#Pikachu Vending Machine
omp4n · 3 months
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Pikachu Vending Machine. Shinjuku City. Tokyo, Japan.
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infinitebrians · 4 months
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pokemon drawing request 3: pikachu
My friend needs help paying for rent, donate 25+ to his go/fund/me and send me the receipt I will draw a pokemon of your request!
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r0semultiverse · 2 months
We gotta go back to tiny Pokémon in rubber ball vending machines being the norm at like every store and chain restaurant.
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nyannyannihon · 15 days
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hatahataneko · 2 years
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film1281 2018/12/9
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animoe · 7 months
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Vending machines from Japan featuring anime shows. Are you thirsty?
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matcha-sriracha · 5 months
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I made a Pikachu Tamagotchi out of a bootleg I got from a vending machine 💛
It was my first time trying and I didn’t want to ruin an actual Tamagotchi if I failed lol it doesn’t work anymore cause the soldering was so weak as soon as I unscrewed the plates it just crumbled lmao
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yyamask · 8 months
@skullkxd liked for a starter with the undead bastard
He had returned to Alola not long after regaining his body. There weren't many other regions where he felt comfortable and had established relationships. Trouble was, everyone who knew him here had met him as a Yamask, not a human. And considering all the baggage of his previous lives, he didn't exactly want to establish a connection with his current one. Worse still, he couldn't exactly live in trash cans and steal from vending machines anymore. Which meant he needed an actual, paying job for humans.
But as luck would have it, Malie's "Kantonian Gym" was on the verge of closing. Locals found it boring. Tourists found it inauthentic and silly. Aiden offered fresh ideas for more challenging battles with "type-of-the-day" features. The changes brought in new business and offered youngsters an approachable place to practice. With success on the rise, the old gym leader felt fit to retire and leave Aiden in charge.
When Ree entered, they'd be greeted by two overexcited children.
"A challenger! Hey, we have a challenger," exclaimed a boy, no more than eight years old. "Wait, I know you! You challenged the Champion, huh? You're really strong! You gotta fight me and Pikachu before you can meet the Gym Leader though."
"Nooo," protested his sister. "They gotta fight me first! Togedemaru's better!"
"You always go first! I wanna-"
"Hey," interrupted a voice from the back. "No fighting in front of customers!" Aiden stepped out from the back room and blinked at the sight of the familiar visitor.
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"Whoa, hey! Didn't think I'd see you here. Figured you'd have outgrown a place like this by now. But we're featuring electric types today if you want to have a go."
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imthepunchlord · 1 year
Thinking of Eevee and it's evolutions, ScarVio had a perfect opportunity to introduce two new Eeveelutions with Penny and Team Star, but they didn't take it (or it's not as perfect an opportunity as I think).
Like, Penny is a trainer who specializes in Eeveelutions, and each of the team Star Bosses specializes in a specific type of Pokemon.
ScarVio could have introduced Fighting type and Poison type Eeveelutions, and then have Penny have a team that is made up of all of the types the Bosses, her closest friends and her Treasure, specialize in.
And I personally think it would be cool if her team was capped off by her ace being an Eevee with a Tera Type that is coded to change based on which starter the player chooses. Like, if you picked Fuecoco, Penny's Eevee would have a Fire Tera Type. Although from a gameplay perspective I have no idea if that would be a good idea.
Penny's whole story was about how her friends in Team Star are so important to her, and along the way she also becomes friends with the player character, and I think it would have been neat to see her friends reflected in her Pokemon team.
That would have! Especially as poison is one of the types I'm partial towards, so I would love a poison eeveelution.
Also, that reminds me, there is a rumor I heard for the upcoming dlc, I don't expect it to be true, but just in case.
Rumor is that supposedly, SV will get 2 more paradox mons, vending machine Pikachu (which is a weird choice) and dragon Eevee.
I will say, Penny does gift Draco Meteor to you, which is kinda random unless there was some plan to tie Eevee to dragon. Which could foreshadow paradox dragon Eevee, or maybe there was plans to possibly include a dragon eeveelution but didn't make it in.
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warmbloodcomic · 5 months
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Warm Blood: Girls Mode
Written by Josh Tierney
Photo edit by Caitlin Soliman
Pt. 10 (Final)
Penny woke up. She groggily – and somewhat frustratedly – untangled her phone from one of the sheets, her eyes barely capable of opening. She unlocked her phone without looking at it, and then very gradually opened her eyes until she could read the time: 6:59AM.
