#Doyoung ambw
andysorbit · 1 year
1 Corinthians 6:19 (M)
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Church boy!Doyoung x church girl!reader Minors, fuck outta here Warnings: corruption?, some bible verses, Siwon is an asshole, unprotected sex, oral sex, fingering, light dirty talk, daddy kink, spanking, choking, overstimulation Is this blasphemy??? Idk sorry to those who are religious? I mean if you're reading this then... ya know.
Word count: 7.2k?? I know it's a lot
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"He's not gonna take the bait. He's got a crucifix up his ass," Jaemin says and rolls his eyes.
The church basement is quiet and one thing you've all learned from being in this... Holy Place... is how to successfully whisper in a room so quiet that even Hellen Keller could hear a mouse piss on cotton.
Joy leans in closer but never takes her eyes away from her Bible, "Y/n, he's not interested. You need to learn to quit while you're ahead. Siwon has him on a leash," she mutters.
"No, Jesus has him on a leash," Jaemin counters.
You pretend you don't hear them and turn back to Kun, "You got his cousin to give you a chance. He can't be that much different."
Kun looks across at Joy and smirks, "Don't say it like that... you sound like I used her," he mumbles.
Joy chuckles softly, "You were using me. You just didn't bank on getting used."
"And that's why I love you," he sighs.
Joy shakes her head, "You think you love me."
Your eyes wander back over to Doyoung's face and you watch him closely.
Sunday school is over for the day and you're all left to prepare for next week's lesson.
It's the same ritualistic pattern that’s posted on a bulletin board in Pastor Siwon's obsurdly perfect writing:
Sunday Schedule
Sunday school must begin at 8 AM and end by no later than 8:50 AM.
Breakfast/refreshments to be served from 8:55 AM to 9:15 AM.
Sunday school instructors are to work on next week's lesson from 9:00 AM to 9:45 AM
Everyone must be upstairs and seated in the sanctuary by 9:55 AM
Siwon's a bitch.
He hates women, gay people, and anyone he can't use God to manipulate. He also hates his brother Doyoung.
Siwon's father wanted Doyoung to lead the church in the event that he were to suddenly die. It was a discussion that had been talked about for years.
Nobody paid it much attention until, of course, their father did suddenly die.
The entire church- including Siwon's own wife- voted for Doyoung to lead but Doyoung, being an obedient little brother, declined.
"I'm just happy to be here and serve God with you all. Siwon hyung is more equipped to lead you than I am and I'm more than happy to continue teaching Sunday school with the little ones. If leading a church is my calling, our Savior will make me ready for that day but until then, let's just praise Him and do our best to show His glory."
That day, you were more than a little disappointed to say the least. You knew he'd look good in a clergy robe but here he is, still teaching the little ones.
Doyoung instructs the preschoolers, Kun instructs grades one through three, Jaemin instructs grades four through six, Joy instructs grades seven through nine, and you teach grades ten through twelve.
You don't enjoy it but you do it. You don't enjoy this church but you still come. Not because you feel obligated but because you don't want your funds cut.
None of you do.
Doyoung is the only one who still comes to church willingly, he prays with fervency, and cries during worship.
Sometimes, you wonder if he cries because he really feels God's presence or if that's his subconscious pleading for release from the Holy sunken place.
"I have to teach the kids about abstinence. I hate that," Joy mutters and snaps you out of your trance.
"Because you're a godless whore?" Jaemin laughs quietly.
Surprisingly, she nods, "I feel like a hypocrite."
"But you're not," You tell her. She smiles at you appreciatively.
"Ask Doyoung to help you. He's read the whole fuckin' Bible cover to cover four times already." Jaemin says.
You perk up when you hear Doyoung's folding chair softly drag across the concrete floor.
"Thirsty ass," Jaemin Snickers.
"Shut the fuck up," You hiss and drop your eyes back down to your Bible.
"Ask him for me, Y/n," Joy whispers.
"Hey, Doyoung?" You say as you close your Bible.
The room feels even hotter and you lock eyes with him.
He gives you the warmest smile, "Yes, Y/n?"
"Joy has to teach about abstinence and she needs help but she's not sure how to ask you. She's awkward about it," You tell him.
He smiles and nods at you then looks over at Joy, "You're such a jelly belly, Joy," He glances at the clock behind you, "Well, we have ten minutes. I finished early so I can help you."
He sits down in the empty chair beside yours and opens his Bible,
"I really like first Corinthians chapter six verse... nineteen. It.. speaks on how our bodies are temples and how they belong to God. I think that's a good way to start the conversation. You have to remember, Joy, your job is scratch the surface. They'll have a deeper discussion with their parents. You really don't wanna cross that boundary,"
Joy nods. This is her first go round with Sunday school. Yeri used to teach it but she just disappeared one day. There were rumors that she had gotten pregnant and that's why she stopped coming with her parents.
It's none of your business, though.
You sit and listen to him explain things so happily. His eyes light up and for a moment, you wish you were God just so he could make your own name sound so beautiful.
"I hope I was able to help you with this. If you need any help, don't be scared to ask. I'm here as much as I can be. Closed mouths can't get fed," Doyoung says warmly.
Jaemin snorts and masks it with a cough, "Sorry," he whispers.
Everyone gets up and Doyoung softly touches your arm, "Can I talk to guys before we go up?" he asks. You nod and watch as your friends glance at each other with befuddled expressions.
"Why don't you guys like me?" he asks and you feel your heart break.
"What? Who said that? Doyoung, who said that to you?" You ask him softly.
"My brother did. He said that... you guys talk about me behind my back and- I just wanna know what I did. I haven't made you feel uncomfortable, have I?" he searches your face for an answer and you can't believe he thinks that.
"Doyoung, we thought you didn't like us. You never sit with us and we thought you just preferred your own company," Kun says apologetically.
"I'm sorry. I- we never meant to make you feel that way. Especially me. We would love it if you sat with us," You say eagerly.
"Oh, yeah. Especially her," Jaemin agrees. You whip your head around to glare at Jaemin and he throws his hands up in concession.
You turn back to Doyoung and he smiles, "I know I can be a little closed off sometimes. Please don't hold it against me," he chuckles.
"It's no problem. We know you mean well," Jaemin says with a tight smile.
He's always been a bit stand-offish with Doyoung. How Siwon could have such a good brother perplexes him.
Doyoung smiles, "Okay. Next Sunday, I'm with you guys."
You nod, "I'm looking forward to it!"
Your week is slow and you're actually excited to be going to church. You pick Jaemin up on your way and he smokes as you drive.
"This shit better be aired out before we get there," You tell him.
He shrugs, "You say that every Sunday. Has it ever not been aired out?"
"Got me there," You concede.
Jaemin tosses his cigarette out the window at the red light. As you turn the block and into the parking lot, you see Doyoung get out of his car.
As always, he's neat and casual; opting for his usual solid-colored slacks and polo shirt. He looks so good.
"As much as I hate to say this, you're gonna have to stop picking me up if you're gonna get him to nail you to a cross," Jaemin says as you're parking your car.
"I hope you get lung cancer," You sigh.
Jaemin laughs, "You don't mean that."
When you get out, you see Doyoung leaning against his car.
He's waiting for you.
"Good morning!" he cheers.
"Good morning," You say back.
Jaemin gives him a wave, "He's trying to figure us out," he murmurs.
"Then stop cockblocking," You mumble back.
"I'm gonna head in. I have to help the kids with a few things. Thanks for the ride, Y/n," Jaemin says.
Doyoung squeezes his Bible and looks over at you, "So you never need any help with Sunday school. How is it?" He asks.
"It's good. The kids are great. Yeri took good care of them before they graduated," You tell him.
He nods, "Hey... uh... I was wondering if you wanted to um... go with me to the church picnic next month? Siwon's been..." he trails off because he's obviously trying not to badmouth his brother.
"Nagging you?" You ask quietly.
He freezes like a startled rabbit then nods, "Yeah," he whispers.
"You don't have to be married until you're ready. Besides... I'm not marrying you," You laugh.
Doyoung laughs too, "You know how he is... why he married Taeyeon and all that," he sighs.
"He just wanted a piece of ass and didn't wanna burn in hell for it?" You blurt out.
Doyoung, surprisingly, bursts out laughing, "Is he that obvious?" he says with an exasperated smile.
He's so handsome.
"Yeah," You say, "He is."
Sunday school is mundane as usual and when it's over, Doyoung comes to sit with you. Right beside you to be specific.
Jaemin smirks.
People in the congregation tried to rally for you and Jaemin to date and prelude to marriage but that would never happen.
Jaemin's gay and he's fucking the choir director's son Renjun but that, along with everything else that's sinful in this church, is none of your business. He's your friend and you love him but he's private about his affairs.
Everyone has a level of privacy they maintain in order to cover their own asses. He trusts you with his life but he stays discreet to keep your hands clean.
"It's my week to clean the church," Doyoung sighs.
"Tough luck," Joy laughs, "I had last week."
"I'll be okay," Doyoung says, "It's my own fault for staying up so late."
"Y/n can help you. It's not like she has anything to do later," Kun pipes up.
"No, that's okay," Doyoung says softly, "If she doesn't wan-"
"I really don't have anything to do later and you look pretty tired. I don't mind helping you," You say eagerly and Jaemin stiffles a laugh.
After service, you seek out Doyoung and he pulls you to the side, "Wait for everyone to leave. It'll make more sense once they do," he whispers.
So you say your goodbyes and avoid Siwon's leering eyes.
Once the church is empty, Doyoung smiles at you, "Come with me," he says cheerfully as he leads you to the sound booth.
"This is why it always takes me so long to finish."
He tinkers with his phone and when Higher Ground by Stevie Wonder begins playing, he looks over at you, "Doesn't it sound so good in the church? The way it echoes?" he says as he leans in close enough for you to hear him.
The chill that rushes down your spine sends you into a frenzy and Doyoung notices. Your voice fails you so you nod.
He doesn't say anything but he does hold your gaze. He's hard to read but you don't worry.
You clean and enjoy his playlist. One thing that hasn't changed is his love for Motown. As you clean, you sing together and when he's feeling extra playful, he keeps his eyes trained on yours and sings to you.
For a moment, you think that he wants you too.
When Doyoung comes to pick you up for the picnic, he's dressed in a seafoam green t-shirt, blue jeans, and white Keds.
He beams at you as he leans against the car, "What are the chances?" he says as he gestures to your seafoam green knee-length midi dress and white Keds.
"I definitely look better," You chuckle as you walk towards him. He opens the passenger door for you, "You look beautiful," he says as his eyes roam over you. "Thank you, Doyoung," You say as you hold his gaze, "You look really good too."
You can't look away from him and it's obvious he's losing the battle as well.
He draws in closer to you and hesitates. You reach out to gently place your hand on his cheek,
"I'm not gonna stop you if that's what you're waiting for."
Doyoung slots his lips against yours and kisses you slowly.
His kiss is essentially who he is; warm, gentle, wholesome.
He slinks an arm around to draw you closer, "Is this okay?" he asks you.
You nod and melt against the firmness of his body. He sets your insides on fire and the subtle strength of his hold on you sends a frenzied storm straight down to the pit of your stomach.
You can already feel your panties soaking.
He breaks the kiss and smiles at you then dips back down to kiss you once more,
"We should... get going," he says into your ear and it's so obvious that he wants to press a kiss to your neck.
"Let me go first," You chuckle.
He loosens his grip on you and smiles, "Whoops," he laughs softly.
"We're gonna be late," He says and it's more to himself because he's very much aware that he's the holdup.
You slip down into the car and look up at him.
He stares back at you and you can see his mind racing. He takes a deep breath and wets his lips with his tongue before closing the passenger door.
You watch him go behind the car and stop for a moment; bowing his head and closing his eyes, he prays. You know he's asking for forgiveness and strength.
He finally moves around to the driver's seat and gets in; he seems ready to pull off but he hesitates,
"Traveling mercies," he says softly and bows his head.
You follow suit and he prays,
"Blessed Father God, thank you for giving us another opportunity to live another day in your glory. Please be with us as we travel today. We're thankful as always for your love and protection. In Jesus' name, amen."
"Amen," You whisper.
He starts the car and his motown playlist picks up from the middle of Mama’s Pearl by the Jackson 5 and you smile.
As he drives, you both chat about work and sometimes stop to sing because the music is just too good.
"You're the only person who sings with me," he says as he pulls into the church parking lot.
"Am I?" You ask incredulously, "How could anyone not wanna sing with you?"
Doyoung shrugs, "I dunno... I don't mind. I think I prefer if it's only you anyway."
You smile at him and he puts the car in park before cutting the engine.
Your mind wanders back to when you were both younger and how close you were to each other.
As if he read your mind, he pipes up,
"What happened to us?"
"I don't know, Doyoung, but I miss you," You reply.
"I think I let Siwon steer me too much. He always said you were trouble and I'd be getting myself a one-way ticket to hell if I stuck around you..." he trails off.
"Ouch," You grunt.
"I'm sorry I told you that," he says apologetically.
"Don't be... I kinda already knew... but why the sudden change? Are you just trying to spite him?" You ask.
Doyoung shakes his head, "Not at all. I just... I'm tired of trusting him so blindly... he's not a good person."
You arch your eyebrows in surprise, "It's okay that you trusted him. He's your brother and you love him. There's nothing wrong with that."
He nods and then opens his door, "I'll get your door for you. Stay put," he says.
He comes around and opens your door. As you get out, you see Siwon pull in a few spots down.
He's alone.
He gets out of comes over with a confused smile, "Sister, your dress is mighty short," he says.
"And considering there's a dresses only code for a picnic, so is my patience," You say with a tight smile.
Siwon nods and stands down, "Fair enough," he concedes before looking over at Doyoung, "Is she your date?"
Doyoung nods, "We agreed to come together so yes... she is."
Siwon smiles. "Well it is time you started seeking out a wife."
Doyoung shakes his head, "It's not a job hunt, hyung. I'll know when it's time," he says sheepishly.
"Of course," Siwon says with a smile, "I'll see you guys 'round back."
When he leaves, Doyoung looks at you, "I'll leave early if you do."
"Definitely. How long should we stay?" You ask him.
"I say we give it about an hour. Eat light. I'll cook for you," he says with a shy smile.
"You're gonna cook for me? Get outta here," You say with surprised smile.
"It's a hobby... no big deal," he says coolly.
He's pulling you in.
You watch as Siwon stands at the grill and burns a fourth burger. It's a shame that hardly anyone is eating and those who are, obviously aren't enjoying the food.
You're close enough to hear him mutter to himself about it. Renjun comes over, "Pastor, I can take it from here." he says with a sheepish smile.
Siwon turns him away just as he has the others but Renjun doesn't back down; instead, he drops all pretenses of pleasantries and gently pries the spatula out of Siwon's hand, "Nobody likes your food. Look around," he says.
"They're burgers, Renjun. Taeyeon did this all by herself last year. How hard can it be?" Siwon scoffs.
"Rocket science since nobody can tell your burgers from a hockey puck now... move. Over," Renjun says shortly.
Siwon sighs and moves over, "Everyone's so mean today. First Y/n and her dress now you and these burgers."
Renjun flips the burgers with ease and rolls his eyes, "We're only two people- not the whole world and there's nothing wrong with Y/n's dress. She looks pretty. If you're feeling some type of way about her kneecaps then that's something you should work out with God. Don't put the blame on her for it."
Renjun looks at you and winks. You smile back and fight back your laughter. You take a sip of your soda and watch Doyoung come over to you.
"Ready to go?" he asks you softly.
You nod, "Yeah... I am."
"Head into the church. I'll count to seventy and meet you by the nursery," he says.
You nod and stand up.
You head inside and wait for him.
You send Jaemin a text:
Y/n: he's gonna cook for me 😳
Jaemin: CAN I GET TO DA YAMZ??? SWEET YAAAAAAMZ!!! 😩😩😩💦💦💦💦🍑🍑🍑🍑🍆🍆🍆🍆
Y/n: Why did I even bother telling you 🙄
Doyoung comes around the corner and you slip your phone back into your bag. He takes your hand,
"Come on."
Doyoung's house is a cozy one level cottage. He's big on earth tones.
"This is your house? It suits you, Doyoung," You gush as he unlocks the front door. The aroma of clove hits you and for only a breadth of a second, you imagine waiting for him in this very foyer after he's come home from along day of work.
"Is that a good thing?" he laughs.
"Yeah. Your house is really cute."
"You think I'm cute?"
"I don't kiss ugly men."
He turns to you and smirks, "That was... my first kiss y'know."
"No," You gasp.
He nods, "Yep."
"Doyoung, be serious!" You exclaim because there is no way in hell he could've kissed you that well if it was his first time.
"I am! Why is that so hard to believe?" he laughs.
"It was too good... just too good," You say incredulously.
He gives you a smug smile, "My ego's gonna skyrocket. Be quiet."
You stare at him with bewildered eyes and he waves a hand at you, "Come on. I know you're hungry."
His kitchen is decorated in shades of terracotta. You look around at the neatness of everything.
After you take turns washing your hands, Doyoung pulls a bowl of fruit salad out of his refrigerator, "I made this for the picnic but I forgot it so eat as much as you want because I don't want it to go to waste but I'm definitely not going back to drop it off."
You laugh and pop a grape into your mouth. His eyes linger on your mouth so you take the opportunity to pick up a pineapple chunk and bite into it slowly.
The blush spreads across his cheeks but he can't look away, "I um... what are you hungry for?"
"Whatever you wanna cook. I just wanna eat," You say between bites.
Doyoung smiles at you, "Do you want... rosemary chicken? I have a really good recipe and I still have fresh rosemary left," he rings his hands out nervously.
"That sounds so good!" You exclaim.
You watch Doyoung prepare ingredients and you make small talk and of course, he plays some music; this time opting for a soft jazz playlist.
"You like carrots?" He asks as he chops up a carrot.
"Eh... not raw," You say with a frown. You watch him hold a slice out for you.
"Do it for me. It's good for your eyes. They're too pretty to not be taken care of. Say 'ah'. C'mon," he says eagerly.
You frown a little deeper and pull back.
"Ugh, I'm gonna have to scratch you off my potential wife list. You're too disobedient. Yuck," he says with mock disgust and a sassy roll of his own pretty eyes.
You both cackle and you let him ease the carrot slice into your mouth.
"That's a good girl," he hums.
You both freeze and the silence that hangs over his playlist is deafening.
"What?" You grunt.
"I'm so sorry I said that," he says just above a whisper.
"Why would you be sorry you said that?" You ask him as you pucker your lips suspiciously.
Doyoung blushes again, "I don't... know," he replies and pops his lips. He tries not to smirk but he fails and he gives you a gentle brush across your cheek with his knuckles.
You lean into his hand and he gives you a knowing look.
When the food is ready, Doyoung seats you at his breakfast nook, "Lunch is served," he says as he sets your plate down in front of you.
"Wow... Doyoung, it's almost too pretty to eat," You say as you look at the plate and then up at him.
He smiles and turns to get his own plate. He brings it to the table and sits across from you. He reaches his hands across to take yours,
"Will you lead us in saying grace, sister?"
He's definitely flirting.
"Um... dear Lord, thank you for this food we're about to eat, bless the hands of the chef, and bless us as we take privilege in enjoying this meal," You say softly.
Doyoung smiles and stands back up, "I forgot the wine," he says as he crosses the kitchen to retrieve it from the refrigerator before getting two wine glasses from the cabinet.
"So... bless the hands of the chef, huh?" he says as he pops the cork.
You watch him bring the bottle and the glasses over, "Yeah... you did a great job," You say.
He fills your glass and then his own, "Bless the mouths that enjoy it," he counters as he holds his glass up.
You clink your glass against his as you nod in agreement, "Amen."
You can't conceive how Doyoung's meal can taste better than it looks but somehow, it's possible. As you finish off your wine, Doyoung clears the table.
"Doyoung, that was the best meal I've ever eaten," You say as you lean back and sigh.
Doyoung's face lightens up, "I'm glad you enjoyed it. Next time, I'll bake you something," he says and winks at you.
"Bake me something?" You gasp, "You're gonna bake for me too?"
Doyoung nods, "I told you, it's just a hobby."
"That's a great hobby. You're really good at it," You tell him.
"Siwon hates that I do this... he says it's menial woman's work but I like doing it and I like being useful. I don't want my wife to cook for me because she has to... I want her to cook for me because she likes me,"
You tilt your head "Because she likes you?" You ask him.
"Yeah," Doyoung nods, "Loving someone and liking someone are often two very different things. You can love someone and not like them. I love my brother but I don't like him... I want my wife to like me. I want her to smile when she thinks about me. I don't want what Siwon has with Taeyeon. I want my wife to see me as someone worthy of respect and not as someone she feels religiously obligated to respect."
You nod in agreement, "That's a good thing to want. There's nothing wrong with that." You reply.
Doyoung leans over the sink, "I don't want things to be traditional," he murmurs.
"Yeah?" You egg him on. You know the wine has him on the cusp of saying something that he normally wouldn't say.
