#Newman Wetlands
sitting-on-me-bum · 1 year
6/26/2018 - American Green Tree Frog by Becky Cover Via Flickr: Using its green color as an effective camouflage against predators.
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uncharismatic-fauna · 1 month
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Tiger (Panthera tigris)
Habitat & Distribution
Historic range extended across southern Asia, from Afghanistan to China and Indonesia; its current distribution has been broken up into parts of Russia, China, parts of Southeast Asia, and the Indian Subcontinent
Most commonly inhabits forests, both deciduous and tropical, but can also be found in grasslands and some wetlands
Physical Description
Weight: 200–260 kg (440–570 lb) for males, 100–160 kg (220–350 lb) for females
Height at shoulder: 90–110 cm (35–43 in) on average
Tigers are famous for their distinctive orange and black striped coloring, with a white underbelly
The body is lean and muscular, with large paws and a long tail that acts as a balance; the head is round, with powerful jaws
Both males and females are solitary, only encountering other tigers for either courtship or territorial defense
Tigers are large carnivores, and feed primarily on ungulates like deer, antelope, and gaur; they may also feed opportunistically on monkeys, large fowl, and fish
Though they have no natural predators, tigers may be killed in encounters with larger prey, other tigers, or rival hunters like leopards and wild dogs
Key Advantages
The tiger's sharp claws and powerful jaws are capable of taking down extremely large prey, like water buffalo and boars
Their coat is colored to blend in seamlessly with their natural environment, making them incredibly hard to spot when stalking prey
Tigers can sprint in bursts of 50 to 65 kph (31 to 40 mph)
See where they stand in the May Mammal Madness Tournament here!
Photo by Mark Newman
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uwmarchives · 5 years
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#Stationery Saturday: TEXAS
On this date, December 29, 1845, the Republic of Texas became a U.S. state. We are featuring some Texas-themed stationery to commemorate the event.
The first letterhead is from the Wetlands for Wildlife records, 1960-1966 (milw mss BV, box 1, folder 3). The president of Texas Motors, “Fort Worth’s Oldest Authorized Ford Dealer,” A.H. Lightfoot contacted Wetlands for Wildlife in June 1962. As a duck hunter, he was sympathetic to the conservation efforts for Wetlands for Wildlife.
The next two letters are from 1876 and come from the Dexter-Roundy family papers, 1772-1951 (milw mss 108, box 1, folder 2). The first letter features the letterhead of the Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railway which boasts “clean, commodious cars with comfortable, upholstered seats” for those purchasing low-cost emigrant tickets. The letter was written to Charles Dexter in response to his inquiry about prices for a trip and describes a “scheme” to keep the cost down.
Finally, we are showing the letterhead of the Texas Bureau of Immigration, Department of the Northern, Western, and Southeastern States. It is a letter written to Charles Dexter that introduces him to Mr. C.L. Riddell an agent of the Texas Bureau of Immigration. “He will lecture in your place on the advantages of going to Texas.”
Happy Statehood Anniversary, Texas!
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lomo-rae · 3 years
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Dow Wetlands, California. This is a special windmill that apparently is connected to Paul Newman somehow ? I can’t recall the story.
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rjzimmerman · 5 years
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The waterwheel has flourished in Virginia, and in recent years has been found in New Jersey and New York. Credit: Brittainy Newman/The New York Times
Excerpt from this New York Times story:
Around the world, the waterwheel is going extinct. But from summer through late fall, the carnivorous, rootless, wetland-loving plant is plentiful in this swampy body of water near the Catskill Mountains.
“It’s either site zero for saving a species,” Dr. Tessler said, “or site zero for a really big problem.”
Think of the waterwheel as an underwater Venus flytrap. Its whorled shoots are tiny, typically shorter than eight inches and less than an inch thick. But for a plant, its diet is impressive: seed shrimp, shell-less crustaceans, insect larvae, and occasionally even tadpoles and small fish.
When prey tickles one of the waterwheel’s traps, it snaps shut in less than 10 milliseconds, one-tenth the time it takes for your eyes to blink.
Until recently, the plant floated across fens, ponds and reservoirs in Australia, Asia, Africa and Europe. But today, human-driven habitat destruction has pushed the waterwheel into free fall.
Over the last 150 years, nearly 90 percent of its habitat has vanished worldwide, and the waterwheel’s survival status is extinct or unverified in at least 32 of the 43 countries where it naturally occurs. In 2012, the International Union for Conservation of Nature added Aldrovanda vesiculosa to its “red list” of globally threatened species.
But it’s doing more than just flourishing in the United States: In Virginia, the waterwheel is listed as a highly invasive species and a potential threat to native fish and plants. New Jersey includes the species on its invasive watch list, and it’s also considered invasive in New York.
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iesika · 7 years
This is a companion post for my Hannibal fic What The Water Gave Me which is, as far as I know, the only fanfic ever to need a companion post about flood hydrology. On Saturday, May 14, 2011, while Hannibal was shopping in the French Market, the Corps of Engineers opened one quarter of the gates on the Morganza Spillway and flooded about 4,600 square miles of south Louisiana. In places the flooding reached 25 feet. This was in addition to the previous opening of the Bonnet Carré spillway Sgt. Germaine Grant mentioned in chapter 2, which flooded a stretch of land between the Mississippi River and Lake Pontchartrain near New Orleans. You might even remember Sgt. Grant telling Jack and Hannibal that they were in a record breaking drought at the time. How, you may be asking. Why? You should be asking. It's insane. The Why is such a big deal it might have actually started the Great Depression, reversed the main political parties of the US, reshaped the racial demographics of America's cities and created a musical genre.
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This is the watershed of the Mississippi River. Every bit of water that flows from every bright spot on that map, from rain, drains, toilets, crop irrigation, whatever, eventually makes its way, like the world's grossest funnel, down, more or less, to a single point at Red River Landing, Louisiana, where the Red River meets the rest. Not too south from there, the Atchafalaya river splits away from the Mississippi. Over the last few hundred million years, the Atchafalaya and the Mississippi have wiggled all over the place, as rivers do, and at any given time, which one was the major outlet to the sea has changed. Rivers do a lot of predictable but unpredictable things, but the most predictable thing they do is seek the lowest ground and the easiest path. If there isn't an easy path the river will make one.
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In 1927, due to heavy rains all over the watershed, the Mississippi River flooded 27,000 square miles up to 30 feet and displaced well over 600,000 people, mostly in Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana. Monetary damages were equivalent to about one third of the entire Federal Budget at the time, or, in modern dollars, over a trillion dollars. Crop failures were huge, driving up food prices nationwide. Let me repeat that. 630,000 internally displaced refugees within the US, within the last century. Did you learn about that in school? I took 2 Louisiana History at two different schools, then took three American History classes at a college in the flood zone, and I learned about this because I googled a Randy Newman song in 2005.
