#John 4
yeshuacore · 2 years
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“So he came to a town in Samaria called Sychar, near the plot of ground Jacob had given to his son Joseph. Jacob’s well was there, and Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well. It was about noon. When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, ‘Will you give me a drink?’” ― JOHN 4 (NIV)
The Chosen S01E08
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tomicscomics · 1 year
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But bro, like, what if DARKNESS... is just the absence of LIGHT?!
JOKE-OGRAPHY: Jesus waits by a well until a Samaritan woman arrives with a bucket to get some water.  Jesus offers the woman living water, but she notices He doesn't have a bucket and wonders how He could get any water from a well without one since the well is deep.  She means "deep" as in "the water is very far down and you'd need a bucket on a rope to reach it and scoop some water out."  In this cartoon, she calls the well "deep", but then the well spouts some silly nonsense and we realize she doesn't mean deep as in physical depth, but deep as in philosophically complex.  The joke, of course, is that wells are not very thoughtful and are actually quite dumb.  So dumb, in fact, that most of them appear incapable of speech.
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delcat177 · 2 months
Thank you for all of your loving Thank you for all of your tears Thank you for all of your kindness Thank you for being here --John 4
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tabernacleheart · 1 year
The first two signs in the Gospel of John took place at Cana of Galilee. The first was at the best party ever – a wedding party. The second was connected with the worst tragedy ever – the illness and soon death of a child. Jesus is real in both aspects.
David Guzik
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HER STORY: Leaders in the Cause of Christ, The Woman at the Well
The story of the woman at the well comes right after Jesus made a blockbuster statement to the Pharisee and Sanhedrin member Nicodemus: God loves not just Pharisees, not even just Judeans, but the whole world. #WomanattheWell #SamaritanWoman
The story of the woman at the well comes right after Jesus made a blockbuster statement to the Pharisee and Sanhedrin member Nicodemus: God loves not just Pharisees, not even just Judeans, but the whole world. And, to illustrate this very point, Jesus made his way to some of the most despised people in the region, the Samaritans. Now, as Jesus and his disciples arrived at Jacob’s famous well,…
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ladyzirkonia · 1 month
There are 3 types of Fallout players.
Oh my sweet babygirl husband let me protect and cherish you.
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I know he has some strong opinions but poor man was raised by a cult and I can make him better.
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What the hell did you think I hoarded all the RadAway for, bitch?!
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adventurechristianity · 5 months
In the Spirit
But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such as these to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” John 4:23-24 Jesus says something interesting when he is talking to the woman at the well. He says that God IS spirit, and then he says that true worshippers…
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eupheme · 1 month
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ghoul of the week
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mackerel08 · 2 months
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its that time of year again
(comm me)
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germanich · 17 days
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Hello Diamond city
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fenkko · 2 months
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happy 413 i started playing pocket frogs again and thought wow... this is just like homestuck
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fardell24b · 8 months
Church notes - 8th October 2023
8th Psalm 138
1 Corinthians 12:22 - 26
John 4:1 - 38 Samaritans . Samaritan Woman It was very unusual that Jesus was talking with a woman. vs 27 5 Husbands, and with a man whom she wasn't married to.
vs 10 - 12 Spiritual water.
Isaiah 55:1 - 3 We are more than physical beings. God will santify our needs. vs 12 'Are you greater than Jacob?'
vs 17 - 24
God is everywhere. One doesn't need to worship at a particular place. God will meet us where we are. We need to come to Him and accept the forgiveness given through Jesus' sacrifice.
vs 36 Jesus stating that He is indeed the Messiah in a profound way.
vs 31 - 34 Spiritual Food. He was doing the work He was sent to do.
What was special about this woman? In human eyes - nothing. In God's eyes - everything.
God is calling us to go outside our comfort zone.
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lacquerheadd · 1 month
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i am not immune to fallout fever
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eldritchenthusiast · 1 month
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Wish he had a youtube channel
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tabernacleheart · 1 year
Jesus pointed to the true worship. God, He said, is spirit. Immediately a man grasps that, a new flood-light breaks over him. If God is spirit, God is not confined to things; and therefore idol worship is not only an irrelevancy, it is an insult to the very nature of God. If God is spirit, God is not confined to places; and therefore to limit the worship of God to Jerusalem or to any other spot is to set a limit to That which, by Its Nature, overpasses all limits. If God is spirit, a man's gifts to God must be gifts of the spirit. Animal sacrifices and all man-made things become inadequate. The only gifts that befit the nature of God are the gifts of the spirit-- love, loyalty, obedience, devotion.
A man's spirit is the highest part of him. That is the part which lasts when the physical part has vanished. That is the part which dreams the dreams and sees the visions which, because of the weakness and faultiness of the body, may never be carried out. It is the spirit of a man which is the source of his highest dreams and thoughts and ideals and desires. The true worship is when man, through his spirit, attains to friendship and intimacy with God. Genuine worship does not consist in coming to a certain place, nor in going through a certain ritual or liturgy, nor even in bringing certain gifts. True worship is when the spirit, the immortal and invisible part of man, speaks to and meets with God, Himself immortal and invisible.
William Barclay
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graceandpeacejoanne · 26 days
HER STORY: Leaders in the Cause of Christ, The Samaritan Woman, A Disciple of Jesus
Take a close look at this woman, one who may not have been there for Christ's ascension (but, then again, she may have been, as Luke 8:3 indicates many women traveled with Jesus), who said yes to Jesus's call. #SamaritanWoman #WomanattheWell
There are twelve calling elements to Jesus’s call to discipleship and apostolic mission portrayed in the calling of Jesus’s first five disciples: Andrew, John, Peter, Phillip, and Nathanael. The synoptic gospels key in on twelve men, eleven of whom became apostles. But there were many more disciples than that, all told 120 women and men who received Jesus’s Great Commission and watched him ascend…
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