"I- I don't... I don't wanna marry a woman who gives herself to me because the Bible says we have to reproduce. I wanna marry a woman who jumps into bed with me because she thinks I'm hot and I turn her on, I want her to... to think about me and squeeze her thighs together because I just do it for her. I don't believe that love has to be so... boring. Why would God even give us all of these feelings if we're supposed to just ignore them?" he finally says.
You sit in silence and Doyoung chuckles.
"Have I said too much?" he asks as he turns to look at you.
"No... of course not. I don't... see where you're wrong. You deserve that... Besides, if it's in us, it's meant to be enjoyed within reason," You say as you rise to your feet. You step closer to him and he reaches out for you.
"I placed bets that I'd marry you," he confesses as his lips find the corner of your mouth. He presses a light kiss to your skin there then his lips ease down to your neck.
"Yeah?" You sigh.
He hums as he kisses down to the base of your throat, "Yeah."
"Gambling is a sin." You laugh and he catches you lips with his own.
"I'm not always traditional," he sighs.
He traps you against the counter and the warmth of his body soothes you, "I won't do anything to you that you don't want me to do," he sighs as he kisses you.
"Do your worst, church boy," You whisper.
Doyoung slides his hands up your dress and cups your pussy. He moans, "Did I do that to you?" he purrs.
"Yeah... you always do," You hum.
He quirks up an eyebrow, "This is a regular occurrence for you?" he laughs against your lips.
"Uh huh... And sometimes when it gets to be too much, I touch myself."
"Y/n! No!"
You laugh, "Oh, yes!"
Doyoung tuts and dips his tongue into your mouth, "Such a dirty... dirty girl." He slips his hand into your panties and his fingers find your clit. For the first time ever, he curses,
"Fuck, you're soaked, baby,"
It sounds so hot and you whimper as he strokes your clit slowly.
"Doyoung!" You shrill.
"For what it's worth... I'm no better. You just do something to me and I... I can't control it."
He takes his free hand to bring one of your arms up to his shoulder and then the other, "Hold onto me," he says and his voice is low and steady.
You circle your arms around his neck and kiss him hungrily. His fingers massage you slowly, "Does this feel good?" he asks you.
"F-faster... please?" You plead softly. He laughs and easily obliges.
"Spread your legs a little more for me, sweetheart," he tells you softly; you quickly do as your told and he pulls back to smile at you,
"Good girl."
You moan a little bit louder and he pulls his hand out of your panties. His fingers find his way to his mouth and he sucks them clean, "Are you comfortable with coming with me to my bedroom? I can have you here next time."
"Next time?" You gawk.
"There will be a next time. You have stars in your eyes, Y/n."
He takes your hands and presses your knuckles to his lips, "Am I wrong?"
You shake your head, "No."
"Then let's go," he says and leads you out of the kitchen. Your head spins with excitement as he brings you along gently.
His bedroom is a cozy and comfortably cluttered dream. On the seat of his bow window, sits his Bible; it's opened to the book of Matthew. You try to see what chapter he was reading from but he guides you to his bed.
"Matthew, chapter five... verse twenty-eight," he says softly as his fingers begin to slowly unbutton your dress, "'But I say to you that everyone whose eyes are turned on a woman with desire has had connection with her in his heart'... I've battled with this far longer than I'd ever be proud to admit."
You smile up at him, "You're battling a sex demon?"
He laughs and covers his face with his hands, "Everyone has something that they struggle with! I mean, we're humans!" he laughs. He drops his arms down and smirks at you.
"That is true," You sigh.
Doyoung eases his shirt over his head and tosses it beside you on the bed.
It's your turn to freeze. As his hands find their way back to your dress, your eyes roam over his toned skin. He chuckles as he pushes the dress off of your shoulders,
"What demon do you fight, Y/n?"
"I have no demons... I'm a perfect vessel," You chuckle breathlessly. Doyoung pulls you to stand up and lets the dress pool at your feet, "I don't believe that for a second."
You step out of the dress and he picks it up. You watch him fold it gingerly before bringing it over to his honey colored easy chair and placing it down. He turns back to you. He's ambivalent and it's written all over his face.
"We can... put our clothes back on, Doyoung. We don't have to do this. We can just get dressed and act like this never happened," You tell him reassuringly.
He comes back over to you and pulls you into his arms, "You know neither of us wanna do that."
You nod in agreement and he kisses you. It's different. It's rough.
He eases you down onto the bed and as you scoot up to the middle, he hovers over you, "Tell me something... something wicked. Tell me something that will make me feel better about the things I'm going to do you."
Your body is somehow even hotter. He kisses your lips then licks a warm stripe across your neck before sucking on the tender flesh.
"I think about you all the time... I imagine you... bending me over in the church basement and fucking me until I can't stand," You whimper.
Doyoung groans and presses his hardness against you, "That's your fantasy? Being fucked in a church basement? Such a dirty girl... what else do you think about?" Doyoung kisses his way down to your chest before pulling you up. He reaches around behind you and unclasps your bra.
"I think about you overpowering me and- using me until you're satisfied... I just wanna be ravished by you," You whine as you both grind against each other.
He's invading all of your senses and neither of you has completely undressed yet.
"How are you even real?" he groans as he fumbles with his pants. He clumsily gets them off and kicks them off of the bed. Your bra is next to go then his briefs and then finally, your panties.
Doyoung kisses you with fervency. He pulls back and pins your arms over your head, "You wanna be ravished, huh?" he chuckles and dips down to take your bottom lip between his teeth.
"Uh huh," You sigh.
Doyoung slides down and nestles himself between your thighs. He peppers your skin with soft kisses. His mouth latches onto your clit and he sucks it softly. You cry out and buck your hips against his mouth.
He laps at you and teases you with his tongue.
"Doyoung... yes. Please... please," You gasp.
He continues his attack on you and you reach down to card your fingers through his hair and grind your hips desperately.
"Not enough, is it?" he asks as he raises his head to look at you.
"I... no... that's not it... I just want you. Come back up here... please," You whimper.
Doyoung laughs, "Do you miss me or something?"
"I do," You reply.
Doyoung comes up and presses a sloppy kiss to your lips.
You reach between your bodies and stroke him. He squeezes his eyes shut and grips the sheets.
"Want you in my mouth," You whimper and Doyoung flips you both over. He looks up you before propping himself up on his elbows,
"Have at it."
You nestle between his legs and grip his cock with both hands, "You're bigger than I expected," You say then lick from the base up to the tip.
Doyoung's tongue darts out to wet his lips, "Fuck," he sighs.
"Am I teasing you?" You ask him innocently.
"Come on... do something, baby," he sighs.
You smirk and drag your tongue back and forth over his leaking tip; collecting precum as you do, "Make me do something," You say softly.
Doyoung takes a fistful of your hair, "Don't be such a tease," he says and gently forces your head down. You moan and take him all the way into your mouth.
He slowly bucks his hips as the head of his cock repeatedly taps the back of your throat, "That's a good girl," he moans, "So fucking good."
You let him use your throat as you feel your own wetness slicking up your inner thighs.
Doyoung pulls you back up and kisses you, "Not like this... I need to be inside you," he says as he gets you back underneath him.
He teases your slit with the head of his cock and you whine desperately, "Ask me for it nicely."
"Please... give it to me," You whimper.
"You need me to fuck you?" he asks you roughly; his voice is coarse and heavy with desire.
You nod and that's all it takes for him to guide himself into you.
"Fuck!" You both cry in unison. You look at each other and laugh.
Doyoung dips down to press his forehead to yours, "You're so much better than I could ever have imagined... so fucking tight for me. We were made for each other. Don't you agree?" He says and his hips collide with yours over and over and over again.
"Y- yeah... I... I love this. Please don't stop, Doie... please," You plead. You wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist, "I want you to fuck me forever."
"Forever?" he sighs and slows his pace, "You could take this forever, baby?"
You kiss him, "Uh huh," You pant.
Doyoung groans, "I'm... fuck, baby... I'm close."
You reach down to bring yourself closer to your own release.
He pushes your hand away and replaces it with his own, "No... that's what I'm here for... let me," he says as his fingers draw fervent circles into your clit.
"Doie! Yes, yes, yes! Fuck..." You moan as you both release together.
"That's it, baby. You sound so pretty when you cum for me. That's my girl," he praises you as his own orgasm rattles his body.
You cling to Doyoung and he collapses on top of you. You both tremble as you regain clarity. Once his breathing is under control, he rears up to press a chaste kiss to your temple then rolls off of you.
You turn to face each other and the air is still thick; he smiles, "I want you to know something..." he says as his eyes roam your face, "I don't want you because I just need a release... I want you because you're the only woman I've ever thought about doing this with... You're the only woman that's ever made me forget that God even matters."
You gush at him and bring your hand over to stroke his cheek, "I don't even think I could say anything to top how special that is but I can try," You say with a chuckle.
Doyoung smiles.
"I... I've kissed boys... maybe too many but... I waited for you. I didn't want anyone else," You tell him.
His face beams, "We waited for each other and didn't even realize it," he laughs.
Come Sunday morning, Siwon is privy to the way you and Doyoung engage each other.
"Sister, can I have a word with you?" he pipes up. Jaemin's eyes perk up and he's obviously ready to go to battle. You shake your head and smile at him before turning your attention to Siwon.
"Yes, Pastor?" You say.
"You've been very close with my brother. What exactly are your intentions?" he asks you suspiciously.
Doyoung is at your side before you even have time to react, "Her intentions are well, hyung. Better than yours were," he says coolly.
Siwon scoffs, "What?"
"Taeyeon hasn't been here in... three months now? She's not that sick. She left you and everyone knows she did," Doyoung says.
"Literally everyone knows," Renjun says in passing.
"I'm just worried about the choices you're making. You seem different," Siwon presses.
Doyoung shrugs, "My choices are fine. If I ever go astray, I'll do the work to get back on track. I think you should worry about your own affairs."
Siwon nods, "Well, if that's how you want it then that's how it'll be."
He excuses himself and Doyoung turns to you, "You're not his sin to overcome," he laughs.
That afternoon, while the sun hangs low in the sky, Doyoung tends to his garden, and you watch him as you remain on standby, ready to help him with his needs.
"Being married is gonna be a lot of fun... I like having you here to help me with the gardening," he sighs with a soft smile.
"Daddy's little helper," You mumble.
He straightens up and his eyebrows go up, "I- I- whoooo, what? What? Y/n, behave!" he gushes as he gently nudges you with his arm.
"You've never had that thought?" You ask him teasingly.
He nods, "I have but I'm busy right now and you have to behave yourself because this was supposed to be done three days ago and I don't want my garden to die so... sit there, be quiet, and don't touch me until I'm done."
"Okay, Daddy," You say sweetly.
Doyoung stands up and pulls off his gloves off, "On your feet. Come on," he says as he places his gloves in his supply box.
You stand up and follow him into the kitchen. He washes his hands and turns to you.
He's trying so hard to be firm with you but a smile shines through on his face, "You gotta... don't smile at me- you-" he laughs and pulls you into his arms, "You gotta behave yourself. You're failing the wife trial. Get it together!"
You hug him and press a kiss to his cheek, "I'll try harder tomorrow," You chuckle.
Before you know it, Doyoung is turning you around and pressing you down against the counter, "Why can't you behave yourself right now?" he asks you softly, his fingers pushing your shorts and panties down.
"Don't wanna," You sigh as his hand caresses your bare ass.
He lands a mild slap down and you gasp.
He laughs low and thick, "You like that?" he asks.
"Y- yes!" You whimper and wiggle your ass in an attempt to touch some part of his body.
"Well, you're not really supposed but... I guess that's okay for right now... I'll just have to find some other way to punish you," he says and slaps your ass again, this time a little bit harder. You moan and he slaps you once more.
"Daddy!" You whine.
Doyoung slides his hand down to your cunt and kicks your legs apart, "You're always so wet for me... no matter what's going on, I know that if I just... slide my hand between those beautiful thighs, I'm gonna get my fingers soaked."
"I always want you, Daddy... always," You sigh as he slides his middle and ring fingers into your pussy. He fucks you with his fingers and leans down to lick the shell of your ear, "Such a greedy little whore." he says softly.
You clench around his fingers and writhe. Moans pour from your mouth as he shows no signs of slowing up.
"Oh? You like that?"
"Yes, Daddy!"
"You like it when daddy talks to you like this? Huh, slut?"
You nod furiously and clench around his fingers once more.
He tuts, "Can't hear you."
"Yes, Daddy! Yes!" You scream.
"That's my girl."
Doyoung eases his fingers out of you and pulls you up by your hair, "Taste yourself, baby," he says as he pushes his fingers into your mouth.
You hum as you suck them. Doyoung drops down to his knees and helps you out of your shorts, "Hold onto the counter,"
You do as you're told and he lifts your left leg onto his shoulder before devouring your pussy. You throw your head back and cry out as he brings you close to your release.
His tongue speeds up and slows down. He gets better each time and you mentally note his progress. Your legs give out as you cum against his tongue.
He pulls back and lets you sink down onto the floor in front of him.
He kisses you, "Was that good, princess?" he asks you.
You nod, too enthralled by the throbbing of your pussy to speak. He chuckles and his hand returns to your cunt, "Then you shouldn't mind one more, right?"
Doyoung brings his other hand up to circle around your throat, "One more time, baby... I know you can do it," he purrs as he tightens his grip just enough to make your eyes roll back. He chuckles at the effect he has on you.
You grip his biceps as he massages your clit and you try in vain to squeeze your thighs shut but he doesn't slow up and you're coming undone again.
Your thighs tremble violently and he just doesn't stop.
"You have the power to stop me, Y/n... you know I'd never do anything you don't want me to do so... go ahead... stop me," he whispers against your mouth.
You don't stop him. You can't. He feels too good and he brings a level of greed to your body.
Tears prick your eyes and a third orgasm rips through your body. You whine weakly and finally, his hand ceases.
"How's my girl?" he asks softly as he moves his hand from your throat to your cheek.
You can't speak. You collapse against him and he rubs your back, "Do you need anything?"
You shake your head and cling to him a little tighter. Your body slowly relaxes and he rocks you slowly.
When you finally come down, you give him a chaste kiss and he smiles.
Doyoung pulls back to look you over, "I stopped repenting y'know... for what we do," he says softly.
"Why?" You ask him. Your voice is still hoarse and he can't help but laugh.
"How can I when I'm not sorry?"
yo if you got to the end of this, thank you!!
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calibabii21 · 11 months
|| Isn't The Sky Beautiful? || k.dy
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pairing: model!Doyoung x stylist!reader
genre: smut, mature *mdni*
warning(s): fingering, choking, unprotected sex, squirting, pet names (ie: angel, princess, bunny, pup), singular use of "daddy", dumbification, kinda mean Doyoung, dom!Doyoung, sub!reader, bitchy reader, sexual frustration, shenanigans all around
wc: *roughly* 2.9k
a/n: some sort of continuation of work your magic. @tinypink-macaron hopefully this helps you feel better🫶🏾
disclaimer: there's no official mention of a safe word, but the predetermined safe word that will be universally used- for fics and just on the blog in general (regarding emergencies) is lighthouse.
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"Ah. You guys I have to go soon." You exit the Instagram app with a sigh and toss your phone on the bed. It wasn't fair. Simply sitting there talking to a phone, yet looking so damn handsome.
Your low grumbling continues as you look through your suitcase, pulling out your black velvet silver shimmer gown for tonight's red carpet event. You'd gotten a natural face with heavy smokey eye look done earlier in the day. Who knew Milan would be the place for a 12 hour lasting beat. "Wait.." you shake you head chuckling to yourself nevermind, that was dumb.
On your way out of the door, it crosses your mind to make a quick post of your final look, but you decide against it. Whoever wanted to see you would just have to wait. Suppose it was more you trying to convince yourself than genuinely play hard to get. "Lord give me strength," you pray as the door closes behind you.
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If you were given a dollar for every compliment you've received tonight- well, you wouldn't be rich, but, you wouldn't complain either. Not mention how hard you had to refrain from fangirling when Luke Hemmings greeted you with a DOUBLE cheek kiss and called you stunning. Nothing could top that. Except-
"Why are you avoiding me?" a voice startles you out of taking in the leopard print decorated room. "What reason would I have to be avoiding you," your aggressive defense has you internally wincing. "That's exactly my question," there's a hint amusement in his tone, "you look good."
Finally you bring yourself to look at him, his princely appearance far more fitting for the throne he sits on than you anticipated. Immediately your eyes narrow, "fuck he's so handsome." A bashful smile spreads across his lips, "thank you," now realizing you'd spoken your thoughts aloud, you turn away from him with a scowl. "Well, I should get going.."
Soft, manicured fingers grasp your wrist, pausing you, "did....have I done something?" You feel a little guilty for treating him this way, "not at all." Which wasn't a lie, but your unenthusiastic reassurance made him falter and release you before walking away without another word. Guess this night is over.
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By the time it's almost midnight, you're out of your heels and eagerly heading to soak in your suite's spacious garden tub. As you're grabbing the last of your things to head into the bathroom, there's a knock at your door.
Your breath hitches when you see the man casually leaning against the hall wall, playing with the ring on his index finger. "Doyoung?" what is he doing here? You're certain the confusion is plastered on your face, yet he silently shows himself inside, inspecting the room as he paces. There's nothing for you to say as you drink in his well-cinched waist covered only by an onyx-rhinestone detailed blazer. Still, neither of you say anything, you observing him inspecting your suite.
"They told me to return my suit to you." Finally, an explanation. It still doesn't make sense. "To me? Okay, but..you still have it on..." your thoughts slowly gather together as he begins to circle you, "it could have been dropped off in the morning."
You can feel it. Something is going to happen. "I could have," he says open-endedly, as if sarcastically considering the seemingly absurd idea. "but then I wouldn't get a chance to handle you." An immediate scoff escapes as you feel slightly offended, "handle, me? What the fuck does that even mean??"
It is already ridiculous to think about, but to say something so.. outdated to your face? Only now do you notice that he has removed his blazer, exposing his taut torso to you. "You know, you've had the shittiest attitude since that day." You don't even have the chance to rebuttal because he's speaking again, "What? having my dick in your mouth wasn't enough?"
Stunned can't even describe your current state- not to mention aroused beyond belief. Face to face with him, you can't bring yourself to speak. "Can't speak?" your chin is grasped between his thumb and forefinger, "why have you been so mean to me baby?" You can feel your tough facade breaking "I..it's embarrassing.." he furrows his brows, "it can't be that bad."
A pregnant pause lingers as you gather the courage to fess up, "Fine.. I was upset because...you're too damn attractive and seeing all the comments on your posts and lives bothered me.." You can't even look away to hide your shame because he tightens his grip on your chin as he processes your words.
You can feel yourself overheating under the robe due to the intense embarrassment you feel. Unexpectedly, boisterous laughter erupts, startling you, "That's your reason for avoiding me? That's so fucking stupid." With the way he's doubled over, it must be really fucking funny.
He's suddenly standing upright, centimeters from your face "you're damn right it's fucking funny." oh shit, you did it again. "I've been racking my brain trying to figure what I did- turns out you were just too jealous of my fans to have a proper conversation with me."
His voice becomes soft spoken as his right hand caresses your cheek, "if you wanted my attention, all you had to do was ask," your lashes can't help but flutter as your lips brush one another's. Kisses planted on each cheek to emphasize his words, "if you want," kiss, "my cock," kiss. "all you have to do," forehead kiss, "is ask." The words whispered so lightly against your lips you can't help the moan that slips.
"But you didn't." He pulls away from you and looks at you with mock disappointment. "Closed mouths don't get fed, Angel." Your eyes are quite literally glossing over from the overwhelming want you have for this man. "What do you want?" He's stalking toward you, backing you until the back of your legs make contact with the mattress. Again, silence. Afraid that if you speak, sobs will come out.
"Do you want me to fuck you?" It's rhetorical, yet you find yourself nodding. There's nowhere to go as he hovers over your seated body. "Look at me, Angel," his hand is at the side of your neck, feeling your pulse race as you tilt your head back to meet his eyes. His beautiful, sparkling eyes.
"You want me to make you my pretty little bitch?" Instantly you're whimpering and tears are welling in your eyes again. "Ohh. You like it when I call you that hm? My pretty. little. bitch." As if seeing you further in a new light, Doyoung looks at you with an enamored smile. "Open your mouth, baby." You part your lips enough to fully extend your tongue. "Swallow it all, like a good little slut." Your eyes close as you whimper blissfully, swallowing his saliva with your own.
It's known to you that you aren't into pet play, however, you find yourself eager to please him like an obedient puppy. "Please, fuck me," you whisper with such a sinful innocence it almost makes him lose his composure and take you right then and there. "Not quite yet sweetheart." Then he's walking across the room, back over to his blazer, re-placing it back on his body, "you go ahead and take your bath. I'll see you in the morning." And just like that, he's gone.
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He said he'd see you in the morning, but he had you all the way fucked up if he thought you were dragging this out any longer. After thirty minutes of the most frustrating bath you've ever taken, you're marching to his hotel room and banging on the door. By the time he opens the door, you're seething, "how dare you-" before you could even finish, he's yanked you into his room and pinned you against the door.