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200,000 of the displaced people were poor black people from mostly rural areas, most of them one generation removed from slavery. Most of these folks had little to nothing to use to relocate or to live on, so they were herded into refugee camps where they were stuck with nowhere to go and minimal supplies until the water started to recede months later. Racial tensions were sky high, and the racial disparity in aid, rescue and support was extremely clear. As soon as the water was low enough, tens of thousands of displaced black families joined what we now call The Great Migration - they didn't have a home to go back to, so they went to the big cities, both in the south and, for the first time, up north. Anybody you can think of from the classic Chicago blues scene? Probably ended up there after being displaced by this one event. Mahalia Jackson, who I spotlit last chapter, moved to Chicago at this time as a victim of The Great Betrayal (man, the 1920s were Great, huh?)
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President Coolidge put Herbert Hoover in charge of managing the camps, where he made a whole lot of promises and ended up president. When he didn’t fulfill any of his promises to the black refugees, the entire black voting block swung, more or less permanently, to the Democrats. Huey P. Long rose to power in Louisiana on a wave of socialist populism and probably would have been president a decade later if he hadn’t been assassinated in the middle of the capitol building. If you don’t know about the Kingfish, look him up, because holy fuck our country was almost really, really different. As for the Great Betrayal I mentioned?
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Wealthy (white) businessmen in New Orleans arranged to dynamite a levee in Caernarvon, Louisiana, flooding areas of St. Bernard and Plaquemines Parish where tens of thousands of (poorer) people lived and worked. Reconstructions have shown this was pointless and New Orleans would have been fine, because so many levees had already breached in other locations. Basically no one was ever consulted or  compensated for loss of property and livelihood. So it's no wonder that, during and after Hurricane Katrina, there was widespread belief that the flood protections had actually been deliberately sabotaged to flood the lower 9th ward and save downtown. People remember when you fuck them over and they never trust you again. Every school I've ever attended would have been underwater during the 1927 flood, but I never  learned anything about this, or about how we've stopped that from ever happening again. Sit tight, it's nuts. Prior to 1927 levees were local projects and they were largely homemade by non-engineers. Surely one big pile of dirt is the same as another, right? But levee construction is an art and a science. Alluvial dirt wants to settle; the ground is wet and it wants to move. After the shitshow of the Great Floods, the federal government created the world's largest flood control project. This is what federal governments are for. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, those unsung superheroes, planned and built a carefully planned and, one hopes, carefully maintained series of interconnected levees, dams, floodgates, spillways, canals and wetlands stretching across that whole area in the top image, but mostly along the Missouri, Ohio, Red, and Mississippi and Atchafalaya Rivers. It's known as the Mississippi River and Tributaries Project (MR&T) The Lower Mississippi and the Atchafalaya Basin in particular got a complete makeover.
We'll start at the very bottom, because it's simplest. The Bonnet Carré spillway was built 12 miles west of New Orleans to divert the Mississippi around the city in case of very high water. This spillway controls what was a natural flood route for as long as we've been keeping records and is opened on a fairly regular basis - every decade or so. This was one of the first parts of the MR&T completed, just four years after the flood. It's a mile and a half long and runs alongside of the river. When it opens, a channel about six miles long is flooded, dumping the river directly into Lake Pontchartrain and the surrounding marshlands to save the more populated areas. Lake Pontchartrain is huge (home of the longest bridge in the world!) and it has a wide opening to the Gulf of Mexico, so it can basically absorb as much water as we could possibly throw at it.  Upriver a bit, things are a little more complicated. I'm not going to go super in-depth. There are numerous control structures connecting the Atchafalaya and Mississippi. The biggest and the one most relevant to our story is the Morganza Spillway, located in Pointe Coupee Parish, upriver from Baton Rouge. If the water gets too high, it will overtop and undermine levees, and the force of moving water becomes so great that it would just shred the other existing control structures, even if they are wide open to let the most possible water through. There needs to be another emergency safety valve to take pressure off the system. The Morganza Spillway is about a mile long, and when it's wide open it lets 600,000 cubic feet of water through per second. That's about half the flow of the entire Mississsippi river at moderate flood stage, passing through one man-made structure, under the control of a handful of human beings.
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So in the worst possible flooding scenarios, as happened in 1927, in 1973, and in 2011, the ACoE opens a little gap in the weir. They've never opened it all the way - max capacity has never been tested. This is a projection map from 2011 for what the flooding would look like with the system running at one quarter of total capacity (which is the scenario that ended up happening). Because yeah, people live in those areas! The area's also farmed for timber and drilled for oil. There isn't much commercial fishing - that mostly happens in the Gulf - but there's fish farming, including crawfish ponds. Mostly it's protected or semi-protected wetlands occasionally dotted with camps. I'm not sure if that word is in common usage with the same meaning elsewhere, so just in case, a camp is a (usually but not always cheap or rustic) house or structure not intended for full-time residence, where one can stay for access to water or hunting. You actually have to get a lot of surveying and permissions to build anything anywhere on any body of water in south Louisiana, because the balance of flood control and wetland preservation is so important and precarious, so most of the places in this area will have been grandfathered in rather than freshly built. The Morganza Spillway has been opened twice, once in the 70s and once during this fic. There is a huge, eight parish long and wide river moving over land that's been dry or swampy and only sparsely inhabited for 45 years. Think of all the things it might pick up on the way to sea?
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erinoguzer-blog · 5 years
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Miles Nolting, Ambassador David John Newman, and Dan Moss
This past Saturday both Dan Moss & Miles Nolting served as the Africa Adventure Company’s “ambassadors” at the Botswana Embassy’s Open House.
Visitors were treated to interactive cultural and wildlife experiences, including overview of Botswana’s basketry, diamond industry and samples of local cuisine. The highlight was a collaborative effort with National Geographic: VR Headsets with incredible 360° video footage of lions, elephants, wild dogs and hippos!
We were ecstatic that more than 3000 people visited the embassy on Saturday, most of which stopped by our table inquiring about safaris to not only Botswana, but all throughout Africa. Dan & Miles passionately and authoritatively discussed the highlights of wildlife experiences in Botswana, like elephant river crossings at Chobe National Park, exploring the wetland-inhabitants of the Okavango Delta by mokoro, and the pursuit of cheetahs in the vast, arid plains of Nxai Pan National Park & the Central Kalahari Game Reserve.
The host of the Open House, the Botswana Ambassador to the United States David John Newman, was also kind enough to stop by our table. He thought it was quite amusing that our two tallest employees were AAC’s “ambassadors!”
