#Solomon Grundy
proneterror204 · 3 months
Freakshows broken out of Arkam Asylum and he's got a brand new staff, an necromancer staff. No more ghosts! The ghostboy has to much experience fighting them. He has something more tangible. ZOMBIES!
On a train straight out of Gotham with 200 zombie dressed as clowns and splashed with joker gas to make them smile and laugh like all clowns should. On a one way track to Amity Park. But his main attraction won't cooperate. Solomon Grundy sits chained in a cage like a circus animal. The staff doesn't work on him and he just want to be left alone. No matter, it'll be enough to piss off that goth girl.
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 107
“Hey uh pal, what you got there…?”
Grundy hummed a rumble, blinking slowly as he turned slightly towards his… what were they… Not an enemy, not a threat… they were… friend! Yes, they were the friend that didn’t mind that whenever he came back he came back different. 
He uncurled his arms slightly, proudly showing his friend what he’d found splashing in the water growling angrily. His friend blinked, mouth opening and closing for a few moments as he waited patiently, careful not to drop the squirming duo. 
“Babies,” he proudly declared as they let out squeaky roars. 
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satoshy12 · 4 months
Idol of Children Grundy!
As Solomon Grundy was mysteriously transported to Amity Park, he was discovered by the Hero of the City.
Confused by all of it, and the boy being like Grundy, he listened. That was how he became the town's two guardians against the ghosts and others.
The children, were fascinated by the great Grundy's moves, start cheering for their newfound hero with catchphrases like "Do the "Grundy Punch!" and "Do the "Grundy Kick!" and the fight is won!"' When he battles the threat! Heh Batman, this is how you truly are a hero! The Grundy Hero way! Grundy Punch!!!
Yes Falcon Punch is Grundy Punch
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why-i-love-comics · 6 months
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Detective Comics #1077 - "Toxic Love" (2023)
written by Dan Watters art by Caspar Wijngaard
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wallycet · 3 months
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Another piece of my boy, with the man himself Solomon Grundy
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jstor · 10 months
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A surprisingly anti-capitalist Solomon Grundy by Frederick J. Cooper in a 1962 issue of Life Magazine, coming to JSTOR from the Walt Reed Illustration Archive. The collection is open to all and includes more than 150,000 images!
For those of you unfamiliar with the original nursery rhyme, here it is in Wikipedia.
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dahliadew · 1 year
Little baby man goes to jail (dp x dc fanfic prompt)
Recently I've been seeing a lot of little baby man Danny content, and I love it. But most of it centers around Danny's relationship with either the Wayne family or the justice league, and I've wanted to see other character dynamics.
So I thought that when Danny in little baby man form comes to the DCU, instead of being found by Damian in an alley or something, he takes the time to wander around Gotham—becoming the equivalent of the local homeless cat to the residents. Wandering around where ever he wants with no one knowing who he belongs to or where he came from. And during his wandering, he can get into some bizarre places with the help of his intangibility. And during one of these adventures, Danny finds himself in a really weird place with a LOT of strange people. But hey, there's a lot of ectoplasm and the people seem to need an emotional support cat. And all the while continuing to wander around the rest of Gotham.
His interactions with villains like Solomon Grundy, Mr. Freeze, and Scarecrow would be interesting because different parts of himself would interest each of them. With both himself and Grundy being semi-death beings, his ice powers may interest Freeze, and even though he's in his little baby man form, he still radiates cosmic horror, so Scarecrow is interested. But this could also be the chance to include lesser-known dc villains like calendar man or the Gentleman Ghost. As well as others that he could either meet in Arkham or around the city.
Maybe even running into some of the bats with none of them able to catch him; this, in particular, makes Damian angry and more determined to do so. And when the joker catches wind of the city's new pet, he knows he needs to see it for himself. Danny, for his part, the little chaos gremlin that he is never not going to take the chance to fuck up a clown.
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bun-fish · 2 years
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Sewer Bros on the walkie-talkie
"Solomon Grundy..."
"Born on a Mond-y..."