"How dare I? How dare you." You're sputtering and blinking at the sudden change in roles, his half naked body short-circuiting your brain, "w-what do you mean?" He scoffs with a chuckle as he looks you up and down. "You come banging on my door- at nearly one in the morning, mind you- covered in only this tempting robe, your freshly bathed skin gleaming at me-" his hand beside your head curls into a fist as if to instill restraint. "Missed my touch that much, did you?" he says more to himself than you.
"Is this what you came here for?" he's now lowered the tone of his voice. "Did you come to seduce me?" his featherlight traces from your neck to the collar of your robe leave goosebumps on your skin as he begins removing the thick article of cloth. "Did you come here, knowing, I would fuck you properly? Put you in your place?"
It takes everything in you not to sink to your knees and suck him dry. "Answer me, Princess." You knew he wouldn't let you anyway, that's too undeserving a reward. The silence must have gone on too long because, next thing you know, he's guiding you to the couch by the nape of your neck forcing you bent over the arm.
His crotch is flush against your lace clad sex, hands massaging your ass before landing a harsh slap making you jolt forward. "I don't take too kindly to being ignored." You notice, not only the bite in his tone, but his lack of use of a pet name. "I'm sor-RY" your pitch hikes at the sudden sharp stinging of his palm on your skin, "I don't want any apologies. I only want to hear 'yes sir's' and 'thank you's' from you."
You've never seen this side of him, but you can't deny that you are enjoying it. "Y-Yes sir." If you were looking to be praised for your obedience, it unfortunately never came. Not a sound comes out of your mouth as he continues kneading your flesh. It isn't until you feel his breath against your core that you become fidgety, squeezing your thighs together.
"Oh, is this where you want me, Beautiful?" you wordlessly nod as his fingers trace the outline of your lips, "I need words, Gorgeous." Searching your brain for words you move your hips closer to his face "yes, please sir." He gives your ass a pat of praise at your obedience and hooks his index finger onto your panties to pull them aside, "mmm," you hear him taking in the scent of your arousal, "look how pretty and puffy your pussy is," he slips his first and second digits into your slit, "glistening just for me isn't it?"
His tone, so soft and condescending, paired with his long, slender fingers has you tensing with anticipation of climax. "Already? I've barely gotten started baby." As if emphasizing his statement, he plants an open mouthed kiss on your clit, immediately sucking it into his mouth. "Oh fUCK" you grind your heat back onto his face, "fuck fuck fuck, don't stop," your demand makes him increase the speed of his fingers.
"Aww, look at the desperate bunny thinking she's in charge." You let out an incoherent whine as you feel the pressure building in your tummy. "please please please can I cum?" He expresses his satisfaction with your response by rapidly lapping at your clit, "of course you're gonna cum baby, and you're not going to stop until I tell you."
His fingers curl inside of you and you're tipping over the edge- rising on your toes, nails digging into the couch cushions. "Breathe." it isn't until the firm command and a strong smack to your ass that you inhale deeply. "Oh fuck, I'm-" "Again." And you do. The orgasm becoming so intense as he removes his fingers from inside you, and rips your thong before using your slick to swiftly rub your clit. "come on, Angel, ride it out."
The high pitched sounds coming from you are unrecognizable to your own ears. You soon find out why as liquid spurts out of you and coats Doyoung's satin boxers. "Ohhohoho baby. Look at what a mess you're making." But you're too busy muttering thank you's for it to register in your mind, even when you see said puddle as you are guided to and shoved back onto the queen sized mattress.
Everything is happening in slow motion, but you're snapped out of it the minute you blink and see a fully nude Doyoung. Your eyes are zoned in on his beautiful cock- tip gleaming with precum, before letting them trail up his torso to meet his heady gaze. "God, you're such a fucking tease." He climbs onto the bed, hovering, drinking in the visual of you.
"You look so gorgeous, legs all spread and patiently waiting for me," can't help but beam and spread your legs wider at such high praise. "And I know you'll take my cock so well, won't you?" "Yes, daddy," you whimper and nod as he aligns himself with your entrance, his girth stretching you the perfect amount, "Ohh fuck, Jesus, it's like your body was made just for me."
His thrusts start off slow as to allow you a chance to adjust, but also to save him from premature nut. "Fuck, baby, you gonna cum already?" You nod as your brows furrow, "mhmm." He speeds up his hips, thrusting them in a 'J' motion that has the tip of his length continuously press against a spot within you that no later has you spasming and moaning uncontrollably.
A hand semi-tightly enwraps your throat, "F-F-Fuuuuucckkk," you drag out as your mouth drops open and your tongue naturally lolls out. "Look at my little cock-drunk princess. So dumb and fucked out, and it's only the third orgasm," he punctuates his mean words by allowing a dribble of saliva to run from his mouth, to yours. "Such a dirty little angel, squeezing around me at such filth." But that only makes you squeeze his dick more, nails digging into the flesh of his tight back.
You can feel him getting closer to his high when his thrusts become more powerful, "Princess, I'm so close," a warning or simple declaration you do not know, but you're relieved you're not the only one near climax. "Shit- fuck baby, your greedy cunt is milking me so much." The feeling of his hot cum releasing inside of you has your own juices spouting out as he bottoms out. "I knew you could take me well," but your eyes are fluttering closed as you're catching your breath.
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By daybreak, you're unsure of if you passed out from exhaustion, or the intensity of your final orgasm. You feel a little sore, but your spirits are higher than you'd ever thought possible. A chuckle can't help but leave you, not me being dickmatized after one fuck. Hopefully the man doesn't mind.
Speaking of- you look around the room to see him nowhere to be found. putting on the zebra print robe you see lying around, you search throughout the room to find him out on the balcony. "Good mor-" you immediately slap a hand over your mouth when you see he's in the middle of an Instagram live. "Have any of you ever been to Milan?" he's addressing his fans, but he's looking at you, "everything here is so gorgeous."
His eyes smile as he looks you over and discreetly beckons you over. The exaggerated shake of your head has him rolling his eyes. He motions for you to crawl under the table. You look at him skeptically before throwing caution to the wind and getting on your knees beneath the transparent table.
Without any further acknowledgment from him, you- as quietly as possible, undo his pants button and zipper. It is as hard as it sounds. Both his dick and not getting caught. You release his hardness from its confines and bring it to your lips. His sharp intake of breath and attempt at covering his groan that was so clearly heard boosts your ego a bit. It is now your mission to make him slip up on live, so you waste no time taking him into your mouth and giving him slow, strong sucks as one of your hands gently fondles with his scrotum.
"Ah, 난 좆됐어" you understand that as a swear word and give yourself internal praise. He brings one of his hands underneath the table and pushes the back of your head so that you take him in deeper, "Mmm-" almost lost in the pleasure he snaps himself back to reality and reads the comments. "I look blissful? Haha, thank you?" He must be close with the way looks down at you with a quick lip bite as you deep-throat him. His hand now holding you against him as he releases down your throat.
Although his deep breaths prevent him from making noise, his head still rolls back to rest against the railing as he chants and praises you in his mind. "Dear Jesus, give me strength," he whispers a prayer to himself before sitting back upright caressing your cheek as he reads the incoming comments, "am I in pain? No, I am quite..satisfied," his innuendo is nowhere near subtle, but his fans seem to eat it all up. "Isn't the sky beautiful?"
*mdni banner made by @cafekitsune*
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markiemocha · 1 year
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The Dancer.
nct127x blkfem! ballerina 🩰
@jaehyunsblkgf this is 4u!! :3
As the stage dims and people find there seats, your backstage having a nervous break, but at the same time your very excited considering this is your first time doing a performance in front of a big audience.
You breathed out a sigh of nervousness, and pulled your skirt up.
The stages lights around the theater dim. you step out on to the platform.
You find your position on the platform. And it rises to the stage. People were screaming once they seen your silhouette.
nct pov.
“Woah” doyoung says as he sees your perfect figure and long legs swaying around to the music. He tapped Taeyongs shoulder and said “shes gorgeous hyung” Taeyong smiled at him.
All the members were very Mesmerized by your beautiful presence on stage, they were very starstruck. Haechan
Your pov.
As you continue to dance People were cheering of excitement, cheering your name. You smiled as your performance was slowly coming to an end, but as you spin over to a certain area you felt a pair of pretty eyes on you. Doyoung, his aura gave you butterflies, but you kept it together to close out a good performance.
The show ends. People cheer for you and throw roses as you bow and exit the stage You left a a big impression on your audience and someone very special. You were so excited to get off the stage, And take off your make up and those damn pointe shoes. After you got dressed you left out The back door to head to your car.
“hey wait!” that handsome guy from the audience was coming up too you. “oh h-hi” You said Aren’t you The dancer from earlier? “Yes..Yes i am” you laughed a little and so did he. “You did amazing” He said “Can get your name?” he added “it’s y/n” You said. “that’s pretty” He said I’m doyoung.
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#Mochacorner!! 🎀
Hiii umm i’m back FOR THE SUMMER So i’m very excited!!
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kpopcookie0813 · 8 months
Your/His Name In His/Your Phone (NCT 2020)
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Taeil His: Moon 🌙 💕 Yours: Sun☀️ 💕
Johnny His: Daddy😝❣️ Yours: Babygirl😏❣️
Taeyong His: Bubu❤️❤️ Yours: Baby😍
Yuta His: My Oppa🥰 Yours: Kitten😻
Kun His: Kun Mom😂💜 Yours: Jagi😶💜
Doyoung His: Bunny🐰🧡 Yours: Carrot🥕🧡
Ten His: 🔟🤣💖 Yours: My chocolate drop🍫💖
WinWin His: Baby Chick🐣🤍 Yours: Twix🤤🤍
Jaehyun His: Zaddy😘 Yours: Princess👸🏽💗
Jungwoo His: Puppy🐶💙 Yours: Angel😇💙
Lucas His: Giant😅💚 Yours: Tiny😁💚
Mark His: Mr. Possibilities🔒💛 Yours: Mrs. Lee🔐💛
Xiaojun His: Hubby🤵🏻‍♂️💘 Yours: Wifey👰🏽‍♀️💘
Hendery His: Prince Charming🤴🏻🖤 Yours: Baobei👩🏽‍🤝‍👨🏻🖤
Renjun His: Injunnie🦊🤎 Yours: Y/n-shi🦋🤎
Jeno His: No jam😶 Yours: Pabo😑
Haechan His: Pest🙄 Yours: Babe🤢
Jaemin His: Jae💞 Yours: Cuddle Mate💞
YangYang His: Annoying Orange😒🍊 Yours: Weirdo🤪
Shotaro His: Dance King🕺🏻👑 Yours: Dance Queen💃🏾👑
Sungchan His: Bambi🦌 Yours: Shorty😳
Chenle His: Dolphin Lele🐬 Yours: Sugar baby 👶🏽
Jisung His: Him👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 Yours: Her👩🏽‍🤝‍👨🏻
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boplee · 11 months
Hi guysssss 🥰
So I took a break from writing cause things got a little hectic for me. Juggling school, work, and life kinda left me with little to no room to write anything plus I had a very bad case of writers block. I hope to become active again so I can keep you guys entertained. I know you guys are waiting for parts to other stories to be released and I want you to know they’re coming. I’m also working on some new stories so be on the look out. Anyway thanks for reading and stay tuned
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sweetestofchaos · 2 years
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Doyoung of NCT’s wife gets kidnapped by an ex-boyfriend and Doyoung takes matters into his own hands. - SFW - Cursing - Y/N gets hit - Baby isn’t harmed - 1K
A/N: Had to break this into two part cause it was getting long. Thank you nonny for sending in the request! Part two will be out later on.
Part Two
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You sing to yourself as you get dressed for the day. You have a few errands to run and Doyoung is busy with preparing for NCT’s newest album release, so you’ll be moving about by yourself. Pulling your newly installed bundles into a loose ponytail at the top of your head, you smile at your reflection and rub your ever-growing stomach. You are a little six months pregnant with yours and Doyoung’s first child and your lil one is giving you a run for your money. You aren’t used to carrying so much weight and your feet are killing you all the time. Your ankles seem to always be swollen and your sweet Doyoung is right there to ice and elevate your feet. He even paints your nails if you’re having a really hard time.
You find yourself smiling as you think of your husband and your little one kicks up a storm, “Iright, hold up.” You rub at your stomach and stand, shuffling into the kitchen to make something light to eat. You open the fridge and frown. You swore there was left over chicken, “Damnnit yeobo…” Doyoung must have eaten it before he left for work. You sigh and add grocery shopping to your to-do list for the day. Pulling your phone from your pocket, you send a message to Doyoung asking him if there is anything he would like for you to pick up from the store. You don’t expect him to respond right away, so you shove your phone back into your pocket and settle on making a quick fruit salad.
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Standing on the corner with a hand on your lower back, you wait for the crosswalk to single to cross. You are pulling a small cart behind you, to help with the weight of the bags and when the signal to cross turns a young girl and her boyfriend, maybe around sixteen offers to help cross with your cart. You thank them and let the young boy carry the cart across the street while the girl walks with you slowly. Once you reach the other side of the street, you bow to them and thank them for their help before you go on your way. You head to your favorite café and as you sit down, Doyoung calls.
“What are you doing at a café halfway across town?” Doyoung questions and you roll your eyes. He had the two of you download an app that would allow the two of you to keep tabs on each other. ‘It’s for your safety yeobo’ he had told you and then went on to explain how many women go missing only for their husbands to find out too late. You had joking told Doyoung that no one wanted you that bad and let’s just say that’s the night that your baby was conceived.
“I had a craving for their milk tea.”
“Love of my life!” Doyoung whines. “I would have gotten you one.”
“Dongyoungie!” You giggle at his cuteness. “You play too much, boy.”
Doyoung sighs on the phone, “Take a cab back home, okay? I hate when you take the train. It’s too many people around you.”
“Dongyoungie…I love you, yeobo.”
Doyoung sucks his teeth, and you laugh knowing that he’s blushing. “Ashii, this woman…I love you too, Y/N-ie.”
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You didn’t realize how late it was getting. The sun has already sunk behind the horizon and the sky was getting dark. You just finished up with a small trip to the grocery store and Doyoung was calling your phone. Struggling to hold a bag and answer your phone at the same time, you stop at the curb and set the bag on the ground since there in no room in your cart. You answer the phone with a huff and instantly Doyoung is ripping into you about being out for such a long time while carrying his precious child. You roll your eyes at your extra ass husband and wave your free hand to call the taxi that is coming down the street.
The taxi stops in front of you and the trunk pops open just as the driver opens his door. “Oh! Thank you…no not you yeobo. I’m taking a taxi home now. I’ll see you in a bit.” You hang the phone up and the driver pulls your cart to the trunk. You follow him and grab two bags to help make the cart a little lighter to lift. Before you can blink, you feel a push from behind and you tumble into the trunk. The lights from above going black as the trunk slams shut. Laying in the trunk, you try to keep your breathing steady as you strain your ears to hear anything. There weren’t any people around, so it’s pointless to scream and bang on the door for help. Your heart is pounding in your chest and you’re more than uncomfortable squeezed into the small space with your large stomach. Something digs into your hip, and you scramble for your phone. The car starts to move, and tears prick your eyes, what the hell is happening to you? Tapping your screen, the phone lights up and offers a small amount of light which gives you little comfort. You notice that there is no service on your phone and you curse knowing that Doyoung has no clue what has happened.
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Doyoung glances at his phone, checking the time that you hung up on him. It has been a little over a half hour since he last talked to you, and something feels wrong. When he last checked you were only twenty minutes away from the house…Groaning, Doyoung pulls up the tracking app on his phone and his eyebrows pull together in confusion. What the hell are you doing in another district?
“This woman is going to be the death of me,” Doyoung grumbles to himself as he calls your phone. A dialup tone fills his ears followed by an automated voice telling him the subscriber he’s trying to reach is unavailable. Doyoung switches to the tracking app and stares at your location, something is wrong.
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He tells you that you are beautiful every single day.
Doyoung’s flirting with you in the beginning was a little...interesting.
But, now he’s really charming and romantic towards you which makes you all giddy inside.
Doyoung is the only person really, I can see whispering sweet nothings into your ear at night.
Usually wants to make sure you’re asleep and alright before him.
He’s a total gentleman opening doors for you, pulling out chairs, all of that.
He mostly never lets you pay for dinner when the two of you go out.
I don’t think he’d ever let your relationship become public.
Like ever.
It’s not of their business what the two of you are doing, and he wants your privacy respected.
I think that you’ve made him a lot more confident.
For many many reasons, and for many different things.
But, overall he just feels more confident in his own abilities and himself as well.
He loves your laugh.
It makes him so happy that you’re happy.
He’s pretty much dedicated his life now, to make you happy.
Doyoung really likes that he’s taller than you.
He just likes to call you short and tease you about it.
When doyoung first wakes up, it’s literally the cutest thing.
Cause he’s just so tried and quiet, you can’t help but cuddle up to him and kiss him all over.
Doyoung is actually very, intimate in the bedroom.
He’s actually a bit rough when he wants to be.
But he’s usually just used to making love to you.
There’s nights where he’ll just come over and drink wine with you while watching TV.
Sounds so cliche, but you really love those moments.
Doyoung would do absolutely anything for you, as you would for him.
You make him really really really happy.
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moonlightdreamzz · 2 years
Mark Haechan Jungwoo
Dating Kim Doyoung ♡
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The two of you had always been in the same group of friends for what felt like forever, but never had the two of you spoken anything but “hello’s” and “bye’s”
Truthfully, you thought he hated you, or at the least didn’t like you.
And it gave you an off feeling of uneasiness. Usually you could care less when someone was so weird towards you, but him doing it bothered you to the extreme.
“Doyoung doesn’t like me.” You joked one day, expecting silence; a wordless confirmation that you were correct.
“What? Why would you think that?”
“You don’t talk to me.”
“You don’t talk to me either.”
“But that’s because I thought you didn’t want me to talk to you.”
As soon as he confesses that he does indeed like you, and thinks you’re cool a hell to chill with, your friends prompt you to hang out since “you’ve missed so much of eachother.”
Thank the heavens for them, because it’s for that reason that you Doyoung are in a relationship right now.
Doyoung can be kind of quiet sometimes.
At first, you thought it was maybe something you did.
“Come here, baby.” He whispered, prompting you to sit on his lap. He loves to rub your legs up and down, and you didn’t know if it calmed him down, got him excited, or both at the same time, but you loved it so much.
“When I’m quiet like this, it’s because of you, but not because I’m angry. I’m actually incredibly happy. I can just be...me around you.”
“You’re yourself everywhere.” You smiled.
“True.” He chuckled, kissing your cheek promptly. “But being with just makes me feel really good. Too good to be true, good. I just have to take it in sometimes."
Do guys in dramas exist? Probably not. But if there was someone close to it, it’s Doyoung.
He’s always so sly with his surprises, and it doesn’t matter how many different ways you thank him, his response will always be the same.
“You deserve it, and everything else in this world. I'm gonna give it to you one day. I promise.”
And you always just melt because...people say that kind of shit in real life? What?
Doyoung always tries his best to make sure you’re comfortable in his country.
He’s always doing everything he can to keep you 100% updated on new slang, news; even if neither of you care about it, and just anything cultural that you might not understand.
Refuses to hear you talk down on your skin. It makes him so upset, you can see it right in his eyes before he even opens his mouth.
“Who made you feel like this?”
The two of you have a chant you do together, regardless of whether your insecurities have taken over at the time or not.
“I’m beautiful, I’m strong, and I am loved.”
It never was corny to the two of you, even though you did laugh while reciting it quite often.
He really wants to know more about Black Lives Matter.
Anything you’re passionate about, he wants to be passionate about too.
You two can sit for hours watching translated news stories about police brutality, and he always cries at the end.
I don’t think I’ve mentioned that he loves to play in your hair.
Even if you tell him no, he will sneak in little pulls and sniffs just to annoy you a little.
Doyoung often likes to annoy you these days, as your arguments tend to always be about how serious he can be.
“Yes, you make me laugh everyday. And you wake up, and tickle me so I will wake up, but I want more. I want to see you sitting on the couch and cracking up without me. I just want you to loosen up sometimes, babe.”
“Am I not loose?”
The both of you can’t help but to laugh to the point where you’re in tears, but that doesn’t mean the argument is over.
“Like this.” You walked up to him; wrapped your arms around his thick neck and pressing a gentle peck to his lips. “I just want to hear you laugh sometimes.”
“I do laugh!” He argued in an offended tone.
“No, you chuckle. That is not the same.”
He really does try to take in what you say to him. He takes all of these arguments very serious, and truly just wants to be the best person he can for you.
His child-like side is now on full display for you, and more times than none do you wake up with him suffocating you as he lays directly on top of you.
“Wake up.” He says in a robotic tone, and how can you not laugh at that.
Doyoung cooks for you a lot. Like everyday.
You always feel so horrible, but he insists that it’s fun for him.
The two of you find a mutual habit, whether you’re a good cook or not, and he teaches you so many recipes.
He also can never keep his hands off you in the kitchen.
Or anywhere.
He always likes to be touching you in some way, especially in public. It’s a must.
And when the two of you are around the members; my God.
