jesusinstilettos · 1 month
Sometimes people demand you justify being an atheist with a 200 page well-sourced thesis on biblical scholarship but one of the reasons I am not a Christian anymore is so fucking simple. It made my life worse. It made me unhealthy mentally. I’ve grown one thousand times more as a person without it. If it were really the one true wisdom from an all knowing infinite god, it would make my life better. And that’s enough proof for me. And it’s a valid reason.
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In the AO3 Demographics Survey 2024 - an unofficial demographics survey of 16,131 AO3 users - 17% of respondents identified as Christian, while 69% identified as having no religion.
To see more analysis, including a list of the common write-in answers for this question, please view the full results on AO3.
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sinful-skeptic · 1 month
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Another fine case of “practice what you preach.” It’s not the woman’s fault that you lack self control.
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altarcat · 2 months
me when i realize. i can worship deities without 100% believing in them because the concept of them and things they represent are real either way
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a-typical · 2 years
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apostateoverrubies · 1 year
It's funny how certain religious people act like accepting LGBTQ rights will lead to paedophilia being normalized when they've already let that shit slide for centuries.
Then again, what else do you expect from people who value religion over the rights of children?
Don't let them trick you into thinking they care.
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dosiadove · 2 months
it is crazy to me that if you tell your child their whole life that they are evil, broken, inherently awful human beings its considered emotional abuse.
but under christianity its just freedom of religion.
no child should belive that about themself.
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positivelyatheist · 3 months
Anyways its a lie that people will become greedy, ignorant, or violent if they build their life on humanity and community instead of submission to a deity
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annasinthewalls · 1 year
Feel free to rb for more varied input
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jesusinstilettos · 17 days
Abusive religions will tell you that positive feelings in your body are signs from god or a movement of the holy ghost and then do whatever they can to monopolize those positive feelings by demonizing any other source they could come from. Sex, masturbation, “worldly” media, “worldly” music, connecting with friends outside the church, etc. That way you don’t figure out that those feelings aren’t god, they’re a biological response you can get from anything else. It’s just dopamine. And then you’ll become dependent on the church for dopamine because it’s your only source. It’s literally hacking your biology to keep you dependent on the church.
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flowerchild2009 · 1 year
Atheist memes😂
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gryficowa · 14 days
The strangest thing about being an agnostic is the fact that you don't just piss off Christians, but also atheists, because you honestly criticize the faith you grew up in (For me it's Christianity, that's why I mentioned Christians) and how fucking hypocrites they are, and talking about it out loud makes Christians angry because it is an attack on their faith, or "Not all Christians are like that!" because according to them, being a bigot and trying to force God down your throat in order to "convert you", or treating you like shit because they think you're stupid is something God told them to do
And less daring to explain why you don't like God himself (Because of his narcissistic personality, if you don't obey him, you are evil, even if it's an order to kill someone, and you have too much empathy, it's bad because you disobey the order) then you they will come and say that you have to criticize Judaism and Islam, yes, christians still deny that all three faiths have the same God, but from different time zones
You piss off atheists because you talk about Christians and how they frustrate you, or because you don't attack Islamists, please, I won't attack a faith I don't know, I have some inhibitions
Christians and atheists have one thing in common, they are Islamophobic (Not all of them, but it's something they both have in common and it's terrifying), and yet they attack each other, which is comical
I also met atheists for whom you are not religious enough if you do not obey the church 100%, so my mother is not Catholic although she is older than these freaks in cassocks
This pisses me off, Christians and atheists think that if you are religious you automatically have to listen to people who lie about the Bible, my mother believes in God, not in the church, so according to them she is not religious -_-
Moreover, according to Christians, you are an atheist, but according to atheists, not so much
As an agnostic, you don't need God to live, you won't say 100% that he doesn't exist, because let's face it, we don't know the world 100%, although he may not be the only higher being, because it should be mentioned that Judaism was the first faith with one God , and Yahweh was not entirely of their faith, in short, they took one God from paganism and began to say, that he is the only God and the rest are impostors
So yes, we cannot confirm or deny whether there is a God or whether he is the only God as the Abrahamic faith says
Since there are hints of reincarnation, or the existence of spirits themselves, and this is not from any Abrahamic faith, you can guess that we cannot 100% say whether things from other faiths are lies or not, you can believe in one God , but don't harass others for believing in more, even if it's a sin, it's none of your business, because it's their life and you have no right to interfere with it with your shoes
So yes, being an agnostic is just weird
You are pissing off both, believers and atheists, because you have the nerve to talk about what you don't like about the behavior of believers, just as you are talking about atheists, it pisses me off because Christians used to persecute atheists (And tortured them in order to convert them), so that's it sucks that atheists do the same to other people today
And that's depressing
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sinful-skeptic · 1 month
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“Not to shade religious people but it’s kinda chilling how some folks praise Abraham for being willing to kill Isaac for God to prove his devotion. Like idk about y’all, but if God told me to kill my son i’d kinda be like maybe this isn’t the god for me.”
Religion prioritizes submission, devotion, obedience, blind faith, etc. so it’s obvious what that tale was trying to do. They’re telling the followers that they will be rewarded for putting their god above any other.
“You must submit, but you have to do it willingly (like Abraham), forced submission is the same as no submission.”
They’re portraying this behavior as something to be praised and something to strive for. Abrahamic religions only give the illusion of “choice”. The tale is used to keep the followers in line while making them think that they’re admirable and worthy of praise because they chose to submit.
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thebusylilbee · 4 months
there isn't enough love for atheism in this world ! shout out to my homies who don't believe in any religion or otherworldly power and go through life with only the physical and moral rules of this world as their guidance ! you're being brave and you're doing good !
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borderline-culture-is · 4 months
Agnostic BPD culture is not having a specific belief about the afterlife but wishing with all your heart that reincarnation is real because there has to be a life I can live that isn't this, I don't want my only chance to be this
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apostateoverrubies · 1 year
Children don't need religion to develop good morals. I'd argue that certain religions get in the way of that because they encourage you to do things because a deity approves and it will lead to you having a good afterlife or whatever. And I don't know about you but I find that to be self-serving.
Not to mention, the fact that religion can advocate for immoral things.
Let's just teach children to be good just because.
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