She rolled over to look at Eve, who was sleeping peacefully, the headband from her maid pyjamas having fallen behind her head. Penny then very carefully pushed herself up with her elbows, casting a glance over at her mother, who was sleeping with paperwork scattered across her blanket.
Penny knew she had two choices: stay in bed and stare at her phone until Eve or her mother woke up, or get out of bed and quietly watch TV while eating some bread for breakfast.
After some consideration, which included checking their social media accounts for engagement (they were getting way more Likes on their Japan trip pics and vids than anything else), Penny peeled the covers away from her and stepped down to the floor. She stealthily headed to the separate toilet room, where the very beginning of a light grey morning sky was visible through the frosted glass.
She then washed her hands and face in the bathroom, which had a large window overlooking Akihabara. She dried herself and then stared out the window, looking down at the street below. It wasn’t as busy as usual, but there was still some activity, including what must’ve been café maids heading home after working the night shift.
Penny grabbed some bread from the top of the minifridge in the living room. She pulled out some kind of chocolatey butter paste from the fridge and spread it over the bread, which she then ate while watching TV.
Children’s programming was mainly all that aired this early in the morning. Penny settled on a variety show featuring a colourful mascot that looked like a children’s art project itself, with simple shapes coloured in with primary colours stuck to its body. The mascot was teaching a group of kindergarteners a dance that made an animated sun appear.
Penny turned her head to glance at the glass door of the balcony, part of her hoping the ritual would make the sun appear in real life as well. Unsurprisingly, the sun wasn’t quite out, but the sky was just a little bit lighter.
Penny was still groggy, but didn’t want to climb back into bed. If she went out on her own, she wouldn’t get lost if she stuck to their block, right? She could just get a small can of coffee from a vending machine, and look around at her own pace, stopping to admire every well-designed flyer or absurd gachapon machine that caught her eye.
Penny finished her bread, turned off the TV and stood up.
“I’m gonna do it,” she said quietly to herself.
She got dressed in the bathroom, put on a black zippered sweater with Splatoon 3 graffiti designs on the back, and wrote a note for Eve and her mother in case they wondered where she had disappeared to. With one last glance back at the living room, Penny slipped on her sneakers and slipped out the door.
Penny felt alienated the moment she reached the hotel lobby and the security guard greeted her in Japanese. She accidentally responded with “good afternoon” in mumbled Japanese and then stumbled out of the building in embarrassment, her face red.
Outside she glanced around, and realised more than ever that she couldn’t read anything that wasn’t in English, and wouldn’t understand anything anyone said to her in Japanese. Eve had been her safety net, and Penny swore she would never take Eve’s confidence for granted ever again.
Flyer maids were beginning to line the street, and some of them called out to Penny, though Penny just kind of said “hi” in English in response as she passed by.
Caffeine would make her less inhibited, so she stopped at the next vending machine she saw, one covered in a design of a small army of Pikachus. She picked out a can of BOSS Café au lait, put in the appropriate number of yen, and the can thunked down the dispenser. Penny cracked open the can right away, a splash of brown liquid landing on her fingers.
The heat from the can felt nice in her hands on what was yet another cool grey morning. She took a few sips that quickly turned into glugs, this can much sweeter and milkier than the others, making it much easier to guzzle.
She could feel the rush of energy coursing through her veins. It was enough for her to pull out her phone and look over the list of phrases that she had screenshotted on it.
Next time, when someone spoke to her, she’d try to say the correct phrase back.
Penny finished the can by the vending machine since it had a small recycling bin beside it, and she didn’t want to risk having to carry the empty can with her until she returned to the hotel room. She tossed the can into the recycling bin and then discreetly licked off the liquid that had been drying on her fingers.
With very little that she felt she could do on her own, Penny decided to go through with the full walk around the block, expecting at least her mother to be awake and watching TV by the time she circled back to the hotel.
She took a flyer from a maid with tired eyes, and thanked her in Japanese. While turning left at the corner of the block, Penny glanced down at the flyer, which had a chibi-style drawing of a faceless maid dressed in black. Her first thought was that it was a cursed object, made even worse by the fact that there weren’t any garbage bins around. All she could do was fold it until it formed a small square that she stuffed into her pocket.
It was only after putting the flyer into her pocket that she noticed its ink had turned her fingers black.
That’s what I get for going out on my own, she thought, but then managed to shake the thought away. She could believe in things she had seen directly in front of her, such as aliens and faceless maids, but there wasn’t any proof that curses actually existed.