The members will legit be barfing from your affection with eachother, but the two of you are in your own world.
“Get a room.”
“We’re in a room.”
“Oh my gosh babe you made a joke.”
Will get SHIESTY over you. No one is safe if you come for his Y/N.
Anytime he sees one of the members looking at you for too long he has to say something.
"She looks good, I know. Stop looking you pervert."
Let me tell you...Doyoung may seem cool on the inside, but he's a freak in them mf sheets! Especially when he's had to deal with people staring at you all day.
When you made him watch the WAP video he was very prominent on "Your honor I'm a freak bitch."
Is down for whatever if it's with you.
Lives to see you shaking for him. He literally cannot get pleasure like that anywhere else. It makes him feel like the king of the world.
Anyways :)
Overall, Doyoung keeps you on earth, and you bring out the weird side of him.
The two of you have the relationship that truthfully no one understands, but they respect it.
Doesn't say I love you like a broken record, but shows you without saying how much you mean to him.
Loves loves loves to leave you little notes and loves even more when you do the same
He loves you, and he's very grateful that you mentioned how much you thought he hated you that day.
He can't lie, he never thought he could pull you so he never paid attention, but he met his soulmate in you without a shadow of a doubt.
Always will be here for you, just don't break his heart. You may think he'd be okay without you, but he wouldn't know what to do with himself.
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lavender-z-love · 2 years
Code Red!
Kim Doyoung X Black.FemReader ♡
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Warnings ⚠️: Mentions of Blood, Period Care, mention of Ex's, embarrassment, potential spelling errors, Fluff ♡
Wordcount: 1,200
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It was a Saturday Afternoon, and your classes ended early for you. Your stomach was on fucking fire and you; yourself struggling with symptoms.
You wanted to call your boyfriend but... from past experiences they didn't like that, they thought it was dirty, you were looked at like you hadn't taken care of yourself in ages.
Yes, you managed to walk your ass back to your house, 'upset stomach' banging against your insides. It wasn't a far walk but you were tired indeed..Once you made it home your natural instinct was to rip off your pants and shirt then hit the hay.
And that is exactly what you did. In an instant you were sound asleep. An hour or so later your phone rings, you ignore it.. then rings again, you decline..at least 2 more times then knocking at your door.
You grimace in annoyance, why is everything getting on your nerves today? You opened the door and Doyoung was there. You signed glad he was here, someone who can easily ease your annoyance.
The pain was back so you motioned for him to come in and you quickly went to take a seat,"Hey, why didn't you answer my calls?" He asked worried.."I was napping, im sorry.." He closes the door then walks over to you squatting down in front of you.
"It's okay, I understand..ah-" he reached out to brush your hair from your face, in the process he felt your forehead.
"Y/n– You're burning up.."
"Yeah..its hot in here, ain't it?"
"No, Y/n YOU are burning up." You looked up at him, and he felt your cheek with the palm of his hand. Next thing you know you're being lifted up and carried to you room,"Doyoung..Im fine, I swear-" he moved the covers so that he could set you down then tuck you in.
However, he stopped in his tracks,"Oh Pumpkin." Your breathing staggered,"huh..w-what."
"Here sit right here." He sat you at a wooden stool next to your desk. Doyoung rushed out of your room- and you were still puzzled. Then you saw it, there was blood on you sheets..but when?
You weren't bleeding when you used the bathroom before, so why now. Embarrassment has never hurt so bad. You just know your eyes watered and everything was so blurry.
You darted into the bathroom, humiliated, ashamed. Now your boyfriend left, he's not coming back. Is what you thought. There was a quiet knock on the door and a soft voice behind it.
"Sweat Pea, are you in here?" He knew you were in there, he heard you sniffling,"What do you want?" You heard the doorknob twist but it didn't open due to you locking it beforehand.
"Let me in, Please. I want to make sure you're alright Y/n." To check on me? You thought..thats new. "No, please go, I'll change my sheets and you can excuse yourself." He leaning against the door at this point, lulling you from the other end.
"Sweet Pea, I already changed your sheets."
"Really?" You creep towards the door unlocking it, causeing Doyoung to srumble forward, falling into the bathroom.
"..You weren't lieing–". He walked up to you rubbing the arm he fell on,"Of course not..why would I lie."
"Oh no! Im sorry Doyoung!"
"Its okay, Sweet pea." He smiled sweetly at you, before taking your hand and spinning you around. When you realized what he was doing you quickly covered up. "Sweet Pea..It's really not that bad!"
"No! Its embarrassing.."
"Do you want me to help you with the clean up process?"
You stood ashamed,'How could he ask a question like that?' Clean you? "A-Ah.. No! I'll be out in a minute." You got out the shower..Finally spending at least an hour in there. You were sure Doyoung was gone. You changed into pajamas, finally feeling clean.
"Finally..Thank goodness he's gone-"
"Am not, so rude. You want me gone so badly?- Tsk, Tsk-"
He leaned against your door with arms folded. "I..",you tried looking for the right words, and you couldn't.
"I'm sorry Dong- I just..Why are you still here? Aren't you disgusted by me? Don't you think im filthy?"
He game you a look of puzzlement,"Why would I think that?" You hesitate- "My ex's..they didn't like it. So I just thought–"
You heard footsteps get closer to you,"Sweet Pea, Listen to me. I'm not your ex's, I'm a different person Y/n." He was right, he did have a point.
"It's normal, Im not disgusted by bodily functions", He admitted. "Here, Look at me Y/n, I've got you Princess. Let me take care of you. Okay?"
You nodded, and He gave you a kiss on your forehead. "Hmm..You're not burning up anymore, but I think I still would like you to lay down for a bit."
You listened and got comfortable, having Doyoung tuck you in. He grabbed a stool near-by and sat beside you.
"Is there anything I can get for you?"
"Doyoung, you don't have to. I'm fine."
"Are you sure? I can go get a Heating Pad. A trash can for your nausea? Some pain killers?" You giggled which caused him to ask,"Whats funny Pumpkin?"
"Im sorry Doyoung, you're so cute. You don't have to do anything! I promise I feel better."
"Thank you Y/n, but I think you're the cutest!" He places his fingers on your sides and ticked you, having laughter for the most point but then the 'ouch!' Came.. Doyoung panicked a bit pulling his hands back,"Ah..Im sorry Y/n."
You smiled,"Its okay! Hey uh..I thought of something you could do for me."
He gets up out of his seat and head to the door, ready for what you were going to request of him.
"Could you cuddle me?"
He smiled,"Oh of course my princess." He crawled onto the bed and stopped when he hovered above you. You reached out hold his face, as he leans into your touch.
"You're too sweet to me, I'm sorry I doubted you Doyoung." He leaned down to kiss you,"Hey, don't worry about it. If I were in your shoes I'd be embarrassed too."
You pulled back the covers allowing Doyoung to get underneath. He lies in front of you getting comfortable beside you. He was laying on top of you a bit, placing his head on your chest. "Doyoung.."
"Hm?" Your hands fiddle with his hair, arms wrapped around his upper back and lower back. "Thank you for being good to me."
He held his head up and looked at you. "Sweet Pea, Stop thanking me and focus on feeling better." He chuckled and lay his head back down.
Then followed by a "You're welcome my beauty. You smiled,"You're so pretty Dong."
"Hush you, its nap time."
"Okay, I love you." He rubs your tummy with his warm hands.
"I love you too princess."
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Written On February 4th 2022
Quick statement for people who dont know, I used 'Dong' for short of Doyoung's Real name 'Dong-young' so don't be confused ♡ Ty
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andysorbit · 1 year
Praise & Worship Pt. 1 (M)
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Churchboy!Doyoung/Camboy!Doyoung x Churchgirl!reader
Warnings: soft dom!Doie, corruption, unprotected sex (be smart), guided masturbation, overstimulation, dirty talk, big dick Doie agenda ayyyeee, slight angst, phone sex, daddy kink, fingering, squirting, spitting (I'm a spit slut leave me alone)
Word count: 4.8k
Now, this is a black church ya'll. This aint your memaw Doris' church nah sir we bumpin' them ol' negro spirituals
Thank you to @brownsugarbaybee for making me these really cool banners. Kari, your username inspired the username in this fic :,)
I also would like to thank @multifandomslxt, @calibabii21, @agust-june for being my number one churchboy!Doie enablers.
Doyoung's Playlist (because why tf not??)
The Battle is the Lord's - Yolanda Adams
I Won't Complain - Rev. Alyn E. Waller
My Redeemer - Nicole C. Mullen
Mary, Don't You Weep - Aretha Franklin
I Love the Lord - Whitney Houston
DaddyDoie's Playlist
Brown Skin - India.Arie
Untitled (How Does it Feel) - D'Angelo
Til the Cops Come Knockin' - Maxwell
TiO - Zayn
Sweetest Taboo - Sade
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To express warm approval or admiration of.
To show reverence and adoration for.
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Church is going swimmingly as it always does and you're happy to be seated in the sanctuary.
You, being an eager early bird, found your way to your seat in the front as you always do. Being the first daughter of the church is no easy feat but you love it and you love coming to give thanks to your Lord and Savior.
Adult life isn't always kind to you but you still come, rain or shine, to give honor.
Doyoung's been coming to this church since you were both eleven. His parents almost joined but they said your church was "a bit loud". That was okay. The black church experience isn't meant for everyone.
Doyoung, on the other hand, had stars in his eyes and with his parents' consent, he joined that very day; even signing up for the ministry van to come and pick him up.
Doyoung began singing in church a year after joining and he's loved it since the start. Starting off in the choir and working his way up to doing solos.
You two have grown close over the years and you've both grown up to be fine examples of how anyone can flourish when they stand in the love and dignity of the church of God.
Doyoung chose to sing The Battle is the Lord's this Sunday and as usual, he kills it.
Your father's sermon is about temperance and he preaches with his usual flair as he always does.
"Now we men know how it is when you see a beautiful woman! We know! We get a lil... 'ooooh she's a fine lookin' woman!' We get all beside ourselves sometimes! Same thing for you ladies! It's human nature, y'know. God didn't give you a single thing by accident. Ain't no sin in how you feel but it's what you do with those feelings!" he says; stopping for a minute to wipe his brow with his handkerchief.
The congregation agrees with hoots and hollers and old women fan themselves. You feel alive.
"The thing is that you can't just give yourself to everyone. Fall in love first! I tell these young kids all the time! You may think it's no big deal but it is! It's difficult to resist while you're in the thick of it but you'll be glad you stuck to the word of God and waited!"
Your eyes wander over to the the choir and you seek out Doyoung. His suit is crisp as usual and he looks amazing. His eyes meet yours and he wiggles his eyebrows.
"Like my man Doie for example! Fine ladies man, right? Of course but he's waiting for his wife. He's not paying you girls no mind because he knows the Lord is paving the pathway for his wife... hopefully my daughter- no lemme stop- but who knows? I don't! Hallelujah!"
Doyoung drops his face into his hand and laughs then looks back over at you and gives you a playful frown. You roll your eyes.
"And I know my baby likes him because everytime I mention him, she just gets that look on her face- look at her ya'll! Then those eyes get to rollin' and she just- that's my son-in-law, y’all! Hallelujah!"
"Daddy, would you stop?" You say and wave your hand at him.
Doyoung smiles at you and rolls his eyes.
When service ends, you find your dad, "You better leave me alone, old man," You say with a smile.
You father laughs and touches your face, "I don't speak on things unless I'm sure about it," he shoots back.
He's being pulled away for prayer and you greet everyone as your eyes search for Doyoung.
He finds you, as he always does, and with a warm embrace he asks you, "Did I give you chills?"
You reply, same as always, "I'm still freezing," You reply.
You pull back to look at him and he returns your smile, "You're coming back to Sister Martha's for lunch?" You ask.
"Of course I am. I'm gonna stop by and see mom and dad first but yeah. I'm coming," he says.
Mother Annie, whose mind is going, comes up to take your hand and Doyoung's, "How's my babies?" she asks.
"Oh, we're great! How are you feeling?" You say with a smile.
"I'm doing fine as always. Doie, you need a ride home, baby?" she says.
Doyoung smiles, "Oh, Mother Annie, you won't believe it but I learned how to drive! I have my own car and everything!" he says as he smiles but you see the sadness in his eyes. Everyone loves Mother Annie and it's sad to see her forgetting so much.
"Oh Jesus, I'm gettin' old," she sighs.
"But you're still a beauty," he chuckles.
She hugs him tightly then she hugs you, "He'd make a fine husband," she says as she shuffles off.
Doyoung gives you smirk, "She's not wrong," he says teasingly.
"I wouldn't know," You say sassily as you look him up and down.
Doyoung is an everybody kind of guy. Everybody loves him and everyone wants to be his wife or his in-law. He was a bit shy when he first started coming but he's grown into himself in many ways.
Your day eases by nicely and lunch is a fun gathering as it always is. Good food, good chats, and good prayers. Sister Joyce bakes a Louisiana crunch cake and as usual, threatens to spank Doyoung if he comes back for a third piece.
All is good and easy.
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The week eases by and Saturday night rolls around like clockwork. You take your time preparing your clothes for church and then make a pitcher of peach iced tea that you plan on dropping off at Mother Annie's house before church in the morning.
You unwind after a nice bubble bath and dress in an oversized t-shirt and those feelings of yours bubble back up. Feelings of imagining what Doyoung's body would feel like against yours, of what it really feels like to be ravished.
Sometimes, there's a look in his eyes that you can't place and it's led you to believe that there may be a side to Doyoung that you've never seen and it gives you chills more intense than the ones he gives you in church.
On impulse, you ordered a pink dildo online a few weeks ago but your guilt is why you never even opened the packaging but tonight, your curiosity gets the best of you.
You look at it then put it back in the box.
It's a step.
You roll the idea of using it around in your head before firing up your laptop.
You started off with good intentions.
A simple Google search:
Is it a sin to masturbate?
Clicking between Christianity.com, GotQuestions.org, and reading answers and Bible verses on NeverThirsty.org for so long that you begin to wonder why the hell you should even possibly care anymore because it's all a mixture of yeses and noes.
Then comes the twist that makes you groan in defeat. The matter of lust. Can you even masturbate without lusting after someone?
You close the tabs and search for porn sites for something to watch. It's all anticlimactic. You expected more but... this is all a bit much.
A pop-up catches your eye:
DaddyDoie is live! Sign up to say hi now!
"Doie? Oh please," You scoff but you sign up and your username is BrownSugarPrincess. Is it stupid? Yes. 100% but you didn't sign up to seduce anyone or to attract any lascivious attention to yourself. You signed up because there's no way that's your Doie.
You confirm your account and you're redirected back to the livestream.
You shriek.
It is Doyoung.
Or maybe it's not. You can't see his face and the camera cuts off just at his neck and Doyoung definitely has a necklace exactly like that and those shoulders... there's no way that's Doyoung...
But it really could be...
You lean in closer to your laptop and take in his naked body with little regard to your previous research on where your soul will end up after doing a thing like this.
You slap your free hand over your mouth when he sighs, "BrownSugarPrincess. Cute name... You're my thousandth subscriber, sweetheart, so.. you've won yourself a surprise," he says softly as he strokes himself a little faster.
You'd recognize that soft, honey voice anywhere.
"Oh my God," You whisper
You watch his hand fist his cock and you're frozen; anchored in place by the sex dripping from his voice.
"I'Il send you a DM and you can tell me when you're available to claim your prize," he says slowly.
You type your reply:
BrownSugarPrincess: oh wow that's pretty cool... thank you but maybe give it to the next person? I don't think I should...
Doyoung chuckles devilishly, "Such a polite girl. It's okay, we'll talk after. I think I could change your mind."
You want to close the tab and toss your laptop across the room but you can't. His cross necklace sits so nicely around his neck and the fact that he's even still wearing it is obscenely attractive.
"God... please," You whisper. You're unsure of what you need God to do for you because more than the willpower to put your laptop away, you want Doyoung inside of you.
"I know what you want," Doyoung chuckles as his hand slows down. He's a tease.
Your hand is in your panties before you realize it and you softly touch your clit as you abandon all of your morals from earlier.
Doyoung stops stroking himself and lets his cock smack against his stomach with a heavy flop.
"Oh... oh my God," You pant as you stroke yourself a little faster.
You admire his girth and wonder for a moment how long it would take you to stretch around his cock.
He's fucking huge.
He gently runs his thumb over his throbbing tip and spreads his precum so slowly that you whine.
"Get a good look at it, baby," he sighs, "Do you think you could take all of this? How much do you think you could fit in your mouth before you start gagging on it?"
The comments are flooding in and you don't read a single one of them because how could anyone focus on typing with this indescribable being on their screen?
He chuckles as he wraps his hand around his cock once more, "You've been very quiet BrownSugarPrincess... or maybe I can just call you Princess? I bet you have the prettiest brown skin, sweetheart... I know why you're not saying anything... I know you're touching that pretty little pussy."
You buck your hips and the sound of his voice alone is enough to send you over the edge but you fight it off because you don't want this to end.
"I know you're soaking wet for daddy... In your bed with your hands between your beautiful thighs... stroking that soft, warm cunt... I know you're wishing I was there to stretch you out and fuck you like you're all mine... yeah, Princess... Daddy wants you to touch that pussy. Do that for me, baby."
Your tongue runs over your bottom lip and your fingers speed up, "Oh... fuck, fuck... fuck... fuck," You pant and you're so close and he knows it. He knows what he's doing.
He strokes himself faster and you match his pace. The moans that fall from his mouth are the most delicious sounds you've ever heard and wishing that you could feel them against your mouth, you lose the battle.
Your body trembles as you cum and soon his cum is shooting up his stomach and covering the back of his hand. His moans, slow and velvety, dance into your ears and soak your pussy even more. It's so much- too much and you could cry.
"That was so good, wasn't it?" he sighs breathlessly.
You nod and of course he can't see you but you nod anyway because he has you stuck on stupid.
"Okay... well... that's all for tonight. Thank you for coming... Princess, I'm gonna clean up and then l'll be talking to you," he says and ends the live.
You get up and clean yourself up too. The guilt kicks in as you step into the shower and you scrub your body so harshly that you think just maybe you've washed the sins off of you.
"God... please... forgive me. I'm so sorry. l'm so, so, so, sorry. God, cleanse me. Help me, Lord," You whisper over and over as you rinse the soap off of your body.
It doesn't feel like your soul is any purer but your skin is a little sore and that's a feeling that can distract you from the guilt in your chest.
You towel off once you're done and go back to your bedroom. You reluctantly check the site's notifications and you yelp.
DaddyDoie: Hello, Princess
It was sent five minutes ago.
You tap a reply; too eagerly.
BrownSugarPrincess: Hello
DaddyDoie: How are you this evening?
BrownSugarPrincess: I'm doing fine. How are you?
DaddyDoie: I'm great. Thanks for asking. How'd you find my livestream?
BrownSugarPrincess: I was kinda just looking around I guess. I tried watching porn but I didn't really find anything that was helping.
DaddyDoie: So you needed more and that's what sent you my way. That's cute. Really cute.
BrownSugarPrincess: So what's the surprise?
DaddyDoie: Well, you have two choices. A video call or a voice call.
BrownSugarPrincess: Um... maybe a voice call? I probably shouldn't though do it though.
DaddyDoie: And why is that?
BrownSugarPrincess: It's a lot to explain I think...
DaddyDoie: Maybe I should call you then. You won't have to type it all out if we just talk.
BrownSugarPrincess: Ok
Your reply sinks in and you panic but you don't have much time to wallow in it because the voice call prompt on the site pops up. You quickly grab your headphones from your nightstand and turn them on. You slip them on and answer,
You pick up, "Hi," You say softly.
"Hello, Princess," he says and there's no way this isn't Doyoung, "What's this conflict that's got you so stressed out, hm?"
"Well... I'm religious and... this is wrong. I shouldn't be doing this."
"Well... Princess, I'm probably not the best at steering people down a good path versus a bad one but... what do you want to do right now?"
"I don't know what I want."
"Oh, I don't believe that, Princess... I think you know exactly what you want but the problem is that what you want doesn't line up with what you believe is right."
You fall silent.
He chuckles, "How about this... how about you tell me what you're wearing and we can take this very slowly and if you want, you can stop me at any point,"
"O-okay... I'm... I'm wearing a towel. I just got out of the shower," You reply nervously.
"You tried to wash the sins off of that pretty body, didn't you, Princess?"
"Uh huh."
"So cute... how about you take that towel off and lay in your bed for me?"
You quickly remove your towel and toss it aside before getting into bed, "I'm uh... I'm in bed," You say shyly.
"And you're naked?"
"Y- yes."
"Say it. Tell me that you're in bed and you're naked."
You shiver, "I'm... in bed and... I'm... I'm naked."
"Good girl," he hums, "Now... I want you to touch yourself. Nice and slowly, baby, touch your pussy for me."
You hand glides down between your legs and dip past your folds, "Oh," You gasp as your fingers slowly tease your clit.
"Are you wet for me, Princess?" he asks softly. His voice shoots through your body like lightning.
"I'm so wet... so wet," You whine as your fingers move faster.