Bus to Nowhere is a fricking great fic. the wandering vibe of it is so calm and settling, and I'm talking about a story with a runaway, homeless teenager who befriends gotham sewer residents with peanut butter sandwiches and nursery rhymes.
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one-bat-day · 7 months
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I think this is the best version of Jason’s helmet in ever
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soranatus · 1 year
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Detective Comics #1072, written by Ram V and covers by Seba Fiumara, Mike Perkins, & Evan Cagle
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dailydccomics · 4 months
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Batman and his rogues by Tim Sale
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 144
Danny regrets nothing. He regrets absolutely nothing at all. Okay so maybe he regrets things a little bit, but it’s hard to concentrate. It’s hard to think, he…
He’s never died a second time before. 
It’s… weird. His head hurts, his body too-small, not in a younger sense, but almost in a… feeling sense. His skin feels colder, and his hair has- it has bits of white in it now? And he’d already been able to use his ghost abilities even in his human form but it feels… easier now. 
He’s not overshadowing his own corpse- he doesn’t think he is? His head hurts… his everything ached actually, like he’d gotten electrocuted again even if he’s certain that wasn’t how he died.
Did- did someone throw his body into the sewers? 
Seriously, what the heck? Who would do that?! Urgh, that made him so mad- who just throws a corpse around, nevermind his corpse! That’s so rude! 
Hello crocodile-man staring at him in slight horror, please ignore the blood covering the back of his head, the wound has healed, he will be out of your way once he can talk again- Wait, there’s no need to call for someone-
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satoshy12 · 9 months
Underworld Fighter/Bodyguard Danny
It had already been a few years since Danny, for his job, left Amity Park. Working as a bodyguard or fighter in a meta-arcade. His sponsor was Veronica Sinclair, also known as Roulette, as he fought in her arena against other metas or villains for money.
Since she built her new undeground arena, where metahumans can fight for money and similar things, they are forbidden to join normal competitions as it's "unfair" against normal humans.
I mean, it would be unfair to see Superman in a boxing ring against a normal human, but still.
Roulette doesn't need to capture heroes, as the meta fights out of their own free will, and she still earns a lot of money. Even a few politicians and others came to watch the fights. From CEOs, crime bosses, and even once, the Presidents of the World!
As a fighter for Roulette and her bodyguard, Danny has had around 400 fights since the very beginning of the arena and 0 losses.
His boss asked if he could work as a warden in Arkham Asylum for the Mayor of Gotham, as it had an important meeting for one month.
As being told by Veronica, Danny had no problem with it; his sister worked in Arkham, and his daughter Dani wanted to visit her. He could stay for one month, then take his vacation to visit Amity Park. And it's not the first time he worked as Bodyguard for someone else, he did work for few people like Lex Luthor or Pinguin. For Lex he got to a job as he thought against Parasite.
1 Month later
Batman wasn't sure what was happening; no villain had broken out in more than a month. And he didn't hear anything from the Joker.
He learned that because of a new Warden who already left Arkham, no one tried to escape. Someone who one-shot Solomon Grundy K.O. with a punch and put the Joker, Professor Pyg, and Victor Zsasz into a coma with a single uppercut to the stomach?
Gordon seemed to be very happy as he said that, but seem very sad that the Warden had left.
+ Danny smiled at Dani, as they were driving with Jazz to Amity Park. Still he didn't like the talk both were doing about boys. Dani is too young!
But it had been nice to meet Pinguin again, it was a long time he worked for him and Sofia Falcone too. Or Bane from the Arena, he thought he stopped being a Villains like Victor as it's paid well enough in the Arena.
Mr Freeze:" For Nora." he earns in 1 fight the same as he does as thief.
Danny is adult, around 28 years old or older.
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browsethestacks · 8 months
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Batman vs Solomon Grundy
Art by Bernie Wrightson
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dimehun · 9 months
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Hes so itsy bitsy … teeny tiny🥲
Cursed Comic Cavalcade
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chernobog13 · 5 months
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Superman (vol. 1) #320 (February, 1978). Cover by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez and Bob Oskner.
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