The sound of very pleasant acoustic guitar playing perked her ears. It sounded like a Final Fantasy song being played in a bossa nova style. She noticed a small crowd formed around the performer up ahead, though she couldn’t quite make them out.
Penny decided she would watch the performer play for a bit, as it was something she could do without having to interact with others. She reached the crowd just as the song came to an end, a smattering of applause and the jingling of yen marking it as a mighty fine performance of a song that held a special place in the hearts of otaku (at this point Penny realised it had been Melodies of Life from Final Fantasy IX).
The performer thanked the crowd, smiling a wide, confident smile. He paused for a moment, as if trying to decide which song he should play next. That was when he took notice of Penny, and gave her a small wink.
Penny could tell he wasn’t fully Japanese. Since he was playing bossa nova, did that mean he was also Brazilian?
“Any requests?”
It took Penny four full seconds to register that he had not only asked her, but that he had asked the question in English.
“Oh!” Penny said. Her mind then tried to quickly think of a song – something that would suit the Akiba crowd. “Maybe ‘Concerning Hobbits’? You know, the Shire theme from Lord of the Rings?”
Part of her actually wanted to hear it. The Fellowship of the Ring had been one of her favourite movies as a little kid, and that piece of music was one of the main reasons for it.
The performer nodded, still with a smile that kept people wanting to stay near him. He performed a bossa nova rendition of Concerning Hobbits that was one of the most joyous things Penny had ever heard – and it seemed to her that much of it was improvised.
The song ended, the performer received more applause and yen, and Penny’s heart felt a tiny bit larger, the cursed flyer already forgotten in her pocket.
The performer thanked the crowd and put his guitar back into its case. The crowd lingered just a little bit too long before finally realising he was done and dispersed. Penny was about to leave with them but the performer stopped her with a smile.
“Are you here on vacation?” he asked, clasping the guitar case shut and slinging it onto his back.
“Yeah,” Penny said. She wanted to ask him the same, but was worried about offending him.
“Same. Sort of,” the performer said, now standing casually as he talked to her. “My dad’s family is from here. We’re here for my grandfather’s funeral.”
“I’m so sorry to hear that.”
“Too much information, right?” the performer said with a playful smile. “My name’s ****. I’m from Brasilia.”
“I’m Penny. I came here from Canada.”
“Really? Hey, that’s a coincidence! I’ve been thinking of going to university in Canada. Maybe in Toronto, but I’m not sure yet.”
Penny nodded. She liked talking to the performer, but wasn’t sure what she could say that wasn’t related to videogames and anime.
“I like to play my guitar, but the place where we’re staying has strict rules about ‘noise’. I thought, why not come out here and practice? And maybe make a little money as well.
“Do you like this stuff?” he then asked, nodding in the direction of an anime figure store, its screens running ads for Evangelion toys.
“K-kinda,” Penny admitted. She wasn’t embarrassed about her hobbies, but she was worried this guy would be judgmental of them.
“I don’t know much about it,” he said. “Back home I just study, stuff like architecture and the supernatural. With that, school, and guitar, I don’t have much time for anything else.
“Not even girls,” he said, winking at her.
“That sucks,” Penny said. Why wasn’t she capable of saying anything interesting?
Well, he was just a stranger after all, albeit a very talkative one.
“You were playing that Final Fantasy song,” Penny pointed out, though she tried not to say it accusatorily. “And you know ‘Concerning Hobbits’.”
“One of my gifts is being able to play any song, even if I haven’t heard it before,” the performer said. He said it with another playful smile, but at the same time it sounded like he meant his words.
“To be honest, I took the train to Akihabara because I heard there were ghosts in the maid cafés. But the maid cafés are so expensive! I figured I’d make some money by busking, but it’s still not enough.”
“You like ghosts?” Penny asked, surprised.
The performer appeared equally surprised by her question.
“‘Like’ them?” he said, as if asking himself. “I thought I just found them interesting, but maybe . . . Maybe I do.
“How about you?”
Penny looked across the street at the anime figure store, and then looked down the street at the flyer maids, and then up at the ads for videogames, anime and manga.
“I like videogames and anime,” she said.
Then, after thinking about it for one more second: “I love Akihabara.”
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ratsoh-writes · 1 year
(what is the most interesting thing that they regularly carry on their person? For Lustfell, Birdtale, Fallouttale, Theatretale and Seatale)
Lush: his gold card that holds riches you wish you had lol. And a picture of his mom cause he’s a good son
Pepper: he has a matching card from his brother dearest~ but also he seems to carry a mini hair straightener around..?