"Oh no you don't... you need to slow it down, sweetheart. You're not gonna cum until I tell you to," he says softly. You can tell he's smiling. You can always hear it in his voice.
You slow down reluctantly and whine, "Please," You beg.
"Here's what you're gonna do... I want you to take your other hand and slide two fingers inside that pretty cunt. Do that for me, baby," he tells you. His voice alone is too much and you gasp when he moans softly.
You do. Two fingers slide deep inside and you almost cum.
"I- I... oh... God... daddy," You whimper.
"That's a good girl. Just like that... fuck yourself with your fingers, baby. Fuck that tight little cunt for your daddy," he sighs.
You ease your fingers in and out of your wetness and the sounds are obscene as you fall deeper and deeper into this pit that his soft moans
"I can hear you fucking yourself, Princess. Daddy can hear you. You're so wet, baby... I hear those fingers moving inside that soaked cunt. I'd love to be there with you so I could taste you, baby, and suck on your clit until you're trembling for me... Would you let me eat that sweet little pussy? Huh, baby?"
You move faster and your body begins to tremble, "Yes... Daddy... please... please," You whine. Your voice is a desperate shrill now and colors swirl behind your eyes as you keep going.
"Chase it, baby. You can do it. It's right there for you. Isn't that right, beautiful?" he purrs.
"Uh huh... u-uh huh... daddy," You whimper.
"It's all yours, sweetheart. Come on," he says and his own voice goes a little higher. His moans shake you somewhere deep within and you wriggle desperately as your orgasm approaches.
Your eyes flutter shut and you whine as you come undone.
"Don't stop yet, baby... curl your fingers up for me," he says softly.
You immediately obey his orders and sigh, "I... I dunno if I'm doing this right."
"You'll know, sweetheart. Just take your time. If I was there with you, I'd show you exactly where to touch yourself. You wouldn't have to do a thing... just lay there and keep those pretty legs open for your daddy... I'd take good care of you... Make you feel so good I'd probably make you cry for me," he drags out as best he can and he sounds so fucking close but you know he's holding out until you find that spot he's talking about.
He was right, you do know the moment you find it because you convulse with a new rush of pleasure that overwhelms you. You press your fingers against that spot deep inside over and over, "Daddy" You mew out weakly.
"Didn't daddy tell you? That's my good girl. Keep going baby. Right there... just like that. Keep doing that," he says. His voice is deep and longing.
Your fingers speed up and you shake violently.
This orgasm is so intense that you almost forget how to breathe and you soak your hands, your thighs, and your sheets.
"That's my girl. Such a good girl, Princess. You did such a good job," he praises you breathlessly.
"I... the uh... I soaked my bed. Oh my God... I soaked my bed," You pant mindlessly and you don't even know how you're talking because it's as if you have no control over your mouth or really any other part of your body.
"Did you squirt?" he asks with a low chuckle.
"That's what it's called? I thought I pissed myself."
"No, baby. That isn't what happened at all... Was it that good?"
"Did I give you chills?"
Your blood runs cold, "Uh huh..." You croak.
A silence falls over the both of you for a moment.
"I um... I should go clean up," You say softly.
"I should too," he chuckles.
"Thank you," You say.
"Of course. Good night, sweetheart," he says with a soft laugh.
His voice could send you into another frenzy.
"G- good night," You say.
You end the call and slam your laptop shut, "Oh my God."
You pull off your headphones and stand up.
What a night.
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Morning comes around too quickly and between your restless sleep and your general nerves about seeing Doyoung, for the first time ever, you're late for church.
Sadly, there's nowhere to hide. Your empty seat in the front row is like a stage as you quietly take your seat.
Impulsively, your eyes seek out Doyoung and there he is with his perfect posture and his teased back hair, watching you with an amused smirk. You give him a tight smile.
You don't hang on to a word your father says and save for the date scrawled sloppily at the top of your notebook, the page is blank.
Your mind replays the night before over and over. The darkness in his voice, the way he sounded as he came, the curiosity of how his cock would feel inside you; it haunts you and excites you.
You close your eyes and whisper a prayer but it's no use. Behind closed eyes, all you see is his naked body, the cross that hung lewdly against his bare chest, the cum that painted his stomach. Your eyes shoot open and Doyoung's staring at you.
"Are you okay?" he mouths.
You nod quickly and drop your head down. To look at him is to set you back from the inch of progress you've made since your last impure daydream and the knowing look in his eyes is far too much- prolonged eye contact will turn this jovial church service into your funeral.
You don't realize church is ending until your mother nudges you to stand for prayer.
As your father closes out with prayer, you look over at Doyoung who's looking right at you.
"Close your eyes," he mouths to you and you quickly obey.
When church ends your mother takes your hand, "Are you okay?" she asks.
"Yes, mama. I just didn't get enough rest last night. I'm sorry," You ramble.
"You missed my joke this morning but that's your loss," your father says as he greets you with a hug.
Like clockwork, Doyoung finds you and after warm greetings from your parents, he turns to circle his arms around you, "You must've had some night," he laughs.
"Oh uh... not really. Just had a restless sleep. Not much else," You ramble.
Doyoung is highly amused, "Oh, I'm sure, Squirtle," he laughs.
"What's that supposed to mean? What's so funny?" You ask nervously.
"Come with me, Y/n," Doyoung sighs as he leads you through the crowd. You both greet people as you go.
Mother Annie stops you both, "Hi, babies. How are you both today?" she asks as she kisses your cheek and then Doyoung's.
"We're good, Mother Annie. How are you today?" Doyoung asks.
"I'm fine, baby. Do you need a ride home?" She asks.
Doyoung's smile falters for only a second, "Well I was looking forward to seeing you so I could tell you that I have a car now!"
"Oh, you do? Now you can drive me to church!" she says with a laugh.
"Of course! You know I love you," he says sweetly.
"And I love you, baby, but you better practice that driving first. I ain't been in a car accident in a long time and I don't plan on getting into one with you," she laughs.
"Oh for sure," Doyoung chuckles.
She kisses you both again and goes on her way.
Doyoung takes you outside into the cool spring air, "Your skirt is on backwards," he says as he hooks his finger into your skirt and swiftly turns it around the right way.
"Oh... thank you," You say sheepishly.
"Look at me," he tells you softly.
You look at him and he leans in closer to you.
"Doyoung, I-"
"It's okay. You're overthinking this too much. Just let it be," he tells you softly.
"How can I? I feel awful," You say as you shake your head.
"You didn't feel bad while it was happening. In that moment, it was just us. You know I'm gonna marry you anyway so why are you so worried about it?"
Doyoung reaches out to touch your face and you lean into his hand.
"Because we're not married and... that's why it's wrong. You know that," You say, "We're not even dating."
Doyoung smiles a very smug smile, "Well, I thought we were... all those dinner dates and movie nights and staying up all night on the phone talking or just listening to each other breathe... excuse me."
"I'm sorry that was... I shouldn't have said that," You mumble.
"No, it's a good thing you did because we did sort of fall into it but we never said it and maybe that's something you needed to hear," he says.
The quiet is disrupted by the church doors opening. Everyone comes out chattering and you let the crowd separate you both.
It's a cowardly thing to do but you don't know what else to do.
When you get home, you undress and take a warm shower. The urge to wash away your thoughts is rampant and in the past twenty-four hours, if you showered every time you felt this way, you'd have no skin left and you'd never leave the shower.
You curl up on your sofa and sit in your own discomfort as you whisper prayers of forgiveness.
Doyoung lets himself in holding plates wrapped in foil and you can tell he's a little annoyed, "I figured you'd be here... Your mom said if you leave like that again, she's coming over with your dad's belt and I might tag along with my own belt but anyway... I have food and Sister Katherine made a cheesecake so come on," he says as he kicks his shoes off and makes his way to the kitchen.
You don't move from your spot on the sofa and he comes back out to hang his blazer on your coatrack by the front door.
"Come on, Y/n, get up. Let's go. If your morning went as badly as I think it did, you didn't even have breakfast so move it," he says as he loosens his tie.
Your ruthless thoughts are back and you imagine him tying your hands behind your back.
You shake your head, "You should go, Doyoung. I'm fine... I just need to be alone," You mumble.
Doyoung takes his tie off and hangs it with his blazer, "There's not a single thought you could have about me that I'd take offense to, Squirtle," he says and rolls his sleeves up.
There go the thoughts again. This time you imagine him forcing you to your knees and tracing the head of his cock across your lips.
"Doyoung, please," You sigh.
"I'm not leaving until you eat something. Besides, I've know you for... sixteen years now? Since we've known each other, we've never missed a Sunday lunch together. Just because you wanna be a butt head doesn't mean we have to break our tradition. You don't have look at me or even talk to me but you're gonna get your butt in that kitchen and you're gonna eat something," Doyoung stands over you and crosses his arms.
"Okay... fine," You say as you get up.
You both go into the kitchen and you sit down at your tiny table.
Doyoung washes his hands and removes the foil from your plate, "I got you a little bit of everything," he says and gets it going in the microwave.
You can't help but smile, "Thank you, Doie," You say softly.
He turns and smiles at you, "Y/n, you know this is no big deal, right? I mean any of this," he says as he shakes his head.
"Why did you start doing it?" You ask
Doyoung bites into a hush puppy, "I needed the money," he says casually.
"Doyoung, my dad said if you needed help to just ask," You chide.
Doyoung shakes his head, "Y/n, your dad is a great man but you don't think if I'm dipping into his wallet, it's not gonna change his idea of me? He wants me to marry you probably more than you and I want each other combined and I'd like to keep it that way. I don't plan to do this forever. It's just until I get a promotion at work and if you tell me right now that you don't want me to do this anymore, I'll find a different way to get by until then but I'm not asking your father for a dime."
The microwave beeps and Doyoung gets your plate out. He brings it over to you then puts his own plate in the microwave.
"But why? Like... I don't understand," You say quietly.
You watch him retrieve a fork from your silverware drawer and he crosses the kitchen to hand it to you, "It was the fastest and easiest solution to my problems. Between the bills and just living, it got to be too much and the student loans don't help and since I'm still paying those off, I was a bit over my head and... I know it was a bad choice to make but I was praying and nothing was happening and I crunched some numbers and the alternative was to either stop paying two bills or stop taking you out so I did what I had to do. Besides... it's twice a week for a little less than an hour and it was the only way I could still come to church and spend time with you when I want," he shoves his hands into his pockets and shrugs again.
"Doie... oh my God," You sigh, "I could've helped out or we could've gone dutch at the very least."
"Oh, God forbid. It'll be a cold day in hell before I do something like that- what kind of a man do you take me for? he scoffs.
One thing about Doyoung is that some of the old-fashioned values that the elders of the church live by have stuck with him:
Never ask a woman for money.
Never drop a woman off and drive off before she lets you know she's on the other side of her door.
Never ever let a woman you're spending time with pay for anything- even if she invited you out.
The first time you ever offered to treat him to lunch, he all but fainted.
The microwave beeps again and he takes his plate put. You watch him bring it to the table then he gets two Mason jars from a cupboard.
"I made peach iced tea last night," You say, "It was for Mother Annie but I forgot it."
Doyoung laughs as he gets the pitcher from the refrigerator, "I really ruined your morning, didn't I?"
You nod as you pile a forkful of macaroni and cheese into your mouth.
Doyoung fills your glass and then sits down to fill his own. After placing the pitcher down, he reaches across the table and holds his hands out to you.
You stare at his hands and imagine them gliding over his body then over your own, "You didn't say grace," he chides.
"Oh... sorry," You murmur and set your fork down to take his hands.
"Dear Lord, thank you for this meal and thank you for the love that went into everything. Thank you for today and give Y/n a little extra love... she needs it," he says with a smile, "In Jesus' name... amen."
"Amen," You say and smile back at him.
Clearing the air is good and although it doesn't change the longing you feel for him, it makes lunch a hell of a lot easier for you.
"It's not a crime to let me take care of you sometimes. If you need to do what you have to do for now, I won't stop you but I could help... I could send tips an-"
"Anything you send me, I'm gonna take all of it- down to the very last penny and I'm gonna donate it to the church. Do you really want money you sent me for jerking off in front of a camera funding the children's outreach program? Huh, Squirtle?"
"Well, geez, Doie. When you put it like that... ugh fine. You're impossible," You huff.
"Well then don't," he says firmly.
You both eat in silence but the air thickens as your curiosity becomes more unbearable.
"Y/n, if you have another question, just ask me. It's okay,"
"How long have you been doing this?" You immediately ask.
"Two years... eight months and fourteen days," he replies.
"Do you like doing it?"
"Not really... I'm good at it though which... excuse my language is... kinda fucked up."
"You were always this good or... did you have to work up to how good you are now?"
"I used to be nervous but... I started pretending that I was just doing it for you... like you were the only person watching and it got easier... Just so you know, I've never even thought about touching another woman. You're the first person I've ever even gone that far with," he says with a sheepish smile.
"Oh?" You say perk up.
Doyoung nods, "I uh... I watched a few people and I did some research and stuff... that's how it's gotten to this point... how I got to get you off like that... I was so scared it wasn't gonna work," he chuckles and his hand creeps across the table to brush against yours.
"You were scared?" You ask incredulously as your fingers intertwine with his.
Doyoung laughs and brings his free hand up to his chest, "I thought you were gonna hang up," he says.
"Oh no... no, no, no. That was really good,"
"Really?" he asks
You nod and he gives you a sheepish smile.
"You know... I knew it was you the minute I heard your voice," he says.
"How?" You ask.
"That voice of yours... I could hear it once and know it anywhere. All of this mileage we've accumulated and all of the times we've stayed up talking on the phone and you really thought I wouldn't know?" he laughs.
"I think... maybe..." You trail off as you push around the bits of food left on your plate.
"Maybe you wanted me to know it was you?" he asks.
You nod. It's freeing.
"I kept thinking there was something wrong with me for feeling this way... like it's just repressed for literally years and I can't stop thinking that it's wrong to feel this way," You say as you look at him. It's easier now.
"I know it's a lot to try to grapple on your own but you have to decide what's good for you... sometimes what we want isn't always what's right but you have to decide what you're gonna do," he tells you with a reassuring smile.
"Yeah... that's the problem..." You mutter.
"So what now?" he asks.
You shrug, "I'm... not sure? I was hoping you could tell me," You say and you feel yourself shrinking inside.
"I say we eat some of that cheesecake and just enjoy the rest of the day," he says as he stands up.
It would be a lie if said you weren't disappointed. You really were anticipating something more.
He knows it and it's written all over his face.
"Okay," You say softly.
"Go find a movie for us to watch, I'll clean up and get the cheesecake," he says.
"I can help you," You reply.
Doyoung stands up, "I um... I think you should just go to the living room," he retorts.
"Why?" You ask.
"Because I keep thinking about bending you over the table but I'm trying to be a gentleman and do the right thing," he replies very calmly.
Doyoung clears the plates from the table and shoos you out of the kitchen.
You settle down on the sofa and turn the television. As you mindlessly cycle through movies and shows, your ears stay trained on Doyoung busying himself in the kitchen.
"Doie, forget the cheesecake, okay? Just come on," You call out.
Doyoung comes in and sits beside you, "So what are we watching?" he asks.
"I didn't know what to pick... I uh... I figured we could agree on something?" You say quietly.
Doyoung slinks his arm around you and eases the remote out of your hand, "Okay, Squirtle, let's find something together," he hums.
"Stop calling me that," You mumble.
Doyoung turns to look at you, "What? You don't like it?" he laughs.
"No... I don't," You huff.
"You thought you pissed yourself," he laughs a little harder.
"Doyoung, stop!" You sigh.
"Okay, okay, okay... I'll stop," he chuckles and presses a kiss to your temple.
You snuggle closer to him and rest against him as he passes movie after movie.
He lands on One Direction: This is Us and he laughs when you groan.
"Remember when you were obsessed with One Direction and sister Mary said the devil got ahold of you?" he asks with a chuckle.
"Yeah... it's because I wrote a fanfiction about Zayn and my dad told her," You groan.
Doyoung gasps, "That's why?"
"Yeah... it wasn't super smutty or anything but there was kissing. I didn't go far," You sigh.
"How far did you go, devil child?"
"Kinda far but not too far I guess?"
You pull the remote out of Doyoung's hand, "I can show you."
"Oh... you wanna show me?" he chuckles and presses a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
You sigh and bring his hand down to nestle between your thighs, "It started off like this," You whisper.
Doyoung's fingers find their way into your panties and he touches you softly as he holds your gaze, "Well that's a very good start," he says and leans in to kiss you slowly.
His fingers stroke you slowly and you want to believe that he couldn't possibly feel this good and have no experience but anything is possible at this point.
You moan into his mouth and he chuckles as he strokes his tongue against yours.
Your stomach flutters and you heat up as his fingers speed up and slow down.
"Doie... Doie, please... please, Doie," You whimper.
"Hm?" he hums as he slips two fingers into you, "Is this what you want?"
You writhe as he fucks his fingers into you, "Please, Doie."
Doyoung laughs and curls his fingers up to touch you just how he told you to the night before, "Oh, Y/n... Y/n, Y/n, Y/n... I'm trying so hard... to be a gentleman and you just won't let me," he purrs against your ear.
"I just want you... I need you. Please," You sob desperately as he pulls his fingers out of you and slides them into his mouth with a soft moan.
He is so obscene and drives you to the brink of desperate tears.
"You need me? For what, Squirtle? Huh?"
"I- I... please... please fuck me."
"I thought you wanted me to wife you first... what happened to that? Hm? Isn't this wrong?" he says as his fingers find their way back to your clit.
He slows his fingers down and you sigh in frustration.
"I don't care.. I don't care. I don't... I don't, I don't, I don't... just want you inside me," You beg and bring your hand down to cover his, "Please... I need it so bad."
Doyoung sucks a mark into your chest, "Don't start something that you can't finish," He hisses. His fingers speed up again.
"I want you, Doie, please," You whine.
Doyoung shifts and pushes you into a leaning position over the armrest. His hands squeeze your ass and you close your eyes in anticipation.
"You should see how good you look from here," he hums and pulls your panties down. His fingers slide over the curve of your ass to stroke your clit as you push back against his hand.
"Do you wanna know something else?" he whispers against your ear.
"Yes... uh huh,"
"I knew it was you when you joined my stream."
His fingers slow down, "That's the same username you used when we snuck and made those Snapchat accounts when we were younger... remember?"
The memory ebbs back into your mind and you smile for a moment.
"You've always been my predictable girl... do you remember why you liked that username so much?"
You nod and squeeze your eyes shut as he slides his fingers inside to fuck you slowly.
"Tell me," he whispers.
"You- said I looked like brown sugar."
It was a joke you two had started. Your 'that's you' game. Finding things you thought were beautiful and yelling out "that's you!". It was an innocent game for years until it was forgotten. Doyoung, when you both were sixteen, had revived it in your kitchen while helping your mother bake Sister Janie a pecan pie when she was pregnant.
He whispered it as your mother was measuring brown sugar but this time it was different, as if he was confessing his true feelings for you and that was the day you knew you loved him.
Doyoung kisses your neck, "That's right... my beautiful girl... with the prettiest skin and the sweetest lips... I knew all along."
You wriggle and whine as his fingers continue their attack on you, "Please, Doyoung," You groan.
Doyoung pulls his fingers from your wetness and sucks them clean before opening his pants.
You turn to look at him and he pulls you up to turn and face him, "I wanna see your pretty face while I'm filling you up," he whispers as he eases you back against the space between the armrest and the back of the sofa.
You spread your legs so willingly that you're a little embarrassed.
Doyoung notices and smiles as leans down to kiss you, "That's my good girl. Don't be embarrassed... I want you just as badly," he says as he eases you out of your shirt.
Somehow, there's comfort in lying naked here in front of him and you know Doyoung feels it too.
"I love you, Y/n," he says sincerely; a look of timidity comes through and you touch his face.
"I love you too," You whisper.
A chill passes wildly through your body as you watch him unbutton his shirt. He shrugs it off and your eyes fall down to the cross on his neck. The guilt doesn't bubble up this time.
Doyoung looks down at you and you can see the reluctance in his eyes, "I wanna try something with you and I kinda wanna see your blind reaction to it because I really think you're gonna like it but I need you to trust me," he says softly.
You nod eagerly, "I trust you," You whisper.
He smiles and leans down, "Okay... open your mouth," he says softly and takes your chin between his fingers.
You part your lips and he spits in your mouth. Your breath catches in your throat as the sensation of feeling his saliva in your mouth raises goosebumps on your skin. You swallow with a soft hum.
"Oh... wow," You breathe.
"Right?" he chuckles and touches your face.
You nod in agreement as you wrap your arms around his shoulders to pull him down even closer. His necklace swings and taps your chin. It excites you in a way.
"Thank you for trusting me," he whispers.
You kiss his eyes, "Always."
You feel the head of his cock nudge your clit and you squeak.
"Keep your eyes on me, okay? I really wanna see your face while I'm fucking you,"
You nod and look at him.
"God, you're so beautiful," he sighs.
Slowly, he eases into you and you keep your eyes on him, just like he asked.
