noecantsleep · 2 days
ship so good they had to cancel the fucking show
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manikas-whims · 2 days
how i think the Crows would respond to:
"can you buy me pads?"
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democrat-trip · 2 days
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message-care · 3 days
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mershellscape · 3 days
inej "you're in the wind" ghafa and kaz "i'm in the water" brekker
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wolfstar-wesper · 2 days
Crow brawl:
Jesper:*throws gun to Inej*
Inej:* catches and throws gun like it's a knife*
Jesper:*worried and horrified*
Inej:*knocks opponent out with gun*
Jesper:*shocked that it worked and can't let it go*
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magneticflower · 1 day
With Kanej, while I feel like firm hand holds, when either of them are going through something would be so intimate and comforting, I think that once they acclimated to touch with each other that their hugs would just be so tender and meaningful for them. Hand holds take first place, but hugs follow right after.
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kanejforever · 2 days
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Every Inej Ghafa Scene (137/?)
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the-gay-loser · 1 day
“I would come for you. And if I couldn't walk, I'd crawl to you, and no matter how broken we were, we'd fight our way out together-knives drawn, pistols blazing.”
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heavenly-haunted · 2 days
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isthataraccoon · 1 day
kanej has my whole heart for many reasons, one of which is the whole “Kaz can always sense inej, he thinks she’s doing it on purpose, she thinks he just can.” Its mentioned in a couple chapters, and I love how Inej marvels over how Kaz can just sense her, because he truly sees and gets her, while Kaz thinks everyone can sense inej and is just a completely oblivious lovesick little shit
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malconnorsupremacy · 3 days
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im not crying
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intosnarkness · 2 days
i am proud of this scene, so have a fic preview for the magical realism kaz-and-inej-share-dreams thing I'm working on
(rated t for teen; characters get themselves into a compromising position and kissing just so much)
Inej dreams of a tall ship with soaring sails, of rocking decks and salt-spay air.
She dreams of a crew of people answering to her orders, committed to righting the way things are and creating the way they should be.
She dreams of cannons and knives, of blood in the water and hopeful hands, outstretched to her as their salvation.
She reaches out to a wretched soul in the dark, dirty hold of a slaver's ship, and she feels a dark thrill run through her body as her fingers meet leather where there should be skin.
The eyes that look up at her are big and dark, intense. The thing inside of her that has just fought a great battle whispers that they look like pools of blood on wet wood. She holds onto the hand as she sinks to her knees next to him, and his fingers find her biceps, gripping her tightly through silk and leather.
"Kaz?" she asks, but he doesn't say anything in return. Instead the ship is gone and there is rain falling soft against the window of Kaz's garret bedroom. His hands are hot on her waist. He sighs softly, leans in, and kisses her.
Inej has been kissed any number of times. By her parents, first. Her aunties and uncles and the others who rode in the caravan with them. The familial hands were steady and sure as they held her heart aloft.
Later she was kissed by the terrible monsters who came to her in the menagerie, taking from her body without question or permission, their mouths hot and wet and unwelcome on hers.
And then, when it was safe again, by her friends. The gift of light brushes of lips from Jesper or Nina, fond kisses on her cheeks or her forehead.
This is a different kiss. This is a kiss of hunger and intensity, and it sets her alight in a way nothing else ever has. She wants it like she has never wanted anything before, and it ignites her. She climbed six stories of burning rock a few hours ago, and his kiss scorches with a fire that is hotter and wilder than anything she found in the Ice Court.
It consumes her, engulfs her, transforms her. Inej ceases to be the wraith in the crucible of his kiss, and becomes, quite simply, a girl. A girl who wants more, who wants to be kissed and touched and held and loved by the inferno of this man. 
"Inej," he whispers, when she pulls back so she can breathe. His lips find her cheek, and he lays kisses trailing down to her neck, teasing her with feather-soft brushes.
"Kaz," she replies. "How-- how?"
"It's not real," he says, his voice matter-of-fact as if it should be obvious to her. "I can do anything with you, if it isn't real."
He nips at a spot on her neck that sends a jolt of electricity through her - he is danger and he is desire and if she is half afraid that if she lets him, that he will take everything she is until she has nothing left to give.
Inej's eyes flutter closed as she leans into the brush of his mouth. His hands move from her waist, one running up the column of her spine to gently cradle the back of her head, the other finding the small of her back to pull her body against his. Her heart stutters as she realizes he's not wearing his gloves, that he's touching her skin with his fingertips and it feels more scandalous and sacred than all the kisses she's ever had.
"I want it to be real," she whispers, moving to capture his mouth again, to try and put all the longing she can never show him into the world of this fantasy.
He smiles against her lips when she relents, letting his fingers tangle into the strands of her hair.
"No, you don't." His voice is heavy and dark with something that Inej thinks is either sadness or longing, but either way it is an alien sound coming from Kaz's mouth. "But I do."
The answer makes her dizzy. She can't understand why he would tell her such a lovely lie. Usually his lies hurt, they wound, but this one is almost soothing. He wants it to be real. He wants her. She can let herself believe it, she thinks. She can let it be true for the duration.
She puts her hands on his shoulders and shoves, watching as he falls backward to the bed slowly, like he's falling through water. She doesn't move, but she finds herself straddling his hips, her knees splayed obscenely and her center pressed against his arousal. They're still dressed, but that could change any moment. That's the way of dreams. She could fuck him here and they would both be fine.
She wants to be fine with him.
"Inej," he says her name like a prayer. Like he's finally found a god that he doesn't want to mock. His hands are on her waist again, and his eyes are wide and dark as the night sky above them, the roof having disappeared at some point. The bed is gone, too; his back is cushioned in grass and trees loom over them like soldiers standing guard. She knows this place. She grew up in places like this.
"Tell me what you want me to know," she says, reaching down to trace the line of his lips, her fingers like brave explorers on the frontier of his skin. He lets her touch him, showing none of the panic he had in the wagon. His breath stutters, but she thinks it can't be from that familiar panic. It's a new panic to her, but she knows it a kind people have been finding together as long as there have been people. He has never done this before, never been with a woman. She doesn't care.
Inej can feel his interest pressing hard and insistent and just off from where she wants him. She shifts her hips and lets herself touch the high planes of his cheekbones and the hinge of his jaw and the soft scar on his neck that she had seen back in Ketterdam, when he was carrying her to the boat and she was fighting for consciousness. His skin is imperfect - there are marks from some long-ago disease, one of the childhood poxes, probably, and freckles and scars and the dark suggestion of stubble - but it's Kaz, and she thinks it's beautiful. He is beautiful.
Kaz's eyes flutter closed while she touches him, and he tilts his head back to bare his throat in a move that might have been romantic on another man, but on Kaz seems to be a submission. He is a being made of deadly grace and the heat of a gunshot, and if he is baring his throat it is an invitation to cut, not to kiss.
She presses her lips to this neck anyway, and he lets a broken little sound escape his mouth. "I--" Kaz swallows, his throat bobbing, and Inej looks up, her eyes meeting his and finding him still utterly stunning. 
"Inej, I lo--"
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shining-just-4-u · 6 months
u ever read a fanfic so good that you want. fanfic of the fanfic
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ineffablelvrs · 10 months
"who fell first who fell harder" i actually need them both to be down horrendously bad for each other. hope that helps
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mershellscape · 3 days
kanej but orpheus and eurydice, where inej is orpheus and kaz is eurydice what do we think
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