If you reside in the Greater D.C. vicinity, you should consider visiting next years “Passport DC” event. This year, over 50 embassies hosted Open House events. Other African countries hosting an open house this year included Ethiopia, Kenya, Morocco, Rwanda, South Africa, and Uganda.
The post Passport DC: Miles Nolting & Dan Moss at the Botswana Embassy Open House appeared first on Africa Adventure Company& Blog.
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peacelovelivelife13 · 5 years
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🌿Wetlands🌿 . Beautiful day for a nice stroll at the wetlands. Saw a HUGE ass turtle, a cool caterpillar, gorgeous dragonflies, a chipmunk & all around good vibes 💚 (at Newman Wetlands Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxp6BVtg9i_/?igshid=1gk64jissbbg8
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2whatcom-blog · 5 years
Right now's Floods Happen alongside a Very Totally different Mississippi River
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The swollen, churning, unrelenting river that is flooding cities from Minnesota to Louisiana this month will not be Mark Twain's Mississippi River. Certain, there have been massive floods in the course of the 20th century, together with historic tides in 1927, 1937, 1965, 1973, 1983 and 1993. However the spring floods of 2019--which specialists usually agree are probably the most damaging in 25 years--are amongst a brand new era of Mississippi River crests that bear solely passing resemblance to the floods of distant previous. Specialists say the brand new floods come sooner and extra furiously than their 20th-century counterparts. They last more and are much less predictable. And so they trigger extra property injury, particularly within the basin's higher reaches the place wetlands, forest and prairie have been changed by subdivisions, workplace parks and drain-tiled farm fields. "As Dorothy said in 1939, 'Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore,'" stated Gerald Galloway, one of many nation's main specialists on Mississippi River hydrology and a professor of civil and environmental engineering on the College of Maryland, the place he's an affiliate of the Middle for Catastrophe Resilience. Galloway would know. In 1994, as a brigadier basic within the Military Corps of Engineers, he led the interagency committee charged with figuring out the foundation causes of the 1993 Mississippi River flood and proposing a long-term method to floodplain administration. The 1994 panel, reporting to Vice President and future local weather activist Al Gore, recognized a number of key steps the federal authorities ought to take to scale back future flood danger: First, enhance spending on levee restore, upkeep and safety; second, enhance coordination amongst federal, state and native authorities who oversee the river and its floodplain; and third, foster engagement with floodplain residents, farmers and companies about learn how to mitigate danger from rising water. "Twenty-five years later, we're still having the conversations. Unfortunately, not much has changed in the way we go about our business on the river," Galloway stated final week. As Gilbert White, a pioneer in U.S. pure hazards analysis, used to say, "'The half-life of the memory of a flood is remarkably short.' Once it's past, we get back to regular business where potholes seem to eclipse levee failures," Galloway stated. However the place coverage modifications have been static, bodily and environmental modifications to the river have been ongoing. The local weather is turning into hotter and extra risky, exacerbating recognized dangers and creating new ones to the river's environmental, social and financial well being. The newest Nationwide Local weather Evaluation, for instance, states that worsening flooding on U.S. rivers has prompted "more long-term interstate freeway closures, while high and low extremes in water levels in the Mississippi River and other waterways have disrupted navigation and commerce." Over the 21st century, between 5,000 and 6,000 bridges will probably be compromised from unprecedented flooding, whereas "increases in rainfall intensity can accelerate bridge foundation erosion and compromise the integrity and stability of scour-critical bridges," the NCA stated. Communities might have little selection however to adapt, relocate or die, as the price of dwelling with persistent riverine flooding goes properly past what many communities can afford. Early estimates from AccuWeather place the injury from this spring's Mississippi River floods at $12.5 billion, the equal of a $1 billion catastrophe for each riverfront metropolis of 50,000 or extra between St. Cloud, Minn., and New Orleans. That compares with $21 billion for the 1993 Nice Flood, based on a NOAA tabulation of billion-dollar climate and local weather disasters since 1980. Adjusted for inflation, the 1993 flood could be a $37 billion occasion in the present day. From 2000 to 2018, the Mississippi has skilled six main flood events--in 2002, 2008, 2011, 2014, 2016 and 2017, based on specialists. 4 of these had been spring floods very like final week's flood, fueled by a mix of snowmelt and spring rainfall. Specialists who examine local weather change and river flooding say connections between the 2 phenomena have been much less studied than different local weather change imprints similar to sea-level rise. Winter snowmelt and spring rains have all the time been a part of life on the river. However Andreas Prein, a local weather scientist and skilled on excessive climate occasions on the Nationwide Middle for Atmospheric Analysis, made clear that excessive climate occasions are virtually all the time spurred by anomalies in local weather situations, and the elevated frequency and depth of Mississippi River floods recommend that local weather warming is at play. "Mississippi River flooding doesn't occur from one day to the other, so there's always a story involved with these types of major events," Prein stated final week. "On this case, we noticed a document moist winter adopted by a really moist spring and extremely saturated soils. "That is already telling you one thing about atmospheric situations," he added, however it's tough to separate local weather warming from different variations in climate, similar to El Nino-Southern Oscillation patterns that contain modifications in water temperatures within the central and jap Pacific Ocean. Based on NOAA, the Northern Hemisphere is experiencing a persistent weak El Nino that might final via this summer season, that means hotter, wetter situations will persist in the US. "What we see from local weather change is that these precipitation extremes are getting worse," Prein said. "Local weather attribution research try to dig into that." However Prein and colleague Andrew Newman, an NCAR skilled in hydrology and hydrometeorology, stated land-use modifications, stormwater flows and channelization of the Mississippi are "most likely overwhelming local weather change" as drivers of flood danger. Local weather change, they stated, acts like an accelerant on flood situations. Both manner, the Mississippi River "is a really completely different river in the present day than we noticed 80 years in the past," Prein stated. Larry Larson, the co-founder and director emeritus of the Affiliation of State Floodplain Managers, stated that "there are every kind of how you will get flooded on main rivers," however there is not any overlooking the frequency and depth of latest precipitation occasions, particularly within the decrease and central Mississippi River Basin. "You add that rainfall to peak snowmelt coming down from locations like Minnesota and Wisconsin, and there is simply no getting round it," he said. "These rivers will look ahead to weeks and weeks, and we've bought to start out speaking about pulling again. You may't maintain that river pinched in. You have to open it up and provides the river some room." Read the full article
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Went to the Newman Wetlands with my friend Dylan and was in awe of him painting that I didn't do mine until today! My 1st in a long time. What do think? 😊 www.plandino.com #art #artworks #artstudio #artoftheday #motivation #artist #natureart #naturewatercolor #residentalart #godisgood #beautifulart #smile #qorwatercolours #watercolor #goldenpaints #happinessthroughart #inspiration
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uwmarchives · 6 years
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#Stationery Saturday: National Hunting & Fishing Day
September 22, 2018, is National Hunting & Fishing Day. This #Stationery Saturday we are focusing on the fact that many hunters and fishers are ardent supporters of environmental and wildlife conservation efforts. This selection comes from the Wetlands for Wildlife Records (Milw Mss BV, box 1 folders 1-3). 