"I can already feel myself becoming addicted to you... I wanna stay like this with you forever and ever. You... fuck... you feel so good," he whines as he bottoms out completely.
"Doie, please," You choke out.
Doyoung pulls out almost completely before easing back into you.
"Do you like this?" he asks.
You can tell he's holding back.
You nod, stupid and enthralled by his voice and his touch, and the pressure you feel as he fills you up.
The softness of this moment is too much because how did you just fall deeper in love with him?
"P-please...go harder," You whimper as you clench around him hungrily.
Doyoung hisses and drops his head down to touch yours, "If you keep doing that, I'm gonna cum.... You want that? Wanna feel my cum inside you?"
"Yeah... I want it," You moan.
"You're so cute," Doyoung chuckles, "Say it. Say what it is that you want." He thrusts a little faster and you spread your legs in wanting.
"I want... you to... fill me with your cum," You pant.
"That's my dirty girl," he coos, "You're not on birth control, are you?"
You shake your head, "No... no," You reply.
He hums as he fucks into you, "Oh... so you really want me," he laughs.
You nod and lift your head to kiss him, "I... want all of you."
Doyoung slams into you once and stops to lock eyes with you, " Like that?" he asks and does it again.
You nod and whine.
He fucks you with a hard and steady rhythm and the sounds of his hips meeting yours take you somewhere obscene as you writhe against him and take each thrust with an unsurmountable greed for the next.
"I love you," You whisper; voice trembling as you lose yourself in his eyes.
"And I love you," he whispers back.
He picks up speed with a soft moan and kisses you. You lick into each other's mouth sloppily and he takes that as as sign and proves that he knows you well enough, "Open your mouth, sweetheart," he pants.
Your mouth falls open greedily and he spits in your mouth again. This time you hold it in your mouth and moan with satisfaction.
"I need more, Doie... please," You plead.
He snakes a hand down between your bodies and toys at your clit, both of your whimpers fill the thick air of your living room.
"I'm... oh, Doie," You whine, "I'm close."
"Cum for me, sweetheart. It's alright," he whispers against your mouth.
You release with a cry and Doyoung pulls out. You gasp, "No, no, no... Doie, please... please," You beg desperately.
"I'm not done, babe... turn around for me. I'm not done with you yet," he chuckles as he shifts you to turn and lean back over the armrest.
"Doie," You groan as he eases himself back into you and you welcome back that delicious stretch, "Fuck... you're so big."
Doyoung brings a hand around to stroke your clit again and you inch away from him as he fucks you. His hips smack against your ass and you whine.
"You love it, baby... You love how I stretch you out. How good it feels... I love it too... Love the way you grip me just right," he purrs.
His free hand comes up to softly circle around your throat and he pulls you up to press your back to his chest.
"Give it to me, baby... come on... You can do it again," he whispers as his fingers increase in speed. You wriggle against him and he laughs as you try to ease away from him to escape his ministrations.
"Hey, hey... where are you going, huh? Don't run from me," he laughs softly as you let him fuck into you, "That's right... stay right here with me... you love this, right?"
You nod furiously, "U-uh... h-h-huh! Yes, daddy!" you squeak.
He leans down to press his lips against your neck before licking his way up to the shell of your ear, "Yeah you do, baby... yeah, you do," he coos against your heated skin, "That's why you have to stop running from me... if you really need me to stop, you know what to say... so why don't you stay still, huh? Let me play with you."
"I love you, Doie," You gasp.
"You love me, sweetheart?" he moans.
You nod in agreement, "S-s... so... much," You sob.
His fingers stroke you faster, "Again... give it to me. Right now, baby... give it to me."
Your body is a storm of wanting him to stop but dying to feel him take you to your own heaven once more. Your body tightens up, "Doie..." You choke out.
He hisses at the sound of your soaked pussy clenching around his cock, "Sounds just like it did last night... such a good pussy... so tight and hot... it's all mine, right?"
You nod and your body convulses as you cum once more. You try to squeeze your thighs shut but Doyoung holds his hand firmly against your cunt, "You're so beautiful... just a perfect... perfect angel," he sighs as he emphasizes each word with a sharp snap of his hips.
"Please!" You cry as you try in vain to push his hand away. Despite your attempts, you don't really want him to stop. If he told you that you were to stay with him forever, just as you are right now, you wouldn't think twice about it.
"I love you, baby," he whispers as he cums. His body shudders and he kisses your neck again.
You both fall forward against the armrest and Doyoung stills himself.
You both tremble as you come down and Doyoung chuckles weakly, "I don't wanna pull out yet. Can I stay like this with you for a little bit longer?" he asks. He's still hard and if you weren't so spent, you'd do something about it.
"You're still hard," You whisper.
"It's okay, sweetheart... We have the rest of the day and I'm not going anywhere," he replies
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Doyoung rouses you from your slumber gently, "I have to get home, Y/n. I have work in the morning," he whispers.
You roll over and drape your arm and leg around him, "Don't leave me," You mumble.
"Well unless you're down with three livestreams this week, I gotta go. I'll see you later. I'll come by after work," he says and kisses the side of your face.
"No... no. I'll come by your place. It's my day off. I'll make you dinner," You say as you sit up and kiss him.
"Not you being an obedient wife. Gonna make dinner and wait for me?" he chuckles.
"Yeah... what do you want me to make?"
"Whatever you want. You know I love eating anything you make," he whispers against your mouth. You know he's trying his hardest to not give in and stay with you.
"Pan fried steak with mushrooms?"
"Mashed potatoes?"
"Stop, you're turning me on."
"Steamed broccoli and carrots?"
Doyoung turns onto his side then pushes you on your back and his fingers find their way between your legs.
"My parting gift to you," he says softly as his fingers draw soft circles into your clit. You spread your legs a little wider and close your eyes.
"Doie... thank you," You whimper.
Doyoung talks you through your orgasm, "Cum for me... that's my good girl. Always so wet and warm... cum, baby. You can do it," he hums.
"Doie... yes," You whine groggily.
His fingers work you faster and you gasp as you cum.
"That's my sweetheart... Good girl," he coos.
The last thing you feel before you drift back to sleep is his lips pressing softly against your forhead.
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So we're slaves to any semblance of touch. Lord, we should quit but we love it too much. - Andrew Hozier-Byrne
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calibabii21 · 1 year
|| Work Your Magic || k.dy
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pairing: model!Doyoung x stylist!reader
genre: suggestive, smut, mature
warning(s): light exhibitionism, choking (y'all know I had to), mention of seduction, suggestion of blowjob
wc: 942
a/n: @neoculturecollectives @multifandomslxt @tinypink-macaron I just reeeeaally felt like fw y'all tbhhhhh🤭 hope everyone who reads, enjoooyyyssss. *respectful* feedback always welcomed and appreciated :))
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"Alright now look this way" the photographer instructs one of the recently recruited D&G Ambassadors. You've been in Korea for a little over a week now, but never had you seen such an angelic looking man, not in person. At least, until today.
Kim Doyoung. You'd heard of him, and of course listened to his group's music, but never did you think you'd be in such proximity to him. Just a few feet away. Your eyes follow the camera's trail from his fingers playing with the crucifix swinging from his neck, to his pretty face. "Oh" a small squeak slips out of your mouth as his eyes briefly cut in your direction and meet your own.
Although this is the third segment of the shoot, you are still freshly enamored by his ease. You can't help but admire the way the warm-toned tan blazer attractively complements his lightly pink-tinted porcelain skin.
It wasn't until the last wardrobe change that you realize just how fashionably versatile the man was. You had also noticed that he seemed to be just as taken with you as you are him. His gaze had been set on you as his body posed effortlessly. Seeing as you were right behind the photographer, putting you in his direct line of sight, his eyes pierced yours through the entire final frame. "Great job everybody, that's a wrap on today's shoot!" you're broken out of your trance and move straight to the wardrobe rack.
Just as you return from storing the costume pieces back onto the truck, your co-stylist informs you that Doyoung is having a wardrobe issue before scurrying off. You frown in confusion as you think possible issues he could have with taking off a loosely fitting knitted sweater, but make your way to his dressing room anyway.
"Come in," he calls as you knock on the door. "Pardon the intrusion, but I heard you were havin-" you stop mid sentence as you walk in to see him topless, skin coated with a sheen of sweat. "A wardrobe issue?" he finishes the thought for you, amusement lighting his eyes, though he doesn't smile. "Oh, um, yes. a wardrobe issue.." the door shuts softly behind you "So..what's the issue?" you internally kick yourself as you notice the awkwardness you're radiating and he chuckles showing his *seemingly* innocent, gummy smile.
"The zipper on my pants is messed up, but I didn't want to ruin the nice clothes you put together for me." You can't help but smile and raise an eyebrow, for several reasons. "You called me in here..because your pants zipper is broken?" your voice oozes amusement as you stalk toward him. His head hangs as your words sink in, "I see how this looks now, but I promise this isn't a scheme to seduce you" he jokes.
You feign disappointment as you inspect his zipper, "aw, what a shame." tugging on the metal closer seems to only make it worse so you squat and place one hand on his hips to brace yourself as you rapidly wiggle the zipper up and down to get it loose. You hear a sharp intake of breath, not realizing the friction you're creating against his crotch, "now who's trying to seduce who, heh." Your hands halt as you look up at him, the erotic suggestion of your position makes heat flow throughout your body.
There's a beat of silence as the two of you eye where your hands rest. "do you-" "it's fixed" you speak simultaneously. "oh..good." Neither of you seem to have intentions to separate. Instead, his right hand moves to hold your cheek, thumb caressing your bottom lip. By instinct, your lips part as your tongue teasingly pokes out and makes contact with the pad of his finger. "ohh you're dangerous" he shakily lets out with a shudder.
The air is thick as you slowly begin to lower his jeans from his hips. He bites down on his lip, watching as you bring your face closer to his crotch, his once controlled breaths now heavy and deep. "What are you going to do, Angel?" you practically mewl at the pet name and nuzzle your face against the front of his underwear, the only thing keeping your lips from making direct skin to skin contact with him. You feel yourself becoming impatient with your own game and slightly lean back to look up at him, as if asking permission to proceed. His hand, once caressing your face, now moves to your throat, soft, slender digits encircle it, making your eyes flutter as an involuntary whimper escapes you.
"You want me in your mouth, Princess?" his rich, soft-spoken voice meets your ears. You nod with begging, doe-like eyes, willing him to add a bit more pressure to the hand collaring your neck. "Go ahead baby," his gentle command confuses you, as you've never been so naturally submissive with a man, but you waste no time hooking your fingers into his waistband, eager get a first look at his arousal outside of its confines. Just as you run your tongue along his peeking tip, there's a startling knock on the door, "Mr. Kim, we have to be out of this studio in the next ten minutes."
You recognize the voice as the photographer's and move to get off of the floor in case he chooses to walk in, but Doyoung squeezes your neck in warning not to get up and grits his teeth as he weakly promises, "alright, I'll be out soon." He bites his lip and looks back down at you, making intense eye contact, "you've got eight minutes, Angel. Work your magic."
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*mdni banner made by @cafekitsune*
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retrievablememories · 3 years
U.N.I. | doyoung (m)
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title: college love pairing: doyoung x black!reader genre: fluff, smut, college!au request: There’s suddenly a foreigner in his class (University of course). He teases her and always seems to stick to her side. The kick is, is that she finds out he likes her by eavesdropping [I wanted to give you room to flex that brain of yours bc your writing is like magic] word count: 6.3k warnings: emetophobia warning, alcohol use, sub!doyoung, handjob, oral (female receiving...and a little bit male receiving?), thigh riding a/n: shout out to anon for the new title idea cuz i be struggling lmaoo
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Doyoung is curious. 
You are new to his class, having joined a couple weeks after the semester had already begun. You’re certainly not the first foreigner he’s seen, considering that the university is an international school that sees a wealth of students from other countries every year.
But still. He’s curious.
You both sit in the same row, with you a few seats down from him. That makes it harder for him to sneak glances over at you without being too obvious or receiving weird looks from the other students who think he’s staring at them. Mostly, he contents himself with hearing your voice when you answer questions or occasionally talk to your other classmates.
Doyoung tries to think about how he might also get to talk to you without seeming weird or too random, which makes him feel even sillier because he usually doesn’t have this much anxiety over talking to new people. However, he doesn’t have to ponder over it for much longer when the professor decides to split each row into groups for an in-class assignment.
You and him and three other people from your row gather together in a circle, and there are a few awkward introductions—as is the norm with classmates who haven’t truly interacted with each other before.
“I’m Y/N,”  you introduce yourself, glancing at the others sitting across from you.
They nod in acknowledgement, and Doyoung responds with, “It’s nice to meet you.” He makes sure to give his best welcoming smile, which you return.
Despite all five of you being in the same group, it soon becomes apparent that Doyoung is the best ally to have on your team. The other three students couldn’t be less motivated about the assignment if they tried, mostly gleaning answers off the two of you.
By the time the period ends, you are more than ready to get the hell out and go to your next class. You can only roll your eyes at knowing they’ll get credit for work they barely even helped with. However, your bad mood is momentarily interrupted by your only other partner who bothered to help—Doyoung.
“Thanks for that,” he says as you pass by his desk. You stop and turn around, raising your eyebrows. “You know, for...that.” Doyoung shoots an icy look towards the other people in your row. Only one of them meets his eyes, though they pointedly try to pretend like they never saw him as they gather their things and leave.
You watch the awkward exchange and can’t help but laugh. “Oh yeah, no problem. It’s nice to have someone who actually cares enough to help.”
Doyoung instantly thinks your laugh is pretty, and he decides he wants to hear more of it.
“You know, if you ever want to work together again, I’m here,” he suggests. “I mean...you’re new here, right? So if you need any help with anything...just ask.”
You smile, grateful for the offer. “Oh really? That’s nice of you. I might just have to take you up on it...because I really don’t know a soul here.” You check your phone. “Shit, I should be getting to my next class. See you later. Thanks again!”
Doyoung waves as you leave the classroom, wanting to say more but knowing you’re busy, and he hopes that you really do consider his offer.
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The next class doesn’t involve groups this time, much to your relief—and Doyoung’s as well. Doyoung still finds a way to talk to you without having to do group work, though; and the best part about it is that he doesn’t even have to do anything.
“Hey Doyoung,” you say, coming to stand by his desk at the end of class. He perks up in his seat at your presence, giving you an amiable smile.
“Hey Y/N, how are you?”
“I’m fine, though I do feel a little lost at the moment.”
Doyoung’s eyebrows draw together. “What’s the matter?”
You laugh and shake your head, a little embarrassed to tell him. “Okay, like, I have a map of the campus and everything, but I keep getting lost trying to go to classes and it’s kind of annoying...plus I don’t need a bunch of tardies in my first month here.”
“Your professors still care about that kind of stuff?”
“Yep. Unfortunately, I didn’t get any of the cool ones who don’t give a fuck about someone coming in late—for a class I’m paying for. Amazing.”
Doyoung smirks. “So you need a tour guide, is that it?”
You shrug. “If you’re up for it. I don’t wanna take up too much of your time, you know, if you’re busy. This campus is unnecessarily huge.”
Doyoung gathers his bag and stands to his feet. “Of course I can help the damsel in distress.”
“Damsel, huh?” You snort. “What’re you then, a knight in shining armor?”
“I can be if you want me to be.”
“You a comedian or something?” You give him a look between incredulity and amusement, a bit surprised at him being so brazen. “Let’s go then, brave knight. Help me find out where the Student Affairs office is before I completely lose my mind.”
Just as you asked, Doyoung leads you right to the Student Affairs office—and to a bunch of other places on campus, which you’re not entirely sure you’re going to remember. At least you have him to walk you through it until you memorize everything. 
Finally, you both stop in a grassy area of campus with a few benches nearby, standing under the shade of a tree. Doyoung turns to you. “I’ve dragged you all over this campus now, so I guess the least I could do is buy you a coffee or something.”
“You did it because I asked! But...if you’re determined to pay, I won’t stop you.” You laugh.
“Do you remember where the coffee shop is?” Doyoung asks, like he’s a professor giving you a pop quiz. You sweat because you’ve already forgotten, and you screw your face up in mock concentration.
“Umm...that way?” You point in a random direction and he chuckles when it’s wrong. He grabs your arm and guides it to the right direction, which is behind you—right in the area you just came from.
“No, it’s here! Let’s go. We’re gonna need to spend some more time out here later.”
By the end of the day, you’re surprised by how comfortable you already feel around Doyoung despite only talking to him for the first time in your group assignment the other day. He appears to think the same of you, if him sliding you his number is any indication.
“I know we have a class together, but if you want to talk outside of that…you know where to reach me now.” He taps his fingers against the table you’re both sitting at. “I think you’ll definitely be needing another tour soon.”
“I tried my best.” You sigh dramatically, placing your chin in your hand. “But thanks. I’ve got your number now, so don’t feel a way if you see me bothering you more often.” You flash him a teasing grin.
Doyoung shakes his head goodnaturedly at your statement, taking another sip of his coffee. “Somehow, I don’t think I’ll mind.”
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Though you do call on Doyoung to help you get around campus a few more times, he ends up hanging around you a lot more often outside the guise of being your personal tour guide.
Whether it’s to go to the library, visit a fast food place off campus, or even see some sports game, he’s never far away. During your first month of being at school, he’d simply explained it as wanting you to get familiar with the sights in and around campus so you wouldn’t get lost again. However, it quickly culminates in him randomly asking you to go places just because he can—and because he wants to.
You’re glad for his company—much more than you’d let him know, not wanting to come off as too clingy. Though Doyoung seems like the type to be all about his studies—which he mostly is, and it’s not a bad thing—he also knows how to have fun and how to make you laugh, even explaining jokes in Korean that go over your head. 
He makes you feel remarkably less alone while adjusting to living in another country, far away from home. It also doesn’t take you long to find out that he’s good for teasing you to no end, which often makes you want to roll your eyes or flick him in the forehead, but even his banter reminds you of your friends back home. You’re incredibly grateful for that small piece of familiarity.
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After a couple months of finally settling into the campus life, you, Doyoung, and a few of his friends decide to go to a frat house party, along with Seulgi—a girl you’re becoming close to in another one of your classes. You’re not entirely sure what to anticipate, but the experience is quite similar to what you’d expect to see back in your home country—the same drunk dancing, endless shots of alcohol, loud music, and men who are far too grabby for their own good.
Speaking of that last point…
You and Seulgi dance together amongst a flood of bodies, which is fun for a while until random men keep trying to drag you away from each other to dance with them instead; some of them are more agitated than others about being rejected.
“College guys are dangerously horny.” Seulgi laughs, though she also cuts her eyes at a small group of men nearby who’re giving you both ravenous looks.
“Kinda wish they’d go be horny somewhere else,” you say, and then you roll your eyes when yet another hand brushes against your waist. You turn to see who the culprit is this time, but it’s only Doyoung, and you’re palpably relieved to see him. “You’re back! Seems like you’d disappeared forever.”
“Yes, I am. Someone’s excited. Did you miss me that bad?” He smirks.
“Oh, please. I’m just happy you’re here so the creeps will go away.”
When you say this, his expression instantly morphs into one of recognizable concern. “Is someone bothering you two?”
“Not really, these dudes are just weirdly pushy.” Seulgi giggles, trying to wave it off. The last thing you all need is to start an argument or a full-out fight with one of these frat guys.
“Forreal. Therefore, you should act like you’re my boyfriend until the night is over.” You declare this unabashedly, linking your arm with Doyoung’s. For a second, he seems flustered at your suggestion, and then his face settles back into the same cool countenance as before.
“Fine, since you want to be next to me so much.” You elbow him at that. “That’s a good save for you, but what about Seulgi?” Doyoung asks, looking at the other girl. She is unbothered, though, and casually grabs his other arm.
“Poly relationship. Ever heard of it?” Now he really is flustered, and you laugh out loud at his expression.
You spend a good portion of the night like that, all three of you linked together as the perfect “throuple,” with some people at the party giving you interesting looks. When Johnny sees you all, he throws you and Doyoung an expression reminiscent of a grin—but somehow more devious—and Doyoung only twists his mouth up in a sneer. You don’t know what any of that interaction means, though it makes you wonder.
Seulgi eventually decides she prefers Johnny to be her fake boyfriend instead of Doyoung and goes off with him to do...whatever it is they went to do. You’re sure you can take a guess, though.
After the other two take their leave, you and Doyoung eventually end up on the back porch. It’s a little cooler out here than it is inside, though still a bit crowded with lingering couples and groups. You’re both bunched up in a small corner against the side of the house, leaning over the railing to look out at the backyard—which is mostly just trees and bushes.
“Well, how are you enjoying your first college party?” he asks, casting a questioning glance your way.
“It’s fun. I think I could see why some people end up spending all their time on this instead of studying, ha.”
“Hey, don’t become a party girl ‘cause I’m not gonna do all your homework for you.” Doyoung snickers.
“Oh, Doyoung. I wouldn’t expect you to, you’re not even good at science.”
He sucks his teeth and tucks his chin into his arms to hide the grin playing across his face. It’s quiet again for a little while, or as quiet as it can be with the others on the porch talking and laughing.