Quill: he has a crazy amount of copper coins on his person at all times cause he loves gacha machines! Ebott has a lot of vending type machines around the city and quill is determined to try each one
Crow: one of his pens is secretly a taser. Not even the mettas know this
Lens: he has a second burner phone hidden in an item box on his watch.
Cricket: he never goes anywhere without his trusty adjustable wrench
Tempo: his daily gear consists of a lined notebook, a sketchbook, three sketching pencils, a liner own pack and three copic markers
Vibrato: he has this hideous fluffy feather pen with purple ink that he uses only to sign things
Fisher: every bandana he owns is unique and hand made by someone. He doesn’t do mass produced. So that’s pretty interesting
Jasper: he has a pikachu keychain on his phone despite never playing Pokémon before
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duckapus · 6 months
Here We Go Again...
(When Team Rocket first encountered Meme Pikachu)
Meowth: I'm sorry, but the position of annoying talking Pokemon is already taken!
Zack: Toast is just large croutons.
Ted:... *deploys toast depicting Zack's face with "X"es for eyes*
Arle: Now me? I'm not like the twins. I don't know the first thing about clothes. Pretty much all I can do is look at something and tell you if it's clothes or not.
Arle: This chair? *taps on the chair she's sitting in* Not clothes.
(Doppel meets a fortune teller while traveling in Magnamiel)
Fortune Teller: Your future is full of struggle and anguish. Most of it self-inflicted.
Pierrot: But ye didn't read my palms or anythin'.
Fortune Teller: I didn't need to. It's written all over your mask.
Sally: I have edge!
Elanore: You really don't. You're literally the most wide-eyed person I've ever seen even with all the horrors you've lived through. If you weren't made of metal you'd probably have the face of a cartoon lamb.
Ash: Actually despite being a teenager and an Avatar I'm a surprisingly rational person.
Pikachu: Your hand's been stuck in a vending machine for twenty minutes.
Ash: I paid for my pretzels.
Ash: I'm getting my pretzels.
Andrew: Aren't you a little young to be drinking wine?
Frenzy, holding a wine glass full of goat blood: ...Yes.
Tulip: If I stay in bed I'll be warm. If I take a shower I'll be warm. But between the bed and the shower? No. That Is Not The Warm.
(If 4 had managed to recover more quickly (or at all))
Admiral 3: Enough! How dare you mock me in such a manner!?
SMG4: Well, how would you like me to mock you? I take requests.
Frenzy: Sometimes I drink milk straight from the container.
Ash: The Miltank?
Frenzy: WHAT?
Sora: Ash, why!?
Laharl: Etna has taught Sicily how to stick post-it's on people's backs without them noticing.
Laharl: She doesn't know they're supposed to say stuff like "Kick Me" so they just have cute drawings or animal facts.
Frenzy, vibrating intensely: GuysthiscoffeeissogoodIcouldprobablydoamathproblem.
Sora, already dialing Crown's number: Correctly?
Frenzy: Idon'tknow.
Zack: Uh, I think I got your lunch. *holds up a note that says "I'm very proud of you. Love, Mom"*
Cody: Oh, yeah. I didn't think this was for me. *holds up a note that says "Be good. For the love of God, please be good"*
Red: If you ever feel safe remember that I am out there.
Boopkins: What's she talking about?
Bob: Don't worry about it-
Bob, trying not to laugh: It's in the lobby, it isn't even your plant!
Luigi: Hey Bro, what are you doing?
Mario: Trying to draw a perfect circle.
Luigi: ...That's a triangle.
Mario: I said I'm trying!
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fandomregression · 1 year
I need to hear the story on how ash discovered paul regressed please🥺?
ajsdlfasjfkg okay i dunno how long this ask has been here but i will GLADLY tell this ajkslgkdfh
so after ash finds out he's a regressor, and he starts taking care of his friends that he learns are also regressors, he starts caring a bag separate from his training gear. in this bag is stuff like lovies, stuffed pokemon, candy, granola bars, water, pacis, teethers, puzzles, etc etc etc
he is The Most Prepared caregiver of all time essentially
so when he and paul are training together (because over the years they've gotten pretty close, and they've gotten over most of their petty rivalry from when they were kids) ash notices paul is acting Weird that day. he can't quite put his finger on it, but even pikachu notices. paul's torterra notices as well and tries to stop training to tend to his trainer, but paul snaps at him and pushes forward
ash calls for a break pretty much right after that...