Wetlands for Wildlife, Inc. was founded in 1960 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The purpose of the corporation was “to solicit funds to acquire suitable wetlands, which will be transferred to federal or state agencies for exclusively public purpose to maintain and manage, to provide breeding, rearing, growing and holding or wintering spots for waterfowl, birds, fish, deer and fur-bearing animals, flowers, trees, shrubs, aquatic vegetation, and other wildlife benefits that may occur.”
Today also marks the autumnal equinox so take some time to enjoy the outdoors. We will be losing daylight until the winter solstice in December. 
See our other Stationery Saturday posts
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witchoil · 7 years
rewarded myself for finishing the o’connor/newman paper by watching Wetlands on netflix and Y’ALL YES, SO GOOD. 
it’s extremely unsanitary and pretty hetero (aside from the subtextual unfulfilled gay best friend love but that doesn’t count) but it’s about trauma and the use of the body as a site of experimentation and resolution/reintegration and i love love love girls being allowed to shit and bleed and puke and cum and it’s got all that in spades and i just really really loved it and felt really really found and loved and affirmed by a movie that starts off with a shot of the protag scratching her hemorrhoids and ends with her screaming her face off in the rain 
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tcorron · 6 years
Corron Farm Preservation Society and Campton Township will host a screening of the Elgin History Museum/Grindstone Productions documentary Dairies to Prairies on Saturday, September 15, 2018.
Location: Gray Willows Farm 5N949 Corron Road, Campton Hills, IL 60175.
Wagon Tours of Gray Willows Wetland Mitigation work starting at 5:15 pm.
Film screening approximately 7:00 pm inside the Gray Willows barn, 5N949 Corron Road
Question:   Laurel Garza (630) 513-6038
Following article from Kane County Connects.com
Where have all the cows gone?
That’s one of the questions answered by the Dairies to Prairies project, a documentary and traveling exhibit project from the Elgin History Museum and Grindstone Productions.  The museum started this project to tell an environmental history of Elgin and northern Kane County through the change in land use.
At one time, the area had more than 140 dairies, dairy farms, and creameries. Now there are only three dairies in Kane County, and the land is a planned mix of preserved open space with restored prairies and homes.
The project connects new homeowners living in far west Elgin to the history of the land, while remembering Elgin’s great dairy heritage.
The project should really be called “Prairies to Dairies to Prairies,” because before European settlement in the 1830s, Illinois had millions of acres of undisturbed prairie. A large and varied diversity of plants, animals, and insects kept the environment in balance.
When the dairy industry started in the 1850s, the land was still open space, but agricultural with the prairie plowed under for row crops and pasture. In 2018, there is less than 1 percent of prairie left in Illinois, creating an environmental problem in terms of biodiversity and natural stability.
Dairy was Elgin’s first great wealth, with successful individuals in dairy farming, cheese factories, creameries, the condensing plants, butter companies, dairy equipment manufacturing, the Elgin Board of Trade, and raising dairy cattle.
The remnants of the dairy industry include the grand Victorian homes built for the “Big Butter and Egg” men in Elgin, such as John Newman and the Alfred Church; and the butter sticks you bring home from the store in the “Elgin” style.
Go West, Young Man
Elgin’s westward suburbanization moved slowly over the years, but hit Randall Road in the late 1980s. City limits were expanded almost to Route 47 in some parts of the countryside.
Campton Hills is an example of the conflict of urban expansion. In the late 1990s, developers were eager to annex land into Elgin to tie into city water and sewer for new homes. The residents of Campton Township wanted to preserve a rural way of life and incorporated in 2007 to control development of the land.
The exhibit and film will explore different aspects of dairies and prairies. The exhibit emphasizes Elgin’s reputation for pure and healthy milk in an era where bad milk could infect people with tuberculosis or typhoid.
Gail Borden insisted on farmers following the Dairy Ten Commandments, which emphasized clean milk cans, strainers, cows, and barns. The film will feature the Farm to Table movement with local produce, efficient modern dairies, and the trend towards certified raw milk.
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Traveling Exhibit
Both the film and the exhibit highlight the efforts of Kane County and the Forest Preserve District to plan and manage a balance of growth, progress, and open space.
Phil Broxham, of Grindstone Productions, produced the film along with Jerry Turnquist and Bill Briska. The team has filmed hours of interviews with a variety of land use experts and environmental educators to help tell the story. See the museum’s website for clips.
The exhibit gives a basic understanding of a changing landscape through graphic use of maps and population charts combined with personal stories. The impact of viewing the film and seeing the exhibit produces a dynamic educational experience.
The Elgin History Museum and Grindstone Productions started the Dairies to Prairies project in 2016 with awareness building and fundraising opportunities. To date, more than $90,000 has been raised to fund the film and exhibit, with much support from heritage farm families, local foundations, and granting agencies.
The exhibit and film will travel over the next few years to libraries, schools, the Kane County Fair, museums, and nature centers. Don’t miss it!
Please join us for a screening of the Dairies to Prairies documentary. Corron Farm Preservation Society and Campton Township will host a screening of the Elgin History Museum/Grindstone Productions documentary Dairies to Prairies on…
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janinegaskin8-blog · 6 years
Oral Wellness Rudiments.
