick like a good little slut and shut up," you voice to him.  You drill even harder into him.
You know that he can come without touching it. You know his body pretty well.
He arches his back, and you slow down your stroke. This time you are pounding into him, but not as fast.
"Shit.. yes, just like that, Mistress."
You continue your pacing with him and work your body into his.
He releases just like you requested. His body trembles for you, and you let him ride it out. You let go out of his hand and slide out of him.
He leans forward onto the bed, and you lay on him. You kiss him on his back. "You did so good, baby."
"Thank you, mistress."
"I knew you could do it. Now, let's go to bed."
It's just something about pounding his ass and hearing him scream for you that sends you over the edge every time.
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panjakes · 7 months
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-Zero base one(Biases-Ricky&Matthew)
-The Boyz(Biases-Juyeon,Jacob&Q)
-NCT Dream(Biases-Jaemin&Renjun)
-Stray Kids(OT8)
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-All Of Us Are Dead
No matter what-Cheongsan
Not on my watch-gyeongsu
In the end-Suhyeok
Hard goodbyes/Part 2-Hanseo
Come back
I didn’t Do it-
-Sweet home
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-Go on a date with me?
Wedding Day-Ahn Hyoseop
Meet the family- Ahn Hyoseop
Butterflies- Ahn Hyoseop
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The First Lady(On going)-Chp.1, Chap.2, Chap.3
The investigator and the Thief(on going) Chp.1, Chp.2, Chp.3
Blood stains(On going)-Chp.1, Chp.2
Enhypen Hybed high series
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unique-high · 22 days
NCT 127 X S/O With locs
REQUESTED: NCT127 x S/O with locs
a/n: God, I'm sorry I'm just now getting to this. It's been on my to do list. But I'm finally here with it. But side note, each members s/o comes with a different shade of blue. I don't know the members well this is my first time writing a NCT 127 ot9 request so my reaction may not be as accurate to them.
side note: wasn't really sure how to write this without it being repetitive and boring but I still hope it's somewhat good.
another side note: I don't have locs so what I'm writing is based on YouTube videos I've watched and drawn inspiration from and also Pinterest.
ANOTHER SIDE NOTE, DAMN: I finished this around 6:35 am. The imagine went different ways, nevertheless, I hope the requester enjoys the brief moments between reader and ot9.
JOHNNY: you have been doing your retwist for a couple of hours in between sessions you'd watch Netflix, FaceTime johnny when he was on break from dance practice, ordered something to eat because you were too tired to even try to fix something to eat. And by the time Johnny came home you were just about done with your retwist.
“Oh wow.” Johnny said when he see's the color of your locs. “That color looks good on you.”
“You think so?”
“Oh yeah. It compliments you.”
The color you dyed your locs was a pretty Cerulean blue. After your locs were done, you added some cute hair jewelry some locs.
Johnny was checking out his hair in the mirror. “Do you want to dye mine so we can match?”
“Your stylist won't chew you out, will they?”
“If they I don't care. I want to match with my baby.”
MARK: he's seen you do your retwist before and knows how time consuming it can be. Mark would feed you and make sure you have plenty of water and when your arms get tired, he gives little massages. Your locs were bleached and ready for color.
“I have two different blues,” you tell your boyfriend. “Which one is your favorite, Indigo blue or baby blue?”
“Baby blue.”
“I'm feeling baby blue too.”
“Do you need any help?” Mark just wants to make things a little easier for you.
You happily nodded with a smile. Mark knew a little something about locs since you taught him. Plus, he saw this as quality time and another way of bonding with you.
DOYOUNG: “You don't gotta stay with me baby, it's gonna take some hours for her to get me colored, retwisted, and styled.” You tell Doyoung.
This was his first time going with you to a hair appointment. It was his day off and he didn't have anything better to do than drive you to your loctician and wait for you.
“But I want to stay,” he said, slightly pouting.
The salon was filled with other women getting their hair done too. One woman who was getting a wig installed gushed over you and Doyoung.
Your loctician gets you right and now it was deciding on the color. You decided to do the back of your locs sapphire blue and the front locs ocean blue.
Doyoung was on his phone most of the time, but he would check on you making sure you were good. He ran out to get you your favorite food since you would be sitting under the hair dryer for some hours.
“Do you think the colors look good on me?”
“They do. The colors just add to your beauty.”
“Boy, stop.” you laughed.
Doyoung playfully rolled his eyes saying, “I can't help it that my girlfriend's beauty is something magnificent.”
JAEHYUN: When he hears the 90s R&B music playing from the living room, he knows what today is. Retwist day. You spent a good three days preparing for this day. Giving yourself a prep talk because doing your own retwist wasn't for the weak.
“Tell me I got this, baby,” you whined to Jaehyun.
He kissed your forehead. “You got this. Just think about the end results. You know you're going to feeling yourself.”
You laughed saying, “You right. You right.”
Jaehyun kisses your lips this time and tells you bye since he is going to play basketball with the guys at the gym.
From morning until noon, you were still at your hair. You hadn't planned on styling it. Just a color and retwist. But you saw this cute style on Pinterest and decided why the hell not.
“Y/n I'm home.” Jaehyun yelled when he seen you weren't in the living room.