Doyoung peeks at you from underneath his fringe and thinks about what he should say next. Something like...not that, but…well, what if he did? Would it be terrible if he said it now, right here at a crowded frat party on some rickety back porch? Maybe, but…
Doyoung pushes himself off the railing and looks at you, tracing your profile with his eyes. Maybe the alcohol has taken more effect on him than he initially thought. “Y/N…” he starts, and you glance at him.
Just then, a red-faced dude who’s obviously incredibly smashed stumbles over to where you two are and promptly throws up on the floor. Some of it gets on Doyoung’s shoes, which causes him to jump back and curse loudly.
“Are you a fucking idiot?!”
“That’s disgusting,” you groan, turning your face away from the mess. You’d probably laugh if it weren’t so gross—and wasn’t right next to where you were standing. The guy doesn’t pay either of you much attention, though, because he’s too busy slumping against the railing like he’s going to pass out. Maybe somebody should worry about that, but it won’t be either of you.
“Ugh, for fuck’s sake...come on.” Doyoung takes your hand and carefully steers you around the mess, heading back indoors and maneuvering through the thick of the party. You’re not sure where he’s going at first until you both end up in some cramped bathroom, with him pulling his shoes off and running them under the tub faucet. You lean against the door, feeling like you need to stand guard so no drunken couples will burst in, even though it’s already locked. You’re not quite sure why he brought you along for this little ride, but you’re not complaining; it’s better than being left outside.
You look at him sitting on the edge of the tub and angrily wiping his shoes as best he can with toilet paper, and you giggle, though you try to keep it quiet. However, you can’t stop more giggles from pouring out at his comically pissed-off expression. Doyoung looks up at you with his eyebrows creased, a confused and irritated look coloring his features. “What’s so funny?”
You shake your head, unable to speak for a few moments. Doyoung tilts his head to the side and looks at you impatiently while you try to catch your breath, though his upset face only makes you want to laugh more. “I’m sorry, but from where I’m standing...th—this is pretty hilarious.” You burst out into laughter again. “I’m locked in a bathroom with you at a college party while you scrub vomit off your shoes. If this doesn’t make us friends for life, nothing will.”
To your surprise, he actually cracks a cynical grin after a few moments, shaking his head and sighing. His shoulders heave with the gesture. “I hate university sometimes.”
Doyoung tries not to think too deeply about that “friends for life” comment, though to his irritation, it stays in his head for days after the party. Even after he’s nearly forgotten about the shoe incident.
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You go to the library one night to find an academic journal for an upcoming paper. You’re not happy about having to make the trek, especially in this digital era when everything imaginable is usually readily accessible online, but it is what it is.
At night, the library becomes more of a hangout spot rather than a place for studying, and you don’t entirely expect to get much reading done in there. You’re hoping there’s an empty room or something you can duck into to take some quick notes on the information you need.
Finding the journal takes a bit of searching, but you finally locate it on a shelf near the back of the library. You’re about to leave the aisle and find somewhere to read it when a couple of people walk into the aisle in front of yours. By their voices, you know it’s Doyoung and Johnny.
You decide to peek over and say hi, but before you can get to the end of the aisle, you hear their heated conversation. You stop in your tracks and listen, which you probably shouldn’t be doing; but you’re not sure if you want to interrupt this talk they’re having once you hear what they’re saying, either.
“You’re being ridiculous. Just tell her!” Johnny hisses under his breath like he wants to talk louder but doesn’t want to be too distracting in the library. Ever so courteous of him, but you doubt anyone else really cares at the moment.
“Hyung, not everybody is like you. It’s not easy to just go up to someone and say you like them.”
“You act as if you’re gonna be talking to a stranger. She knows you and you know her, you hang out all the time. It’s more likely that she does like you than she doesn’t.”
“...You really think that?”
“She lets you tell all your unfunny jokes without much complaint, so yeah, I’d say she must be head over heels for you.”
“Shut the hell up. Unfunny jokes? You’re one to talk!”
You listen to the conversation intently, wondering who this mystery girl Doyoung apparently likes could be. He’s never told you about having a crush on anyone, nor has he made it obvious that he likes someone else. Although you know he has other friends—Johnny’s obviously one of them—you’re not sure what girl he hangs out with all the time besides you.
Johnny chuckles. “Don’t be mad that Y/N laughs at my jokes more than yours.”
Your eyebrows raise at this. Wait. What does this conversation have to do with you? Unless.
“Yeah, you’re supposed to laugh at a clown,” Doyoung retorts.
“Whatever, Doyoung. You just do what I told you. It’s seriously so sad watching you pine over Y/N like there isn’t an easy solution for this.”
You’re reeling with shock by now, but their voices are also getting closer to the end of the aisle like they’re about to walk into the very one you’re hiding out in. You run away before they can spot you, though you do end up drawing a few peculiar glances from some other library goers.
You eventually find a quiet, uncrowded space to sit down and take notes in, though you can hardly concentrate on the work at hand with this new information in your mind. Doyoung likes you? Doyoung likes you. Then that must be why he always messes with you, and why he’s practically been glued to your side since you got there.
Your hand tightens and loosens around your pen repeatedly as you mull over this knowledge. The longer you think about it, though, a smirk grows on your face.
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The week after, you and Doyoung have one of your regular study sessions together. You’ve dressed up for it more than you normally would—the same thing you’ve been doing throughout the week, too. Even if Doyoung doesn’t know what you know, you get a bit of fun out of dressing up to catch his eye. And it definitely works.
He always steals glances at you when he thinks you aren’t paying any attention, and you get infinite amusement out of whipping your head around to try to catch him in the act. The light blush on the tips of his ears and his startled bunny look is worth it every time.
“You got so dressed up just to study? You’ve really been going all out this week,” Doyoung comments as you sit down at your usual table in the library. He gives a small smirk as he scans your new outfit for today. He does this as if he’s only teasing and evaluating your clothes, puckering his lips in concentration, though it’s also an excuse to check you out.
“You could just say ‘you look so fucking fine this week, Y/N.’ I know you want to say it, anyway.” Doyoung’s cheeks flush a little, and he shakes his head.
“You’re something else. Okay, you look pretty. Does that satisfy you?”
“Well. You forgot the ‘fucking,’ but I’ll let it slide.”
You both get into your work and a calm quiet settles between you, punctuated with you occasionally asking each other questions about the assignment. At some point, you grow a little bored with staring at the text for so long, and you stop and simply look at Doyoung sitting across from you in one of his favorite hoodies and his glasses. Something tender rises in your chest, a sensation you hadn’t quite given a name to until now, and you put your cheek in your hand, grinning slightly.
“I wonder why someone like you doesn’t have a girlfriend yet.”
Doyoung looks up as if he’s not sure if you’re talking to him, then furrows his eyebrows. “Someone like me?”
“Aw, you know, you’re handsome and caring and smart, and you can even be a little bit funny—even though you get on my nerves sometimes.” Doyoung rolls his eyes at the last part, though you know he’s preening at your compliments.
“I don’t know, I’m busy with studies.”
“But isn’t there even one person you might like? Or might be interested in?” Doyoung’s not looking at you anymore, his eyes dropping back down to instead focus on his book, but you notice how his fingers tighten around the textbook’s edges.
“Um—well, I haven’t really thought about that…”
“Really? No one in your dorm or your classes has caught your eye?”
Doyoung shifts a little and clears his throat. He shakes his head in response to your question, though the movement is hesitant. “What about you?”
“Changing the subject, huh? Excellent method of evasion…” You flip a page in your notebook, pointedly avoiding Doyoung’s gaze even though he’s peering up at you again. You wait with your lips clamped together, trying not to laugh as his expression grows more impatient.
“Well?! Aren’t you going to answer, after forcing me to?”
“I will when you tell the truth.” You slap the notebook closed, which causes him to jump, and this time a laugh does slip out. Doyoung’s eyes dart around your small section of the library like there might be someone else listening, or like he’s searching for a prank camera.
“The truth about what? I already told you!”
“Then what about what you told Johnny?”
Doyoung freezes for a moment, and various emotions flit across his face. He finally settles firmly on embarrassment and disappointment. “...He told you? I’m going to kill him.” His voice is softer now, like he would disappear completely if he could.
“No, I—okay, don’t get mad at me, it’s not like I did it on purpose, but I heard you two talking in here a week ago…”
“Oh...shit. You—you were there? And you didn’t say anything?!”
“Yeah. Not very discreet, huh? Maybe you want to do that in your dorm room next time.” You’re still smiling. Doyoung shifts nervously again, as if he just wants to get up and run the hell out.
“So, um…you know, then.”
“If you don’t like me, you can just say so,” Doyoung blurts out. “I...it’s fine. I don’t expect anything of you, so we can really just forget all about this. I promise I won’t make things weird, Y/N. I just...I just found myself really liking you as we got to know each other.”
“You can’t make things weird when you’re already weird.” You giggle and place your hand over Doyoung’s, grasping his fingers. “So...let’s date, then.”
He looks at you questioningly, surprise taking over. “Wait, you’re serious?”
“I’m serious.” And now you’re a little embarrassed yourself, but you continue, “Doyoung...I like you too. I guess I don’t totally hate all your teasing. But don’t get cocky about it.”
Doyoung rearranges your hands so your fingers are now laced together. A relieved smile makes a home on his lips. “Well, too late. Now you’re never going to hear the end of it.”
“Oh, I can’t wait.” Your response is sarcastic, but the smile on your face is totally genuine.
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That weekend, Johnny leaves the dorm to go visit some of his other friends in town, which means Doyoung will have the room all to himself for those few days. Normally his plans would consist of studying, trying to catch up on sleep, or seeing what his other friends are up to, but with you as his new girlfriend, he wants to spend that time together.
“So, this is your dorm,” you say, holding Doyoung’s hand as he leads you into his shared dorm with Johnny.
“Home away from home, I guess,” he says, leading you over to his bed so you can sit down. Before he can let go of your hand, you tug him to you and gesture for him to bring his face closer to yours, like you’re going to whisper something to him.
“What is it?” he asks. He’s quickly silenced by you pushing your lips against his in a kiss. When you both separate, it’s reluctant, and Doyoung pecks your mouth once more before straightening up again. You laugh at the slightly goofy grin on his face.
“What should we do?” you ask, getting more comfortable on his bed and leaning against the wall.
“I had movies in mind, but we can do anything you want.”
“Movies are fine! Hurry and start it up, I’m gonna get cold without you beside me.”
Doyoung gives an overexaggerated cringe, and you hide your face. “And you complain about me being cheesy?!”
You both make it through two and a half movies before you start getting antsy with sitting in the same spot for so long. Doyoung is still lying calmly beside you, his arm around your shoulder and the other behind his head as he continues watching the movie. Deciding to act on a whim, you abandon all pretenses of watching any more of the movie and swing your legs over his own so you’re sitting in his lap. When you situate yourself in his lap, he seems a bit starstruck, as if he wasn’t expecting this to happen—like, ever.
“Y/N…” Doyoung’s voice is surprisingly soft, like the day you revealed your feelings for each other. It’s a noticeable departure from his usual demeanor. He blinks at you for a couple moments.
“What?” you say innocently, copying his actions and blinking back at him.
Doyoung swipes his tongue across his lips, though it’s more of a nervous gesture than anything else. “You’re...you know.”
You chuckle. “‘You know’? Let’s use our words.”
“You’re, uh...s-soft,” is what he stammers out, like it was the only thing he could think of at the last minute.
“And you should be hard, but you’re not yet. So let’s fix that. If you want to?” You quickly tack the last sentence on, trying to give him an out if he really doesn’t want this. However, the hands that suddenly go to your hips make you think otherwise.
“Do it, then.” He provokes you, trying to regain his usual confidence, though it still comes out less forceful than intended.
You bring your hand to his crotch and palm him over his pants, and Doyoung takes a deep breath. You bring your lips to his, kissing him deeply and adding to the pleasant feeling. He kisses you back eagerly, flexing his hands on your hips and gripping you more tightly. You end up making out like that for a little while, and he grows underneath your palm as you tease him.
Eventually, you want more than simply feeling him over his sweatpants and pull them down, exposing his bulge. You don’t touch him for real, not just yet; instead, you trace your finger along the shape of his dick underneath the material of his boxers. Doyoung whimpers against your lips at that touch, very quietly, but audible enough for you to hear it over the TV in the background.
“Don’t get all sensitive on me now.” You pull away from his mouth and laugh. “What happened to all that teasing you love to torture me with?” You drag his underwear down so you can release his member, which is still growing underneath your caresses. Precum is already beading at the tip, flushed with need. Doyoung looks down at your hand holding his dick and worries his lip as you begin stroking him earnestly now.
He leans his head back against the wall, and you watch his throat work as he swallows and tries to keep his sounds quiet. The soundproofing in these dorms certainly isn’t the best; the people on the other side of the wall have kept him awake enough nights to know that. The few moans he does let go are low and pretty and soft, and they fit him perfectly.
Though you are stroking him mostly for his own pleasure, you do take the time to explore his dick while you have it in your hand—running your finger over a vein that stands out against the hot skin, sliding his precum between your fingers and using it to get the rest of his shaft slick. You take your time with him, but he doesn’t seem to mind the leisurely pace.
“Do you wanna come in my hand?” you ask him, and his body tenses as you reach further down to tease his balls. Another bead of precum runs down his shaft.
“That would be a waste,” Doyoung huffs, and he shifts his leg a little so his thigh is tucked between your legs now, your heat pressing right down on him. He moves his thigh back and forth slowly across you, and you let out a long, shaky breath at the way the muscles of his leg flex and release against your clit.
“Then where do you wanna do it?” You still your movements on him for a few seconds but keep your thumb on his tip so you can tease the sensitive slit there, and another choked groan comes from him.
“T-take a guess,” he says, and pulls on your hips again so he can drag your pussy over his thigh more firmly. The friction makes you whine.
“Maybe I should just make you cum like this, since you seem more interested in making me ride your leg.” You go back to steadily stroking his cock, tightening your grip on him. His mouth drops open a little at your actions.
“Y/N,” he whispers breathlessly, and lifts one hand to pull at your sweater. “Take this off.”
“Then take yours off.” Doyoung strips his sweater off as soon as you say it and waits for you to do the same. His mouth goes to your breasts once they’re free. You grin at the pleasurable sensation and run your hand through his hair, pushing him closer to your chest. Your other hand goes back to his dick, and it twitches when you make contact. “I really think you could cum just like this, with you sucking my tits and me jerking you off. Wouldn’t you like that, Doie?”
Doyoung’s face flushes at that claim, though he doesn’t deny it. He simply keeps sucking at your nipples and leaving marks across your chest, flexing his thigh against you for added stimulation.
You want him to come first, so you spit in your hand for more lube and stroke him faster, the slick sound of your hand on his cock filling your ears. His moans are more frequent now, though he still tries to hide them; all the while, you try to pull more out of him. If the people next door know what’s going on, they’ll just have to enjoy the free entertainment.
“Y/N,” he pants against your skin, and his body tenses up more underneath you. You pull his head away from your chest so you can tuck your face into his neck, placing your lips over his beating pulse and feeling the way his muscles jump under the slight touch of your mouth.
“You don’t wanna come in my hand, right? Where do you want it, then?” You keep your lips close to his ear and slow your pace to make sure he doesn’t come too soon.
“Don’t be shy now, you’re about to come, aren’t you?” You twist your hand over his tip and he groans low in his throat; the sound vibrates across your lips.
“I...in your mouth.”
You sit back to look at him, grinning devilishly. “So that’s what you like? Fine then, baby boy.” You remove yourself from his thigh, which is noticeably damp now, and position yourself between his legs with the tip of his cock pointed towards your mouth. You lean forward a bit to take the head between your lips, rubbing your tongue against the sensitive underside of it, and Doyoung comes quick with a soft cry. His cum floods over your tongue in thick, salty waves, and you keep sucking the tip until he has no more to give.
You get back onto the bed after you’ve swallowed everything, and before you know what’s happening, Doyoung has turned you on your stomach and is pulling your panties and sweatpants down in one fell swoop. “Doyoung—” Your sentence breaks when he lifts your hips up and his tongue parts your lower lips, sliding through the slickness and pushing into your hole. Your words melt into a moan as you arch your hips more to get closer to his face.
“Doyoung, y-yes, please—” You curl your fingers in the fabric of his comforter, panting harshly against the material as Doyoung dips his fingers and tongue into you like he’s starving. His tongue on your clit is maddening, circling back and forth and making your legs shake as you try to balance yourself in this position he’s tugged you into.
His fingers find what they’re looking for quickly and he teases your g-spot, thrusting into it only sometimes and leaving you wanting all the other times. In the very back of your mind, you wonder if what he said about being too studious for relationships is true, because how else would he have learned to do all this? God.
When you get close to coming, Doyoung takes some mercy on you and crooks his fingers into that soft spot more consistently now, and you cry out as you tighten around his fingers. It’s beautifully, wonderfully satisfying. The soft sounds he releases while he eats you out make you even weaker, as if he can’t hide just how turned on he is from tasting you.
Your climax hits you suddenly, and by the end of it you are laughing softly with the intoxication of how good you feel, how good he’s made you feel. When he finally pulls back from you, you let your body fully collapse against the small mattress, and Doyoung rests his head against your thigh momentarily, as if he himself is exhausted.
“I...wanted to do that for a while,” he says, and you can’t see his face but you think he must be blushing, with how sheepishly he admitted it.
It takes a bit of shuffling but you eventually end up lying side by side, stripped bare and looking up at the ceiling. The movie has long gone off, and there’s nothing but Netflix’s slideshow of new shows and movies playing on the screen now.
After a few more moments of nothing but the sound of heavy breaths, you say, “We are having round two, like right now.” 
“You’re already addicted to me, huh?” Doyoung chuckles, dragging his knuckles over your side and making your skin tingle. You smirk and throw your leg over him, and he groans at how your pussy slides over his hardening length.
“By the end of the night, you won’t be able to get enough of me.”
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music-es-vida · 4 years
A few weeks had gone by, and it was finally time for you to get your cast off. 
Doyoung had offered to come with you again so your mom wouldn’t have to, but he was also planning to show you that he was your soulmate this way— instead of just telling you.
His plan was to put his wrist up next to yours right after you were freed from the cast, to surprise you. 
“Alright, you’re good to go.” The doctor smiled, and you grinned, excited to see your soumark again for the first time in a while. “Thanks,” you reply, and she nods.
“Wait— what? It changed!!” you yell with wide eyes. 
Doyoung, who had been rehearsing in his mind how he was gonna tell you, immediately got up from the chair in the corner and came over to see what you were talking about.
“Oh no, This can’t be happening--” He thought to himself, panicking.
“Woah~ you’re right. Wasn’t it neon green before?” The doctor asks in shock. 
She was the same doctor who thought it’d be funny to give you the matching cast, but even she hadn’t seen anything like this before— since changing soulmarks was so rare. 
“Yeah.. it’s a red heart now..” You say, breathing unevenly, trying to process what you were seeing. 
“But that means..” 
Doyoung’s heart shattered when he saw your new soulmark, quickly pulling up his sleeve to see if his was still there. 
“It’s gone.” 
Suddenly, you got up and ran out the room. 
“Y/n, where are you going? Wait—” Doyoung asked, running after you. 
“I have to find Lucas! He really was the one after all this time— I knew it,” you say, tearfully, with a happy smile. You just had to find him. 
After hearing that, Doyoung just froze where he stood, letting you go.
Deep down he knew Lucas would win in the end. He wasn’t surprised.
“But what if I can make it change back?” He briefly thought, searching for an excuse to follow after you, but he was too late.
Once he got outside, he saw you in Lucas’ arms. “No-”
As Lucas leaned down to kiss you, Doyoung had to look away. 
It wasn’t fair.
“Huh? You’re up at this time again? Was it another nightmare?” Mark, who had been watching tv, asks from the couch. Doyoung ignores him, slamming the door to the bathroom behind him. “Yeesh,” Mark said, scrunching his eyebrows up.
You didn’t see Doyoung in class this morning, and it made you worry something was wrong— since he never missed classes. (He slept through them, but never missed any). 
During lunch, Ms. Thompson came by to remind you to pick up your things from the dance committee room at the end of the day— since you’d been temporarily suspended, and you nodded. 
“This is stupid, I wasn’t the only one drinking at that party..” You thought to yourself in annoyance.
At the end of the day, you did as you were told, and walked down to the room the dance committee used to meet and plan things, with Aisha. “At least there’s next year, Y/n,” Aisha says, trying to cheer you up about it and you nod. 
When you got to the room, you saw Yuta and Taeyong horse-playing. “Guys! Stop messing around, we still have to figure out what we’re gonna do about the decorations, and catering before Ms. Thompson gets here,” Aisha says with an annoyed expression. 
Ms. Thompson had agreed to help with sound equipment, but literally everything else was on y’all-- well, not on you anymore. They still had a lot of work to do and the dance was coming up soon. Yuta, who had Taeyong in a headlock, releases him, but not before you saw his neon green soulmark.
Your eyes immediately went wide. 