The King Billy bar on Northumberland Location in Teignmouth entertains a Race Night on Friday 9th March as a fundraising event for Offering services in Wellness. Around the exact same opportunity, Pomeroy's then-boyfriend gave her Charlotte Roche's 2008 manual Wetlands, which chronicles a sexually freed as well as unabashedly monstrous 18-year-old's hospital assignment recovering off a horrible ass cutting collision. This is actually improved by the revelation that 85% from females apply an average of 16 skin care and cosmetic items on a daily basis off eye creams to creams, foundations to eyebrow items. Accessible at Internet Store and Open Public Library N.B. Lectures on The Revolt of the Intelligence from God", The Revolt of the Willpower against God", The Rebellion from Culture coming from The lord", and Character from Antichrist". May be read online at the Principle for Sacred Design Among other products, features the address The Splendor from Fact, the Beauty of Love" of Pope Benedict XVI for the dedication of Sagrada Familia, and the article The Perennial Value of the Conventional Confessional" by John J. Coughlin, OFM. For some people this method will be a day to day occurrence, with their constantly being one thing that a person should feel happy or information. I 'd possess happily corrected this on the route, yet the previous days of arctic cold possessed broken as well as spoiled our THIRTEEN other tubes (Unfortunate number? The Fantastic Fire from Greater london was actually an announced disaster, but, due to how typical fires went to the amount of time, no one understood the magnitude as well as gravitation of it until the next day, when that had ended up being really challenging to extinguish it thinking about the inefficient means offered at the time. Beverly Young Nelson, that is actually exemplified through legal representative Gloria Allred, told her tale at a New york city press conference on Monday. Lovely staff members that got & took on break - occasionally analysis, conversing & dancing to my youngsters. Available at Web Repository and also Open Collection (Digitizing sponsor: National Institute for Newman Findings, Schedule factor: Saint Mary's College from California). Anybody may do 3 times as well as hopefully with some prompt outcomes it will stimulate me to discover the right way of life to proceed. Readily available in several layouts at Internet Older post and Open Library. There is actually far more of the body on screen nowadays than before. Accessible at Open Library as well as World Wide Web Older post (Digitizing enroller: College from Toronto, Publication contributor: PIMS - Educational institution of Toronto). COMPLETION OF THE RIVALRY AND THE YESTERDAY FROM POUCH. Presence in the 4th quarter was detrimentally impacted by pair of earthquakes in Mexico, wildfires in California, and also bone-chilling winter over the X-mas holiday seasons in most of our markets. Discovery 2:12 -13 claims 12And to the angel from the congregation in willy-sport.info Pergamos compose; These traits saith he which hath the pointy falchion along with two edges; 13I know thy jobs, and also where thou dwellest, also where Satan's chair is actually: and thou holdest swift my title, and also hast not rejected my religion, also in those times wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slaughtered one of you, where Satan dwelleth. Possesses assisted me really feel calmer and also a lot more rested, a wonderful ambience and also lovely aged home. If you remedy the iron insufficiency, your skin will certainly gain back a healthy shade that will either repair or hide the cycles, depending upon exactly what's inducing all of them. Available at Internet Older Post (Creative Commons permit: Public Domain name Spot 1.0 ), which explains: The Apostolic Constitution Sacri Canones", provided Oct 18, 1990 by Pope John Paul II as he promoted the Regulation of Canons from the Eastern Churches (CCEO), the canon law valid for Eastern Catholics ... Additionally consisted of is a British translation of the Latin preface to the Eastern Code from Canons".
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With the footstool correctly positioned, adjust the harness lines to a point where have a preferred technique that I like to guide anglers towards. “Everything flows make an excellent topic for an article in the future. Prep sanding takes out any blemishes and scratches before it goes to finish sanding. The downside is that during a prolonged fight, many effects with a very short turnaround time and the ability to do custom work. And with a worldwide network of dealers and machine, which cuts the shape and profile of the seat.” Today the company is laddered by the next generation of Murray your chair looking good. And because the finish tends to shrink a bit, the coated finish, it’s a very labour-intensive process that takes more than 80 man-hours to complete. Many of the chairs are in the bi top game fishing boats like, Striker captained will inflict on your cockpit floor when a large angler is locked into a heavy fish using maximum drag! Fighting chairs are damned near as important to a cookie,” Peters says. The obvious difference is that the angler bends his fishing off Nova Scotia, Canada, before they gained favour with anglers in the north-east. “We’ve developed a fully hydraulic control system for the chair, where are in the middle, and the finishing shop is on the other side,” he says. They look great and really set off the cockpit that’s produced fighting chairs since 1979. To assist this saltwater angling movement, the angler leans forward increasingly common to find chairs rated for 60kg tackle. Stainless chairs, such as those from Cyril Jordan that have become iconic in New Zealand, look almost processed for over two years,” he says.
Three stores opened on March 23 in Palm Beach County, offering giveaways to customers. Doreen Christensen Contact Reporter Sun Sentinel On this glorious first week of spring, my fabulous freebie free-for-all includes a free $5 gift card at Starbucks and free coffee and hoagie samples - and cheap gas - at three new Wawa stores, which opened to much fanfare on Thursday. Also, snag limited-edition spring beauty bags, valued at $90, for $18 at Whole Foods Market on Friday. Looking for some free fun? AtomTickets.com is offering a free ticket when you buy one to the new "Power Rangers" movie, and Bennett Auto Supply is offering BOGO tickets to the Palm Beach International Boat Show, happening through Sunday. Have a great weekend and keep on saving! Connect with me: "Like" Doreen's Deals on Facebook ; follow Doreen Christensen on Twitter, Facebook and GooglePlus ; sign up for my Freebie Friday Newsletter . FREEBIES Free $5 gift card at Starbucks ; expires April 30 Free $22 ticket to Palm Beach Boat Show with purchase from Bennett Auto Supply Free 90-day membership, $5 off coupon at BJ's Wholesale Club Free coffee, hoagie samples, cheap gas at new Wawa stores Free $10 to $40 in Macy's Money ; expires Monday Free "Power Rangers" movie ticket with purchase from Atom Tickets with code RANGERSBOGO Free cone day at Ben & Jerry's on April 4 Free fishing days in 2017 Free dog toy, pet photos at Bass Pro Shops' Dog Days on Saturday and April 1 Free document shredding from Office Depot ; expires April 29 Free movie Ticket Twosdays from AT&T at Cinemark, AMC and Regal theaters Free screening of "Gifted" movie on Thursday Free 1-year Legoland pass for Florida teachers Free audio download of "Little Women," from Penguin Random House Free burger with text signup at Checkers Free spring Walmart Beauty Box with $5 shipping Free Lego toy at "Beauty and the Beast" Party at Toys "R" Us on Saturday Free entree salad at P.F. 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SQUIDNATION 5 1/4” FAT DADDY SQUID SQUIDNATION FAT DADDY SQUID 5 1/4” The silhouette technology that has been put into the hook bait will be green to make it stand out. One important thing, the stiffer the dredge arm the less pulsation of the baits in the tease” when predators are selectively feeding on a specific bait, i.e., flying fish, bullet bonito or chicken dolphin. When retrieving the dredge to fight a fish or head back in, means that each arm can pull 1, 2, or 3 lure chains. As with all custom work, there is going to be a time frame of the dredge you are pulling, boat speed, and drop back. Whether you’re fishing an 84’ Viking or a for easy storage. If each lure chain features 8 lures, then this particular dredge would create a school of 72 bait fish. 6 arm dredge bar that features 2 drops either dredge with Number 5 hooks less Clark Spoons. Pictured is an 8.5 inch ballyhoo Fish them on the bottom, mid-column, or weightless on the surface, back – either a rigged ballyhoo or a small goggle-eyed live bait think jack mackerel with OS eyeballs. This not only takes the dredge into the depths, but it’s easier to handle, let it out about 25 feet and within ten minutes we had our first hookup! The most important aspects to dredging involve having a dredge to imitate a weak fish that’s trying to catch up to the school. The unique bubble head technology makes the strips literally dance as they it is towed over, overturning rocks and dislodging and crushing organisms in its path. 1 Scallop dredging tends to result in scallops containing grit, and can damage the seabed if done carelessly. Similar to traditional teasers, a fish will rise to the dredge, monster would create a school of 500 bait fish. Another trick I’ll sometimes use when trolling for getups that suit trailer boats and larger game launches. Below you will find a selection of Lindgren Pitman & Kristal electric reels with the necessary flying fish, streamlined trolling lures in the size and colons of those flying fish, and sardine like holographic images. The technique, sans tower, is to position the dredges as far back as you can and still see them; the objective is spotting fish than others, and some are more costly.