He goes to the bathroom,leaning on the door door frame.
“What do you think?” You asked eagerly.
You had your locs in two space buns. With two locs in the front out with gold hair jewelry. Your locs were powder blue.
“I love it. You look so freaking cute.” Jaehyun reaches out and gently tugged you to him. “But it's a shame it'll only get messed up.”
You give your boyfriend a look. “And what does that mean, jae?”
He smirks pulling you to the bedroom.
“Oh no.” you protest. “Not when I spent hours on this!”
TAEYONG: he helps you on the days you did your retwist. He took a class on locs so he could be able to help you. That's how dedicated he was to helping you. After you bleached your locs. You sat in the chair while Taeyong prepared you for the color. You were dying your locs luxe blue.
“So, do you have a boyfriend?” Taeyong jokes with you.
“Um, actually I do.”
“Can he fight?”
“You tryna fight my man, sir?”
“If it means taking you out on a date. Then yeah beautiful.”
He always joked with you like this while doing your hair. After the color and the wash. You talked about what kind of style you wanted to do. It was just something simple. A half up/half down. It was giving “New Me”
And your boyfriend had to take pictures to post on his IG. He made sure you looked good in the pictures because he knew you hated it when he took the most outlandish pictures of you and posted them. But to him, he thought you looked good in all the photos.
He takes a picture of you with the caption: GUESS WHO ATE?🤪
TAEIL: Like Mark, Taeil likes the quality time he gets to spend with you while you're doing your hair. He's curious though. He asks a lot of questions like “Why do you have crotch hooks sometimes?” or “How come you don't do a retwist all the time?” and you're always more than glad to answer your boyfriend's questions and explain things to him.
“Have you thought about what color you're going to dye your hair?” Taeil asks you.
“I was thinking Sky blue or Cool blue.”
“Sky blue would look lovely.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah! But anything on you looks lovely.”
Your face grew warm at his words. Dang, this man really knew how to make you feel good about yourself.
“Want to help with the color?”
“Sure. Just show me what I need to do.”
These were the little moments that Taeil enjoyed with you. Just standing in the bathroom applying color to your hair while you asked him about how he was feeling. You always made it a point to ask him about his mental because you know how draining his job can be.
YUTA: he was gone most of the day while you were busy with your hair. You would send him pictures letting him know how the progress was going and taking slight breaks when needed. You decided to surprise your boyfriend when he got home. Yuta once had a style where he had white hair with blue streaks and you wanted to recreate that.
You styled your locs in this cute little style with two ponytails and a side bang.
When you hear Yuta come into the apartment, you call for him to come to the bathroom. You were in the middle of doing your baby hairs.
“Oh wow.” he said. “Blue and white? Reminds of a color I had.”
“You were my inspo boy.”
“Yes.” you turned fully to look at Yuta.
He was busy checking out your new style. “This style is cute,” he said. “My hair is sort of long enough. Let's match styles.”
“You for real?”
“I want to look cute too, girl.” Yuta winks at you.
HAECHAN: “Just say you want to be my twin, y/n.” he teases you, poking you in your side while you're trying to apply dye to your locs.
“I really don't haechan.”
“Then why are you dying your hair blue like mine.”
“first off, my blue is a different shade than yours.”
“Still blue, y/n.”
“Electric blue.”
“Okay?” he poked you again. “Like I said, still blue.”
“Why are you annoying me while I'm trying to do my hair?”
“Cause I'm bored and If I don't annoy you I'll die.”
“Go die in the corner.”
“Y/n if I did die you'll be sobbing your pretty little eyes out.”
“Nah. Now go die.”
“No.” he poked you repeatedly until you burst out laughing getting hair dye on you and him. “Are you going to style the locs?”
“I was thinking of doing a simple, classic back ponytail.”
“Oh, nothing.” he smirks.
“Nah, I hear it in your voice there is something.”
“You're gonna have your locs pulled back. Maybe we can do something.”
“Something like what, Haechan?”
“It has job in it.”
“Oh, boy hell nah.”
JUNGWOO: You were sitting between Jungwoo legs as he helped you style your locs. You wanted a side ponytail and jungwoo was oddly good at doing them, he even could lay your baby hairs too. Your locs were midnight blue. Your boyfriend helped with picking the color since you really couldn't decide between sea foam green or midnight blue. Midnight blue was the winner.
“Okay, all done!” Jungwoo gives you the hand mirror.
“The retwist and style got me feeling fresh.” you turned your side to side in the mirror. “You did your thang. The color is so pretty on me too!”
Jungwoo smiles feeling proud of himself. “Yeah, I did that!” he pulls out his phone. “Here, let me take pictures. I have to show you off to the guys.”
“Don't. They may fall in love with my beauty.” you say all dramatically making your boyfriend laugh.
“How many times can a person fall in love with the same person? Cause honestly I've fallen in love you with you so many times.”
“Oh, really?” you tilt your head back to look at Jungwoo.
He smiles at you, bringing his face down closer to yours. “Really.” jungwoo softly whispered. “I never want to stop falling in love with you, y/n.”
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xunolic · 3 months
black writers, if you’re out there pls sound off bc i need fics to show love! 🥰
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