they take a seat under a tree and ash drags his regression bag over (because all the best snacks are in there) and offers paul a snack pack and water. paul takes it (begrudgingly) and just sulks against the side of the tree.
pikachu Notices first, and he sifts through the bag until he finds a lil plush honchkrow and gives it to paul. paul is, of course, very confused, but he accepts the plush because it is kind of cute...
pikachu drags the bag closer and basically encourages him to look through it as much as he wants, and paul takes one glance before deciding No, No he Cannot look through the bag. this does not seem Right.
ash sees all of this go down of course, and he's a bit confused why pikachu is trying to help paul look through the regression bag. yeah, pikachu helps out with their other friends and brings the bag over for them, but they're regressors so-
oh. oh, no, that can't be right
ash spends the rest of the afternoon trying to assess if paul regresses or not. he "accidentally" pulls out toys and teethers from his bag. "accidentally" gets them juice boxes instead of sodas from the vending machine. he even chances his luck with ruffling paul's hair and poking his cheeks
all these things drive paul further and further into his regression, and the poor guy has No Idea what is going on. he gets very upset, very overstimulated, and he blows up at ash. that's the point at which ash decides to actually...yknow...explain what's going on
and paul denies it. he is not a child, he is definitely not a toddler, he doesn't regress. that's ridiculous, ash! how could he possibly accuse paul of such a thing!!
(it takes about 3 months, but paul does finally open up and let ash help him with his regression. against his will, he'll claim, but he's the one who initiates cuddles...)
hope you like this!! sorry for such a long wait ^^;
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loganinjapan · 10 days
Day 19 Activities
Today we're on the hunt for some Buddhist temples, and once again we're visiting a very touristy place! Kinkaku-ji Temple: I mean, it looked pretty and all, but those crowds, whew! It was absolutely packed with both tourists and local school groups. The temple was indeed golden and looked nice, but I was barely able to get many good photos just because the crowds were so intense. I'm just glad the walk wasn't too intense and that the activity didn't take too long because my sights were set on something I'll get into later. I saw a Pikachu themed vending machine on the way to this temple, which was pretty cool I guess. Daitokuji-ji Temple: This was all about zen gardens! We visited a few rock gardens where we had to take our shoes off and explore. It was a very serene and relaxing experience, sitting and meditating in front of the garden. I like how the raked rocks represent different things like waves and water and wind. The rocks that represent the mountains were pretty awesome too. I enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would! Lunch: This is one of the food stops I've hyped up for most of the trip, Fu-ka. It's hidden in the neighborhoods around Ginkaku-ji Temple and hidden away from the swarm of tourists. This is a no frills mom and pop shop. I ordered the katsu curry and the omurice. The katsu was crispy and the curry sauce was pretty good, but we NEED to talk about this omurice. It was perfection. The chef added butter amongst the sauce and there were some steak tips present. Good lord it was good. Fu-ka not only gets a 10/10, but it's the best thing I've had so far in Kyoto. I headed back to the hotel and took a good nap. After attempting to get into multiple restaurants with the groupmates, we ended up going to that pasta place near the hotel. It's too good.
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anumberofhobbies · 2 months
Pikachu Train! Riding the Pokémon train in Japan, where the entire carriage is covered in Pikachu!
Premiered Nov 4, 2023  #8203 #travelvlog #Japan East Japan Railway Company's tourist train "POKÉMON with YOU Train" runs between Ichinoseki Station (Iwate Prefecture) and Kesennuma Station (Miyagi Prefecture). This tourist train has two cars: Car 1: Communication Seats (reserved seating carriage) Car 2: Playroom carriage
Ticket Sales Locations In addition to a basic fare ticket, a reserved seat ticket is required to board the train. Sales locations: Reserved seat tickets can be purchased at Midori-no-Madoguchi (ticket office), reserved seat ticket vending machines, station travel concierges, and "Ekinet"
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paincorpsrarefinds · 1 year
Vintage Rare 90s Vending Machine Sticker PIKACHU Holo Pokemon Card
COLLECTIBLES: Seller: joe123858 (100.0% positive feedback) Location: US Condition: Used Price: 9.99 USD Shipping cost: Free Buy It Now https://www.ebay.com/itm/404170672910?hash=item5e1a730b0e%3Ag%3AProAAOSwYHVj6U~0&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&campid=5338779482&customid=&toolid=10049&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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