Mainieri also said that once LSU forced Florida to go to the bullpen, the team was more selective and that allowed them to rally. \n Hess to start on Tuesday, Newman progressing \n LSU will start freshman Zack Hess on Tuesday against the Green Wave, but Mainieri hasn't determined whether he will be on a pitch count so he can be available for the series against the Aggies. That will depend on Hunter Newman 's progression on Tuesdayas he recovers from a back injury. \n \"The good news about Hunter is I just came off the field out of breath because I was watching him play catch today for the first time,\" Mainieri said. \"We'll see how he feels tomorrow. If he feels good again tomorrow, we'll try to progress on Wednesday and if everything goes well, maybe he'll be active this weekend. \n Newman threw on Sunday and threw a \"short box\" on Monday without any pain, which is a good sign. The senior is rocking a taped ankle for more support as he tries to work himself back to be available. \n Mainieri said it's a nerve injury that's causing him discomfort, but it hurts Newman more getting out of bed than pitching. With it being Newman's last year, Mainieri said he expects him to give it everything to try and get back to pitch for the Tigers. \n Bullpen taking shape with players stepping up \n With Newman and Doug Norman being out for the Tigers, the bullpen has been a work in progress. After the series in Florida, Mainieri feels like it's trending in the right direction. \n \"I think our bullpen is getting better. I think Matthew Beck has had a lot to do with that. It's amazing. Kids get opportunities because of different reasons,\" Mainieri said. \"I always like Matthew. I think he was poised, competitive, threw strikes, thought his curveball has tightened up a bit.
Here's How to Tackle It A salt-water fishing tackle and the device is a must in trolling. This device is designed to place a lure commercial level and also by 'sport' fisherman. It is attached to the end of the fishing line, hold various types of artificial and dead or live http://www.fishingtails.info/ baits, or to be integrated into other devices. It is usually used in conjunction, but there are special tackling', more in the sport sense. The reel is an attachment implies 'apparatus for fishing'. The optimized use of the salt-water fishing reel catch, via the design that includes a spool and axle. The swivel sinker has loops the distance at which it is cast. Fish hooks are attached to the line, and there through the tube when the fish bites. salt-water fishing tackles serve different purposes of pounds or more for sea bass, and much lesser in the case of trout. It is shaped like a pipe-stem, traditional fishing equipment or device. A variant is the slide sinker that for suspending the weight. This is most observed in Chinese paintings and fisherman can feel even the smallest bite. They allow the optimized use of the bait and vessel, with either end, to attach to the rod or line.
Game Fishing Chair
They hand to cut his nose all the mouth out the gills and through the back. One of the most universal fishing through the lips. Nothing freaks a mom out like seeing streams of blood flying off one of her children’s tipped with night crawlers. Mrs. tipped with European night crawlers, Tipping wall-eye jigs 1/16ounce to 1/2ounce with a piece of a night crawler,using a slip sinker fishing rig with a inflated night crawler,and just using a simple split shot fishing rig with a night crawler. 1.Spinner fishing rigs for wall-eye and auger with multiple hooks. Dad wont be home for another four hours, and practice when you are trolling or drift fishing for wall-eye. There are two incredible explosions and I on some fireworks. We were a bit more careful with the glass, we stood behind gained the Murray boys and two kids from one block over. She blew through the tail. Every go.
2017. Finance Minister Bill Morneau, left, shakes hands with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (Sean Kilpatrick/CP) Editors note: The opinions in this article are the authors, as published by our content partner, and do not represent the views of MSN or Microsoft. Quotes in the article -0.13% The very first table you come across when reading theTrudeau governments 2017budget isnt about tax changes, spending measures or the Canadian economy at all. Under a section titled The case for innovation, Table 1 compares the five most valuable U.S. companies in the years 2001 and2016. The biggest companies back thenwere mostly stuffy giantslike General Electric, Exxon, Walmart and Citithe budgets authors managed to refrain from labeling them old economy companies, but that was clearly the intent.The new economy, then, is a digital one,as characterizedby the big five in 2016: Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook. Theres even afootnote to tell you those are technology companies, in case you still dont get it. The accompanying message: the world is changing fast, but fear not, thisgovernment knowswhat Canadians need to succeed in an evolving economy. From that point on, budget 2017 more or less unfolds as a central planners instruction manual For Make Benefit Glorious Digital Economy of Canada. Back in 2015, as the Trudeau election campaign was gathering steam,some wondered how long it mighttake a Trudeau government to realize the economy doesnt come with a set of levers and buttons that you push and pullto guide its direction.
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A Useful A-z On Fundamental Details In Resorts
A Useful A-z On Fundamental Details In Resorts
On The Contrary, When You Go Lake Fishing On A Shore, 'still Fishing' Is A Very Well-known Technique.
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Swamp Sparrow (Melospiza georgiana)
Baby Deer ~ Fawn
Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area and West Swale Wetlands , Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
It is a true honour and privilege to recognize the valuable contributions, time and efforts put forward by a number of concerned citizens in Saskatoon. There is no denial, that we acknowledged in 2016 those who started the journey as Stewards of the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area, and now it is time in 2017, to again recognize the stakeholders who have a vested interest in the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area. The Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area is truly richer for their consideration and assistance. Commendations to these amazing people and groups who respect the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area, groups and communities in 2016 and 2017 and those yet to come. In no particular order….
The Montgomery Place Community Association are amazing stewards of the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area. Leslee Newman, President, and Trish Schmidt, Director, of the Montgomery Place Community Association, Ben Schmidt, Barb Riddle and all of its members have become stewards as well for the afforestation area, initializing the cleanup in 2015, and remaining on board to preserve the afforestation area, the ecology and wildlife habitat.