“Yuta.. your soulmark—” “What? Does it match yours?” He laughs, holding it out for you to see, and you get a better look at it, realizing it was different from yours. “You wish.. Is it the same color as Taeyong’s?” You ask, noticing Taeyong’s was also neon green. This was so strange. “Yeah- me and all the other guys have this neon green color, it’s kinda crazy,” he chuckles. 
“Moonbin and all his friends are like that too— different soulmarks, but the same color,” Aisha adds.
“Wow.. it’s like we were all meant to be friends or something,” Taeyong says. “Yeah— except Doyoung,” Yuta laughs. 
“Right, we’re more like frenemies.” “Hold up, hold up,” you interrupt, having a mixture of a confused and shocked look on your face. “What did you mean by that? —Isn’t Doyoung’s soulmark purple?” You ask, shaking your head, and the two return the confused look, like they had no idea what you were talking about. 
“I remember seeing it— it was a devil!” You say, fully convinced that that was what you saw.
Taeyong and Yuta exchange confused looks, before finally remembering the prank they had played on Doyoung that day. “Ohh-- you thought that was real?!” Yuta busts out laughing, confusing you even more. It was even funnier to them now that they knew it actually looked believable. 
“It wasn’t real?” “No, we drew that on him when he was sleeping in class,” Yuta answers in between giggles. “You actually thought that was his soulmark? This is hilarious.” “Right. I think his actual soulmark was like— ..three music notes or something like that,” Taeyong laughs.
Before you knew it, your legs were carrying you out the door. “Y/n— where are you going? You left all your stuff!” Aisha called after you, but you had already sprinted down the hall. You had to tell Doyoung. 
As you ran, your mind flashed back to all the times you’d run into him. Everything was clicking now.
The day soulmarks came in, when he bumped into you in class.
The day after soulmarks came in, when you both fell in the grass.
(It was a blurry memory that had returned, but--) that day at the party when you’d bumped into him while you were drunk, and he caught you. 
When you had bumped into each other as kids..
You were running into him for a reason.
As you ran down the many steps, exiting the building, you ran right past Lucas, who called after you. He was waiting for you to come out, so he could tell you something important.
“Y/n-- wait up,” he called after you, and you stopped in your tracks. “Lucas.. I just found out something crazy,” you say, trying to catch your breath. “Me too.. You go first,” he says, taking a seat on a step. 
You sit down next to him, gathering your thoughts, before saying, “Doyoung is my soulmate.”
Lucas’ bright expression fades. He doesn’t have much of a reaction, so you lift an eyebrow at him. You’d expected at least an *eyebrows raise* or something— but he had no reaction. 
“..You knew, didn’t you?” You ask, scrunching your eyebrows together. 
Again, he doesn’t answer, and you stand up, pissed. “Wow. I can’t believe this,” you say, walking down the rest of the stairs, but he gets up to stop you. 
“Y/n wait, I can explain—” “Explain what? How you’re allowed to have your soulmate, and i’m not?” You roll your eyes, trying to walk away again, but he steps in front of you. 
You were tired of him being so possessive over you for (seemingly) no reason. 
“Can you get out of my way? I don’t wanna speak to you,” you say, walking around him. 
“Y/n wait— ..I didn’t tell you because I like you.” He blurts out, and you freeze in your tracks. “I mean.. I think I love you,” he corrects himself.
“How many surprises am I gonna get today?” 
You wonder to yourself in shock. 
“I wanted you all to myself, so I didn’t tell you he was your soulmate..” Lucas admits, and you turn back around to face him. “Why? Why now,” You ask, shaking your head with a bitter smile. 
Why did he wait until *after* you got over your crush on him to tell you this?
”I didn’t know I liked you until another guy came into the picture,” he says, shrugging his shoulders. “What about Isabella?” “I’m done with her.. I found out she was the one who posted that video of you,” he says, and your eyes go wide, but you really weren’t surprised. 
“Of course..” 
“But I’m serious, Y/n, I ended things with her. I told her I like you,” he says, walking closer towards you. You were completely speechless. 
All of this seemed to have come from out of nowhere. What happened to him thinking of you as nothing more than his best friend? You looked up at him with an unsure expression, when suddenly his lips landed on yours. 
“I can’t—” you say, pushing him away. 
Never in a million years did you think *you’d* be the one pushing him away, but things had obviously changed.
“..I think I like Doyoung,” you admit out loud for the first time, and Lucas glances down towards the ground, looking disappointed, but nods. 
After that, there’s an awkward silence that comes over you two. “See you around,” you say before running off to find Doyoung. 
Lucas nods, but decides that he won’t give up.
One thing he admired about you was your persistence with him-- you never gave up on him after all those years, even after he rejected you multiple times. So he was ready to get rejected a million times too. He just knew you’d change your mind eventually, and he wasn’t about to give up any time soon.
He just hated that he was too late.
 You were sitting under the tree, waiting to see if Doyoung would show up. You’d texted him earlier today, but got no response. “I hope he’s okay..” you think to yourself, looking around with a worried expression. The whole campus was pretty empty. 
You considered walking over to his dorm, but you figured that he’d contact you when he was available. Your dad had gotten your car fixed again, and left it for you at your house this morning— leaving a note on the hood (which you crumbled up), as a goodbye/apology gift. 
You were still angry with him, but you still accepted the gift. “Guess I should go..” you sigh, getting up, but when you turned around, you bumped into someone. 
You stopped to check for your soulmark, but it still wasn’t there. Suddenly, someone behind bumped into you. “Hey, watch where—” you turned around to see that it was that quiet guy, Doyoung. “You made me drop all my stuff.” He glared at you. “Well maybe watch where you’re going next time.” You glared back.
“I don’t need your help.” He pushes your arm away, and in the process, you catch a glance at his left wrist. It was blank too. “Hmm.. that’s interesting.” You said, thinking out loud. “What?” He asked, straightening back up. “..I thought I was the only one who was still blank.” 
You say with a bitter smile, pointing at his wrist.
“Should I find you? ..Or am I really just better off alone?” You ask your soulmark, 
but your thoughts were interrupted when you accidentally ran into somebody.
Whoever it was, had been foolishly walking while reading a book, not looking where he was going, and you crashed into him. Thankfully you both landed on the grass. Well, you landed on top of him, and he landed on the grass. 
“Wh— You again?” You say, leaning up to see it was Doyoung. 
This was the second time you two had run into each other, and it was starting to get annoying. “Get off of me,” he says, shoving you onto the grass. “Wow, what a gentleman.” you say sarcastically, peeling yourself off of the ground. 
As you were walking through the hallways of your new middle school, after being denied entry into the nurse’ office to see Lucas, you turned a corner and bumped into this kid who was reading a book.
After regaining your composure, you scowled at him, saying, “Watch where you’re going, bookworm!” You recognized him from your homeroom— he was always reading some book. 
To your surprise, he scowls back at you and blows a raspberry in your face. “Ew— Doyoung, you’re so gross!” You complained, running off to the bathroom to go wipe your face off. 
Doyoung rolled his eyes and went back to reading his book.
You stumbled your way back over to the kitchen to search for Lucas, but you ended up running straight into somebody else.
“Y/n?” The familiar voice said, and you looked up in a daze and smiled once you saw it was Doyoung. “We just can’t stop running into each other!” you giggle, shaking your head. 
“Ow— ..Doyoung?” You asked, gazing up at him as if he were the most important person in the world to you. He had his hands on your arms to support you so you wouldn’t fall. 
“Why do you sound so surprised? I think whenever we bump into somebody from now on, we should just assume it’s each other,” he laughs, and you slowly nod. 
It was like ever since you found out he was your soulmate, you were starting to see him differently. You couldn’t stop staring.
He had been in his dorm all day, thinking about that nightmare— wondering if it would become a reality. Thankfully, Mark talked him down and convinced him that he *had* to tell you— even if the soulmarks do change, you still deserved to know.
You both had big news to share with each other, but the only thing you could seem to do was gaze into each other's eyes. 
Eventually the silence broke, “..I have to tell you something-” you both said at the same time. 
“Oh, you go first,” “No you--” you both continue interrupting each other. “Ok fine—” You both just end up laughing because you couldn’t stop speaking simultaneously.
Then you both decided to blurt it out.
“We’re soulmates—” “What? You knew?!” You both exclaimed. “I just found out today, Yuta and Taeyong kinda told me..” You reply, and Doyoung makes a face. “Wow.. I wanted to be the one to tell you,” “Wait- is that what you were gonna tell me at the skating rink the other day? How long did you know? When did you find out?” 
“..Don’t be mad,” he says, looking nervous, and you give him a skeptical look. “..I found out the day you got your cast fixed,” “What— seriously? Why didn’t you say anything?!” “I thought you liked Lucas! So what was the point?” He says, and everything starts making sense now. 
All those times he’d mentioned not wanting to tell his soulmate because she liked her best friend.. He was talking about you. 
Suddenly you began to feel guilty, remembering how you’d said you’d definitely pick Lucas over your soulmate. It wasn’t your fault— it was true at the time, and you had no idea you were actually speaking to your soulmate, but now you just felt bad for saying that to him. 
“No wonder I always see him and Lucas giving each other dirty looks..”
You briefly think back to Lucas kissing you- deciding not to mention that.
“My head hurts..”
Doyoung watches as your expression changes from hurt to sad, trying to figure out what you’re thinking about.
“Can I see it?” You ask all of a sudden, and he nods, holding out his wrist. He pulls down the sleeve, revealing the neon green music notes. 
Your eyes go wide, even though you already knew he was your soulmate. It was just crazy actually seeing it— the exact same one you had, only on his wrist. 
“So I really did see it that day..” you mumble to yourself in shock, as tears start forming in your eyes. You weren’t sad-- you were just grateful you’d finally found him. 
You take his hand in yours and light brush your thumb over the music notes. 
Even though you were teary-eyed, a bright smile came across your face. You’d finally found him, when you thought you never would. 
You had been waiting for this moment your entire life— ever since you found out what soulmarks were.
You looked up at him, still holding onto his hand, and he had the same expression of happiness and almost relief on his face. He was grateful you didn’t react in the way he thought you would. 
He kept thinking back to that day you’d told him the soulmark you got wasn’t the one you wanted, but now it seemed like it actually *was*. 
“It was you this whole time, huh?” You say, breaking the silence. He nods, and you let go of his hand, watching his expression change.
“What?” “..I’m scared,” he admits nervously, and you let out a small laugh. “I thought you said you don’t get scared?” “This is different! We’re *soulmates*,” he says defensively, but he smiles too. “Yeah.. I’m scared too,” you admit as well.
This was new territory for you two.
You’d never even had a boyfriend before this. 
(Besides Lucas, in your mind.)
“Let’s just promise not to hurt each other.. Okay?” You say, holding your pinky out. Doyoung raises an eyebrow, skeptically, and you roll your eyes. “Just do it.” “Alright, alright,” he says, wrapping his pinky around yours. “I promise.”
You knew it was getting late and that you should probably start heading back home before you were late for dinner, but you just could take your eyes off of Doyoung for some reason. 
It was the same for him, so you two were just gazing into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever— until you both started leaning in closer.
You closed your eyes and felt his nose lightly brush against yours, but suddenly he moved back. He couldn’t get the image of you with Lucas out of his head. “Y/n.. you don’t still like Lucas, do you?” He asks, with a sad, yet worried expression on his face. 
You open your eyes back up, looking surprised he asked that all of a sudden.
You hesitate to answer, looking down at the ground. Lucas had stirred up some old feelings by confessing to you earlier, but you didn’t know how to tell him that.
“I can’t tell him what happened..” You shake your head, saying, “No.. I think my crush is gone.” Doyoung furrows his eyebrows, like he’s thinking, making you wonder if you sounded believable enough. “I really wanna believe you,” he says quietly. 
“..But you don’t?” 
“I dunno..” He answers honestly.
After that conversation you went home, and on his way back to his dorm, Doyoung ran into Lucas (not literally). He was just going to ignore him and continue on his way, but Lucas called out to him. “Hey— you know Y/n knows your secret now, right?” He says, but Doyoung keeps walking. “Yup. She told me.”
“Oh really? Well did she tell you that we kissed too, or did she leave that part out?” Lucas says, and Doyoung freezes in his tracks. 
His fears were already coming true. 
“Look man, I know she’s your soulmate, but she’s liked me for longer, so you might as well just give up. You know I’ll win in the end.” Lucas says, trying to sound intimidating, but Doyoung decides to just keep on walking. 
Continuing this conversation would just be pointless. 
In the end— it was *your* decision who you wanted to be with, not Lucas’, so he just kept moving and didn’t let what Lucas said bother him.
He wasn’t mad at you, but he was definitely gonna confront you about this later.
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kpopcookie0813 · 8 months
Warning: Kind of smutty!!!!
Also, I tried my best so if there is something better you would like to see please let me know in the comments. ENJOYYY!!!!!!
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I hope he recovers soon and isn't going through too much pain.🥺🥺
He probably wouldn't do anything. Taeil would just let you enjoy your TikTok. He might be the one filming it for you. T: What you doing? Y/n: Making a TikTok. T: Okay carry on Y/n: Wait Tae can you record this for me for a better effect. T: Yea sure *takes phone and starts recording* Y/n: *starts dancing* T: Here you go *smiles and gives you your phone* Y/n: Thank you *kisses his cheek* T: Your welcome baby
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He won't even let u make the video. And don't ask why cause he will give you that stern look to make you shut up. 😳😳😳. Y/n: Hey babe if you need me, I'm making a tiktok video. J: What kind? Y/n: The WAP dan- J: Nope do something else. Y/n: B-but Johnny I- J: I said no. Y/n: But I just..... J: *glares at you* Y/n: Fine
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Tae would be the one making you do it with him. To be honest you wouldn't be surprised that he wanted to do it (boy is weird but a good weird?!?).
T: Babe come do this TikTok with me Y/n: Which one? T: The WAP Challenge Y/n: Yeah sure T: * starts twerking* Y/n: Damn you can twerk better than I can.
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IM SORRYY BUT THISSS ISS MY MANNNN 😝😝😝😝😝(1/9)!!! CAN I JUST, SAY HE LOOK SCRUMPTIOUS!!!!😋 *Clears throat* Anyways back to the reaction. :)))
I feel like he would be one of those boyfriends who tackled you to the ground because he doesn't want anyone else to see what's his.
Y/n: *dancing the first part minding your own business* Y: Not today *tackles you to the ground* Y/n: Ow nigga what you do that for. *You whine* Y: Cause all that ass is for me to see not nobody else. *He said smacking your butt* Y/n: Bitch *under your breath* Y: What was that? Y/n: Nothing
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My pookie bear(2/9)☺️
Kun would act like the mom that he is nag at you for doing the dance. He might even hit you with a belt.
Y/n: *shaking ass for TikTok* K: *walks in and hits you with a belt* Y/n: WTF why K: WATCH YOUR MOUTH AND YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN IN HERE BEING DIRTY Y/n: .........
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He would just look at you with disgust. And I mean pure and utter disgust.😭😭😭
Y/n: *You doing the dance* Y/n: *Finished and posted the video and looks at Doyoung* D: *Looks at you with disgust and judging you at the same time* Y/n: Boy what is you lookin at me like that for. D: *shakes his head gets up and walks away*
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Just like Tae he would be the one to ask you to come and do the video with him. Ten would be so happy to do it with you.😌😌
Y/n: Hey babe what you doing? T: Making a TikTok can you come and do it with me Y/n: Yeah! Y/n: What song is it? T: That song by Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion. Y/n: Ok sure!
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Kind of like Johnny but since he knows you so well he already knows what kind of dances you like.🫢🫢
J: Hey baby what are you doing? Y/n: Nothing just doing a TikTok. J: *Walks in the room you are in* if it's that WAP challenge then no Y/n: But it's just a dance. J: No means no Y/n Y/n: But Jae- J: *Pins you against the wall and looks down at you with a glare* I said no Y/n: ........
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THIS MY STINK!!!!(3/9)😜😜
I don't really know anymore about how he would feel about you doing the challenge. I feel like he would be shy but low key turned on.
Y/n: Y'all know I'm freak *You sang while dancing* W: *Walks in* Y/n-shi what are you doing Y/n: This challenge on TikTok called the WAP wanna see the video of me doing the challenge. W: Yeah Y/n: *Shows him the video* W: 😳😳😳😳 Y/n: Are you blushing? W: No *Lowkey turned on*
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I don't think Jungwoo would be shy cause of how his personality. He is my bias so that's probably why I think that. But I feel like he would just sit and stare at you feeling horny but not wanting you to know.
Y/n: *Dancing* J: *Watching you closely* Y/n: *Saw him watching so you start doing with a little more booty and finishes video* J: 😮🤤 Y/n: Did you like it? J: Y-yes *Horny now*
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I know he isn't in the group anymore but, idgaf.(5/9)🥰🥰🥰
I think while you are doing the video this man would pick you up and take you to the bedroom. Then fuck the shit out of you.
Y/n: *Dancing and is on the humping part* L: *Bits lip cause he finds it sexy* Y/n: *Gets about to do the rest* L: *Picks you up throwing you over his back and takes you to the bedroom* Y/n: Lucas what are you doing. L: You will find out. 😏😏😏
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I don't know if he is a part of the hyung line or not. I don't really know how he would feel. Maybe shy and awkward but wants to see you do it again.👀
Y/n: *Doing the dance* M: Hey babe what y- Y/n: *You do the split twerking part* M: Damn baby can you do that again😳🤤🥺 Y/n: hahahahaha😂😂
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ericbrainrot · 2 years
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐬.
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐚𝐞𝐢𝐥 𝐱 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤!𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐞
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𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟
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𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟎.𝟕𝐤
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"Babe!" you shouted from the bedroom, feeling the contractions kicking in.
"Yes?" he rushed into the bedroom.
"I think it's real this time," you groaned, trying to get up from the bed.
"No don't help me up, go get the bag and car seat ready," you pushed him away and he nodded his head, running away to the baby's bedroom.
Taeil rushed everything from the baby's bedroom into the car. He quickly ran to the bedroom to help you walk to the car, "it's okay baby, you have this..." he repeated softly, trying to calm you down.
"I'm going to play some soft music to help you calm down okay?" he looked at you and you nodded your head as a few groans escaped your lips.
"Oh no," you cried, "oh no," "oh no," "oh no," you continued on, gripping onto your chair.
"Tae… I think my water broke, so step on the brake!" you shouted, freighting him.
"Yeah… We're almost there." he chuckled nervously, taking big breaths in and out.
Once you arrived at the hospital, a nurse rushed a wheelchair outside as you and Taeil were rushed inside.
"Doc she's ready!" the nurse shouted as she turned down the hall.
"I'll be there in a second!" she shouted.
"There is no damn second my water broke in the damn car!" you shouted in pain as the nurse and Taeil helped you on the bed.
You were nervous. This was the third time that you were pregnant and reached your due date. For three years now, you and Taeil have been trying to conceive, but it was never a happy ending. The first time you were three months early from the due date and had a miscarriage. The second time you had a miscarriage on the due date, which broke you mentally. There were times where you couldn't function because you were in bed crying your eyes out while Taeil tried his best to help cheer you up. It wasn't easy for you to deal with a miscarriage back to back, it made you feel like there was something wrong with you. But Taeil was there to reassure you that everything will okay and he made sure to make you happy every day. Then the two of you were finally ready to try again, you were pregnant, now here you were at the hospital ready to give birth to your son.
"Are you ready?" the doctor looked at you, and you nodded your head.
“What do you mean am I ready? My water already broke… I’m more than ready!” you shouted, becoming irritated.
You gave Taeil’s hand a tight squeeze as you began to push, "you can do it baby," he softly spoke, looking at you.
"Oh my god..." you cried, pushing as hard as you can.
"I see the head," the doctor spoke.
"Give me three more big pushes," she added, giving you a quick glance.
"Damn, Taeil he has your head size already," you screamed as you gave the doctor another push.
"Alright one more..." she spoke, and you gave her one big push and heard crying.
"He's out!" the doctor shouted, grabbing him and cleaning him off.
You closed your eyes as you panted heavily, "we did it baby,” Taeil softly spoke as he gave your forehead a kiss.
You two did it. You finally had a child. The tears in your eyes instantly fell down to your face once you heard the crying voice of your son. You couldn't be any happier as you watched the doctor clean him off.
"Would you like to see him?" the doctor spoke, and you nodded your head.
"hi [your son's name], this is mommy speaking to you," you softly spoke as the tears continued to pour down your eyes.
"And this right here is your daddy, Taeil," you pointed at Taeil with a smile.
"Do you want to hold him babe?" you looked at him with a smile, and he nodded his head.
"Oh you look like me already, you're going to be good looking when you grow up," you scoffed at his statement and shook your head.
"But thank you Moon [your son's name] for being our miracle baby," Taeil softly spoke, placing a kiss on his forehead.
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*·˚ ༘♡#𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐀'𝐒 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐋𝐃! ˖◛⁺⑅♡
it’s been so long since i’ve been on here😭 i’m so sorry actually i’ve been so busy, but thank you for 260+ here’s a short taeil oneshot! i’ll be working on the request now fr this time.
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k-wonderpaluza · 4 years
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Museum date with doyoung (Requested)
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