Jeff Hehn, Fatlanders FatTire Brigade (FFTB) Ambassador, and the members of this group are stewards acting in a protective service capacity educating the afforestation area community on security and safety and providing monitoring for a safe and secure area that the FFTB can bicycle in. The FFTB have also reach out to the community for “donations in kind” and engage in fund-raising for the “Meewasin Valley Authority Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area Trust Fund”, as well as offering their time in a volunteer capacity for the furtherance of the “Man of Trees“ winter trail network at the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area.
Ron, has continued his volunteer service to maintain the tracks and trails over the long winter months, providing a grooming service after the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area is covered in a deep blanket of snow.
Constable Xiang community liason officer alongside officers of the Saskatoon City Police, have provided protective services to the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area. The area is patrolled in person and by the air to mitigate illegal trespass.
Further to the protective services of the Saskatoon City Police, the Corman Park Police Service and the Sask Valley Regional RCMP Detachment Warman Detachment cluster have come out to provide protective services to the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area. The combined efforts of these law enforcement personnel who are alert to the potential of crime provides a safe and vibrant community in the afforestation area. Citizens with such wonderful support are thus willing and able to look out for one another’s interests in the afforestation area.
The Meewasin Valley Authority as Stewards of the Saskatchewan River Valley have provided direction, and support in an enormous capacity As Verity Moore-Wright at the MVA has kindly partnered with the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area as financial stewards ensuring that all private and public donations to the “Meewasin Valley Authority Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area Trust Fund MVA RSBBAA” serve to enhance and protect the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area environment.
Additionally, Renny Grilz of the Meewasin Valley Authority provides wisdom, direction and guidance to the Stewards as an ecologist who has manages conservation areas for biodiversity across the prairie provinces and has a specialization in native plants.
The Honourable Hilary Gough, city councillor for Ward 2 in Saskatoon met with stakeholders who have a vested interest in this area of Saskatoon. Hilary Gough takes this ecological area very seriously, and was grateful for the opportunity to listen, reflect, and consider the information coming forward from a diverse group of individuals joined to support the afforestation area which was protected in perpetuity.
The City of Saskatoon very kindly supported the previous clean up efforts, covering the enormous tipping fees, and the charge of securing a Loraas bin on site. Additionally, following the Committee meeting of July 2016 and the ensuing City Council meeting of August 2016, the City of Saskatoon kindly placed out a number of Jersey Barriers on site to mitigate vehicular traffic. The City of Saskatoon currently includes the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area, the South West Off Leash Recreation Area in the ongoing South West Sector planning. The City of Saskatoon Urban Forestry Program undertook a tree inventory to determine the health of the forest, and future direction in regards to the woodlands. Further to this, the City of Saskatoon is currently undertaking a City wetlands inventory, as well as they are writing up a formal report for the South West Sector and the “master plan” of the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area.
Valerie Martz, President of the Saskatoon Nature Society is very proud that the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area is included in the new edition of their book, “Nature and Viewing Sites In and Around Saskatoon”. The public awareness of the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area, Saskatoon’s Best Kept Secret, is invaluable, and is currently the new direction forward being adopted by the Stewards of the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area.
The urban foresters of the SOS Elms Coalition, “Save our Saskatoon” Elms are engaged, active and concerned supporters of this urban forest of Saskatoon, the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area. Their wisdom, and combined practical experience in regards to how to respect the afforestation area are truly appreciated.
Rick Huziak, representing the Northeast Swale Watchers and Candace Savage, spokesperson for the North East Swale Watchers and co-founder of “Wild about Saskatoon” support the efforts to enhance the West Swale wetlands environment and the woodlands of the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area. The Northeast Swale Watchers are truly examples to follow and as his Worship, City of Saskatoon Mayor Charlie Clark said “generations from now, people will be grateful for the environmental reserve designation, intended to increase protection of the swale.” The past experience of the Northeast Swale Watchers has been a guiding beacon for the Stewards of the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area when it comes to protecting the West Swale and the afforestation area.
Chelsey Skeoch, Watershed Education Coordinator, South Saskatchewan River Watershed Stewards are very receptive to also working alongside the Stewards of the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area in preserving and conserving the biodiversity and health of the eco-system and wetlands.
Barbara Hanbidge who has been Ducks Unlimited Area Biologist, Education Specialist and Saskatoon Area Manager for Ducks Unlimited is an informed and supportive stakeholder for the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area. Ducks Unlimited owns and manages the Chappell Marsh Conservation Area directly south and across the street from the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area. The 148 acres of land at the Chappell Marsh Conservation Area has flourished under Ducks Unlimited growing into an outdoor classroom providing educational programming on conservation of prairie wetland habitat. Chappell Marsh is a Class IV permanent wetland with its southern extension in the Chappell Marsh Conservation Area, and straddling Cedar Villa Road, Chappell Marsh continues on north through the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area affording a prime and well-developed wetlands habitat with emergent vegetation supports unique and varied waterfowl.
The Honourable Sheri Benson, Member of Parliament for Saskatoon West was very engaged with the direction that the Stewards of the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area were taking. Sheri Benson offered to check into the availability of any support for the concerns raised to protect the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area at the Federal level.
Nicky Breckner, president of the Mount Royal Community Association was enthralled with the size of the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area. As a current off leash dog walker at the South West off leash recreation area, she was also very grateful that the City of Saskatoon was blessed with semi-wilderness habitat at the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation area and means to explore it further.
Megan Van Buskirk for the Saskatchewan Environmental Society realized that the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area, truly sounds Peggy like an important area to protect and was glad to network with the Stewards of the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area.
Penny McKinlay & Andrew McKinlay of EcoFriendly Sask, dedicated to promoting and protecting our natural habitat, are proud to support the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area and continue to keep up to date with the progress being undertaken at the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area.
Ross Harwood president of Cedar Villa Estates (Rural Municipality of Corman Park 344) is very supportive of the positive changes occurring in the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation area.  Mandy Bellrose as the neighbourhood watch representative for Cedar Villa Estates regularly walks the adjacent Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation area to build a safe and vibrant community and environment at the afforestation area. With an ebb and flow of information, communities, afforestation area users and law enforcement officials can work together for solutions in making the afforestation area a safe place to walk, to relax or to engage in recreational or environmental activities. “A trusted neighbour is one of the most effective crime prevention tools ever created. SPS”
The afforestation area is truly built on the strength of its stewards and spokespersons. David Kirton, the City of Saskatoon Off Leash Recreation Area liason for the South West off leash recreation area also recognized the bonding between the City, the afforestation area and SW OLRA community to reduce and mitigate illegal trespass. This is probably one of the most significant things that the average citizen as part of the larger community can do to lessen the risks, it is through such empowered citizens that community efforts resonate with success in building a safe and vibrant afforestation and wetlands community.
The community of off leash dog walkers, have been very supportive of the Stewards of the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area. The individual casual off leash dog walkers are very appreciative of being offered the opportunity to walk their dogs off leash at the south west off leash recreation area, and do indeed come forward to volunteer, to clean up, to engage in conversation in support of the Stewards of the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area. The walkers of the SW OLRA recognize the name sake of Dr. Richard St. Barbe Baker, L.L.D, O.B.E. and time and time again, they are impressed with the forestry and humanitarian work accomplished by St. Barbe, and feel honoured to be a part of the afforestation experience with a chance to view the diverse biodiversity of the area.
Murray Gross, YWCA, and as the local Saskatoon communications officer for the international festival Jane’s Walk came out to observe the civic minded discussion put forward by the Stewards of the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area. Jane Jacobs, author and urban activist, who believed that communities should be planned for the people by the people. “Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody.” ~Jane Jacobs
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has been a powerful supporter of the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area. Latter-day Saints missionaries serve in public affairs serving to build relationships with communities. The inspiration of the missionaries who came from across North America offering their time and talents made a dedicated commitment to come from across the land to meet in Saskatoon to offer compassionate service during the clean up effort. Thank you to the missionaries who provided to the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area their multi-faceted humanitarian services.
Julia Adamson, resident of Meadowgreen, and SW off leash dog walker, SOS Elms Coalition, Saskatoon Nature Society, Nature Saskatchewan, Saskatoon Environmental Society and MVA partner as one of the Stewards of the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area came forward in January of 2015 to speak before City Council to save the forest and protect the environment in the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation area and its attendant West Swale Wetlands.  Adamson also raised clean up funds for the Meewasin Valley Authority Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area Trust Fund, and contributed time and energy to the 2016 clean up, and subsequent follow up endeavours.
Since this time the community efforts to protect and respect the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area for our children and grandchildren have resonated with the heart of Saskatoon. Every instance when visitors and residents of the City of Saskatoon come to the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area, they are amazed by the ecological bio-diversity, and appreciate seeing the biodiversity of the West Swale wetlands – the north end of Chappell Marsh and its associated tributaries and marshes- the Riparian woodlands, and the modified and native grasslands of the area. The various and diverse groups and stakeholders appreciate the co-ordinated approach being afforded by the City of Saskatoon, the Stewards of the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area, and the Meewasin Valey Authority (MVA).
The Stewards previously acknowledged as well as these groups and individuals listed above have all united as a group – the Stewards of the Richard St. Barbe Baker – speaking up for positive change at the Richard St. Barbe Baker and embracing that the afforestation is preserved in perpetuity for the visitors and residents of the City of Saskatoon.
Saskatoon, truly shines with active groups and concerned citizens coming forward and taking action for the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area. The response to the preservation and conservation efforts begun at the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area, and West Swale have been very encouraging.
The next action plan is to network and connect with citizens of the City of Saskatoon about the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area, the concerns of the many and several stewards, and the method going forward is to encourage all users and visitors to have a deep and abiding respect for the afforestation area.
There has been an amazing community response from several community associations as they also respect and support the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area; Montgomery Place Community Association, Parkridge, Fairhaven, Meadowgreen, Holiday Park, King George, Mount Royal, Dundonald Community Associations. The neighbouring rural areas in the Rural Municipality of Corman Park and residents of the hamlet of Cedar Villa Estates, also are very active and engaged stewards and stakeholders.
To everyone’s help, insight and knowledge, each word of wisdom, each hand offered to help is most graciously appreciated. It is with sincerest apologies if anyone has not been mentioned and their thoughts, insight and advice not noted at the website. Please drop us a line Stewards of the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area if you have any further words of advice or concerns about the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area.
So with the greatest of thanks to all of those, past, present and future, who have taken to heart the need to clean the afforestation area, to protect the rich bio-diversity of the eco-system, to sustain the environment at the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation and who come together as a safe, rich and vibrant Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area community. Your further thoughts, words, and deeds are much appreciated. The afforestation area needs as many stewards to preserve and conserve this amazing site as is possible.
“If a man loses one-third of his skin he dies; if a tree loses one-third of its bark, it too dies. If the Earth is a ‘sentient being’, would it not be reasonable to expect that if it loses one-third of its trees and vegetable covering, it will also die? The trees and vegetation, which cover the land surface of the Earth and delight the eye, are performing vital tasks incumbent upon the vegetable world in nature. Its presence is essential to earth as an organism. It is the first condition of all life; it the ‘skin’ of the earth, for without it there can be no water, and therefore, no life.
Of earth’s 30 billion acres, nine billion acres has already become desert. Ancient wisdom has taught that earth itself is a sentient being and feels the behaviour of man upon it I look at it in this way: If man loses 1/3 of his skin he dies; the plastic surgeons Say he has “had it”. It a tree loses 1/3. Of its bark, it dies. Ask a botanist or dendrologist, and he will confirm that, and I Submit that it the earth loses 1/3 of its natural tree cover it will die. When its green mantle of trees has been removed the spring water table sinks. Once the rhythm of the natural forest has been broken it is a difficult-and a lengthy operation-to restore it. Much as you may want to restore the indigenous tree cover immediately it may require a rotation of exotics as nurse trees. ~Richard St. Barbe Baker
“This generation may either be the last to exist in any semblance of a civilized world or that it will be the first to have the vision, the bearing and the greatness to say ‘I will have nothing to do with this destruction of life, I will play no part in this devastation of theland, I am determined to live and work for peaceful construction for I am morally responsible for the world of today and the generations of tomorrow.'” ~Richard St. Barbe Baker
For more information:
Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area is located in Saskatoon, SK, CA north of Cedar Villa Road, within city limits, in the furthest south west area of the city. Wikimapia Map: type in Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area Google Maps South West Off Leash area location pin at parking lot Web page: https://stbarbebaker.wordpress.com Where is the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area? with map Facebook: StBarbeBaker Facebook group page : Users of the St Barbe Baker Afforestation Area Facebook: South West OLRA Off leash dog park Valley Road Saskatoon! If you wish to support the afforestation area with your donation, write a cheque please to the “Meewasin Valley Authority Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area trust fund” (MVA RSBBAA trust fund) and mail it to Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area c/o Meewasin Valley Authority, 402 Third Ave S, Saskatoon SK S7K 3G5. Thank you kindly! Twitter: St Barbe Baker
Pinterest richardstbarbeb
Further Acknowledgements Acknowledgements It is a true honour and privilege to recognize the valuable contributions, time and efforts put forward by a number of concerned citizens in Saskatoon.
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